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Lesson’s Answer 1 pt


1 Topic (50 words)

Some difficulties of living in a big city or well challenges are that they tend to have too much population which would imply that
there would be a lot of traffic, a higher rate of crashes, that the places are either very far from your house or very close, such as
shopping centers, restaurants, etc. The positive thing about a big city is that no one knows you, you have basic services available
quickly, we have large and varied shopping centers, the negative thing is the traffic, greater pollution, overpopulation...
The experiences we have had as a family, is that since I live far from my friends, it is more likely that I am having to go to places
far away that are close to them, at certain times of the day there is traffic. And if I would accept a job in a big city, since it would
have skyscrapers and beautiful views that I really like, personally I would accept it since even if it had a lot of population it would
still take time to go somewhere because of the traffic.
8 Thinking Critically (100 words)
What I like most about big cities is that they have attractions, amusement parks, water parks, hills and meeting
many more people. The city in which I would like to study would be Toronto, Canada since the Niagara Falls are
nearby and the views are beautiful. It is also a cold place with very low temperatures and I love the cold. In
order for a big city to have a good quality of life, there are not so many companies taking out waste and staining
the air we breathe, pollution is much higher than in small cities, we would tend to have more bridges and better
quality of management so that the streets during rush hour do not have so much traffic. YES I would choose a
big city to work since the jobs would be bigger, that is, they would have more diversity of jobs, and I would also
like to raise my family, so that they can meet all kinds of people, and it would be fun to go for a walk to any mall
near or far.. It would be better to expand overpopulated cities, for the reason that if you expand a city the
companies stay in place, the contamination would perhaps become less and what tells you that the small cities
will no longer be small and will become big, to my it is better to expand them.

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