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Module: Marketing Communications

Module code: UNL2010

Module Leader: Michelle Barned

How Pure GYM Adopts Integrated Marketing


Student ID: 7000128

Word count: 2571
Contents Page

Introduction ……………………………………………………………… 1
The concept of Integrated Marketing Communications ……….………... 4
The extent to which Pure Gym has adopted an IMC approach ………… 5
The Uk segment and the marketing communications strategies used ….. 7
Current ways Pure Gym builds and maintains customer relationships … 9
Recommendations on how to improve brand equity ……..…...………... 10
Conclusion ….………………………….……………....……...………... 11
References ………...……………………………………………..……… 12
Appendix …..……...……………………………………………..……… 13


Pure Gym is a UK-based chain of budget-friendly fitness centers that offer high-

quality gym facilities and fitness classes at an affordable price. With over 300 gyms across the

UK, Pure Gym is one of the largest gym chains in the country, attracting fitness enthusiasts of

all ages and abilities (Pure Gym, nd). The brand's mission is to provide a welcoming and

inclusive environment for members to reach their fitness goals, with 24/7 access to top-of-the-

line equipment and experienced personal trainers. Pure Gym's commitment to offering a

convenient and accessible fitness experience has made it a popular choice among customers

looking for a no-frills gym experience (Pure Gym, nd). In recent years, Pure Gym has

implemented various marketing strategies to stand out in a highly competitive market and

expand its customer base, including adopting an integrated marketing communications

approach to create a unified and consistent brand message across all communication channels.

Since 2019, Pure Gym has continued evolving its marketing strategy, particularly on

Integrated market communication. They have continued creating consistent and cohesive

brand messages across all communication channels. One of the consistent messages they

continue to implement is the core message of making fitness accessible to everyone by using

various communication channels to reach a wider audience while reinforcing their message

(Pure Gym, 2022). This paper discusses the extent to which Pure Gym have adopted

Integrated Marketing Communications and makes recommendations for improving brand


The concept of Integrated Marketing Communications

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is a strategic approach to marketing that

various brands use and involves coordinating and integrating all communication and

promotional tools to create a unified and consistent message for the target audience (Duralia,

2018). The concept of IMC is built on the idea that a company's marketing efforts are more

effective when they work together rather than independently. They can create a more cohesive

and effective marketing campaign by integrating all marketing channels, including

advertising, public relations, personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing, and digital

marketing (Duralia, 2018).

IMC aims to ensure that all marketing communications of a company are aligned to

deliver a consistent message to the target audience. A company can use various

communication tools to reach the audience through different channels (Duralia, 2018). This

reinforces the message and increases the likelihood of the audience receiving the right

message and responding to the message. For instance, a company may decide to use social

media to promote its products or services and, at the same time, run a printed ad in a

magazine and television commercials. When these companies use many channels, they can

reach a wider audience while reinforcing their message in all areas they get access to.

Fig 1. Image that Pure Gym is reinforcing their message in using IMC. Retrieved from


IMC has many benefits, including enabling brands to create a consistent image and

image. This consistency will help companies build brand awareness, create customer loyalty,

and increase sales. By ensuring that all marketing efforts are aligned, a company can create a

stronger brand identity that is more likely to resonate with the target audience. This marketing

approach allows companies to be more efficient with their marketing budget. When

companies coordinate all marketing efforts, they will avoid the risk of duplicating efforts

among different departments, which reduces marketing costs (Duralia, 2018). For instance, a

company can use digital marketing to reach a specific target market segment. With this, they

will have reduced the cost of using traditional advertising methods.

At the same time, IMC allows companies to track the effectiveness of their marketing

campaigns more accurately. By using multiple channels to reach the target audience, a

company can track which channels are most effective and adjust the marketing mix

accordingly. By tracking the effectiveness of each channel, companies can determine which

channels are most effective in reaching their target audience and adjust the marketing mix
accordingly to maximize return on investment. The company can track customer interactions

enabling it to measure the impact of each marketing channel on the overall campaign

(Duralia, 2018). This includes tracking metrics such as website traffic, social media

engagement, email open rates, and sales revenue.

Fig 2. Image showing business model and strategy used by Pure Gym that incorporates

aspects of IMC. Retrieved from


A company can also use Google Analytics to track website traffic, conversion rates,

and user behavior. This data can be used to optimize the website and improve the user

experience, leading to higher conversion rates and increased sales. A company can also

measure the impact of offline marketing channels such as print ads and outdoor advertising.

By using techniques such as coupon codes and call-to-action buttons, companies can track the

effectiveness of these channels in driving traffic and sales. This data can be used to determine

which channels are most effective and adjust the marketing mix accordingly.

The extent to which Pure Gym has adopted an IMC approach.

Pure Gym is a fitness brand that operates in a highly competitive market where

attracting and retaining customers is crucial to the business's success (Pure Gym, nd). One of

the ways that Pure Gym has adopted an integrated marketing communications approach is by

leveraging various marketing channels to reach its target audience. The brand recognizes that

consumers in today’s society interact with brands in many ways and that a consistent and

cohesive message across all communication channels is crucial for building brand awareness

and driving engagement. The brand uses its social media channels to promote its facilities,

highlight fitness classes, and share motivational content to inspire and engage its audience

(Pure Gym, nd). The brand also uses social media to interact with customers, respond to

inquiries, and gather feedback.

Fig 3. Instagram

(2023) by Pure

Gym which is meant to ask different Pure Gym users a question. This question integrates IMC

approach as it is an interactional question.

Pure Gym has adopted an integrated marketing communications approach using

traditional advertising methods. These advertisement campaigns often aim to create brand

awareness and drive traffic to the company's website and locations (Pure Gym, nd). One of

these methods is advertising campaigns designed to promote the brand's core message of

making everyone access fitness. The campaigns can be seen on TV, in print ads, and online,

creating a consistent brand message across multiple touchpoints (Marcomm news, 2022).

Their website design is focused on providing customers with an easy-to-use and informative

experience. The website features a clear and consistent brand message, with information on

the brand's facilities, fitness classes, and membership options. The website also features a

blog section that provides customers with helpful fitness tips and advice.

Fig. 4. A Facebook picture showing pure gym an image of a meal low in carbs.

Pure Gym's public relations efforts are also critical to its integrated marketing

communications approach. The brand knows that public relations build relationships with its

potential customers and promote its brand (Pure Gym, nd). There are several ways in which

the company has implemented public relations tactics for building relationships with its

customers. The brand has sponsorships and partnerships with several organizations where

they write fitness messages on their website and articles on how fitness promotes healthy

living (Pure Gym, 2022). The brand participates in community engagement as a part of public

relations, where they organize fitness classes and events in local communities to promote

healthy living and increase brand awareness. These events also allow Pure Gym to interact

with potential customers and gather feedback on its services.

Fig. 5. Facebook (2023) Fig. 6. Instagram (2023) Fig. 7. Twitter (2023)

The brand also incorporates media relations, using different media avenues to promote

its facilities and events. One of the ways is using social media as a component of the IMC

approach for media promotion (Pure Gym, nd). They have a regular content updates in

different social media channels where they update them with informative and engaging

content related to fitness and wellness. The company uses social media platforms like

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share photos and videos of workout routines, healthy

recipes, and tips for staying active (Pure Gym, 2022). Pure Gym uses social media to offer

special promotions and deals to its followers. These promotions could include discounts on

membership fees, free trial periods, or special fitness challenges. The brand also engages with

customers on social media by responding to comments, answering questions, and offering

advice (Marcomm news, 2022). This engagement helps build customer trust and loyalty and

helps the company identify areas for improvement. At the same time, Pure gyms use social

media channels to share details of upcoming events and photos from past events and

encourage customers to attend and participate.

The UK market segments Pure Gym has targeted since 2019 and the marketing

communications strategies it uses

Pure Gym targets young adults by offering them affordable gym memberships and

modern fitness facilities. The brands understand that young adults are interested in fitness and

working out and often have limited budgets. Pure Gym has positioned itself as a low-cost

alternative to traditional gyms to appeal to this market segment (Hunter, 2022). Pure Gym

uses social media as a communication channel for targeting young adults. The brand has a

strong presence on platforms like Instagram, where they share images and videos of their gym

facilities and promote their brand. Pure Gym also has partners on Instagram and other

platforms to reach young adults interested in fitness and health-related topics (Pure Gym, nd).

Through these partners, Pure Gym can reach a wider audience of young adults who may be

interested in joining their gym.

Fig. 8. Image showing young adults integration in active life style. Retrieved from

Pure Gym targets busy professionals with specific programs designed to cater to their

needs and preferences. They emphasize the convenience factor of its gym facilities to busy

professionals. They highlight the 24/7 accessibility, the availability of various locations, and

the lack of long-term contracts, which allow professionals to work out whenever it suits them

without any added stress or commitment (Hunter, 2022). Pure Gym uses digital

communication that utilizes various channels, such as social media and emails, to

communicate with busy professionals. They send out regular newsletters, offer personalized

workout plans, and provide a virtual workout experience to cater to professionals' time

constraints. They have also created personal communication to keep busy professionals

engaged (Pure Gym, nd). They send out tailored workout plans based on a member's fitness

level, goals, and schedule. This helps professionals to achieve their fitness goals without

wasting time.

Pure Gym also targets Budget-conscious Consumers by emphasizing affordability

(Pure Gym, nd). The brand has been able to focus on the low cost of membership as the

primary selling point in its communication as they highlight the value of competitive pricing

and money on its membership offers. The company highlights convenience while

communicating with budget-conscious consumers by highlighting the convenience of its 24/7

gyms and their accessibility, with many locations in urban areas and near public transport

(Pure Gym, nd). They also emphasize the ease of joining and canceling memberships without

hidden fees. They provide various affordable services, such as group classes, personal

training, and nutritional advice. This strategy has appealed to a broader range of budget-

conscious consumers. Pure gym engages with budget-conscious customers through digital

channels such as social media and their website by regularly posting updates promoting low

prices and special offers.

The current ways Pure Gym builds and maintains customer relationships

Pure Gym uses various ways to build and maintain customer relationships, leading to a

stronger relationship with its customers. Pure Gym has an effective communication strategy to

inform customers about its services, promotions, and other news (Pure Gym, nd). The

company regularly sends out email newsletters and social media posts to keep its customers

up to date. These communications are often general and sometimes personalized. This helps

to keep customers engaged and informed and fosters a sense of loyalty towards the brand.

Pure Gym has invested in technology to make it easier for customers to manage their

memberships and access the Gym. Customers can create their accounts on the company's

website, allowing them to book classes, check their account balances, and update their details.

This saves customers time and makes it more convenient for them to use the Gym, enhancing

their overall experience.

Fig. 10. Retrieved from

Pure Gym strongly emphasizes customer service, training its staff to be friendly,

helpful, and approachable. The company has a dedicated customer service team available to

respond to different queries on their various communication channels, enabling them to

resolve any issues their customers might have (Pure Gym, nd). This ensures that customers

feel valued and supported, contributing to a positive brand relationship.

The Gym has a community-focused approach to customer relationships, encouraging

social interaction and group fitness classes. The company hosts regular events, such as charity

workouts and open days, which bring customers together and foster a sense of community

(Marcomm news, 2022). Pure Gym can build strong customer relationships based on shared

interests and values by creating a welcoming and supportive atmosphere.

At the same time, they have a robust feedback system in place to gather insights from

its customers and act on them. The company regularly sends surveys and feedback forms to

its customers, asking for their opinions on various aspects of the gym experience (Pure Gym,

nd). This helps Pure Gym identify improvement areas and make changes based on customer

needs and preferences. By listening to its customers and responding to their feedback, Pure

Gyms demonstrates its commitment to providing high-quality service and strengthens its

customer relationship.

Recommendations on how Pure Gym might develop the notion of marketer-consumer

reciprocity to improve the brand equity

Pure gym can greatly benefit by adopting strong customer-based brand equity (CBBE)

by Keller to develop a loyal customer base and improve its overall brand equity. With CBBE,

brands can hold a specific perspective about their customers, including their brand's perceived

quality, awareness, loyalty, and overall image (Park & Namkung, 2022). Pure gym can

establish a strong brand identity to improve CBBE and foster a sense of marketer-consumer

reciprocity. They can do this by focusing on the unique aspects of their brand, such as their

equipment, services, and overall brand mission. By establishing a clear and compelling brand

identity, the company can differentiate itself from competitors and build a loyal customer base

(Park & Namkung, 2022). To achieve this, the brand must engage in marketing efforts

emphasizing its unique selling points, such as offering state-of-the-art equipment or

personalized training programs.

Fig. 9. Retrieved from

The brand can develop CBBE by creating a positive customer experience. The

company will have to offer a range of services and amenities offering a range of services and

amenities that cater to the needs and preferences of its customers. Some ways of achieving

this include creating classes catering to specific fitness goals, welcoming and supportive

customer environments, and offering personalized training programs. By creating a positive

customer experience, Pure gym can foster customer loyalty and increase brand equity.

Pure Gym can also rely on social media and customer feedback to improve CBBE.

Social media can be a powerful tool for engaging customers, promoting a specific brand, and

gathering feedback on customer experience (Park & Namkung, 2022). By having a plan for

regularly posting engaging content and responding to customer feedback, Pure gym will

improve its online presence and build a strong community of customers.

At the same time, Pure Gym can seek customer feedback and incorporate these into

their operations. This will improve customer satisfaction and build stronger relationships with

customers (Park & Namkung, 2022). They can ask for feedback after classes, services, and

overall customer experience and use this feedback to make improvements and changes that

will better serve the needs and preferences of customers. Pure Gym will foster a sense of

marketer-consumer reciprocity and increase overall brand equity by actively seeking customer

feedback and incorporation into operations.

Fig. 12. Image showing feedback and satisfaction. Retrieved from



To conclude, Pure Gym has created a unique brand that makes them an excellent

option for people looking to get fit and stay healthy. They have affordable prices, flexible
memberships, state-of-the-art facilities, and are open 24 hours. It has effectively utilized IMC

to promote its brand and reach its target audience. Pure Gym has created a consistent and

cohesive brand message that resonates with customers by employing various marketing tactics

across multiple channels, including social media, advertising, and public relations.

Incorporating customer feedback into their operations and focusing on creating a positive

customer experience has enabled Pure Gyms to foster a sense of marketer-consumer

reciprocity and built a loyal customer base. The success of Pure Gyms' marketing efforts can

demonstrate the power of IMC in building a strong brand and engaging with customers in a

meaningful way.

References List

Duralia, O., (2018). Integrated marketing communication and its impact on consumer

behavior. Studies in Business and Economics, 13(2), pp.92-102.

Hunter, M. (2022). Pure Gyms founder backs start-up personal training app as exercise goes

digital. Evening Standard. Available at:


[Accessed March 27, 2023].

Marcommnews. (2022). Pure gym Launches Multi-Channel Campaign That Plays To Value

Credentials. Available at:

launches-multi-channel-campaign-that-plays-to-value-credentials/ [Accessed March 27,


Park, C.I. and Namkung, Y., (2022). The effects of instagram marketing activities on

customer-based brand equity in the coffee industry. Sustainability, 14(3), p.1657.

Pure Gym. 2022. What are the health benefits of exercise? Available at: [Accessed March

27, 2023].

Pure Gym. nd. Business Model Strategy. Pure Gym. Avalaible at: [Accessed

March 27, 2023].

Facebook, 2023. PureGym [online] Avalaibe at:

[Accessed 24 April 2023].


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