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Oct 27, 2023

Skills 4
The immortality

For thousands of years, people have tried to strive for immortality and eternal life. Immortality
is a fascinating topic for many scientists, as they have tried to discover some ways to eliminate
death and its causes in order to achieve immortality. There is also a theory by the scientist
Leonard Hay ick in which he answered many questions about this matter, but Opinions di ered
radically about the advantages and disadvantages of immortality.

There are many advantages of immortality. First, we will have unlimited time, which may allow us
to spend a lot of time and have fun with our loved ones, develop our skills, learn disparate
subjects, and achieve many dreams. Moreover. It is also possible to see our great-grandchildren.
Secondly, get rid of the feeling of fear. The idea of living forever makes us feel secure because it
means we will never die.

On the other hand, there are many disadvantages of immortality. When we think about immortality
we must know that life will be completely di erent. First, the daily routine will be repeated forever.
Although we will do many di erent things, over time we will get bored and perhaps become
depressed. Second, our minds will not remain immortal. It is di cult for us to be able to retain all
the memories. In addition, people will commit many crimes and mistakes, making life insu erable.

In conclusion, there are more negatives than positives to immortality. Let us be clear that many
are still striving for eternal life, but no one has achieved guaranteed results, and despite the
development of science, there will be no eternal life because ultimately, death is the emphatic

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