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DIDACTIC SEQUENCE NO. 1 Zero Conditional.
Students will be able to express a result in the present by using the zero conditional.
Disciplinary: 10. The student identifies and interprets the general idea and the possible
oral and written message development in a second language by drawing upon
previous knowledge, non-verbal elements and cultural context.
11. The student communicates in a foreign language through a logical
speech, oral or written, consistent with the communicative situation.
12. The student uses the information and communication technologies to
search, solve problems, produce materials and transmit information.
Generic: 4.1 The student expresses ideas and concepts through linguistic, mathematical
or graphic representations.
4.2 The student communicates in a second language in dairy situations. 5.1
The student follows instructions and procedures in a reflexive way,
comprehending how each of the steps contributes to the scope of a goal.
5.6 The student uses the information and communication technologies to process
and interpret information.
8.3 The student assumes a constructive attitude consistent with the knowledge
he/she has within different work teams.
Opening Development Closing
Students answer 2 Students take notes about the teacher’s Students write their own sentences
questions to introduce explanation and answer the activities 2, 3 using the Zero Conditional.
the topic. and 4 correctly.
Learning evidence Students take notes in their notebooks and solve some exercises (notebook and book).
They invent their own sentences using the structure learned in the sequence.

Activity 1. Individual work. Answer the following questions in your notebook:
1. What happens if you heat an ice cube? 2. What do you do when you feel stressed or angry?

Analyze the following information:




The result of the condition is always or usually true if the condition is met.

The ZERO CONDITIONAL is used to talk about:

FACTS: If you heat water at 100°C, it boils

INSTRUCTIONS: If you click here, a new window appears.
OPINIONS: If you like jigsaw puzzles, this is one of the best.
ABOUT ME: If I have a toothache, I go to the dentist.
Watch this video about the ZERO CONDITIONAL:

Activity 2. Pair work. Match both columns:

A) If you press this button, ____ I am late for my class.

B) If I don’t practice the piano every evening, ____ it runs away!
C) If we take our dog to the park, _A)_ the machine stops.
D) If you heat ice, ____ you fail the subject.
E) If I miss the 8 o’clock train, ____ my boss gets angry.
F) If you don’t study for the exam, ____ it melts.
G) If I arrive late for work, ____ I forget how to play it.

Activity 3. Pair work. Put in order the words and make a sentence with the zero conditional:

Activity 5. Individual work. Look at the pictures and write a sentence using the zero conditional in
your notebook.

DIDACTIC SEQUENCE NO. 2 Future Will (affirmative and negative).
Students will be able to use the future WILL in affirmative and negative forms to write
about future plans and predictions.
Disciplinary: 10. The student identifies and interprets the general idea and the possible
oral and written message development in a second language by drawing upon
previous knowledge, non-verbal elements and cultural context.
11. The student communicates in a foreign language through a logical
speech, oral or written, consistent with the communicative situation.
12. The student uses the information and communication technologies to
search, solve problems, produce materials and transmit information.
Generic: 4.1 The student expresses ideas and concepts through linguistic, mathematical
or graphic representations.
4.2 The student communicates in a second language in dairy situations. 5.1
The student follows instructions and procedures in a reflexive way,
comprehending how each of the steps contributes to the scope of a goal.
5.6 The student uses the information and communication technologies to process
and interpret information.
8.3 The student assumes a constructive attitude consistent with the knowledge
he/she has within different work teams.
Opening Development Closing
Students make a mind Students take notes about teacher’s Students write their own sentences
map about future plans. explanation and answer the exercises using the Future ‘will’ affirmative
correctly individually and/or pairs. and negative words.

Students take notes in their notebooks and solve some exercises (notebook and book).
Learning evidence They write their own sentences using the structure learners in the unit.

Activity 1. Individual work. Mind map your future plans.

Future plans


How do we use the Future Simple tense?

a) No Plan (cuando no hay un plan, algo planeado)

We use the Future Simple tense when there is no plan or decision to do something before we speak.
We make the decision spontaneously at the time of speaking.

Look at these examples:

Hold on. I'll get a pen.
We will see what we can do to help you.
Maybe we'll stay in and watch television tonight.

b) Prediction (Cuando vamos a hacer una predicción)

We often use the Future Simple tense to make a prediction about the future. Again, there is no
firm plan. We are saying what we think will happen.
Here are some examples:
It will rain tomorrow.
People won't go to Jupiter before the 22nd century. Who do you think
will get the job?

Affirmative sentences with WILL
Subject + will + verb in base form + complement

We will walk to school tomorrow.
He will be in the office next week.
They will play tennis this afternoon.

Negative Sentences with WILL

In the negative, we add NOT to the end of WILL and not to the main
verb. (= will not) Subject + will + not + verb in base
form + complement

I will not be in the office
They will not watch TV here.
It will not rain next Monday.


It is possible to use contractions in both positive and negative sentences.

Activity 2. Pair work. Order the sentences.

1. this year / probably /won’t / in Guadalajara/ I / go to the festival

_I probably won’t go to the festival in Guadalajara this year. _____________________
2. definitely / I / take my grandmother /won’t /to the rock concert
3. think / I / because it’s faster /go to Madrid by train/ I’ll
4. I’ll / soon /buy a new bike / probably
5. don’ t / because I can’t swim /think/have a swimming pool /I/ I’ll
6. when I’m older /imagine that /I’ll / I / continue to live in Spain
7. and make lots of money /hope / I/be a famous rock star / I’ll
8. hope / I / I /have a boring job/ won’t
9. definitely /big birthday party /I’ll /have a /

Activity 3. Individual work. Write 5 sentences about what you will do when you finish to study at
CECyTE, in your notebook.

Activity 4. Individual work. Change the sentences into the negative form.

DIDACTIC SEQUENCE NO. 3 Future Will (question form).
Students will be able to use the future will in question form to make questions about future
plans and predictions.
Disciplinary: 10. The student identifies and interprets the general idea and the possible
oral and written message development in a second language by drawing upon
previous knowledge, non-verbal elements and cultural context.
11. The student communicates in a foreign language through a logical
speech, oral or written, consistent with the communicative situation.
12. The student uses the information and communication technologies to
search, solve problems, produce materials and transmit information.
Generic: 4.1 The student expresses ideas and concepts through linguistic, mathematical
or graphic representations.
4.2 The student communicates in a second language in dairy situations. 5.1
The student follows instructions and procedures in a reflexive way,
comprehending how each of the steps contributes to the scope of a goal.
5.6 The student uses the information and communication technologies to process
and interpret information.
8.3 The student assumes a constructive attitude consistent with the knowledge
he/she has within different work teams.
Opening Development Closing
Students write sentences Students take notes bout teacher’s Students play “Find someone
about their future plans explanation and answer the exercises who…” to practice the question
using the pictures. correctly individually and/or in pairs. form orally and write an interview
for the teacher.

Students take notes in their notebooks and solve some exercises (notebook and book).
Learning evidence They make a survey and an interview using the future WILL.

Activity 1. Individual work. Look at the pictures and write sentences about your future plans using
WILL or WON’T, in your notebook.

Travel Work

Get married Have children


To form a question using WILL, we reverse the order of the subject and WILL:


Will they win the

- Yes, they will.
- No, they won't.

Will you tell him the truth?

Will she get angry? - Yes, I will.
- Yes, she will. - No, I won't.
- No, she won't.

*Nota: para la respuesta sólo puedes utilizar pronombres, no nombres:
Will Bill go to the cinema?
Yes, he will.
en la respuesta va HE en lugar de BILL Structure:
Will + pronoun + verb + complement + ?

Activity 2. Individual work. Answer the following questions.

1. Will you go to the university next year? 2. Will you get marrien in 7 years?

3. Will it be stormy tomorrow? 4. Will your mom cook spaghetti


5. Will your best friend study English next year? 6. Will your brother play video games tonight?

Activity 3. Pair work. Rewrite the sentences into interrogative then give a short answer. Look at the

You will paint the walls of his house tomorrow. (yes) __ Will you paint the walls of his house ____
Yes, I will.

The doctor will examine you. (no) _Will the doctor examine you? __________________________
(he) No, he won’t.
1. My mother will cook dinner tonight. (yes) ___________________________________________

2. You will stay home next weekend. (yes) _____________________________________________

3. Dad will change his e-mail address. (no) ____________________________________________


4. Jill and Grace will watch TV. (yes) _________________________________________________


Activity 4. Mingle class. Play FIND SOMEONE WHO…
Go around the classroom asking questions to your classmates until you find someone who answers
affirmatively, you may ask additional questions and fill in the ADITIONAL INFORMATION space.


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