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1, Manoj Kumar son of Ram Saroop resident of Vpo Khambra, Post

Office Lambra, District Jalandhar, and Punjab, India. Do hereby
solemnly swear and affirm as under: -
1. That I am citizen and resident of India.
2. That on 10th August, 2015 I saw that some men surrounded a
person at Dilkusha Market, Jalandhar and beaten up him mercilessly
and threatened him to finish. his life. In between, I and other nearby
people ran at the spot and rescued that person from the attackers.
3. That on asking, the person told his name Harjinder Ram Son of
Pyara Ram resident of Mahadipur Araiyan, He told that the attackers
belongs to the RSS Hindus and they attacked upon him and beaten
him because he started going to the Church and following Jesus Chris
by leaving Hindu Religion due to which they beaten him and
threatened him stop going to Church.
4. That thereafter, we helped him for go to a doctor wherein he got
medical treatment for his injuries and I also provided my contact
number for further help. He paid thanks to me for help.
5. That later on, I came to know from his family that Harjinder Ram
and his wife Sunita Rani left India and moved to USA for secure and
safe their lives.
Verified that the contents of the above said affidavit are true and
correct and nothing has been kept concealed therein.

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