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Name: Mateo Morales NRC: 4059

Change the verb into the correct form:

1. London……is…… (be) in England.

2. The summer………is…… (be) hot.

3. She……drives…….. (drive) very well.

4. They…….open……. (open) the store at 8:00.

5. Linda………. (be) a very pretty girl.

6. I………have…… (have) several jobs.

7. Water…….boils…… (boil) at 100 degrees.

8. Water………freezes……… (freeze) at 0 degrees.

9. My sister……….speaks……… (speak) English.

10. He……..has…….. (have) a big apartment.

11. A triangle……..have…….. (have) three corners.

12. My birthday…………… (be) in June.

13. Books………have……. (have) pages.

14. Dogs…….are………… (be) good friends.

15. I……….work………… (work) hard.

Change the verb into the correct form:

1. I……………….. (love) you.

2. This……….weigh…… (weigh) 20 kilograms.

Ron…………seems………… (seem) serious.

3. We……….like……… (like) tomatoes.

4. The boy………..wants……….. (want) to play.

5. You………….need……….. (need) to sleep.

6. The………..agree…………. (agree) with me.

7. She…………hears……….. (hear) something strange.

8. The box………..contains…………. (contain) food.

9. Emma………..appears……… (appear) sad.

10. David……………..knows……………… (know) how to fix a car.

11. Daniel and Liz……………..seem………….. (seem) happy.

12. This……….smell…….. (smell) bad.

13. I………….believe…………. (believe) you.

14. We…………..are……………. (be) number one!

Change the verb into the correct form:

1. I……..go………… (go) to the city once a week.

2. You…………play……….. (play) the guitar very well.

3. She never………………visited………. (visit) me.

4. Tom…………finds……….. (find) new ways to do things.

6. Ann…………..wants……………. (want) to speak.

7. Toronto……………is………….. (be) in Canada.

8. Cars………….has…………. (have) wheels.

9. My mother…………..has……….. (have) a big house.

10. We……………play……….. (play) a lot.

11. They……….sell………… (sell) fruit and eggs.

12. The building…………is……….. (be) on fire.

13. Marta……….seems………… (seem) sad.

14. I usually………….help……….. (help) my neighbors.

15. His brother………….leaves……….. (leave) town.

Change the verb into the correct form:

1. Daniel……….flies……. (fly) to Paris once a year.

2. She…………does…………. (do) her homework.

3. Lisa………tries……….. (try) to help her sister.

4. Mark………..goes……….. (go) home at seven.

5. The baby…………cries…………….. (cry) every night.

6. He……………..misses…………. (miss) her a lot.

7. Joe………..studies………….. (study) really hard.

8. A boy………….kisses……….. (kiss) a girl.

9. Joana…………..buys………….. (buy) new stuff all the time.

10. Tim……….watches……… (watch) this show every night.

11. Sara…..says……….. (say) this all the time.

12. The teacher ………….teaches………… (teach) us new things.

13. He …………pays………. (pay) me well.

14. Barbara………… washes………. (wash) the dishes, and Leo washes the floor.

15. Nick………… plays ………… (play) tennis twice a week.

16. This girl…………….washes ……………. (wash) her clothes.

17. Isabella………..enjoys………… (enjoy) listening to music.

18. David……..mixes…….. (mix) milk and eggs.

19. The bee………..buzzes………….. (buzz).

20. Taylor…………fixes………….. (fix) cars.

Change the verb into the correct form:

1. Christopher…………drives………. (drive) a bus.

2. We………have……….. (have) some money.

3.(you watch) Do you watch movies?

4. They……..don’t work……… (not work) for us.

5. I……….love………. (love) to dance.

6. She……………has……… (have) many friends.

7. Alexis and her husband always……………..come……………(come) for the summer.

8.(he draw) Does draw well?

9. James ………..doesn’t remember………… (not remember) me.

10. Laura………is………….. (be) a beautiful girl.

11. I …………….don‘t eat………… (not eat) cheese.

12. Cats…………………. (like) to sleep.

13. You………..are………… (be) a smart boy.

14. She…………..washes…………. (wash) the dishes every evening.

15.(you be) Do you are ready?

16. I…………am………. (be) ready.

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