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Causes of Hijra (Migration), its importance.

The term "Hizra" or "Hijra" refers to the migration of Prophet Muhammad

and his followers from Mecca to Medina in 622 AD. This event marks a
pivotal moment in Islamic history, sparking the establishment of the first
Muslim community and laying the foundation for the future Islamic State.
Understanding the causes, importance, and significance of the Hizra
requires a deeper look into the following aspects:

Lexical and Terminological Meaning:

 Hizra: The Arabic word "Hizra" literally means "migration" or
"departure." In Islamic context, it specifically refers to the migration
of Prophet Muhammad and his followers.
 Hijra: Often used interchangeably with "Hizra," "Hijra" is the
Anglicized version of the term.

Why the Hizra Happened:

 Persecution of Muslims: Early Muslims faced growing hostility and
persecution from the Meccan leadership, who rejected their
monotheistic beliefs and threatened their safety.
 Limited freedom to practice Islam: Restrictions and harassment
made it difficult for Muslims to openly practice their faith in Mecca.
 Invitation from Medina: The people of Medina, receptive to the
Prophet's message, invited him and his followers to seek refuge in
their city.

Prophet Muhammad's Journey to Medina:

 Secret Departure: Aware of potential danger, the Prophet and his
companions left Mecca in small groups. The journey itself was
fraught with peril, involving narrow escapes from Meccan pursuers.
 Arrival in Medina: Upon reaching Medina, they were warmly
welcomed by the Ansar (local inhabitants) and formed the
foundation of the Ummah (Muslim community).
Reasons Behind the Hizra:
 Safe Haven for Muslims: Provided a secure environment for
Muslims to practice their faith freely and grow as a community.
 Establishment of the First Muslim State: Medina became the
nucleus of the Islamic State, where Prophet Muhammad laid down
the foundations of Islamic governance and social order.
 Spreading of Islam: The Hizra served as a catalyst for the spread
of Islam beyond Mecca, reaching new audiences and gaining
 Demonstrating the Power of Faith: The Prophet's perseverance
and willingness to migrate for his beliefs showcased the strength
and tenacity of Islam.

Importance and Significance of the Hizra:

 Epoch of the Islamic Calendar: The year of the Hizra (622 AD)
marks the starting point of the Islamic calendar, highlighting its
importance as a foundational event.
 Symbol of Hope and Perseverance: The Hizra continues to serve
as a powerful symbol of hope and perseverance for Muslims facing
 Demonstration of Divine Guidance: The Prophet's reliance on
divine guidance during the migration reinforces the importance of
faith and trust in God.
 Source of Inspiration: The Hizra remains a source of inspiration for
Muslims to stand up for their beliefs and build a just and equitable

In conclusion, the Hizra was more than just a physical migration; it was a
pivotal moment in the development of Islam, laying the groundwork for
its future success and establishing its core values. Understanding its
causes, reasons, and significance provides a deeper appreciation for the
momentous event and its lasting impact on the Muslim world.

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