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Promotional Media Culture and Celebrity pt2

Notes On Rojek’s Reading:

 Supply side accounts question the common sense assumption that social encounters between
achieved celebrities, celetoids and audiences
 Cultural intermediaries refer to Business managers, Speech coaches, Body stylists, Public
Relations experts, Dieticians and Security staff who manage encounters between celebrities and
the public
 Demand Account – Emotional Gap, Replacement of Religion, Hero Worship

Cleaning Advert – Now:

1) Landry Detergent
2) See people enjoying it first
3) Lanor
4) More diverse so targeted at adults both male and female
5) Lanor is clean and fresh. You can see the adults being happy with the smell of the sheets
6) A man running away with the sheets at the end. The advert has a bed in the middle of a field so
it grabs your attention
7) Happy upbeat music, actors are enthusiastic about the product
8) There are multiple people trying out the fresh sheets on the bed and taking in the smell of what
Lanor can do for your wash

Cleaning Advert – 1950’S:

1) Landry Detergent
2) Product is seen straight away with a woman holding it
3) Tide
4) Women are targeted
5) Cleanest, Brightest wash so it’s all about the practicality of what the product can do
6) Saturated so less attraction as it is just a poster with positive quotations on there to try and grab
your attention
7) No soundtrack as it’s just a print advertisement
8) There is just a woman holding the product and the advertisement is almost saying that it is a
woman’s job to do the washing

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