Bank Reconciliation Template

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Cash balance as per bank accounts 4,619,940

Cash balance as per company records 5,150,840
Mistmatch amount (530,900)

Below is the bank statement of XXXX Company

Bank Statement of XXXXX Company

Account with ZZZZZZ Bank
Withdrawals/ Deposits/
Date Transactions Balance
Subtractions Addition
1/12/2022 Balance 5,062,790
8/12/2022 Issued to Supplier AA (Cheque No 33751) 370,000 4,692,790
12/12/2022 Cheque Deposited from Customer DF 450,000 5,142,790
16/12/22 Cheque Deposited from Customer BG 230,000 5,372,790
18/12/22 Issued to XYZ Ltd (Cheque No 45678) 155,000 5,217,790
22/12/22 BC Ltd (Cheque No 12347) 86,000 5,131,790
27/12/22 Wages (Cheque No 12348) 10,950 5,120,840
29/12/22 Cheque Unpaid (Customer DF) 500,000 4,620,840
31/12/22 Bank Charges 900 4,619,940
Go to Cash Book

Note: While Excel templates are easy to use, an accounting software that supports Bank Reconciliation is


How to use the template?

1. The 'Bank Statement' tab contains transactions recorded by the
bank on each day, mentioned either as a deposit or a withdrawal.
The 'Balance' column mentions the balance for the date, after
adding the deposits and subtracting the withdrawals.
Reconciliation notes

Records match 2. The 'Cash Book' tab contains the transactions as recorded in the
Records match
company's books. The 'Credit' amounts are subtracted and the
'Debit' amounts added to get the calculated bank balance for the
Records match date.
Records match 3. The 'Reconciliation Notes' column mentions the transactions that
are not matching (cells highlighted in red) between the bank
Records match statement and the cash book
Records match
Records match 4. The overall balance figures and the difference any can be found at
Mismatch. Please check
the top left corner of the template
Mismatch. Please check 5. Columns 'E' and 'F' are populated with formuale. Please do not
change it. Just pull down the formula when you add new records to
the reconciliation template
Cash balance as per bank accounts 4,619,940
Cash balance as per company records 5,150,840
Mistmatch amount (530,900)

Below is the bank account ledger in the books of XXXX Company

Books of XXXX Company

Bank Account ZZZZZZ Bank
Date Transactions Debit Credit Balance
1/12/2022 Balance 5,062,790
8/12/2022 Issued to Supplier AA (Cheque No 33751) 370,000 4,692,790
12/12/2022 Cheque Deposited from Customer DF 450,000 5,142,790
12/12/2022 Cheque Deposited from Customer BG 230,000 5,372,790
12/12/2022 Issued to XYZ Ltd (Cheque No 45678) 155,000 5,217,790
19/12/2022 BC Ltd (Cheque No 12347) 86,000 5,131,790
26/12/2022 Issued to DFP Cheque No 12349 220,000 4,911,790
28/12/2022 Wages (Cheque No 12348) 10,950 4,900,840
31/12/2022 Issued to XYZ Ltd (Cheque No 50006) 450,000 4,450,840
31/12/2022 Cheque from Customer C Deposited in Bank 700,000 5,150,840
Go to Bank Statement

Note: While Excel templates are easy to use, an accounting software that supports Bank Reconciliatio


How to use the template?

Reconciliation Notes 1. The 'Bank Statement' tab contains transactions recorded by the
Records match
bank on each day, mentioned either as a deposit or a withdrawal.
The 'Balance' column mentions the balance for the date, after
Records match adding the deposits and subtracting the withdrawals.
Records match 2. The 'Cash Book' tab contains the transactions as recorded in the
Records match
company's books. The 'Credit' amounts are subtracted and the
'Debit' amounts added to get the calculated bank balance for the
Records match date.
Records match 3. The 'Reconciliation Notes' column mentions the transactions that
Mismatch. Please check
are not matching (cells highlighted in red) between the bank
statement and the cash book
Records match
Mismatch. Please check 4. The overall balance figures and the difference any can be found at
Mismatch. Please check
the top left corner of the template
5. Columns 'E' and 'F' are populated with formuale. Please do not
change it. Just pull down the formula when you add new records to
the reconciliation template

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