Start of Year Getting To Know Activities

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Assumptions About My Teacher

What is my favourite grade?

What is my favourite food?

What is my favourite colour?

What is my favourite flavour of ice


What is my favourite subject to


What is my biggest fear?

What month is my birthday?

What is my favourite season?

Am I morning or night person

How many siblings do I have?

Do I have any pets?

What is my favourite genre of


What is my favourite genre of


What is something you learned

we have in common?

Classmate Bingo!
Have a classmate sign their name in one box that applies to them


Has the same Brushed their

birth month as Can write their Was in my class teeth this
me name in cursive last year morning Plays a sport

Is wearing the
same colour as Went on plane Plays an Has the same was not in my
me this summer instrument favourite colour class last year

Has the same FREE

Had the same hair colour as Is excited to be Went swimming
breakfast as you me in Grade 4 this summer

Read a book as Has the same Has the same

me read this number of number of pets Went camping Is excited to be
summer siblings as me as me this summer in Grade 5

Speaks more Has the same Had Has the same

than one coloured eyes watermelon this kind of shoes as Went to camp
language as me summer me this summer

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