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i'd rather be your friend & keep you (than be your lover & someday lose you)

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Real Person Fiction
Relationships: song joong ki/ jeon yeo been, song joong ki/jeon yeo bin
Characters: Song Joong Ki, Jeon Yeo Bin
Additional Tags: Pining, Protective Yeo Been
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2021-05-08 Updated: 2021-05-20 Words: 942 Chapters: 3/?
i'd rather be your friend & keep you (than be your lover & someday
lose you)
by orphan_account


Vincenzo has finished filming, and although Joong Ki is Yeo Been's senior, she is
increasingly worried about him.


I love them so much because of their beautiful interactions behind the scenes. This is
intended for fiction only and under no circumstances sent or tagged to the actors.

See the end of the work for more notes

Chapter 1

It's been over a week since Vincenzo wrapped production, and the finale aired.

Jeon Yeo Been smiles to herself as she scrolls through the comments of her social media. "I'm
so lucky," she thinks. The majority of the comments are in Korean, however, more
international fans are interacting. Oppa Joong Ki had told her to expect this, because of her
acting, but sometimes she didn't know if he was being nice or really meant it. Not that she
thought Song Joong Ki would be a liar, she just found it hard to believe that such a talented
star would think so highly of a rookie like herself.

Her heart fluttered as it always did when he came across her mind, and she was glad she was
in the privacy of her bedroom so no one could see her flushed cheeks. She had the biggest
crush on Song Joong Ki, but knew that nothing could ever develop from it.

He was miles ahead of her in status and experience, both in acting and in relationships. He
had been married and divorced, while she'd barely had two boyfriends, and had only held
hands and been kissed.

She switched over to Joong Ki's social media, her heart sinking at all the adoring messages
from beautiful women. He was the most charming, handsome, talented, and humble man
she'd ever met, of course, he would have a phalanx of female fans.

Sighing, she closed her apps and put her phone down.

No need moping over what she couldn't change, it was time for her photoshoot for her
Chapter 2
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Yeo Bin's phone kept buzzing while she was on her photoshoot, and when she was finished,
she saw there were numerous texts and calls from friends and associates. Apparently, Sunbae
Joong Ki had a virtual fan meet for Vincenzo and had praised her acting repeatedly.

With a grin, she scrolled through her messages.

You're so lucky! To have Song Joongki talk about you!

Unnie, I always knew your hard work would pay off! I am so happy for you!

You deserve a Baeksang Award! Fighting!

The show Vincenzo is breaking Netflix records, good job Noona!

Are you going to fuck your way to more roles?

Yeo Bin froze at the message from an unknown number as cold fear washed over her. Did
someone text her by mistake?

Song Joongki has his pick of beautiful and talented women. Why would he want you?

What did you do to have Oppa talk so highly of you? Whore!

Her mouth dropped open at the vitriol, she had never seen such hateful messages.

Poor Oppa Joongki. His first wife was beautiful, but an old, ugly bitch like you has
bewitched him.

Yeo Bin inhaled and exhaled slowly to get her hurt feelings under control.
She knew she wasn't the prettiest or most youthful actress, however, she always prided
herself in working hard as an actress. Yes, she had feelings for Song Joong Ki, but who
wouldn't? He was handsome and talented, and a genuinely good person.

She swallowed the lump in her throat. He was out of her league, and she knew it, but why did
people have to rub her face in it?

She wiped her tears away and cleared her throat. She would have to change her phone
number, and if she spoke with Sunbae Joong Ki, she would smile and pretend like nothing
was wrong.

After all that he had been through, and how well he treated her on the set of Vincenzo, he had
to be protected from the ugliness of fans.

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for reading :)

Chapter 3

Both Yeobeen and Joongki were busy after Vincenzo wrapped.

Yeobeen was starting the production of Glitch for Netflix, while Joongki was still promoting
Vincenzo with interviews, as well as appearing in a music video.

She remembered how tired he would be yet still giving his all in filming, and taking time to
answer questions from other cast members, as well as fans.

Song Joongki was always smiling, always patient, and always putting others before his own

This bothered Yeobeen, because she knew that he would be overwhelmed with all the
engagements he had, and the pressure to be happy and upbeat. There were times between
filming breaks when she saw him sneak into a corner away from the crowd and squeeze his
eyes shut, the corners of his mouth turned down. But as soon as someone came up to him
with a request, he would open his eyes and smile.

He was human, just like anyone, but because of events in his life, he always had the need to
act superhuman.

But how come no one else noticed this? Not his agency, not his family, not his friends?

Song Joongki needed protection, to be wrapped in a warm blanket of love and care.

Jeon Yeobeen was scared to reach out to him first, as she remembered the vicious messages
she'd received from fans, but the more she thought about how stressed out he would be, she
knew she had to do something.
She'd thought about sending a coffee truck to his next project, but knew that would set
tongues wagging. She wouldn't send him any well wishes on social media because of the
same reason.

On impulse, she ordered a 100 rose bouquet for Song Joongki.

Men didn't usually receive roses, which was a shame because they were beautiful and
smelled divine, but she understood that roses could have a deep romantic meaning, so she
made sure to ask for yellow roses which represented friendship, joy, and happiness.

In no way, did she want to make Sunbae Joongki uncomfortable and feel like she had ulterior
End Notes

sorry for the short chapter, i will update every weekend

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