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~ J] Biolkycal evolubon . =) UP S.C. jess (Question No.) e e e e Owe Chapher 6 ANTROPOLOGECAL THEoRPES Al eel 2010 Chrowntegyt Clasmcal evelubow'sm eet Frovg To be C wviddle of Ia contuns or tro studied @ produut iy sequ- of the Kn oO -endal Hretoriceal Pa rhadan'sm period ia | paanver: ( lash decades of '3" centwel) wus it emer, : 4 me Ditusiowism te CASE decade of 20 centu Rereree O | in queshov. ) of tne } Funchonalism even iff C24 deeade of 20 comy yfit fs mob y Vy asked Neo-evolubonism C3 decade of 20 Cenhuey) Gent 7 Theoy %s sushamalbe stocg ot culture | Piven nowvoitin reSpech to cil. ane like citua |onange 16 shwied with tre bald GJ] Classical Evolubonism Two sdnools Princ p's oo ve Arenican School = Boksh Scio! LH: eae E-B- Taylor “Frazer Frames- Dahoduchon Bo — Hrshoncal botkeaund of clas assical evolubonisen' “Cou bubou of pre - darwiwian Sodological sdwlars » Loutnbubon of darwi wism Premuse+ zi evolubon: » Gredwal process ¢ of cha - Ceaseless process of che . Can be applied tea trait ov an inshhihon or wlole culture. Tradng ongn and sequence os ftoeeweng § of eyoluken cmd evoluhpn Vu wet Het (Question No.) s| Usn Setondary, data Ab Lon je cturaficm P9®OOVO dlub'on ard Prgms evolubon T Bodividual scholars: Like Amencnr | Ten hh scrorlang y OMe L ee individual scholar +o aeamceaed ond L Cri eisun of Classical evolubouisna &. Bvsturard , Bywwn, Criftcion because of Psactate uni | URRetmn dug be heating uketen Uvilisabon an the Wi _cocicd) Fossi] wWherean Norgan called twem sexvived of - pash relice 05 fherenk shores ok evolubiay can keep eol.nint. nd i. illhunate eub tue un ertorting- 4.64 inthis part) Ops of prelpshoine codleh Cc wma wad e e e e (Qont wie anthing 7) calle Seqnance Savage wet Fear (Question No) Barbane Penn > Fourd i» all a vrespents sve dite peak oD con be used fo Wluehate pase cond useful for eylubme purpesed weskern Loci & Gaepare 1 sibs industyad south, , 1b oer fv face onigive awd evolub'en of sou Uublinnear ewvlubn ‘ Br wees sivdlenbes in the sequence ef emlubior edule, are Caused psycwe uw of manlind teal ‘parallel invenbon - Cultural diversity clone ote =awi Beanh stand in untenods _fovlukew scheme ieee eee too ma yea fed € (Pon wie aying gy vb inthis part) o w COG. Oudnr wa ae 43) (Question No.) ) Ach Nerran. Brief Ht Foy or Biblfe . oohnbuhon 'p evolubolag < cero , Mao St nd [ct _U.P.S.C. Uicle were nol suenh Pic awd autnonke. Gesideg tray cid ust caodudh Feld worl, Lene completely, dependent Uper] loadequate « owd new oie sources. Thats RVs amtoropologs fs have eatned tre Iname of “fms choir of ontne- oloyicte" Loni actural ism ~ Toma veld nok_prvide evidenca, mw vour of tueinr oO Gumants, (oo went beca wre coo jechuaa hod tuts bindl af imagiea explaination lave DO «YOO 1% scleab ye er shed. Tindivitdual eco lars wom dg a fed {Don't write anything 4 inthis pat) KT omwonae come wily 50 words cupprvacla When quack: is asleed on indi vidual clue! vote, Wish vier! - explubon oF ktnslip F ero(Whowism, om | U.P.S.C. wor age a Re (Dont wit anthing 1 inths pat 2 om Tubvoduchon'-_| Bef Life History: LH wworgan pO A Gay. ° He war bore | New fork 4 lawyer was a | seHted an a lawyer 4 Roches ladkical evsluho- | « . cee omer [io US te. This ~area ad te Coot buled to] Sigel Ncowh populdthion ot ewoluhion of . ee nd | EROQUOUL Bodfans~ Red CS Dl Podtans- He hod a v ohuly of KinsPL intino abe relakoosWip voit Fewinoloyy, . ‘ . ‘owile od them The ud of tife yun ofl of thece red idolians ad 4 en [pub Pepe oo WS vont wito ne Wp fas Fer ae a (dee, of some pAret isan cow cerned apprvaches - | Morgans cootribuben to evoluto 4 Buk We wos a — crikised for Pram Shady, onjestuvalion £ He Worked om inskhikon, eed Whale soc and ehuved Oye of te dees ts an well, qnd Wu 5 coomibuboo tv nea ohidy, oP attr. are ay Aa Neca Pb] orleed vy HAL lawyer Uttn hei fond War vce Toy Lhite,. eelpe a c 5 ser de omit ga hd (Question No) e @ e e (Dont write anything inthis pat) aod afBuike: oF human i im {671 | offered a dase Rcakion of Kin term ae beluo— a oe IN classi Repos Kinship gun phive kin Terwipelday.. s ur . 2 ee ee NN kind 7] Lo 4 Norte Of phic Kins Kinsale » Ma loyan Nort American tenninol suth as ) Type lites Fotners | Pape Ls madega Cw hen lineale iLLineals ty Ww (neal Fatnerseltcher baw tner , WIM all ull ls) mage with 2 Tao tur, sowre collaberals , Frtner mo Hews or oll) pounger note stster + ory *= Chacha Fatuers ofteber ‘ =| oe pated rors Aor Mowers] Maa Croft Fatners sister) N) ofners |ervtoers Maw ease Motnert| sisher= Bia Astaes bither, = Nether SOS er ae * ywotners lrotner Fan. Fane Father's ister Bue } bine sx| U.P.S.C._ [sz (Question No.) e e e e iene 6 Lincals Bees. 4)z0 father ie ot \ LA aT Grand Fatner- — / I wllaterats —\ e4 Great Grand es \ineage Fane . . 6r f nother - watne , oar? He sas basicalle ‘oterested fp Grek gerd | evluhonay, plactwenh ef Rinship tenwinol cmd belteved tah unalafin colladerals Nnalayan of clacsify L a Fathers brother] jinsle'p remdrno\ came Abe | North at : Arwen ca eee or Fo\lewed Nort merican if 2 : (ciinshiip e and Roally en = her. . ve ramen S80-| come dlesaphwe Kinalup | en temmainology Wie Mts uslubon of wholelentre cou —— a and published Ws beck" auciew tHe collected @ lor oF MW Wat eral eouelty in «187% vowch pooopes: d : i) om | U.P.S.C. se asee vieeny passed ti z phases He Further elaborated twie classi Reakon in te ot) eat i) Sava ey Foed 4 eng 4 oe Furtner di vision’ Lower Lower tava gers —= Pui 4 nuts subsistence, ~ate umwobed Foed wad proper 16 Edt povidenct of Unknown al Goaste Sawogery— Diovers of ere) Fd subs'etence , 4 Aushallian abergivals. Cerner se vogen > Bow ond mT dicks oF westem coneda — Fttoobaskan > hoa rem | wom dag a fd (Dont wrt anyhng 1 inthis pat) savagery — —— ci vel galh on - Civica ~d¢ _U.P.S.C.__ cp Luwrer loarloansas * domeskcabon cums amd Culhyahon of mare iemgaen a village Padian’s 'n Mexluo waa eat (Question No.) Uupper Raroa nc: Lym Toolx 4 Miewenc greek oF , conser Tiwe Julian town ond Uby, Gin ella cradle of civilisabon He usa an evoluboniso cmd requis UL gave tne sequin oF man ‘eupluhin tw tne Louch od va Ye wo Lavager —s barbovism—s civil Evolubion of Mama: Canty) ts Follows © wd ga he {Qon' wit anjhing 146 inthis pat Tulton Couser. in a C get dem 2 | J. P, S. C. (Dont wte anything in (Question No.) inthis pat) iG _ Promisuuit C omy ove Com mabe wit ongoe) 4 ce: no exowple I) Sa Wow ens petuatlo bsyv toner & sts oa No incesh lb taboo) y “q resem C Rrotnen ao Geae support wa sister, A KKtind © Kd allow ard £ wanda alt dagmitan SOamo, C paurin toy . @ who “sl ales € 4 Femals ti live] ugitte othe _Patnarclila] Marria Grwong He Herloen > > aT _ Nong Qywrus eer —% western > sociehy)— Pee nated famit : set tot amigakd © (Question No.) Dantweanting g 11 Sin this part) Q isa = 22 Jsouetue and ‘civitus. hecox DoliKcerl syctenf tO Vm, Ciyihis 1c situahdn is & (odepen| Wher Cin sltp is \odependent teat of of (Weal ” Sustenn t-e- existencd G cine p pol: i * SxS SG aystem oF rvedern State . 7 sotie hus fsouehs Is a poliKeal system 2oltbcal sytem WW 15 dependent on Kinsteip ‘pendent’ on | sy.stenn Rand and bbe y cinghip sates ¢ a ss 1 Conclusivn'= wWote wohnbubsn 4 (nbusm : a 2 EB. Taylor C Edward Brunetr Tagfop an 2 |Dubroduchon 7 =| Body = Histonaal modkgerued retains of ot reli hy HG we be aw ert | se a wang sunolars _Dhety—said ‘Toor qed nuupve Man UWas a lulose phen - Hense if is @ called Fneoy of can Wloconb er. Tr wean , cnkques could nok accepe priuutve wan a ico lee ) an accepted 7 Tow vould nob expenence seven ink sea te Lk penence m sudo a sco WABI ey aS dylor OP eves he did _wob giv 7 apy sdenKRe evidence in Favour of Ws toy, Hense We tte, * es wk been accepteal ~ Evolubin of Plou Plough hoo eurolved Frum a erple plain digetne Cele : b@ th i } wet eat a vm] U.P.S.C. ess [17 inthis pat) . Noug tw es imap Coot utes Other Han evoluben | €.B- Taylor ts remouleered nok re oute F Hneom of religion loud ib is tee woul because of coobrleubinn fe ehwikion of wulhire to _ deine culture. Ratner he ties Fish cdolar by define culhe Po syetewabe man He was (ofuenced Qenan ecnolar altace Claw: Raced on WS ‘den be dehined Guture as*o complex of | vuole of Icnowledge . arty ¥ wuor- / WG 92 a , _womber oF Soul “toy oy so he ruled ang ater capallily a aeg An | out cumcoph of gemebe traneu’~ U.P.S.C. amiga © {Dont write anything € —— wea tie (Question , sang’ Bailbansm \ © Civili zalyon - Trese berms were bowne- ea Noraan Frow) Montes thers wif Nlonk Linko shinee _ Claes Beating lor accepted Mentescy tince thage classiBedton of souel fs g result ve ee Ueiat to make _uce of twWs dacsificakion- 5 ikon, becal tre Cour passes fore ture difeath ks mo savegarism, barbarism 4 citlisakim- He Aid woh offer any oleteily of tete A ap due ty Mor: 0. but be sod tnak thic classifeakun crikdasm Q ia) ava dem (Question No.) wom a apa fed ° ® ry e (Dont wrt anything Bu 12<)intis pat Ab one piace tc wrote trek cintli- ved people are happier than te uncivilized one. He also retated it witty sowe vroral qualiher f-e- Ach wit tue 15 an Inuease in wooraliy woores From savad er to barean'c to civilacd sou ¢t Sudo ideas were fotal rejertel a4 Wppiness Gi nworvale gualines ave subjechve fh nature- “a : ye. sco veneaveh sour pomubve le are Wun séc_ tan nwodeny one Apatt From tuts AL was alto Ushsed For tied he did nole_pevide detail anauss of teste turee ferns. one Taylor ux eb (oterested iy tbe moerveuttural evolubor, Role in Use ob stabshics ae dem (Question No.) hod twuz was used CrP. Murdock. wo ada Mpa fren it. Taylor al © red dt ; Iso a ol offered tne Fish to 1S ne world 2 Ineesh is pro biboitedt v arnve nett te qeas laler, ib usar ba certain! ped by ct a universal On Me basis oF Huis dala. We shouel) wrrelabon leehween ATH. Mebtubork for Cxomaple. Paty lionel | soviekes often aecocicded with pahilecal descent, vewdene- He called hur of relabondup, as adlusids DY mess In 9g Lb prowes fe ee very Use te Compare difterouk sociekey of tre umd to amue ah Some unlvabeel | conclugiin unclu etn tn. Shrauss wimdgakd < e e e e (Don't write anything € — 1 inthis par & ae dem (Question No.) oes U.P.S.C. Fvozer on war Comed Forward in 20 aka A Engleh ant + pole sh sir Samed Frozen _ Who | Tomes Anutsed cyoluion of fecienceh He \elieved nak wage wan first ohn in Humanity Which led to -ewolnhion of religion and Fivaltg tis teal tS evolution of scene: Magrc ——» Rel’gion—» scienw We also offered Hneo ertoini [to totem” He wrote a exten & f-<. Abouh fo turd io tue Form of a book Golden Bough’ avd b volumes on totemismn owd exogamy, 'h Jaowcn ve detcibed Tey ae eduten of inthis pa) Cobusm _E. Wester nna k He Conducted’ a comparabyre of _ marie found in QE wodehes ty 1642 cmd seid teed Loulworow opiwivn of evtlubmists “frah most of tuese simple -codely have wAdwogamy. amd nuclear soueky However Olcording fe evnlutoniess | bol teste Features cheud be tne charouteristics of civilited cevichy onde @ vikdsm ba Fran. Boas He wad tem aeon wits tne idea oN chbecol ewoluboonismn toh covey and culture Wid evolved bub “pe we will nob ke Bdlly able to egtablish Mme Seojrence ot evolunom lwecause we did neh . Ue a 1 @ 6 oes we Nw te ae ae <3 (Question No.) @ fuel! cult Cuonge due U.P.S.C. non profecsrmel.s like fraveteas Umseq wen} iy 1882, he vondy fed empericeal_appranch io auth Cabkcism by Ditugimicm TF wwe vill @ aw of Lola who said tnok evolubon ts o prvects of ceciowltured changer bel mere Ore ofner plenomenc _@ to ditheneo of culture! Toe fo tenored etner Cesc of es re chan aie yeccufed in ce of schol of difisimism (o” anti, rehging on date collected be wm a ge a Red (Dont wits anything ) 5" inthis part) |i Eskinn Lered = Rett wworkWand ‘ohredu-| of Bafhn tsland Cempencal appreech - based on Face and not vues) ‘by AiHuse C68 frg.—eso cHunalisn, Favly exolubonkth lnuve been ge tien (Question No.) ached in Bedd cowmue omc Couvage. at O Bn Kwe ol sreqnancy of =o anther U.P.S.C. DF wae simply a Pigment oF ivnag naan - Frecordioge ty Evan Potdrard , ter treo was witxin " if 2 were a horse "Meo Grown saicl thab classiad euol Kunis is nots bub @ ciind of confechued Luistora. amd won ¢ peeulation UAE unatieptable in a Seubfie tneo Sivlacly__Malinvoutse’ saidl " evoluboriswl is netning bub a |tehloo | \cudboo of Conjechural ceeooshruchion ", Therefore both of tem rgjedtea evolutionism Cnhcisun ogainsk Poy clic aa Evolukents belexe ho psyd | ce unity of wuanleind b ad Snot offer an sroot ey + oF if. Soup if is marys Tr does “not ‘ amigitd = (Qon' wit anything pe inthis pa) mie we Dec amigatd «& (Question No.) (Dont write anything * 437 in this par inane feeb if ts] ong nek rund tm ww cul tures oy tanke ©] Cobeism agains Comparabve rrotnad | Contemporer pune hve soueber © were Coos Serta fo be He egcendent of pre Wistiic weiehgps which is — bok Copvines Ewlubian means araducl changes So bo ih cam be assumed tual tuese cocieber did ob change For wuillime of years - : Moreover ten were eatled ) gervival oF “pash relice ond : Liouicd Foseile’ wich are bata derogatory. tothe QO] Caheian in relaben to victoda’, egeinr’ tunis ar ehnnocenh sou voces - : freeording bo Claciiced -ervlubenisth views reyes : : hy ) ylchian $00 is tue We hest sirasity [stage of mankind io evol fee eee mt ra l J Pp S C pmighi (Question No.) e e e e , ertdeiaad Foal qlko Shows ted eureng eyvluredt a ac -ehanocoohite ® Cn bsun aust progressive |SSectuies a ~ Fubner eimluhion wat eopaated Rebogesoe | with a. homes 10 : Fy luk Procol war. , Trevis Yold tnuab ew ro Aegan war mee be seen Gs oO Una P. (essive or ebro aye ee we should oll aHuadn ane value fr exlubion, Q | Disusss Hoe upbeiem of claswical exolwivism in antowp pelegy- Frwe and tonciusion. =| Froame- 2 | Quo dmalion: Bn ltel historical all tuis( <| sneauing of evolultim and shuwd en nse _ Gaye . f Sa lee lnick tre prindples of pee clachcal euvlubim Wee vu ara ten (Question No.) | J P S rom a ga hed of ¢ C. a neat = Cahdsm oF clasweedl evolwhun ID cohicism &. weskenmatk © cnihicisun Fran2 Boas B) WwiKesn i Praginisnn © wtdsm by Funckmalism CHbicitw iineb sucht D tc igi poy © CloHeism againck comparabve vould _ 5) cnKusm in vélabow ty victoran sou: cnKcism ing eeive evdiuhm “er Pe Croc | usion « Concluaion!- of Unkcism of clasetal bot ubrensnn Thus Classico evolubiorn Wwis was tre Firs Teoeoey of soci 4 Culhurcd eveuBon y wpicr uses UnbUised due to lowk of Rell work study, use of ° “secondary dato amol am jechuva - ae Feat (Question No.) U.P.S.C. Eecrerben Reprievetetem | | Ascerrtcet Mur Classical -ewolubuis Jaid dou .twe Foundaha of ath polsg in World: Resides tohvduud te chan, aspech of culture io orthro- pol it Bub a were csddised dug fe> wrong wehree ok cmd lock of ender. Konclusim For Classica Evolubnishu: wmigakd © (Dont wt anthing 4 inti part) € ao e wea cea (Question No) | U. P. S. C. 2 ints pat wom ahd (Bont writs antiog RK 9: Long. < with wahveo 1p: Role of “vetpondenk in Red work. HistoRicar PARTLCULARD SM [ AMeRECAN Emprarctem / FRAN2 Boas = |@urwduation' 5) Shug reaction aunsk piucwic ued ty Od Comparable shee ley Fran2 Roag q a | Baste Prenuses. | Boke collection as mg and ae exci possible ; lence. t date colleehor, ero) sabon | helenae to Field work For date colleoKen pr oe ‘og local Wetoe he. lusto- Kod ~ parhodarisn, sy} Learn ccal langua, =| Bo +} Histtheal Beck und @ Reahon ageunet data collechov | real Wists ic parbieal Wictory. of tme povt | \teno to be shudly lees mee ee wt eet (Question No.) U.P.S.C. (Dont wrt anything 2 inthis pan) 14a} C20) @ 149% (16) G Jaar@20) @ - Cultural relabuism » Cudfure 9 cuatni poly hy be cmedered Ge zero in Math Byaluabon Conclusion \- Wiite a sheth note on Prana Boe UWwu- Ys Boas’ ap proach of studying powubve Cutuce Delneale tne role of Reld uso and Lustog ™M ay anthr ologieed ef cabcally exquune tre Wstowc parh uuarishc itpaneh Dl Boa, to © er auture, vtodachen Hishiced parbiou artisan wen used For eld worle advocated Franz Boas in order to bing eub pron autnentc 4 ACOS, amigaka © a 1m s=,| U.P.S.C._ {ss (Question No ® oVWe e Pett tig Consequon he Wan interested 16 colleding data , Por Wwich ne app lk lie a set of poociples Mitnougie We could moh wllecl- o daka bof eubre usorld, however / he did so From enbre anurics | ite of tws, he coahbuted a lok + dsceline of authro— poleqy. ; =| Hishviad Baek; Frane Boas a Fran2 Boas wth a a aeo aa i profession and 2 my tubes uheendip - hea port o ante pal shag of tanpaut of envirm= | OPS lame CO geen dine oe Arcee - » Palin 4 | dtudied Ecbi meee in ns Amen ) Conadla | Dunng tws peed, e ccleolaly- 1 yok baccrvvl] OA emeanned witty Ongin and jee levolubon of tum sovel, and sak Columbid eae. He rego te wale we dear (Question No.) > Contibukeo] Qn Feuk evnlution Ute oceured Reldwort cultured yelabwsm Treulned @ (unole re Buk Me sctwlarz of Clacsicad Hon 0 | frowsca! > ober poleg ishy Viveloer ,isst Ny Need. e- enedick. Capi ete pahsa 1ch Agree 10 IML CAD cowmmbord student oe _prepec_data . Trak U.P.S.C. in sodotdhra ioshtubons & Veter evetid hoe undergone G grodual ond (aetelesc prowss of Change 7 Tous -ewoWhino_is Uke guihious « exolubonisw cultered fru pou of dota TrereFoce * rey ‘ave umable ty tele abouk evluky fy autnendc term Hence exviubeotshs wode ¢ in generalicatien rivepleg be are ae. Aid nor ave eumtrentic vary data, Lt anthrppol Pan te become a coed! 1k W9% maportant Fur aun) of Bow why ‘Lowie" 5 tol Boas war Ficsh ef all co hue mm igi ie (Pont wit anhing 14 ints pat +m ht G e @ Cha 5 we deat (Question No.) ovolive vwuelrod: Eylubme elie Ted” came prevent ohn Futnea Sane Come 2. peyoluic waits fw ea Navalo Tae, me an Gad ovigvoled From_Fusip of separate avoup bouh auming. te North. West trie of Norte awenca, tre clay had resuhed Fr village Risein- Tus ca ic differeth bub resulh is oad mother exowple, naask wearing. he says , mack are Womed people “of AIK. teaton. These aré| ty disgusse bovmfull Spiots ) ty Frighten tne people and to W worate tne ey. Thus ib again shows tak there are diff. couces -Merefote U.P.S.C. fess wit ani e e e e iceueana T Rous Cab dsed puydic uty se den wmigakd = (Dont write anyihing U.P.S.C. {Question No.) Oaabarann g Boas voor UAKeal of c wo pave ve mute uted oe eslaKool es Dn 1696. i * arhde calted " [inubatalob, of_tum parouiye rnb i's ¢ aokore", he said lod i cont ova aiuapte $00 could 2BE cbnsdered t be he Re eenen. descendents of - bistene porary oi : Puen we kinevo at se W298 levplukon fe Ubnquilus Pres G vaathed voit on 4 Ee ; a eaves how ware souer oF comfem 5 ou. pa we meh chan ; Tecety “4 Fur wllion of a evolunonishs ee Premises of Historical Porhuuarisip of Bons Fo colleck dala 02 man as possible and also ac also ae carly ae possible Iehore Ane tribal : eouie Hes » changed or diappearebl . i . wa en Pp, S mom a Baha © (Question No) U J. oC ve ; ote sin ee oe he interaked in To Wis (ifebuw. a i a large no. of prowine ccluolars lilte 7 Clarke Wieser, Kvecler , Rutty Benedich, Sapir, Namareh [Meod eb ek. Dh is nob o fuak wnt should be comeemed uotty “olate collection buck we ~ruuct excell in date colleen a femah'sng ard arranges } tinenn” core Full Bocas cal : det we coud IF nob able bo : = erase HI Wwe Wave a Chunk ot dade. So Marvin Hanec vormte tod Boas was ; ideal a Ashuchve sence oF indisKockve cunds; | eneon| one shoud pest pre lie ) eaho I) one dpexy DBE baw =:| U.P.S.C. aomigakd = Donte anyting la in this part) | Apprvaches to Fdd work For dats_ collechon R® order fr collech Gubvenhe be he govt ae Aprorved sku local Ws a fe a ba — to Canter. oh F only ot tue level of hire but at different levancher alo. He a ignore lus bur Freusced oy Fogel tall ; Huma society could be ‘under - aad in tre perBoulae of vies past since culture is prod ut of cert = Giteumskeynces. Sore ome slnowd sy wit wonttén listo, Bub aan locrehes cunt haw endenws of senph These does nob mean hab trey are Without ae dem €) (Question No.) , > )@ lean \ecal } ‘@Long s : Ocmteld 7 een, From twis, Boas w“_— Sal i] te learn ee vemnowilgir U.P.S.C. peple Wwe Wit 11 fre Lame woy Oo ciVtlised gociehy | Pd vss? aoHoropal ish (grr ib Comrplebet. leoause fn were \aoking Fr only, Lontten Nu Recaute Boas War footie Are culture and wal tain bong the Hae DOT UW (rena reat Be can ted be 6 lhe Ty Feat deka trad? ws Prca Uoe ow local ov parkeular Lae Thus WS appraeh is knows oo histuricod _particularisna , tne Fire Cg wrenonf| of a professioral antinepol | wu i © with a commu- nate Fur a~ long pened of hme, tre chad be prepareh wm tgp a ied (Dont wit anything \eAin this pat) Full ae de (Question No.) D Role of Respondent in Field work > Role of jowulour & reticeub \ Bur we shoud Colleeb jo for- wuthao Gloouk soci & culture 19. luca jan laber ow aotnropel ke Neu 0 wito lod pert m« 1p” order te frons(ate all Wide hoo bee» colleched Besder he sold drat we hed engage lecod eal uratea) people fo conte then Wester] ln rap avd local gonee. TE respondent is uneolecated, he will help 1% Hrancentys dates. DF educated, te uy Vl in collechow of valuable oleka Torowgn Jocad fav ; One problems of Reld uate & trah trey are alte ty coltelh Aata vwfly Whom deer oo (Dont wt anjthing 2 inthis pat U.P.S.C. [ssx: ss) U.P.S.C. bez (Question No (Dont wit anything € estion No} ® e @ e eum ond a indifferenk were [eH cub. Qese people are Called Rebeeaks |maareinal wen. These wwe are Garnulen Fertlomsing ove called _Garrulogs Boa» satd.. pana chun realise tot tren fol ts ty de infirmatow oboub eokKyre culture, tnerehwe both arwlleus and wucorgtinal : pople Wut be even quad 2 Role of | pCmENe- Dy addiKon, Female [Paws also setd trop wese fof tne ponwibve socicken ave Gekually. ¢ geted koa . adhe ankimwp cloget is mot alsle ty Comintern fee aubornpologs ) ty Felauhel : a itty female ee proden ) Hens@ the of pichuve } we (Ss “parhal. Wwe only ee OF eee Ware wy we Wbbmcl 19 30 wads : iT P.S.C. esx: (Question No.) e e e @ ne ae € devided to cott correct fre : indoatanc, Hence be sas Firsk_antmropoleaist cbleo ihapi- red te _vommen to join _antine “ey Mawgovek mend 4 puto ¢ Bene dick - Lomts bubeol « Thu Ws wok, Boas conmbuled] x volta ty anhv in eet (OD He will be remembered For laying, Foundahon ef fieldwork ; in dint polegu., Pathcwar in Avnertan Anthinpolegy. MI Ws & Koos Nee Fewle poinh of VCO. Peaardin, 3 lon e and re pondent leteanbe 8 par oF grenerad ontinny polo ‘coll 3 quint» tel Mkt ; rold oz Rall war lake . oO wer ear (Question No, | frpork fom tis. Al rememberdd @ @ U.P.S.C. for o> of jo up ts Concopt of ature 1S reaarded¥ ay ve twp. fe anton pal Ane ibis [ike zerm_in matng (Seeder We gave Com Copt of culfucal relakuicm “-e- te 5 each Jauture ww be underctood its OWW Lantert. He ako used tye conteph oP PyOWwS owity to Rat Cig in Awa Evaluation’ retfon becauce Ke Legh on poshpo ning. ito Fn daka uUsan +o be collected Few all tic tovebes of tye reabre world UW UWA & gWandiose task Mereluce 'b war rabner tunachiel Raes did por outteuph exa|~ wm a ge a fed {Don't write anything Sin this pat) set Bea (Question No.) U.P.S.C. However tw Camed Boa a Par on Reld woe sh Us60 crocunred Extn Roar tumeelt wan aor Frethrated in 1d \ater ~ life - (enclasion' - C Franz Boas Who inteduced Urnceppk of ollecking poma outnenbc data ard etoral par Boule risa wos Fitsh sei antnppologist bo advocate Field work nd Use of Femme antnr- pologsts Bub he vas not tie ty trong Qhouk a Meee of Ws Conclusion Onsite of nob wllecky, data From -enbve world and vob amd ge a fd (Dortwate anything “A gins pat) wotk. -) € om G < sunwool iat jeer 20 . } g yet ae (Question No.) e ° e e + | Dittusioniem eas _ ml | Bviksh Gee f$ a eran + Smut Pert sin Y Prite Gvaebne, Leo Froebinus ‘Extreme coil Rivers ot cFFoenbm slvool + Willow Scud f \ di FRusouieun TY ever coal S mul le Ceulres. 7, local revel. Di Huson and Ai Hraemigny , 149360) @ Pong ouk MMe ments Gind demen'te in te Bhs A usta, shictive € Awencay stucues , [929 CeODG Wuab is CUtured change. Hew 3 ieee seer ee did tyne Ausho-Cennans) sclwol pub up tue schome of cultural wana a ie (Dont write anything SX inthis pat change. wat ior (Question No.) 1448 Cés) Q- 2000 C2 @ pwn Furall eclurlare => (- U.P.S.C. Diffie culture area. How did th Wp Avenicon du Fhurpowists do understand diflision of cadture Culture area and age area. Frawe Lo broduckh on !- Historical Bockground “he a reacKon against classical evolubiowisnr Diffusion and ditussonism Prew'ses | Proposibvons of Diffusion oF soveky and ctulture - Doequall inventiveness » Factors For iMvention spread Diffusion of cultural treats | iashtutions | whole culhure + Process of Cultural Diffusion » diveoh 4 induvech di thusion . tic 4 Cnet netic LU Huston] Ns fad meeting Wi eee bon amigikd © {Oot write anything inthis pa) (67, ae de a mig aed ec (Question No.) | OF Pp e S e C e Sanne — | Individual schools a . Brief ib ieqronhy . Prewrisee of vidual sclwols . Appreachee of indiwclual schools Evalualon } Ceibosm “ => | Qobedacben’~ Di fhision DIM siowed » Intvoduchon} Diffueon vehere fo fue prvcost of Cuitured_berrewing or cultured @ive oud tebe. Y PR ees tree 03 Ceubred | place | yegion where cultural hail ove averted From has place Pt cultured Hoaik are on and From tere, tree eure ove ditfused to diHerenh creas ww m4 abouk cultural cha B te press of diFhupion, ein , [traib te ditced 66 Hue fnebiBibied ; or te wale cutie cam be dtused Bom one place ty auchnbe, ‘ Me mesh Onupettanh tring in wer Hear (Question No.) res amigatd © e e e e {Dont writ anything inthis pat) pows _ oa of soo. cubvred — chan: tun Cultural borveuoing is called df veio su" Histovical Rockgnsund : Dillueonism eoverged a Qa shim rescken cum Classe elubon and opening of culture duo to colotatieen BM achiily of Chiishan wissona From beg ui of 20h d centu “Sod nok yejed tue Adee o cS Saw Seay an (oe Senor ang to we SE ae SOU ewolved over o ‘od of we and gradual Monger heep o7 oceun At tue gowd Kwo 2d depend on souely and culture. Bul whi ry & we ae (Question No.) Unequal Bre INVENRvenese diHueion- ec bhre frig ace encoura cE oe ond secholoatead | feutoe VY Wren anit eae (ey ar tr rejected Me proceec of goual chon means of seal tinewcelves to shi Aifuerus (9 Sociehy and Le People evergere ave neh _egualty lvenhwve or “In evade iv) cerpany contexts or & Fealorn - Pehape people are sve ak one place duean tneh tw are ab otiner places. Do ventonc WW are wode ah one plac depende Upeo large vO. faders are tuere, o _ of veoton ix possible , Packore For Popmle ow nah cectakannw,. wom ae a fd e e ° ° (Oont write anying inthis pat) tre | ~ = |Prensises of DiFhweion of soviely & ca (> word s pyulba rowdey awa Heat wom at go a ied (Question No.) e e e ° (Dont write anyting inthis pan) om zontya-accutua-| py Suuply becouse of Jocrease Kom, - dane bo iene conteull (7 populakier and reduchon in sow people tue cangg Capa uty of areas get Fruhwed] Sp trere are o for no: of fedkrs wowch lune” toh prople Tea te are rob slahono 7 inst ov wall al regular cen’ . Because culture. went oo an tels ¥ vrewlt : YSinsl tuo | one ploce spread to ofner Oreas| idlpovec] cuture &e f 5 ‘+ lis cated © | PREees chiPbasers Ee AsFrusion of cultura traits | ANE pet | Tosbhubme | whole cuture Fike hers Ure ond owt ow ausson occur iH Ferms of acculturakend | hrauts. Courph or ewhole culture senha culturakor| or we bo Couple Prowse ok _ditusion GQ girs can be Areck oy frbivedt| ate QL O-—_© v Bb — ae tom (Question No.) D Symmehtn 5 ay wun trh leach otter. However Jo _ reality, U.P.S.C._ |i: e eVe e Sines Aired or (OUaE MWe Contech bemeen & ond 1 is Airs hand or if is 4 fece to Face confer Wid is called acccuthel Trakon. Aired Contech lpelo ith & Ban. Japanese ¢ Koreon, Awenican and Red Dadicnt. Wute Aushculians 4 auntralico Ab4vigins Chnshan wiscmanes 4 nortn N Cosh Indian, . heewlturalico 1s of ro aquiPicance bo auth [Owen Frutt ace hansutted Frm fA tp Cc thw His called indivecr cantéch Wel Var fess impach on each otner, ae Dr seem to be tua g fo. Plthten i 9 symmchicad | hat ree ne ° Cultures Come] as tie: hs Conhibute bo UN: ad Combis ee a eee be war deat amiga & (Question No) e e e e Brnbteantiog inthis pat) tutors prveess of sou Gulturad change Wile auwuncens acquired mohwng From trem Aehve & Pacslre DN Mujuwolor wade a dishnckoo bene Oehve assive chittumm Former Pracane lending of uutured treul yolere tue aber’ adlwaue ab reciwing oud uuen cultural treih =t fron place of ovgin toworde gulde, iF gee lubed in 2 seu of pole ond spaw } Fale of diFucel cultured taits Tfsm sbewd woh be seen as a wmoeohowcal pry cess Ph Shewd Mor be assumed sve whab So ever comes, be aa Accepted: Wi aim boei ton te . nl aa diem (Gestion No} @ Cutucl © U.P.S.C. Thue rgedked it. Cutturcd “Heuls Wuuming how ownide ove accepted Ga if ic Io SOwwe Caseg Cultured tok ave accepted bub syrchonisahhia Her wad Poole co tuel- 5 madiBed form tnah can seme tue sociehy Sinouid be adopted « Qr is. so Faaportouh becouse foudy oloes wOF ovlundopk tre. intewing trots bull if ‘also od: Wtf to trem ite, uadikes fom. 63 amd gah (Gon write anything inthis part) ™ m a U P S C gedit (Question No.) @ e e e Poti in % | Pndividual Schule Both — =>] Extreme eclrool of Di Fhusrouise | et fleli@centnic cclool Ctheme Rivers Egyptology : Elliot Suit & Perry =| Fromework .~ Dahoduchon pie Brie hife las! =] Pr seg of extrane echwol * , on ceuke of ow, 0 ue st ae diluisn of uahuad | Seats accepted Go ~unvowel tre Clee difusieo of wwhural trois Blubun of cultural tok~« Bas net equally ve in oF i Hrusion, ace 4 Hane. evaluate Sino No other ceubre of al than Egypt Fi . did not congid-ev other ne . oly “a4 Prikch wlwel cam be * cwa divided inte extreme and Eieeine ste of Aj thigiomisn . Extreme scliool is tne ee atthe ore ty chy diltorion of [culture Th Ys allo col (led ee 7 = pad jan dividing por give euidtace = ima a ‘na re U P S C ied paki &_(uestion No} e eWe e Coa TR proponents ore _Elliok Swit A perm -|Grek life Histony of swith He wee a saingeon of repute. a He wenk to Equph to persue lana of munuver. * o, resulh, “WL chewed in Eguph Tor fonghwe end comcl amteuk™ witty Eguphar Ci vill'geabs| He wor frefuund imapresced — me han cutete He conclu ded me civilisation of , cue undginabion of pycute cod noh lave been invented twice He_betiewed trot Kage wen cede or conhe J of “UM lichen A phos ) yuuch 15 "garded ee ar con pdered human peinaxs are rob equally ‘nvenkywl wet wea (Question No.) 6 {Don't write e oVWe e Bue Dremuses Q@) Man was nob equally. ivenkve. Tr is lightly vagrabili tual cmulizahm Woes twvented guuwle cen af two ploces » dove a tw gout pegelwc uw ot wankiod or — For tvam, dvare wor single coulre of rovenbav> Eoyph is the contre of ci fash, vault _wite imgahmn, Cun 6 vorelip: pyrawidi. lite _abter death \ tuece clharcuten she} are noh Found in otner porte of wold WEF watane [ant tuore 15 OG Chun of Ufhieton| APree ¢ ——$__—_—= _ | South Fr + Fo variows pote Preenca - a af outd: The _jov sf antin- _tp__unjavel Phe dlogpsts is. poe Ed nak . i a ma wake ae Hem (Question No) (Oont wit anything 7 ie [inti pa Wot only io a z toe bub, allo in dextos of. Rune Extreme the Aa Urlevrel wnclusion iol of wodd feel He sad ditfuefon tool place Juealy ce ih Same Peaton. for = ‘ia s of Nelgiw heve Charcuters emer howa Foun Oph ae los wom dye a hed (Cont weit anything inthis part) Goda - + pats lint 4oc'eh » Polyandn prachice Fe, ake (nFauhe de, te saw Bee fuer Fisk Fema child to deity 40 Female sex yako declic Meo called buffalo trib: . Balk in toda days, aoe't pradke pelgarte ve =| U.P.8.C. teu: (Question No.) e e e e “atispat) © be te udork oub_sberal tes ak local level ee wsas a Field worker fats he fred to show di fusion of “Culture. voile _eridences . Bur io natin cases be_could Wet pn wide evidences. He alin belteved tuak dilukoo or deteriovahon of owture tates place as ral ave diffuced, Criticism of Bokeh sclsol The conbsbuhoo of exhreme ditfusionism is verhualy vil. Since pear to do ‘ oud andl a rush vonciache | iF culfers from _precmcepken Twat egupt_is twe only contre of invention cvolereay Rivers ‘ait Ugo is Wistoyical in wer ae © U.P.S.C._ [3% (Question No.) @ e e e oon a At some places, Rivere also could not rive evidencer im Favour oF Ws tom and “heeaue Con jedturalist: Concl uw’on of Wriheh scrool a My lave heen heavily CWRASA heey , however hn vuwe inivoduced change ag eal of “cock and cudtare fovnde tme ideo of difhigion- Thue They hod wode « of Chamge crgpech of nie ip Guten po log ir lolishe manner, J (Civere * Dah duchon: Brief life Wistory » ; Plaiiclan 4 Reldworter - Edilier evolubowist bu tumed po difthisionion late father of nedical ant pology Newer sua ywou aa wen A (Question No.) +* Kush - Aushia uote First por ole of di Husoniem. 1 Riek History. + froaly ging ditusion in terme of Stowd use [| vee ee pe U .P.S. C. Ee, Kuehn - German Scwool oF BH edmsm C kulture kreis | Cuthure Gre Thepyy) | Premises F maeny conker of ong: Rejated extavuism b Trlubon of cutured treats lite vipples of water. : Cuture Circhke TH ne he and space } No (mag nabon. Cuuportance Fo maherpl Facts |} TDemenctrabon of both materal and non matertal Culhures Mehweol of stuck A-G: cclrool Criteria of Form Bow £ Arrow L}red tuvead Cotena of avonkta= ewilaphestlas ne- of siwular jteme|f ~|Crifcism : Unable to shave diffusion of | [@Lewie: non maternal cuture i ree ot 2 ined sowmotmus. eee ee aniel Hishowg: 30 Words - = (a whi gate © G ae dem (Question No.) . Wet wun linc oO U.P.S.C. Fick Wistory, TWs ch wad i cenesis in cultured Aeeqese _ £: ‘Rael VIAL Mor a agonist bul- he ve impetus to te woerle of diftustow'sm: H& studenk Len Froeliinus. Fi Greelnes, Willian schawth cared Forwar fre ideo or msn dU Fusion fer twem, tre problem U4 basically of how ty demenshate diffugico historically on, how to dewndvate tuab tere tac been _o case of diffusion. Such problem Ud nab alted- Ppikeh Sweet of Ai Aitteomian . German ccweol have never tied Hh shao Me patio oF ditusen of culhual traits. Tals school i's Jenouwn on Cwlhure circle tyes or Kuwltuve Kreis i 173, wom dg a ied {Doni write anything inthis pat) wet eT (Question No.) @ L U.P.S.C. mic cones of ow aloo believe Paar one ce a Spread jite ripples of _waker, Pb ehous twat areas wlth are closer fo ceube ot difusim, liney love aore elemsate of wre cublure. And trove areas er venkre have Sess developed Cdtura elemints. Hence Culhure tFeode ty detenorabe uSuich Can he Compared With Vipples of uodter, Trak Why, wlillians echimdk called Ob culture citcle | Theor 1" oo One “ugh analyse ou Au. sion both iy tem How £ ce German Aitusonis were droum Keal josh Onn kind f po soph WN mS af vv4 womigakd = (Dont wit anything inthis pat y ae dem ‘(Question No) U.P.S.C. {78 wom ge a ied (Oont wt anything inthis pat) ® were Concerned with tre derrenshahon of botn mater: al amd wen _muatenal culture setwed of We n di Rusionist in order tp dewrenchate dii fusion of culture, cpoke of hwo criteria. re. Criterta ob Foray of quaking TWiz Enfena ude as yen Erity Gvaebner. He ne aa Udheny sivulanbee between tuo adtural dlemootr are explained not on tue basic of nature, nuakenal or purpose ten one Can oh custo dwar sivadlani hide could ve becalize of di Fusion ites pes hve of scl Atstance, — Here aottro polog's hed to ger we (Question No.) @® Coker of Quon Adel ed Frits Cavevebund- ond Willian daindf OF nuance When Huulariter betreen hoo uwture are substantiated by @ mo: ol culfurad Heme Eeund together, Me ontera of quamb will be used. Fuus similariber between hwo culhiree increases When no. of add thong iteme (ncreasee. Thecefore Trerefore. When exami a istoricel Lonneckon« behweer| hoo cultures, one nucst look ot boty Pome awal “quankh Geran Aifusonist, made use of tiece hud tech ond wid we shrowd Opp Aig idea of difluem ty _bofty malesal and non waters! a ae eer ee V7b (Dont wit anything inthis pa) U.P.S.C. a: € © 72 wet aear Pp an 4 wake (Question No.) J e e e @ (Dont wrt anything inthis part) Wouseg, drums, ecidd ,cloHung 19 Wallayan , todoneran and wed alia Culture =| Cribvcisn: @] AP sowe placee, Tey become peeude - Iistorical Hat i other Words biel +o avoid tovje - cturalian Gt wed verenty tty. iuagpeed. 7 @|Robert Lowie satel tat probleme Faced Genman difrustotsts per- Heuning. Ntbo he degree oP comp te xR y~ we mush have sonn ‘dea abauk Me degree of bexiby for eq cater elowanh rs frund +o exish in kKalalan |deserk Were buchnun teave- live who belong to stage of ‘saya ewture, Lr CH be inferred coftnent avloigui that eurmpean were joresent v7& é enon U. P. S. C. - - 4 (Question No}, ‘ “aise a maui _ op lex hy 2xSh Upltich aoowd fell uc “tak tneve woat diflusies © German di fusiouist could not sno difhetm of non maternal culture. They were € Cancemed wwitn diftigim of wadera) culture only . Concequ, ey started Yoowing i impoch Concluston: For Crermman school :- Tnus Geman school ivuproved - upen the equphaw school aid ve UMeph oF mul ple Ceulres oF ong of aubure Reyeehng oe ere imodverentig mee ned for While they were re Certhcised: © we dom (Question No.) @®] Grn teakure. Nature Gr paarisinn ‘e tech | Senna» a Proksh Grikielo Geena -JExhreme dl Fr gsanisno ' vu b ple suit 4 Per Huan + [Rivers sclwo|_ cof cource o on Gace onigin a pen : — sources {No Criterta _ Criteria of [ry poo atteohen —« They peor accodling bo River quash To chow & trace fo d unfetered pak of 19 renng cli Fusion Frum cenbre to cif parts of usual matenal cul hure boty, bar nok to non Matericd (7 amit ¥ aha (Oontwrtsanting inthis pat) coukves of (Maul ble Sources of forms € rete oceure of ad thusiog altenhin fe sn P. S.C fewer # (Question No) (Pont wit anything € inthis pat) Retbordup ¢. Tost . “tried tuk ewolakon +o ok aera rotukon 4 4 £ db Fusion. of ; IE tet tale of Shere ovge Fron simple [to wmpler - ab the cawa hue € salbed of difhusten oF Cultural hredtts- comparison Q| Diecuce tre difhererer leetween woke =~ | tis oma German echwol of - woe oF di Fuctonisem % yom | Frame! | Prboduchve Tw lef tistoniced loackgnrund Pe bref wher is ditupin < volal is diffusimisnn Prenuises of leo ane! Bterences eebween German & loptish sUnmols Hietoncod oe aaa ee

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