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Evaluation of growth and biochemical indicators of Salvinia natans exposed to

zinc oxide nanoparticles and zinc accumulation in plants

Article in Environmental Science and Pollution Research · July 2013

DOI: 10.1007/s11356-013-1970-9 · Source: PubMed


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4 authors, including:

Changwei Hu
Jiaxing University


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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2014) 21:732–739
DOI 10.1007/s11356-013-1970-9


Evaluation of growth and biochemical indicators of Salvinia

natans exposed to zinc oxide nanoparticles and zinc
accumulation in plants
Changwei Hu & Xu Liu & Xiuling Li & Yongjun Zhao

Received: 13 March 2013 / Accepted: 28 June 2013 / Published online: 17 July 2013
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

Abstract The adverse effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles Introduction

(ZnO NPs) with an average diameter of 25 nm on the aquatic
plant Salvinia natans (L.) All. were determined. Growth, Nanoparticles (NPs) are materials with at least two dimen-
superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, catalase (CAT) activity, sions under 100 nm (Masciangioli and Zhang 2003). Their
peroxidase activity, and chlorophyll content of the plants were unique physicochemical properties, such as small size,
measured after 7 days of exposure to different concentrations chemical composition, surface structure, solubility, shape,
of ZnO NPs (1 to 50 mg L−1). The particle distribution in the and aggregation, are attractive for a wide range of novel
culture medium (without plants) during the first 24 h was applications in electronics, healthcare, cosmetics, technolo-
determined using a Nanotrac 250 particle analyzer. We also gies, and engineering industries (Lecoanet et al. 2004;
investigated the zinc accumulation in leaves and roots of the Lecoanet and Wiesner 2004; Sun et al. 2005; Nel et al.
plant after 7 days of exposure. Exposure to 50 mg L−1 ZnO 2006). Based on a recent estimate, the number of consumer
NPs significantly increased SOD and CAT activities (P<0.05) products on the market containing NPs or nanofibers ex-
and significantly depressed photosynthetic pigments ceeds 1,300 and is still rapidly increasing (Love et al. 2012).
(P<0.05). However, plant growth was not significantly affect- According to “The Nanotechnology Consumer Products
ed (P>0.05). NPs completely precipitated at the bottom of the Inventory” (Maynard and Michelson 2006), the most com-
container at 8 h except for the portions of dissolution and mon metal oxide NP material mentioned in the product de-
aggregation on the roots. ZnO NPs at a concentration of scriptions is titanium dioxide (TiO2), followed by zinc oxide
50 mg L−1 can adversely affect S. natans, and their stress is (ZnO), which are widely used in pigments, semiconductors,
affected by their aggregation and dissolution. sunscreens, and food additives (Handy et al. 2008). These
NPs may be released to the environment, threatening the
Keywords ZnO nanoparticles . Salvinia natans . ecosystem during the life cycle of these commercial prod-
Antioxidant enzymes . Aggregation . Accumulation ucts, although little is known about their actual concentration
in the environment. Gottschalk et al. (2009) reported that
modeled concentrations of ZnO NPs were approximately
0.01 μg L−1 in surface water and 0.432 μg L−1 in sewage
treatment plant effluents in Europe. Boxall et al. (2007) gave
Responsible editor: Elena Maestri an estimate concentration (less than 100 μg L−1) of ZnO NPs
C. Hu (*) : X. Li in water in the UK.
Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Water and Soil The extensive use of ZnO NPs will undoubtedly increase
Conservation & Environmental Protection, Linyi University, the potential risk for human and environmental exposures.
Linyi 276000, China
To date, investigations on the ecotoxicology of ZnO NPs are
emerging, which aim to assess their harmful effects to the
X. Liu ecosystem. Many studies focused on the toxicity of the NPs
School of Life Science, Linyi University, Linyi 276000, China on aquatic organisms because the water environment is
regarded as the ultimate destination of NPs released in the
Y. Zhao
College of Biological, Chemical Science and Engineering, environment (Nel et al. 2006; Kahru and Dubourguier 2010;
Jiaxing University, Jiaxing 314001, China Peralta-Videa et al. 2011).
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2014) 21:732–739 733

The ecotoxicological effects of ZnO NPs on various aquat- The present study aimed to evaluate the responses of
ic organisms are reported (Ma et al. 2013). Meanwhile, the growth, photosynthetic pigments, and antioxidant enzyme
actual mechanisms of the toxicity need to be better under- activities of S. natans to ZnO NPs. The influence of aggre-
stood. Microalgae are an important model organism for aquat- gation on the adverse effects of these NPs and bioaccumu-
ic toxicity assay. Microalga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata lation of zinc in the plants were also investigated.
was sensitive to ZnO NP stress, and 72 IC50 was found to be
less than 70 μg Zn L−1 (Aruoja et al. 2009; Franklin et al.
2007). Miller et al. (2010) reported that ZnO NPs (20 to Materials and methods
30 nm) at 1 mg L −1 inhibited growth of four marine
microalgae including Skeletonema marinoi, Thalassiosira Characterization of ZnO NPs
pseudonana, Dunaliella tertiolecta, and Isochrysis galbana.
All the three aforementioned studies demonstrated that the ZnO NPs without coating were purchased from Aipurui
toxicity was attributed to solubilized zinc ions. Brayner et al. Co., Ltd. (Nanjing, China). The surface area of NPs was
(2010) investigated the adverse effects of ZnO NPs to determined using the multipoint Brunauer–Emmett–Teller
cyanobacteria Anabaena flos-aquae and found that the pho- (BET) method (Brunauer et al. 1938). The morphology
tosynthetic activity of microalgae was inhibited. of the NPs was examined under a transmission electron
Aquatic invertebrates and vertebrates, such as Daphnia microscope (H-7500, Hitachi, Japan).
magna and zebrafish Danio rerio, were also selected as test
organisms to evaluate the toxicity of ZnO NPs. Heinlaan Incubation and growth of S. natans
et al. (2008) reported acute toxicity of ZnO NPs on D.
magna. The results showed that the value of 48-h LC50 Samples of S. natans (L.) All. were collected from the Beng
was 3.2 mg L−1 and the toxicity was due to solubilized Zn River (Linyi, China). According to the guidelines of the
ions. A recent report also indicated that dissolved Zn2+ Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
released from ZnO NP suspension contributed to the toxicity, (OECD 2006), the nutrient solution used for growth was
and then, aggregation and sedimentation of NPs reduced prepared using the following contents (in milligrams per liter):
their toxicity (Yu et al. 2011). Wiench et al. (2009) found NaNO3, 85; KH2PO4, 13.4; MgSO4·7H2O, 75; CaCl2·2H2O,
that the toxicity of ZnO on D. magna was independent of 36; Na 2 CO 3 , 20; H 3 BO 3 , 1.0; MnCl 2 ·4H 2 O, 0.20;
particle size, coating of particles, aggregation of particles, Na2MoO4·2H2O, 0.010; ZnSO4·7H2O, 0.005; CuSO4·5H2O,
and type of medium or the applied pretreatment of the test 0.0050; Co(NO3)2·6H2O, 0.010; FeCl3·6H2O, 0.84; and
dispersions. Zhu et al. (2008) reported that 96 h LC50 of Na2-EDTA·2H2O, 1.4. pH was adjusted to 6.5±0.2 by adding
ZnO NPs to zebrafish was 1.79 mg L−1 and the dissolved 0.1 N NaOH.
zinc ion was partially responsible for the toxicity. Micro- The plants were rinsed with sterile water and allowed to
sized ZnO NP aggregates in culture medium caused dose- acclimatize to the medium for 7 days prior to NP exposure.
dependent effects to zebrafish embryo hatching (Zhu et al. Three plants with uniform appearance were incubated in a
2009). The toxicity was likely due to combined effects of 500-mL beaker containing 350 mL of the culture medium.
dissolved zinc ions and particle aggregates. The beakers were placed in a thermostated chamber at
Although a number of studies on the toxicity of ZnO NPs 24±2 °C with 16 h light (180 μmol m−2 s−1) and 8 h dark
were reported, knowledge on their toxicity to aquatic plants photoperiods. A stock suspension of ZnO at 100 mg L−1,
remains lacking. For other NPs, such as silver, copper oxide, obtained by adding ZnO NPs to the culture medium, was
and TiO2, duckweeds (Lemna minor, Spirodela polyrhiza, and used to prepare ZnO suspension at different concentrations.
Landoltia punctata) were used for the evaluation of their This stock suspension was treated by a sonicator (Vibra-
toxicity (Gubbins et al. 2011; Kim et al. 2011; Shi et al. CellTM, USA; 50 Hz, 10 s pulse, and 5 s interval) for
2011; Jiang et al. 2012). However, no reports on other aquatic 10 min prior to use. Culture media with different ZnO
plants could be found as yet. Salvinia natans is a free-floating, concentrations were prepared by adding the stock suspension
aquatic heterosporous fern that reproduces vegetatively and and then sonicated for 20 s. The plants were exposed to
rapidly forms expanding mats of foliage on still water surfaces different concentrations of ZnO NPs (0 (negative control),
in tropical and subtropical regions. This plant was previously 1, 10, 20, and 50 mg L−1) for 7 days. A positive control,
selected as a test organism to study the toxicity of heavy which was exposed to ZnSO 4 at a concentration of
metals (Dhir et al. 2009). In addition, environmental behaviors 44 mg L−1 (corresponding to 10 mg L−1 Zn2+), was also
of NPs such as aggregation and dissolution are regarded as investigated. Each treatment was replicated five times.
important aspects in understanding their toxicity (Sharma After 7 days of exposure, the plants were harvested and
2009; Petosa et al. 2010) and need further investigation in rinsed with distilled water. The surface water of the plants
toxicity assay of ZnO NPs to aquatic plants. was removed with filter papers, and their fresh weights
734 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2014) 21:732–739

(FWs) were measured. The relative growth rate (RGR/day) of 50 mL. The solution samples were filtered through
in each treatment was calculated using the formula: 0.45 μm cellulose nitrate ultrafiltration membrane filters
RGR=(lnW2 −lnW1)/t. W1 and W2 are the initial and final (Whatman) and then acidified with HNO3 to a pH of
FW (gram), respectively, and t is the incubation time (day). approximately 2.0.
The dry weight (DW) of the plants was obtained after oven
drying at 80 °C for 48 h to constant weight. Statistical analysis

Pigment assay All samples for growth assessment were replicated five
times, whereas other samples were replicated three times.
The contents of chl a, chl b, and carotenoid in the leaves of Three independent experiments were run. The results
the plants were analyzed according to Lichtenthaler (1987). presented are the arithmetic means with their corresponding
Freeze-dried leaves were cut into small pieces, and subsam- standard deviations. Differences between treatments were
ples of approximately 5 mg were extracted with 8 mL 96 % tested for significance by ANOVA using Origin 7.0.
ethanol in the dark at room temperature. After 24 h, the According to Tukey's multiple comparisons tests, *P<0.05
pigment extracts were centrifuged at 5,000×g for 3 to and **P<0.01 were considered significant and highly signifi-
5 min after vigorous stirring. Then, absorbance was cant, respectively.
measured at 665, 648, and 470 nm using a VIS-7220
spectrophotometer (Rayleigh Analytical Instrument
Corp., China). Results

Antioxidative enzyme assay Characteristics of ZnO NPs

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was determined using The results showed that the crystalline phase of ZnO
the ferric cytochrome c method with xanthine/xanthine oxi- NPs was monocrystalline and that the mean size of the
dase as the source of superoxide radicals (McCord and single particle was approximately 25 nm (Fig. 1). BET
Fridovich 1969). Catalase (CAT) activity was assayed using results showed that the surface area was approximately
a U-3000 spectrophotometer (Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan) by 90 m2 g−1.
measuring the decrease in absorbance at 240 nm because of
H2O2 decomposition (Rao et al. 1996). Peroxidase (POD) Plant growth
activity was determined using the methods described by Li
et al. (2000). Plant growth was evaluated as RGR and presented in
Fig. 2. No significant differences were observed
Aggregation of NPs and zinc concentration assay (P > 0.05) between all treatments with ZnO NPs and
the negative control. By contrast, the growth of S.
Prior to the test, ZnO NPs were added to a 350-mL of culture natans in the positive control (treated with ZnSO4)
medium in a 500-mL beaker to obtain a final concentration was markedly inhibited (P<0.05).
of 10 mg L−1. The suspension was treated by a sonicator as
previously described, and then, the beakers were placed in a Chlorophyll and carotenoid contents
thermostated chamber at 24 ± 2 °C without disturbance.
Water samples (10 mL) were carefully obtained from the Both chlorophyll and carotenoid were influenced by ZnO
upper layer of the suspension to avoid disturbance at each NPs and ZnSO4 (Table 1). The contents of chl a and chl b
hour of the initial 24 h to test for particle distribution. The
particle size of the ZnO NPs was determined using a
Nanotrac 250 particle analyzer (Microtrac Inc., USA).
The concentrations of zinc in the culture media and plants
of all treatments at 7 days were detected by inductively
coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (VISTA-
MPX, USA). The detailed methods for digestion were
according to our previous report (Hu et al. 2013). Briefly,
the plants were separated into leaves and roots, oven dried at
80 °C for 24 h, and then microwave digested first in 10 mL of
16 mM HNO3, followed by addition of 1 mL of H2O2. The
samples were diluted with 1 % (v/v) HNO3 to a final volume Fig. 1 Transmission electron microscopic image of ZnO nanoparticles
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2014) 21:732–739 735

7 days was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that of the

control. The ZnSO4 treatment followed the trend of SOD.
POD activity initially increased with increasing ZnO NP
dosage and then markedly dropped (P<0.05) at a concentra-
tion of 50 mg L−1. The POD activity of S. natans exposed to
ZnSO4 for 7 days was significantly lower (P<0.01) than that
of the negative control.

Aggregation and dissolution of ZnO NPs

Figure 4 shows the particle size distribution (mean

values and standard deviations) of ZnO NPs in the
culture medium (without plants) during the first 24 h.
Although the suspension was initially treated with son-
ication, the mean particle size in the suspension imme-
Fig. 2 Relative growth rate (RGR) of S. natans during the 7-day
diately after preparation was approximately 130 nm.
The particle size can reach more than 1.4 μm at 1 h,
suggesting rapid aggregation. After 8 h, the particle size
decreased with increasing ZnO NP dosage. The chl a content in the suspension reduced to approximately 1 nm. This
of the plants at 50 mg L−1 ZnO NPs was approximately result indicated that no ZnO NPs were detected in the
2.57 mg g−1 DW (60 % of the control), which was supernatant. After treatment with ZnO NPs for 24 h,
significantly lower than that of the negative control white aggregates were observed at the bottom of the
(P<0.05). The chl a and chl b contents of the ZnSO4 beakers and the roots of the plants, especially for treat-
treatment were significantly lower (P<0.05) than those ments 20 and 50 mg L−1.
of the control and all ZnO NP treatments. Table 2 shows the concentrations of zinc in the
Carotenoid content slightly increased after treatment with culture media at 7 days. The medium of the negative
low concentration of ZnO NPs (1 mg L−1) and then de- control allowed zinc to be one of the essential nutrients
creased with increasing dosage. The carotenoid contents of at a concentration of 11.4 μg L−1, which could maintain
plants in the treatments with the highest concentration of the growth of S. natans. The dissolution portions were
ZnO NPs and the positive control were significantly lower the principal sources of zinc in treatments 1, 10, 20,
(P<0.05) than that of the negative control. and 50 mg L−1, with mean values of 0.41, 1.87, 2.57,
and 2.93 mg L−1, respectively. The concentration of
Responses of antioxidant enzymes Zn2+ in the positive control was 8.71 mg L−1. Table 2
also provides the zinc content in the plants after 7 days
Figure 3 shows the effects of the exposure on the activities of of exposure. S. natans accumulated more zinc when
SOD, CAT, and POD. SOD activity increased with increas- Zn2+ concentration was increased in the culture medium.
ing NP dosages. Only at 50 mg L−1 ZnO NPs it showed No significant differences in zinc content between the
significant differences (P<0.05) from the negative control. leaves and roots were observed in each treatment.
The SOD activity of S. natans exposed to 10 mg L−1 Zn2+ However, the zinc content of the unrinsed roots was
was significantly higher (P<0.01) than that of the control. evidently higher (P<0.01) than that of the rinsed roots
The response of CAT was similar to that of SOD. The in treatments 10, 20, and 50 mg L−1, indicating that
CAT activity of S. natans exposed to 50 mg L−1 ZnO NPs for aggregates were adsorbed on the roots.

Table 1 Effects of ZnO nanoparticles and ZnSO4 on chl a, chl b, and carotenoid (in milligrams per gram DW) in the leaves of Salvinia natans

Parameters Control (0 mg L−1) Exposure groups

1 10 20 50 ZnSO4

Chl a 4.06±0.45 4.15±0.33 3.98±0.28 3.75±0.41 2.57 ±0.36* 2.36±0.21*

Chl b 1.88±0.24 1.67±0.15 1.74±0.23 1.62±0.25 1.45±0.22 1.16±0.16*
Carotenoid 0.69±0.08 0.74±0.10 0.58±0.07 0.53±0.09 0.39±0.08* 0.45±0.11*

*P<0.05, significant difference compared to the control

736 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2014) 21:732–739

Fig. 4 Variation in particle sizes (mean±SD) of ZnO in the culture

medium (without plants) during the first 24 h

difference of the individual weight of S. natans. In

addition, measuring the DW of the same plant twice
(before and after exposure) is impractical. Therefore,
we merely tested the FW. The results showed that the
plants suffered no remarkable inhibition after treatment
with 50 mg L−1 ZnO NPs. However, SOD and CAT
activities increased and photosynthetic pigment contents
c decreased in the leaves of S. natans in this treatment,
suggesting a stress from ZnO NPs. The results failed to
meet the growth response. The underlying reasons for
the failure may be attributed to the following. First, a
relative shorter duration was used in this study (7 days)
to evaluate the stress of ZnO NPs. Therefore, the bio-
chemical variation was not reflected in such a short
exposure period. Second, the individual plant of S.
natans is larger than organisms, such as microalgae,
duckweed, and Daphnia, which are generally used in
ecotoxicological testing, and then, growth was only
considered in limited reports. For instance, Mandal
et al. (2013) reported that the growth of S. natans that
was exposed to aluminum (240 μM) for 7 days was not
Fig. 3 Activities of a SOD, b CAT, and c POD of S. natans after 7 days
of exposure to ZnO NPs and ZnSO4 with different concentrations influenced, whereas MDA content significantly in-
creased (P <0.05). Sen and Bhattacharyya (1994) found
that both FW and DW of S. natans decreased with time
Discussion at 10, 20, and 60 μg mL−1 Ni(II) in the culture medi-
um after 1, 3, and 6 days of contact. In this study, ZnO
The results in this study indicated that 50 mg L−1 ZnO NPs NPs with a concentration of 50 mg L−1 did not induce
can cause oxidative stresses to S. natans and depress the the growth response of this plant. Therefore, antioxi-
photosynthetic pigments. However, plant growth was dant enzymes and photosynthetic pigments are accept-
not significantly affected. The adsorption of ZnO NPs able indicators for S. natans and selected to evaluate
on the roots and the accumulation of Zn in the plants environmental stresses.
were simultaneously noted. Antioxidant enzymes of living organisms can protect
FW was selected for the evaluation of plant growth cells against adverse effects of reactive oxygen species
in this study. Using the mean value of several plants (ROS). The enzymes SOD, CAT, and POD can control
for DW evaluation is difficult because of the large cellular levels of ROS (Weckx and Clijsters 1996). The
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2014) 21:732–739 737

Table 2 Concentrations of Zn2+ in the culture media and Salvinia natans after 7 days of exposure

Exposure groups Culture medium (mg L−1) Leaves (mg g−1 DW) Roots (rinsed) (mg g−1 DW) Roots (unrinsed) (mg g−1 DW)

0 0.011±0.002 0.015±0.006 0.018±0.005 0.016±0.006

1 0.41±0.08 0.45±0.13 0.33±0.19 0.49±0.15
10 1.87±0.32 2.61±0.72 1.86±0.38 3.45±0.53
20 2.57±0.19 3.17±0.56 2.93±0.66 6.88±1.22
50 2.93±0.29 3.65±0.81 2.97±0.71 8.18±1.35
ZnSO4 8.71±0.56 4.28±0.83 3.82±0.67 3.64±0.57

activities of these antioxidant enzymes maintain the in treatment 50 mg L−1 ZnO NPs (Table 2), which was
steady-state levels of ROS in cells. POD has a vital close to a recent report (Wu et al. 2010). The soluble
function in scavenging these ROS. SOD and CAT func- form was regarded as the main bioavailable portion of
tion together to convert O2· and H2O2 into harmless the total contaminant (Di Toro et al. 1991). Meanwhile,
H2O and O2, reduce the formation of hydroxyl free Adams et al. (2006) and Franklin et al. (2007) also
radical ·OH, and lower the overall free radical content reported the close relationship between the dissolved
of cells. In the present study, SOD and CAT activities portion and the toxicity of ZnO NPs. Both adsorption
increased in plants treated with 50 mg L−1 ZnO NPs of ZnO NPs on the roots and accumulation of zinc in
(Fig. 3a, b), indicating better ROS scavenging in the the plants were observed in our study. Significant dif-
system. Zinc was previously reported (Cakmak 2000; ferences (P<0.01) in the measured concentration of zinc
Upadhyay and Panda 2010) to have a potential to in- were found between the rinsed and unrinsed roots.
crease the biosynthesis of antioxidant enzymes in the Both aggregation and dissolution may influence the
duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza. The activity of POD was stress of ZnO NPs to S. natans. However, which be-
significantly inhibited by 50 mg L−1 ZnO NPs (Fig. 3c). havior of ZnO NPs contributed more to the stress is
This result might be attributed to the stress from NPs or not clearly elucidated. Stress of NPs depends on their
Zn2+ that was beyond the protective ability of the enzymes. property, test organism species, and surrounding solu-
Colloid is usually referred to particles in the 1-nm to tion conditions (Lin and Xing 2008). According to
1-μm size range in aquatic systems. Therefore, ZnO previous reports, aggregation of NPs reduced their tox-
NPs initially existed in the suspension as colloid, aggre- icity on D. magna (Yu et al. 2011), and the toxicity of
gated to large particles, and deposited. Colloidal fate ZnO NPs to zebrafish embryo might be due to the
and behavior are dominated by aggregation (Buffle and combined effects of aggregation and dissolution (Zhu
Leppard 1995; Gustafsson and Gschwend 1997), and et al. 2009). For plants, ZnO NPs with a diameter of
colloids ultimately aggregate to particles (>1 μm) and 25 nm are hard to be directly taken up into the roots.
deposit. In the present study, the aggregation of ZnO Asli and Neumann (2009) previously reported that
NPs was significant in the culture medium, and substan- maize (Zea mays L.) roots exclude TiO2 NPs larger
tially, no ZnO NPs were observed in the supernatants than 6.6 nm after NP exposure, and inhibitory effects
over 8 h (Fig. 4). This finding was basically consistent of NP additions occurred on root hydraulic conductiv-
with the previous reports (Adams et al. 2006; Franklin ity. The stress mechanism of ZnO NPs to S. natans
et al. 2007), which evaluated the aggregation of ZnO may be complex. Solubility could have an important
NPs in a freshwater system. We obtained samples from function. Meanwhile, the NPs covering the roots may also
the upper layer of the suspension because S. natans is a influence the uptake of nutrients and water from the medium.
free-floating fern and the variation of ZnO NPs in the In summary, the present study investigated the adverse
upper layer may affect the growth of the plants more effects of ZnO NPs on S. natans. The results showed that
than those of other factors. 50 mg L−1 NPs can adversely affect S. natans. ZnO NPs are
The dissolution rate of NPs is influenced by several apt to aggregation and dissolution in the medium, and both
properties of NPs, including size, surface area, surface processes may affect their stress on the plant.
curvature, and roughness (Borm et al. 2006). Moreover,
other factors, such as pH and ionic strength and aggre-
gation, may also significantly affect the dissolution. The Acknowledgments This study was supported by the Shandong Out-
standing Young Scientist Award Fund (grant no. BS2010SF005), the
dissolution of ZnO is highly pH dependent. The pH Open Fund from the Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Water and
value of the culture medium used in this study was Soil Conservation & Environmental Protection (grant no. stkf201203),
6.5±0.2, and the Zn2+ concentration was 2.93 mg L−1 and the fund from Linyi University.
738 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2014) 21:732–739

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