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WAVE MOTION 12 (1990) 385-399 385




John A. ADAM
Department of Mathhmatics and Statistics, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529, USA

Received 6 February 1989

The initial value problem is solved for the pressure field resulting from an instantaneous localized forcing term in a
horizontally-stratified isothermal compressible atmosphere, with a uniform gravitational field and a non-uniform horizontal
magnetic field. The waves generated in this system are termed magnetoatmospheric waves. Exact integral expressions are
given for the high and low frequency pressure fields emanating from the source, for motion varying in the plane containing
the gravitational field and magnetic field vectors, and also orthogonal to this plane. In each case, the presence of a lower
rigid boundary (z = 0) gives rise to a horizontally propagating Lamb-type surface wave. Particular emphasis is put on the
nature of the singularities in the complex frequency plane and their physical representations.

1. Introduction

A magnetoatmosphere is defined as a system which, when linearly perturbed about a stable equilibrium
state, may support wave motion due to the combined restoring forces of compressibility, buoyancy, and
magnetic fields [l-4]. While systems of this type are of interest in a number of ionospheric and astrophysical
situations (most notably solar physics [5-9]), in this and a subsequent paper we examine the nature of the
pressure field initiated by a localized source in the simplest of physical situations. We examine a semi-infinite
(z* 2 0) isothermal magnetoatmosphere in which the intensity of the horizontal magnetic field B* decreases
with altitude z* in such a way that the Alfven speed a* = ]B*1(47rp*)-“* is constant (p*(z*) being the
density profile of the equilibrium state). This model-the so-called constant-parameter model [4]-has
been discussed by a number of different authors (see references in the review by Thomas [2]). It has the
obvious advantage that it is susceptible to the standard mathematical techniques employed in linear wave
propagation problems, while retaining the same basic underlying physics as would be required in more
sophisticated solar atmospheric models.
The work presented here extends earlier studies by the author to examine the effects of a horizontal
magnetic field on the propagation of acoustic-gravity waves, from the viewpoint of (i) the wave energy
flux [lo], (ii) the asymptotic radiation field [ 11,121 and (iii) the spectrum of the magnetoatmospheric
wave operator [4,13]. In the paper we obtain integral expressions for the total pressure perturbation field
arising from the presence of a forcing term localized in space in time. While, as noted below, this system
may serve as a crude model of, for example, flare-induced coronal waves, we are here concerned with
those wave characteristics that depend on the properties of the medium as represented by the evolution
of the initial disturbance, and not on its excitation. Furthermore, we identify specific contributions to the
pressure field from both high and low frequency freely-propagating waves, and also a contribution from
horizontally propagating trapped or surface waves. They are associated respectively with branch cuts

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386 J.A. Adam / Magnetoatmospheric waves

(continuous w-spectrum) in the complex frequency plane, and simple poles (discrete w-spectrum) as
illustrated in Table 1.
One major advantage of an isothermal model is that it is analytically tractable, while at the same time
affording insight into more realistic physical situations. With the introduction of any non-vertical magnetic
field, the resulting anisotropy makes the analysis much more complex. To circumvent some of this, the
pure Alfven mode (which is never present, of course, in the absence of a magnetic field) can be factored
out by considering two-dimensional motion with (i) motions independent of y*, i.e. a/ay*=O, or (ii)
motions independent of x*, i.e. a/ax* = 0. The former class is more general, consisting as it does of wave
motion in the x*-z* plane, containing the magnetic and gravitational field vectors. The other class applies
to wave motion in the orthogonal y*-z* plane, and can be considered a straightforward extension of
acoustic-gravity wave theory to include magnetic pressure effects, but with no magnetic ‘tension’ along
the field lines. It is the first class, therefore, that can be expected to exhibit the most significant deviations
from a modifications of pure acoustic-gravity wave behavior. In this paper the theoretical foundations
are laid for examining the effects of a horizontal magnetic field on the propagation of acoustic-gravity
waves, in terms of integral expressions for the total pressure perturbation field (magnetic plus kinetic)
arising from the presence of an instantaneous localized forcing function. In the sequel to this paper, these
integrals will be evaluated numerically, for various spatial locations, as a function of time. Kinematic
considerations for the case a/ax* = 0 [ 121 indicate that the first signal to arrive at a given location is a
high frequency magnetoatmospheric wave (essentially magnetoacoustic in character), followed by a low
frequency magnetoatmospheric wave (essentially magneto-gravitational in character). The onset of this
latter wave is marked by a caustic (see also [ 141). It certainly appears that the case a/ay* = 0 will be more
complex since the governing dispersion relation is of degree four in k (the x-component of wavenumber),
as opposed to degree two in 1 (the y-component of wavenumber) for the case a/ax* = 0. Therefore, a
detailed analysis of the group velocity, via kinematical considerations, will also be undertaken in the
sequel to this paper, as a complementary representation and interpretative account of the calculations
carried out here.

Table 1 (for the case a/ay = 0)

Spectral points Physical Dominant

,in the s-plane Spectrum Wave type identification restoring force(s)

Branch points Continuous (union Freely propagating High and low Magnetic pressure
(*iw_, fiw,, *iw,) branch cuts) frequency magneto- tension, compressibility
atmospheric waves (high frequency);
Magnetic tension,
bouyancy (low frequency)
Simple poles (*i/c) Discrete (2 modes) Trapped Surface Lamb wave Compressibility
Essential Low frequency Propagating (as Limiting case of Magnetic pressure,
singularities (Go,) boundary of l4+&) ‘slow’ MHD compressibility

2. Stability of the equilibrium state

The unperturbed atmosphere satisfies the equation of magnetohydrostatic equilibrium

= -po*(z*) g*.
1. A. Adam / Magnetoatmospheric waves 387

Clearly, unless B,* is independent of z*, it will affect the basic atmospheric equilibrium. The stability
is also dependent on @(z*): using the energy integral method of Bernstein et al. [15], Newcomb [16]
showed that a necessary and sufficient condition for stability of a magnetoatmosphere with a horizontal
magnetic field is

dpo* Pt28*
dz* YP’po*

In the case of an isothermal atmosphere, this reduces to [17]

and because dB,**/dz* = -@‘/EZ$ for the atmosphere considered in this paper, the stability criterion
reduces to

since Hg = g*-‘( c**y-1 + a**/2).

3. Nondimensionalization

We use the constant sound speed c* = w to non-dimensionalize the Alfven speed a*, i.e. a* = ac*.
The isothermal (non-magnetic) density scale height H* = c*‘/ yg* is used for spatial variables, i.e. x* = xH*,
z* = zH*. The magnetically modified density scale height Hz is defined in terms of H* by Hz=
H*( 1+ ya2/2). The time variable t* = H*t(c*)-‘. The square of the Brunt-Vaisala frequency,

N*2 = N2( c*)‘( H*)-2 = (g*( Hz)-’ - (g*)‘( c*)-‘) = y-I[ (1 + ya2/2)-’ - f’].

The modified pressure and displacement perturbation fields (defined below) are respectively made
dimensionless by defining p^*=$ and s^*= &$,where G/i= c*‘/ H*. Also the density p?(z) = p*(O)p,,(z).
In dimensionless terms, the above stability criterion is

a2<2y-‘(y-l) (= 0.8 for y = 5/3)

Note. Although here dimensional quantities are starred, for typographical convenience the asterisks are
not used in equations (l), (2), (55) and (56). All subsequent equations and variables are dimensionless.

4. The (x-z) plane: basic equations (3/3y i 0)

We examine two sets of coupled partial differential equations governing magnetoatmospheric wave
propagation. The first more general set allows for variations of perturbation field quantities in the x-z
plane (a/@ = 0), i.e. in the plane containing the magnetic field and gravitational acceleration vectors. The
second set allows for variations of perturbation field quantities in the y-z pl,ane (a/3x=0), i.e. in the
plane perpendicular to the magnetic field lines. This situation has been partially analysed elsewhere [ 121
(but in a somewhat different manner), so the theory presented for this case will be correspondingly briefer.
388 J.A. Adam / Magnetoatmospheric waves

In terms of the total (kinetic plus magnetic) pressure p and vertical component of displacement 5, the
first set of equations is


where poF(x, z, t) is a term chosen to be present in the vertical component of the equation of motion.
This choice is of course arbitrary: it represents a vertically-directed space- and time-dependent source. If
one were interested in the presence of an energy source (or sink) then the appropriate place would be in
the equation of state. Further comments on the nature of the source term will be found below. From this
point on all quantities are dimensionless.
Defining the modified total pressure perturbation p^and modified vertical displacement i by
8x9 5 t) = Po1’2wP(X,z, t) (3)

Ax, 5 t) = PA”(Z) 5(x, z, t) (4)

then the Fourier-Laplace transformed pressure variable is defined to be

P( k, s; z) = p^(x, z, t) eikx-” dt dx (5)

with a similar definition for a transformed displacement field Q(/c, S; z). The transformed versions of
equations (1) and (2) (with appropriate vanishing P, Q and their first z-derivatives as 1x1+ co) are



where the source term in equation (1) is specified to be such that

p;“‘(z) F(x, z, t) = B6(x) S(z) s(t) (8)
for some constant B, characteristic of the medium. Physically, this corresponds to an instantaneous point
source of momentum, which could be considered as a crude model of flare-induced waves [6]. This,
however, is not the objective here: the pressure (or corresponding displacement) field depends primarily
on the properties of the medium, not on its excitation, and it is with the former aspect that we shall be
concerned in this paper.
In equation (6) and (7) the coefficients ai, pi are defined as follows:
u (=. s s)=[(a2+l)s2+u2k2](2+#-S2y1
1 , , (9)
&(a; k, S) = N2+ s2+ a2k2+ u’y-‘(2+ ~u2)-’ - a2y-&(a; k, s), (10)
cu,(u;~s)=(k2+s~)(u%~+s*(l+u~))-’, (11)
Pz(a; k s) = 44 k s). (1%
J.A. Adam / Magnetoatmospheric waves 389

The transformed initial and boundary conditions are P = 0 at t =O- and Q =0 at z = O-, t> 0. Since
equation (6) and the homogeneous form of equation (7) are linear with coefficients independent of z,
both P and Q have z-behavior, for z > 0, of the form exp(-pz), Re p 5 0, for outgoing waves. From (6)
and (7), for z > 0

-b+d’+B1Q=0, (13)

a2P+(cr,-p)Q=O. (14)

The characteristic equation for ~(a; k, S) is thus

p2= a2&+a: (15)

(s2+ f.Z)(s2+ w:> “2
(1+a2)(s2+w;) (16)

after some considerable algebra, where the ‘modes’ o+( a; k), ~_(a, k) and w2(u, k) are defined as [4j

4k2(N2+a2[k2+:]) “’
w:(a; k)=;(l+a2)(k2+~) l- (17)
(1+a2)2(k2+f)2 I I
&(a; k) = a2k2(1 + a’)-! (18)

It is a straightforward matter to show that


(see Fig. 1). The Iamb frequency oL will be discussed below.

Integration of equation (7) from (O- to O+) yields the jump condition

[Q]$= B (1%

which provides the boundary condition for Q as z + O+, thus

Q(a; k, s; z) = B e-@. (20)

It follows from (7) that, for z > 0

P(a; k, s; z) = B(p -)62)~;’ e-” (21)

or, equivalently,
(1+az)(s2+w:)(/P(2+yu2)-‘)+s y -1

I k2+s2 (22)

The double inversion of the Fourier and Laplace transforms yields the following formal representation
of the total modified pressure perturbation field

eeiks F(k; z, z) dk (23)

390 J.A. Adam / Magnetoatmospheric waues

Fig. 1. The w,(a, k) curves as a function of k for a fixed value of a (see equation (17)). Also shown in w2(a, k), the ‘slow’ mode,
and oL, the Lamb mode (see equation (18)). The decoupled Alfven mode o, is also indicated. The solid vertical lines correspond
to the branch-cuts (+, to_) and (o+, co) in Fig. 2.


I __
? Ico
es’ P( k, s; z) ds

This latter integration is to be carried out first, for fixed real k, along the path Re(s) = r) to the right of
all singularities in the s-plane, suitably cut so that Re(q) 30 on the contour. The expression for the
modified displacement field, &x, z, t) is found from equation (6) and the corresponding inversion integrals.

Spectral points

From expression (16) defining p(a; k, s), and equation (22) we note that the integrand in (24) has
branch points at (i) s = fiW+, (ii) s = *iw_ and (iii) s = fk.+. These last two points are also essential
singularities. Two simple poles occur, defined by s = *ik To evaluate the Bromwich-type integral (24),
the s-plane is suitably cut, and F is expressed as a sum of integrals along the imaginary axis (s = iw) and
residue contributions from the poles. The branch line integrals correspond to freely propagating waves
(nonevanescent in z) and the poles correspond to surface or trapped waves propagating along the magnetic
field lines. These are the magnetohydrodynamic analogue of Lamb waves, and arise because of the rigid
lower boundary at z = 0. The complete contour for given k is shown in Fig. 2; it is helpful to study this
in conjunction with Fig. 1. The integrand is single-valued in the entire plane with the principal branches
J.A. Adam / Magnetoatmospheric waves 391







Fig. 2. The contour used in carrying out the s-integration, in equation (24). The simple poles are at s = *i/c, branch points occur
at s = flu+, Go-, and *iw,. These last two points are also essential singularities.


Re s

Fig. 3. The arguments of Jo associated with branch points, as used in equation (26).
392 /.A. Adam / Magnetoatmospheric waves

of angles associated with the branch points as shown in Fig. 3. In this figure, the eight points A-H have
y-arguments listed below.
From (16) and Fig. 3 we find
(s-iiw+)(S+iO+)(S-iiw_)(S+iW_) “* iarg~
/-4a; k s) =
I (1+&s-iw2)(s+iW2) I
e (25)

arg~=f(e1+eZ+e3+e4-e5-e6). (26)
Thus at the points A-H, the p-arguments are

arg PA’ arg pb= arg & = arg &, = P/2,

arg pa= arg yc’arg &= arg pG = -a/2.

Application of Cauchy’s theorem enables us to write F, as indicated above, as a sum of residues and
eight branch integrals, since the contribution form the circular contour is vanishingly small (Re s < 0).
%‘heessential singularities, being outside the contour, do not contribute residues. Thus

F(k; t,z)= C Res +FA+FB+Fc+FD+FE+FF+F,+F,. (27)

(s=*ik >

The expression for FA etc. are given in terms of the coefficients (with s =iw), dropping the factor B,
(Y(Q,k; w)=(1+a2)(w2-w:),
p(u, k; w)=~~y-‘--(1+a*)(2+ya*)-‘(w~-o:),
A(w, k) = eior(u2- k2)-‘.

FA=& A e-i’pl’(P +icylpI) dw (P = M), (28)
I m+

FB=& A ei’*lr(/3 -icz(p]) do (P = -iI& (29)

Fc=& A eiir”(/3 -ia dw (1~= -iM), (30)

1 02
F D=-
2mI w-
A e-“““(P +icrlpI) do (CL= ilk4 (31)

1 -02
A e-“““(/3 +ialp() dw (CL= i(pl), (32)
FE=2, I _“_
F& A eii’lz(j3 -icu[p() dw (CL= -$.4, (33)
27TI -02

F G=& j:: A ei’p”(P -ialpI) do (p = -i(p[), (34)

“““(j?+ia(~() do (p =i\pj). (35)

LA. Adam / Magnetoatmospheric waves 393

These expressions can be combined:

’ m sin w2 e-i’P”(@ +iculpl) do
FA+FH=L (36)
P I m+ (u*-k*) ’

’ O”sin wt ei’*“(/3 - ia Ip I) do
FB+FG=2 (37)
IT I m+ (o*-k*) ’

* wt e”+(j3 -ia do
F,+ FF=l (38)

?r (o*-k*) ’

sin ot e+“(/3 + ia IpI) dw
F,+F,=-I (39)
02 ll
(0*-k*) ’
We can write the sum of equations (36) and (37) as

. a0 .

F*+FH+FB+F& {e-““‘(~+icu~~~)-e”“‘(~-ia~~~)}dw
w* > k*. (40)

{eTiiC”(/3 +ialp[) -e”“‘(p -ialpj)} do (41)

noting that k*>w*>d>w: in (41).

Hence the (complex) contribution to F( k; t, z) in (27) from the eight branch-line integrals (representing
the continuous spectrum of freely propagating magnetoatmospheric waves) can be summarized as

J - {e-i”“Z(/3
. 03 .

Fcts =; o l;:_;2l +ialpl) -e”“‘(/3 -i&l)} dw,

w*<w<o_<k, o>o+>k. (42)

For brevity we denote the term in braces in this equation by f(w, k; z). Using the representation (16)
for p*, it is easily seen that when s* = -k*,

=;*= 2(2-y)*+a*y(y2+4),0
4y2(2+ ya*) ’ (43)
so the residue contribution from (24) when s = ik is

whereas when s = -ik the contribution is

-i _ikt-fi*
p+‘-_ 1
2 [ y 2+yu* ’

yielding, in total

1 sin kt,
394 /.A. Adam / Magnetoatmospheric waves


fiL(X,z,t)=-~p* I
- -m k sin kt eeikr dk

y 2iya2’

The integral in (44) is divergent, but can be interpreted as

i e
, * -3 PL(X, z, t) = p syt-x) (45)

where, formally,

The delta-function derivative corresponds heuristically to the magnetohydrodynamic analog of com-

pression and subsequent expansion associated with the passage of the Lamb wave as it propagates along
the magnetic field lines. Although from equation (45) this mode grows exponentially in amplitude, since
fi <f, the energy of the perturbation &(z)e2 decreases with height and the total energy is finite in (0, a).

5. Fourier inversion

The contribution to the total pressure perturbation field from the continua is, from (23)

i&x, z, t) =& m eikzF,,(k; t, z) dk (46)

I al
The order of integration can be formally changed and the resulting integral decomposed into low and
high frequency bands (see Fig. 1) so that

&,t,(x, 5 r) =p^,(x, 5 t)+@,r(x, 5 t). (47)

The low frequency contribution fir from compressibility-modified magneto-gravity waves is

e-ikrf(wV k ‘) djc

The high frequency contribution p^,rfrom gravity-modified magnetoacoustic waves is


The expressions for k_(w) and k+(w) correspond to the w_(k) and w+(k) curves for p2 = 0, respectively,
in Fig. 1. Since
(1+a2)w2(k2+a)-u4-k2[a2(k2+~)+N2] o
p2= = (50)
(1 + a2)u2 - a2k2
J.A. Adam / Magnetoatmospheric waves 395

on these curves, k? and k: are the positive real roots of the biquadratic



A=a’, B=N2+~a2-w2(1+a2), and C=W~[U~-~(~+~~)].

To within the multiplicative constant B (which for comparative purposes may be taken as unity) the
continuum contributions to the (unmodified) pressure perturbation field p can be written
-z/2 “_

PI(X, 4 t) = $ sin ot G,( w ) dw (51)

I “2
-x/z al

Pr& =, t) = k sin wt G,r(o) dw (52)

I o+(O)
-ih f(O, k; z) dk
G,(w) = -1m e (53)
II k-(o) k2-o2 I
e-irUf(w, k, ‘)
GII(o) = -1m wz_k2 (54)

6. The (y-z) plane: basic equations @/CJXz 0)

The second set of equations corresponding to (1) and (2) in Section 4 is

a2 2 2 2
( >
a+g p-gaap+po-$ N2+$+_-
cz az e=$ (55)
atz az c2 c2 ay2 ( )

a2 a2
'-'at2 ay2 P-2
ay2 (56)
( )

Because all motion is in a plane orthogonal to the magnetic field lines (a/az = 0), a valuable simplification
occurs. The electromagnetic or Lorentz body force in terms of the magnetic field intensity B, is given by
the expression

($ > +(B.V)B.

The first term corresponds to an additional pressure term, and the second term (which can be written as
the divergence of a symmetric tensor-the Maxwell stress tensor) can be regarded as a tension B2 along
the lines of force. This term is not present here since when the horizontal wavenumber corresponding to
x-differentiation is zero, so is the displacement along the magnetic field [5]. The analysis is thus formally
identical to the non-magnetic case with the extra pressure term included. The practical consequence of
this is that, in dimensional units, the terms involving c2 explicitly in a non-magnetic medium are replaced
396 J.A. Adam / Magnetoatmospheric waves

by c*+ u*. Thus if the modified pressure perturbation P(Z, S; z) is written as (see equation (5))
co OD
P( z, s; 2) = p^(y, z, t) eilyTsrd t dy (57)
I --ooI 0
the characteristic equation corresponding to (15) is, in the same dimensionless variables as before [18]

- 1
-z*fi*s2 +-4+Z* 1 (S’+tw2_(r))(S’+W:(z)) “*
~.X’=(~sa,)+ or $=; (58)
II (l+a*)


4Z2fi2 m
t&z, z)=f(l+a2)(z2+~> 1* l- (59)
{ [ (1+u2)(z*+f)* 11

and fi is the ‘modified’ Brunt-Vaisala frequency defined by [ 181

A’= y-‘[(1 + &2)-l - y-l(l + a’)-‘]. (60)
The ordinary differential equations giving rise to expression (58) for p2 are, for z > 0,



~~-bq+(z*s-‘+(l+=‘)-l)p=o (62)



p=Be-‘.;’ (63)

and, as before

p^(y, z, t) = $ emiJyE( I; t, z) dZ (W


m; t, z)=& _, es’ P( Z,s; z) ds. (65)

Tf I r) 100

The spectral points corresponding to this class of waves are (i) branch points at s = *io._, fiW+, (ii)
simple poles at *iZ( 1+ a*)“*, and (iii) an essential singularity at s = 0. The contour for fi is similar to
that in Fig. 2 with the exception that, since w2= 0, the central pair of disjoint branch cuts coalesce at the
origin, forming a single branch cut extending from s = -io_ to s = +iw_ . When a = 0, the system examined
here reduces to a two-dimensional version of that discussed by Cole and Greifinger [14] for the pressure
pulse produced by an energy source on the surface of the earth.
J.A. Adam f Magnetoatmospheric waves 397

The branch line integrals EA, I’,, fro, & possess a similar structure to their counterparts in Section
4, e.g.
i;=& i’r;‘z(&+$X1) do,
I o+(l) II’ e-
(again dropping the factor B)

etc., where
~(w,I)=e’“‘0*(1+f~~)(~~-1~(1+a~))-’. (66)
The central pair of contours coalesce, and the resulting contribution from the six branchline integrals
(continuous spectrum) is

w < o- < I( 1+ u2)l’2, o>o+>z(l+a2)? (67)

Once more, to within the multiplicative constant B, the continuum contributions to the unmodified pressure
perturbation field can be written in terms of low and high frequency contributions:

p,( u, 2, t) = s sin ot G,(o) dw (68)


sin wt Gr,(o) do (69)

where w+(O)=f(l+~~)“~, and



The integrand of integral (67) has the factor { }, denoted above by T(w, I; z), and
&( 1+ (3)-l -t ‘/2
Z(0) = 0
[ f02- N2
- 1

which is real in the regimes of propagating waves,

w2>(1+a2)/4>lP, o2 C fi2 < (1 + a2)/4.

The contribution to the pressure field from the ‘transverse Lamb mode’ is readily evaluated. When

398 J.A. Adam / Magnetoatmospheric waves

0 1
Fig. 4. The o,(a, I) curves as a function of I for fixed a (equation (59)). The modified Brunt-Vaisala frequency is denoted by fi.

The residue contributions from the simple poles s = *il( 1 + u*)“~ yield
-1( 1 + ~2~)“~e’+($ + &) sin I( 1 + ~~)“~t

and so, in exactly the same way as before, we formally interpret this as a compression-expansion pulse
associated with the passage of the wavefront, namely

pL(y, z, ~)=~e(1/2-fi)z ij'(t-y).


7. Discussion

Explicit expressions have been given for the total pressure perturbation resulting from an instantaneous
localized source in an idealized magnetoatmospheric medium. These expressions represent the contribu-
tions from freely-propagating high- and low-frequency waves, and a boundary or surface wave which
propagates horizontally. The integrals for the former are exact in that no asymptotic analysis has been
used to obtain them. In principle, such techniques (such as the principle of stationary phase) can be
applied to determine the asymptotic radiation field (indeed-this has been done by Cole and Greifinger
[14] for the case of pure acoustic-gravity waves). However, the advantage of the relative simplicity of so
doing is less obvious for the present models, especially when a detailed kinematic analysis coupled with
the wave field (near, intermediate and far) derived from the exact equations is possible. This will be the
subject of the sequel to this paper.
J.A. Adam / Magnetoatmospheric waves 399


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