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Halah Fekri

Skills 4
November 2,2023

Mandatory Volunteering

"Forcing people to do something will never

get it done as requested." Elizabeth
Andrew said.Community service is a type of
service that is imposed on individuals by
government laws, such as military service or
requiring students to perform speci c hours in
cleaning the school or assisting teachers, and it
is implemented in many countries around the
world. Although many people view it positively
as a means to learn new skills and ll their
leisure time, it can lead to time constraints and
pressure, and the skills acquired may not be
suitable for everyone, with some individuals not
bene ting from them.

First, making volunteering optional ensures

the bene t of the acquired skills. While one may
gain new skills, they might not be useful for
everyone, and some individuals may not bene t
from them at all. For example, volunteering for
programming may not be appropriate with
everyone's interests or skills. The solution is to
make volunteering a matter of choice for those
who wish to participate, rather than imposing it
on anyone.

Second, the mandatory volunteering can be

problematic for people with busy lives. Despite
the fact that it lls much of the time, rather than
wasting it on going out, hanging around, or
phone scrolling, many people have
responsibilities in addition to their family
commitments. They often don't even have
enough time for themselves or to pursue their
hobbies. A study con rmed that 40% of
students have part-time jobs, which means they
cannot control their time.

In conclusion, volunteering should be a

choice, not an obligation. even though its
bene ts, it may lead to undesirable results or
even put pressure on people, as they have
greater responsibilities than volunteer work, and
the e ectiveness of the service depends on
making it an individual choice.

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