Personal Statement

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I grew up on the south coast near Bournemouth and would ideally like to continue my

education locally. With this in mind I have a strong ambition to study animation and game
design and your degree course looks ideal for what I have been researching in terms of
modules, content and progression. I have a strong interest in both animation and game
design and would like to further my skills in order to support me in my future career;
consequently, I see your degree as offering me that opportunity.

I enjoy art of all kinds, but I especially like traditional and digital art. I enjoy drawing things
related to my favourite shows and games, mostly characters (both my own and from the
game/show) and scenes that I think of. Some of my favourite shows are the owl house, my
hero academia, my little pony and the ghost and Molly McGee and some of my favourite
games are Pokémon, fnaf and sky: children of the light. Art-based subjects allow me to
express my creativity and seeing the range of hidden emotions in a piece in even the small
details. My interest in the subject started just before college where my experience and
knowledge has been furthered. I have successfully completed art and design courses at
Levels 1 and 2, which were broad curriculums that covered a variety of different art
techniques with animation as part of some of the modules. The Level 2 course was
completed in 2018, however, I have kept up my interest in animation outside of college and
this year I have enrolled onto the Access to Media course at the same college. Coming back
to study after a five-year gap has reignited my passions for art and the subjects I am studying
now have been helped by this knowledge. I draw both traditionally and digitally using my
tablet and sketchbooks whenever I feel inspired to.

So far on my Access course I have used video cameras and DSLR cameras which have
enabled me to learn about shot composition, camera shots and angles and depth of field.
These are skills which I am able to transfer across into my animation work as I am able to
design content along cinematic and photographic lines. These skills are enabling me to
visualise how my characters, back grounds and action can look within animation. I am also
learning how to edit video on Premiere Pro and using Lightroom and Photoshop for my
photography, so I have been able to learn new software quickly. I am conversant with
Animate software and experienced with Wacom Cintiq drawing tablets.

Elsewhere on my Access course I am using important academic study skills which includes
primary and secondary research, small group work, planning and evaluating my video and
photography projects, textual analysis of existing film sequences and photographs, planning
essays and using accurate referencing.

I having taken part in NCS (National Citizenship Service) after I finished school and recently
attended the Spear Programme at a local venue which has allowed me to improve on
confidence, life and team building skills and which I am extremely proud of. This allowed me
to gain the personal motivation to enrol onto the Access course to further my ambitions.

My burning ambition is to be able to work on games and to be part of an animation

company in the future, producing the content and shows that are more inclusive to give
people more representation in media. This is an area of life I am passionate about and hope
to use my animation skills to somehow bring this about. I feel your degree course will enable
me to continue with this ambition.

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