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cncKad Euromac Customization

1 Euromac Customization

Table of Contents

1 Euromac Customization ................................................................................. 1

1.1 Control Type and Version ..........................................................................2
1.2 Importing Machine Parameters to TopPunch Controller. .............................2
1.3 Turret User Customization ........................................................................4
1.3.1 MTX Turret Customization ..........................................4
1.3.2 BX/ZX Turret Customization ....................................... 6
1.3.3 Taking Dead Zone values from Euromac.mch file .........7
1.4 Tools Customization ...............................................................................7
1.5 Special Tools ..................................................................................8
1.6 Loading cncKad NC Files ..............................................................8
1.7 EuroWin and Inches Installation ............................................................9
1.8 Frequently Asked Questions ........................................................................9
1.9 Setting machine parameters .....................................................................9
1.9.1 Working Range ..........................................................11
1.9.2 Work Holders .............................................................12
1.9.3 Clamps ....................................................................... 12
1.9.4 Loading Pin Selection ...............................................13

cncKad Euromac Customization

1.1 Control Type and Version

Euromac uses two types of Controls: EuroWin and TopPunch.
Please verify which type is the machine you are customizing, and what is the version of the
controller – this will save you a lot of time!

1.2 Importing Machine Parameters to TopPunch Controller.

In order to import the machine parameters into cncKad you need to have Framework 4.0 on
your computer.
1. copy the file euromac.mch from the machine into your cncKad Machine folder. The
file should be located in C:\Toppunch\var the file should be copied to a removable
storage device and copied to the machine folder on the user's computer, usually C:\
2. In the same folder you should run the exe file: MetalixEuromacImport.exe. you can
run this file by going to Start->Metalix->Tools->MetalixEuromacImport

3. After clicking this short cut You will get the following dialog.
cncKad Euromac Customization

4. Click the Validate Model button you will get the following report

If you get error messages the specified parameters will not be updated (in this case because
they do not exist in the MDL file):

5. In the importing dialog another button will appear Apply MCH Data:

When you click this button the MDL file will be changed to have the same parameters that
were set in your machine.

cncKad Euromac Customization

6. this will update the MDL file and insert all the machine parameters such as working
range, clamp size, and distances etc.
This will work properly from cncKad version 11.551

1.3 Turret User Customization

It is easier to setup Turret Configurations.
From the cncKad’s Tools Menu select the Turret Setup option:

1.3.1 MTX Turret Customization

Use the default Master Turret as MTX Master AutoIndex.
This Turret includes 5 single stations, which could be converted to MultiTools, after you
create a New Turret.

Note that the user defined turrets can only be created from Master Turrets.
If the Add/Create a New Turret button is not highlighted, you are not using
the Master Turret.
In such case go back to Settings Menu => Machine Settings dialog => Machine tab, and
click the Machine Settings button => Machine Parameters section => Turret dropdown list
and select a Master Turret.

Now create your own specific turret from the Master Turret (in the Select MultiTools in
Turret section).
Click the Add/Create a New Turret button and type in the desired name.
cncKad Euromac Customization

It is recommended to describe the new turret as user defined, for example: U_Euromac1.

Edit the New Turret, clicking the Edit Turret button.

The following Dialog will appear:

Turret Setup should look like the turret you are currently working with.

Click the desired station and add a MultiTool, by checking the MultiTool checkbox and
choosing the correct Multi tool.

cncKad Euromac Customization

1.3.2 BX/ZX Turret Customization

If you are working with a single head machine (for ZX/BX) , the visible layout will serve as a
virtual turret to save you setup time, and the secondary stations could be used as tool bank.
Use the default Master Turret as Master AutoIndex ZX/BX.

This Turret includes 10 single stations.

Click the desired station and add a Multi Tool, by checking the Multi Tool checkbox and
choosing the correct Multi tool.
cncKad Euromac Customization

1.3.3 Taking Dead Zone values from Euromac.mch file

Inside Euromac.mch file we have values for clamps Dead zones
clampszleft1 = 110.000  Left dead zone
clampszright1 = 110.000  Right dead zone
clampszy1 = 90.000  Y dead zone
clampszleft2 = 110.000
clampszright2 = 110.000
clampszy2 = 90.000
clampszleft3 = 240.000
clampszright3 = 240.000
clampszy3 = 90.000
clampszleft4 = 240.000
clampszright4 = 240.000
clampszy4 = 90.000
Use this data to update your TRT file dead zone

1.4 Tools Customization

In Euromac we use ToolN tool number (instead of station number). Therefore the user must
set ToolN tool number for each tool.

In Tool Library the tools should look this way:

In Used Tools dialog the tools should be displayed this way:

cncKad Euromac Customization

1.5 Special Tools

Special Tool Sizes (such as Width and Height) should be defined in same way in cncKad as
they are in the Controller. Therefore if the sizes are not the same – the Controller won’t get
this tool.

To set the tools size in the tool menu choose the edit tool library option the following dialog
will appear:

Highlight the tool you want to set and click the Tool Data button.
In the in the Tool Style tab uncheck the Auto checkboxes and set the sizes as in the
cncKad Euromac Customization

1.6 Loading cncKad NC Files

In cncKad, from File Menu use the Send to Diskette option, to copy the NC file to a
diskette – the file will get the .NC extension.
On the machine: insert the diskette and from the Machine Main Menu, select Import NC
Browse to your NC file, select it, and Run the Machine!

1.7 EuroWin and Inches Installation

If the controller works with EuroWin Software AND you are working with an Inch workstation,
The NC is always in millimeters

1.8 Frequently Asked Questions

 Define CR (corner radius) Tool as Special Tool.
 Use TR (triangle tool) as Triangle Tool in cncKad (not as Special Tool).
 If you have clamp error alerts on the Controller, check if you selected the
correct .MDL model file. For example MTX 1250 could be supplied with different table
sizes (2000/1250). The first one will come with two pins, and the second one with
only one. In this example, alerts will be given by the Controller, if you choose the
wrong Machine Parameters.

1.9 Setting machine parameters

When starting to work with cncKad on a machine, you should customize it to your machine's
specification. if for some reason you can't get the euromac.mch then follow these
In TopPunch Controller you will be able to see the parameters of the model, if you follow
these steps in the "blue screen" mode:

cncKad Euromac Customization

1. Press twice the TAB key on your keyboard

2. Select the MENU option (pressing the Z key)
3. Enter the Service option (pressing F5 key)
4. Enter the 2468 password
5. Go to Configuration option

When all the machine’s working parameters are in front of you, in cncKad go to Settings
Menu => Machine Settings dialog => Machine tab, and click the Machine Settings button:

The following dialog will open. On the right side of the window, in the Selected Machines
section, highlight your Euromac model, as shown below:
cncKad Euromac Customization

In the Edit Machine Files section, from the dropdown list, select the file with the .MDL
extension. When it appears on the top button, as shown below, click the Edit button:

Your machine model .MDL file will open in Metalix Editor (you will see the icon in the
dialog frame):

cncKad Euromac Customization

Most of the parameters you need to check are located in the [Model Data] section.

The parameters you should compare with your machines data are:
 Working Range
 Work Holders

1.9.1 Working Range

Euromac machines can be supplied in various Working Ranges.
For the popular ranges, an MDL file is supplied.
If you do NOT find the Working Range you need, select the correct Machine Model, go to its
MDL file, and modify the Working Range.

For example: Working Ranges in a Euromac controller are:

If your parameters are different in cncKad Euromac .MDL file, change them.
See the below Working Ranges in .MDL file, with values changed according to the Euromac
controller presented above:

The "-9" value should not be changed.

cncKad Euromac Customization

1.9.2 Work Holders

The work holders are two cylinders, which come down and hold the sheet during reposition.
This is how it looks in our Euromac controller example:
 The position of the pins in X and Y:

 The diameter of the reposition pins/cylinders:

 "r" is the radius of the holders, that means to get this value right, you should divide
the diameter by 2
 "x" position is calculated from the center of the Turret; that means you need to divide
the X distance by two; in this case it would be 472/2=236
 "y" value should contain a minus sign

The positions of Work holders in our cncKad Euromac .MDL file look this way:

1.9.3 Clamps
In the Euromac controller the minimal and maximal position for all clamps are as follows:

In cncKad the clamp position is calculated to the center of the clamp, and in the Euromac
controller it is calculated to the left edge:

Clamp size you can find in the Euromac controller:

In this case the Minimal and Maximal Clamps position will be:
 290+25=315
 1500+25=1525
The Minimal Distance between Clamps in the Euromac controller is as follows:

This is how our Euromac .MDL file should look like after updating the Clamp Position
Conditions section:

cncKad Euromac Customization

Actually there will be a difference between the first and second clamp’s range because the
first clamp can only reach the maximal position minus the minimal distance: 1525-
The second clamp’s minimal position will actually be: 315+130=445.

1.9.4 Loading Pin Selection

There are two loading pins and they are being used according to the sheets length:
the Machine will decide according to Sheet Size, on which Pin to Load.
This parameter’s default in cncKad .MDL file is:

That means that a sheet smaller then 1250mm should be loaded on Pin 2.

To have cncKad check for correct clamp restrictions, the Sheet Size for Clamp 2 must be
set in the .MDL file in the exact position as it is on the Machine.

In such case,
This value can be set on the Machine. Normally it is 1250mm.
If a different value is set on the machine, correct in the .MDL file accordingly.

Loading on Pin 1 means that the Minimum Position for Clamp 1 is quite big and should be

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