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 Plot - This is the sequence of events or actions in the story.

 Theme - It is an underlying idea that comments on human condition.

 Apostrophe - "I shall haunt you, O my lost one" What figure of speech is used
in this line from Angela Manalang-Gloria's To a Lost One?

 Angela Manalang Gloria - She is the first and only pre-war anthology of poetry
in English by a Filipino woman.

 My Father Goes to Court - It was about the two different families and how they
are living their lives. The family of the narrator was the poor. The poor family is
living happily and healthy while on the other hand is the rich family who is living
without social life.

 Man vs. Man - the conflict of the short story My father goes to court.

 Amador T. Daguio – He served as chief editor for the Philippine House of

Representatives before he died in 1966.

 Pregnancy - Lumnay's fingers moved a long, long time among the growing
bean pods. What does“growing bean pods" means in the line from The
Wedding Dance?

 Manuel Arguilla - He Was editor-in-chief of his school's newsletter, the La

Union Tab.

 Hope - What does the coming of the new-born in the family in the story A Son
is Born mean?

 A Son is Born - The story tells new beginning in different ways but all gives the
feeling of hope, especially it was the year after locusts came.

 Carlos Bulosan - A chronicler of the Filipino American experience during the

1930s - early 1950s, he is best remembered for his semi-fictional, semi-
autobiographical novel.

 Jorge Bocobo - He is the principal author of the Civil code of the Philippines.

 College Uneducation - The term itself is recursive as a way of expressing the

real truth about the current situation that is happening now on our College
students and Graduates.

 Luis G. Dato - A Filipino writer whose aligned in the field of teaching.

 Cecilio Apostol - A patriot by sentiment, a lawyer by profession and a man of
letters by avocation, he was a colossus in Spanish-Filipino Poetry.

 The Wedding Dance - It draws upon the culture of his ancestors to explore
Filipino traditions along with the universal themes of love, suffering, and social

 Delfin Fresnosa - He was one of the prolific shortstory writers of the Thirties
whose works often made it to Jose Garcia Villa's annual Roll of Honor.

 Dark - The story is about a young boy who is blind and is pretending that he
could see again in order not to disappoint and offend his parents.

 Rafael Zulueta - He was a graduate of De la Salle College (now University)

where he specialized in business administration.

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