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Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, first, middle): Karsunky, Holger


For Cellerant Therapeutics (Laboratory of Dr. Karsunky)

Cellerant will use its laboratory resources in San Carlos, CA to accomplish the aims of this grant
application. The assumptions for the budget have been prepared based on previous experience and
prior purchases.

Section A – Senior/Key Person: Dr. Holger Karsunky (PD/PI) will lead and be responsible for the
scientific management of the project. Dr. Karsunky will contribute his expertise in all aspects of
myeloid progenitor biology, hematopoietic stem cell biology, in vivo animal models and cell
therapeutic drug development.

Name Project Role Proposed % % effort on existing grants for

effort the proposed budget period
Holger Karsunky PD/PI 10% 90%

Section B – Other Personnel: We budgeted for 50% time effort for a Research Associate who will
contribute to the project by harvesting tissues, isolating HSC from mice, ex vivo generation of mouse
MPC, flow cytometric analysis and sorting, colony formation assays, and cryopreservation.

Name Project Role Proposed % % effort on existing grants for

effort the proposed budget period
Greg Boucher RA 50% 50%

Fringe benefits, which are 38.94% of salary requested, cover payroll taxes, employee fringe benefits,
and workers compensation insurance.

Section C – Equipment: This proposal includes no equipment budget. All equipment needed is
currently operational at Cellerant.

Section D – Travel: We are requesting $ for two trips to the academic partner in Kansas City,
MO at the beginning of the project and after 6-9 months. Costs are based on an average non-
refundable economy class ticket, two nights per trip at the GSA lodging rate and GSA per diems rates.

Section F.1 – Materials and Supplies: We are requesting a total of $ for materials and
supplies. The major cost factors is the purchase of tissue culture reagents and consumables in
particular recombinant growth factors but also media, media supplements, and culture vessels for the
ex vivo expansion of mouse myeloid progenitor cells. A second major cost factor are the various
fluorochrome labeled antibodies needed for flow cytometry to sort the starting material and
characterize the end product for its compositions. Also included are the costs of procuring up to 540
mice form various mouse strains that are required to isolate the starting material for the mouse MP.
Cellerant has three qualified mouse vendors (JAX Mice Services, Charles River Laboratories and
Taconic) and will also use in-house bred animals. The remaining funds are for general laboratory

Section F.3 – Consultant: No consulting costs are requested as part of this proposal.

Section F.5 – Subawards/Consortium: The budget for the academic partner is $ ($

direct costs plus $ indirect costs). Their budget justification (see below) and their detailed
budget are provided.

Budget Justification Page 24

Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, first, middle): Karsunky, Holger

Section H – Indirect Costs: The G&A rate, currently at %, is used to support all of the
administrative, operational and contracting matters for Cellerant. Indirect support services include
vivarium operations, lab infrastructure and facilities, IT support, facilities support, accounting,
procurement of materials and human resources. The current rate is based upon a bilateral rate
agreement date Nov 6, 2012 between Cellerant Therapeutics, Inc and HHS/ASPR/ACMG. The
indirect rates are reviewed annually by an auditor from HHS/ASPR/ACMG and the Peninsula Branch
office is the Cognizant DCAA office.

Budget Justification Page 25

Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, first, middle): Karsunky, Holger


Totals ($)
Section A, Senior/Key Person
Section B, Other Personnel

Total Number Other Personnel 1

Total Salary, Wages and Fringe Benefits (A+B)
Section C, Equipment
Section D, Travel
1. Domestic
2. Foreign
Section E, Participant/Trainee Support Costs
1. Tuition/Fees/Health Insurance
2. Stipends
3. Travel
4. Subsistence
5. Other
6. Number of Participants/Trainees
Section F, Other Direct Costs
1. Materials and Supplies
2. Publication Costs
3. Consultant Services
4. ADP/Computer Services
5. Subawards/Consortium/Contractual Costs
6. Equipment or Facility Rental/User Fees
7. Alterations and Renovations
8. Other 1
9. Other 2
10. Other 3

Section G, Direct Costs (A thru F)

Section H, Indirect Costs
Section I, Total Direct and Indirect Costs (G + H)
Section J, Fee

Cumulative Budget Page 26

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