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Experimental approach to electrostatic liquid filtration

using a single fibre model
Part 1: effects of base oils and additives
H Yanada, DEng, MJSME
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi, Japan
Y Takikawa, MEng, MJSME
Kubota Corporation, Osaka, Japan
M Yamamoto, MEng
Daido Hoxan Inc., Osaka, Japan

This paper deals with a fundamental investigation of an electrostatic liquid filter. Aiming at clarifying the capturing mechanism of
contaminants on a collector and the relationships between the quantity of captured particles and various factors, experiments have been
conducted using a singlefibre model which uses a singlefibre as a simplijed model of the collector. The effects of base oil and additive
have been investigated. The experiments have revealed that the electrijcation characteristic$ of particles in oil are strongly affected by
the lype of base oil and additive, and that the form and quantity of deposition of particles on a collector differ considerably from one
combination of base oil, additive and additive concentration to another.

NOTATION hydraulic systems result from contamination of lubri-

= (Ef - M E f + El) cating oil or hydraulic fluid. Investigations (1, 2) have
additive concentration shown that submicrometre-sized contaminants, such as
external electric field strength the oxidation products of oil, are the primary cause of
magnitude of E failures of hydraulic systems, and the usage of electro-
radial component of E static liquid filters, which have no limitations in con-
circumferential component of E taminant size, has gradually increased. It has been
uniform electric field strength shown that eliminating the submicrometre-sized con-
magnitude of E, taminants from hydraulic fluid and lubricating oil using
Coulomb force an electrostatic liquid filter leads t o a considerable
gradient force decrease in failures of hydraulic systems and to a
mean deposition length lengthening of the life of hydraulic fluids and lubricating
mean value of electrophoretic mobility oils (1,3-5).
electric charge on a particle Several types of electrostatic liquid filter have been
fibre radius proposed (4-12) and used. According to the required
standard deviation of measured values of elec- purpose of applying electrostatic force, they are classi-
trophoretic mobility fied into two types. One is a type that collects the con-
flow velocity taminants on a dielectric collector and/or on electrodes
volume of a particle by applying a high electric field (5-10) and the other is a
type that utilizes a low electric field to coagulate the
induced polarization of particle submicrometre-sized contaminants into larger ones (1 1,
specific permittivity of collector fibre 12). The performance evaluation of each electrostatic
specific permittivity of liquid liquid filter has been made on the macroscopic level (1,
specific permittivity of particle 3-5, 9, 10, 13, 14). However, the capturing and holding
permittivity of vacuum mechanisms of contaminants on the collector have
conductivity never been made clear. In addition, the relationships
between the quantity of contaminants captured on a
collector and mechanical and chemical factors have not
Abbreviations been fully clarified to date. It is essential for these
n.p.s. negatively polarized side matters to be made clear in order to improve the per-
p.p.s. positively polarized side formance of electrostatic liquid filters and to develop a
new type of high-performance electrostatic liquid filter.
A great number of studies of electrostatic air filters have
1 INTRODUCTION been conducted to date from both the macroscopic and
It has been said that at least 50 per cent of failures of microscopic points of view. The results obtained from
various machines and about 80 per cent of failures of the studies about air filters, however, can contribute
little to improving and/or predicting the performance of
The M S was recerued on 28 April 1994 nnd w m uwepted for pubircatron on electrostatic liquid filters since significant differences
30 August 1994 exist in the viscosity of fluid, electrification mechanism
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of contaminants, and so on, between air and liquid by distortion of the electric field around the fibre, is
filters. expressed as
The aim of this study is to clarify the aforementioned
unknown matters. For that purpose, it is first necessary - Fgrad V
= -grad E 2
to observe how contaminants are captured on a colkc-
tor. This paper describes experimental results obtained where Vp is the volume of a particle and 01 is the induced
using a single fibre model, which is a simplified mod& of polarization of a particle caused by an external electric
an electrostatie filter (15-19) and facilitates microscopic field. If a particle is spherical, then
observation. The effects of base oil and additive on the
form and quantity of deposition on a collector fibre are
mainly investigated.
where E~ is the specific permittivity of a particle and E,, is
2 PRINCIPLE OF ELECTROSTATIC LIQUID the permittivity of a vacuum. Equation (2) shows that
greater electrostatic forces act on a particle as the differ-
In this paper, a type of electrostatic liquid filter that ence between E~ and becomes large. Therefore, it is
collects contaminants by applying a high electric field is advantageous to use a material possessing a large per-
selected as the object of study. As shown in Fig. 1, the mittivity as the collector. The specific permittivity of oil
collector that captures contaminants is modelled as a is about 2.2 and the diacetate collector fibre used in this
single cylindrical fibre. The fibre is dielectric and is pol- study is approximately 10. Glass fibre is not considered
arized by an external electric field. The interaction suitable for the collector material of an electrostatic
between a uniform external electric field, E o , and the liquid filter because of its small specific permittivity
electric field formed by the polarization charge on the (about 2.5). This was confirmed by the authors by
dielectric fibre produces the electric field shown in Fig. experiment.
1. Particles suspended in the liquid are attracted to the
fibre by Coulomb force and gradient force. The 3 EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS AND
Coulomb force, F, ,exerted on a particle at point P with METHOD
electric charge q is expressed by
3.1 Test liquid
Fc = qE (1) Oils were used as the test liquid in this study. Table 1

(:r )
E, = a - + 1 Eo cos 0
shows the physical properties of the base oils used. Base
0 is polyalphaolefin, a kind of synthetic fluid, and base 1

and base 2 are highly refined mineral base oils. Many

E, = a - - 1 E , sin tl kinds of additives are mixed into lubricating oils and
hydraulic fluids. Among them, rust inhibitor and zinc
dialkyldithiophosphatet which is the most typical
In equation (2), E , and E , are the radial and circum- extreme pressure antiwear agent added to hydraulic
ferential components of the electric field, E, respectively,
fluids, are considered to be the main agents affecting the
rf is the radius of the fibre and a = (Ef - E1)/(cf + EJ,
electrification characteristics of particles, which is
where E~ and E, are specific permittivities of the fibre and
shown by considering their molecular formulae. In
liquid respectively. The gradient force, which is caused
order to investigate the effect of additives on the electri-
fication characteristics, three different rust inhibitors
EO (rust A, B and C) and zinc dialkyldithiophosphate

- -- (ZnDTP), shown in Table 2, were prepared and one of

the four additives was mixed into each base oil.
In order to enable particles in oil to be observed by
an ordinary optical microscope, relatively large-sized
silica sand (20) was employed as particulate contami-
Table 2 Description of additives used
Additive Description
-- \ -
Rust A Non-emulsifying ashless rust inhibitor, carboxylic
Cylindrical fibre Rust B Metallic rust inhibitor, sulphonate
Fig. 1 Electric lines of force around a single dielectric fibre Rust C Ashless rust inhibitor, nitrogen compound
subjected to a uniform external electric field, E , (the ZnDTP Oxidation, corrosion and extreme pressure wear
case where er = 10 and E, = 2.2) inhibitor, zinc dialkyldithiophosphate

Table 1 Physical properties of base oils at 303 K

Conductivity Viscosity
Water content
Base oil Sim Pd S kgim3 ppm Colour
Base 0 (synthetic) 2.01 x lo-'* 0.0189 820 35 Colourless
Base 1 (mineral) 1.25 x lo-'' 0.0205 820 35 Colourless
Base 2 (mineral) 1.30 x lo-'' 0.0284 860 45 Slightly yellow

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Table 3 Size distribution of

silica sand
Diameter Percentage
urn on sieve

25 61 5
3 10 43 k 3
3 30
21 3
2 40 9+3
3 75 <3

nant and its size distribution is presented in Table 3.

Silica sand was added into each test oil in the ratio of
0.1 g to 1000 ml of oil. Experiments were conducted
after more than 24 hours had elapsed since the silica
particles were mixed into the test oil in order for the
particles to reach the adsorption equilibrium.
Variations of conductivity of each base oil with addi-
tive concentrations are shown in Fig. 2, where measured C
values obtained from the test oils to which rust B or -
wt %
rust C was added are presented. The increase in conduc- (a) Additive = rust B
tivity indicates that the number of ions in the oil is
increased, probably by the dissociation of part of the
additives and/or by the acid-base reaction between each
of the two additives and water contained in the oil. In
the cases of rust A and ZnDTP, only a slight increase in
conductivity by the addition of the additives was seen.

3.2 Single fibre model and test apparatus

A schematic of a single fibre model of an electrostatic
liquid filter is shown in Fig. 3. The collector fibre is
placed perpendicularly to the flow and the electric field

is parallel to the flow. The cross-section of the oil flow is
4 x 15 mrn2 and the distance between two mesh copper
electrodes is 15 mm. The body of the cell is made from
polycarbonate, the fibre is diacetate and its diameter is
30 pm. Many test cells identical to the one shown in
Fig. 3 were made and each individual test cell was used
only with one test oil.
A schematic of the test apparatus used is shown in
Fig. 4. Test oil in a reservoir (2) whose volume is about
L 0 0.1

to00 ml is stirred by a magnetic stirrer (1) during the -
wt %
experiment and is delivered to the test cell (6) by a roller
(b) Additive = rust C
pump (4). A damper ( 5 ) is connected to the pump outlet
side in order to absorb the flow ripples. The test cell Fig. 2 Variation of conductivity with additive concentration
shown in Fig. 3 is placed horizontally on the stage of a
biological microscope to which a photomicrograph
apparatus and a video camera are attached. A high- ow
voltage d.c. power supply is connected to the electrodes
and an electric field is formed between the electrodes by
applying high d.c. voltage to one of the electrodes. Test
oil flows at a controlled mean velocity in the cell, and a
high electric field is applied in the same direction as the
flow. The oil temperature is adjusted within 301 2 K Mesh electrodes
by a heater (10). The behaviour of particles is observed
from the video equipment, and several photomicro-
graphs of deposits on the fibre are taken one hour after
the application of the voltage. The experiment was con- Fig. 3 Schematic ol single fibre model
ducted twice under each experimental condition and the
results obtained did not differ much between the first 3.3 Electrophoresis
and second experiments. Therefore, it is believed that As the electrification characteristics of particles in liquid
the experimental results described below have good have a great influence on the filter performance (10, 15,
repeatability. 21, 221, it is therefore important to examine them. An
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polarity of the electrodes was switched at every mea-

surement. The experiment was conducted at an oil tem-
1 Stirrer perature of 293 K and the viscosities of base 0, base 1
2 Tank and base 2 at 293 K were 0.0275,0.0298 and 0.0456 P a s
3 Thermometer respectively.
4 Roller pump


7 Microscope 4.1 Electrification characteristics of particles
8 Highd.c.
power supply The experimental results of electrophoresis are shown in
9 Flowmeter Tables 4 and 5. M is the mean value of electrophoretic
10 Heater mobility of 80 particles and S , is the standard deviation
of the 80 data sets. Electrophoretic mobility is defined
1 as electrophoretic velocity divided by electric field
strength and includes information of the magnitude and
Fig. 4 Schematic of test apparatus polarity of particle charge. The negative sign of M indi-
cates that the particle charge is negative. Table 4 shows
electrophoresis cell similar to the cell devised by Stotz that the polarity and magnitude of the particle charge
(23) was made for measuring the electrification charac- vary from one base oil to another and that the disper-
teristics of the particles. Figure 5 represents the mea- sion of the electrophoretic mobility of particles also
surement principle. The distance between the electrodes varies according to the type of base oil.
is 10 mm and the width and height of the electrodes are Table 5 shows that the polarity and magnitude of the
40 and 100 mm respectively. The gap between the two particle charge are varied to a considerable degree by
transparent parallel electrodes is filled with a test oil not the combination of base oil and additive and are also
including particles. A few droplets of a test oil including affected by the additive concentration. As is seen from
particles are then added at the top of the cell using a Table 5, for example, particles in base 0 + ZnDTP have
syringe. The focus of the objective lens of the micro-
scope is adjusted near the centre of the cell. As the par-
negligible charge whereas in base 1 ZnDTP most +
particles are positively charged. In the case of base
ticles settle down some of them come within the range 0 + rust A (0.1 wt%), about half of the particles have
of the microscope and can be observed on the picture of positive charge and the remainder have negative charge,
the television monitor. A high d.c. voltage is applied to as indicated by a relatively large value of S , and a very
one of the two electrodes during a short period (0.3- small value of M. Particles in test oils to which rust C
0.5 s) and charged particles move in a horizontal direc- was added tend to have negative charge independent of
tion under the action of the Coulomb force. The dis- the type of base oil and the concentration. In test oils of
placement and the direction of these particles were base 2 + rust B (0.1 wt%) and base 2 + ZnDTP (0.2
observed on the television monitor. Eighty particles wt%), the greater part of particles moved towards only
were measured at random for each test condition. The one electrode irrespective of the direction of electric
Sedirnenting field. This is a very singular phenomenon, but the
particles reason for this is not clear at the present stage. The
r - ~marks in Table 5 represent immeasurable condi-
tions due to violent liquid motion induced when using a
high electric field.

4.2 Form of deposition of particles

Figure 6 shows photomicrographs of deposits on a
single fibre in the case of no additive, taken one hour
after the electrical field was applied. No significant dif-
ference in the form and quantity of deposition of the
Light beam particles is seen.
___) Photomicrographs in the case where only rust A was
mixed into each base oil at a concentration of 0.1 wt%
are shown in Fig. 7. Figure 7a is the case of base 0;
/ particles were captured equally on both the upstream
video camera
Table 4 Electrophoretic mobility
in base oils at E , = 5

M shi
Base oil mm2,kV s mm2,kV s
Transparent Base 0 - 0.146 0.123
electrodes Base 1 0.085 0.086
Fig. 5 Measurement principle of electrophoresis Base 2 - 0.229 0.427

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Table 5 Electrophoretic mobility at E , = 5 kV/cm

Additive concentration

0.05 0.1 0.2

Additive Base oil mm2/kV s mm2/kv s mm2kV s mm2/kV mm2/k~ mmz/k~
Rust A Base 0 -0.089 0.45 1 0.018 0.514 - 0.080 0.207
Base 1 -0.071 0.494 0.105 0.191 0.020 0.237
Base 2 -0.047 0.169 -0.180 0.362 -0.242 0.424
Rust B Base 0 0.034 0.41 6 0.356 0.449 - -
Base 1 0.276 0.514 0.303 0.640 -0.014 0.171
Base 2 -0.014 0.062 -0.015 0.172 0.003 0.01 1
Rust C Base 0 -0.040 0.246 -0.212 0.365 -0.161 0.42 1
Base 1 -0.368 0.660 -0.099 0.621 - ~

Base 2 -0.341 0.616 -0.273 0.511 -0.073 0.407

ZnDTP Base0 0.001 0.015 0.009 0.022 -0.086 0.039
Base 1 0.245 0.187 0.105 0.173 0.127 0.145
Base 2 -0.112 0.558 -0.043 0.352 0.009 0.465

(a) Bage 0 (b) Base I (c) Base 2

Fig. 6 Deposits on a single fibre in each base oil ( E , = 5 kV/cm,

V = 0.1 cmjs and time = 60 min)



(a) Base 0
4 i

+ rust A
Fig. 7 Deposits on a single fibre ( E ,
(b) Base 1 + rust A
=5 kV/cm, V
(c) Base 2
= 0.1 cmjs,
+ rust A
C = 0.1 wt%
(rust A) and time = 60 min)
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and downstream sides of the fibre. Figure 7b shows a combination of base oil and additive. In the test appar-
photomicrograph in the case of base 1; particles were atus, it was very difficult to measure the weight of
deposited and formed dentrites on both sides of the deposited particles on a fibre; therefore, the mean
fibre. The results obtained from electrophoresis experi- length of deposited particles in the flow direction
ments have shown that more particles are positively around the middle of the fibre was measured from
charged in the test oil of base 1 rust A (0.1 wt%). Par- photomicrographs, and the mean deposition length was
ticles, however, were captured almost equally on both defined as a rough measure of deposition quantity. In
the positively polarized side (p.p.s.1 and negatively pol- test oils to which rust A was added (Fig. 9), particles
arized side (n.p.s.) of the fibre. Figure 7c is a photo- were deposited equally on both of the upstream and
micrograph in the case of base 2 + rust A and shows downstream sides of the fibre and the deposition quan-
that a small quantity of particles are captured. In base tity was apt to increase with additive concentration. It
2 + rust A, particles are negatively charged, but no is also found from Fig. 9 that the type of base oil brings
marked difference in deposition quantity between the about a significant difference in the deposition quantity.
p.p.s. and n.p.s. of the fibre is seen. The photomicro- The mean deposition length of particles in test oils to
graphs shown in Fig. 7 suggest that the results obtained which rust B was added is shown in Fig. 10. For base 1
from electrophoresis experiments give only macroscopic and base 2, the deposition quantity of particles was
information of the electrification characteristics of par- decreased by adding rust B and few particles were cap-
ticles and, as such, cannot necessarily explain the cap- tured on the fibre. On the other hand, for base 0, rela-
turing mechanism.
Figure 8 shows photomicrographs of deposits on a
single fibre in base 0, to which only one of rust B, rust C
or ZnDTP was added at the concentration of 0.1 wt%.
0 Base0

In base 0 + rust B (Fig. 8a), particles were positively 0 Base 1

charged and were deposited only on the n.p.s. of the
fibre, where the Coulomb attractive force acts. In base ,,
0 + rust C (Fig. 8b), particles were negatively charged

and more were captured on the p,p.s. than on the n.p.s.

In the case of base 0 + rust C also, more particles were
deposited on the side where the Coulomb attractive
forces was exerted between the particles and fibre. In
base 0 + ZnDTP (Fig. Xc), the electrophoresis experi-
ment had shown that particles in this test oil are little
charged, but larger amounts of particles were captured
on the n.p.s. of the fibre. This result also illustrates the
fact that the macroscopic electrification characteristics
obtained from electrophoresis experiments cannot
always give a convincing explanation of the capturing
mechanism of particles.
0 0.1 0.2
4.3 Effect of additive concentration on deposition c
wt %

Fig. 9 The effect of rust A concentration on deposition
Figures 9 to 12 show the relationship between the mean quantity ( E , = 5 kV/cm, V = 0.1 cm/s and time = 60
deposition length and additive concentration for each rnin)




(a) Base 0 + ru\t B ih) Base 0 + rust C (c) Base 0 + Zn D7 P

Fig. 8 Deposits on a single fibre ( E , = 5 kV/cm, I/ = 0.1 cm/s, C = 0.1 wt%
and time = 60 min)
Part C Journal of Mechanical Eog~neer~ng
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8 00 BaseO
0 Base 0
e 0 Base 1

A Base2

0 0. I 0.2 0 0.1 0.2

- -
Wt % Wt %
Fig. 10 The effect of rust B concentration on deposition Fig. 12 The effect of ZnDTP concentration on deposition
quantity ( E , = 5 kV/cm, V = 0.1 cm/s and time = 60 quantity ( E , = 5 kV/cm, V = 0.1 cm/s and time = 60
min) min)

tively large quantities of particles were deposited on the Figure 12 shows the results for the case when ZnDTP
n.p.s. of the fibre. In addition, a certain additive concen- was added. Like the cases of base 0 + rust B and base
tration exists that gives the maximum deposition quan- 0 + rust C, the deposition quantity tends to a maximum
tity for base 0. at some additive concentration, and the variation of
Also, for the case when rust C was added into each deposition quantity with additive concentration is rela-
base oil (Fig. ll), large quantities of particles were tively small.
deposited on the fibre in base 0. In this case, particles
were deposited on the p.p.s. of the fibre (downstream
side), on which side the Coulomb attractive force acted
between the fibre and particles. Except for the case of In this basic study of an electrostatic liquid filter,
base 2, the addition of rust C increased the deposition experiments were conducted using a single fibre model
quantity, but its variation with the additive concentra- under various conditions. This study has made clear
tions is not very large. that the electrification characteristics of particles in oils
are strongly affected by the type of base oil and additive
and are also influenced by additive concentration; prob-
I ' " " ' ' " ' ' I ably resulting mainly from this fact, the form and quan-
00 BaseO tity of deposition of particles on a collector fibre differ
considerably from one combination of base oil, additive
0 H Base 1 and additive concentration to another. The effects of
mechanical factors such as flow velocity, electric field
strength, etc., on the deposition quantity are described
in Part 2 of this study, which follows.

The authors wish to express their deep appreciation to
Prof. Akira Hibi of Toyohashi University of Tech-
nology for his valuable suggestions and continuous
encouragement and to Tsuyoshi Okumura for his help
in the experiments. The first author would like to thank
Mr Hiroshi Watanabe of Oronite Japan Limited for
supplying much valuable information on additives and
to Messrs Torao Tobisu, Akira Sasaki and Sinji Uchi-
0 0.1 0.2 yama of Kleentek Industrial Company Limited for
C giving valuable information on their electrostatic liquid
Wt % cleaner. Additives were donated by Oronite Japan
Fig. 11 The effect of rust C concentration on deposition Limited and base oils by Oronite Japan Limited, Ide-
quantity ( E , = 5 kV/cm, V = 0.1 cm/s and time = 60 mitsu Kosan Company Limited and Cosmo Oil
min) Company Limited. This work was partially supported
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