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Electrical Resistance: Opposition offered to the flow of charges is called resistance


In metallic conductor the current is due to flow of free electrons and resistance is due to collision of
these electrons with fixed atoms inside the conductor.


According to ohm law it is ratio of applied voltage to the current flow in conductor

R = V/I

Unit : SI Unit of Resistance is ohm denoted by Greek symbol omega Ω

One Ohm: Resistance is one ohm when potential difference of one volt is applied across the conductor
and it cause the one ampere current to flow

Ω = 1V /1A

Circuit Symbol : The circuit symbol is

Factors Effect the Resistance:

Following factors effect the resistance

Length of Conductor: If length increases resistance also increases

R α L. ( Draw Figure 14.2 )

Cross sectional area: Resistance increases if area of conductor decreases

R α 1/A ( Draw figure 14.2

Temperature: Resistance increases as temperature increases

R α Τ. For some specific material ( Draw figure 14.2 )

Material: If length area and temperature is kept constant the resistance varies with nature of material l

Draw figure 14.2

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