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This chapter will present the findings of the study, which were based on a survey of selected

respondents who qualified our participants, criteria, and data collected from the participants,

which were evaluated, described, and used to answer the research question.

Discussion of Findings

Table 1

The Development of 5 in 1 seasoning for stew as a product


Yes No

Statement F % F %

1.Are you familiar with the 5

27 54% 23 46%
in 1 seasoning for fish stew?

2.Do you think Tamarind

leaves, onion, green chili,

ginger,tomato successfully 42 84% 8 16%

developed as a 5 in 1


3.Do you want the 5 in 1

seasoning as a cooking 26 52% 24 48%

4.Do you know the health

benefits of Tamarind leaves,

31 62% 19 38%
onion, green chili, ginger,


The findings about the development of 5 in 1 seasoning for stew based on the 50 respondents

that shown in the table 1. In 1st question 54% answered yes, that the respondents familiar of the

5 in 1 seasoning. In 2nd question 84% answered yes, that the respondents think Tamarind leaves,

Onion, Ginger, green chili, and tomato successfully developed into 5 in 1 seasoning. It can be a

healthy alternative seasoning. In 3rd 52% answered yes, that the respondents want the 5 in 1

seasoning as a cooking product. And in 4th question 62% answered yes, that the respondents

know the health benefits of the 5 in 1 seasoning. Tamarind leaves found that it contains high

levels or dietory fiber, minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium, as

well as vitamins such as vitamins C and B Vitamins. Then Green Chili modification of the quality

attributes and antioxidant. The tomato it contains lycopene that goods in our heart. The onion

are high in vitamin C, which may help regulate your immune health, collagen production, and

iron absorption and its also powerful antioxidant, which in B vitamins including folate and

vitamin B6.And lastly ginger as a well known traditional Chinese herbal medicine over 160

Table 2

The acceptability of 5 in 1 seasoning for stew


Statement Frequency Percentage Description

1.How do you rate

the color of the

28 56% Satisfied


2.How do you rate

the taste of the

powderized 5 in 1 18 36% Satisfied

seasoning for fish or

meat or vegetables?

3.How do you rate

the flavor of 5 in 1 22 44% Neural


4.Overall how do

you like the taste of 5 20 40% Satisfied

in 1 seasoning?
Table 2 displayed the rates of the 5 in 1 seasoning for stew. Base on 50 respondents, responses.

In 1st question 56% are satisfied, that the respondents rate the color of the powdered seasoning.

In 2nd question 36% are satisfied, that the respondents rate the taste the powderized 5 in 1

seasoning for fish or meat or vegetables, and some of their answered are neutral and non

satisfied. In 3rd question 44% are neutral, that the respondents rate the flavor of 5 in 1

seasoning. In 4th question 40% are satisfied, that the respondents like the overall taste of the 5 in

1 seasoning.

These findings provides as more satisfying overall taste and texture experience. And take note

that these interpretations are based on solely on the provided information.

Table 3

Taste the 5 in 1 seasoning


T1 T2 T3

Statement F % F % F %

1.What treatment

taste better of the 5 19 38% 20 40% 11 22%

in 1 seasoning?

2.What treatment 10 20% 8 16% 32 64%

tasted not good?

Based on the findings from table three, which represents the perceptions of 50 respondents

regarding the taste of 5 in 1 seasoning for stew, lets interpret the results in question 1,

treatment 2 receive the highest marks was perceived to the better good taste, while

treatment 1 is 2% are they same of the treatment 2 but respond are like the treatment 2, and

the treatment 3 is some are like because they are vegetarian.

Moving on the question 2, treatment 3 received the highest marks was perceived tasted not

good, while treatment 2 is the opposite of treatment 3, across the respondents, indicating

that the taste not good.

Overall of these findings suggests the treatment 2 is referred for its taste, while the

treatment 3 is not like the taste. And please take note it base on the respondents with solely

on the provide information, and further analysis may be necessary for a comprehensive

Table 4

Aroma of the 5 in 1 seasoning


T1 T2 T3

Statement F % F % F %

1.Which treatment

have a strong 12 24% 8 16% 30 60%


2.Which treatment

do you mild/less 14 28% 26 52% 10 20%


Base on the findings from table 5, which represents the perceptions of 50 respondents regarding

the 5 in 1 seasoning for stew. In question 1, treatment 3 received a rating of 60% for having a

strong aroma. These implies the treatment 2 was perceived to have a more intense and powerful

aroma compared to the treatment 1 and treatment 2.

Moving on to question 2, treatment 2 received the highest mark with a rating of 82% for having

a mild aroma. This suggests that the majority of respondents found treatment 2 to have a

pleasant and subtle aroma

Application: treatment 2 mild aroma is well-received by the respondents. On the other hand

perception by maintaining or enhancing the mild aroma and their product to cater to consumer


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