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1) Have I worked on the tools mentioned in this masterclass?

2) Am I working on feeling good everyday?

3) Am I changing narrative when things don’t go my way?

4) Am I adding joy in my own life to make my life fuller?

5) I am seeing little signs like compliments, people saying my energy is shifting,

me feeling higher self-worth & confidence? (you can ask this only after 21
days of consistently putting effort)

6) Do I believe there is abundance in the world as taught to me in the


7) If any of them still need work, then put in that work because remember you
attract who you are

8) If you are doing the best you can then tell yourself, yes I have made a mindset
shift that I had never made before and I feel great. With that say this to
universe – ‘universe, thank you for this valuable lesson and taking care of me
and protecting me when I did not know better. Thank you for connecting the
dots. I will continue to make the commitment to keep focusing on my own
growth. I am ready for love, I am ready for the next chapter. I surrender and
trust you will bring it to me when you think it’s the right time for me. I love
you universe. Thank you.’

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