Field Measurements Lab

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Ali Nabil
Ali Karim
Ihab salah
Gaith riadh
Jawad adel
Field measurements Lab
Muhammed talha
Morning Study-A-
Supervised by:
Muhammad abdullah
2024-02- 04
Field measurements Lab

Fluid samples taken to a laboratory provide the only way to study
volumetric behavior and chemical properties of formation fluids.
Objective of a Pressure-Volume-Temperature (PVT) study is to
determine the physical and chemical fluid characteristics to predict its
behavior versus pressure and temperature changes. A PVT study is
used to evaluate the hydrocarbon in place at surface conditions,
simulate the reservoir fluid behavior during all production processes,
and build a production profile associated with a development plan.

Standard PVT Package:

testing capabilities offers a series of standard testing for Reservoir
Fluid Studies. This package includes the following:
• Quality check of the bottomhole and separator fluid samples
• Physical recombination of separator oil and separator gas samples
• Compositional analysis of oil and gas samples
• Separator tests
• Single-stage separator tests
• Constant composition expansion (CCE)
• Constant volume depletion (CVD)
• Differential liberation expansion (DLE)
• Multi-stage separator tests
• Separator optimization studies
• Viscosity measurements
• Real-world reservoir conditions—up to 400 oF and 15,000 psi pressure

Field measurements Lab

Advanced PVT Packag:

To design a successful miscible gas injection project, one must
understand the mechanisms by which the injected gas displaces oil in
the porous medium. There are two major variations in this process:
First contact miscibility (FCM) process and Multiple contact miscibility
(MCM) process.
testing capabilities offers a series of advanced PVT testing to study
miscibility mechanisms in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) by gas
injection. This package includes the following:
• Swelling tests (P-x diagram)
• Multiple contact tests
• Rising Bubble Apparatus (RBA)
• Slimtube experiments
• Interfacial tension measurements

Field measurements Lab

Field measurements Lab

Equation of States (EOS) Modelling and Characterization:

PVT laboratory measurements are made on only a small portion of
the composition path encountered throughout the displacement,
whereas an EOS can be used to predict behavior for the entire
composition path and pressure range of the process. The accuracy of
any EOS model depends on the quality of the laboratory PVT data and
procedures used to obtain the EOS parameters.

The EOS characterization and modeling of fluid phase behavior in the

P-V-μ envelope at reservoir temperature is mostly determined by
matching the PVT data from the Standard PVT Package, while the EOS
characterization and modeling of fluid phase behavior in the entire (P
–V – T – μ – zi – Ki – σgo) envelope requires PVT data from the
Advanced PVT Package.

software capabilities offers advanced EOS modelling and

characterization for compositional reservoir simulation purposes.

Field measurements Lab

• © 2021 Texas OilTech Laboratories, LP

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