How To Become A Salesforce Developer - Your Complete Guide

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How to become a Salesforce Developer: Your

Complete Guide
Think about it - a single platform revolutionizing the whole customer relationship scene.
That's Salesforce for you! It's not just software; it's a business game-changer. With its
massive 23% market share and a staggering $200 billion-plus valuation, Salesforce is
more than a tech phenomenon; it's a business revolution. With over 3 million job
openings in 2023, this field is sizzling. As we go through the steps on how to become a
Salesforce developer, remember, it's not just about coding - it's about being part of a
groundbreaking change.

What is a Salesforce Developer?

A Salesforce Developer is essentially a digital architect, designing, building, and refining
the technological backbone of companies. They are the bridge between business needs
and technological solutions.
As CRM applications evolve, Salesforce developers play a crucial role in customizing and
enhancing them to suit business needs. Their day-to-day responsibilities include:
● Custom Application Development: Using Apex, Visualforce, and Lightning Web
Components to create tailored Salesforce solutions.
● System Integration: Seamlessly integrating Salesforce with other systems and
● Data Management and Analytics: Managing data flows and creating analytical
tools for better decision-making.
● User Interface Design: Developing intuitive and effective user interfaces for
enhanced user experience.

How much does a Salesforce developer make?

When it comes to earnings, Salesforce developers are doing pretty well for themselves.
So, let’s talk numbers – and they’re pretty impressive:
● Average Earnings: Around $87,000/year in the U.S.
● Top Earners: Can exceed $130,000/year.
● Extra Perks? Often, yes. Bonuses, benefits, and more.

How long does it take to become a Salesforce developer?

How long before you can start cashing in those checks?

Typically, the path to become a Salesforce developer takes about 14 to 16 months,

encompassing a comprehensive understanding of Salesforce Administration, followed
by mastering the Platform Developer I (PDI) exam.

So, how do you get from here to there? Here is your roadmap:
1. Learning Phase (6-8 months): Learn the Salesforce basics.
2. Certification Time (3-4 months): Aim for that Salesforce Admin certification.
3. Advanced Training (5-6 months): Dive into the Platform Developer I (PDI) exam
This period is an investment in building a strong foundation in both the technical and
functional aspects, equipping Salesforce developers with the skills they need to excel in
this dynamic field.

What makes Salesforce a game-changer?

Salesforce has revolutionized the CRM landscape for several compelling reasons:
● Cloud-based Innovation: Salesforce led the shift to cloud-based CRM solutions,
offering accessibility and flexibility unmatched by traditional systems.
● Customization and Scalability: It allows businesses of all sizes to tailor and scale
their CRM solutions, ensuring they meet specific needs and grow with the
● Integration Capabilities: Salesforce seamlessly integrates with other
applications and systems, enhancing overall business operations.
● Data-Driven Insights: It provides powerful analytics and reporting tools, giving
businesses critical insights into customer behavior and sales trends.
● Continuous Evolution: Salesforce is continually updating and introducing new
features, staying ahead in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

This combination of features makes Salesforce not just a tool, but a strategic asset for
businesses, transforming how they connect with customers and manage relationships.
If you're looking to become a Salesforce developer, you are embarking on a lucrative and
exciting career path.

What Skills and Qualifications Do You Need to Become a

Salesforce Developer?
What does it take to succeed in this field? Let's dive in and explore the essential skills
and qualifications you'll need to thrive as a Salesforce developer.

Core technical skills

To excel as a Salesforce developer, a strong foundation in certain technical skills is
● Apex, Visualforce, and Lightning Components: These are the main components
of Salesforce. Proficiency in Apex (Salesforce's proprietary programming
language), Visualforce (the framework for building custom user interfaces), and
the Lightning Component Framework (for developing dynamic web apps on the
Salesforce platform) is paramount.
● Familiarity with Programming Languages: A good grasp of programming
languages like JavaScript and Python is beneficial. This knowledge will not only
aid in understanding Salesforce's functionality but also in customizing and
extending its capabilities.
● UX and UI Design Best Practices: Understanding design thinking and user-
centered design is essential. As a Salesforce developer, you'll need to ensure that
the applications you develop are not only functional but also provide a seamless
user experience.
● Software Testing Skills: Being skilled in testing software and making necessary
adjustments is critical. This ensures the reliability and effectiveness of your
Salesforce applications.

Understanding of CRM concepts and the Salesforce ecosystem

A Salesforce developer must have a deep understanding of CRM (Customer
Relationship Management) concepts. This involves knowing how to navigate,
customize, and manage basic CRM features within the Salesforce platform.
Familiarity with Salesforce's ecosystem is key to leveraging its full potential to meet
various business needs.

Importance of soft skills in Salesforce development

● Chart Type: Pie Chart
● Segments:
● Communication Skills
● Leadership and Teamwork
● Problem-Solving and Creative Thinking
● Adaptability and Patience
Description: This chart can visually represent the proportion of each soft skill's
importance in the role of a Salesforce developer. It will help illustrate that while
technical skills are essential, soft skills are equally crucial for success in this field.

How to Gain Practical Experience as a Salesforce Developer?

Becoming a Salesforce Developer is not just about learning the theory; it's about diving
into the practical side of things. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the
crucial steps to gain that hands-on experience you need to stand out in the competitive
world of Salesforce development.

Why hands-on experience matters

It's no secret that in the Salesforce ecosystem, having hands-on experience is a key
requirement for most jobs. While you may find yourself in the classic dilemma of
needing experience to get a job but needing a job to gain experience, there are other
ways to build this essential expertise.
How to build practical skills outside of employment
1. Leverage Salesforce Developer Resources: Salesforce offers resources like the
Salesforce Developer Edition and Trailhead. These platforms are not just free but
are goldmines for learning and applying your knowledge in real-world scenarios.
2. Personal Projects: Don’t underestimate the power of projects. By building apps
or working on projects you're passionate about, you can acquire a deep
understanding of Salesforce development. This approach is a great way to
showcase your skills to potential employers.
3. Volunteer Work: Engaging in volunteer work that utilizes Salesforce can provide
practical experience. This way, you can develop your skills while making a
positive impact.
4. Internships and Entry-Level Jobs: While it might seem challenging to get your
foot in the door, internships and entry-level positions are excellent ways to
immerse yourself in the Salesforce world. These opportunities offer a more
structured environment for learning and can be a stepping stone to more
advanced roles.
5. Join Salesforce Communities: Being part of Salesforce communities can help
you stay updated with the latest trends and network with other professionals.
This can lead to collaborative projects, mentorship opportunities, and insights
into industry practices.
6. Salesforce Project Experience: In the Salesforce domain, project experience
goes beyond enhancing your resume; it's an integral part of professional
development. Look for opportunities to work on Salesforce projects, even small
scale, to build a strong basis.
By following these steps, you can build the practical experience you need to become a
Salesforce Developer and excel in the field!

Which Certifications Should You Pursue?

Embarking on a journey to become a Salesforce Developer involves not just learning the
ropes but also getting the right certifications under your belt.
Salesforce certifications are designed to validate your expertise and skills in the
Salesforce platform. They range from entry-level to advanced, catering to various
aspects of Salesforce, such as administration, development, and specific product

Top Salesforce certifications to become a certified Salesforce developer

1. Salesforce Certified Associate: These are brand new entry-level certifications
focusing on foundational Salesforce knowledge. They are ideal for beginners,
emphasizing theoretical understanding over hands-on expertise.
2. Salesforce Certified Administrator: A mid-level certification requiring 1-2 years
of experience. This certification ensures you have a comprehensive
understanding of Salesforce administration, an essential skill for any developer.
3. Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator: Building on the Administrator
certification, this mid-level qualification, requiring similar experience, delves
deeper into the advanced functionalities and administrative features of
4. Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder: This certification is for those with 1-
2 years of experience and focuses on building custom applications on the
Salesforce platform, a vital skill for developers.
5. Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I: An entry-level certification for
developers, requiring 3-6 months of experience. It focuses on the foundational
aspects of Salesforce development and does not require prior Salesforce
6. Salesforce Certified Platform Developer II: A step up from Developer I, this
mid-level certification requires 2-4 years of experience and completion of the
Platform Developer I certification. It covers more advanced development aspects
of Salesforce.
7. Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I: This entry-level certification,
requiring 1-2 years of experience, is tailored for developers focusing on
JavaScript within the Salesforce ecosystem.
8. Salesforce Certified Technical Architect (CTA): This is the highest certification
level and is ideal for those who have deep expertise in Salesforce and want to
design robust solutions for complex business problems.

Preparing for Salesforce certification exams

Each of these certifications requires preparation and study, often involving practical
experience and knowledge of Salesforce's latest updates. Additionally, engaging in
Salesforce communities and using online resources like Trailhead can greatly assist in
your preparation for these certifications.
The goal is not just to pass an exam but to deeply understand and apply Salesforce
concepts in real-world scenarios.

5 Ways to Excel in Salesforce Development

With Salesforce's substantial market presence and the growing demand for skilled
workers, the journey promises challenges and rewards. Here are some steps that will
help you become a successful Salesforce developer.

#1: Stay up-to-date with Salesforce releases and updates

Just like following your favorite sports team, keep an eye on what’s new with
Salesforce. This means checking out their website, reading updates, and even signing
up for their newsletters. Salesforce continually evolves, introducing new features and

#2 Keep learning and practicing

Learning never stops, especially in the tech world. There are tons of online courses
and training sessions specifically for Salesforce. Plus, the best way to learn is by doing.
Try out new features, play around with the tools, and build something. It’s like learning
to cook—you get better by trying out new recipes!

#3: Participate in webinars, workshops, and Salesforce events

Imagine a big online party where everyone loves Salesforce. That’s what webinars and
workshops are like. You’ll meet people who are also learning, just like you and experts
who’ve been doing this for years. It’s a great way to learn new tricks and make friends
who can help you along the way.

#4: Find your favorite part of Salesforce

Salesforce is like a Swiss Army knife—it has many tools. Once you become a
Salesforce developer, you can focus on marketing, sales, customer service, and more.
Find out which part you like best and learn everything about it.

#5: Seek out mentorship opportunities

Mentorship is a powerful tool for career advancement. Finding a mentor within the
Salesforce community can provide guidance, industry insights, and valuable feedback
on your work. Connecting with mentors through Salesforce's Trailblazer Community or
LinkedIn can open doors to new learning opportunities and professional growth.

How to Find a Job as a Salesforce Developer

Let’s dive into the practical steps to launch your career in Salesforce development.

Create a portfolio to showcase your Salesforce projects

Show, don’t just tell. Building a portfolio is like crafting a visual resume. Gather all the
Salesforce projects you’ve worked on. This could be anything from small apps you’ve
developed to larger projects you contributed to.

Think of it as your personal gallery of achievements. It’s your chance to impress

potential employers with what you’ve done, not just what you know.

Explore job platforms

The internet is your oyster when it comes to job hunting. Websites like LinkedIn,
Indeed, and Glassdoor are goldmines for job opportunities. But here’s the kicker -
don’t just look for jobs labeled ‘Salesforce Developer’. Broaden your search to roles that
require Salesforce skills. You might find opportunities you hadn’t considered before.

Consult recruitment agencies

Sometimes, it’s about who you know, not just what you know. Recruitment agencies can
be a bridge to your dream job. They have the inside scoop on companies looking for
Salesforce talent and can match you with roles that fit your skills and aspirations. Think
of them as matchmakers in the professional world.

Final Words: Your Journey as a Salesforce Developer

Wanting to become a Salesforce developer is an adventure, not just a career path. It's
about continually learning, creating, and growing in an ever-evolving landscape.
Remember, every expert was once a beginner. So, start building, keep exploring, and
stay curious. Your Salesforce journey is just beginning, and the possibilities are endless.


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