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11th January 2024

Formative task

“Economic development is more important than social development.”

- To what extent do you agree with this statement?

In a well-structured essay, you must:
- Consider both economic and social perspectives
- Provide examples from Source E and/or your MYP studies.

Economic development is a large influence viewed in every country and a set goal for most. As the economy of a country

grows, it gains benefits that let it acquire more resources, trade advantages, and recognition from other economically

developing or developed countries. Main factors within Economic development are rates of education, technology, Natural

and Human resources, etc. These factors are relevant as countries are being distributed and put into categories depending

on what developing level it's classified as. A “Economically developing country” is catogerized as a low income country,

whereas a “Economically developed country” would be referred to as a high income country.

Social development addresses the well-being of each individual within the society. The main measurements include Life

expectancy, Birth rate, Death rate, and Adult Literacy rates. Society can be categorized into a hierarchy, this will include

what social level the individual is. Although, this balances with Economic development as well, as it measures the economic

class the citizen is in. Therefore, there is not a specific way of measuring just Social development.

Main development theories concentrate on the economic growth of countries. A well-known and used example is the

Dependency theory, which focuses on how “poor” countries depend on “rich” countries. This only focuses on economic

factors and
In conclusion, Economic development is more relevant and important than social development. It is proved that to

measure development in general, the country views the Economic factors more in-depth than the Social factors. Typically

viewing the Income rate, Technology, and access to natural and Human resources. The social factors will be addressed, but

more as a second priority,

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