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Name : Alif Pramono Jati

NIM : 172120118


1. Identify whether the following utterances are performative or constative.

A. ‘I order you to pay the bill.’


B. ‘I believe you were wrong.’


C. ‘I promise to drop by tomorrow.’


D. ‘The minister pronounced them man and wife.’


E. ‘I promised to drop by tomorrow.’


F. ‘I sweep the floor every Tuesday.’


2. Identify the illocutionary act performed by uttering each of the following:

A. ‘Hi, how are things going?’


B. I’m afraid the cake didn’t turn out too well.’

C. What a despicable movie!’

(Rejecting, complaining)

D. ‘I’ve had enough to drink for now.’

(Informing, Rejecting)

3. Name the illocutionary acts involved in each of the following situations and label

them as being either felicitous or infelicitous. Also state the sentence type


A. Waiter to customer: ‘I don’t like this food!’


Illocution Act : Complaining

Sentence type : Imperative, Asserting

B. Contest official to winner: ‘I’m sorry I gave you the prize money.’


Illocution Act : Apologizing

Sentence type : Dekalrative, Ordering

C. Customer to waiter: ‘I’ve had enough, thanks.’


Illocution Act : Informing

Sentence type : Declarative, Asserting

D. Victor to the loser: ‘I give up!’


Illocutionary Act : Informing

Sentence type :Imperative, Asserting

4. Classify the following utterances as belonging to one of the following categories:

direct or indirect directives, direct or indirect commissives.

A.’ Put on this sweater.’

( Direct, Directives)

B. ‘It would be a good idea for you to stay here.’

(Indirect, Directives)

C. ‘I’ll volunteer to feed the tiger.’

(Direct, Commissives)

D. ‘Could I get you a drink?’

(Direct, Commissives)

E. ‘Send back that package.’

(Direct, Directives)

5. For each of the following utterances identify the most likely illocutionary act involved.

A. ‘So long.’


B. ‘Over here!’


C. ‘What’s up?’

(Leave talking)

D. ‘No.’


E. ‘Ouch!’
(Leave talking)

F. ‘Great!’



6. Identify the maxim(s) (i.e. relevance, informativeness, or clarity) that has/have been


A: ‘Professor, will you write a letter of recommendation for me?’
B: ‘Certainly. I will say that you were always neatly dressed, punctual, and are
unfailingly polite.’
(Relevance, Informativeness, Clarity)
A: ‘How are you today?’

B: ‘Oh, Lansing is the capital of Michigan.’



A: ‘I’m not feeling very well today.’

B: ‘There’s a hospital across the street.’

(Relevance, Informativeness)


A: ‘What did you think of that new movie?’

B: ‘Well, the costumes were authentic.’


A: ‘How did you get that car into the dining room?’

B: ‘It was easy. I made a left turn when I came out of the kitchen.’

(Informativeness, Clarity)
7. Explain the metonymy in the following sentences.

A. I have to fill the car with gas

Metonymy : The mening of the sentence is "I have to refill the car tank with
a fuel", because on the sentence "fill the car with gas" sounds like she/he
going to burn the car.

B. I need to use the bathroom

Metonymy : The meaning of the sentence is, "i need to go to bathroom/ take
a bath/ take a pee" . Because on the sentence "i need to use bathroom"
sounds not make any sense, it was like he try to use the bathroom
(literally) .

C. China won the championship

Metonymy : The meaning of the sentence is "China win the medal on a some
competition" , because on the sentence "china won the championship" is
not make any sense. it sounds like china won every competition from other

D. The pot is boiling (Hint: what is literally boiling here?)

Metonymy : The meaning of the sentence is "the water in a pot is boiling",
because sentence "the pot is boiling" is not make any sense. Literaly, pot is
impossible to boiled.

E. Room 44 needs more towels

Metonymy : The meaning of the sentence is "the guest from room 44 is need
more towels". Because Room is literally no need a towel at all,
the guess from that room who need a towel.

F. The bus in front of us decided to turn left

Metonymy : The meaning of the sentence is "the bus in front of our bus/car
decided to turn left"
Because it not make any sense if they walking behind the bus, they must be
inside a vehicle too.

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