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Anushka Joshi


Reflective Report II

One of the things that left a significant impact on me was one of my classmate's
discussion posts. She mentioned how criticism plays an essential role in improving your
skills. We all despise being criticized. It's in our nature to love being correct and to be hurt
when we're incorrect. The truth is that we all require criticism. I can vividly recall that I had
scored 58% in one of the essays when I was new at University. That had crushed my soul, but
it was my TA who guided me on how to take write essays in a better way. I had acted upon
the feedback received and even took help from the library to improve my writing skills.
Furthermore, I took this course to uplift my writing skills. So my point is that constructive
criticism enables writers to enhance their work and achieve their objectives more efficiently. I
was intrigued reading one discussion post by Olivia Grande because I could relate a lot to
her. Like her, even I make mistakes in juggling between past and present tense.

I significantly monitor the feedback I receive from my professor and TAs as it helps
me improve my writing skills. I used to make mistakes in forming wrong structures or too
long sentences. The feedback I received on reflective report 1 enabled me not to make
mistakes in future. Apart from that, I have been consistently asking my dad to go through my
essays. I seek his feedback before submitting the work to avoid any last-minute mistakes. His
feedback also allows me to get a head start on the basic idea my article reflects, and it also
gets proofread. Recently, my dad pointed out that I had written 'their' instead of 'there' in one
of the assignments. This was a tiny mistake I had overseen. That is why it is important to
proofread your document. I feel that my writing skills have considerably improved using this

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