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Unchecked aspects of variation of acceleration due to gravity, g with altitude. Ajay Sharma
Fundamental Physical Society. His Mercy Enclave. Post Box 107 GPO Shimla 171001 HP India Email;,

It is correctly established that g decreases with altitude, but the variation of g with atmospheric pressure (decreases with altitude) is not considered in precise experiments in the existing literature. Torricelli determined in pioneering experiments that height of mercury column in

barometer as 0.76m due to atmospheric pressure in 1644. Newton formulated g in 1685, and then Pascals Law was treated in presence of gravity for imaginary cylinder of liquid. Thus equation P=DgH is obtained which relates acceleration due to gravity, g with atmospheric pressure, P. The expression for variation in g with altitude as gh = g/(1+h/R)2, by both methods will be compared. At sea level the heights of liquid columns (for water 10.33m , for glycerine 8.202m , ethyl alcohol 13.16m ) are independent of other factors such as diameters of tubes, viscosity, surface tension of liquid, angle of contact and capillarity etc. At height of 2 km above the surface of the earth the heights of liquid columns are reduced e.g. for mercury 0.5967m, for water 8.1158m and for glycerine 6.4411 m. Now measuring P, H and g can be calculated. The value of g can be determined by both methods at various heights and should be same. Theoretically when atmospheric pressure becomes zero then value of gH (P/DH) must tend to zero; according to gh = g/(1+h/R)2 , gh becomes zero at infinite large distances. But no such attempts have been reported in literature, hence it is open problem especially when tubes of various diameters are considered and characteristics of liquids are different. Due to diverse experimental conditions of liquids and equipments, mercury may be regarded as ideal liquid for such measurements of pressure. The value of g due to altitude decreases steadily whereas due to atmospheric pressure decreases abruptly. So sensitive experiments are described, are absolutely necessary.

1.0 Introduction Torricelli formed mercury barometer in 1644 and confirmed the height of mercury column (0.76m). Then expression for pressure P =DgH (1) was calculated using Pascal law in presence of gravity. Here P is pressure; g is acceleration due to gravity and H is height of liquid column. Consider a liquid of density D is in equilibrium of rest. Eq.(1) is derived for imaginary cylinder of liquid. Consider a liquid of density D is in equilibrium of rest. Therefore forces acting cylinder will also be zero i.e. F1+Mg-F2 =0 (2) where F1 is force acting vertically downwards on the top face of the cylinder, F2 is the force is acting vertically upwards on the lower face of cylinder. Mg is the weight of mass of water in cylinder. P1A+ AHDg-P2A=0 and lower surfaces. Pressure exerted by liquid column, P2-P1 = P or P =DHg So, Eq.(1) becomes P=13,600kgm-3 9.8ms-2 0.76m=1.013 105 Pa (5) It may be regarded as standard equation for atmospheric pressure. In eq.(1) H is height of imaginary cylinder of liquid which is submerged in the same liquid ( the same liquid is above and below the cylinder).Whereas in case of mercury barometer , the height H of liquid column is 0.76m , above the mercury column there is vacuum . Whereas while deriving P =DgH, the same liquid is considered above and below the imaginary cylinder of liquid. Further according to Newtons law of gravitation, the acceleration due to gravity decreases as altitude increases. The acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the earth g = GM/R2 Acceleration due to gravity gh at height h is gh = GM/(R+h)2 (7) (6) where G is gravitational constant, M is mass of the earth and R is radius of the earth. (4) (1) (3) where P1 is pressure at upper end and P2 is pressure at the lower face. A is area of upper

The unit of pressure, Pascal was defined by simply putting value of h equal to 0.76m.

From eq.(6) and eq.(7) gh = g/(1+2h/R)2 gravity by method of variation of pressure is given by gH = P /DH (9) Both eqs.(8,9) give value of g , but by entirely different methods. 2.0 and Comparison for acceleration due to gravity by both equations i.e. gH =P/DH gh = g/ (1+h/R)2 (8) The acceleration due to gravity at height h is given by eqs.(7,8) and acceleration due to

Now at different heights acceleration due to gravity by both equations i.e. gh =P/DH and gh = g/ (1+h/R)2. In one equation gh depends upon P, D and H whereas in other it only depends upon altitude, h. The measurement of g due to method atmospheric pressure and variation with altitude, implies that g decreases with height, h. According to eq.(8) g depends upon height h. Whereas in eq.(1) or eq.(9) g indirectly depends upon height of liquid column H, which further depends upon h as P decreases. At height of 50km the total air is only 1% implying considerable decrease in pressure as atmospheric pressure decreases. At height of 50 km, atmospheric pressure is 75.944 Pa and the same at height of 25 km is 2511.02 Pa. Thus accordingly g will decrease. (i) The variables in eq.(1) are density of liquid which can be kept constant, pressure P can be measured by various methods , height of the column H has to be measured. There are no such factors like diameter of tube (tubes can be of different diameters), viscosity, surface tension, capillarity and angles of contact etc. Eq.(1) is valid for all liquids and tubes. (a) For mercury barometer, the height of liquid column is 0.76m. It is clear from eq.(5) the height of mercury column is regarded as standard and give unit of pressure 1.013 105 Pa. This magnitude of pressure may be used for calculating the height liquid columns of various liquids. (b) The heights of liquid columns of ethyl alcohol, water and glycerine barometers are given by 13.16m, 10.33m, and 8.2m at sea level. In spite of availability of precise measurement techniques such experiments are not conducted yet. (i)The acceleration due to gravity also varies with altitude, and theoretically tends to zero at infinity, according to equation gh = g / (1+h/R)2 . Also according to gH =P/DH, acceleration due to gravity becomes zero when P=0 provided D and H are finite. At

higher altitude the pressure decreases abruptly. (ii) The various typical predictions for heights of liquid columns are shown at Table II. At distance of 2km the heights of mercury, water and glycerine columns are 0.5969m, 8.1158m, and 6.4411m. These values are lower than values at sea level and higher than values at 8km (typical height of peaks of Mount Everest. For completeness the values H are determined at heights 25km and 50km above sea level. (c) Acceleration due to gravity is more at poles than at equator, hence accordingly the height of liquid column will vary accordingly. 3.0 Critical discussion (i) According to equation P = DgH, the pressure is completely independent of other factors such as diameters of tubes, viscosity, surface tension of liquid, angle of contact and capillarity etc. There is no factor which takes in account the diameter of the tube in which height of liquid column is measured. Theoretically, the height of liquid column must be same for capillary tube (closed upper end ) and tube of diameter two feet. However the phenomena of rise or fall of liquids is observed in capillary, whereas upper end is open. This aspect is not taken in account in equation P =DgH. (ii) Mercury does not wet the walls of container, whereas water does. This property is likely to affect the height of water column. (iii) Similarly glycerine is the most viscous liquid the viscosity of glycerine is 689.67 times that of mercury and 1058 times that of water. It causes internal resistance of the fluid and retards motion; it may affect the stabilization of liquid column. The viscous fluids also wet the tube. (vi) The acceleration due to gravity at any height (gH = P/DH) can be calculated by measuring atmospheric pressure P and height of liquid column, H. At any height the atmospheric pressure P, can be known from standard atmospheric calculator and H has to be experimentally confirmed for various liquids (mercury, water, glycerine etc). Thus gH can be measured. On the other hand acceleration due to gravity gh = g/ (1+h/R)2, varies with height which can be easily estimated. Now both values of g must be the same. For consistency of both values of g , the heights of liquid columns are shown in Table II. (v) Thus undoubtedly mercury may be regarded as ideal liquid for such measurements as it has low viscosity hence comes to rest quickly, and does not wets the walls of glass

tube. But the experiments has to be conducted under diverse conditions for various liquids, in view of eq.(1) for general conclusions.

Table 1: Comparison of various characteristics of Ethyl alcohol, water, glycerine and mercury. Characteristic Ethyl alcohol Density Coeff. Of viscosity (poise) 785kg/m3 1.32 10-4 22.3 1 1.01 10-2 75.6 1.26 10.69 13.6 gm/cc 15.5 10-3 465 (dyne/cm) Angle of contact Capillarity Physical behaviour Rise Wets 8-90 Rise Wets --Wets 137 Fall Does Wet Height of liquid column (h) 13.16 in m 10.33 8.202 0.76 not Water Glycerine Mercury

Surface tension


Table II Heights of liquid columns of different liquids in tubes of different diameters, at different heights. Sr. Height Pressure No (m) 1 2 0 1 101300 89,874.5 7 3 4 2 3 79,485.2 70,108.5 9.7938 9.7908 0.5967 0.5265 8.1158 7.1606 6.4411 5.683 Acceleration (g) 9.8 9.7969 Mercury H=P/Dg 0.76 0.6743 Water (H1) H1=P/D1g 10.33 9.1737 Glycerine (H2) H2=P/D2g 8.202 7.2807

5 6 7 8

4 5 6 7

61,640.2 54,019.9 47,181. 41,060.7 4

9.7877 9.7847 9.7816 9.7785

0.4630 0.4059 0.3546 0.3087

6.2977 5.5208 4.8234 4.1990

4.9981 4.3816 3.8281 3.3326

9 10 11

8 25 50

35,599.8 2511.02 75.944

9.7755 9.6486 9.50078

0.2677 0.01915 0.00058

3.6417 0.26047 0.007999

2.8902 0.20672 0.006252



The acceleration due to gravity, g varies with altitude and it can be measured with two methods i.e. gH = P/DH and gh = g/ (1+h/R)2. The values of gh by both methods must be the same. The acceleration due to gravity has not yet been measured by former method. Moreover in this case there are many parameters for which equation to be tested, only then general conclusions can be drawn. For consistency of both the methods the values of height of liquids columns ( for mercury, water and glycerine,) are 0.6743m, 9.1737m and 7.2807m at height of 2km above sea level. Such observations have not been taken by scientists in the existing literature. In this regard it can be added that equation gh = P/DH was derived for imaginary cylinder of liquid, which is submerged in the liquid of the same density. Whereas in determination of height of liquid column, the above the liquid column there is vacuum. Further apparently some significant factors such as diameters of tubes, viscosity, surface tension of liquid, angle of contact and capillarity etc have been excluded. Also the equation was derived for imaginary cylinder in equilibrium with liquid at rest. However it is applied for practical purposes as cited above. Such factors may affect the results. Thus sensitive experiments are required to compare the both values of g. It is equally possible in view of diverse parameters of various liquids, mercury has to be regarded as standard in measurements of pressure.

Thus, according to eq.(1) pressure P only depends upon density of fluid; and is independent of all other characteristics of fluids i.e. co-efficient of viscosity, surface tension and angle of contact. It may also depend upon capillarity i.e. rise or fall of liquid in a tube of fine bore (diameter few mm). Now it has to be confirmed that whether these factors affect the height of liquid column in barometers. These characteristics are clearly independent of density and for comparison the various characteristics of water glycerine and mercury are shown in Table 1.

h(ethyl alcohol) = 1.013x105Pa / 785 kg/m3 x9.8 = 13.16m Like this many other barometers are possible using different liquids, so for proper understanding the phenomena there are many possibilities. Such experiments have to be conducted in tubes of different diameters including capillary tube. Due to capillarity the mercury is depressed and water rises in capillary tube. Practically viscosity offers internal resistance/friction to movement of fluid. Thus, consequently the glycerine column must attain desired height after certain interval. Further angle of contact for glass and mercury is obtuse (does not wet glass) and that of glass and water is acute (wets glass), apparently this effect also may influence the height of water column. The heights of liquid columns must be as above if eq. (1) is precisely obeyed for other liquids than mercury. If not then P will also depend upon other characteristics of fluids, then the method of measurement of pressure using mercury column would be regarded as standard and mercury as ideal liquid. nsiderThe understanding of the concept of pressure exerted by fluids can be understood in two phases i.e. before and after enunciation of law of gravitation [1-3]. The first phase is pregravitational period (before 1685) when basic and pioneering experiments regarding measurement of pressure were conducted without mathematical basis. Italian scientist Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647) constructed a mercury barometer, consisting of is a long tube (about 1m) filled with mercury and inverted in a dish of mercury. In this simple barometer mercury column is held up to 0.76m. The original aim of Torricellis pioneering

investigation (1643) may not be to measure or invent a method for measurement of pressure [1,2]. The mathematical equation for measurement of pressure became feasible after 1685 when acceleration due to gravity g was defined. Now pressure is given by P= Dgh (1)

where D is density of liquid and h is height of liquid column. This equation was derived for imaginary cylinder of liquid and then applied to all practical purposes including the measurement of pressures measuring liquid column for various liquids. French scientist Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) also believed to have constructed a barometer using red wine [2] and glass tube 46 feet long (about 12 m). But details are not available, that how Pascal estimated the height of red wine barometers. At that time there was no mathematical equation to estimate height. In this regard a German experimentalist Otto Van Guericke (1602 1686) known for Magdeburg hemispheres and vacuum pump; is also believed to have constructed a water barometer. At that time there was no mathematical equation (P =Dgh) to determine the height of the columns of red wine and water. If such equations are not confirmed quantitatively then reasons have to be investigated for the deviations. Thus such experiments are very-2 significant. Obviously mathematical equation for pressure i.e. P = Dgh, became feasible in 1685. So Torricellis approaches may be regarded as pioneering but qualitative only as far as measurement of pressure is concerned. 1.1 A Critical Analysis Of P = Dgh The unit of pressure, Pascal was defined by simply putting value of h equal to 0.76m. In case of mercury (h=0.76m). Eq.(1) becomes P=13,600kgm-3 9.8ms-2 0.76m=1.013 105 Pascal (2)

Thus, according to eq.(1) pressure P only depends upon density of fluid; and is independent of all other characteristics of fluids i.e. co-efficient of viscosity, surface tension and angle of contact. It may also depend upon capillarity i.e. rise or fall of liquid in a tube of fine bore (diameter few mm). Now it has to be confirmed that whether these factors affect the height of liquid column in barometers. These characteristics are clearly independent of density and for comparison the various characteristics of water glycerine and mercury are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Comparison of various characteristics of water, glycerine and mercury.

Characteristic Density Coeff. Of viscosity (poise) Surface tension Angle of contact Capillarity Physical behaviour Height of liquid column (h)

Water 1 1.01 10-2 75.6 8-90 Rise Wets 10.33

Glycerine 1.26 10.69 63.1 --Wets 8.202m

Mercury 13.6 gm/cc 15.5 10-3 465 (dyne/cm) 137 Fall Does not Wet 0.76m

In this regard if we use water (1000 kg/m3) instead of mercury in barometer then height of water column must be 10.336 m i.e. H(water) =
P 1.013 10 5 Pa = =10.33m Dw g 1000 kg / m 3 9.8kg / s 2


If height of water column is found more than 10.33m, then it means value of g will be less than 9.8m/s2. Similarly inverse is also true. Thus sensitive experiments are required for precise conclusions; as such experiments are very significant. Also for glycerine
P 1.013 10 5 Pa = H (glycerine) = = 8.202m Dw g 1260 kg / m 3 9.8kg / s 2


Like this many other barometers are possible using different liquids, so for proper understanding the phenomena there are many possibilities. Such experiments have to be conducted in tubes of different dimeters including capillary tube. Due to capillarity the mercury is depressed and water rises in capillary tube. Practically viscosity offers internal resistance/friction to movement of fluid. Thus, consequently the glycerine column must attain desired height after certain interval. Further angle of contact for glass and mercury is obtuse (does not wet glass) and that of glass and water is acute (wets glass), apparently this effect also may influence the height of water column. The heights of liquid columns must be as above if eq. (1) is precisely obeyed for other liquids than mercury. If not then P will also depend upon other characteristics of fluids, then the method of measurement of pressure using mercury column would be regarded as standard and mercury as ideal liquid.


1.2 Pressure is related with g According to eq.(1) higher the value of acceleration due to gravity, higher is the pressure. From eq.(1) we have g =P/hD (1) As atmospheric pressure at sea level is 1.013105 N/m2 or Pascal, D the density of liquid (water) can be kept constant, then g only depends upon height of water column. According to eq.(1) there is no other factor (such as diameter of tubes, viscosity and surface tension of liquid etc) which may influence the results. It is also silent about the fact how much water is to be contained in the jug or bucket in which tube will be inverted. It provides base for liquid column in tube. Thus, if the height of water column is found less than 10.33m then value of g would be more, and such cases can tested with tubes of wider diameters. And if value of h is found more it will indicate lesser value of g. Thus such test presents a method for measurement of acceleration due to gravity, which has not been utilised yet. The catalyst for such motivation is that Torricelli in 1644 determined that height of mercury column in is 0.76 m of Hg. Then in 1685 the law of gravitation was published. Then equation for atmospheric pressure was theoretically derived as P = Dgh, thus atmospheric pressure equal to 1.013105 Pa was calculated using h =0.76m. The equation P=Dgh was derived for imaginary liquid cylinder in container of liquid. Thus measurement with mercury barometer were taken as standard. Now this magnitude of pressure is used for measurement of acceleration due to gravity. The value of g will be 9.8m/s2 if height of water column is 10.33m. Similarly the height of glycerine column must be 8.202. Thus value of g can be determined for using barometers of various liquids, such feasible experiments are not conducted yet. These experiments will add to existing knowledge on the topic. With help of eq.(1) the acceleration due to gravity can be determined even at height. To determine g the heights of the water or glycerine columns and densities of liquids are to be measured. It must be taken into consideration that equation P =Dgh was derived for imaginary cylinder of liquid floating in the same liquid, and then applied for practical purposes. The significance of experiments increases in tubes of various diameters in various liquids of different viscosities etc. Consequently possibility of anomalous observations cannot be denied.

11 Acknowledgements Author is highly indebted to Dr T Ramasami and Dr Stephen Crothers for encouragements and critical discussions.

References [1] Abbott, A.F., Ordinary Level Physics, 4th ed. Arnold Heinemann, New Delhi pp. 105-113, (1984). [2] Resnick, R. and D. Halliday, Physics Part, 42nd ed. Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi pp. 432-436, (1992). [3] Sears, F.W., Zeemansky, M.W. and H.D. Young, University Physics, 13th ed. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi pp. 257-258, (1985).


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