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INDS 1107 Hiphop Music and Culture Prof.

Fanshawe College Language and Liberal Studies

Mixtape Compilation Assignment

Worth: 15%

Due: Sunday, April 9th at midnight in the appropriate submission folder

Purpose: To complete a mixtape compilation

Task: To create your own thirteen to twenty song mixtape compilation, which you feel represents the music and artists that we have
studied in this course. You can arrange them in any order that you want.


1. Include a brief introduction in your compilation which explains the theme or rationale of your disc. In your introduction, explain the
order of your songs and how they fit together. In particular, focus on the first and last song of your compilation.

2. For each song explain why you included the song, why it appeals to you and why it would appeal to other people.

3. For each song explain what musical genre it fits in and how it fits in to the history of Hiphop.

4. For each song, provide some brief background information on the artist you have chosen. Show how and where the album fits in the
artist’s career.

5. You can only use each artist once.

6. You must use at least seven different subgenres of Hiphop music (for example: Pioneers of Hiphop, Golden Age of Hiphop, Gangsta Rap,
Conscious Rap, Alternative Hiphop, Canadian Hiphop, Southern Hiphop, Global Hiphop, British Hiphop and New Millennium Hiphop) .

7. It should be at least 5 pages double spaced.

8. Your assignment must be word processed, double spaced and have correct grammar and spelling.
INDS 1107 Hiphop Music and Culture Prof. Moule
Fanshawe College Language and Liberal Studies

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