How To Take Control of Discovery Calls

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"How To Take Control of

Discovery Calls"
Why Discovery Call?
I can help you think of a hundred or even a thousand reasons why
not to do a discovery call. Like really, you don't have to do a
Discovery Call if you don't want to.

However, I'll give you my top 4 reasons why I recommend doing a

Discovery Call (DC) with your prospective clients:

1. You can DISQUALIFY YOUR CLIENTS - this is one of the most

controversial things you'll read here. Usually when we do a DC,
we try as much as possible to qualify ourselves. Which is one of
my biggest mistakes.

2. Discover EXPENSIVE PROBLEMS - your client's business have

different layers of problems. During the DC, you can uncover
their expensive problems to solve so you can charge more.

3. Pinpoint the GOALPOST - vague metrics or unquantifiable

business outcomes will frustrate both you and your client. Might
as well pinpoint exactly what will make them happy.

4. You can VALIDATE their ANSWERS - if you do an actual call,

you can validate their problem. You'll see if it's a legitimate
expensive problem, or just a minor issue that they can still
procrastinate on.

4 Tips To Control Discovery Calls

Aside from confidence concerns, most of our problems in Discovery
Calls come from "lack of control". The client hijacked the call and
took control of the whole conversation putting you at a
disadvantaged position.

Here's how to overcome that... @savagecloser
01 Preparation

Before making a call, make sure you're prepared.

Right Mindset
The Doctor Mindset
The Business Partner Mindset

Ready to take notes

pen and paper

Initial research
Check their website

Have your script with you

Use script as a guide
Check what you might have missed

Other checklist
Internet connection
Is your audio working? @savagecloser
02 Take the helm

The moment you start the conversation, take the lead!


Ask the first question:

Use a confirming question like:

"Hey, is this [first name]?"

Remember: "Whoever asks the most questions is in control."

Note: You'll encounter prospects who will try to hijack the

call. Don't panic, just play with it and come back with

Prospect: "So, what do you do?"

You: "I help agency owners close their

premium clients without working more. By
the way, is this [first name]?"

Take charge. @savagecloser
03 Set the roles

Now that you're in-charge, the next thing you need to do is

to set the roles.

Not setting the roles in the call will significantly hurt your

So how are we going to set the roles?

First step was initially done by taking the the helm (see
tip #2)
Frame the conversation in a way that you'll be the one
asking the questions, and they're the ones who'll

So what you're building here is an "expert - client


where you are the expert and your prospect is the client.

Side Note:

Common misconception about rapport is that you need

to pose as "their close friend" to build it.

Rapport is understanding each other's feelings or ideas

and communicating well with them. @savagecloser
04 Orient them

Just because they know their role, doesn't mean they'll act
according to it.

You have to orient them.

Give them an overview of what the call will look like. That's
how you eliminate their uncertainties, hence making them
feel comfortable on the call.

Also, give them space for questions. Because if you don't,

they'll ask questions during your diagnosis part, which will
sometimes derail the flow of conversation.

Basic overview that they need to know:

What will be your questions about?
Will they have a chance to ask their question?
When can they ask their question?

When you orient them on what to do, and when to do it in

the call, you alleviate their anxiety. It makes them more
open and easier to communicate with (or should I say
easier to persuade **wink wink). @savagecloser
Want to Learn More About Closing?

I've been preaching this for quite some time now, but I want to
repeat myself and drill this down to you guys:

"Confidence is not the requirement, it is the result."

Meaning, you don't need confidence to do a Discovery Call,
you do a Discovery Call to become confident.

If you want to learn more about closing premium clients, persuasion,

and positioning, join my Facebook Group. Go to the link below:
And might follow me on my social media @savagecloser

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