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Journal of Food Engineering 93 (2009) 394–399

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RFID smart tag for traceability and cold chain monitoring of foods: Demonstration
in an intercontinental fresh fish logistic chain
E. Abad a,*, F. Palacio b, M. Nuin c, A. González de Zárate c, A. Juarros a, J.M. Gómez b, S. Marco b
Micro and Nanotechnology Department, Fundación Tekniker, Avda. Otaola 20, 20600 Eibar, Guipúzcoa, Spain
Department of Electronics, Universitat de Barcelona, Martí i Franqués 1, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
Food Research Division, Fundación Azti, Parque Tecnológico de Vizcaya, Astondoa Bidea. Edif. 609, 48160 Derio, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The main objective of this work was the validation of a RFID smart tag developed for real-time traceabil-
Received 30 July 2008 ity and cold chain monitoring for food applications. This RFID based system consists of a smart tag and a
Received in revised form 27 January 2009 commercial reader/writer. The smart tag, attached on the product to be tracked integrates light, temper-
Accepted 4 February 2009
ature and humidity sensors, a microcontroller, a memory chip, low power electronics and an antenna for
Available online 14 February 2009
RFID communications. These sensor logged data can be stored in the memory together with traceability
data. A commercial reader/writer was used for reading and writing data on the smart tag, with a wireless
reading distance of 10 cm, in real-time at any time of the food chain. The results concerning a demonstra-
RFID smart tags
Food logistics
tion of the system along an intercontinental fresh fish logistic chain are reported here. These results
Traceability proved that this system presents important advantages regarding conventional traceability tools and cur-
Cold chain rently used temperature data loggers such as more memory, reusability, no human participation, no tag
Fresh fish visibility needed for reading, possibility of reading many tags at the same time and more resistance to
humidity and environmental conditions.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tarius, 2004), ‘‘the ability to trace the history, application or loca-
tion of that which is under consideration” or ‘‘when considering
The total amount of seafood consumed is growing due to inter- a product, traceability can be related to the origin of materials
national sourcing of raw material, advances in food processing and parts, the processing history, and the distribution and location
technology and healthy properties. In addition, the logistic chain of the product after delivery” (International Standardization Orga-
for chilled food is more complex every day: the origin is far away nization (ISO)). The EU Regulation 178/2002 describes it as ‘‘the
from the destination, involving on board handling in ships, air ability to trace and follow a food, feed, food-producing animal or
transport and more intermediate points in the logistic chain. As a substance intended to be, or expected to be incorporated into a
consequence, government officials and industry leaders concerned food or feed, through all stages of production, processing and
with ensuring food safety and quality, are exploring means to pro- distribution”.
vide more information and control on sourcing, processing and dis- Regattieri et al. (2007) recently analyzed legal and regulatory
tribution of food products within supply chains and ultimately to aspects of food traceability. This paper presents also the newest
the consumers. technical instruments for traceability that allow item identification
Recently established food regulations in different countries, in each step of the chain. These instruments are flexible or rigid
such as the EU directive 178/2002 (European Parliament, 2002), tags that follow the item and can be read further down the supply
has placed responsibility for ensuring product safety and quality chain. Nowadays the available tools are, mainly, alphanumerical
on individual producers, processors and retailers. Moreover, trace- codes, bar code labels and Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID)
ability for control of food safety has been singled out as an area tags.
where more surveillance and transparency is needed. The simplest RFID system is a product identification tool that
There can be found several definitions for traceability, such as uses a wireless microchip and an antenna in the tag that does
‘‘the ability to follow the movement of a food through specified not need physical contact or sight positioning (like barcodes) with
stages of production, processing and distribution” (Codex Alimen- the reader. The reading phase is very fast and fully automated. It is,
thus, a very promising technology for the food sector, because it
improves management of perishable foods, as well as tracking
* Corresponding author. and tracing of food quality and safety problems. The main prob-
E-mail address: (E. Abad). lems related to these technical systems are the tag cost and a lack

0260-8774/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Abad et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 93 (2009) 394–399 395

of standardization, although, prices are going down continuously humidity sensors with RFID communication capabilities. The re-
and efforts for defining standards of operation are being made. sults of using this smart tag for online monitoring along a fresh fish
In the case of fresh perishable products, there is also a major logistic chain from South Africa to Europe are presented.
requirement for precise temperature monitoring along the com- The idea is to enable a future generation of producers and logis-
plete logistic chain in order to ensure food safety. Current temper- tic groups to trace the product at any time if needed, and to check
ature monitoring systems used in the chill chain that can follow the complete history of a certain product. This information may
the product during storage and transport, like strip chart recorders serve to estimate the product freshness or lifetime. As a result,
or temperature dataloggers are usually expensive and not auto- the use of this kind of system will protect the consumers from
mated, thus requiring manual inspection. Besides, in order to read the consumption of unsafe foods.
the temperature information recorded, it is necessary to open the
container or package containing the food, and therefore, they can 2. Materials and methods
only be read at the final destination. For these reasons, their use
is limited only to some parts of the cold chain or to a few type of 2.1. RFID systems
products, while for other products and important parts of the
chain, continuous product temperature monitoring is not The heart of the RFID tracing system developed is a smart tag
completed. and a reader/writer module. The smart tag, attached on the prod-
The usual solution implemented by many logistic companies is uct to be tracked, integrates light, temperature and humidity sen-
the use of conventional paper labels for traceability information sors, a microcontroller, a memory chip, low power electronics and
and a strip chart recorder placed inside two or three marked boxes an antenna for RFID communications with the reader/writer.
per shipment to monitor the temperature. The main drawbacks of RFID technology in the high frequency (HF) band at 13.56 MHz
this current system are the price and the need of opening the box was considered the best frequency for integration on flexible tags,
for manual reading. specially for foods with an important water content. Furthermore,
Recently, several solutions for implementing temperature man- in order to be compliant with recent RFID developments, the ISO
aged traceability systems using RFID tags with embedded temper- 15693 communication standard was selected for data transmis-
ature sensors have been reported (Ogasawara and Yamasaki, 2006; sion. Low power readers operating at 13.56 MHz RFID technology
Jedermann and Lang, 2007). Moreover, one of the current chal- have a limited reading distance of about 10 cm. However, by
lenges in smart tags is the integration of chemical sensors onboard proper High Frequency Amplification, the standard permits to
of flexible tags (Abad et al., 2007a) to monitor for example the rip- increase the reading distance up to 1 m. The developed tag is com-
ening or deterioration gases generated by food products. Within patible with commercial readers, like the evaluation module
the frame of the GoodFood project (FP6-IST-1-5008774-IP) several TRF7960_EVM (Texas Instruments, USA) used for this work. The
RFID tags integrating physical and chemical sensors have been communication between the reader and the host computer is made
developed. by means of a USB connection. A photograph of the tag prototypes,
The aim of this work was to validate a real-time traceability and developed on both Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) and flexible sub-
cold chain monitoring flexible tag developed in the GoodFood pro- strates, together with the commercial reader used for this work
ject for the food logistic chain integrating temperature and relative are shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Photograph of the tag prototypes, developed on flexible substrates (a) and rigid substrate (PCB) together with the commercial reader used for this demonstration (b).
The red led indicated that the communication between the tag and reader was on.
396 E. Abad et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 93 (2009) 394–399

The sensor logged temperature and relative humidity data ver- of a working time (without changing the battery) of about 5 days,
sus time, and the measured values could be stored in the memory taking a measurement every second, and about 29 days, taking a
together with the product traceability data introduced by the user measurement every 6 s.
at any time of the logistic chain. The commercial reader/writer was
used for reading and writing data on the smart tag, with a wireless 2.3. Software
reading distance of 10 cm, in real-time, sending an activation sig-
nal to the tag which answers forwarding the information loaded The smart tag can be written, activated and read-out by means
in the memory. The reader processes the information and trans- of the reader connected by a USB port to a laptop running a com-
mits it to a computer. munication software specifically developed for this work.
The microcontroller of the RFID tag was programmed to man-
2.2. Tag prototypes age both the data acquisition and the RFID communications. Data
acquisition can be triggered by two methods that the user can
Two tag prototypes using rigid and flexible substrates were fab- choose on the software: alarm triggered and time triggered. The
ricated for this work (see Fig. 1). Details on the fabrication of the sampling frequency and the alarm range can also be defined by
flexible prototypes are given elsewhere (Abad et al. 2007b). Com- the user through the communication software. In the alarm mode,
ponents assembly was carried out by the electronic company MA- only sensor values exceeding an alarm threshold are stored with
SER Microelectronica (Mendaro, Spain). the corresponding alarm time. In the time triggered mode, the sys-
The implemented prototype is a semi active tag, including pas- tem acquires sensor data at the programmed sampling frequency.
sive communication and active sensor read-out, based on low Even in this mode, the system may acquire additional sensor val-
power electronics. The size of the prototype is 78 mm  54 mm, ues if the light sensor gives an alarm.
slightly smaller than a standard credit card. The main components The smart tag memory stored all the monitored values together
of the tag inlay are: with the traceability data, which could be recalled at different
stages of the logistic chain.
1. The transponder (Finkenzeller, 2003) that was designed to per-
form data reception and transmission from the reader and to 2.4. Laboratory tests
obtain the supply voltage from the 13.56 MHz signal. This tran-
sponder consists of several electronic components and an Initially, laboratory tests in a climatic chamber Dycometal mini-
antenna. The antenna (38 mm  54 mm) is was composed of test CCK 2.5/100 (Dycometal, Spain) were conducted to validate the
a seven-turn spiral-shaped inductor, track thickness of 18 lm, RFID smart tag inlays. Two temperature ramps were programmed:
track width of 300 lm and spacing between two tracks of 300 the first one from 25 °C down to 2.5 °C in 1 h, and the second one
lm, and a parallel trimmable plate capacitor to tune the fre- from 2.5 °C up to 30 °C in 29 h.
quency to the 13.56 MHz. For this validation, the data acquired by one rigid tag and one
2. The temperature and humidity commercial sensor SHT15 (Sen- flexible tag prototypes were compared with those acquired by a
sirion, Switzerland) was selected for this application. This prod- commercial data logger, Tiny tag Ultra 2 (Gemini Data Loggers,
uct is a single chip comprising a calibrated digital output UK). The three devices were programmed to measure every 2
(accuracy of ±0.4 @ 5–40 °C). The sensor needs to be powered min, and were switched on at the same time.
between 2.5 V and 5.5 V. Power consumption tests were also conducted to ensure en-
3. A light sensor having a spectral range between visible and IR ough battery on the tag for the field tests. For this tests the pack-
with a small footprint. For this reason a photodiode SLCD61N1 aged prototypes were kept measuring temperature and humidity
(Silonex, Canada) was chosen. It provides an interrupt to micro- every 15 min for 15 days. This period is longer than the time re-
controller in case of the light exceeds the alarm limit, for quired for the fresh fish logistic chain monitoring.
instance, if the box product is opened.
4. The MSP430F1612 microcontroller (Texas Instruments, USA) 2.5. Fresh fish chain scenario
was chosen after a benchmark comparing characteristics
between several devices. It has three different power consump- For demonstration purposes of the RFID smart tag, an intercon-
tion modes, an internal memory of 55 Kbytes flash and 5 Kbytes tinental fresh fish logistic chain was selected, the South African
RAM and the possibility to be supplied by two different voltages fresh hake commercial chain to the European market (Fig. 2). This
in both digital and analog part. An external Electrically-Erasable chain begins with the fish capture and transport to the processing
Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) memory was also factory in refrigerated trucks. At the factory the fish is gutted, sized
incorporated to the tag. and packed in polystyrene boxes. At that moment, alphanumeric
5. In order to reduce the power consumption, a Complex Program- tags including country of origin, product specie, net weight, catch
mable Logic Device (CPLD) with ultra low power consumption date, method and vessel, presentation, size and all necessary data
at 1.8 V supply was used to implement all the communication are attached to the boxes. Then, a refrigerated truck transports
protocol into it, avoiding the use of a high frequency clock for the fish boxes from the processing factory to the origin airport in
microcontroller. South Africa in a 12 h journey. The flight to the destination airport
6. A lithium battery LFP25 (Varta, Germany) with a total capacity in Europe takes about 12 h long. Once in Europe, in the logistic
of 25 mA.h was used to power the microcontroller and the sen- company the fish boxes are re-organised according to their desti-
sor. This battery has a nominal voltage of 3 V. In order to obtain nation and are re-expedited to the wholesalers. Finally, another
1.8 V for the digital part, a DC–DC step down converter was refrigerated truck transports the fish boxes to the retailers. The
included. whole logistic chain can take about 3 days from the capture of
the fish to the consumer.
The consumption of the device was calculated using the data-
sheet values for every component during both active and low 2.6. Validation field tests
power modes. The total consumption increases with the sampling
frequency in a linear way. The comparison of this calculation with Prior to monitoring the complete cold chain from South Africa,
the total capacity of the Varta battery (25mAh) gives an estimation real tests with fish were performed during a trip in a refrigerated
E. Abad et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 93 (2009) 394–399 397

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the fresh fish logistic chain selected for this demonstration: the South African fresh hake commercial chain for the European market.

truck from the Perishable Centre of Frankfurt Airport (Germany), to In the second validation field test, the temperature monitoring
the Perishable Centre of Vitoria Airport (Spain). For this first field with the RFID tags began in the processing factory in South Africa,
test, three prototype tags (two rigid and one flexible) were used. where the tags were placed inside the fish boxes, and continued at
The commercial data logger Smart TXi Label (PakSense, USA) was each step of the food chain until the retailer distribution in Vitoria
also used for results comparison. This commercial label is not a (Spain). Important traceability data such as origin, specie, capture
RFID tag. data, etc. were also recorded in the tag and traced along the whole
The fish load was fresh hake coming from South Africa by plane logistic chain according to the Tracefish Standard (CEN, 2003).
to Frankfurt Airport. Considering the very extreme environment of
the chilled fish (because of the presence of water, salt and ice), it 3. Results and discussion
was strictly necessary to protect the tag inlay presented in Fig. 1.
The first approach was to use IP65 commercial boxes (Bopla, Ger- 3.1. Laboratory tests
many) to protect the inlays, as shown in Fig. 3, before placing the
smart tags within the polystyrene boxes in contact with the fish Fig. 5 shows the results obtained in the laboratory tests. Both
(see Fig. 4). Moreover, to carry out the humidity measurements, the rigid and flexible tag prototypes detected the same tempera-
and to avoid malfunctions in the electronics caused by water con- ture fluctuations as the commercial datalogger Tiny Tag, during
densation, it was necessary to use a SF1 filtercap (Sensirion, Swit- the fast temperature changes (part A of Fig. 5) as well as during
zerland), placed in a hole on the top of the IP67 housing box that the slow changes (part B).
provided protection to the SHT15 sensor. The RFID tag was placed
on a corner of the fish box to ensure a correct real-time reading of 3.2. Field tests
the temperature and relative humidity measurements (maximum
reading distance of about 10 cm) from the outside without the Results obtained in the first field tests on the trip from Frankfurt
need of opening the fish box. to Vitoria are represented in Fig. 6. The peaks obtained can be cor-
All RFID smart tag prototypes were programmed to log temper- related with the following travel events: section A of Fig. 6 illus-
ature and relative humidity measurements every 2 min, and they trates the room temperature at the offices of the Perishable
were all activated at the same time. The tags were introduced in- Centre in Frankfurt Airport, where the tags were written and acti-
side the polystyrene boxes (as shown in Fig. 4) once the fish load vated. After that, the polystyrene boxes were taken inside the cold
arrived in the European Union and passed the mandatory veteri- storage rooms of the Perishable Centre, which has a controlled
nary inspection. After sealing the fish boxes, the load was sent by temperature between 2 and 3 °C. This temperature decrease was
road to Vitoria in a refrigerated truck.

Fig. 3. Smart tag inlay inside the commercial IP65 housing box used for protection. Fig. 4. Smart tag placed inside a polystyrene box with the fish and the cooling gels.
398 E. Abad et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 93 (2009) 394–399

Fig. 7. Time dependence of the temperature and humidity measured by two rigid
tags (sensor 6 and sensor 9) along the complete fresh hake chain from South Africa
Fig. 5. Time dependence of the temperature measured by a tag prototype with a to Vitoria. Sensor 6 had a filtercap installed in the housing box to measure external
flexible inlay, a tag prototype with a rigid inlay and a commercial data logger (Tiny relative humidity and the sensor 9 had no filtercap. The frequency of the
tag) inside a climatic chamber with programmed temperature ramps. The measurements was 5 min.
frequency of the measurements was 2 min.

H of Fig. 6 shows the controlled temperature inside the cold stor-

age rooms of Vitoria Airport Perishable Centre.
From the data comparison, it can be seen that one of the rigid
prototypes (sensor 9) and the flexible prototype show slow tem-
perature changes, while the other rigid prototype (sensor 8) and
the commercial tag PakSense Smart TXi Label present fast temper-
ature variations. These differences can be explained by the differ-
ent placement of the tags inside the fish box. The rigid sensor 9
and the flexible prototype were located closer to the ice bag
accompanying the fish, avoiding fast temperature changes. In
Fig. 6 it can also be appreciated that sensor 8 has a faster response
than the Smart TXi Label.
The tests conducted demonstrate the correct operation of the
developed systems in real conditions. Moreover, these systems
have faster response than a commercial data logger.
Once all these tests were concluded and the functionality of the
system was demonstrated, the second field test was conducted in
order to monitor the temperature and humidity data of a fish cargo
from the fish processing plant of Mossel Bay (South Africa) to the
Perishable Centre of Vitoria Airport (Spain).
Two rigid tags were sent to Mossel Bay, one of them with the
filtercap installed in the housing box (sensor 6) and the other
Fig. 6. Time dependence of the temperature measured by a flexible tag (Sensor
one without filtercap (sensor 9). Fig. 7 shows the temperature
Flexible), two rigid tags (Sensor 8 and Sensor 9) and a commercial data logger and humidity data recorded by both tags. Again the peaks can be
(PakSense Smart TXi Label) during fish transport from Frankfurt to Vitoria in a correlated with some events that happened along the logistic chain
refrigerated truck. The frequency of the measurements was 2 min. as follows: once the fish was processed and packed into the poly-
styrene boxes, a cold-shock treatment was applied to cool down
the fish to 15 °C (section A of Fig. 7) before loading it into a refrig-
measured by all the devices as it can be seen in section B of Fig. 6. erated truck for a 14-h trip heading for the facilities of the Perish-
Then, the fish boxes were loaded into the truck. At that point, the able Centre of the Cape Town International Airport (section B of
tags measured a 2 °C temperature increment (see section C of Fig. 7). At the Perishable Centre, the fish passed a veterinary
Fig. 6). Once the truck was on the road, the temperature was con- inspection in order to ensure the required freshness and quality,
stant (section D of Fig. 6) during the 17-h trip to Saint Jean de Luz which took 5 h (corresponding to section C of Fig. 7). The aircraft
(France), where a partial unload was programmed. The effect of the loading can be appreciated as a 5 °C increment between parts C
unload can be seen in section E of Fig. 6 as a 3 °C temperature and D of Fig. 7. The air travel from Cape Town to Vitoria, which
increment. When the partial unload was done, the truck departed took 12 h, corresponds to part D of Fig. 7. During the unload of
from Saint Jean de Luz to Vitoria, which took approximately 2 h the aircraft a humidity increment occurred, that can be seen be-
and 10 min. The evolution of the temperature during this period tween sections D and E of Fig. 7, whereas the temperature was con-
can be observed in section F of Fig. 6. The last unload of the fish stant. Once the fish boxes arrived at the Perishable Centre of
in the Perishable Centre of Vitoria Airport, corresponded to a 3 °C Vitoria Airport, they underwent another veterinary inspection,
temperature increment in the region G of Fig. 6. Finally, section which matched section E of Fig. 7. Finally, the fish boxes were
E. Abad et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 93 (2009) 394–399 399

stored into the cold storage rooms of the Perishable Centre at 0 °C, In summary, the innovative system validated in this work:
temperature shown in section E of Fig. 7.
The humidity measurements show a large difference between 1. allowed tracing if the expected temperature range were main-
the data coming from both sensors. This difference can be easily tained on the way from the producer to the consumer,
explained by the fact that sensor 6 was inside a protecting box 2. provided real-time traceability information of the product to
with a hole and a filtercap to measure the external humidity, the different fish/food distribution chain links,
whereas sensor 9 was sealed inside the box (with no hole in it), 3. allowed getting a better safety and quality control along the
measuring thus the humidity conditions inside the housing box. complete fish/food logistic chain.
For that reason the real data for relative humidity surrounding
the fish are coming from sensor 6. It is very interesting to observe Therefore, the RFID smart tag developed can help to improve
that the humidity data can be even more sensible to the events the competitiveness of the fish/food companies, improve their lo-
occurring along the logistic chain than the temperature ones. gistic management, and also to reinforce the confidence of the con-
Fig. 7 also evidences the differences between transport condi- sumers in the fish/food logistic chain.
tions (from B to E) where the temperature and humidity presented
almost periodic fluctuations, in comparison with the storage condi- Acknowledgements
tions where both parameters were stable (section E). A possible
explanation to these periodic fluctuations is the location of the fish This work was funded by the European Commission thought
boxes containing the sensors very close to the air refrigeration sys- the Project no. FP6-IST-1-508774-IP. The authors wish to thank
tems of the aircraft and truck. the collaboration of Mr. J.M. Iriondo, General Manager of Maser
For these tests, all the data uploading and downloading was Microelectronica, and Mr. J.M. Navajas, General Manager of Deco-
performed using the commercial reader connected by a USB port exsa Perishable Centre.
to a laptop computer running the specifically developed software.
However, the use of portable terminals for these operations is References
planned. In addition, a commercial credit card-like packaging or
the integration of the smart tags in the polystyrene boxes will be Abad, E., Zampolli, S., Marco, S., Scorzoni, A., Mazzolai, B., Juarros, A., Gómez, D.,
Elmi, I., Cardinali, G.C., Gómez, J.M., Palacio, F., Cicioni, M., Mondini, A., Becker,
explored in the future. Th., Sayhan, I., 2007a. Flexible tag microlab development: gas sensors
integration in RFID flexible tags for food logistic. Sensors and Actuators B
(Chemical) 127 (1), 2–7.
4. Conclusions Abad, E., Mazzolai, B., Juarros, A., Gómez, D., Mondini, A., Sayhan, I, Krenkow, A.,
Becker, Th., 2007. Investigation of fabrication and encapsulation processes for a
A RFID smart tag including temperature and relative humidity flexible tag microlab. Microsystems Technology, doi:10.1007/s00542-007-
sensing capabilities was developed for food traceability and cold
CEN Workshop Agreement CWA 14660, 2003. Traceability of Fishery Products
chain monitoring purposes. The system was demonstrated and val- Specification on the Information to be Recorded in Captured Fish Distribution
idated along an intercontinental fresh fish logistic chain. Chains. <>; <http://
The smart tag developed in this work presents important>.
Codex Alimentarius, 2004. Codex Alimentarius Commission. FAO/WHO.
advantages regarding these conventional tools. The main one is Klaus Finkenzeller, 2003. RFID Handbook: Fundamentals and Applications in
that this is an automated system that integrates online traceability Contactless Smart Cards and Identification, second ed. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
data and chill chain conditions monitoring. Moreover, a key aspect Food Safety and Quality with Microsystems, Contract No. FP6-IST-1-5008774-IP.
of this RFID system is the fact that the data can be read-out at any ISO 9000:2000, Quality management systems – fundamentals and vocabulary.
time of the logistic chain without opening the polystyrene boxes Jedermann, R., Lang, W., 2007. Semi-passive RFID and beyond: steps towards
containing the fish and the tags. Many tags can be read at the same automated quality tracing in the food chain. International Journal of Radio
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time as they pass through a reader in a fully automated way. Fur- Ogasawara, A., Yamasaki, K., 2006. A temperature-managed traceability system
thermore, the tag price in high added value products, as the case using RFID tags with embedded temperature sensors. NEC Technical Journal 1
presented here, is affordable since there would be only one tag (2), 82–86.
European Parliament, 2002. Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002 of the European
per box. These developed RFID tags can also measure and resist Parliament and of the Council. Official Journal of the European Communities,
temperatures below 0 °C, so they can be very useful to monitor fro- pp. L31/1–L31/24.
zen foods logistic chains. The integration of a humidity sensor Regattieri, A., Gamberi, M., Manzini, R., 2007. Traceability of food products: general
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makes the system specially sensitive to changes in the storage

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