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By McGuire Raines


FIREFLY/SERENITY Firefly/Serenity is about a crew that comes from a

variety of backgrounds to survive, fight, and
deliver justice amidst a cruel universe that is
controlled by the government.

Major issues

The show encourages people to consider major

themes like leadership, heroism, responsibility,
consequences, power, teamwork, trust, family,
gender, what it means to be civilized, ethics,
respect, community, human rights, sacrifice, hope,
and faith/belief.

How it challenges viewers

It challenges us to think about these issues by

taking us out of the present and putting us into a
future world so that we can seek to put aside
bias mindsets.
“’I Aim to Misbehave’: Masculinities in the ‘Verse” by David Magill
3 one-sentence
Main Points Quote

Magill claims that gender is

1) Magill defines Mal’s code as “Whedon’s depiction of Mal ultimately
socially constructed and argues
taking care of your crew, suggests that the crisis among men is not
that Mal’s ethical manhood is
protecting the weak & needy, a crisis of masculinity but a reaction
the most effective in the way
and exercising lethal violence against masculinity’s unacknowledged
that he leads others. If
with restraint. (p. 80). links to power” (p. 79).
manhood is more than just the
2) Mal provides a stark contrast This is important to Magill’s argument
physical strength and the
to the Alliance and the Reavers, because it shows that masculinity is
unacknowledged link to power,
which illuminates his qualities. more than just the power that is linked
then the ethical code is what
(pp. 82-83). to position as the common role of men.
defines masculinity. This
3) Mal demonstrates how to lead It is primarily about having an ethical
encourages readers to rethink
by teaching his crew his code that lifts up the community around
what they see as being a man
masculinity that combines them.
and to seek out an ethical code
freedom with ethics. (p. 83).
that will allow them to support
the community around them.
“A Tale of Two Heroes” by Shanna Swendson
3 one-sentence
Main Points Quote

1) Shanna Swendon defines the “They’ve each faced their own Shanna Swendson shows how both Mal and
mythological hero as someone who is “Serenity Valley” of sorts, a time Simon measure up to a true mythological
on a mission, steps out of their when they were disappointed and hero and argues that though they have
comfort zone and faces danger to betrayed by something or someone some differences, their similarities qualify
complete that mission, and they believed in, and when they found them both as the heroes of the show. This
experiences forever transformation in out that they really were all alone in article speaks to what it means to be a
the process. (p. 67). the universe” (p. 72). This quote hero and a leader, which is very important
2) When faced with challenges both Mal highlights the similarity between Mal because the world needs these heroes and
and Simon react with sarcasm, and Simon, but more importantly, it leaders to give hope and support to the
stubbornness, and a hint of sets up the story for how they must communities around them. This article
recklessness to protect those they deal with these problems, thus challenges the idea that heroes and leaders
are responsible for and to accomplish developing their stories into ones always have a firm grip on their own lives
their goals. (p. 70). that are mythologically complete. It is because it shows how Mal and Simon were
3) Through Simon, Mal learns how to also important to readers because both in the process of making themselves
believe in something outside of most everyone can relate to a into better men throughout the series and
himself, and through Mal, Simon learns “Serenity Valley” in their own lives yet they manage to lead others, even
how to trust family again, which helps and hearing their stories can inspire before they become completely changed
him focus more on himself. (p. 77). people to make change possible. men.
“Girls, Guns, Gags: Why the Future Belongs to the
Funny” by Natalie Haynes
3 one-sentence
Main Points Quote

1) Haynes points out that the

ultimate gender-lever is not guns “Making someone laugh is Natalie compares Buffy the Vampire Slayer
or brains, but jokes. (p. 29). an exercise of power – for to Firefly and puts them into
2) She shows how women have just a second, you have conversation with other films to show
rarely been used for delivering total control over how Firefly creates a world in which
funny lines and how this is a someone else’s emotional men and women are equally funny and
serious problem because jokes state” (p. 34). This quote thus powerful. Laughter is one of the
make you like a character. (pp. 29- highlights the power of greatest joys in life, and it is important to
30). humor. At a glance, being acknowledge that both men and women
3) She argues that Firefly depicts a funny does not seem like a are capable of this great power. This
feminist world in which everyone display of power but it can article challenges readers to meditate on
gets to be funny, and even suggests stand head-to-head with the power of humor and rethink the way
that Zoe may be a greater feminist both physical and they view feminism, although they may
icon than Buffy (pp. 34-35). intellectual power. not agree with every point.
Faith/Belief Faith/belief matters because it provides the
foundation for an individual’s life and how they react
Why faith/belief matters & to the world around them. It provides a motivation
how it relates to my life for why someone does what they do. For me, it is
God’s gift of grace that enables me to have faith in
Him and His Word.

In the opening scene of “Serenity”, Mal prays The series circles back around to this theme
for God to deliver them from defeat (S1E1). in the movie Serenity with the death scene of
At this point, Mal merely believes in God Shepherd Book. With his dying words Book
because he sees it as a way of getting the tells Mal, “I don’t care what you believe. Just
things that he wants. Thus, Mal loses his faith believe. Whatever you…” (Serenity).
whenever God does not deliver him from his Everyone must choose something to believe
enemies. He does not realize that God uses in because some things just take faith to
our brokenness to draw us closer to Himself believe it is true. Everyone clings to some
and that “…for those who love God all things sort of absolute truth, which though there
work together for good, for those who are may be evidence, cannot be proven. So, they
called according to His purpose” (Romans must simply believe and that’s why belief is so
8:28 ESV). powerful.
Sacrifice matters because it is the highest form of
Sacrifice love. Sacrifice can mean laying down one’s life for
another, but it can also mean laying down time,
Why sacrifice matters & how it relates
effort, and/or even money. For me, I try to take up
to my life
my cross every day and sacrifice my time and
energy for those that I love and for my community
in general.

In “Out of Gas”, Mal not only stays

with the ship, but also endures a
In “Jaynestown”, a young boy sacrifices his life
bullet wound to the side as he
for Jayne, the “hero” of their town (S1E7).
seeks to save his crew (S1E8). This
Afterwards, Jayne tells Mal that it doesn’t make
determination to help his crew,
sense. This is what sacrificial love does. I see Examples
even when it means sacrificing his
this as a perfect example of what Christ did for
body physically and mentally, is
us in giving His life though we are sinful and
inspiring to me. This shows the
don’t deserve that love.
love that Mal has for his
While the show was cancelled in December of 2002
Why Firefly/Serenity Matters with the movie being released in 2005, Firefly/Serenity
continued to maintain a fanbase. This fanbase lives on
in part because the series highlights major issues that
are still prevalent today. It features characters with a
variety of different background coming together to
form a family. For a country that has been called the
“Melting Pot”, the idea of coming together to work as a
team is very important. America can also relate to the
Firefly crew because it also had to stand against
authority that was infringing on their human rights.
Today, American society still grapples with how to use
power, how to be a true leader, and how to respect
others, even though they may have differing opinions.
Though it may look a little different in 2517, the
problem that stands in the way of solving these issues
is sin. Although this world is full of sin, Serenity leaves
its audience with a very important and positive note.
Love is what keeps this world going and it is the one
thing that we can never give up on. With this positive
note, I would recommend this series to a friend or
family member because it inspires people to think
about major issues, while at the same time, keeping
viewers on the edge of their seat.

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