A New Scheme For The Seismic Retrofit of Multi-Spa

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A new scheme for the seismic retrofit of multi-span simply supported bridges

Article in Structure and Infrastructure Engineering · September 2011

DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2011.609175


6 477

3 authors:

Stergios Aristoteles Mitoulis Ioannis Tegos

University of Birmingham Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


Kosmas C. Stylianidis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


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Structure and Infrastructure Engineering

Vol. 00, No. 0, Month 2011, 1–14

5 60
A new scheme for the seismic retrofit of multi-span simply supported bridges
Stergios A. Mitoulis*, Ioannis A. Tegos and Kosmas C. Stylianidis
Laboratory of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures, Department of Civil Engineering,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
10 65
(Received 15 February 2011; final version received 26 July 2011; accepted 27 July 2011)

There are two alternative strategies that a designer may adopt and combine when faced with the retrofitting of a
bridge: (a) the increase in the capacity or (b) the reduction in the actions of the structure. In this article, a new
scheme, based on the second strategy, is proposed for the retrofit of existing multi-span simply supported (MSSS)
15 bridges. The reduction in the actions of the bridge was mainly achieved by utilising an external restraining system 70
consisting of I-shaped steel piles driven in the backfill soil and a slab that is the pile-cap of the piles. The restraining
system was preliminarily designed and assessed in an existing MSSS bridge system, whose deck slab was made
continuous. The existing and the retrofitted bridge were analysed by means of non-linear dynamic time history
analysis and their response was compared in terms of serviceability and earthquake resistance performance. The
study showed that the retrofitting scheme enhanced effectively the earthquake resistance of the existing bridge.
20 75
Keywords: bridge; seismic; retrofit; restrainer; reduce; action

1. Introduction The second bridge retrofitting strategy, which can

25 In the last two decades, the rapid deterioration of be characterised as ‘indirect’ is based on reducing the 80
bridge structures has become a serious technical and demand namely the actions, Sd, on the structure such
economical problem in many countries, including that its existing capacity is sufficient to withstand the
highly developed ones. The problem is more intense given earthquake loading. This latter approach typi-
in multi-span simply supported (MSSS) bridges, since cally involves the use of earthquake protection systems
30 most of them were designed without consideration of that are bearings and viscous dampers (Kawashima 85
seismic forces (DesRoches et al. 2003) at least until and Unjoh 1996). Although not applicable in all
1990 (Nielson and DesRoches 2006). As a result, these structures and all site conditions, retrofitting with
bridges have suffered the most damage in past earth- earthquake protective systems has been shown to be a
quakes (Dicleli and Bruneau 1995). One of the most cost-effective alternative to conventional strengthening
35 frequent modes of failure of these bridges was the (Penelis et al. 1998, Dicleli et al. 2005). However, the 90
unseating of their simply supported spans (Saiidi et al. use of isolation leads to the requirement of large
2001). The problem becomes more intense when the clearances at the abutments. It follows that isolation is
gaps between the sequential segments close and high attractive when it is not practical or desirable to
impact forces are induced at the interacting spans retrofit deficient columns and foundations by conven-
40 (Saadeghvaziri and Yazdani-Motlagh 1999). Along tional means as stated by Buckle et al. (2006). 95
these lines, the need arises to develop efficient seismic Cost-effective and efficient measures are typically
retrofitting schemes for MSSS. introduced in bridge retrofitting schemes, since the cost
In most bridge retrofitting schemes, there are two of the total intervention is a critical parameter, which
alternative strategies that a designer may adopt. The influences decisions and design. Cable restrainers are
45 first strategy is based on conventional strengthening placed across movement joints to reduce potential for 100
techniques, which increase the capacity, namely the unseating (American Association of State Highway
resistance (Rd) of the structure to meet the likely demand and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 2001, Cali-
(Buckle et al. 2006). This can be characterised as the fornia Department of Transportation (CalTrans)
‘direct retrofit’ scheme. The implementation of concrete, 2004). These restrainers are utilised to connect the
50 steel or composite material jackets are typically intro- adjacent segments of the deck as well as the deck 105
duced (Ogata et al. 1994, Kawashima, 2000, Pantelides with the piers or the abutments (Saiidi et al. 2001,
and Gergely 2002, Karayannis et al. 2008). DesRoches et al. 2003). Current restrainer design

55 *Corresponding author. Email: mitoulis@civil.auth.gr 110

ISSN 1573-2479 print/ISSN 1744-8980 online
Ó 2011 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2011.609175
2 S.A. Mitoulis et al.

procedures (Roberts 2005, Buckle et al. 2006, Califor- pile-cap to restrain the seismic displacements of the
nia Department of Transportation (CalTrans) 2006, deck. Unjoh et al. (2004) introduced the displacement
California Department of Transportation (CalTrans) restraint effect of the existing strengthened abutments
2008) account for seismic response of adjacent to minimise the displacements of the bridge deck.
115 segments. DesRoches and Delemont (2002) also This article proposes a new retrofitting scheme 170
introduced the use of shape memory alloys to reduce which includes the retrofit of the deck slab of the
the relative displacements of adjacent segments of the bridge, which is made continuous, and an external
bridge. The last references reflect the late interest in restraining system, which reduces the bridge seismic
controlling the movements and the seismic resistance demand. The retrofitting measures were not actually
120 of existing MSSS bridges, by introducing structural applied to the bridge, but an extended parametric 175
elements that enhance the stiffness and the damping of investigation and a preliminary design was conducted
the overall bridge structure. aiming at identifying the effectiveness of the scheme
Seismic retrofitting of existing bridges is receptive when they were utilised in a MSSS bridge.
to new and unconventional schemes. New structural
125 elements, which have the ability to control, in a passive 180
2. The analysed bridge systems
manner, the response of the bridge or to increase the
damping of the structure, while respecting esthetics, 2.1. The existing MSSS bridge system
are widely used. The use of link beams was proposed The geometry of the MSSS benchmark bridge is given
by Priestley et al. (1996) as means to reduce the seismic in Figure 1. The bridge was built in 1986. It is straight,
130 actions of multi-column bents. Sarraf and Bruneau has five spans of 30.20 m and a total length 151 m. The 185
(2004) have proposed the use of new fusing mechan- simply supported spans are separated by expansion
isms for the seismic retrofitting of a steel deck-truss joints, whose clearances are of the order of 20 mm.
bridge. Wilson and Panian (1997) utilised a floating The deck of the bridge is 11.25 m wide and consists
slab, monolithic with the deck, keyed into a prestressed of three simply supported precast and prestressed
135 190

140 195

145 200

150 205

155 210

160 215

Figure 1. The existing MSSS bridge: (a) Longitudinal section of the bridge and detail of an intermediate expansion joint; (b)
165 cross-section of the deck at the mid-span; (c) the piers and (d) the spread footing of the piers. 220
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 3

I-beams, precast deck slabs and a cast-in situ part of correspond with ground accelerations equal to 0.10
the slab, as shown in Figure 1b. The deck is supported and 0.20 g according to current code (Penelis et al.
on both the abutments and piers through three low 1998; EN 1998-1:2005 2005).
damping elastomeric bearings. The bearings have The check of the existing bridge piers, foundations
225 rectangular cross-sections and their dimensions are and bearings showed that the bridge is deficient to 280
500 and 300 mm in the longitudinal and transverse receive the seismic action. The piers were found to be
directions of the bridge, respectively. The total thick- inadequate to receive the seismic shear actions
ness of their elastomeric rubber is 29 mm. The move- (Mitoulis and Tegos 2007, Mitoulis 2007), while the
ments of the deck in the transverse direction are foundations’ eccentricities and the bearings’ shear
230 restrained by seismic links, which are installed both loading were found to be excessive. Thus, the bridge 285
on the abutments and the piers. The piers are I-wide needed retrofitting. The examination of, say, ‘conven-
flange cross-sections, as shown in Figure 1c. The piers’ tional’ schemes such as the construction of a contin-
reinforcement, i.e. the longitudinal bars and the uous deck slab and the use of bearings for the seismic
stirrups, is illustrated in Figure 2. The numberings retrofit of the bridge, showed that these measures were
235 (1) and (2) of the bars correspond to longitudinal not adequate to enhance the overall bridge response. 290
reinforcements, whereas (3), (4) and (5) correspond to The seating widths were inadequate, while piers and
the transverse ones. The heights of the piers and the foundations still required strengthening.
diameter of the bars and the spacing of the reinforce-
ments are shown in Table 1. The piers are founded on
240 6.20 6 8.00-m spread footings, as shown in Figure 1d. 2.2. Description of the retrofitting measures 295
The existing abutment is a double-column seat-type The selection and the design of the retrofitting scheme
abutment and is founded on a spread footing, as were based on a procedure, which is discussed briefly in
shown in Figure 3. The deck slab is separated from the section 2.3. Firstly, the deck slab of the bridge was
backwall by a 20-mm clearance. Soil type was taken made continuous. The existing expansion joints were
245 corresponding to class B according to the EN 1998- filled with high strength concrete, while longitudinal 300
1:2005 (2005). The ground acceleration was taken into cable restrainers were selected to connect the segments
account, in the final design of the as-built bridge, by to enhance the tension resistance of the connecting
using seismic coefficients 0.06 and 0.12 for the filling material, as shown in Figure 4. Only the two
longitudinal and the transverse direction of the bridge expansion joints above the existing abutments were
250 correspondingly. These coefficients were found to preserved. 305

255 310

260 315

Figure 2. The longitudinal and the transverse reinforcements of the pier’s bottom cross-section (see Table 1).
265 320

Table 1. The longitudinal and transverse reinforcements of the piers’ feet (pier’s bottom), see Figure 2.

Longitudinal reinforcement Transverse reinforcement

Pier (Pi) Height (m) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
270 325
P1 17.05 62Ø26* 34Ø10 Double stirrups Ø10/200** Ø10/200 3Ø10/200
P2 24.65 44Ø24 34Ø10 Double stirrups Ø10/200 Ø10/200 3Ø10/200
P3 25.25 48Ø24 34Ø10 Double stirrups Ø10/200 Ø10/200 3Ø10/200
P4 19.85 44Ø24 34Ø10 Double stirrups Ø10/200 Ø10/200 3Ø10/200

275 Notes: *The symbol Ø denotes the diameter of the bar. **The symbol/denotes the distance between the bars (in mm) 330
4 S.A. Mitoulis et al.

while this thickness was decreased to 0.30 m over the

backwall. The second part of the external system was
the group of the restraining piles, which were driven in
the existing backfill soil in a depth equal to 7.0 m. The
335 96 IPE 330 steel piles were set in two pile-groups of 390
48 piles. The distance between the sequential piles was
selected to be equal to 1.0 m in both the longitudinal
and the transverse directions of the bridge.

340 395
2.3. Preliminary design of the retrofitting scheme
The selection and the design of the retrofitting
measures were based on the bridge design criteria
prescribed by codes and common practice that were
345 serviceability, earthquake resistance, esthetics and 400
cost-effectiveness. These criteria were: (i) the elastic
response of the IPE-steel piles during the bridge
service; (ii) the settlements of the backfill; (iii) the
serviceability loading of the continuous deck of the
350 bridge due to its in-service interaction with the external 405
restraining system; (iv) the seismic efficiency of the
restraining system; (v) the stability of the abutment
and (vi) the cost-effectiveness. The scheme can be
utilised in future retrofitting campaigns of bridges.
355 Figure 3. The existing abutment and the restraining system However, in that case the re-design of the restraining 410
with the IPE-steel piles and the slab: (a) longitudinal section;
(b) plan view. system is required.

2.3.1. Connection of the deck slabs

360 The connection of the adjacent segments was deemed 415
to have a primary and significant influence on the
seismic response and post-earthquake structural integ-
rity of the bridge. This is due to the fact that collision
forces and excessive movements of the interacting
365 segments were expected to be developed during earth- 420
quake excitation (Malhotra et al. 1995). This circum-
stance can potentially lead to the unseating and
collapse of the spans.
The connection of adjacent deck slabs followed
370 a retrofitting scheme described by Nielson and 425
DesRoches (2007) with some modifications, as shown
in Figure 4. The deck slab was made continuous by
filling the intermediate joints with high strength
concrete. The selection of the joints’ filling material
375 ensured that the connection can reliably transmit the 430
Figure 4. The connection of adjacent bridge segments with compression forces developed during the expansion of
the joint filler and the external cable restrainers. the bridge segments and during earthquake loading.
The tension resistance of this filling was enhanced by
implementing external cable restrainers that are post-
380 Secondly, the external restraining system, which is tensioned and which connect the adjacent segments 435
shown in Figure 3, was utilised. It consisted of two of the bridge, without tie to pier as the existing piers
parts: (a) the restraining slab and (b) the I-shaped steel were found to be seismically deficient.
piles. The restraining slab was casted onto the existing The clearances at the abutments were not large
approach slab of the abutment. Its thickness was enough to accommodate the accumulated thermal
385 selected to be equal to 0.50 m over the pile groups, movement of the half of the length of the bridge. The 440
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 5

design of the clearances will be further discussed in researchers (Arockiasamy et al. 2004, Arockiasamy
section 2.3.3 of the article. and Sivakumar 2005). Hence, the part of the pile which
was driven in a depth greater than 3.0 m did not offer
to the lateral resistance of the restraining system.
445 2.3.2. Preliminary design of the external restraining However, the check of the settlements of the backfill 500
system soil required that the piles should have a length equal
The restraining system involves the pile driving and the to 7.0 m. The distance between subsequent piles, which
construction of the restraining slab. The design of the was 1.0 m in both directions, was selected to reduce the
IPE-steel piles included the selection of their material, group effects, according to Applied Technology
450 cross-section, location and length. The piles were Council (ATC-32) (1996). Finally, the restraining slab 505
selected to be steel due to their constructability and that is the pile cap of the piles was separated from the
deformability (Arockiasamy et al. 2004). Among a existing stiff wing-walls to avoid undesirable friction
large number of steel sections, the I-shaped IPE-steel effects.
sections were found to provide one axis with a high
455 value of the moment of inertia, while their weak-axis 510
bending had a much smaller moment of inertia. The 2.3.3. Critical design issues
piles were oriented with their weak-axis bending The utilisation of the retrofitting measures led to a
longitudinally, as shown in Figure 3b, to reduce their continuous deck slab which was separated from the
in-service induced constraint loading (Arockiasamy abutment backwall by an expansion joint, as shown in
460 et al. 2004, Fennema et al. 2005) and to enhance their Figure 3. Serviceability movements of the bridge deck 515
long-term behaviour (Arsoy, 2000). The selection of were accommodated by the expansion joints and by
the IPE-steel sections was also related to the fact that the controllable flexibility of the IPE-steel piles.
the volume of the backfill soil behind the pile’s ‘face’ The expansion joint absorbed part of the expansion
was maximised at IPE sections and hence the seismic of the deck while, secondarily, the flexibility of the IPE
465 participation of the backfill soil was increased. After piles accommodated the rest of the expansion of the 520
checking different sections of the piles, the IPE 330 deck when the expansion joint D closed. The expansion
steel piles were found to be the optimum design joints were designed with small clearances as possible
selection because, on the one hand, they remained in order to increase the seismic participation of
elastic when they received the in-service induced the restraining system (Mitoulis and Tegos 2010).
470 movements of the expanding deck while, on the other Creep and shrinkage effects were neglected because 525
hand, they maximising seismic contribution of the these effects were mainly developed in the first years
backfill soil. The design combination, which was of the bridge service. Thus, the expansion joints were
proved to be critical for the design of the IPE-steel assumed to be closed (namely D ¼ 0) during the
piles, was the one caused by the thermal expansion of retrofitting works.
475 the deck. The thermal expansion of the deck corresponds to 530
The restraining piles were set in a double-pile group a maximum increase in the bridge temperature of
scheme, as shown in Figure 3b. The pile-groups had a 258C according to EN 1991-1-5:2003 (2003). The
distance between them in order to increase the total expansion of the superstructures induces an axial
rotational resistance of the restraining system about compression of the existing bridge deck, as the latter
480 the vertical axis (z) of the bridge. The final design of ‘pushes’ the pile group towards the backfill soil when 535
the restraining system had a total of 96 IPE-steel piles. the expansion joint closes. The compression of the
The check of the piles showed that they were actually deck was caused by an eccentric force, as shown in
fixed against lateral seismic loading in a relatively small Figure 5. The same force induced a constraint lateral
depth that is 3.0 m in the backfill soil. The last finding movement of the piles, which were required to respond
485 is in accordance with the analytical studies of other in an elastic manner during the bridge service. Between 540

490 545

495 Figure 5. The in-service induced loading of the deck and the resulting stresses. 550
6 S.A. Mitoulis et al.

the two serviceability issues described above, the in- 3. Analytical modelling-parametric investigation
service adequacy of the piles was proved to be more The existing MSSS bridge system and the retrofitted
critical. Further discussion on the in-service issues is bridge system were modelled and analysed, by means
given in section 4 of the article. of non-linear dynamic time history analysis, using SAP
555 The retrofitting measures were considered to be 2000 ver.11.0.3 (Computers and Structures Inc 2007). 610
implemented when the bridge temperature was almost More specifically the two models were (i) the existing
equal to the average initial temperature, namely the and (ii) the retrofitted bridge model, which included
average temperature during the bridge construction the model of the existing bridge with a retrofitted
(EN 1991-1-5:2003 2003). Therefore, the clearances continuous deck slab and the external restraining
560 (D) at the expansion joints varied between (i) zero, systems utilised at both ends of the bridge. The bridge 615
namely joint D was closed, when the air shade models, existing and retrofitted, had the same geome-
temperature T was equal to or greater than the try, namely the same total length, cross-sections of the
temperature of construction To (namely when T  To) deck, bearings, piers and footings.
and (ii) 20 mm when the maximum thermal contrac-
565 tion of the bridge occurs. The influence of the opening 620
D on the seismic response of the retrofitted bridge was 3.1. Modelling of the existing MSSS bridge
parametrically studied, as discussed in section 5.2 The model of the existing MSSS bridge system is
of the article. Finally, the separation of the existing shown in Figure 6. The deck of the bridge was
wing-walls from the backwall and the formulation of a modelled by frame elements, which had the section
570 knock-off detail at the top of the last were deemed to properties of the deck, as shown in Figure 1b. The 625
be necessary. discontinuous deck was supported on both the
An assessment of the structural cost of the new abutments and piers through low damping rubber
retrofitting scheme showed that the proposed cam- bearings, as shown in the Detail of Figure 6. The
paign leads to expenses that are almost equal to 13.3% bearings were modelled by rubber isolators that are
575 of the value of the existing bridge, which was reduced link elements provided by SAP 2000 (Computers and 630
due to its age, i.e. 25 years. The retrofitting cost Structures, 2007), which corresponded to the bearing’s
included the cost of the connections between the deck translational and rotational stiffness. The stiffness
slabs of the adjacent segments and the cost for values of the link elements were calculated according
the restraining piles and slabs. The cost assessment to the elastomeric bearing model of Naeim and Kelly
580 did not take into account the cost of the traffic (1999). 635
obstruction, which would burden all possible retro- The possible collisions of adjacent segments of the
fitting campaigns. MSSS bridge during earthquake were modelled by

585 640

590 645

595 650

600 655

Figure 6. The analytical model of the existing MSSS bridge, Detail: modelling of the connection of the deck to the piers through
605 the existing elastomeric bearings. 660
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 7

impact elements, as shown in the Detail of Figure 6, consideration of seismic forces. Finally, constraints
which accounted for the opening of the existing over each abutment and each pier were used to restrain
expansion joints. These elements were geometrically the transverse displacements of the deck by the
non-linear and they received only compression. The supporting abutment, due to the existence of the
665 total axial stiffness of the impact elements was transverse seismic keys. 720
considered to be equal to the axial stiffness of the
deck slab (Jankowski et al. 2000, Anagnostopoulos
2004). The value of this stiffness was found to be equal 3.2. Modelling of the retrofitted bridge system
to 2.84 6 106 kN/m. The damping, which occurred due The model of the retrofitted bridge system is shown in
670 to the segment-to-segment collisions, was modelled by Figure 7. The model included the model of the existing 725
an equivalent viscous damper according to Anagnos- bridge system, given in Figure 6, the continuous deck
topoulos (2004) taking into account a damping ratio x slab and the external restraining systems. The restrain-
equal to 0.14. The resulting equivalent damper was ing system consists of the following: (i) the restraining
then calculated equal to 3899 kNs/m. The detail in slab, see Figure 3, which was modelled by frame
675 Figure 5 shows the three impact elements utilised for elements. The frames had a width equal to 11.25 m 730
the modelling of the interaction between sequential and a thickness equal to 0.50 m. (ii) The restraining
segments. The opening of the intermediate expansion IPE-steel piles, which had a total length equal to 7.0 m,
joints was assumed to be equal to 20 mm. and each pile was modelled by 7 frame elements of
The piers were modelled by frame elements. The 1.0-m long. (iii) The existing backfill soil, in which the
680 bottom of the piers that is the feet of the piers was IPE-steel piles were driven, as shown in Figure 3a. The 735
considered to be fixed in a depth equal to 1.40 m in its soil material of backfill, in which the piles are driven,
spread footing. This assumption was in accordance was a relatively loose and cohesionless sand with an
with the final design of the as-built bridge system, in angle of internal friction equal to 308.
which the piers were considered to be fixed in a depth The common bilinear P–y curve of American
685 equal to two-thirds of the total height of the spread Petroleum Institute (API) (1993) was adopted for the 740
foundation slab, as shown in Figure 1d. The non-linear modelling of the lateral backfill soil resistance. The
response of the piers was not taken into account, as procedure followed the methodology described by
their check (Mitoulis and Tegos 2007, Mitoulis 2007) Basu and Knickerbocker (2004). The ultimate resis-
showed that the bending moment capacities were tance of the loose sand per unit length of the pile, (Pu),
690 higher than the ones that were developed during was determined according to Haliburton (1971). The 745
the design seismic action. Besides, the non-linear effective soil weight was assumed to be 18.0 kN/m3 and
response of the existing piers was deemed to be an the diameter of the pile was taken equal to the height
undesirable effect because they were designed without of the IPE pile section, i.e. 330 mm. The cohesionless

695 750

700 755

705 760

710 765

Figure 7. The model of the retrofitted bridge with the external restraining system, Detail: modelling of the connection of the
715 deck to the abutments and the impact elements used. 770
8 S.A. Mitoulis et al.

soil was assumed to enter in its inelastic range at a considered to have significant impact to this particular
deformation equal to 25 mm (Sextos et al. 2003). The study. The response of the existing abutment had a
resulting P–y bilinear curves for different depths of the secondary role in the overall bridge response because
IPE-steel piles are given in Figure 8. The group effects the backwall’s top was cut-off. Therefore, the abut-
775 were not taken into account as the distance between ment interacts with the deck only through the existing 830
the piles (1.0 m) was greater than three times the height bearings.
of the IPE-piles, which means that the group effect was
minimised according to ATC-32 (1996). The piles were
assumed to be in contact with the surrounding soil, 3.3. Parameters of the study
780 namely the reported gaps between the pile and the soil The existing and the retrofitted bridge system were 835
(Rodriguez-Marek and Muhunthan 2005), due to the subjected to artificial accelerograms that were compa-
in-service deflections of the piles were not taken into tible to ground type A, B and C-dependent EN 1991-1-
account. The assumptions adopted for the modelling 5:2003 (2003) elastic spectra. Non-linear dynamic time
of the complex resistance of the restraining piles and history analysis was performed using five artificial
785 the surrounding soil were considered to be simplified at accelerograms, which were generated with the compu- 840
this stage. However, the assumptions were deemed ter code ASING (Sextos et al. 2003). The correspond-
rational to represent the retrofitted bridge response ing response spectra for the different accelerograms for
and to assess the earthquake resistance efficiency of each ground type A, B or C are given in Figure 9. The
the retrofitting scheme, at least for the attempted results of the article correspond to the maximum
790 preliminary design. values calculated for the five different artificial ground 845
The collision of the deck to the restraining slab was motions. The design of the restraining system was kept
modelled by means of impact elements, as shown in the same for all the different soil types as the backfill
Figure 7. A clearance D, which corresponded to the material is typically deposed during the construction
separation gap between the deck and the restraining of the bridge. Hence, the design of the restraining
795 slab, was taken into account similarly to the modelling system is not dependent on the foundation soil type. 850
of the gaps existing between the adjacent segments of Two different peak ground accelerations 0.16 and
the MSSS bridge. The stiffness of the impact elements 0.24 g were considered in the study. Dynamic
was determined by the average value of the axial non-linear time history analysis was performed and
stiffnesses of the restraining slab and the deck slab that the average acceleration Newmark (constant) method
800 was found to be equal to 12.17 6 106 kN/m. The (Chopra, 1995) was utilised. The mass and stiffness 855
damping, which occurred due to the deck-to-restrain- proportional damping was chosen and critical damp-
ing slab collisions, was modelled by an equivalent ing ratios equal to 5% and 4% were considered for
viscous damper that was calculated equal to 10,490 the first and the second modal period of the analysed
kN  s/m. The clearance D of these joints at the bridge (Aviram et al. 2008)
805 beginning of the seismic event varied between zero 860
and a maximum value equal to 20 mm. All the
analyses were performed considering that the joints 4. Evaluation of the retrofitting scheme on the basis
were either closed (D ¼ 0) or had an opening equal to of serviceability requirements
5 or 10 mm in order to identify the influence of this The checks refer to the in-service adequacy of the
810 parameter. Modelling of the pounding effects and IPE-piles, the deck of the retrofitted bridge system and 865
estimation of the expansion joint openings were the existing bearings. During the bridge service, the
deck expands and ‘pushes’ the restraining piles towards
the backfill soil. This constraint movement was
estimated equal to 20 mm by considering a total
815 uniform expansion of the deck that corresponds to 870
þ258C (EN 1991-1-5:2003 2003) and a coefficient of
linear expansion equal to 1075/8C. The constraint
deformation of the IPE-piles led to a maximum shear
action equal to 51.8 kN and to a maximum bending
820 moment 44.6 kN m. It was found that the IPE 330 steel 875
piles remain elastic for the above actions.
The serviceability of the bridge deck was also
checked as one of the most critical design aspects of the
Figure 8. The P–y bilinear curves of the backfill soil (IPE retrofitting scheme where the actions transmitted to
825 330 steel piles and cohesionless loose sand j ¼ 308). the deck by the restraining slab during the bridge 880
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 9

885 940

f o r pr ne
no li
Mo lour on 945

895 950

Figure 9. The five response spectra corresponding to the five artificial accelerograms used for the analysis and the average
900 spectra for the three different ground types: (a) A, (b) B and (c) C. 955

expansion. These actions were mainly compression and deck, y2 is the eccentricity of the bottom fibre of the
the resulting bending, as shown in Figure 5, due to the deck from the centre of gravity of the deck’s cross-
905 eccentricity d of the axial load from the centre of section, see Figure 1b, and A is the area of the cross- 960
gravity of the deck’s cross-section. The eccentricity was section, which is equal to 5.32 m2. After checking the
d ¼ 385 mm. The analysis showed that the in-service in-service stresses, it was found that the axial load
interaction of the deck with the restraining slab caused and the resulting moment did not cause cracking of the
a compression load F,c ¼ 4977.0 kN. The compression existing deck.
910 also induced a bending moment M,c ¼ F,c  d ¼ 1916.2 Finally, the adequacy of the existing elastomeric 965
kN-m, which causes tension of the bottom fibre of the bearings was checked against serviceability loading.
deck cross-section and compression of the top fibre. The maximum in-service shear deflection of the
The tension of the bottom fibre of the deck was bearings, which support the deck on the abutments,
calculated equal to sþ,M ¼ 1.15 MPa, see Equation (1) was found to be equal to 0.66. This value was found to
915 and Figure 5. However, the compression load F,c also be lower than the maximum allowed one that is 1.0, 970
produced a compression stress of the total cross- according to current code provisions (EN 1337-3
section of the deck equal to s7,N ¼ 0.94 MPa, see 2005). It follows that the existing bearing do not
Equation (2) and Figure 5. The final effect of the need to be replaced when utilising the proposed
compression force F,c on the in-service induced stresses retrofitting scheme.
920 of the deck was a tension of the bottom fibre equal 975
to sþ,M þ s7,N ¼ 1.1570.94 ¼ 0.22 MPa. This tension
5. Analytical results and discussion
load was found to be smaller than the tensile strength
of concrete, which was 1.80 MPa for the concrete 5.1. Comparison of the dynamic response of the
width of the as-built bridge that had compressive analysed bridge systems
925 strength 25 MPa (EN 1992-1:2004 2004). The top This comparison of the dynamic response of the 980
fibre of the deck was found to be compressed by an existing and the retrofitted bridge system was con-
additional stress equal to s7,MþN ¼ 1.20 MPa. sidered to be essential, as the retrofitting scheme was
proved to modify strongly the dynamic characteristics
sþ ;M ¼ M;serv: =W2 ¼ 1916:2=1:66 ¼ 1152 kPa ð1Þ of the bridge. Figures 10 and 11 illustrate three
930 important mode shapes and the corresponding modal 985
periods and participation factors of the existing and
s ;N ¼ F;c =A ¼ 4977=5:32 ¼ 935 kPa ð2Þ the retrofitted bridge system. The displacements do not
correspond to real modal displacements as they were
In Equations (1) and (2) where W2 ¼ I/y2 ¼ 2.828 m4/ normalised with respect the maximum displacement
935 1.70 m ¼ 1.66 m3, I is the moment of inertia of the reached in each mode shape. Two displacements 990
10 S.A. Mitoulis et al.

f o r pr ne
995 no li 1050
Mo lour on

1000 1055
Figure 10. The mode shapes and the participation factors of the existing bridge system.

1005 1060

o r prin
no f line
Mo lour on
1010 co 1065

Figure 11. The mode shapes and the participation factors of the retrofitted bridge system.
1015 1070

at each pier-deck connection were given for the segments of the deck are not colliding. The long-
transverse mode shapes of the as-built bridge system itudinal and transverse modal periods of the MSSS
(see Figure 10). The value under the arrow represents bridge would be, respectively, 16% and 6% smaller in
1020 the movement of the segment on the left of the pier, case the interactions of the adjacent segments of the 1075
while the other value, namely the one above the arrow, deck were taken into account by utilising linear spring
corresponds to the transverse movement of the next elements with stiffness half of the one of the
segment. corresponding impact elements.
The comparison of the mode shapes and periods, The continuity of the retrofitted deck slab was not
1025 given in Figures 10 and 11, showed that the external found to have a significant effect on the dynamic 1080
retrofitting system and the continuous deck slab response of the bridge. The analytical study showed
increase significantly the overall stiffness of the bridge. that the continuous deck slab mainly increased the
The period of the first longitudinal mode shape was participation factors of the modes, but it did not cause
found to be reduced up to 71%, in case pounding significant reductions in the modal periods of the
1030 effects were considered. The modal analysis without bridge. On the contrary, the continuity of the deck slab 1085
considering the participation of the restraining system became significant when the external system was
would yield a period of the bridge 1.18 s that utilised.
corresponded to the ‘no-pounding’ condition, which Figure 12 shows the time histories of the long-
captured the bridge response for ambient seismic itudinal displacements of the deck for the two bridge
1035 loading. The influence of the retrofitting measures in systems that were analysed. The figure shows that the 1090
the transverse dynamic response of the bridge was retrofitted bridge system exhibited smaller longitudinal
found to be less significant. The reduction in the period displacements in comparison to the corresponding
of the first transverse mode was found to be reduced up ones of the existing bridge. More specifically, the
to 33%. The resistance of the restraining system in this maximum displacement of the retrofitted bridge was
1040 direction was found to be governed mainly by the reduced up to 72%. The resulting time histories of the 1095
rotational resistance of the restraining pile groups deck’s movements were determined using dynamic
about the vertical axis z, which was found to be time history analysis. Hence, the non-linear impact
relatively low in comparison to the translational one, elements, which modelled the possible segment-to-
namely along x-axis. The modal analysis of the existing segment or deck-to-restraining system collisions, were
1045 bridge was performed by considering that the adjacent also participating during the analysis. 1100
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 11

5.2. Evaluation of the earthquake resistance efficiency deck by 18–74%. The smaller reduction corresponded
of the retrofitting measures to a stiff ground type A, while the greater value of
The restraining effect of the retrofitting scheme was P.R. factor referred to ground type C. The effective
mainly assessed by calculating the percentage altera- reduction in the longitudinal movements of the deck
1105 tions in the longitudinal and transverse movements was considered to be an important benefit of the 1160
of the deck. The absolute value of the ratio of the proposed retrofitting scheme, as the critical design
percentage reduction, P.R. (%), in the movements of consideration for MSSS bridge structures is typically
the deck is given in Equation (3), where u,E,RT and the avoidance of the unseating of their simply
u,E,EX are the seismic displacements of the deck of the supported spans, which becomes more critical in case
1110 retrofitted and the existing bridge, respectively. These the deck responds with large displacements. 1165
displacements were determined for the joints above the Figure 13b illustrates the P.R. factors for the
deck’s sequential supports, namely the abutments and transverse movements of the bridge deck. The figure
piers. If P.R. was positive, then the displacements of shows that the restraining system also contributed
the retrofitted bridge were smaller than the displace- in the transverse direction of the bridge, as the
1115 ments of the existing bridge, namely the displacements displacements of the deck were reduced up to 46%. 1170
were reduced. In Figure 13b no values were given above the
  abutments, as the transverse displacements of the
uE;RT deck of both the existing and the retrofitted
P:R:ð%Þ ¼ 1   100 ð3Þ
uE;EX bridge system were restrained by seismic links. The
1120 transverse seismic links that were installed on the piers 1175
Figure 13 shows the variation of the P.R. factor in received the seismic actions of the deck and trans-
case the lower seismicity was adopted that was 0.16 g. mitted them safely to the piers. Thus, no deformation
Figure 13a shows that the proposed retrofitting of the bearings was observed in the transverse direction
measures reduced the longitudinal movements of the and therefore the P.R. in the transverse direction
1125 corresponds to bridge deck movements. The displace- 1180
ments of the deck were more effectively restrained over
the middle piers P3 and P4. The influence of the system
was reduced over pier P2 as the transverse displace-
ments of the deck were found to be reduced up to 19%.
r p rint Finally, the displacements of the deck over pier P1
seemed to be slightly increased, up to 16%. However,
o ine
no f l
Mo lour on the check of the pier’s P1 capacity showed that P1 can
receive safely the slight increase in its seismic actions.
Figure 14 shows the variation of the P.R. factor for
1135 the higher seismicity 0.24 g. The longitudinal move- 1190
ments of the bridge deck were found to be reduced
from 28% to 78%. The restraining effect of the
Figure 12. The time histories of the longitudinal
displacements of the decks of the existing and the external system seemed to be increased in comparison
retrofitted bridge (ground type: B, ground acceleration: to the corresponding one in the lower seismicity that
1140 0.16 g). was 0.16 g. This was attributed to the stronger 1195

1145 1200

1150 1205

Figure 13. The percentage alterations (P.R. factors): (a) in the longitudinal and (b) in the transverse movements of the deck of
1155 the retrofitted bridge system for three different ground types (ground acceleration: 0.16 g). 1210
12 S.A. Mitoulis et al.

1215 1270

1220 1275

Figure 14. The percentage alterations (P.R. factors): (a) in the longitudinal and (b) in the transverse movements of the deck of
the retrofitted bridge system for three different ground types (ground acceleration: 0.24 g).

1225 1280
participation of the restraining system and the backfill
soil because the bridge responded with larger displace-
ments when the ground acceleration was increased.
The restraining system also influenced the bridge
1230 dynamic response in the transverse direction. More 1285
specifically, the seismic displacements of the bridge
were found to be up to 46% reduced in this direction.
The ground type, namely soil types A, B or C, also
influenced the seismic efficiency of the retrofitting
1235 scheme. The longitudinal displacements of the deck of 1290
the retrofitted bridge system were found to be more
effectively restrained when the ground type was softer, Figure 15. The influence of the clearance at the expansion
joint D on the efficiency of the restraining system, (ground
namely C instead of A. Hence, the retrofit scheme was
type B).
more effective in bridges which were founded on the
1240 softer ground types. However, this finding did not 1295
seem to be in accordance with the response of the found remain elastic for the current design seismic
bridge in the transverse direction. The results showed action. Hence, the post-earthquake condition of the
that the ground type did not have a predictable bridge is not expected to present damages or perma-
influence on the efficiency of the restraining system in nent deformations.
1245 the transverse direction. Former parametric studies (Mitoulis and Tegos 1300
Finally, the magnitude of the clearance at the end 2006; Mitoulis 2007), which included bridges of
expansion joints D was analytically investigated to different total lengths and different stiffnesses of the
identify its influence on the seismic efficiency of the bridge earthquake resisting system, showed that the
attempted retrofitting scheme. Indicatively, Figure 15 proposed retrofitting scheme was more effective in
1250 shows the variation of the P.R. factor for different shorter bridges. This was found to be attributed to the 1305
magnitudes of D and for two different ground fact that for smaller bridge lengths the inertial loads of
accelerations. The figure shows that the longitudinal the deck were smaller, while the participation of the
movements of the deck were up to 81% reduced in backfill soil was increased, because smaller clearances
the retrofitted bridge system in case the end joints were were needed at the expansion joints. Furthermore,
1255 closed at the beginning of the seismic event. The flexible bridge resisting systems responded with large 1310
corresponding P.R. factor for the case that the bridge seismic displacements and therefore the restraining
deck contracted, namely for D ¼ 10 mm, was 72% and effect of the piles was more efficient. Finally, the
74% for 0.16 and 0.24 g ground accelerations bending moments and the shear actions of the piers,
correspondingly. The analytical study showed that, in the bearings’ shear strains due to the design seismic
1260 most cases, the wider the joint the lower the efficiency displacements were all found to be effectively reduced. 1315
of the proposed restraining system.
The retrofitted bridge system and the restraining
system did not exhibit inelastic response (Mitoulis and 6. Conclusions
Tegos 2007, Mitoulis 2007). The piers, the founda- A new scheme for the seismic retrofit of MSSS bridges
1265 tions, the restraining piles and the backfill soil were was analytically investigated. The scheme introduced 1320
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 13

the retrofit of the deck slab, which was made wider the joint the lower the efficiency of the
continuous, and the utilisation of an external restrain- restraining system. Thus, the retrofitting scheme
ing system, which consisted of IPE-steel piles driven in minimised, as possible, the clearances at the expansion
the backfill soil and a slab. The piles and the backfill joints.
1325 soil participated strongly to the earthquake-resisting 1380
system of the bridge and found to reduce effectively
the seismic demand of the bridge. The study followed
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