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Visualize a world without death. Where people could stand

beyond any limitation. The possibility of achieving goals,
avoiding mistakes, and living forever. It is immortality: the
dream of humankind since the dawn of time. However, the
issue is not entirely straightforward, and arguments can
also be made against the idea. This essay will discuss the
debate, and give a concluding view.

On the one hand, those who support immortality cite the

potential benefits of it. For instance, a person could travel
to every corner of the globe, learn all languages, and
master all skills. Forthermore, With an infinite amount of
time to learn and grow, humankind could inevitably solve
many disparate world's most pressing problems, such as
climate change, disease, and poverty.

By contrast, the opponents of this view point out that

immortality could also lead to overpopulation and
boredom. For example, If everyone could live forever, the
world would quickly become overcrowded. In addition,
With all the time in the world, humankind might eventually
start to lose interest in things and lose their motivation to
achieve anything.

To sum up , It can be said that immortality is a

double-edge swart . It could brings fascinating benefits
and at the same time it contines an inetiel drawbacks.

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