Full Test 2 Sol

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Time: 180 Mins Physics, Chemistry and Biology Total Marks: 720
Hints and Solutions

05) Ans: C) residual volume and functional
01) Ans: C) left auricle and left ventricle residual capacity
Sol: Mitral valve or Bicuspid valve is present in the Sol: The volume of air left in the lungs after forceful
atrioventricular opening between the left auricle expiration and after normal expiration is
and left ventricle. During atrial systole, the mitral respectively known as residual volume and
valve opens to allow the flow of blood left auricle to functional residual capacity. It is about 1100mL to
left ventricle and during beginning of ventricular 1200mL. Volume of air that will remain in the
systole, mitral valve closes so as to prevent the lungs after a normal expiration is known as
backward flow of blood. functional residual capacity. This includes residual
volume and the expiratory reserve volume
02) Ans: D) The Statement 1 is false but the (RV+ERV).
Statement 2 is true
Sol: Organisms belonging to a given species rarely 06) Ans: A) Turgor movement
exist naturally as a single large population. They
usually exist as small interbreeding populations 07) Ans: B) 22 chromosomes
called demes each with its own gene pool. A species
exhibiting a gradual change in phenotypic 08) Ans: A) Thrombocyte
characteristics throughout its geographical range is Sol: Platelet (thrombocyte) is a minute disc-shaped
referred to as a cline. More than one cline may be cell fragment in mammalian blood and they are
exhibited by a species and they may run in formed as fragments of larger cells
opposite directions. (megakaryocytes) found in red bone marrow; they
have no nucleus. They play an important role in
03) Ans: C) Excess by CO2 and H ions blood clotting and release serotonin,
thromboplastin and other chemicals that cause a
Sol: Human have a significant ability to maintain
chain of events leading to the formation of a plug at
and moderate the respiratory rhythm to as per the
the site of the damage, thus preventing further
demands of the body tissues. A specialized centre
blood loss. There are about 250, 000 platelets per
present in the medulla region of the brain known
cubic millimeter of blood.
as respiratory rhythm centre is primarily
responsible for this regulation. A chemosensitive
09) Ans: D) allergic reaction of the mast cells in
area is situated adjacent to the rhythm centre
the lungs
which is highly sensitive to CO2 and hydrogen.
Sol: Asthma may lead to allergic reaction of the
mast cells in the lungs. It is an allergic condition
04) Ans: C) Carbonic anhydrase in which the tissue surroundings the bronchioles
Sol: Carbonic anhydrase enzyme is essential for of the lungs swell up and compress the bronchioles
the transport of CO2 as bicarbonate in blood. The thus causing difficulty in breathing and this allergy
large fraction of carbon dioxide (about 70%) is mainly involves IgE antibodies and chemicals like
converted to bicarbonate ions HCO3 and   histamine and serotonin from the mast cells.

transported in plasma. When carbon dioxide 10) Ans: C) It is circular DNA which has capacity
diffuses into the RBCs, it combines with water, to bind eukaryote DNA
forming carbonic acid  H2CO3  . H2CO3 is Sol: Plasmid is used in biotechnology or genetic
unstable and quickly dissociates into hydrogen engineering for making the multiple copies of
ions and bicarbonate ions. desired genes (DNA segment). Because plasmid has
Carbonic anhydrase the capacity to bind with eukaryotic DNA.
CO2  H2O H2CO3
Carbon Water Carbonic
dioxide acid 11) Ans: B) i and iv
Sol: Population explosion is rapid increase in
H  HCO3 population over a relatively short period of time.
Hydrogen Bicabonate
ions ions Option 2 is correct as reasons for population
This reaction is thousands times faster in explosion are increased health facilities, decrease
erythrocytes as they contain carbonic anhydrase, in MMR (Maternal Mortality Rate), and IMR (Infant
an enzyme that reversibly catalyses the conversion Mortality Rate) and increase in number of people
of carbon dioxide and water to carbonic acid. reaching reproductive age.

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12) Ans: C) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 by fusing a specific antibody-producing B cell with
are false a myeloma cell (cancer cell) that is selected for its
Sol: Phagocytes also known as neutrophils. About ability to grow in tissue culture and for an absence
70% portion of WBC is constituted by these cells. of antibody chain synthesis. The antibodies
These cells are phagocytic in nature and engulf produced by the hybridoma are all of a single
and digest disease causing bacteria. Similarly, specificity and are therefore called monoclonal
monocytes when enter into tissues become antibodies (in contrast to polyclonal antibodies).
macrophages, these phagocyties and engulf
bacteria and other large-particles. 20) Ans: B) Porogamy
Sol: Porogamy refer to the entry of the pollen tube
13) Ans: D) taxonomic keys with two male gametes and tube nucleus through
Sol: Taxonomic keys used for identification of micropyle. The pollen tube enters the ovule, either
plants and animals based on the similarities and through its micropyle (porogamy, e.g., Lily), chalaza
dissimilarities. The key are based on contrasting (chalazogamy,e.g., Casuarina, Juglaus) or the sides
characters generally in a pair callled couplet. It after piercing through the integuments or funicle
represents the choice made between two opposite (mesogamy, e.g., Cucurbita, Populus).
options, which results in acceptance of only one
and rejection of the other. Each statement in the 21) Ans: C) b-rhizome, a-eyes, d-leaf buds,
key is known as a lead. c-bulbils

14) Ans: C) Grouping according to evolutionary


15) Ans: A) Cotton bollworms and corn borer

Sol: Bt toxin genes were isolated from Bacillus
thuringiensis and incorporated into several crop
plants such as cotton. Two cry genes, cryIAc and
cryIIAb have been incorporated in cotton and the
genetically modified crop is called Bt cotton as it
contains Bt toxin genes against cotton bollworms.
Protein encoded by gene cryIAb controls the
infestation of corn borer insects in Bt corn.
22) Ans: D) Dolly
16) Ans: A) producing transgenic mice for testing
Sol: Plants, bacteria, fungi and animals which
safety of polio vaccine before use in humans
contains foreign gene are called Genetically
Sol: Many transgenic animals are developed to
Modified Organisms (GMO). They contain and
increase our understanding of how genes
express one or more useful foreign genes
contribute to the development of diseases and
(transgenes). Bt brinjal, golden rice, tracy, rosie,
these are specially made to serve as models for
etc., are genetically modified organisms. Whereas
human diseases so that investigation of new
Dolly was a cloned sheep (first mammals to cloned)
treatments for diseases is made possible.
born on 5th July 1996 at Roslin Institute in
Nowadays transgenic models exist for many human
Edinburgh, Scotland.
diseases such as cancer, cystic fibrosis,
rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer’s Transgenic
23) Ans: B) a-female thallus, b-male thallus
mice are begin developed for use in testing the
safety of vaccines before they are used on humans.
Transgenic mice are being used to test the safety of
the polio vaccine.

17) Ans: C) embryo upto 8 blastomeres, if zygote

is not transplanted
Sol: ZIFT (Zygote Intra Fallopian Transfer): The
zygote or early embryos (up to 8 blastomeres) could
then be transferred into the fallopian tube.
IUT (Intra Uterine Transfer): Embryos with more Sol:
than 8 blastomeres could be transferred into the
uterus, to complete its further development. 24) Ans: A) Bagging, pollination, rebagging
Sol: If the female parent produces unisexual
18) Ans: B) Agrobacterium tumefaciens flowers, emasculation is not needed.
The female flower buds are bagged before the
19) Ans: A) B-cells are fused with myeloma cells flowers open. When the stigma becomes receptive,
Sol: Hybridoma technology is a technology of pollination is carried out suing the desired pollen
formation of hybrid cell lines (called hybridomas) and the flower rebagged.

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Sol: In smaller organisms, the rate of metabolism is

25) Ans: B) C-peptide is removed from proinsulin higher in comparison to adult one. For example,
Sol: Human insulin is made up of 51 amino acids the average heart rate per minute in new born baby
arranged in two polypeptide chains, A having 21 is 130 while in 75 years and above aged persons it
amino acids and B with 30 amino acids. The is only 75.
hormone develops from a storage product termed
pro-insulin which has three chains, A,B and C. 34) Ans: D) carrier of pathogens
C-chain with 33 amino acids is removed prior to
insulin formation. This C peptide is not present in 35) Ans: D) Statement 1 is true but statement 2
the mature insulin and is removed during is false.
maturation into insulin. Sol: Mode of action of pills and
implants/injectables is similar but the effective
26) Ans: C) Pollen cytoplasm period of implants/ injectables is much longer as
Sol: Pollen cytoplasm part of the pollen causes compared to pills.
pollen allergy. Pollen allergy is an allergy caused
when contacted with specific pollens and allergens 36) Ans: A) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2
in the pollen are concentrated in the cytoplasm. are true but Statement 2 is not the correct
When allergens from an inhaled pollen grain are explanation of Statement 1
released and bind with antibodies they produce a Sol: The maximum population size that can be
number of symptoms like runny or stuffy nose, supported by the environment is called maximum
sneezing, red, itchy and watery eyes and swelling carrying capacity. Environment has three major
around the eyes. components:
i) Productive system
27) Ans: B) 3-7 days ii) Protective system
iii) Waste assimilative system.
28) Ans: B) 2, 3, 5 triphenyl tetrazolium chloride The first two of these components the life
Sol: Viability of seeds can be tested by two supportive capacity and third makes up the waste
methods: assimilative capacity.
(i) ability to germinate,(ii) testing their ability to
respire. 37) Ans: A) tricuspid valve
All viable seeds respire. This can be tested by Sol: Tricuspid valve (right atrioventricular valve)
immersing a section of seed containing the embryo consisting of three flaps, situated between the right
in 0.1% solution of triphenyl tetrazolium chloride. atrium and the right ventricle of the mammalian
The viable embryo will turn pink because of heart.
conversion of colourless triphenyl tetrazolium When the right ventricle contracts, forcing blood
chloride into insoluble coloured dye known as into the pulmonary artery, the tricuspid valve
triphenyl formazone due to reduction. closes the aperture to the atrium, thereby
preventing any backflow of blood and the valve
29) Ans: D) Herbert Spencer reopens to allow blood to flow from the atrium into
Sol: Herbert spencer used the term “survival of the ventricle.
fittest” to Darwin’s postulation, Natural selection.
38) Ans: D) RNA interference
30) Ans: A) estrogen and progesterone Sol: RNAi or RNA interference is a novel strategy
Sol: Oral contraceptive pills consist of either introduced by Fire and Mello, 1998 which prevents
progesterone only or a combination of progesterone the infection by nematode Meloidogyne incognitia
and estrogen. The way of action of pills are: in the roots of tobacco plants and RNAi involves
(i) Inhibition of ovulation. silencing of specific mRNA. Using Agrobacterium
(ii) Inhibition of motility and secretory activity of vectors, nematode specific genes are introduced
oviducts (Fallopian tubes). into the host plant (tobacco plant). The
(iii) Changes in cervical mucus impairing its ability introduction of DNA is such that it produces both
to allow passage and transport of sperms. sense and anti-sense RNA in the host cells. These
(iv)Alternation in uterine endometrium to make it two RNAs, being complementary to each other form
unsuitable for implantation a dsRNA (double stranded RNA), that initiates RNAi
by first forming siRNA (small interfering RNAs). The
31) Ans: B) Proterozoic siRNA first unwinds and then binds to specific
Sol: The first life in the form of simple invertebrates complementary mRNA molecules of the nematode
like sponges, cnidarians etc. evolved in Proterozoic and these sites are then cut by RISC (RNA-induced
era about 2000 million years ago. silencing complex), thereby destroying mRNA of
32) Ans: D) Transpiration Therefore, no toxin proteins are synthesized.

33) Ans: B) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 39) Ans: D) Cell wall is elastic, rigid and get
are true and the Statement 2 is correct explanation stretched
of the Statement 1 Sol: Cell wall is the outermost, rigid, protective,

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non living and supportive layer found in all the Sol: Vision is a fast photochemical reaction in
plant cells. It is not found in animal cells. When an which the compound, retinal, present in the eye
animal cell placed pure water will swell up and undergoes isomerization absorbing a photon of
burst, due to endosmosis. light.

40) Ans: A) flaccid and its TP becomes 0 95) Ans: C) s2p6

Sol: As a plant cell is kept in a solution of higher
concentration, i.e., a hypertonic solution, water Sol: s2p6
molecules diffuse out of the cell. This outward
movement of water molecules from the cell sap into 96) Ans: C) Na 2 Fe  CN5 NO
the outer solution is called exosmosis. As a result
of this, the plasmalemma leaves the cell wall and Sol: Following IUPAC rule.
the whole cytoplasm contracts in the centre, this
process is known as plasmolysis and the cell is 97) Ans: A) Ferrocene
called in flaccid conditions. In a flaccid cell the TP Sol: The complexes, in which, the metal and ligand
(turgor pressure) becomes zero. form a bond that involves the   electrons of the
ligand are called as   complexes e.g. Ferrocene
41) Ans: C) a and d Fe (5  C5H5 )2 , Zeise's salt K[PtCl3 (2  C2H4 )] .
Sol: Correct statements are as follows:
Asexual reproduction is common among 98) Ans: B) more than H .
single-celled organisms, and in plants and animals Sol: For an endothermic reaction, Ea for forward
with relatively simple organisations.
While in animals and other simple organisms the reaction  Ea for backward reaction + H .
term asexual reproduction is used unambiguously,
in plants, the term vegetative reproduction is 99) Ans: C) low temperature, high pressure.
frequently used.
100) Ans: D) Co(NH3 )3 Cl3 
42) Ans: A) Whale
Sol: Since [Co(NH3 )3 Cl3 ] does not lose any Cl 
Sol: Whale is a mammal and in mammals, two
separate circulatory pathways are found-systemic ions in the solution, therefore it will not give ppt.
circulation and pulmonary circulation and with AgNO3 .
oxygenated and deoxygenated blood received by the
left and right atria respectively pass on to the left 101) Ans: C) soap solution.
and right ventricles.
Therefore, oxygenated and deoxygenated bloods are 102) Ans: B) relative number of moles of
not mixed. This is referred to as double circulation. reactants and products involved in the reaction.
Sol: Chemical reaction quantitatively depend on
43) Ans: A) Monographs provides a complete the reactant as well as product molecule.
index of species in a given area
103) Ans: B) 74.7 kJ mol1
44) Ans: B) Members of same species Sol:
Sol: Intraspecific struggle is more stronger than
CH4  2O2  CO2  2H2O, H   890.4 kJ ….(i)
any other types of struggle because it is for
common needs. C  O2  CO2, H   395.5 kJ ….(ii)
45) Ans: A) angiogenic H2  O2  H2O, H   285.8 kJ ....(iii)
from (i), (ii), (iii), Hcomb. (CH4 )
 Hf (CO2 )  2 Hf (H2O)  Hf (CH4 )  2 Hf (O2 )
91) Ans: B) 0   890.4   395.5  2 (285.5)  Hf (CH4 )  2  0
Sol: As given,  Hf (CH4 )  76.7 kJ mol1
C12H22O11(s)  12O2(g)  12CO2(g)  11H2O
 n  12  12  0 104) Ans: A) 4.0
Sol: A  B  2C
92) Ans: B) O (30.75) (10.75) 1.5
2 2
Sol: Here, 8 O  1s2 2s2 2p4 . [C] (1.5) 2.25
K     4.0
[A] [B] 2.25  0.25 2.25  0.25
93) Ans: A) 400
K  1000  w 5.1  1000  4.8 105) Ans: C) Hsoln  H1  H2  H3
Sol: m  f   400
W  Tf 60  1.02 Sol: Hsoln  H1  H2  H3

94) Ans: D) Statement 1 is false but statement 2

is true.

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106) Ans: C) r  118) Ans: D) same as that of 2nd solution.
42me2 z
Sol: In the first solution number of the moles of
n2h2 Mass of urea 1 12 1
Sol: r  urea      0.2
42me2 z m. wt.of urea V 60 1
and in second solution the number of moles of
107) Ans: A) Mol/kg
Mass of cane sugar 68.4 1
Sol: Molality cane sugar     0.2 .
number of moles of solute m.wt.of cane sugar 342 1
  mol / kg
weight of solvent (in kg)
119) Ans: B) formaldehyde solution.
Sol: Milk can be preserved on adding a few drops of
108) Ans: A) x is less stable than y.
HCHO solution. HCHO is an emulsifier.
Sol: The compound Y possesses less energy than
the X and hence Y is more stable than X.
120) Ans: C) 0.64 kcal
72  1.6
109) Ans: A) - 70 kJ Sol: Here, H per 1.6 g   0.64 kcal
Sol: C  O2  CO2 , H  394 kJ …..(i) 180
2H2  O2  2H2O, H  568 kJ .….(ii)
121) Ans: C) 4
CH4  2O2  CO2  2H2O, H   892 kJ …..(iii) Sol: [Co(en)2 Cl2 ] has 2 geometrical isomers and 2
Now, (i) + (ii) - (iii) and find the required result. optical isomers.

110) Ans: A) 26.06

heat of vaporization
Sol: The entropy change 
Given, heat of vaporization  540 cal / gm
 540  18 cal mol1
Temperature of water  100  273  373K
540  18
 Entropy change   26.06 cal mol 1K 1
373 Also, cis isomer can give 2 optical isomers.

2.5 h
111) Ans: B)

nh 5h 2.5 h
Sol: Angular momentum =  
2 2 

112) Ans: D) liquid dispersed in gas.

113) Ans: C) r  k[P][Q]

Sol: Rate law expression for the given reaction is
r  k[P][Q] . 122) Ans: C) d xy , dzx
Sol: Both d xy and d zx has two modal planes.
114) Ans: C) acid catalyst.
Sol: AlCl3 may be written as Al3Cl and all the
tri-positive ions are Lewis acid, therefore it can be 123) Ans: C) solute molecules and the total
acts as acid catalyst. molecules in the solution.
Sol: Relative lowering of the vapour pressure of
115) Ans: B) Both statement 1 and statement 2 dilute solution is equal to the mole fraction of the
are true but statement 2 is not the correct solute molecule present in the solution.
explanation of the statement 1.
Sol: ZSM - 5 converts alcohols directly into gasoline 124) Ans: B) Ea is energy of activation.
(petrol) by dehydrating them in order that a Sol: It represents Arrhenius equation.
mixture of hydrocarbons is formed.
125) Ans: D) 5.078 atm
116) Ans: A) a liquid dispersed in a gas. 5 1 50
Sol: As, C    1000  mol/l
Sol: Liquid aerosol involves liquid dispersed in gas, 342 100 342
for example cloud, fog, mist etc. 50
   0.082  423  5.07 atm

117) Ans: C) 126) Ans: D) 0.01N CH3OH

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Sol: In case of methyl alcohol, N = M. A A

2  0 4  0
 CR  2  2  C  2  10  4  10
127) Ans: B) 5.91 BM d d
2 2
Sol: Given K3 [FeF6 ] , Fe3  [Ar]3d5 4s0   30 F

138) Ans: C) The Statement 1 is true, but the

Statement 2 is false
So, Number of unpaired electrons = 5 Sol: Relative velocity of P with respect to
 Magnetic moment  n(n  2)  5(5  2) Q = Velocity of P - Velocity of Q
 35 = 5.91 BM
139) Ans: B) (Kg)1/2
128) Ans: C) 3 Sol: Here, v  2gR
Sol: Here, order of reaction
v1 g1 R1
3 3 33 6     g  K = (Kg)1/2
=     3. v2 g2 R2
2 2 2 2

129) Ans: B) at low temperature and high 140) Ans: B) 22.4 km/s
pressure. 2GM M
Sol: Since, ve   ve 
Sol: Both n and H are negative. Thus, high R R
pressure and low temperature will forward Thus, from the above relation if M becomes double
reaction. and R becomes half, then escape velocity becomes
two times.
130) Ans: B) It may be either a whole number or
fractional. 141) Ans: B) 417 N
Sol: The molecularity can never be fractional. Sol: Here, given that,
u  100 m /s, v  0, s  0.06 m
131) Ans: C) Statement 1 is true but statement 2
is false. u2 (100)2 1  106
Retardation  a   
Sol: The value of K depends on the stoichiometry of 2s 2  0.06 12
reactants as well as products at the point of 5  103  1  106 5000
equilibrium. For e.g., if the reaction is multiplied Thus, Force  ma    417 N
by 2, the equilibrium constant is squared. 12 12

132) Ans: A) Every solid substance can be made 4q 2

142) Ans: A)
to behave like a lyophilic colloid. 30 b
Sol: Length of the diagonal of a cube having each
133) Ans: C) both charge and solvation.
side b is 3 b. Therefore distance of center of cube
134) Ans: C)  Ti  H2O6  3b
from each vertex is .
Sol:  Ti  H2O6  Thus, the potential energy of the given system of
charge is
135) Ans: A) Water vapours 
 1 ( q) (q) 
  4 q2
U  8 .  
Sol: Entropy is the measure of randomness in the  40 3 b / 2 
  3  0 b
molecules. Randomness is maximum for gases.
Therefore, entropy is maximum for water vapours.
143) Ans: B) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2
are true and the Statement 2 is correct explanation
of the Statement 1
Sol: The motion of a big system under external
136) Ans: D) 187.5 kgs-1
forces on constituent particles can be studied by
udm writing the separate equation of motion for
Sol: As, F   m (g  a)
dt constituting particles. But it has great difficulty.
dm m(g  a) 5000  (10  20) Because of such a Statement 2, the motion of a big
    187.5 kg /s
dt u 800 system is studied by writing equation of motion for
CM of the system, when all external forces acting
137) Ans: C) 30 F on the system are applied directly on CM.
k10 A1 k 20 A2 144) Ans: B) mass of the earth, time period of the
Sol: Here, CR  C1  C2  
d d satellite and the gravitational constant.
Sol: As time period,

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r3 GMT2  GMT2 
T  2  r3  r  2 
GM 42  4 

145) Ans: D) None of these

Sol: Given all quantities are tensors.
 E  E2x  E2y  k x 2  y 2  kr  E  r
146) Ans: B) (a  g)
Sol: In such case,
Net acceleration of a body when thrown upward 153) Ans: A) Both statement 1 and statement 2
= acceleration of body - acceleration due to gravity are true and the statement 2 is the correct
=a-g explanation of the statement 1.
Sol: The roads are wet on a rainy day. Wetting of
147) Ans: C) Both (1) and (2) roads lowers the coefficient of friction between the
Sol: The unit vector, tyres as well as the road. Therefore, grip of car on
the road reduces and therefore chances of skidding
AB 8i  8 j  8k 1 increases.
n   (i  j  k)
|A  B| 8 3 3
and there wiil be two unit vectors perpendicular to 2Q Q
154) Ans: B)  ,
1 4b 4c2 2
both A and B . They are n   (i  j  k) .
3 Sol: We know, Surface charge density
( )
148) Ans: D) 1.77 mm Surface area
Sol: Suppose an electron is projected towards the
plate from the r distance as shown in the following

2Q Q
 inner  and Outer 
It will not strike the plate if and only if KE  e(E×r) 4b2 4c2
(where E is Electric field due to charge plate
 155) Ans: D) ml2 / 22
 )
20 1
Sol: As r  l  r 
KE 
 r . Thus the minimum value of r is given
eE Moment of inertia of a ring about its diameter
KE 200 eV 400  8.86  1012 1
by r     1.77 mm  mr2
eE e   2  106 2
20 Hence, moment of inertia of semicircle
1   1   ml2
 m    
149) Ans: A) electric field only. 2      22
Sol: The stationary electric dipole possesses electric
field only.
156) Ans: C) 2.56  1010 m
150) Ans: B) always greater than the dynamic Sol: At the distance of closest approach (r)
friction. K.E.=P.E.
1 1 1 e2 1 e2
 mv2  mv2  ,mv2 
Re 2 2 40 r 40 r
151) Ans: D) T  2
 
1 e2 9  109  1.6  1019
Re r 
Sol: T  2 40 mv2
 
g 9  1031  106

 2.56  1010 m
152) Ans: C) r
Sol: From the equation given, 157) Ans: A) Both statement 1 and statement 2
dV dV are true and the statement 2 is the correct
Ex     ky , E y    kx
dx dy explanation of the statement 1.
Sol: Both body will take same time to reach the
earth since vertical downward component of
velocity for both the bodies will be zero as well as
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time of descent t 
. Horizontal velocity has no 
 F  a v2B  v2A  …(i)
g By the Bernoulli's theorem,
effect on the vertical direction. 1 1 2
pA  v2A  gh  pB  vB 0
2 2
158) Ans: C) first increases then decreases to
 
  v2B  v2A  gh  v2B  v2A  2gh
Sol: For jumping, the man presses the spring
platform, therefore the reading of spring balance Thus, from equation (i), F  2agh.
increases first and finally it becomes zero.
166) Ans: B) Modulus of elasticity
159) Ans: D) Zero
Sol: On collision of equal masses velocities gets 167) Ans: C) Statement 1 is false but statement 2
interchanged in perfectly elastic head. is true.
Sol: The soap solution has less surface tension
160) Ans: A) v  5 lg when compared with ordinary water and its surface
tension decreases further on heating. The hot soap
Sol: The loop minimum velocity at the lowest point solution can, therefore spread over large surface
should be 5gl for looping. area and also it has more wetting power. It is based
on the property that hot soap solution can
161) Ans: C) all the charges are in unstable penetrate and clean the clothes better than the
equilibrium. ordinary water.
Sol: Here, force on each charge is zero. But if any
of the charge is displaced, then the net force starts 168) Ans: D) 2t (a 2  b2 )
acting on all of them.
Sol: Let, Velocity along X-axis be v x   2at
162) Ans: C) 68.66 dyne /cm dt
4T dy
Sol: Here,  P   hd g and Velocity along Y-axis be v y   2bt
r dt
Then, Magnitude of velocity of the particle,
r h d g 0.35  0.8  1  103
T  v  v2x  v2y  2t a 2  b2
4 4
 T  70 dyne /cm  68.66 dyne /cm
169) Ans: D) Zero newton x second
163) Ans: D) Zero Sol: From the graph, area above the time axis is
Sol: The work done is zero in moving a charge on numerically equal to area below the time axis, thus
an equipotential surface. net momentum gained by body will be zero as
momentum is a vector quantity.
164) Ans: C) The Statement 1 is true, but the
Statement 2 is false 170) Ans: B) 0.127N
Sol: Comets are made of small pieces of rock like Sol: Rate of flow of water is given as
material surrounded by a large amount of V 10 cm3 m3
substances like water, methane and ammonia and   10  106
t s s
consisting head and tail when moving past the
sun. Comets do not revolve around the sun in fixed 103 kg
and Density of water  
elliptical orbit like other planets and do not obey m3
Kepler’s laws for planetary motion. The comets Cross-sectional area of pipe A  (0.5  103 )2
when approaches the sun the substance like water
vaporized due to the heat of the sun and radiation dv mv Vv V V  V  
Force  m     
pressure forces the vapour away in the shape of dt t t t At  t  A
 V 
 v  At 
165) Ans: B) 2 agh  
Substituting the value, we get F = 0.127 N

171) Ans: C) Statement 1 is false but statement 2

is true.
Sol: As soon as a spring balance has been used for
a long time, the spring in the balance fatigued and
Sol: there is loss of strength of the spring. In such a
Here, Net force (reaction) = case, the extension in the spring is more for a given
load and thus the balance gives wrong readings.
dpB dpA
F  FB  FA     avB  vB  av A  v A
dt dt 172) Ans: A) radius of the vessel.

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Sol: Here, pressure at the bottom = h p g

and pressure on the vertical surface = hg
Now, as per the given problem,
Force at the bottom = Force on the vertical surface
 hg  r2  hg  2rh  h = r

173) Ans: C) 8%
Sol:  E  mv2
 % Error in K.E.
= 2 × % error in velocity + % error in mass

174) Ans: A) 7 V/m

Sol: From the given equation,
dV dV
Ex    (5)  5; E y    3 and
dx dy
Ez     15  Enet  E2x  E2y  E2z
 Enet  (5)2  (3)2  ( 15)2  7 V / m

175) Ans: D) 3 : 1
Total kinetic energy
Sol: As required,
Rotational kinetic energy
1  K2  2
mv2 1  2  1  K 1
2  R  2
R  2  3/2  3
 
1 K 2
K 2 1 1/ 2
mv2 2
2 R R2 2

176) Ans: A) The projection of the particle on any

of the diameters executes S. H. M.

177) Ans: D) 0
Sol: As no external force acts on the system, so
centre of mass will not shift.

178) Ans: D) Av3
Sol: Here, Energy supplied to liquid per second by
the pump
1 mv2 1 Vv2 1 l  l 
= = = A       v2  As  v 
2 t 2 t 2 t  t 
1 1
 A  v    v2 = Av3
2 2

179) Ans: D) Zero

Sol: Because charge Q is moving on equipotential
surface thus work done is zero.

180) Ans: B) Both statement 1 and statement 2

are true but statement 2 is not the correct
explanation of the statement 1.
Sol: Here, power P  F . v and unit of power is


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