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Manipulation of Formulae

In mathematics and its applications, we often use formulae relating di↵erent variables. For
example, you may recognise some of the following:

• Circumference of a circle: C = 2⇡r

• Area of a circle: A = ⇡r2
• Volume of a sphere: V = ⇡r3
• Surface area of a sphere: S = 4⇡r2
• Ohm’s Law: V = IR
1 1 1
• Resistors in Parallel: = +
R R1 R2
• Period of a simple pendulum: T = 2⇡

Here the first letter before the equals sign is called the subject of the formula. Usually,
we wish to evaluate this subject given values for any other variables appearing. For example,
calculate the volume of a sphere of radius 10 cm:
4 4 4000
V = ⇡r3 = ⇡ (10 cm)3 = ⇡ cm3
3 3 3
( = 4188.8 cm3 to 1 decimal place. )

The final line has been put in brackets here because it is best practice not to
evaluate an expression involving numbers such as ⇡, e or surds ( 2, etc.) until
you are told what accuracy is required, i.e. how many decimal places should
be displayed.

Sometimes, we need to manipulate the equation to make a di↵erent variable the subject of
a formula. For example
C = 2⇡r () r= .
We manipulate equations by “doing the same thing to both sides”. An equation can be
thought of as a balance: “=” means “is the same as”, so if you “do the same thing to both
sides” then you maintain equality. What we can do is:

• add (or subtract) the same quantity from both sides;

• multiply (or divide) both sides by the same (non-zero) quantity;

• perform some other operation on both sides, e.g. square, square root, take logs or
exponentials, etc.


(i) Make r the subject of the formula for the area of a circle.
A = ⇡r2 (r > 0) () r= .

Note that, in general we have to be careful with () and ) when squaring or square-
rooting both sides of an equation. Here, since r > 0, as noted, () is true.

(ii) Make r the subject of the formula for the volume of a sphere.
✓ ◆1
4 3V 3
V = ⇡r3 (r > 0) () r=
3 4⇡

(iii) Make l the subject of the formula for the period of a simple pendulum.
s s ✓ ◆2
l T l l T g T2
T = 2⇡ () = () = (T > 0) () l = .
g 2⇡ g g 2⇡ 4⇡ 2

As in (i), noting T > 0 means that the second () is true.

Exercises: Manipulation of Formulae
1. A formula relating the pressure P , the volume V and the temperature T of a given
mass of a gas is P V = kT , where k is a constant.

(i) Make P the subject of this formula.

(ii) Make V the subject of this formula.

2. Van der Waals Gas Law relating the Pressure P , the volume V and the temperature
T of a given mass of a gas is
✓ ◆
P + 2 (V b) = kT
where k is a constant.

(i) Make P the subject of this formula.

(ii) Try to make V the subject of this formula. Why is this difficult?

3. The gravitational force F between two bodies of mass M and m and distance r part
is given by
GM m
F =
where G is known as the gravitational constant.

(i) Make M the subject of this formula.

(ii) Make r the subject of this formula.

4. In the Theory of Relativity, the mass m of a body in motion is given by

m= r ⇣ v ⌘2
where m0 is its rest mass, v is its velocity and c is the speed of light. Make v the
subject of this formula.

Answers to Exercises

Manipulation of Formulae
kT kT
1. (i) P = (ii) V = .
kT a
2. (i) P = .
V b V2
(ii) P V 3 (P b + kT )V 2 + aV ab = 0.
V appears in too many individual terms to isolate easily.
F r2 GM m
3. (i) M = (ii) r = , assuming quantities are all non-negative.
Gm F
4. v = c 1 , assuming quantities are all non-negative.

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