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Quantitative Analysis for Management

Global 13th Edition Render Solutions

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Linear Programming
Models: Graphical and Computer Methods

Teaching Suggestion 7.1: Draw Constraints for a Graphical LP Solution.
Explain constraints of the three types (, = , ) carefully the first time you present an example.
Show how to find the X1, X2 intercepts so a straight line can be drawn. Then provide some
practice in determining which side of the line is feasible. This can be done by picking a few
points on the graph and determining whether or not they satisfy the constraint.
Teaching Suggestion 7.2: Feasible Region Is a Convex Polygon.
Explain Dantzig’s discovery that all feasible regions are convex (bulge outward) polygons
(many-sided figures) and that the optimal solution must lie at one of the corner points. Draw both
convex and concave figures to show the difference.
Teaching Suggestion 7.3: Using the IsoProfit Line Method.
This method can be much more confusing than the corner point approach, but it is faster once
students feel comfortable drawing the profit line. Start your first line at a profit figure you know
is lower than optimal. Then draw a series of parallel lines, or run a ruler parallel, until the
farthest corner point is reached. See Figures 7.6 and 7.7.
Teaching Suggestion 7.4: QA in Action Boxes in the LP Chapters.
There are a wealth of motivating tales of real-world LP applications in Chapters 7–9. The airline
industry in particular is a major LP user.
Teaching Suggestion 7.5: Feasible Region for the Minimization Problem.
Students often question the open area to the right of the constraints in a minimization problem
such as that in Figure 7.10. You need to explain that the solution is not unbounded in a
minimization problem as it is in a maximization problem.
Teaching Suggestion 7.6: Infeasibility.
This problem is especially common in large LP formulations since many people will be
providing input constraints to the problem. This is a real-world problem that should be expected.
Teaching Suggestion 7.7: Alternative Optimal Solutions.
This issue is an important one that can be explained in a positive way. Managers appreciate
having choices of decisions that can be made with no penalty. Students can be made aware that
alternative optimal solutions are often seen in particular types of linear programs such as the
transportation and assignment models that will be presented in later chapters.

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Teaching Suggestion 7.8: Importance of Sensitivity Analysis.
Sensitivity analysis should be stressed as one of the most important LP issues. (Actually, the
issue should arise for discussion with every model). Here, the issue is the source of data. When
accountants tell you a profit contribution is $8.50 per unit, is that figure accurate within 10% or
within 10¢? The solution to an LP problem can change dramatically if the input parameters are
not exact. Mention that sensitivity analysis also has other names, such as right-hand-side ranging,
postoptimality analysis, and parametric programming.


Alternative Example 7.1: Hal has enough clay to make 24 small vases or 6 large vases. In
other words, the large vases require 4 times the amount of clay as the small ones. He only has
enough of a special glazing compound to glaze 16 of the small vases or 8 of the large vases. Let
X1 = the number of small vases and X2 = the number of large vases. The smaller vases sell for $3
each, while the larger vases would bring $9 each.
(a) Formulate the problem.
(b) Solve graphically.
(a) Formulation
Maximize $3X1 + $9X2
Subject to :
Clay constraint: 1X1 + 4X2  24
Glaze constraint: 1X1 + 2X2  16

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(b) Graphical solution

Point X1 X2 Income
A 0 0 $0
B 0 6 54
C 8 4 60*
D 16 0 48

*Optimum income of $60 will occur by making and selling 8 small vases and 4 large
Draw an isoprofit line on the graph from (20, 0) to (0, 62/3) as the $60 isoprofit line.
Alternative Example 7.2: A fabric firm has received an order for cloth specified to contain at
least 45 pounds of cotton and 25 pounds of silk. The cloth can be woven out on any suitable mix
of two yarns, A and B. Material A costs $3 per pound, and B costs $2 per pound. They contain the
following percentages of cotton and silk (by weight):
Yarn Cotton (%) Silk (%)
A 30 50
B 60 10

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What quantities (pounds) of A and B yarns should be used to minimize the cost of this order?
Objective function: min. C = 3A + 2B
Constraints: 0.30A + 0.60B  45 lb (cotton)
0.50A + 0.10B  25 lb (silk)
Simultaneous solution of the two constraint equations reveals that A = 39 lb, B = 55 lb.
The minimum cost is C = $3A + $2B = 3(39) + 2(55) = $227.


7-1. In a LP problem, the constraints are the set of limits to which the objective (the
maximization or minimization of a quantity) is subject to. They need to be taken into account
simultaneously to solve the problem and generally represent the limited resources available for it.
7-2. The linear mathematical relationships required in LP means that all terms used in
expressing the objective function and the set of constraints are of the first degree. It also implies
the important properties of proportionality and additivity, essential to solve the problems.
7-3. These are the seven required assumptions for the formulation of a LP problem: One
objective function; One or more constraints; Alternative courses of action; Linearity of objective
function and constraints; Certainty ; Divisibility; Nonnegative variables.
7-4. If a maximization problem has many constraints, then it can be very time consuming to use
the corner point method to solve it. Such an approach would involve using simultaneous
equations to solve for each of the feasible region’s intersection points. The isoprofit line is much
more effective if the problem has numerous constraints.
7-5. Rates of consumption exist and are constant. For example, if the production of 1 unit
requires 4 units of a resource, then if 10 units are produced, 40 units of the resource are required.
A change in the variable value results in a proportional change in the objective function value.

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7-6. (a) Removing a constraint may, if the constraint is not redundant, increase the size of the
feasible region. It can never make the feasible region any smaller. If the constraint was active in
the solution, removing it will also result in a new optimal solution. However, removing an
essential constraint could cause the problem to become unbounded.
(b) Removal of a constraint can only increase or leave the same the size of the feasible region;
therefore, the value of the objective function will either increase or remain the same, assuming
the problem has not become unbounded.
7-7. The manager’s statement indeed had merit if the manager understood the deterministic
nature of linear programming input data. LP assumes that data pertaining to demand, supply,
materials, costs, and resources are known with certainty and are constant during the time period
being analyzed. If this production manager operates in a very unstable environment (for
example, prices and availability of raw materials change daily, or even hourly), the model’s
results may be too sensitive and volatile to be trusted. The application of sensitivity analysis
might be trusted. The application of sensitivity analysis might be useful to determine whether LP
would still be a good approximating tool in decision making.
7-8. Constraint 5
7-9. For a discussion of the role and importance of sensitivity analysis in linear programming,
refer to Section 7.8. It is needed especially when values of the technological coefficients and
contribution rates are estimated—a common situation. When all model values are deterministic,
that is, known with certainty, sensitivity analysis from the perspective of evaluating parameter
accuracy may not be needed. This may be the case in a portfolio selection model in which we
select from among a series of bonds whose returns and cash-in values are set for long periods.
7-10. Let X1 = number of units of Product A
X2 = number of units of Product B
Maximize 30 X 1 + 40 X 2
Subject to: 8 X 1 + 6 X 2  2000
2 X 1 + 6 X 2  1000
X1, X 2  0

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7-11. If the right-hand side of the constraint is increased from 80 to 81, the maximum total profit
will increase by $3, the amount of the dual price. If the right-hand side is increased by 10 units
(to 90), the maximum possible profit will increase by 10(3) = $30 and will be $600 + $30 =
$630. This $3 increase in profit will result for each unit we increase the righthand side of the
constraint until we reach 100, the upper bound. The dual price is not relevant beyond 100.
Similarly, the maximum possible total profit will decrease by $3 per unit that the right-hand side
is decreased until this value goes below 75.
7-12. The student is to create his or her own data and LP formulation. (a) The meaning of the
right-hand-side numbers (resources) is to be explained. (b) The meaning of the constraint
coefficient (in terms of how many units of each resource that each product requires) is also to be
explained. (c) The problem is to be solved graphically. (d) A simple sensitivity analysis is to be
conducted by changing the contribution rate (Cj value) of the X1 variable. For example, if C1 was
$10 as the problem was originally formulated, the student should resolve with a $15 value and
compare solutions.
7-13. The dual price for a constraint is the improvement in the objective function value that
results from a one-unit increase in the right-hand side of the constraint. For maximization
problems, the shadow and dual prices are equal, but for minimization problems, the shadow price
will be the negative of the dual price.

Let: X1 = number of air conditioners to be produced

X2 = number of fans to be produced
Maximize profit = 25X1 + 15X2
subject to 3X1 + 2X2  240 (wiring)
2X1 + 1X2  140 (drilling)
X1, X2  0
Profit at point a (X1 = 0, X2 = 0) = $0

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Profit at point b (X1 = 0, X2 = 120)
= 25(0) + (15)(120) = $1,800
Profit at point c (X1 = 40, X2 = 60)
= 25(40) + (15)(60) = $1,900
Profit at point d (X1 = 70, X2 = 0)
= 25(70) + (15)(0) = $1,750
The optimal solution is to produce 40 air conditioners and 60 fans during each production period.
Profit will be $1,900.
7-15. a.

Maximize profit = 25X1 + 15X2

subject to 3X1 + 2X2  240
2X1 + 1X2  140
X1  20
X2  80
X1, X2  0
The feasible region for this problem is the combination of all of the shaded areas in Figure
7.15 above,
Profit at point a (X1 = 20, X2 = 0)
= 25(20) + (15)(0) = $500
Profit at point b (X1 = 20, X2 = 80)
= 25(20) + (15)(80) = $1,700
Profit at point c (X1 = 40, X2 = 60)
= 25(40) + (15)(60) = $1,900 – Optimal solution.
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Profit at point d (X1 = 70, X2 = 0)
= 25(70) + (15)(0) = $1,750
Profit at point e (X1 = 26.67, X2 = 80)
= 25(26.67) + (15)(80) = $1,867
Hence, even though the shape of the feasible region changed from Problem 7-14, the optimal
solution remains the same.
The calculations for the slack available at each of the four constraints at the optimal
solution (40, 60) are shown below. The first two have zero slack and hence are binding
constraints. The third constraint of X1 ≥ 20 has a surplus (this is called a surplus instead of slack
because the constraint is “>“) of 20 while the fourth constraint of X2 ≤ 80 has a slack of 20.
3X1 + 2X2 + S1 = 240
so S1 = 240 - 3X1 - 2X2 = 240 – 3(40) - 2(60) = 0
2X1 + 1X2 + S2 = 140
so S2 = 140 - 2X1 - 1X2 = 140 - 2(40) – 1(60) = 0
X1 – S3 = 20
so S3 = -20 + X1 = -20 + 40 = 20
X2 + S4 = 80
so S4 = 80 - X2 =  −  = 
b. Maximize profit = 25X1 + 15X2
subject to 3X1 + 2X2  240
2X1 + 1X2  140
X1  30
X2  50
X1, X2  0
The feasible region for this problem is only the darker shaded area in Figure 7.15 above, It
is significantly smaller and only has four corners denoted by a’, b’, c’ and d.
Profit at point a’ (X1 = 30, X2 = 0)
= 25(30) + (15)(0) = $750
Profit at point b’ (X1 = 30, X2 = 50)
= 25(30) + (15)(50) = $1,500
Profit at point c’ (X1 = 45, X2 = 50)
= 25(45) + (15)(50) = $1,875 – Optimal solution.
Profit at point d (X1 = 70, X2 = 0)
= 25(70) + (15)(0) = $1,750

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Here, the shape and size of the feasible region changed and the optimal solution changed.
The calculations for the slack available at each of the four constraints at the optimal
solution (45, 50) are shown below. The second and the fourth constraints have zero slack and
hence are are binding constraints. The third constraint of X1 ≥ 30 has a surplus of 15 while the
first constraint of 3X1 + 2X2  240 has a slack of 5.
3X1 + 2X2 + S1 = 240
so S1 = 240 - 3X1 - 2X2 = 240 – 3(45) - 2(50) = 5
2X1 + 1X2 + S2 = 140
so S2 = 140 - 2X1 - 1X2 = 140 - 2(45) – 1(50) = 0
X1 – S3 = 30
so S3 = -30 + X1 = -30 + 45 = 15
X2 + S4 = 50
so S4 = 50 - X2 =  −  = 
7-16. Let R = number of radio ads; T = number of TV ads.
Maximize exposure = 3,000R + 7,000T
Subject to: 200R + 500T  40,000 (budget)
R  10
T  10
R, T  0

Optimal corner point R = 175, T = 10,

Audience = 3,000(175) + 7,000(10) = 595,000 people
7-17. X1 = number of benches produced
X2 = number of tables produced

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Maximize profit = $9X1 + $20X2
subject to 4X1 + 6X2  1,200 hours
10X1 + 35X2  3,500 feet
X1, X2  0
Profit at point a (X1 = 0, X2 = 100) = $2,000
Profit at point b (X1 = 262.5, X2 = 25) = $2,862.50
Profit at point c (X1 = 300, X2 = 0) = $2,700


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X1 = number of undergraduate courses
X2 = number of graduate courses
Minimize cost = $2,500X1 + $3,000X2
subject to X1  30
X2  20
X1 + X2  60
Total cost at point a (X1 = 40, X2 = 20)
= 2,500(40) + (3,000)(20)
= $160,000
Total cost at point b (X1 = 30, X2 = 30)
= 2,500(30) + (3,000)(30)
= $165,000
Point a is optimal.

X1 = number of Alpha 4 computers

X2 = number of Beta 5 computers
Maximize profit = $1,200X1 + $1,800X2
subject to 20X1 + 25X2 = 800 hours
(total hours = 5 workers  160 hours each)
X1  10
X2  15

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Corner points: a(X1 = 10, X2 = 24), profit = $55,200
b(X1 = 21 1 , X2 = 15), profit = $52,500

Point a is optimal.
7-20. Let P = dollars invested in petrochemical; U = dollars invested in utility
Maximize return = 0.12P + 0.06U
Subject to:
P + U = 50,000 total investment is $50,000
9P + 4U  6(50,000) average risk must be  6 [or total  6(50,000)]
P, U  0

Corner points
Return =
P U 0.12P + 0.06U
0 50,000 3,000
20,000 30,000 4,200

The maximum return is $4,200.

The total risk is 9(20,000) + 4(30,000) = 300,000, so
average risk = 300,000/(50,000) = 6

7-21. Let P = dollars invested in petrochemical; U = dollars invested in utility

Minimize risk = 9P + 4U
Subject to:
P + U = 50,000 total investment is $50,000

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0.12P + 0.06U  0.08(50,000) return must be at least 8%
P, U  0
Corner points
Risk =
P U 9P + 4U
50,000 0 450,000
16,666.67 33,333.33 283,333.3

The minimum risk is 283,333.33 on $50,000 so the average risk is

283,333.33/50,000 = 5.67. The return would be 0.12(16,666.67) + 0.06(33,333.33) = $4,000 (or
8% of $50,000)


Note that this problem has one constraint with a negative sign. This may cause the beginning
student some confusion in plotting the line. As for the slack of each of the constraints, the first
and third constraints are binding and, hence, have zero slack. The second constraint of X – 2Y ≤
10 has a slack of 28.75.

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7-23. Point a lies at intersection of constraints (see figure below):
3X + 2Y = 120
X + 3Y = 90
Multiply the second equation by −3 and add it to the first (the method of simultaneous
3X + 2Y = 120
−3X − 9Y = −270
− 7Y = −150  Y = 21.43 and X = 25.71
Cost = $1X + $2Y = $1(25.71) + ($2)(21.43)
= $68.57

7-24. X1 = $ invested in Louisiana Gas and Power

X2 = $ invested in Trimex Insulation Co.
Minimize total investment = X1 + X2
subject to $0.36X1 + $0.24X2  $720
$1.67X1 + $1.50X2  $5,000
0.04X1 + 0.08X2  $200
Investment at a is $3,333.
Investment at b is $3,179.  optimal solution
Investment at c is $5,000.
Short-term growth is $926.09.
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Intermediate-term growth is $5,000.
Dividends are $200.
See graph.

7-25. Let B = pounds of beef in each pound of dog food

G = pounds of grain in each pound of dog food
Minimize cost = 0.90B + 0.60G
Subject to:
B+G=1 the total weight should be 1 pound
10B + 6G  9 at least 9 units of Vitamin 1
12B + 9G  10 at least 10 units of Vitamin 2
B, G  0

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The feasible corner points are (0.75, 0.25) and (1,0). The minimum cost solution
B = 0.75 pounds of beef, G = 0.25 pounds of grain, cost = $0.825,
Vitamin 1 content = 10(0.75) + 6(0.25) = 9
Vitamin 2 content = 12(0.75) + 9(0.25) = 11.25
7-26. Let X1 = number of barrels of pruned olives
X2 = number of barrels of regular olives
Maximize profit = $20X1 + $30X2
subject to 5X1 + 2X2  250 (labor hours)
1X1 + 2X2  150 (acres)
X1  40 (barrels)
X1, X2  0
a. Corner point a = (X1 = 0, X2 = 0), profit = 0
Corner point b = (X1 = 0, X2 = 75), profit = $2,250
Corner point c = (X1 = 25, X2 = 621/2), profit = $2,375  optimal profit
Corner point d = (X1 = 40, X2 = 25), profit = $1,550
Corner point e = (X1 = 40, X2 = 0), profit = $800
b. Produce 25 barrels of pruned olives and 621/2 barrels of regular olives.
c. Devote 25 acres to pruning process and 125 acres to regular process.

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Formulation 1:

Formulation 2:

While formulation 2 is correct, it is a special case. X1 + 2X2 = 2 line—this is also the same slope
as the isoprofit line X1 + 2X2 and hence there will be more than one optimal solution. As a matter
of fact, every point along the heavy line will provide an “alternate optimum.”

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Formulation 3:

Formulation 4:

Formulation 4 appears to be proper as is. Note that the constraint 4X1 + 6X2  48 is redundant.

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7-28. Using the isoprofit line or corner point method, we see that point b (where X = 37.5 and Y
= 75) is optimal if the profit = $3X + $2Y. If the profit changes to $4.50 per unit of X, the optimal
solution shifts to point c. If the objective function becomes P = $3X + $3Y, the corner point b
remains optimal.

3X +

4.50X +

3X +

7-29. The optimal solution of $26 profit lies at the point X = 2,Y = 3.

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If the first constraint is altered to 1X + 3Y  8, the feasible region and optimal solution shift
considerably, as shown in the next graph.


Using the corner point method, we determine that the optimal solution mix under the new
constraint yields a $29 profit, or an increase of $3 over the $26 profit calculated. Thus, the firm
should not add the hours because the cost is more than $3.

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7-31. a. The corner points and profits are
X = 0, Y = 0, profit = 0
X = 60, Y = 0, profit = 300
X = 30, Y = 60, profit = 510  Optimal solution
X = 0, Y = 80, profit = 480
b. If profit = 8X + 6Y, the optimal solution is at the same corner point but profit increases.
X = 0, Y = 0, profit = 0
X = 60, Y = 0, profit = 480
X = 30, Y = 60, profit = 600  Optimal solution
X = 0, Y = 80, profit = 480

c. If profit = 3X + 6Y, a new corner point is optimal.

X = 0, Y = 0, profit = 0
X = 60, Y = 0, profit = 180
X = 30, Y = 60, profit = 450
X = 0, Y = 80, profit = 480  Optimal solution
7-32. The corner points change and the new optimal solution is X = 40, Y = 40, and profit = 440.
The corner points are
X = 0, Y = 0, profit = 0
X = 60, Y = 0, profit = 300
X = 40, Y = 40, profit = 440  Optimal solution
X = 0, Y = 60, profit = 360

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7-33. a. It could increase by 7 (for an upper limit of 12) or decrease by 1 (for a lower limit of 4).
b. Profit would increase by the dual value of 0.75.
c. Profit would increase by 10 times the dual price or 10(0.75) = $7.50.
7-34. a. 25 units of product 1 and 0 units of product 2.
b. All of resource 3 is being used (there is no slack for constraint 3). A total of 25 units of
resource 1 are being used since there were 45 units available and there are 20 units of
slack. A total of 75 units of resource 2 are being used since there were 87 units available
and there are 12 units of slack. The first and second constraints are non-binding
constraints since they have non-zero slacks while the third constraint is a binding
constraint because it has zero slack. The non-negativity constraint for product 2 is also a
binding constraint in the optimal solution.
c. The dual price for constraint 1 is 0, for constraint 2 is 0, and for constraint 3 is 25.
d. You should try to obtain resource 3 because the dual price is 25. This means profit will
increase by 25 for each unit of resource 3 that we obtain. Therefore, we should pay up to
$25 for this.
e. If management decided to produce one more unit of product 2 (currently 0 units are
being produced), the total profit would decrease by 5 (the amount of the reduced cost).

a. The feasible corner points and their profits are:

Feasible corner points Profit = 8X1 + 5X2
(0,0) 0
(6,0) 48
(6,4) 68
(0,10) 50

The optimal solution is X1 = 6, X2 = 4, profit = $68.

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b. The feasible corner points and their profits are:
Feasible corner points Profit = 8X1 + 5X2
(0,0) 0
(6,0) 48
(6,5) 73
(0,11) 55

The new optimal solution is X1 = 6, X2 = 5, profit = $73. Profit increased $5, so this is the dual
price for constraint 1.
c. The feasible corner points and their profits are:
Feasible corner points Profit = 8X1 + 5X2
(0,0) 0
(6,0) 48
(0,6) 30

As a result of this change, the feasible region got smaller. Profit decreased by $20. The right-
hand side decreased by 4 units, and the profit decreased by 4 x dual price.
d. The feasible corner points and their profits are:
Feasible corner points Profit = 8X1 + 5X2
(0,0) 0
(5,0) 40
(0,5) 25

As a result of this change, the feasible region got smaller. Profit decreased by $28. Although
there was a 5-unit change in the right-hand side of constraint 1, the dual price found in part b is
not valid when the right-hand side of this constraint goes below 6 (which is a 4-unit decrease).
e. The computer output indicates that the dual price for constraint 1 is $5, but this is valid up to a
lower bound of 6. Once the right-hand side goes lower than this, the dual price is no longer
f. When the right-hand side goes beyond the limits, a new corner point becomes optimal so the
dual price is no longer relevant.

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7-36. Let: X1 = number of coconuts carried
X2 = number of skins carried
Maximize profit = 60X1 + 300X2 (in rupees)
subject to 5X1 + 15X2  300 pounds
X1 + 1X2  15 cubic feet

X1, X2  0
At point a: (X1 = 0, X2 = 15), P = 4,500 rupees
At point b: (X1 = 24, X2 = 12),P = 1,440 + 3,600
= 5,040 rupees
At point c: (X1 = 60, X2 = 0), P = 3,600 rupees
The three princes should carry 24 coconuts and 12 lions’ skins. This will produce a wealth of
5,040 rupees.

7-37. a. $120,000 in money market fund; $80,000 in stock fund; total risk = 1,560,000
b. Total return = $14,000. Rate of return = 14,000/200,000 = 0.07
c. The investments would not change since 14 is less than the upper bound for this
coefficient. The total risk would increase.
d. The total risk would worsen by 2 (the dual value) per additional dollar.
e. No. The amount invested in the money market fund is greater than $50,000 for the
original solution.

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7-38. a. $40,000 in money market fund; $160,000 in stock fund; total return = 18,000
b. Total risk = 12(160,000) + 5(40,000) = 2,120,000. Average risk = 2,120,000/200,000 =
c. No. The change is above the lower bound.
d. Dual value = 0.10 = 10%
e. Total return would change by (dual price)(change in RHS) = (–0.05)(10,000) = –500.
7-39. a.Let: X1 = number of pounds of stock X purchased per cow each month
X2 = number of pounds of stock Y purchased per cow each month
X3 = number of pounds of stock Z purchased per cow each month
Four pounds of ingredient A per cow can be transformed to:
4 pounds  (16 oz/lb) = 64 oz per cow
5 pounds = 80 oz
1 pound = 16 oz
8 pounds = 128 oz
3X1 + 2X2 + 4X3  64 (ingredient A requirement)
2X1 + 3X2 + 1X3  80 (ingredient B requirement)
1X1 + 0X2 + 2X3  16 (ingredient C requirement)
6X1 + 8X2 + 4X3  128 (ingredient D requirement)
X3  5 (stock Z limitation)
Minimize cost = $2X1 + $4X2 + $2.50X3
b. Cost = $80
X1 = 40 lbs. of X
X2 = 0 lbs. of Y
X3 = 0 lbs. of Z

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7-40. Let: X1 = number units of XJ201 produced
X2 = number units of XM897 produced
X3 = number units of TR29 produced
X4 = number units of BR788 produced
Maximize profit = 9X1 + 12X2 + 15X3 + 11X4
subject to
0.5X1 + 1.5X2 + 1.5X3 + 0.1X4  15,000 (hours of wiring time available)
0.3X1 + 1X2 + 2X3 + 3X4  17,000 (hours of drilling time available)
0.2X1 + 4X2 + 1X3 + 2X4  26,000 (hours of assembly time available)
0.5X1 + 1X2 + 0.5X3 + 0.5X4  12,000 (hours of inspection time)
X1  150 (units of XJ201)
X2  100 (units of XM897)
X3  300 (units of TR29)
X4  400 (units of BR788)
Let ED1, ED2, and ED3 represent the ending inventory for the first three months respectively.
Let PD1, PD2, and PD3 represent the production for the first three months respectively. Then
the formulation is:
Minimize cost: 6ED1 + 6ED2 + 6ED3 + 120PD1 + 120PD2 + 120PD3
subject to
PD1 –ED1 = 180 Demand in first month
ED1 + PD2 –ED2 = 220 Demand in second month
ED2 + PD3 – ED3 = 240 Demand in third month
PD1 ≤ 230 First month production capacity
PD2 ≤ 230 Second month production capacity

PD3 ≤ 230 Third month production capacity

All variables ≥0 Non-negativity constraints

The optimal production schedule is to produce 180 in the first month and 230 in each of the
ensuing two months for a total of $76,860 in production and inventory costs.

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For the addition of the Family Rolls Tents to the problem above, a few new variables are needed.
Let EF1, EF2, and EF3 represent the ending inventory for the first three months of the Family
Rolls product line respectively. Let PF1, PF2, and PF3 represent the production levels of the
Family Rolls Tent in the first three month respectively. Then we have the following formulation:
Minimize cost: 6ED1 + 6ED2 + 6ED3 + 120PD1 + 130PD2 + 130PD3 + 8EF1 + 8EF2 + 8EF3 +
150PF1 + 160PF2 + 160PF3
subject to
PD1 – ED1 =185 Demand in first month for Double Inn
ED1 + PD2 – ED2 = 205 Demand in second month for Double Inn
ED2 + PD3 – ED3 = 225 Demand in third month for Double Inn
PF1 – EF1 = 60 Demand in first month for Family Rolls
EF1 + PF2 – EF2 = 70 Demand in second month for Family Rolls
EF2 + PF3 – EF3 = 65 Demand in third month for Family Rolls
PD1 + PF1 ≤ 280 Monthly production capacity constraint
PD2 + PF2 ≤ 280 Monthly production capacity constraint
PD3 + PF3 ≤ 280 Monthly production capacity constraint
{All variables} ≥0 Non-negativity constraints
The optimal production schedule is to produce {220, 180, 215} for the Double Inn and {60, 70,
65} for the Family Rolls respectively for a total of $108,620 in production and inventory costs.
7-43. a. Let: X1 = number of MCA regular modems made and sold in November
X2 = number of MCA intelligent modems made and sold in November
Data needed for variable costs and contribution margin are in the table.
Hours needed to produce each modem:
5, 000 hours
MCA regular = = 0.555 hour/modem
9, 000 modems
10, 400 hours
MCA intelligent = = 1.0 hour/modem
10, 400 modems
Maximize profit = $22.67X1 + $29.01X2
subject to 0.555X1 + 1.0X2  15,400 (direct labor hours)
X2  8,000 (intelligent modems)

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Table for Problem 7-43(a)
Total Per Unit Total Per Unit
Net sales $424,000 $47.11 $613,000 $58.94
Variable costs
Direct labor 60,000 6.67 76,800 7.38
Indirect labor 9,000 1.00 11,520 1.11
Materials 90,000 10.00 128,000 12.31
General expenses 30,000 3.33 35,000 3.37
Sales commissions $31,000 $3.44 $60,000 $5.76
Total variable costs $220,000 $24.44 $311,320 $29.93
Contribution margin $204,000 $22.67 $301,680 $29.01
Depreciation, fixed general expense, and advertising are excluded from the calculations.

c. The optimal solution suggests making all MCA regular modems. Students should
discuss the implications of shipping no MCA intelligent modems.

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7-44. Minimize cost = 0.12X1 + 0.09X2 + 0.11X3 + 0.04X4
subject to X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 = 50
X4  7.5
X1 + X2  22.5
X2 + X3  15.0
X1 = 7.5 pounds of C-30
X2 = 15 pounds of C-92
X3 = 0 pounds of D-21
X4 = 27.5 pounds of E-11
Cost = $3.35.
7-45. Let A1 = gallons of crude A used in Regular
A2 = gallons of crude A used in Premium
A3 = gallons of crude A used in Super
B1 = gallons of crude B used in Regular
B2 = gallons of crude B used in Premium
B3 = gallons of crude B used in Super
Minimize cost = 0.42A1 + 0.42A2 + 0.42A3 + 0.47B1 + 0.47B2 + 0.47B3
Subject to
0.40A1 + 0.52B1  0.41(A1 + B1)
0.40A2 + 0.52B2  0.44(A2 + B2)
0.40A3 + 0.52B3  0.48(A3 + B3)
A1 + B1  20,000
A2 + B2  15,000
A3 + B3  10,000
A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3  0
The solution is
A1 = 18,333.33 gallons of crude A used in Regular; A2 = 10,000 gallons of crude A used in
Premium; A3 = 3,333.33 gallons of crude A used in Super; B1 = 1.666.67 gallons of crude
B used in Regular, B2 = 5,000 gallons of crude B used in Premium ; B3 = 6,666.67 gallons
of crude B used in Super; total cost = $19,566.67.

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X1 = number of model A tubs produced

X2 = number of model B tubs produced
Maximize profit = 90X1 + 70X2
subject to 125X1 + 100X2  25,000 (steel)
20X1 + 30X2  6,000 (zinc)
X1, X2  0
Profit at point a (X1 = 0, X2 = 200) = $14,000
Profit at point b (X1 = 85.71, X2 = 142.86) = $17,714.10
Profit at point c (X1 = 200, X2 = 0) = $18,000 optimal solution

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7-47. Let: X1 = number of pounds of compost in each bag
X2 = number of pounds of sewage waste in each bag
Minimize cost = 5X1 + 4X2 (in cents)
subject to X1 + X2  60 (pounds per bag)
X1  30 (pounds compost per bag)
X2  40 (pounds sewage per bag)
Corner point a:
(X1 = 30, X2 = 40)  cost = 5(30) + (4)(40) = $3.10
Corner point b:
(X1 = 30, X2 = 30)  cost = 5(30) + (4)(30) = $2.70 optimal solution
Corner point c:
(X1 = 60, X2 = 0)  cost = 5(60) + (4)(0) = $3.00

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X1 = $ invested in Treasury notes
X2 = $ invested in bonds
Maximize ROI = 0.08X1 + 0.09X2
X1  $125,000
X2  $100,000
X1 + X2 = $250,000
X1, X2  0
Point a (X1 = 150,000, X2 = 100,000), ROI = $21,000 optimal solution
Point b (X1 = 250,000, X2 = 0), ROI = $20,000

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Let: X1 = number of TV spots

X2 = number of newspaper ads
Maximize exposures = 35,000X1 + 20,000X2
subject to 3000X1 + 1,250X2  $100,000
X1 5
X1  25
X2  10
Point a (X1 = 5, X2 = 10), exposure = 375,000
Point b (X1 = 5, X2 = 68), exposure = 175,000
+ 1,360,000
= 1,535,000
Point c (X1 = 25, X2 = 20), exposure = 875,000
+ 400,000
= 1,275,000
Point d (X1 = 25, X2 = 10), exposure = 875,000
+ 200,000
= 1,075,000

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7-50. Maximize Z = [220 − (0.45)(220) − 44 − 20]X1 + [175 − (0.40)(175) − 30 − 20]X2
= 57X1 + 55X2
X1 + X2  390 production limit
2.5X1 + 2.4X2  960 labor hours
Corner points:
X1 = 384, X2 = 0, profit = $21,888
X1 = 0, X2 = 390, profit = $21,450
X1 = 240, X2 = 150, profit = $21,930
Students should point out that those three options are so close in profit that production desires
and sensitivity of the RHS and cost coefficient are important issues. This is a good lead-in to the
discussion of sensitivity analysis. As a matter of reference, the right-hand side ranging for the
first constraint is a production limit from 384 to 400 units. For the second constraint, the hours
may range only from 936 to 975 without affecting the solution.
The objective function coefficients, similarly, are very sensitive. The $57 for X1 may increase
by 29 cents or decrease by $2. The $55 for X2 may increase by $2 or decrease by 28 cents.


1. Maximize P = 34 W75C + 30 W33C + 60 W5X + 25 W7X

subject to:
1 W75C  1,400
1 W33C  250
1 W5X  1,510
1 W7X  1,116
1 W75C + 2 W33C + 0 W5X + 1 W7X  4,000
1 W75C + 1 W33C + 4 W5X + 1 W7X  4,200
1 W75C + 3 W33C + 0 W5X + 0 W7X  2,000
1 W75C + 0 W33C + 3 W5X + 2 W7X  2,300
1 W75C  150
1 W7X  600

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Solution: Produce:
1,100 units of W75C—backorder 300 units
250 units of W33C—backorder 0 units
0 units of W5X—backorder 1,510 units
600 units of W7X—backorder 516 units
Maximized profit will be $59,900. By addressing quality problems listed earlier, we could
increase our capacity by up to 3% reducing our backorder level.
2. Bringing in temporary workers in the Drawing Department would not help. Drawing is not a
binding constraint. However, if these former employees could do rework, we could reduce our
rework inventory and fill some of our backorders thereby increasing profits. We have about a
third of a month’s output in rework inventory. Expediting the rework process would also free up
valuable cash.
3. The plant layout is not optimum. When we install the new equipment, an opportunity for
improving the layout could arise. Exchanging the locations for packaging and extrusion would
create a better flow of our main product. Also, as we improve our quality and reduce our rework
inventory, we could capture some of the space now used for rework storage and processing and
put it to productive use.
Our machine utilization of 63% is quite low. Most manufacturers strive for at least an 85%
machine utilization. If we could determine the cause(s) of this poor utilization, we might find a
key to a dramatic increase in capacity.


This case demonstrates an interesting use of linear programming in a production setting.
Let X1 = ammonia
X2 = ammonium phosphate
X3 = ammonium nitrate
X4 = urea
X5 = hydrofluoric acid
X6 = chlorine
X7 = caustic soda
X8 = vinyl chloride monomer
Objective function:
Maximize Profit = 80X1 + 120X2 + 140X3 + 140X4 + 90X5 + 70X6 + 60X7 + 90X8

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Subject to the following constraints:
X1  1,200 X5  560
X2  540 X6  1,200
X3  490 X7  1,280
X4  160 X8  840
Current natural gas usage = 85,680 cu. ft.  103/day
20 percent curtailment = 68,554 cu. ft.  103/day
Hence, the ninth constraint is:
8X1 + 10X2 + 12X3 + 12X4 + 7X5 + 18X6 + 20X7 + 14X8  68,544
The following is the production schedule (tons/day);
X1 = 1,200 X5 = 560
X2 = 540 X6 = 1,200
X3 = 490 X7 = 423.2
X4 = 160 X8 = 840
Objective function value = $487,192
Because of the natural gas curtailment, the caustic soda production is reduced from 1280
tons/day to 423 tons/day.
For a 40 percent natural gas curtailment, the ninth constraint is:
8X1 + 10X2 + 12X3 + 12X4 + 7X5 + 18X6 + 20X7 + 14X8
 51,408
The optimal solution results in the following production schedule:
X1 = 1200 X5 = 560
X2 = 540 X6 = 718,2
X3 = 490 X7 = 0
X4 = 160 X8 = 840
Objective function value: $428,075.6
The caustic soda production is eliminated completely and the chlorine production is reduced
from 1,200 to 718 tons/day.

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Amid all the multiplicity of special dainties, appreciated by different
peoples, the prejudices of the stomach are, perhaps, more
unconquerable than any other that tyrannize over the human mind. It
is almost impossible to get people to adventure, or experimentalize
upon a new kind of food. There is a great want of courage and
enterprise on this head among Englishmen. John Bull is resolved to
eat, drink, and do only what he has been accustomed to. He wants
none of your foreign kickshaws, frogs, and snails in fricassées, or
sea slug, or bird’s nest soup, or horse flesh steak. It is true he has
gradually adventured upon, and now appreciates, a few select
foreign delicacies. Real lively turtle and caviar, reindeer tongue, an
imitation Indian curry, and such like, have become luxuries; and,
probably, under the mysterious manipulations of Gunter, Soyer, and
other distinguished chefs de cuisine, some other foreign delicacies
have found, or may yet find, their way upon English tables.
They will probably displace ere long the four standard Scotch dishes,
a haggis, a sheep’s head, tripe, and black puddings, or the common
dishes of the Devonshire peasant and Cornish fisherman, parsley
and squab pies, in which fish, apples, onions, and pork are
incongruously blended.
Queen Elizabeth and her ladies breakfasted on meat, bread, and
strong ale. Our modern ladies take tea or coffee, and thin slices of
toast or bread. The Esquimaux drink train oil, and the Cossacks
koumis, an ardent spirit made from mares’ milk. The inhabitants of
France and Germany eat much more largely than we do of vegetable
diet; and drink, at all times of the day, their acid wines. In Devonshire
and Herefordshire, cyder is the common beverage, and in the
Highlands of Scotland, oatmeal porridge is, in a great measure, the
food, and whiskey the drink of the inhabitants. The Irish peasant
lives, or used to do, chiefly on potatoes, and most of the Hindoos of
the maritime provinces on rice.
Yet all this variety, and much more, is digested, yields nutriment, and
promotes growth; affording undeniable evidence that man is really
omnivorous, that he can be supported by great varieties of food.
A recent writer speaking of human diet says, ‘it is a remarkable
circumstance, that man alone is provided with a case of instruments
adapted to the mastication of all substances,—teeth to cut, and
pierce, and champ, and grind; a gastric solvent too, capable of
contending with any thing and every thing, raw substances and
cooked, ripe and rotten,—nothing comes amiss to him.’
If animals could speak, as Æsop and other fabulists make them
seem to do, they would declare man to be the most voracious animal
in existence. There is scarcely any living thing that flies in the air,
swims in the sea, or moves on the land, that is not made to minister
to his appetite in some region or other.
Other creatures are, generally, restricted to one sort of provender at
most. They are carnivorous or graminivorous, piscivorous, or
something ivorous; but man is the universal eater. He pounces with
the tiger upon the kid, with the hawk upon the dove, with the
cormorant upon the herring, and with the small bird upon the insect
and grub. He goes halves with the bee in the honey cell, but turns
upon his partner and cheats him out of his share of the produce. He
grubs up the root with the sow, devours the fruit with the earwig, and
demolishes the leaves with the caterpillar; for all these several parts
of different vegetables furnish him with food.
Life itself will not hinder his appetite, nor decay nauseate his palate;
for he will as soon devour a lively young oyster as demolish the
fungous produce of a humid field. This propensity is, indeed, easily
abused. Viands of such incongruous nature and heterogeneous
substance, are sometimes collected, as to make an outrageous
amalgamation, so that an alderman at a city feast might make one
shudder; but this is too curious an investigation, it is the abuse of
abundance too, and we know that abuse is the origin of all evil. The
fact should lead us to another point of appreciation of goodness and
beneficence. The adaptation of external nature to man has often
been insisted on; the adaptation of man to all circumstances, states,
and conditions, is carrying out the idea. The inferior animals are tied
down, even by the narrowness of their animal necessities, to a small
range of existence; but man can seldom be placed in any
circumstance in which his universal appetite cannot be appeased.
From the naked savage snatching a berry from the thorn, to the well-
clad, highly civilized denizen of the court, surrounded by every
comfort, every luxury; from the tired traveller, who opens his wallet
and produces his oaten cake beside the welling lymph which is to
slake his thirst, to the pursy justice, ‘in fair round belly with capon
lined,’ who spreads the damask napkin on his knees, tucks his toes
under the table, and revels in calapash and calapee,—what an
infinite diversity of circumstances!
Man, with all his natural and artificial necessities, all his social and
domestic dependencies,—more dependent, indeed, upon his fellows
than the fowls of the air, from the grand exuberance of nature, and
his remarkable adaptation to it in the point alluded to, finds
subsistence under circumstances in which other animals might
Perhaps we might properly urge the advice of a recent writer.
—‘Make use of every material possible for food, remembering that
there are chemical affinities and properties by which nutriment may
be extracted from almost every organic substance, the greatest art
being in proper cooking. Make soup of every kind of flesh, fish, and
leguminosæ.—Every thing adds to its strength and flavour.’
Man eats to satisfy his hunger, and to supply warmth to the body; but
the lover of good things, who finds a pleasure in eating, may also be
told that there is a beautiful structure of nerve work spread out on the
tongue, which carries upwards to the brain messages from the nice
things in the mouth.
Moderation in food is, however, one of the great essentials to health.
Sydney Smith, in a letter to Lord Murray, tells him that, having
ascertained the weight of food that he could live upon, so as to
preserve health and strength, and what he had lived upon, he found
that between ten and seventy years of age, he had eaten and drunk
forty-four one-horse wagon loads of meat and drink more than would
have preserved him in life and health, and that the value of this mass
of nourishment was about £7,000.
Sir John Ross tells us that an Esquimaux will eat twenty pounds of
flesh and oil daily. But the most marvellous account of gormandizing
powers is that published by Captain Cochrane, who in his Narrative
of a Pedestrian Journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary, says,
that the Russian Admiral, Saritcheff, was told that one of the Yakuti
consumed in twenty-four hours, ‘the hind quarter of a large ox,
twenty pounds of fat, and a proportionate quantity of melted butter
for his drink.’ The Admiral, to test the truth of the statement, gave
him ‘a thick porridge of rice, boiled down with three pounds of butter,
weighing together twenty-eight pounds; and although the glutton had
already breakfasted, yet did he sit down to it with great eagerness,
and consumed the whole without stirring from the spot; and, except
that his stomach betrayed more than ordinary fulness, he showed no
sign of inconvenience or injury!’ The traveller I have just quoted also
states, that he has repeatedly seen a Yakut, or Tongouse, devour
forty pounds of meat a day; and he adds, ‘I have seen three of these
gluttons consume a reindeer at one meal.’
It has been well remarked by Dr. Dieffenbach, in the Transactions of
the Ethnological Society, that the labours of modern chemistry have
thrown a new and most interesting light on the food of the various
races of men, or inhabitants of parts of the globe which are widely
different from each other in their geographical and climatological
relations. The substances which serve as food, or the quantity which
is taken, appear to the superficial observer often of a most
extraordinary nature, because they are apparently so heterogeneous
from what we are accustomed to; so that travellers relating such
facts, do not withhold their astonishment or reprobation.
But it has been demonstrated, that the general use of certain
articles, for instance, tea and coffee, betel-nut, tobacco, and wine,
depends upon the presence in those substances of elements which
are often identical, and which are necessary to the maintenance of
the animal economy, more or less, according to the presence or
absence of other elements in the food, the different occupation,
mode of living, and so on. These points have been well illustrated
and explained in the Chemistry of Common Life, of the late
Professor Johnston. The fact of the Esquimaux consuming large
quantities of train oil and blubber ceases to be astonishing, when we
reflect that these highly carbonized substances serve to furnish fuel
for his increased respiration.
In one word, it is necessary in the present state of chemical and
physiological science, to collect analyses of all the substances which
are consumed by a particular race, either as food or drink, or by an
habitual custom, as so called matters of luxury, or as medicine. The
ethnologist has the great merit of working here hand in hand with
chemists and physiologists, and fills up in this manner a most
important chapter in the natural history of man; as it shows how
instinct and necessity have led him to adopt different customs, and
to make use of different articles of consumption in different climates.
Among the ordinary domestic animals, there is little of novelty in the
food they supply to man. But I may notice in passing, before
proceeding to an investigation of unusual or extraordinary articles of
consumption, a few things that may not be generally known.
Jerked beef, or tasajo, as it is termed in Cuba, is imported to the
extent of 200 to 350 thousand quintals a year into that island, for
feeding the slaves on the plantations.
That imported from Buenos Ayres and Monte Video is preferred for
consumption on the sugar estates, to that which is received from Rio
Grande, Venezuela, Campeachy, and the United States, it being
more substantial, coming in larger and thicker pieces, better cured
and salted, and also of handsomer appearance. The class imported
from Venezuela and Campeachy, comes in thin pieces called
rebenque, which is not generally liked, and only bought in small
parcels, for consumption in the city of Havana. The beef which is
cured in the River Plate, from December to May, or in summer, is
preferred in Cuba, by reason of its being more nutritive than that
which is cured in the other or winter months; the colour is yellowish,
and it keeps a longer time.
In South America, the jerked beef is called charqui, and when salted,
and smoked or dried in the sun, sesina. The commerce is very large
in this species of provision.
The mode of preparing it in Chili is as follows:—When the horned
cattle are sufficiently fat, or rather at the killing season, which is
about the months of February and March, from 500 to 1000,
according to the size of the farm, are slaughtered. The whole of the
fat is separated from the meat and melted, forming a kind of lard,
called grasa, which is employed for domestic purposes. The tallow is
also kept separate, and the meat is jerked. This process is
performed by cutting the fleshy substance into slices of about a
quarter-of-an-inch thick, leaving out all the bones. The natives are so
dexterous at this work that they will cut the whole of a leg, or any
other large part of a bullock, into one uniformly thin piece.
The meat thus cut is either dipped into a very strong solution of salt
and water, or rubbed over with a small quantity of fine salt.
Whichever mode is adopted, the whole of the jerked meat is put on
the hide, and rolled up for ten or twelve hours, or until the following
morning. It is then hung on lines or poles to dry in the sun, which
being accomplished, it is made into bundles, lashed with thongs of
fresh hide, forming a kind of network, and is ready for market. In this
operation it loses about one-third of its original weight. The dried
meat, or charqui, finds immediate sale at Lima, Arica, Guayaquil,
Panama, and other places. About 6000 quintals of charqui, with a
proportionate quantity of tallow and fat (grasa) are shipped from
Talcahuana to Lima alone. Besides the large quantity consumed in
Chili, it furnishes a great part of the food of the slaves in Brazil, the
negroes in some of the West India Islands, and seamen, being the
general substitute for salt beef and pork. The grasa and tallow are
also readily sold throughout South America, and are of more value
than the meat.
The slaughtering season is as much a time of diversion for the
inhabitants of that country as a sheep shearing is in England. The
females too are all busied cutting up the fat, frying it for grasa, and
selecting some of the finer meat for presents and home
consumption. The tongue is the only part of the head that is eaten,
the remainder being left to rot.[1] Dried meat enters largely into
consumption in several other countries.
In the Cape Colony dried meat is called biltonge. In the East,
especially in Siam, the dried sinews of animals are considered a
great delicacy; and dried elephant’s flesh we shall find is stored up
for food, under the name of pastoormah. Beef is preserved in Asia
Minor with garlic and pepper, and dried in the sun for winter food. It
is prepared in Wallachia and Moldavia, and largely shipped from
Varna in the Black Sea. Besides providing all Anatolia, Aleppo, and
Damascus, 6000 cwt. or more is yearly sent from Kaissariah to
Constantinople. Hung beef from Germany is well known at our
Portable and concentrated animal food is of great consequence to
explorers and travellers, and therefore it may be well to allude here
to the article pemmican, which is so much used by arctic travellers
and the Hudson’s Bay Company’s traders. This is meat of any kind
dried and pounded, and saturated with fat. There is as much
nourishment in one pound of pemmican as in four pounds of ordinary
meat. It may be eaten as it is, or partially cooked, and has a pleasant
taste. Sometimes it is mixed with a sufficient quantity of Indian meal
and water to cause it to adhere, and then fried or stewed.
The North American Indians dry their venison by exposing thin slices
to the heat of the sun, on a stage, under which a small fire is kept,
more for the purpose of driving away the flies than for promoting
exsiccation; and then they pound it between two stones on a bison
hide. In this process the pounded meat is contaminated by a greater
or smaller admixture of hair and other impurities.
The fat, which is generally the suet of the bison, is added by the
traders, who purchase it separately from the natives, and they
complete the process by sewing up the pemmican in a bag of
undressed hide, with the hairy side outwards. Each of these bags
weighs 90 lbs., and obtains from the Canadian voyageurs the
designation of ‘un taureau.’ A superior pemmican is produced by
mixing finely powdered meat, sifted from impurities, with marrow fat,
and the dried fruit of the Amilanchier.
Sir John Richardson having been employed by government to
prepare pemmican on a large scale, at the Victualling Yard, Gosport,
for the use of the different arctic expeditions, it will be interesting to
describe the process he adopted, as given in his Arctic Searching
Expedition, or a Journal of a Boat Voyage, &c.—
‘The round or buttock of beef of the best quality having been cut into
thin steaks, from which the fat and membraneous parts were pared
away, was dried in a malt kiln, over an oak fire, until its moisture was
entirely dissipated, and the fibre of the meat became friable. It was
then ground in a malt mill, when it resembled finely grated meat.
Being next mixed with nearly an equal weight of melted beef suet or
lard, the preparation of plain pemmican was complete; but to render
it more agreeable to the unaccustomed palate, a proportion of the
best Zante currants was added to part of it, and part of it was
sweetened with sugar. Both these kinds were much approved of in
the sequel by the consumers, but more especially that to which the
sugar had been added. After the ingredients were well incorporated
by stirring, they were transferred to tin canisters, capable of
containing 85 lbs. each; and having been firmly rammed down and
allowed to contract further by cooling, the air was completely
expelled and excluded by filling the canister to the brim with melted
lard, through a small hole left in the end, which was then covered
with a piece of tin and soldered up.
‘As the meat in drying loses more than three-fourths of its original
weight, the quantity required was considerable, being 35,651 lbs.
(reduced by drying to about 8000 lbs.); and the sudden abstraction
of more than one thousand rounds of beef, from Leadenhall Market,
occasioned speculation among the dealers, and a rise in the price of
a penny per pound, with an equally sudden fall when the extra
demand was found to be very temporary.’
We import about 13 or 14 tons of gelatine a year from France,
besides what is made at home, and the greater part of what passes
under this name is, I believe, used for food. The Americans, some
years ago, tried to pass off upon us isinglass made from fish bones,
but it would not go down.
Gelatine of all kinds has usually been considered wholesome and
nourishing; and while few object to cow-heel or calf’s foot jelly, very
many are possibly unaware of the sources of much of the gelatine
vended in shapes so beautifully transparent, but which is made from
bones and hide clippings, and parchment shavings. It is said that a
pair of lady’s gloves have ere now made a ragout; and there is a
hiatus in the parchment specifications at the Patent Office, caused
by an unlucky boy, who changed them away for tarts, in order that
they might be converted into jellies.
The dust of the ivory turner in working up elephants’ tusks forms an
excellent material for jellies, and is commonly sold for this purpose,
at about 6d. per lb.
M. Payen has recently been at pains to disprove the vulgar notion
that bones make good soup. The celebrated Gelatine Commission,
some years ago, declared, as the results of many experiments, that
gelatine was not nutritious; and this result has been repeated in
almost every text-book of physiology as conclusive, and is adopted
by M. Payen, who tests it in another series of experiments. He boiled
in one pot a portion of beef completely divested of bone, and in
another the bone taken from the beef, with only a little salt. After five
hours’ slow boiling, the liquid from the beef was perfectly limpid, and
of a light amber colour, leaving that aroma and delicate taste known
to belong to good beef tea. The liquid from the bones was whitish-
gray, troubled and opaque, having a very slight odour, and a not
agreeable taste. Nothing could be more opposed than the two soups
thus produced. In another experiment, he repeated this process with
the addition of some vegetables, and even some drops of caramel.
The beef-soup here maintained its delicious aroma, agreeably
combined with that of the vegetables; its limpidity was the same, but
its colour of course stronger. The bone-soup had a dominant odour
of vegetables, but its troubled and opaque aspect made it very
unappetising. From these experiments M. Payen concludes that the
prejudice in favour of the addition of bones to the soup is a prejudice,
and that, in fact, bones are not at all nutritious.
Liebig also, in his Letters on Chemistry, pp. 424 and 425, says:—‘It
has now been proved by the most convincing experiments, that
gelatine, which by itself is tasteless, and when eaten excites nausea,
possesses no nutritive value; that even when accompanied by the
savoury constituents of flesh, it is not capable of supporting the vital
process, and when added to the usual diet as a substitute for plastic
matter, does not increase, but on the contrary diminishes the
nutritive value of the food, which it renders insufficient in quantity and
inferior in quality; and that its use is hurtful rather than beneficial,
because it does not, like the non-nitrogenous substances provided
by nature for respiration, disappear in the body without leaving a
residue, but overloads with nitrogenous products, the presence of
which disturbs and impedes the organic processes.’ And he further
observes, that ‘the only difference between this and joiner’s glue is
its greater price.’ Jellies no doubt were considered most nutritious
during the Peninsular war, but we have learned many things since
then, of which our poor soldiers ought to have the benefit.
Portable soup is prepared in a very simple manner. The meat is
boiled, and the scum taken off as it rises, until the soup possesses
the requisite flavour. ‘It is then suffered to cool, in order that the fat
may be separated. In the next place it is mixed with the whites of five
or six eggs, and slightly boiled—this operation serves to clarify the
liquid, by the removal of opaque particles, which unite with the white
of egg, at the time it becomes solid by the heat, and are
consequently removed along with it. The liquor is then to be strained
through flannel, and evaporated on the water bath, to the
consistence of a very thick paste, after which it is spread rather thin
upon a smooth stone, then cut into cakes, and lastly dried in a stove,
until it becomes brittle. These cakes may be kept four or five years, if
defended from moisture. When intended to be used, nothing more is
required to be done than to dissolve a sufficient quantity in boiling
For some years past there have been imported into the Continent
rather large quantities of dried meat from the southern countries of
America, where it is known under the name of assayo. It gives a
soup nearly similar to that of fresh meat. Another sort of food which
is prepared in Texas, the meat-biscuit, is generally used in the
American navy; but, although greatly appreciated at the Great
Exhibition of London, it has not yet entered into general use in
Europe. It is made of boiled beef free from grease, the liquor of
which is evaporated to the consistency of syrup, and this is mixed
with wheaten flour in sufficient proportion to form a solid paste. This
paste is then spread out by a rolling pin, is pierced with a number of
little holes, is cut into the ordinary dimensions of sea biscuits, and
then baked and properly dried. The biscuit is eaten dry, or may be
broken, boiled in twenty or thirty times its weight in water, for from
twenty-five to thirty minutes, and then seasoned with salt or other
The following is the process of manufacturing this biscuit:—
There are four wooden caldrons or tubs for boiling the meat and
evaporating the liquid or broth—the two for boiling the meat, holding
2,300 gallons, will each boil 7,000 lbs. of meat in twelve to sixteen
hours. The other two, for evaporating, will contain some 1,400
gallons each. All the tubs are heated or boiled by steam passing
through long coiled iron pipes, supplied at pleasure, either from the
escape steam from the engine, or direct from the boiler.
When the meat is so far boiled or macerated, that the liquid or broth
contains the entire nutriment, the meaty, or solid portions are
separated by a simple process of filtering, so that the broth goes into
the evaporator pure and free from fibrous matter. It is then
evaporated to a degree of consistency resembling the golden or
Stewart’s sugar house syrup, its uniform density being determined
by a liquid or syrup gauge. Two pounds of this syrup or extract
contains the nutriment of some eleven pounds of meat (including its
usual proportion of bone) as first put into the caldron. This is then
mixed with the best and finest flour, kneaded and made into biscuit
by means of machines. The biscuit is baked upon pans in an oven
so constructed as to produce an uniform firmness. The proportion is
as two pounds of extract are to three pounds of flour, but by baking,
the five pounds of dough is reduced to four pounds of biscuit, and
this will make what the inventor claims—the nutriment of over five
pounds of meat in one pound of bread, which contains, besides, over
ten ounces of flour.
The biscuit resembles in appearance a light coloured sugar-cake. It
is packed in air-tight casks or tin canisters of different sizes, part of
the biscuit being pulverized by grinding in a mill for the purpose, and
then packed with the whole biscuit.
In discussing the extension of our resources of animal food, it is
strange to notice that while we eat the blood of pigs and fowls, we
throw aside as waste the blood of oxen, sheep, goats, calves, &c.
Now blood contains all the principles out of which the tissues are
formed, and must, one would therefore imagine, be eminently
nutritious. Why prejudice has excluded these, while admitting the
blood of pigs, is an anomaly which I cannot understand.
In France, where there are not, as in America, large quantities of
animals which are killed simply for the sake of their hides, it would be
impossible to prepare or supply at a low price either the assayo or
the meat biscuit; but the idea of using the blood of animals killed,
which blood is at present wasted without profit, or, at best, is used as
manure, might have occurred to some one. M. Brocchieri has
conceived this idea. In treating the blood of our slaughter-houses by
means which he has invented, and uniting to flour of the best quality,
the albumen and fibrine which he extracts from it—he makes bread
and biscuits which are easily preserved, and which may be
employed to make very nutritious soups.
At the Great Exhibition, in 1851, he produced bon-bons made of the
blood of the ox, cow, sheep, and hog; biscuits and patties of the
blood of the bull, and delicacies made of calves’ blood. I have
specimens of these preserved in my private museum, although I
have not ventured to taste them.
Generally speaking in England, we do not do much with the blood of
animals, at least, in the shape of food—unless it be in those strings
of black-puddings, with tempting little bits of fat stuck in them, which
stare us in the face in some shops.
But M. Brocchieri has attempted to utilize the nutritious principles of
the blood of animals killed for food, by reducing it to a concentrated
and dried state, for preservation during long periods. The first step is
to prepare a liquid, considered innocuous and antiseptic by the
inventor, by which various bloods are kept fluid and apparently fresh.
Samples of these were shown, and the series of specimens
illustrated the solid parts forming the crassamentum or clot, in a
dried and semi-crystalline state. These solid constituents, including
the gelatine, albumen, and fibrine are next produced, combined with
small proportions of flour, in the form of light, dry masses, like
loaves, cakes, or biscuits. These are inodorous, almost flavourless,
and may be made the bases of highly nutritious soups. They are
very uniform in composition, containing half the nitrogen of dried
blood, or forty-four per cent. of dry flesh, the equivalent of double the
nutritive value of ordinary butcher’s meat. Both the bull’s and calf’s
blood gave 6·6 per cent. of nitrogen, equal to forty-three per cent. of
flesh-forming principles. Combined with sugar, the cakes have been
made into bon-bons.
The evidence, as to the value of the process, in preserving the
samples in an undecomposed state, is now satisfactorily arrived at. It
was stated in 1851, that the preparations had been advantageously
employed in long voyages. The samples I have in my collection have
now been kept seven years, and have not shown any tendency to
decay. Thus proving that the first attempt has been successful, in
rendering available for food, and portable in form, the otherwise
wasted blood of cattle.
This notice of blood recalls to my recollection a laughable story told
in a French work, of the life of an unfortunate pig.
‘A French curé, exiled to a deserted part of our forests—and who,
the whole year, except on a few rare occasions, lived only on fruit
and vegetables—hit upon a most admirable expedient for providing
an animal repast to set before the curés of the neighbourhood, when
one or the other, two or three times during the year, ventured into
those dreadful solitudes, with a view of assuring himself with his own
eyes that his unfortunate colleague had not yet died of hunger. The
curé in question possessed a pig, his whole fortune: and you will see
the manner in which he used it. Immediately the bell announced a
visitor, and that his cook had shown his clerical friend into the
parlour, the master of the house, drawing himself up majestically,
said to his housekeeper: ‘Brigitte, let there be a good dinner for
myself and my friend.’ Brigitte, although she knew there were only
stale crusts and dried peas in her larder, seemed in no degree
embarrassed by this order; she summoned to her assistance ‘Toby
the Carrot,’ so called because his head was as red as that of a
native of West Galloway, and leaving the house together, they both
went in search of the pig. This, after a short skirmish, was caught by
Brigitte and her carroty assistant; and, notwithstanding his cries, his
grunts, his gestures of despair, and supplication, the inhuman cook,
seizing his head, opened a large vein in his throat, and relieved him
of two pounds of blood; this, with the addition of garlic, shalots, mint,
wild thyme, and parsley, was converted into a most savoury and
delicious black-pudding for the curé and his friend, and being served
to their reverences smoking hot on the summit of a pyramid of yellow
cabbage, figured admirably as a small Vesuvius and a centre dish.
The surgical operation over, Brigitte, whose qualifications as a
seamstress were superior, darned up the hole in the neck of the
unfortunate animal: and as he was then turned loose until a fresh
supply of black-puddings should be required for a similar occasion,
this wretched pig was never happy. How could he be so? Like
Damocles of Syracuse, he lived in a state of perpetual fever; terror
seized him directly he heard the curé’s bell, and seeing in
imagination the uplifted knife already about to glide into his bosom,
he invariably took to his heels before Brigitte was half-way to the
door to answer it. If, as usual, the peal announced a diner-out,
Brigitte and Gold-button were soon on his track, calling him by the
most tender epithets, and promising that he should have something
nice for his supper—skim-milk, &c.,—but the pig with his painful
experience was not such a fool as to believe them. Hidden behind an
old cask, some fagots, or lying in a deep ditch, he remained silent as
the grave, and kept himself close as long as possible. Discovered,
however, he was sure to be at last, when he would rush into the
garden, and, running up and down like a mad creature, upset
everything in his way. For several minutes it was a regular
steeplechase—across the beds, now over the turnips, then through
the gooseberry-bushes—in short, he was here, there, and
everywhere; but, in spite of all his various stratagems to escape the
fatal incision, the poor pig always finished by being seized, tied,
thrown on the ground, and bled: the vein was then once more
cleverly sewn up, and the inhuman operators quietly retired from the
scene to make the curé’s far-famed black-pudding. Half-dead upon
the spot where he was phlebotomized, the wretched animal was left
to reflect under the shade of a tree on the cruelty of man, on their
barbarous appetites; cursing with all his heart the poverty of
Morvinian curates, their conceited hospitality, of which he was the
victim, and their brutal affection for pig’s blood.’
Sir George Simpson, speaking of some of the northern tribes of
Indians in America, says, the flexibility of their stomachs is
surprising. At one time they will gorge themselves with food, and are
then prepared to go without any for several days, if necessary.
Enter their tents; sit there if you can for a whole day, and not for an
instant will you find the fire unoccupied by persons of all ages
cooking. When not hunting or travelling, they are in fact always
eating. Now it is a little roast, a partridge or rabbit perhaps; now a tit-
bit, broiled under the ashes; anon a portly kettle, well filled with
venison, swings over the fire; then comes a choice dish of curdled
blood, followed by the sinews and marrow-bones of deer’s legs,
singed on the embers. And so the grand business of life goes
unceasingly round, interrupted only by sleep.
Dining within the arctic circle, when such a thing as dinner is to be
had, is a much more serious matter than when one undergoes that
pleasing ceremony at a first-rate eating house, hotel, or club.
In arctic banquets, the cheerful glass is often frozen to the lip, or the
too ardent reveller splinters a tooth in attempting to gnaw through a
lump of soup. We, in these temperate climes, have never had the
pleasure of eating ship’s rum, or chewing brandy and water. It is not
only necessary to ‘first catch your fish,’ but also essential to thaw it;
and there is no chance of the fish being limber, although it is not
unusual for heat to bring them to life after they have been frozen stiff
a couple of days. In the arctic circle even the very musquitoes,
which, by the way, are frightfully large and numerous, become torpid
with the intense cold, and are frozen into hard masses, which the
heat of the sun, or fire, may restore to animation.
Dr. Sutherland, in his voyage in Baffin’s Bay, says—‘It was
necessary to be very careful with our drinking cups. Tin never suited,
for it always adhered to the lips, and took a portion of the skin along
with it. A dog attempting to lick a little fat from an iron shovel stuck
fast to it, and dragged it by means of his tongue, until by a sudden
effort, he got clear, leaving several inches of the skin and adjacent
tissue on the cold metal. One of the seamen, endeavouring to
change the size of the eye of the splice in his tack-rope, put the
marling spike, after the true sailor fashion, into his mouth; the result
was that he lost a great portion of his lips and tongue.’
We hear frequent jokes of the partiality of the Russians for tallow
candles, and, like all inhabitants of the polar regions, the Esquimaux
are very fond of fat, the physiology of their craving for fat is now
known to everybody. My esteemed friend, the late Mr. Hooper, one of
the officers of H.M.S. Plover, in his account of his residence on the
shores of Arctic America, states, that ‘one of the ladies who visited
them was presented, as a jest, with a small tallow candle, called a
purser’s dip. It was, notwithstanding, a very pleasant joke to the
damsel, who deliberately munched it up with evident relish, and
finally, drew the wick between her set teeth to clean off any
remaining morsels of fat.’
He gives also in detail, the history of a Tuski repast of the most
sumptuous nature, to which he and his companions were invited,
and I must find room for some portion of it.
‘First was brought in, on a huge wooden tray, a number of small fish,
uncooked, but intensely frozen. At these all the natives set to work,
and we essayed, somewhat ruefully it must be confessed, to follow
their example; but, being all unused to such gastronomic process,
found ourselves, as might be expected, rather at a loss how to
commence. From this dilemma, however, our host speedily
extricated us, by practical demonstration of the correct mode of
action; and, under his certainly very able tuition, we shortly became
more expert. But, alas! a new difficulty was soon presented; our
native companions, we presume, either made a hasty bolt of each
morsel, or had, perhaps, a relish for the flavour of the viands now
under consideration. Not so ourselves—it was sadly repugnant to
our palates; for, aided by the newly-acquired knowledge that the fish
were in the same condition as when taken from the water, uncleaned
and unembowelled, we speedily discovered that we could neither
bolt nor retain the fragments, which, by the primitive aid of teeth and
nails, we had rashly detached for our piscatorial share. It was to no
purpose that our host pressed us to ‘fall to;’ we could not manage
the consumption of this favourite preparation (or rather lack thereof),
and succeeded with difficulty in evading his earnest solicitations. The
next course was a mess of green stuff, looking as if carefully
chopped up, and this was also hard frozen. To it was added a lump
of blubber, which the lady presiding, who did all the carving,
dexterously cut into slices with a knife like a cheesemonger’s, and
apportioned out at different quarters of the huge tray before
mentioned, which was used throughout the meal, together with a
modicum of the grass-like stuff, to the company; the only distinction
in favour of the strangers and guests of high degree being, that their
slices were cut much thinner than for the rest. We tasted this
compound, and ... we didn’t like it: at this no one will wonder—the
blubber speaks for itself; and the other stuff, which really was not
very unpalatable, we discovered in after-times to be the unruminated
food of reindeer which had been slaughtered—at least, so we were
told: but I am not quite clear on this point. Our dislike to the dish had
no offensive effect upon our host, who only seemed to be astonished
at our strange want of taste, and, with the rest of the guests, soon
cleared the board; the managing dame putting the finishing stroke by
a rapid sweep of her not too scrupulously clean fingers over the dish,
by way of clearing off the fragments to prepare for the reception of
the next delicacy. After this interesting operation she conveyed her
digits to her mouth, and, engulfing them for a brief period, withdrew
them, quite in apple pie order once more. The board was now again
replenished, this time with viands less repellent to our unnurtured
tastes. Boiled seal and walrus flesh appeared, and our hospitable
friends were greatly relieved when they beheld us assist in the
consumption of these items, which, being utterly devoid of flavour,
were distasteful only from their extreme toughness and mode of
presentation; but we did not, of course, desire to appear too singular
or squeamish. Next came a portion of whale’s flesh, or rather whale’s
skin. This was perfectly ebony in hue, and we discovered some
apprehensions respecting its fitness as an article of food; but our
fears were groundless. It was cut and re-cut crosswise into
diminutive cubes; venturing upon one of which we were agreeably
surprised to find it possessing a cocoa-nut flavour, like which it also
cut, ‘very short;’ indeed, so much astonished were we on this
occasion, that we had consumed a very considerable number of
these cubes, and with great relish too, before we recovered from our
wonder. The dish was ever afterwards a favourite with me. On its
disappearance, a very limited quantity of boiled reindeer meat, fresh
and fat, was served up, to which we did ample justice; then came
portions of the gum of the whale, in which the ends of the bone lay
still embedded; and I do not hesitate to declare that this was
perfectly delicious, its flavour being, as nearly as I can find a parallel,
like that of cream cheese. This, which the Tuski call their sugar, was
the wind-up to the repast and ourselves, and we were fain to admit
that, after the rather unpleasant auspices with which our feast
commenced, the finale was by no means to be contemned.’
A merchant at a banquet to which he was invited with several
respectable Greenlanders, counted the following dishes:—Dried
herrings; dried seal’s flesh; the same boiled; half-raw, or putrid seal’s
flesh, called Mikiak; boiled auks; part of a whale’s tail in a half-putrid
state, which was considered as a principal dish; dried salmon; dried
reindeer venison; preserves of crow-berries mixed with the chyle
from the maw of the reindeer; and lastly, the same enriched with
train oil.
Dr. Kane, enumerating arctic delicacies, says, ‘Our journeys have
taught us the wisdom of the Esquimaux appetite, and there are few
among us who do not relish a slice of raw blubber or a chunk of
frozen walrus-beef. The liver of a walrus (awuktanuk), eaten with
little slices of his fat—of a verity it is a delicious morsel. Fire would
ruin the curt, pithy expression of vitality which belongs to its
uncooked juices. Charles Lamb’s roast pig was nothing to
awuktanuk. I wonder that raw beef is not eaten at home. Deprived of
extraneous fibre, it is neither indigestible nor difficult to masticate.
With acids and condiments, it makes a salad which an educated
palate cannot help relishing; and as a powerful and condensed heat-
making and antiscorbutic food, it has no rival. I make this last broad
assertion after carefully testing its truth. The natives of South
Greenland prepare themselves for a long journey in the cold by a
course of frozen seal. At Upernavik they do the same with the
narwhal, which is thought more heat-making than the seal; while the
bear, to use their own expression, is ‘stronger travel than all.’ In
Smith’s Sound, where the use of raw meat seems almost inevitable
from the modes of living of the people, walrus holds the first rank.
Certainly this pachyderm, whose finely-condensed tissue and
delicately-permeating fat—(oh! call it not blubber)—assimilate it to
the ox, is beyond all others, and is the very best fuel a man can
swallow. It became our constant companion whenever we could get
it; and a frozen liver upon our sledge was valued far above the same
weight of pemmican.’
Mr. Augustus Petermann, in a paper upon Animal Life in the Arctic
Regions, read before the Royal Geographical Society, thus
enumerates the food resources:—
‘Though several classes of the animal creation, as for example, the
reptiles, are entirely wanting in this region, those of the mammals,
birds, and fishes, at least, bear comparison both as to number and
size with those of the Tropics: the lion, the elephant, the
hippopotamus, and others not being more notable in the latter
respect than the polar bear, the musk ox, the walrus, and, above all,
the whale. Besides these, there are the moose, the reindeer, the
wolf, the polar hare, the seal, and various smaller quadrupeds. The
birds consist chiefly of an immense number of aquatic birds. Of
fishes, the salmon, salmon trout, and herring, are the principal, the
latter especially crowding in such myriads as to surpass everything
of that kind found in tropical regions.
‘Nearly all these animals furnish wholesome food for men. They are,
with few exceptions, distributed over the entire regions: their number,
however, or the relative intensity of the individuals, is very different in
different parts. Thus, on the American side, we find the animals
decreasing in number from east to west. On the shores of Davis’
Straits, in Baffin’s Bay, Lancaster Sound, Regent Inlet, &c., much
less in number are met with than in Boothia Felix, and Parry groups.
The abundance of animal life in Melville Island and Victoria Channel,
is probably not surpassed in any other part on the American side.
Proceeding westward to the Russian possessions, we find
considerable numbers of animals all round and within the sea of
Kamtschatka, as also to the north of Behring’s Straits. The yearly
produce of the Russian Fur Company, in America, is immense, and
formerly it was much greater. Pribylon, when he discovered the small
islands named after him, collected, within two years, 2,000 skins of
sea otters, 40,000 sea bears, (ursine seals,) 6,000 dark sea foxes,
and 1,000 walrus-teeth. Lütke, in his Voyage Round the World,
mentions that, in the year 1803, 800,000 skins of the ursine seal
alone were accumulated in Unataski, one of the depôts of the
Russian Fur Company, 700,000 of which were thrown into the sea,
partly because they were badly prepared, and partly to keep up the
prices. But in no other part of the arctic zoological region is animal
life so abundant as in the northern parts of Siberia, especially
between the Rivers Kolyma and Lena.
‘The first animals that make their appearance after the dreary winter,
are large flights of swans, geese, ducks, and snipes; these are killed
by old and young. Fish also begin to be taken in nets and baskets
placed under the ice.
‘In June, however, when the river opens, the fish pour in in immense
numbers. At the beginning of this century, several thousand geese
were sometimes killed in one day at the mouth of the River Kolyma.
About twenty years later, when Admiral Wrangel visited those
regions, the numbers had somewhat decreased, and it was then
called a good season when 1,000 geese, 5,000 ducks, and 200
swans were killed at that place. The reindeer chase forms the next
occupation for the inhabitants. About the same time, the shoals of
herrings begin to ascend the rivers, and the multitudes of these fish
are often such that, in three or four days, 40,000 may be taken with a
single net.
‘On the banks of the River Indejiska the number of swans and geese
resorting there in the moulting season, is said to be much greater
even than on the River Kolyma.’

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