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Department of Physics Electronic (PHY)






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•GNS 1O2,


1.0 Introduction
1.1 General overview of AI in FUTA security system
1.2 Definition of terms
1.3 Aim of the study
1.3.1 problem-solving skills
1.3.2 Empowerment
1.4 Importance of AI in FUTA security system

2.0 Field Research on Implementation of Visual AI in FUTA Security system among

FUTA student
2.1 Challenges1hallenges and opportunities of implementing visual AI in FUTA security

3.0 Advantage of integrating FUTA security system to Ai-driven system

3.1 Career Opportunities
3.1.1 AI System Integrator
3.1.2 AI Security Analyst
3.1.3 Cybersecurity specialist
3.2 Safer learning environment
3.3 Technology Innovation
3.4 Continuous Monitoring

4.0 Strategy for the integration of FUTA security system

4.1 Pre-implementation (requirements)
4.2 Implementation processes
4.3 AI in Post-Implementation Security Measures

5.0 Conclusion

6.0 Guiding Questions

7.0 Questionnaires

8.0 References

1.0 Introduction

1.1 General overview

As academic institutions grapple with the dynamic challenges posed by the digital age,
the incorporation of AI emerges as a potent solution to fortify security measures.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is Increasingly being used to enhance security systems. AI-
based solutions can provide real-time monitoring, detection of suspicious activity, and
analysis of large amounts of data. This allows for a faster response to potential threats,
and can help to prevent incidents from occurring. By using AI, organizations can improve
their security while also gaining valuable insights into their operations. Though the
future of AI in security is promising, with new technologies constantly being developed
and implemented.

1.2 Definition of terms

Artificial Intelligence Is the intelligence of machines or software, as opposed to the

intelligence of humans or animals. It is a field of study in computer science which
develops and studies intelligent machines. Such machines may be called AIs
(Wikipedia). Artificial Intelligence also refers to the development of computer systems
that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include
learning, reasoning, problem-solving, understanding natural language, speech
recognition, and visual perception. AI systems aim to mimic cognitive functions to
execute tasks, adapt to changing situations, and improve performance over time
without explicit programming (Interaction Design Foundation).

1.3 Aim of the study

The aim of this study is to discuss the importance of Ai-driven security system, it's
implementation, effects and how it will make FUTA ecosystem a safe and secure
environment for her staff and students.

1.3.1 problem-solving skills

The aim of this study is to discuss the importance of Ai-driven security system, it’s
effect and how it will make FUTA ecosystem a safe and secure environment for her staff
and students. AI algorithms swiftly analyze vast data streams, identifying anomalies and
potential threats. Proactive in nature, the system adapts to evolving risks, ensuring a
dynamic defense. Access control benefits from AI’s learning capabilities, offering
optimized permissions based on user behavior patterns. This intelligent problem-solving
approach will enhance FUTA’s security posture, enabling timely responses to emerging
challenges and resource-efficient protection of the university’s digital and physical

1.3.2 Empowerment

Artificial Intelligence will empower FUTA’s security personnel by automating routine

tasks, allowing them to focus on complex analyses and strategic decision-making. AI-
driven tools enhance surveillance, rapidly detecting anomalies and potential threats.
This symbiotic collaboration between AI and security personnel not only strengthens the
university’s defense but also creates new job opportunities. The need for skilled
professionals to manage, interpret, and fine-tune AI systems ensures a demand for
expertise in AI integration, cybersecurity, and ethical considerations. This fusion of AI
technology and human expertise not only fortifies security measures but will also foster
job growth within FUTA.

1.4 Importance of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence will be like a smart guardian for security in FUTA. It will quickly
spots unusual things that might be a problem, helping keep everyone safe. It will work
like a super-smart assistant for the security team, making sure they can focus on
important tasks. By using AI, FUTA will ensure that its security is not just good but also
keeps getting better at protecting everyone and everything on campus. It's like having
an extra set of watchful eyes that never get tired, making the university a safer and
more secure place for everyone.

2.0 Field Research on Implementation of Visual AI in FUTA Security system among

FUTA students

As at the beginning of this interview it was noted that few Futarians are aware of what
AI-driven system was.
In my opinion, there are several ways that AI could help improve security at FUTA in
2024. First, AI could be used to improve the detection of security threats, such as
identifying suspicious objects, people, or activity. Secondly, AI could be used to improve
the efficiency of security operations, such as by reducing the amount of time needed to
review security footage or by automating routine security tasks. (Eniola A.).

The use of AI for security at FUTA could affect students’ experience in several ways.
On the positive side, AI could make the campus more secure and reduce the risk of
security incidents. This could make students feel safer and more comfortable on
campus. On the negative side, we should consider the privacy implications of AI-based
surveillance, as well as potential technical challenges (Ayodele M.).

The implementation of AI-driven security systems could affect the security personnel
at FUTA in several ways. On the positive side, it could reduce their workload by
automating certain tasks. On the negative side, it could potentially replace some of their
jobs, or require them to learn new skills and adapt to new technologies. Some
advantages of using AI for security control include increased accuracy, improved
efficiency, and the ability to analyze large amounts of data quickly. It will also ensure
safety of stakeholders.(Victor).

The impact of AI-driven security systems on the activity of the university could be
significant. The increased safety and security could lead to increased enrollment,
improved reputation, and more investment in the university. On the other hand, the
implementation of such systems could be costly and may take some time to fully
implement (Anointing J.).

I think that AI-driven security systems should be implemented in FUTA, as the benefits
outweigh the risks. The increased safety and security of students and staff is a top
priority, and the use of AI can help achieve this goal. Additionally, the improved
efficiency and accuracy of AI systems (Olaoye J).

3.0 Advantage of integrating FUTA security system to Ai-driven system

3.1 Career Opportunities

3.1.1 AI System Integrator

Using AI-driven security at FUTA creates a tech-savvy environment, opening up job

opportunities for an AI System Integrator. This role involves making sure all the different
parts of the security system like cameras, sensors, and AI software work well together.
The integrator ensures smooth communication between these technologies, making the
security setup efficient and effective. As AI evolves, the integrator’s job becomes crucial,
ensuring that the security system keeps up with the latest advancements.

3.1.2 AI Security Analyst

By bringing AI into FUTA, it creates job opportunities for Security Analysts. These experts
act as guardians, making sure the AI security system works well. They analyze potential
risks, interpret alerts from the AI, and adjust the system, like wise guides who
understand both human and machine language. Their role is to stay ahead of potential
problems, making FUTA’s digital space safer. It’s similar to having watchful detectives
who adapt to changing challenges, and this creates a need for skilled professionals to
keep FUTA’s digital world secure.

3.1.3 Cybersecurity specialist

Integrating AI into FUTA will generate job opportunities in Cybersecurity. Professionals

in this field become digital guardians, ensuring the AI-driven security system functions
optimally. They analyze potential threats, interpret AI-generated alerts, and fine-tune
the system for maximum effectiveness. Like vigilant protectors, they adapt strategies to
outsmart evolving cyber challenges, making FUTA’s digital landscape safer. This
integration creates a demand for skilled Cybersecurity experts, resembling digital
defenders who safeguard FUTA’s online environment and contribute to the overall
resilience against cyber threats.

3.2 Safer learning environment

By using AI to monitor cameras, detect suspicious activity, and alert security

personnel, the university can create a safer environment for students and staff. AI,
working hand-in-hand with security personnel in FUTA, creates a robust defense team
for a safer learning environment. It’s like having a smart assistant and vigilant guards
collaborating to keep students secure. AI monitors digital spaces, quickly spotting
potential risks, while security personnel act as the human touch, addressing physical
safety concerns. Together, they form a dynamic duo, ensuring comprehensive
protection. It’s akin to having both high-tech sensors and dedicated human watchers,
providing a layered defense that enhances the safety of FUTA’s learning environment,
making it more resilient against various threats, both online and offline.

3.3 Technology Innovation

AI will inject innovation into FUTA’s security system, transforming it into a tech-savvy
powerhouse. Picture AI as a creative problem solver, upgrading the old security
methods with cutting-edge solutions. It’s like giving FUTA’s security a superhero capable
to learn, adapt, and predict threats. This innovation means faster and smarter responses
to potential risks, creating a secure environment. It’s similar to having a brilliant
teammate that constantly evolves and brings futuristic solutions, making FUTA’s security
not just effective, but also at the forefront of technological advancements in
safeguarding its operations.

3.4 Continuous Monitoring

AI ensures continuous monitoring in FUTA’s security by acting like a diligent
watchkeeper. Imagine it as a tireless guard that never sleeps, always scanning for
potential issues. Unlike traditional systems, AI doesn’t take breaks – it consistently
checks for anything unusual, providing real-time updates. It’s like having an always-alert
companion dedicated to keeping FUTA’s digital space safe. This continuous monitoring
allows for swift responses to emerging threats, making the security system proactive
rather than reactive. It’s akin to having a round-the-clock security partner, enhancing
FUTA’s ability to maintain a secure environment through constant, vigilant oversight

4.0 Strategy for the integration of FUTA security system

4.1 Pre-implementation (requirements)

Implementing AI in FUTA involves both initial and ongoing costs. Acquiring cutting-edge
technology, software licenses, and training educators for effective AI utilization
constitute upfront expenses. However, these investments can result in long-term
savings by streamlining administrative tasks, personalizing learning, and optimizing
resource allocation. Understanding the total cost of ownership is crucial to prevent
financial strain and ensure sustainable implementation.

Infrastructure and Technical Requirements:

A robust IT infrastructure is paramount for AI integration. Schools must assess and

upgrade their technological capabilities, ensuring compatibility with AI systems.
Adequate bandwidth, secure networks, and reliable hardware are prerequisites.
Additionally, technical support and maintenance considerations are essential for a
seamless AI experience. A comprehensive understanding of the school’s existing
technical landscape is vital to identify potential challenges and plan accordingly.

Curriculum Alignment and Staff Training:

Successful AI integration necessitates alignment with the school’s curriculum and

learning objectives. Educators must be involved in the pre-implementation phase to
ensure that AI complements existing teaching methods and addresses specific
educational needs. Comprehensive training programs should be designed to equip
teachers with the skills to effectively utilize AI tools in classrooms. Inclusivity and
collaboration during this phase enhance the likelihood of a smooth transition.

4.2 Implementation processes

Infrastructure and Resource Alignment:

Successful implementation necessitates alignment with existing infrastructure and

resources. Schools should assess the capacity of their technological and physical
infrastructure to support the new processes. This includes evaluating the availability of
necessary hardware, software, and learning materials. An in-depth understanding of the
school’s resources allows for strategic planning, preventing potential bottlenecks and
optimizing the utilization of available assets.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

Implementing new processes is an iterative and evolving endeavor. Schools should

establish monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to assess the impact of the changes
over time. Regular feedback loops, assessments, and data analysis enable the university
to identify areas of success, address challenges promptly, and refine the implementation
strategy as needed. Continuous improvement is key to sustaining the positive effects of
the implemented processes.

4.3 AI in Post-Implementation Security Measures

4.3.1 Continuous Evaluation and Feedback:

Regular evaluation is fundamental to gauging the effectiveness of the implemented

processes. Schools should establish mechanisms for collecting feedback from teachers,
students, and other stakeholders. This feedback loop provides valuable insights into the
real-world impact of the changes, allowing for data-driven decision-making. Continuous
evaluation ensures that the implemented processes align with the school’s goals and
contribute to overall improvement.

Data Analysis and Metrics Tracking:

Effective post-implementation involves analyzing relevant data and tracking key metrics.
Schools should leverage data analytics to measure the impact of the new processes on
student performance, teacher satisfaction, and overall institutional efficiency.
Establishing clear metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) facilitates a quantitative
assessment of success and helps identify areas that may require further attention or

5.0 Conclusion

In this research, opinions on implementing AI-driven security systems at FUTA are

explored. Eniola A. suggests that AI could enhance security by detecting threats and
improving operational efficiency. Ayodele M. points out potential positive impacts on
students’ experience, emphasizing increased security but also raises concerns about
privacy and technical challenges. Victor highlights advantages like accuracy and
efficiency but notes potential job impacts on security personnel. Anointing J. discusses
the potential significant impact on the university's activities, foreseeing increased
enrollment and improved reputation but acknowledges the cost and time
considerations. Olaoye J. supports AI implementation, emphasizing the priority of safety
and efficiency benefits for students and staff. Overall, the interview showcases a
nuanced perspective considering both advantages and potential challenges associated
with AI-driven security systems at FUTA.

In addition the integration of an AI-driven security system is a transformative step

that holds immense potential for FUTA’s overall safety and efficiency. The AI technology
acts as a digital sentinel, offering continuous monitoring, rapid threat detection, and
adaptive responses. This level of vigilance surpasses traditional security measures,
creating a proactive defense mechanism against evolving cyber threats. The AI’s ability
to analyze patterns, learn from incidents, and predict potential risks provides a dynamic
and resilient shield for FUTA’s operations.

Furthermore, the goal of an AI-driven security system is to improve the accuracy and
efficiency of security detection and response. The use of AI can also help to reduce the
time and resources needed for manual monitoring of security systems. However, there
are also some potential risks and challenges associated with the use of AI for security
purposes, including the potential for bias, privacy concerns, and technical issues. the
collaborative synergy between AI and human security personnel enhances the
comprehensiveness of the security posture. It’s like having a reliable team – AI as the
tireless, data-driven investigator and humans as the intuitive decision-makers. This
combination ensures a balanced and effective approach to safeguarding FUTA’s assets
and maintaining a secure learning environment. The innovation brought by AI not only
fortifies security but also positions FUTA at the forefront of technological

In light of these considerations, we strongly recommend the implementation of an AI-

driven security system for FUTA. It represents a forward-looking investment in safety,
providing a strategic advantage in addressing current and future security challenges
while fostering a technologically advanced and secure environment for the institution’s
stake holders.

6.0 Guiding Questions

6.1 Questionnaire

1.0 What do you understand by Ai-driven security system?

2.0 In your own opinion, how could AI help to improve security at FUTA in the year
3.0 In your own opinion, what are the possible benefits and drawbacks of using AI-
driven security system at FUTA?
4.0 In your own opinion, how could the use of AI for security in FUTA affect students
5.0 In your own opinion how could the use of AI for security in FUTA affect the staff
6.0 In your own opinion could the use of AI for security in FUTA affect the university’s
7.0 In what way would the implementation of AI-driven security system affect the
security personnel in FUTA?
8.0 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using AI systems for security control
in FUTA?
9.0 What would be the impact of AI-driven security system on the activity of the
10.0 Do you think AI-driven security system should be implemented in FUTA? If yes,
state your reasons.

7.0 References

Wikipedia. (2023, December23). What is Artificial intelligence intelligence.

Interaction Design Foundation – IxDF. (2016, December 19). What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?. Interaction
Design Foundation – IxDF.

Sonya, M. (MAY 24, 2023). Security Analysts Can Use AI in Cybersecurity.

H. James Wilson, Paul Daugherty (Jul 1, 2018) Harvard Business Review. Human and Ai
are joining forces

National center for education statistics. Safeguard your technology: Security Management

Jesse, G. (2023 , November 21). The Crucial Role of AI in Cybersecurity: A Necessity for
modern defense

System Integrator: who they are, what they do, and their skills

Nikita D. (2023, November 24). Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence


Jon, R. (2023, November 24). Cost breakdown of artificial intelligence in 2023.

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