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European Directorate-General

Commission for Trade

European Union, Trade in goods with Thailand

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden

Table of Contents

European Union, Trade with Thailand

- Key Figures 2
- Imports / Exports 2021 2
- - AMA/NAMA product Groups 2
- - SITC product Groups 2
- - Top 5 - HS sections 2
- - Top 5 - SITC sections 2
- EU Trade flows and balance: Total goods: 2011 - 2021 3
- EU Trade flows by SITC section 2021 4
- EU Trade flows by SITC product grouping 2021 4
- EU Trade flows by SITC section 2018 - 2021 5
- EU Trade flows by SITC product grouping 2018 - 2021 5
- EU Trade flows by HS section 2021 6
- EU Trade flows by HS section 2018 - 2021 7

Thailand, Trade with World

- Thailand Trade flows and balance: Total goods: 2011 - 2021 8
- Thailand Top trading partners: Total goods: 2021 8

European Union, Trade with World

- EU Trade flows and balance: Total goods: 2011 - 2021 9
- EU Top trading partners: Total goods: 2021 9
- EU Top product sections: Total goods: 2021 9

Methodological Notes
- HS Sections (Harmonized System) 10
- SITC Sections 10
- SITC (rev 4.) Product Groupings 10

02-08-2022 1 Units R4 / A3
European Directorate-General
Commission for Trade

European Union, Trade with Thailand

Key Figures
Indicator Unit Period Imports Exports Total trade Balance
Last year Mio euros 2021 22,052 13,310 35,362 -8,742
Rank as EU partner 2021 19 26 25
Share in EU trade % 2021 1.0 0.6 0.8
Annual growth rate % 2020 - 2021 22.9 16.5
Annual average growth rate % 2017 - 2021 3.9 -0.5

Imports 2021 Exports 2021

AMA/NAMA product Groups

Product Value Mio € % Total Product Value Mio € % Total
Agricultural products (WTO AoA) 1,670 7.6 Agricultural products (WTO AoA) 1,222 9.2
Fishery products 197 0.9 Fishery products 31 0.2
Industrial products 20,185 91.5 Industrial products 12,058 90.6
Total 22,052 100.0 Total 13,310 100.0

SITC product Groups

Product Value Mio € % Total Product Value Mio € % Total
Primary products 2,751 12.5 Primary products 2,095 15.7
Manufactures 19,173 86.9 Manufactures 10,745 80.7
Other products 63 0.3 Other products 164 1.2
Other 64 0.3 Other 307 2.3

Top 5 - HS sections
Product Value Mio € % Total Product Value Mio € % Total
XVI Machinery and appliances 11,312 51.3 XVI Machinery and appliances 4,175 31.4
VII Plastics, rubber and articles thereof 2,418 11.0 VI Products of the chemical or allied industries 2,574 19.3
XVII Transport equipment 1,885 8.6 XVII Transport equipment 1,143 8.6
IV Foodstuffs, beverages, tobacco 1,250 5.7 XV Base metals and articles thereof 859 6.5
XIV Pearls, precious metals and articles thereof 1,077 4.9 XVIII Optical and photographic instruments, etc. 711 5.3

Top 5 - SITC sections

Product Value Mio € % Total Product Value Mio € % Total
7 Machinery and transport equipment 13,058 59.2 7 Machinery and transport equipment 5,377 40.4
8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 3,578 16.2 5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 2,926 22.0
6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by 1,899 8.6 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by 1,701 12.8
material material
0 Food and live animals 1,675 7.6 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 1,193 9.0
2 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 877 4.0 0 Food and live animals 800 6.0

% Total: Share in Total: Total defined as all products

02-08-2022 2 Units R4 / A3
European Directorate-General
Commission for Trade

European Union, Trade with Thailand

Total goods: EU Trade flows and balance, annual data 2011 - 2021 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Total goods: EU Trade flows and balance Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Period Imports Exports Balance Total trade

Value Mio € % Growth % Extra-EU Value Mio € % Growth % Extra-EU Value Mio € Value Mio €
2011 14,913 0.9 10,004 0.6 -4,908 24,917
2012 14,029 -5.9 0.8 12,373 23.7 0.7 -1,656 26,403
2013 14,117 0.6 0.9 12,271 -0.8 0.7 -1,846 26,387
2014 15,387 9.0 0.9 10,661 -13.1 0.6 -4,726 26,048
2015 16,342 6.2 1.0 11,714 9.9 0.6 -4,628 28,056
2016 17,442 6.7 1.1 12,284 4.9 0.7 -5,159 29,726
2017 18,923 8.5 1.1 13,598 10.7 0.7 -5,324 32,521
2018 19,636 3.8 1.0 13,500 -0.7 0.7 -6,135 33,136
2019 19,685 0.3 1.0 13,552 0.4 0.6 -6,134 33,237
2020 17,939 -8.9 1.0 11,423 -15.7 0.6 -6,516 29,362
2021 22,052 22.9 1.0 13,310 16.5 0.6 -8,742 35,362

% Growth: relative variation between current and previous period

% Extra-EU: imports/exports as % of all EU partners i.e. excluding trade between EU Member States

02-08-2022 3 Units R4 / A3
European Directorate-General
Commission for Trade

European Union, Trade with Thailand

Trade flows by SITC section 2021 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Imports Exports
Value Mio € % Total % Extra-EU % Growth Value Mio € % Total % Extra-EU % Growth
Total 22,052 100.0 1.0 22.9 13,310 100.0 0.6 16.5
0 Food and live animals 1,675 7.6 1.6 8.6 800 6.0 0.6 6.7
1 Beverages and tobacco 38 0.2 0.4 18.0 61 0.5 0.2 -0.1
2 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 877 4.0 1.0 54.7 662 5.0 1.1 53.3
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 5 0.0 0.0 8.1 108 0.8 0.1 141.5
4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes 7 0.0 0.1 -13.4 25 0.2 0.3 10.8
5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 787 3.6 0.3 24.2 2,926 22.0 0.6 23.4
6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 1,899 8.6 0.8 20.4 1,701 12.8 0.7 22.8
7 Machinery and transport equipment 13,058 59.2 1.9 25.0 5,377 40.4 0.7 9.1
8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 3,578 16.2 1.3 19.0 1,193 9.0 0.5 9.1
9 Commodities and transactions n.c.e. 62 0.3 0.2 -7.0 151 1.1 0.3 -2.9
Other 64 0.3 n.a. n.a. 307 2.3 n.a. n.a.

Trade flows by SITC product grouping 2021 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Imports Exports
SITC Rev. 4 Product Groups Value Mio € % Total % Extra-EU % Growth Value Mio € % Total % Extra-EU % Growth
Total 22,052 100.0 1.0 22.9 13,310 100.0 0.6 16.5
Primary products 2,751 12.5 0.4 20.6 2,095 15.7 0.5 31.8
- Agricultural products (Food (incl. Fish) & Raw Materials) 2,556 11.6 1.5 21.0 1,372 10.3 0.6 21.1
- - Food 1,728 7.8 1.2 8.7 887 6.7 0.5 6.1
- - - of which Fish 192 0.9 0.8 -2.9 26 0.2 0.5 -16.1
- - - Other food products and live animals 1,536 7.0 1.3 10.4 861 6.5 0.5 7.0
- - Raw materials 828 3.8 3.2 58.1 485 3.7 1.3 63.0
- Fuels and mining products 196 0.9 0.0 15.6 723 5.4 0.4 58.3
- - Ores and other minerals 41 0.2 0.1 10.6 175 1.3 0.7 33.7
- - Fuels 5 0.0 0.0 8.1 108 0.8 0.1 141.5
- - - of which Petroleum and petroleum products 5 0.0 0.0 5.0 33 0.3 0.0 -17.9
- - Non ferrous metals 149 0.7 0.3 17.3 440 3.3 1.2 56.6
Manufactures 19,173 86.9 1.4 23.4 10,745 80.7 0.6 13.3
- Iron and steel 106 0.5 0.2 12.1 183 1.4 0.5 -2.4
- Chemicals 787 3.6 0.3 24.2 2,926 22.0 0.6 23.4
- - of which Pharmaceuticals 47 0.2 0.1 -14.9 1,191 9.0 0.5 28.4
- Other semi-manufactures 1,471 6.7 1.4 23.5 948 7.1 0.7 15.8
- Machinery and transport equipment 13,058 59.2 1.9 25.0 5,377 40.4 0.7 9.1
- - Office and telecommunication equipment 6,937 31.5 2.9 21.6 909 6.8 0.9 11.2
- - - Electronic data processing and office equipment 3,443 15.6 4.1 21.0 63 0.5 0.2 -14.9
- - - Telecommunications equipment 1,602 7.3 1.5 -4.8 271 2.0 0.7 1.5
- - - Integrated circuits and electronic components 1,892 8.6 3.7 61.1 574 4.3 1.8 20.7
- - Transport equipment 2,085 9.5 1.4 42.6 1,333 10.0 0.4 48.8
- - - of which Automotive products 959 4.4 1.1 35.5 702 5.3 0.3 36.1
- - Other machinery 4,037 18.3 1.5 23.2 3,110 23.4 0.8 -1.8
- - - Power generating machinery 268 1.2 0.7 36.6 456 3.4 1.0 12.7
- - - Non electrical machinery 2,111 9.6 1.9 19.2 1,880 14.1 0.7 -8.5
- - - Electrical machinery 1,658 7.5 1.3 26.6 774 5.8 0.7 9.4
- Textiles 172 0.8 0.6 4.8 130 1.0 0.6 33.4
- Clothing 966 4.4 1.2 34.9 75 0.6 0.2 4.7
- Other manufactures 2,612 11.8 1.3 13.9 1,106 8.3 0.5 9.7
- - of which Scientific and controlling instruments 458 2.1 0.9 31.6 521 3.9 0.7 5.8
Other products 63 0.3 0.2 -5.7 164 1.2 0.3 -3.7
Other 64 0.3 n.a. n.a. 307 2.3 n.a. n.a.

% Growth: relative variation between current and previous period

% Total: Share in Total: Total defined as all products
% Extra-EU: imports/exports as % of all EU partners i.e. excluding trade between EU Member States

02-08-2022 4 Units R4 / A3
European Directorate-General
Commission for Trade

European Union, Trade with Thailand

Trade flows by SITC section 2018 - 2021 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Imports Exports
Value Mio € Value Mio €
2018 2019 2020 2021 2018 2019 2020 2021
Total 19,636 19,685 17,939 22,052 13,500 13,552 11,423 13,310
0 Food and live animals 1,693 1,674 1,543 1,675 676 789 749 800
1 Beverages and tobacco 32 29 32 38 76 78 61 61
2 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 659 703 567 877 440 522 432 662
3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 1 1 5 5 38 36 45 108
4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes 12 6 8 7 27 24 22 25
5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 652 649 634 787 2,329 2,463 2,372 2,926
6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 1,990 1,990 1,578 1,899 1,828 1,692 1,385 1,701
7 Machinery and transport equipment 11,226 11,225 10,443 13,058 6,262 6,254 4,928 5,377
8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 3,175 3,255 3,008 3,578 1,319 1,291 1,093 1,193
9 Commodities and transactions n.c.e. 119 81 67 62 229 246 156 151
Other 76 73 54 64 277 156 180 307

Trade flows by SITC product grouping 2018 - 2021 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Imports Exports
Value Mio € Value Mio €
SITC Rev. 4 Product Groups 2018 2019 2020 2021 2018 2019 2020 2021
Total 19,636 19,685 17,939 22,052 13,500 13,552 11,423 13,310
Primary products 2,514 2,542 2,282 2,751 1,530 1,693 1,590 2,095
- Agricultural products (Food (incl. Fish) & Raw Materials) 2,347 2,371 2,113 2,556 1,169 1,350 1,133 1,372
- - Food 1,744 1,715 1,589 1,728 781 895 836 887
- - - of which Fish 271 238 198 192 44 35 31 26
- - - Other food products and live animals 1,473 1,477 1,391 1,536 736 860 805 861
- - Raw materials 603 656 524 828 388 455 298 485
- Fuels and mining products 168 171 169 196 361 343 457 723
- - Ores and other minerals 50 42 37 41 50 64 131 175
- - Fuels 1 1 5 5 38 36 45 108
- - - of which Petroleum and petroleum products 1 1 5 5 32 31 40 33
- - Non ferrous metals 116 128 127 149 272 243 281 440
Manufactures 16,926 16,987 15,536 19,173 11,451 11,441 9,483 10,745
- Iron and steel 126 112 95 106 209 220 187 183
- Chemicals 652 649 634 787 2,329 2,463 2,372 2,926
- - of which Pharmaceuticals 46 56 55 47 784 881 928 1,191
- Other semi-manufactures 1,526 1,558 1,191 1,471 1,197 1,101 819 948
- Machinery and transport equipment 11,226 11,225 10,443 13,058 6,262 6,254 4,928 5,377
- - Office and telecommunication equipment 6,219 5,937 5,704 6,937 879 950 817 909
- - - Electronic data processing and office equipment 2,888 2,869 2,847 3,443 80 73 74 63
- - - Telecommunications equipment 1,779 1,809 1,683 1,602 296 347 267 271
- - - Integrated circuits and electronic components 1,552 1,259 1,174 1,892 503 531 476 574
- - Transport equipment 1,653 1,813 1,462 2,085 1,933 1,837 896 1,333
- - - of which Automotive products 1,091 1,142 707 959 741 710 515 702
- - Other machinery 3,354 3,475 3,277 4,037 3,392 3,402 3,167 3,110
- - - Power generating machinery 213 210 196 268 515 459 405 456
- - - Non electrical machinery 1,681 1,893 1,772 2,111 2,083 2,110 2,055 1,880
- - - Electrical machinery 1,460 1,372 1,309 1,658 794 834 708 774
- Textiles 222 192 165 172 135 128 97 130
- Clothing 642 647 716 966 101 118 71 75
- Other manufactures 2,533 2,606 2,292 2,612 1,199 1,156 1,008 1,106
- - of which Scientific and controlling instruments 369 376 348 458 524 545 492 521
Other products 119 83 67 63 243 262 170 164
Other 76 73 54 64 277 156 180 307

02-08-2022 5 Units R4 / A3
European Directorate-General
Commission for Trade

European Union, Trade with Thailand

Trade flows by HS section 2021 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Imports Exports
HS Sections Value Mio € % Total % Extra-EU % Growth Value Mio € % Total % Extra-EU % Growth
I Live animals; animal products 203 0.9 0.7 -7.6 285 2.1 0.7 24.4
II Vegetable products 373 1.7 0.6 -2.2 161 1.2 0.4 -8.8
III Animal or vegetable fats and oils 7 0.0 0.1 -12.0 27 0.2 0.3 36.5
IV Foodstuffs, beverages, tobacco 1,250 5.7 2.6 16.1 497 3.7 0.5 5.6
V Mineral products 14 0.1 0.0 13.0 129 1.0 0.1 102.7
VI Products of the chemical or allied industries 410 1.9 0.2 24.4 2,574 19.3 0.6 23.9
VII Plastics, rubber and articles thereof 2,418 11.0 3.0 46.3 700 5.3 0.7 13.5
VIII Raw hides and skins, and saddlery 82 0.4 0.7 10.7 374 2.8 1.7 68.5
IX Wood, charcoal and cork and articles thereof 24 0.1 0.2 27.6 26 0.2 0.1 19.4
X Pulp of wood, paper and paperboard 41 0.2 0.2 -19.1 286 2.1 0.8 30.8
XI Textiles and textile articles 620 2.8 0.6 4.3 209 1.6 0.4 23.0
XII Footwear, hats and other headgear 132 0.6 0.6 17.1 28 0.2 0.2 30.5
XIII Articles of stone, glass and ceramics 224 1.0 1.3 39.3 152 1.1 0.6 9.8
XIV Pearls, precious metals and articles thereof 1,077 4.9 1.8 2.1 496 3.7 1.0 31.8
XV Base metals and articles thereof 551 2.5 0.4 18.7 859 6.5 0.7 24.8
XVI Machinery and appliances 11,312 51.3 2.1 22.1 4,175 31.4 0.8 1.4
XVII Transport equipment 1,885 8.5 1.3 46.2 1,143 8.6 0.4 52.2
XVIII Optical and photographic instruments, etc. 1,033 4.7 1.3 22.3 711 5.3 0.6 1.2
XIX Arms and ammunition 1 0.0 0.1 1370.9 13 0.1 0.3 -21.7
XX Miscellaneous manufactured articles 287 1.3 0.5 21.3 99 0.7 0.2 13.5
XXI Works of art and antiques 3 0.0 0.1 42.6 3 0.0 0.1 2.8
XXII Not classified 104 0.5 0.6 22.7 364 2.7 1.6 54.6

AMA / NAMA Product Groups

Total 22,052 100.0 1.0 22.9 13,310 100.0 0.6 16.5
Agricultural products (WTO AoA) 1,670 7.6 0.1 10.3 1,222 9.2 0.1 19.9
Fishery products 197 0.9 0.0 -2.6 31 0.2 0.0 -13.4
Industrial products 20,185 91.5 1.0 24.4 12,058 90.6 0.6 16.3

% Growth: relative variation between current and previous period

% Total: Share in Total: Total defined as all products
% Extra-EU: imports/exports as % of all EU partners i.e. excluding trade between EU Member States

02-08-2022 6 Units R4 / A3
European Directorate-General
Commission for Trade

European Union, Trade with Thailand

Trade flows by HS section 2018 - 2021 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Imports Exports
HS Sections Value Mio € Value Mio €
2018 2019 2020 2021 2018 2019 2020 2021
Total 19,636 19,685 17,939 22,052 13,500 13,552 11,423 13,310
I Live animals; animal products 391 316 220 203 216 240 229 285
II Vegetable products 358 383 381 373 107 195 176 161
III Animal or vegetable fats and oils 13 7 8 7 27 22 20 27
IV Foodstuffs, beverages, tobacco 1,081 1,108 1,076 1,250 477 486 471 497
V Mineral products 12 11 12 14 69 62 64 129
VI Products of the chemical or allied industries 368 333 329 410 1,980 2,141 2,079 2,574
VII Plastics, rubber and articles thereof 1,583 1,776 1,654 2,418 687 712 617 700
VIII Raw hides and skins, and saddlery 129 112 74 82 283 347 222 374
IX Wood, charcoal and cork and articles thereof 26 27 19 24 30 25 22 26
X Pulp of wood, paper and paperboard 72 57 51 41 308 280 218 286
XI Textiles and textile articles 699 686 595 620 248 251 170 209
XII Footwear, hats and other headgear 140 142 113 132 25 25 22 28
XIII Articles of stone, glass and ceramics 167 182 161 224 182 154 139 152
XIV Pearls, precious metals and articles thereof 1,427 1,276 1,056 1,077 708 484 377 496
XV Base metals and articles thereof 567 553 464 551 666 699 688 859
XVI Machinery and appliances 9,851 9,771 9,268 11,312 4,497 4,522 4,116 4,175
XVII Transport equipment 1,475 1,611 1,290 1,885 1,743 1,744 751 1,143
XVIII Optical and photographic instruments, etc. 897 947 844 1,033 767 808 703 711
XIX Arms and ammunition 0 2 0 1 27 22 16 13
XX Miscellaneous manufactured articles 258 263 237 287 115 110 87 99
XXI Works of art and antiques 3 3 2 3 4 4 3 3
XXII Not classified 121 119 85 104 334 219 235 364

AMA / NAMA Product Groups 2018 2019 2020 2021 2018 2019 2020 2021
Total 19,636 19,685 17,939 22,052 13,500 13,552 11,423 13,310
Agricultural products (WTO AoA) 1,613 1,617 1,514 1,670 991 1,169 1,019 1,222
Fishery products 276 243 202 197 48 40 35 31
Industrial products 17,747 17,826 16,223 20,185 12,462 12,342 10,369 12,058

02-08-2022 7 Units R4 / A3
European Directorate-General
Commission for Trade

Thailand, Trade with World

Total Goods: Trade flows and balance Source IMF

Period Imports Exports Balance Total trade

Value Mio € % Growth Value Mio € % Growth Value Mio € % Growth Value Mio € % Growth
2011 164,578 158,191 -6,386 322,769
2012 194,936 18.5 176,957 11.9 -17,978 181.5 371,893 15.2
2013 187,920 -3.6 168,991 -4.5 -18,929 5.3 356,911 -4.0
2014 171,543 -8.7 169,134 0.1 -2,409 -87.3 340,677 -4.6
2015 181,875 6.0 189,892 12.3 8,017 -432.8 371,767 9.1
2016 176,261 -3.1 193,118 1.7 16,857 110.3 369,378 -0.6
2017 198,024 12.4 208,839 8.1 10,815 -35.8 406,862 10.2
2018 211,154 6.6 212,199 1.6 1,045 -90.3 423,353 4.1
2019 213,420 1.1 219,178 3.3 5,758 451.1 432,598 2.2
2020 181,310 -15.1 200,715 -8.4 19,405 237.0 382,024 -11.7
2021 225,512 24.4 225,156 12.2 -356 -101.8 450,668 18.0

Total Goods: Top trading partners 2021 Source IMF

Imports Exports Total trade

Partner Value Mio € % World Partner Value Mio € % World Partner Value Mio € % World
World 225,512 100.0 World 225,156 100.0 World 450,668 100.0
1 China 56,121 24.9 1 USA 34,734 15.4 1 China 87,054 19.3
2 Japan 30,084 13.3 2 China 30,932 13.7 2 Japan 50,869 11.3
3 EU27 15,200 6.7 3 Japan 20,786 9.2 3 USA 46,892 10.4
4 USA 12,158 5.4 4 EU27 17,765 7.9 4 EU27 32,965 7.3
5 Malaysia 10,133 4.5 5 Vietnam 10,426 4.6 5 Malaysia 20,164 4.5
6 Taiwan 8,862 3.9 6 Malaysia 10,031 4.5 6 Vietnam 16,278 3.6
7 South Korea 8,365 3.7 7 Hong Kong 9,636 4.3 7 Australia 14,426 3.2
8 United Arab Emi... 8,027 3.6 8 Australia 9,065 4.0 8 Indonesia 14,221 3.2
9 Indonesia 6,849 3.0 9 Singapore 7,494 3.3 9 Singapore 13,702 3.0
10 Singapore 6,209 2.8 10 Indonesia 7,371 3.3 10 South Korea 13,257 2.9
--- --- ---
3 EU27 15,200 6.7 4 EU27 17,765 7.9 4 EU27 32,965 7.3

World trade: excluding intra-region trade

Top partners: excluding region member states
% Growth: relative variation between current and previous period

02-08-2022 8 Units R4 / A3
European Directorate-General
Commission for Trade

European Union, Trade with World

Total Goods: Trade flows and balance Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Period Imports Exports Balance Total trade

Value Mio € % Growth Value Mio € % Growth Value Mio € % Growth Value Mio € % Growth
2011 1,666,127 1,624,461 -41,666 3,290,588
2012 1,702,498 2.2 1,770,880 9.0 68,382 3,473,377 5.6
2013 1,630,802 -4.2 1,780,148 0.5 149,347 118.4 3,410,950 -1.8
2014 1,625,426 -0.3 1,796,802 0.9 171,376 14.8 3,422,229 0.3
2015 1,648,068 1.4 1,876,328 4.4 228,260 33.2 3,524,397 3.0
2016 1,602,470 -2.8 1,866,813 -0.5 264,343 15.8 3,469,283 -1.6
2017 1,772,081 10.6 1,994,261 6.8 222,179 -16.0 3,766,342 8.6
2018 1,912,117 7.9 2,059,767 3.3 147,650 -33.5 3,971,884 5.5
2019 1,940,850 1.5 2,131,980 3.5 191,129 29.5 4,072,830 2.5
2020 1,717,232 -11.5 1,932,983 -9.3 215,751 12.9 3,650,214 -10.4
2021 2,118,094 23.3 2,181,023 12.8 62,929 -70.8 4,299,117 17.8

Total Goods: Top trading partners 2021 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Imports Exports Total trade

Partner Value Mio € % Extra-EU Partner Value Mio € % Extra-EU Partner Value Mio € % Extra-EU
World 2,118,094 100.0 World 2,181,023 100.0 World 4,299,117 100.0
1 China 472,762 22.3 1 USA 399,616 18.3 1 China 696,332 16.2
2 USA 232,549 11.0 2 United Kingdom 283,632 13.0 2 USA 632,166 14.7
3 Russia 162,542 7.7 3 China 223,571 10.3 3 United Kingdom 430,580 10.0
4 United Kingdom 146,948 6.9 4 Switzerland 156,470 7.2 4 Switzerland 280,195 6.5
5 Switzerland 123,725 5.8 5 Russia 89,272 4.1 5 Russia 251,814 5.9
6 Turkey 77,963 3.7 6 Turkey 79,266 3.6 6 Turkey 157,229 3.7
7 Norway 74,603 3.5 7 Japan 62,355 2.9 7 Norway 131,153 3.1
8 Japan 62,273 2.9 8 Norway 56,550 2.6 8 Japan 124,627 2.9
9 South Korea 55,431 2.6 9 South Korea 51,830 2.4 9 South Korea 107,262 2.5
10 India 46,145 2.2 10 India 41,845 1.9 10 India 87,990 2.0
--- --- ---
19 Thailand 22,052 1.0 26 Thailand 13,310 0.6 25 Thailand 35,362 0.8

Total Goods: Top product sections 2021 Source Eurostat Comext - Statistical regime 4

Rank Imports Exports

Product Value Mio € % Extra-EU Product Value Mio € % Extra-EU
HS Sections HS Sections
1 XVI Machinery and appliances 526,606 24.9 XVI Machinery and appliances 530,450 24.3
2 V Mineral products 424,417 20.0 VI Products of the chemical or allied in... 405,985 18.6
3 VI Products of the chemical or allied in... 237,014 11.2 XVII Transport equipment 301,088 13.8
4 XV Base metals and articles thereof 146,049 6.9 XV Base metals and articles thereof 124,765 5.7
5 XVII Transport equipment 144,107 6.8 V Mineral products 113,324 5.2

SITC Sections SITC Sections

1 7 Machinery and transport equipment 671,481 31.7 7 Machinery and transport equipment 832,852 38.2
2 3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related... 386,168 18.2 5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 456,113 20.9
3 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 286,482 13.5 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 256,930 11.8
4 5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s. 270,694 12.8 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly... 239,721 11.0
5 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly... 238,365 11.3 0 Food and live animals 135,748 6.2

% Extra-EU: imports/exports as % of all EU partners i.e. excluding trade between EU Member States
% Growth: relative variation between current and previous period

02-08-2022 9 Units R4 / A3
European Directorate-General
Commission for Trade

Methodological Notes
HS Sections (Harmonized System)
Section HS range Label Section HS range Label
I Ch. 01 - 05 Live animals; animal products XII Ch. 64 - 67 Footwear, hats and other headgear
II Ch. 06 - 14 Vegetable products XIII Ch. 68 - 70 Articles of stone, glass and ceramics
III Ch. 15 Animal or vegetable fats and oils XIV Ch. 71 Pearls, precious metals and articles thereof
IV Ch. 16 - 24 Foodstuffs, beverages, tobacco XV Ch. 72 - 83 Base metals and articles thereof
V Ch. 25 - 27 Mineral products XVI Ch. 84 - 85 Machinery and appliances
VI Ch. 28 - 38 Products of the chemical or allied industries XVII Ch. 86 - 89 Transport equipment
VII Ch. 39 - 40 Plastics, rubber and articles thereof XVIII Ch. 90 - 92 Optical and photographic instruments, etc.
VIII Ch. 41 - 43 Raw hides and skins, and saddlery XIX Ch. 93 Arms and ammunition
IX Ch. 44 - 46 Wood, charcoal and cork and articles thereof XX Ch. 94 - 96 Miscellaneous manufactured articles
X Ch. 47 - 49 Pulp of wood, paper and paperboard XXI Ch. 97 Works of art and antiques
XI Ch. 50 - 63 Textiles and textile articles XXII Not classified

SITC Sections
Section label Section label
Total S5 Chemicals and related prod, n.e.s.
S0 Food and live animals S6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material
S1 Beverages and tobacco S7 Machinery and transport equipment
S2 Crude materials, inedible, except fuels S8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles
S3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials S9 Commodities and transactions n.c.e.
S4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes Oth. Other

SITC (rev 4.) Product Groupings

Label SITC codes Label SITC codes
Primary products 0,1,2,3,4,68 - Machinery and transport equipment 7
- Agricultural products (Food (incl. Fish) & Raw 0,1,2,4,excl.27,excl.28 - - Office and telecommunication equipment 75,76,776
- - Food 0,1,22,4 - - - Electronic data processing and office equipment 75
- - - Fish 03 - - - Telecommunications equipment 76
- - - Other food products and live animals 0,1,22,4,excl.03 - - - Integrated circuits and electronic components 776
- - Raw materials 21,23,24,25,26,29 - - Transport equipment 713,7783,78,79
- Fuels and mining products 27,28,3,68 - - - Automotive products 7132,7783,781,782,783,784
- - Ores and other minerals 27,28 - - - Other transport equipment 713,785,786,79,excl.7132
- - Fuels 3 - - Other machinery 71,72,73,74,77,excl.713,excl.
- - - Petroleum and petroleum products 33 - - - Power generating machinery 71,excl.713
- - - Other fuels 3,excl.33 - - - Non electrical machinery 72,73,74
- - Non ferrous metals 68 - - - Electrical machinery 77,excl.776,excl.7783
Manufactures 5,6,7,8,excl.68,excl. - Textiles 65
- Iron and steel 67 - Clothing 84
- Chemicals 5 - Other manufactures 81,82,83,85,87,88,89,excl.
- - Pharmaceuticals 54 - - Personal and household goods 82,83,85
- - Plastics 57,58 - - Scientific and controlling instruments 87
- - Other chemicals 51,52,53,55,56,59 - - Miscellaneous manufactures 81,88,89,excl.891
- Other semi-manufactures 61,62,63,64,66,69 Other products 891,9
Other Total minus sum of other

Statistical Regime
Statistical Regime 4: Total trade including inward and outward processing

02-08-2022 10 Units R4 / A3

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