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Describing Graphs

Academic IELTS
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20 minutes to write 150 words.
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Types of Visuals
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Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
Bar chart
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Line graph
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Pie charts
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Process /Diagram
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Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
Line graph & pie chart
( more than one Graph)
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Graphs Evaluation
1- Task achievement
• Cover the requirements of the task.
• Write between 160 and 180.
• Write a clear overview ( describing the main features or trends )
• Do not include any irrelevant information.
• Describe information correctly .
2- Cohesion and coherence .
• Make comparisons and not just list information .
• Divide the response into paragraphs.
• Use linking words.
3- Lexical resource .
• Paraphrase the question
• Do not repeat words.
• Correct spelling.
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
4- Grammatical range and accuracy :

• Avoid punctuation errors

• Avoid grammatical mistakes.
• Use the correct tenses.
• Use complex sentences by including :
Relatives clauses
Subordinating conjunctions
A variety of sentence structures.
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
6 top sentences structures
1. Whereas/ While /although……, ……. .
While the figure for factories in Japan went up dramatically to 120,000 in 2010, the quantity in Korea
decreased to 12,000.
2. followed by + Noun Phrase
There was a dramatic growth in the number of factories in Japan to 120.000 in 2010, followed by a sharp
3 - Prior to/before Verb-ing
The number of factories in Japan experienced an increase to 120,000 in 2010 before hitting a free fall to 1,000
in 2015.
4. after Verb – ing
The figure for factories in Japan hit a free fall to 1,000 in 2o15 after undergoing an increase to 120,000 in 2010.
5. In comparison to/with X, which verb, Y verb.
In comparison with the number of factories in Japan, which witnessed a dramatic increase to 120,000 in 2010,
the quantity in Korea plummeted to 12,000 at this time.
6. X verb , Verb-ing
The quantity of factories in Japan went through a period of dramatic increase, rising to 120,000 in 2010,
exceeding the number in Korea, which had only 12,000.
7- using a relative clause:
The income of Lovely Loaves fell significantly to around 40,000 in 2008, which meant that it earned far less
than the other bakeries
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• Use “despite” and “having” to join
two changes
Despite + V+ ing , ……………………… .

Having + p.p , ………………………….. .

Examples :
-Despite increasing sharply to 9000 , the number of sales then
declined in 2010.

-Having remained stable at 45 , income then rose slightly to 60 in

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Two Main Types

Graphs without trends Graphs with trends
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Graphs with trends
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Language to describe trends

Verb Noun
Increase an increase
rise a rise
climb a climb
Grow A growth

Verb Noun
decrease a decrease
Fall a fall
Drop a drop
Decline a decline
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Language to describe trends

Verb Noun
Remain constant -
Level off a leveling off
Remained unchanged ( no change )
Remain stable ( a period of stability )
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Language to describe trends

Verb Noun
Fluctuate a fluctuation
Oscillate an oscillation
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Degree and Speed
Big change
Adjective Adverb

Marked Markedly

Exponential Exponentially

Considerable Considerably

Rapid Rapidly

Dramatic Dramatically

Sharp Sharply

Smaller change
Adjective Adverb
Minimal Minimally
Slight Slightly
Slow Slowly
steady Steadily

Gradual Gradually
Moderate Moderately
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Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
Tip ! Use combinations of verb/ adverbs and
adjective / nouns to refer to changes

Adjectives + Noun Verb + Adverb

There was a slight increase It increased slightly

There was a significant rise It rose significantly
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Change the grammar !

Adjectives + Noun Verb + Adverb

A minimal rise
A significant increase
Dropped dramatically
fell considerably
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Answers :

Adjectives + Noun Verb + Adverb

A minimal rise Rose minimally
A significant increase Increased significantly
A dramatic drop Dropped dramatically
A considerable fall fell considerably
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049

• GM car sales saw/ experienced/ witnessed / registered a

significant rise between 1960 and 2010.

• There was a dramatic rise between 1960 and 2010.

• The number of sales rose dramatically between 1960 and

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Tip! Using the right tense

Present Past Future

Increase increased is predicted/ anticipated/
expected to increase
Rise Rose Will rise
Soar Soared Will soar
Plunge Plunged Will plunge
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Which tense you have to use?
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Tip! Use the right prepositions
• From / to
The number rose from 5 % to 15%
From start point to end point
• By 15%
The number rose by 10 %
The difference between the start point and end point
• At
In 2013, the percentage stood at 5%
In 2016, the percentage settled at 15% 5 %
specific point
• Of
The data reaches a peak of 15 % and a low of 5 %
High or low points
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Tip! Include Approximation

• Slightly under / below

• Significantly over / above
• Approximately
• roughly
• Nearly
• almost
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Tip! Join two changes
• …………… , and then …………..
• …………. , and after that ………
• …………, after which …………..
• …………., but this was followed by ………. .
• Next, ………………………………….
• Subsequently, ……………………….
• After that, ……………….. .
• Following this, ……………………
• At this point, ………………… .
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Your turn ! Use the correct
prepositions :
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1. Introduction
• Paraphrase the question
• Mention the type of the graph.
• Mention the years, location, items being described and measurements.

2- Overview
• Don’t include data
• Write at least 2 main trends/ features.
• Describe the trends / changes over time (upwards / downwards/ fluctuating) if there is a
• Mention the exception if found.
• Mention highest and lowest points.

• Mention Similarities
• Mention the most noticeable differences.

3- Two body paragraphs

• Include data
• Split the paragraphs by similar themes
• Make comparison
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Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
Useful Language to write the introduction

Starting Type of the Verb Description

The given/ line graph/ reveals/represents/ How many / how
provided/ bar chart/ illustrates much / the
presented / shown pie chart/ number of / the
diagram/ amount of
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Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
Sample Introduction

• The provided line graph reveals the number of

earnings which were earned in thousands by
three bakeries ( Bernie’s Buns, Lovely Loaves
and Robbie’s Bakery ) in London over a ten-
year period between 2000 and 2010.
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Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
Useful Language to write the overview
Starting Trend
Overall, what stands out from the There was an upward trend in ..
graph / chart is that … ……. saw a downward trend

There was a fluctuation before a

minor / major decrease / increase
Another interesting point is …..
There was an increase/ decrease/
decline in …..

The data fluctuated before

stabilizing ….

…….. had/ comprised / made up…..

the highest number of … , whereas
…….. accounted for the lowest
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Body paragraphs
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Tip ! Use some language to start body
• Looking at the details,
• As presented in the line graph,
• It can be seen from the graph that
• From the figures, it is clearly shown that
• It is apparent that
• According to the .. ,
• Regarding ……… ,
• With respect to ……, ……. .
• If we look at ………, ………. .
• It is apparent from the given information that ….
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Groups :

By category :

Robbie’s Bakery and

Bernie’s Buns – Increase

Lovely Loaves – decrease
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Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
The bar chart compares
the amount of time spent
by people in the UK on
three different
types of phone
call between 1995 and 2002.

It is clear that calls made via local, fixed lines

were the most popular type, it terms of
overall usage, throughout the period shown.
The lowest figures on the chart are for mobile
calls, whereas this category also saw the
Most dramatic increase in user minutes

In 1995, people in the UK used fixed lines for a total of just over 70 billion minutes for local calls, and
about half of that amount of time for national and international calls. By contrast, mobile phones were
only used for around billion minutes. Over the following four years, the figures for all three types of
phone call increased steadily.

By 1999, the amount of time spent on local calls using landlines had reached a peak at 90 billion
minutes. Subsequently, the figure for this category fell, while the call continued. In 2002, the number of
minutes of national/international and local calls passed 60 billion although the figures for mobiles rose
to around 45 billion minutes.
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Table and bar and pie charts with
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Grouping 1

Gas – Coal – nuclear and other ( increase)

Petrol ( decrease )

Grouping 2

coal – gas ( less change)

Petrol - nuclear – other ( big change )
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
Model Answer

The two given pie charts illustrate the proportion of five

types of energy production in France over a period of 10
years between 1995 and 2005.

Overall, in both years, the most significant sources of energy were gas and coal, while nuclear and other kinds
of energy sources generated the least amount of energy. All types of energy production increased minimally
except petrol which decreased.

Looking at the details, energy produced by coal comprised of 29.80% in the first year , and this showed only a
very slight increase of about a mere 1% to 30.9% in 2005 . Likewise, in 1995, gas generated 29.63% which rose
marginally to 30.1 10 years later. With regards to the remaining methods of producing energy, there was an
approximate 5% growth in production from both nuclear power and other sources to 10.10 % and 9.10%
respectively .

Petrol, on the other hand, was the only source of energy which decreased in production from 29.27% in 1995
to around a fifth ( 19.55 % ) in 2005 .
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Tip! Describe numbers differently

Use Proportions:

2% = A tiny portion, a mere 2 % , a negligible 2 %

5% = an insignificant proportion.
10% - 15% = A small minority
30%- 40% = A good proportion/ portion/ fraction.
65 %-75% = A significant majority.
89% = A very large majority.
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Tip ! Use fractions

80% = four fifths

77% = just over three -quarters
75% = three-quarters
66% =two-thirds
55%= more than a half
50% = a half
49% = just under a half
45% = more than two fifths
40%= two fifths
34 %= more than a third
30% = less than a third
25% - a quarter
20 % = a fifth
15% = less than a fifth
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Describing numbers
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You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table shows the Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School Types between 2000 and 2009.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

By type of the school :

1- Specialist – grammar – voluntary controlled schools ( decrease )

2- Community schools ( increase )
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
The table illustrates the percentage of school children attending four different types of secondaryschool
from 2000 to 2009.

It is evident that whereas the community schools experienced a marked increase in the proportion of
those attending their institutions over the period, the others
saw a corresponding decline.

To begin, the percentage of pupils in voluntary-controlled schools fell from just over half to only 20% or
one fifth from 2000 to 2009. Similarly, the relative number of children in grammar schools -- just under
one quarter -- dropped by half in the same period. As for the specialist schools, the relatively small
percentage of pupils attending this type of school (12%) also fell, although not significantly.

However, while the other three types of school declined in importance, the opposite was true in the case
of community schools. In fact, while only a small minority of 12% were educated in these schools in 2000,
this figure increased to well over half of all pupils during the following nine years.
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
The bar chart shows the scores of teams A,B and C over four different seasons.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.

Grouping : By years

- 2002 + changes in 2003 and 2004

- final year ( 2005 )
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
The provided bar chart illustrates the scores of three teams, A, B and C, in four consecutive seasons.

Overall, It is evident from the chart that there was a fluctuation in the scores of all the teams during the period shown .
Moreover, team B scored far higher than the other two teams over the years, whereas their score decreased as a whole over the

In 2002, the score of team B far exceeded that of the other two teams, standing at 82 points compared to only 10 for team C
and a very low 5 for team A. Over the next two years, the points for team B decreased quite considerably, dropping by around
half to 43 by 2004. In contrast, team A’s points had increased by 2004 to reach 35 points, nearly equal to team B. Team C,
meanwhile, had managed only a small increase over this time.

In the final year, team B remained ahead of the others as their points increased again to 55, while team A and C saw their
points drop to 8 and 5 respectively.
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Graphs without trends
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Highest numbers
Lowest numbers
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Model Answer

The provided table illustrates percentages of consumer expenditure for three categories of
products and services in five countries in 2002.
Overall, it is clear that the largest proportion of consumer spending in each country went on
food, drinks and tobacco. On the other hand, the leisure / education category had the lowest percentages.
Out of the five countries, consumer spending on food, drinks and tobacco was noticeably higher
in Turkey, at 32.14% and Ireland , at nearly 29%. The proportion of spending on leisure and education was also
highest in Turkey, at 4.35%, while expenditure on clothing and footwear was significantly higherin Italy
, at 9 %, than in any of the other countries.
It can be seen that Sweden had the lowest percentages of national consumer expenditure for
food/drinks/ tobacco and for clothing/ footwear , at nearly 16% and just over 5% respectively. Spain had
slightly higher figures for these categories , whereas the lowest figure for leisure / education , at only 1.98
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
Tip ! Learn the language of comparisons
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Other important language for
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Other important language for
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Other important language for
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
More than one chart
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1. Introduction
Paraphrase the question of both graphs

2- Overview

The most remarkable feature of the first graph

The most remarkable feature of the second graph

3- body paragraph
Describe the first chart

4- Body paragraph

Describe the second graph
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
The given line graph illustrates the
publication rate of UK based university professors,
categorized by male and female , and the bar
chart measures publications by four
Selected universities. Both are during 2006 and
Overall, the publication rate of male
professors remained more or less stable , whereas
those for females increased significantly . It can
also be seen that the majority of publications
were in the humanities .
In 2006, the number of female publications stood at 1000
per year, while that for males was three times higher. However,
over the following 6 years, this gap closed as the female
rate climbed noticeably to 3000 in 2012, which nearly matched
that of the males, at around 3,300.
Publications in the humanities were considerably
higher than for all the other subjects for all the universities , and
particularly noticeable was Warwick which had 120 over the
whole period, far higher than the other establishments. Warwick
was also more prolific in publishing in the sciences and the arts,
at around 90, whilst Sheffield , York and Birmingham all produced
less than 45 in all these areas . Overall, Birmingham published the
least .
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
Describing processes
1. Describe all steps illustrated in the
2. Connect stages using words like :
firstly, secondly, thirdly, then , next,
after that, in addition, otherwise, at
the same time, concurrently,
simultaneously and finally.
3. Use the present simple.
4. No need to write an overview
5. When describing how something is
made, use the passive voice.
6. Write an introduction and two body
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
1. Introduction
• Paraphrase the rubric
• Give a short summary of the process by mentioning the number
of stages and listing the first and last stages

2- Body paragraph :

Describing the steps

3- Body paragraph :

Describing the steps
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
Sample Question
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Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
Tip! Link stages
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Tip! Link stages
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The diagrams show how the bee makes honey and the
stages in the production of honey. Summarize the
information by selecting and reporting main features and
making comparisons where relevant.
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
The life-cycle of a honey bee and the commercial
production of honey are represented in the charts.

Overall, it is clear that bees must go through six

stages to make honey, whereas the honey production
process consists of five steps.

Eggs are laid in the honeycomb by queen bee in the

first stage of life-cycle, and approximately 72 hours
later, larvae emerge. The larvae attain its maturity in
seven days after its emergence .It takes another
three weeks for the bees, which are transformed from the larval
stage to be fully equipped to leave the hive for gathering nectar
from flowers. The collected nectar is deposited in the hive, which
becomes honey later and the bees leave again in search of nectar.

Turning to the honey production process, in the first step, the

honeycomb is detached from the hive. The beekeepers send this to
the honeycomb machine for the honey extraction. In the next step,
the honey is boiled to make it clean. This is filled in individual jars
and then distributed and marketed.
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049

of an Comparison
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Useful Language !
Prepositional and other phrases Examples
In front of The railway line is in front of three apartment blocks.
opposite One apartment building is opposite the lake.
Next to The car park is next to a house
beside There is a house beside the lake.
Behind There are three houses behind the hospital .
to the left / right of The car park is to the right of a house.
Between The supermarket is between four houses and three blocks.

The middle of A river runs through the middle of the town.

Alongside The railway runs alongside the coast.
Pass by A new road passes by the supermarket
Run through A river runs through the middle of the town.
In the north In the north of the town, there is now an airport
In the south There is a ferry port in the south of Templeton
In the north east A new house was constructed in the north east of the town.
In the north west New buildings were demolished in the north west
In the south east In the south east of the town, there were two schools
In the south west In the south west , two libraries were replaced with a bank .
From west to east A railway runs from the west to the east of the town.
To the east of To the east of the river, there is a factory .
Just south
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 Just
- south of the supermarket are three apartment buildings
(+971) 508291049
Tip! Learn verbs to describe
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Tip! Use present perfect tense to describe changes
between a time in the past and now
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Tip! Use noun phrases
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Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
Describing a map

1. Introduction :
• Paraphrase the question

2. Overview :
• The biggest changes / main differences

3- Body paragraph :
• Describing the changes / differences

4- Body paragraph :
• Describing the changes / differences
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
The map below shows the development of a seaside village between 1995 and present.
Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.


1 By position



2 By changes :

Things with big changes

Things which increased

Or decreased in size

Things which stayed the

Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
The two provided maps illustrate the main
changes which have taken place in a seaside
village between the year 1995 and today.

Overall, it is evident that the Infrastructure

for housing and recreation has increased at
the expense of agricultural land and commercial
The most notable changes have been the
disappearance of the fishing port and adjacent
fish market, as well as the creation of a golf
course and tennis courts in the north-east, where
farmland and a forest park were found in 1995.
Furthermore, a new housing development
containing apartments is now found on the
waterfront at the former site of the fish market,
and a number of restaurants have been built on the opposite side of the road where shops used to be.

There was also an increase in the total number of houses, from 12 in 1995 to 16 at present. In
addition, the road encircling a small housing development west of the main road has been extended further
westward.The hotel and café in the south east are the only buildings which have remained the same. A new
car park has been added next to the hotel.
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
The maps illustrate the changes that
have taken place in the seaside village
since 1995.

Overall, the village witnessed a great

deal of changes between 1995 and now.
Some new facilities such as a golf court,
a tennis court, apartments and car parking
facilities have been added.

The farmland and the forest which were

present to the north eastern side of the
village in 1995 have been removed and
a golf court and a tennis court have been
constructed. A car parking facility has also
been built to the east of the hotel located on the south eastern region.

With regards to changes that have happened to the western side of the village, the
road which was running in the north-south direction has been extended to the west.
More houses have been constructed to the south of the road which was extended to
the west. The shops which were situated to the south west part of the village have
been demolished and restaurants have been built there. The fish market and the
seaport to the south west of the village have also been removed and in the place of the
fish market, apartments have been constructed.
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049


Paragraph 1:

comparing the position

of each site relative to
Garlsdon (mention the
different areas of the
town )

paragraph 2:

the positions relative

to transport links with
the other three towns.
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
The map illustrates two potential locations
(S1 and S2) for a new supermarket in a town called
The main difference between the two sites is that S1
is outside the town, whereas S2 is in the town
centre. The sites can also be compared in terms
of access by road or rail, and their positions relative
to three smaller towns.
Looking at the information in more detail,
S1 is in the countryside to the north west of
Garlsdon which has a population of
65000;however, it is close to the residential area of
the town. S2 is also close to the housing area, which
surrounds the town centre.
There are main roads from Hindon, Bransdon and
Cransdon to Garlsdon town centre, while this is a no traffic zone, and thus
there would be no access to S2 by car. By contrast, S1 lies on the
main road to Hindon, whereas it would be more difficult to reach
from Bransdon and Cransdon. Both supermarket sites are
close to the railway that runs through Garlsdon from Hindon to Cransdon.
Tel.: (+2) 01206456773 - (+971) 508291049
Thank you
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