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The media plays an indispensable role in the proper functioning of a democracy.

democratic society thrives on open dialogue and the free exchange of ideas. Media, in its
purest form, acts as a conduit through which essential information flows freely to the masses
and empowers them to form their own opinions and make informed decisions.

However, when the media is swayed by vested interests or sensationalism, it can resort to
selective reporting that can create a fragmented narrative, clouding the truth and hindering
the public's ability to form independent judgments. Moreover, many media houses are
funded by various political parties which results in one-sided reporting that conveys the
position of a favoured party or candidate without reporting alternative positions.Such
practices erode trust in media institutions and compromise the integrity of information.

Besides, the evolving landscape of media, including social platforms and digital news
sources, necessitates heightened responsibility. This is because misinformation easily
spreads across these platforms that can sow seeds of discord and polarize societies, if not
countered with factual, unbiased, and accurate reporting.

Thus, the media's foremost duty is to shed light on matters of public interest without
prejudice or manipulation. Informing the public through unbiased reporting would cultivate an
environment where individuals can form their own opinions based on accurate information. If
anything, the media should offer a spectrum of opinions rooted in factual information. This
would enable healthy discourse and encourage a well-rounded understanding of complex
issues, fostering a society built on understanding rather than division.

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