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The Bagmati River Basin Improvement Project (BRBIP) has been envisioned to improve water

security and resilience to potential climate change impact in the Bagmati River Basin with the
support of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). It aims to build reservoir to charge the Bagmati
River downstream and restore the river environment in the Kathmandu valley. The expected outputs
of the Project are : Output 1 – Established systems and capacity for integrated and participatory river
basin management, Output 2 – Improved Riverbank Environment in Urban Areas, Output 3 –
Increased water availability in the basin during the dry season and watershed conservation and
Output 4 – Functioning Flood Forecasting and Early Warning System for the Bagmati River Basin.
The executing agency for the Project is the Ministry of Urban Development (MOUD) and the
implementing agencies are The High-Powered Committee for Integrated Development of the
Bagmati Civilization (HBCIDBC), Department of Water Resources and Irrigation (DoWRI) and
Water and Energy Commission Secretariate (WECS). Dhap Dam project is one of the main
components of BRPIP project which is under the DoWRI, Project Implementation Irrigation Unit
(PIIU) and plays a vital role to get an achievement of output 3, restoring the water constructing two
dams (24m high Dhap Dam, 94.5m high Nagmati Dam) on the uphill of Bagmati River. The main
objective of the Dhap Dam Project is to enhance water resources and increase water discharge to the
Bagmati in the dry season, conserve terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity and maintain and enhance the
river water quality establishing the Concrete Faced Rock filled Dam (CFRD) of 850,000 m3 of
storage capacity.

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