职场场景英语 - 入职

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Interpreter Barry
Hi, am I speaking to Andrew?
Am I speaking to XXX? 【句型】请问你是某某⼈吗?

是的,很⾼兴认识你。 Yes. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too. Thanks for coming today. I'm Barry from the Data team. And I'm also the
interviewer for this round. How are you doing today?
的Barry,也是你这轮的⾯试官。你今天怎么样? I'm the interviewer for this round. 我是这轮⾯试的考官

Not bad, thanks, and yourself?

..., and yourself? 你呢?

Doing great, thanks! Now, before we jump-start the interview, I'd like to walk you through the
interview process first. The interview will take about half an hour and I'll ask you a number of
我也很好,谢谢。在我们开始⾯试前,我先介绍⼀下⾯ questions regarding your past experience, leadership and culture fit related questions.
试流程。整个⾯试会持续半个⼩时左右,我会就过往经 During the interview, I may interrupt you from time to time for clarification or follow-up questions. I
历,⽂化契合度,领导⼒等⽅⾯提⼀些问题。在这个过 hope you don't mind.
Jump-start v. 快速开始
Walk somebody through something 快速给某⼈介绍⼀下某事
From time to time= sometimes 时不时的
Follow-up questions 追问/跟进的问题

好的。 Not at all!

Could you briefly introduce your educational background, please?
Could you briefly introduce... 【句型】你能简单介绍⼀下XXX吗?
Sure. I majored in English at Peking University for my undergraduate studies, and then pursued a
当然可以。我本科在北京⼤学念的英语,后⾯在⽜津⼤ Master's degree in economics at Oxford.
学念经济学的硕⼠学位。 Major in... 主修;minor in... 辅修
Pursue a Master's degree in XXX at XXX 在某某⼤学读某某硕⼠学位
毕业后的⼯作经历可以简单说⼀下嘛? Can you describe your employment experience after your undergraduate studies?
Of course. Upon graduating, I joined Baidu and worked in ad sales. After two years, I left Baidu
for ByteDance, also supporting TikTok in an ad sales function. Having been in this role for about 3
售,⼯作两年后,跳槽到了字节,从事TikTok的⼴告销 years now, I feel it's time to explore new opportunities.
售⼯作,在这⾥⼯作了⼤约三年的时间,现在觉得可以 Leave A for B 离开A加⼊/去往B
尝试⼀些新机会了。 It's time to do something 【句型】是时候做某事了
Got it. I see you have plenty of experience in big tech, such as Baidu and ByteDance. Which
experience did you enjoy the most?
百度等,你喜欢哪段经历? Got it = I see 明⽩了

I'd say ByteDance - especially its culture of being "candid and clear" in communication. I'm very
upfront about my ideas, and don't like beating around the bush. So this culture really helped me
最喜欢字节的⽂化吧,尤其是坦诚清晰的沟通⽅式。我 work efficiently, which I enjoyed.
不喜欢说话弯弯绕的环境,所以能够简单⾼效的沟通让 I'd say/I would say... 我会说/选。。。
我⼯作很开⼼。 Be upfront about something 直⾔不讳
Beat around the bush 绕弯⼦
Could you please give me an example of a time when you and your manager were at odds?
Be at odds with somebody 与某⼈有⽭盾

Yes. Most of the time, my manager and I see eye to eye. I really buy in to his management philosophies
and focus on executing his ideas. But last year, there was a re-org where some more senior employees
were terminated and replaced with new joiners. The result was that performance for that quarter
nosedived. I proposed setting up a training framework to help the new members get up to speed more
quickly, but my boss wasn't really onboard with the idea. He felt it was a waste of time, and instead, we
好的。其实⼤部分时候,我和我⽼板都意见⼀致, should focus more on client engagement.
我其实很认同他的管理理念,⽽且认真执⾏他的决 A and B see eye to eye A和B意见⼀致
策。不过去年有⼀次,我们整个团队⼈员调整,优 Management philosophies 管理理念
化了⼀些⽼⼈,来了不少新⼈,结果当季的业绩明 Execute v. 执⾏
显下滑。当时我提出要建设团队的知识体系以便更 Re-org n. 组织架构调整
⾼效地培养新⼈,但我领导当时并不买账,认为这 Terminate v. 劝退,终⽌雇佣
是浪费时间,还不如好好做客户。 New joiner 新⼈
Nosedive v. 暴跌
Get up to speed 上⼿
Be onboard with something 认同某事
Client engagement 客户对接

那你是怎么说服他的啊? How did you manage to convince him eventually?


I showed him a successful case from the Alibaba sales team. It was definitely persuasive, since we all
know Alibaba is top-of-industry sales-wise. He learned that Alibaba has a very comprehensive sales
我拿了阿⾥巴巴销售团队的最佳实践,给我领导 training program, which includes a standardized curriculum and also one-on-one mentorship program.
看。因为阿⾥巴巴的销售是业界公认最强的嘛。结 Top-of-industry adj. 业界最好的
果⼈家阿⾥巴巴内部有⾮常完善的销售培养体系, XXX-wise adv. 从某某⽅⾯来看
包括统⼀的学习资料和⼀对⼀的导师传帮带。 standardized curriculum 标准化培训课程
one-on-one mentorship program ⼀对⼀导师体系

I see. What do you think you took away from this experience?
What do you take away from something? 【句型】你从某事中学到了什么?

I learned that the key to communication is being candid and clear, especially when there are differing
opinions. I believe as long as we're aligned on the same goal, which is to make our team stronger, we can
我觉得坦诚清晰的沟通是⾄关重要的,尤其是出现 always negotiate an effective solution.
意见不合的情况时。我认为只要⼤家最终⽬标都是 The key to something 某事的关键
为了团队发展,总能商量出最有效的⽅案的。 Differing opinions 不同的观点
Be aligned on something 就某事意见⼀致,对齐
Negotiate an effective solution 商讨出有效的⽅案

From our conversation so far, I feel you're doing an excellent job in your current role. May I ask why you want
to seek opportunities elsewhere?
的岗位做的很好啊。⽅便跟我说⼀下你想换 From our conversation so far 从⽬前的沟通来看
⼯作的原因吗? Seek opportunities elsewhere 看机会

The thing is, I'm doing pretty well where I am now, but I don't think there's much room for further career
development. It's no longer challenging. I want to jump out of my comfort zone and explore another field.
说实话,这份⼯作的发展空间有限,⽽且我 The thing is, ... 【句型】情况是这样的,。。。
觉得现在的⼯作没啥挑战了。所以,想跳出 There is not much room for something. 【句型】对于某事来说,没有太多空间了
舒适区,尝试新的⽅向。 Jump out of my comfort zone 跳出舒适区

I see. And do you worry that you won't perform as well in your new role compared with previously?

I'd say that's inevitable. After all, it's uncharted territory for me. I'll need time to get on board with everything.
我觉得这个是必然的,毕竟是新的⽅向,肯 However, taking on challenges comes with career development for anyone. If you're constantly in your
定需要⼀定时间适应。但我觉得这是向前发 comfort zone, you won't grow either.
展的必经之路。如果永远停留在舒适区,是 Uncharted territory 未探索的领域
没办法成长的。 Get on board with something 适应某事
Take on challenges 迎接挑战
Our business is still in a hyper-growth stage, so employees are bound to work overtime. What are your
我们公司业务处于快速发展期,所以有时不可避免 Hyper-growth adj. ⾼速发展的
需要员⼯加班,不知道你对此怎么看? Be bound to do something 注定要做某事
Work overtime 加班
这个得分情况。有意义的加班我可以接受,⽐如确 It depends. I can accept overtime (OT) from time to time if necessary, such as working to launch an
urgent project, but I'd also like to be paid for it. But if it's just a meaningless race to see who can work
the longest hours or stay behind the latest, then I'm afraid I can't subscribe to that. But I know that you
我希望公司可以⽀付加班费。不过,对于“内卷”性 guys don't encourage that sort of "rat race" culture anyway.
质的加班我⽆法认同。如果纯粹是为了⽐谁下班晚 Work the longest hours 加班最久
⽽加班,这种情况我是⽆法接受的,不过我相信贵 stay behind the latest 下班最晚
司也不赞成内卷⽂化。 Subscribe to an idea 认同某观点
I agree, we certainly don't. If you've completed your tasks for the day, of course, you can clock off.
确实,公司不⿎励内卷。如果⼯作做完了,当然可 However, the company wants to see its employees constantly pushing boundaries and breaking into new
以按时下班。不过公司希望员⼯可以不断拓展业务 fields, rather than just focusing on current businesses.
边界,不仅仅局限于⾃⼰的业务范围。 Clock off 打卡下班
Push boundaries 突破边界
Totally understood. After all, you're a start-up company and need people to be more proactive. But to
start, I'd still like to focus on doing my current job well. If I have time and effort to spare, I'll keep
能理解,毕竟是创业公司,需要⼤家激进⼀些。不 exploring new possibilities.
过,我还是想先把⾃⼰的⼯作做好,如果有余⼒的 totally understood 完全理解
前提下,会主动探索新的业务机会和可能。 Start-up company 初创公司,创业公司
Proactive adj. 激进的
Have time and effort to spare 有余⼒
你觉得管理团队最⼤的挑战是什么? What has been the biggest leadership challenge for you so far?
Leadership, at the end of the day, is about managing your teams so they can produce the outcomes
you want. But as the head of a business, you need to manage both people and things at the same
拿到结果。但其实,作为⼀线业务负责⼈,管⼈ time. That has been the toughest challenge. I often feel that my capacity is overstretched.
和管事⼉得⼀起做,这个对我来说是最⼤的挑 At the end of the day 最终
战,主要体现在精⼒不够⽤。 My capacity is overstretched. 精⼒不够
Could you elaborate?
Elaborate on something 详细展开
Absolutely. From personal experience, it's important to have regular one-on-ones with your team, so
they have an opportunity to vent and get it out of their system. You also have to coach them on the
business side of things so they can learn on the job. Sometimes, you also have to ask for support or
resources from collaborating teams, which can often lead to a lot of arguments when they refuse.
Simply put, previously all I had to do was focusing on the business and doing my job right, but now
好的,没问题。我⾃⼰亲⾝体会就是,你得定期 I have too much on my plate to juggle.
跟每个下属⼀对⼀沟通,帮他们排解情绪,听他 From my personal experience 从我个⼈经历出发
们吐槽;业务不会做的时候还得⼿把⼿教他们; One-on-one meeting ⼀对⼀会议
还得时不时跟协同部门要资源,不给就撕逼。总 Vent v. 发泄,吐槽
之,原先做员⼯的时候只需要⼀门⼼思做业务就 Vent buddy 吐槽对象
⾏,但现在不⾏了,要管的事情太多了。 Get it out of their system 排解压⼒
Coach v. 教导(新⼈)
Learn on the job 边做边学
Do my job right 做好业务
Have too much on one's plate to juggle 要顾的事情太多

那你是如何克服的啊? How did you overcome this challenge?

The key is to decentralize. There's no way to micro manage everything. Of course, delegating
responsibilities takes time, but it requires a change in mindset. Once you start shifting more
得学会放权,不能把什么都抓在⾃⼰⼿ responsibilities to your teams, and can accept that things won't be perfect at the very start, then you're on
⾥。当然,这个需要时间,毕竟是认知上 your way to becoming a competent leader.
的变化。当你学会放权给下属,并能接受 decentralize=delegate responsibilities=shift responsibilities to your team 放权
刚开始的不完美时,你离⼀个合格的领导 There is no way to do something.【句型】做某事不可能
就不远了。 Micro manage 微观管理
Mindset 认知
Be on one's way to doing something 【句型】正在接近某事

I'm glad that you can accept everything that comes with this role. I look forward
很⾼兴你接受这份⼯作,期待与你共事。 to working with you.
Accept (everything that comes with) this role 接受这份⼯作

It's a great privilege to have this opportunity to join your company. It's always
been a dream of mine.
理想。 It's a great privilege to do something.【句型】很荣幸做某事

I appreciate that. Now, let's talk about something a bit more delicate. What are
那接下来就是稍微敏感⼀点的话题了,你的期望薪资 your salary expectations?
是多少? Delicate adj. 敏感的
Salary expectations 期望薪资

Before we get there, can I ask how compensation is determined here?

Before we get there 在我们谈论某事之前
Compensation n. 薪资

Of course. After several rounds of interviews, we will assess the candidate's

没问题。我们会在对候选⼈的多轮⾯试中评估候选⼈的 competency based on both his or her performance, and give the candidate a grading.
能⼒等级,然后根据能⼒来确定他所处的职级,最终候 The grading will in turn determine the compensation band.
选⼈拟定的职级会决定他的薪资范围,⽽最终的值则由 Grading n. 级别
具体的⾯试表现分数决定。 Compensation band 薪资范围
Job level 职级

明⽩了,听下来感觉是很科学合理的定薪体系。我觉得 I see. The system sounds quite reasonable. Based on my skillset and expertise, my
基于我⽬前的能⼒和经验,我希望⽉薪在3万左右。 expectation is around 30,000 RMB per month.

Got it. I can give you that. Also, on top of your monthly salary, you also have 3 to 6
months' salary in annual bonus, with the exact figure to be determined by your
明⽩了,这个数字我们可以给到。同时,除了⽉薪外, performance for that year. Also, we have a monthly housing subsidy of 2000 RMB.
年终会有3-6个⽉的奖⾦,具体拿⼏个⽉取决你的⼯作表 On top of that=and 除了基础的之外
现。⽽且,我们还有每个⽉2000的房补。 Annual bonus 年终奖
Housing subsidy 住房补贴

Thank you, great to know. Compensation's not top-of-agenda for me actually. I truly
好的,其实钱多少⽆所谓,能进⼊贵司⼯作才是最重要 value this opportunity to become part of your team.
的。 Compensation 此处为HR术语,表⽰“薪酬”(平时定义为“赔偿”)
Top-of-agenda adj. 最重要的

Those are all my questions. Now it's your turn - anything you'd like to learn/find out more about?
Now it's your turn. 现在该你了
learn/find out more about something 详细了解某事

我其实有⼏个问题想跟您沟通⼀下。可以简单介 Yes, can you share some more information about the team I'll be working with?
绍⼀下我即将⼊职的团队吗? Share information about something 分享关于某事的信息

Great question. Our ad sales team is based in three cities - Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. Each base
好问题。我们的⼴告销售团队⼀共分布在三个地 has around 10 people, so 30 team members in total. However, our business is in hyper-growth right
区,北京上海和深圳,每个地区10⼈左右,⼀共 now, so our year-end head count is expected to double. The operations team partners closely with ad
约30⼈。不过现在业务发展快,我们希望年底能 sales. They currently have 3 to 5 members in each base, and are also hiring.
将员⼯数量翻⼀番。平时跟销售团队配合⽐较紧 Be based in 位于
密的就是运营团队了,每个地区在3-5⼈左右, Head count (HC) 招聘名额
运营团队也在招⼈。 Be expected to do something 预期做某事
A partner closely with B A和B合作紧密

I'm fortunate to be entering such a fast-growing business.

Fast-growing business 快车道

Interestingly, because of COVID-19 lockdowns, people are consuming more content from the comfort
of their own homes, which has brought greater opportunities to the ad business. Any other questions?
变多,因此线上⼴告业的机会来到来了。你还 Consume content 消费内容
有其他问题吗? From the comfort of their own homes 在家⾥

All good for now. If I have anymore questions, can I ping you on WeChat?
All good for now. 暂时没问题
Ping v. 发消息

Anytime. Well, let's finish for today, and HR will reach out to you within 7 working days to inform
没问题啊,欢迎。那你如果没有其他问题的 you of the outcome.
话,⾯试就到这⾥。⼈事部门会在7个⼯作⽇内 Reach out to somebody 联系某⼈
联系你,告知录取结果。 Working day ⼯作⽇
Inform somebody of something 告知某⼈某事

好的明⽩,谢谢。 Understood, thanks again.

嗨Barry,你⾯试Alex⾯的咋样啊? Hi Barry, how was the interview with Alex?

She left a good impression on me, and is capable of taking on the role. She's in the
top 3 out of all the candidates I've met.
我对她印象挺好的,基本上符合岗位的要求。在我 A leaves a good impression on B 留下好印象
⽬前⾯的⼈当中,她算前三了。 Be capable of something 有能⼒做某事
Take on the role 担任⾓⾊

I agree. I was her second-round interviewer, and I think her skillset meets the
确实,我这边⼆⾯⾯的她,也觉得整体能⼒模型是 requirements. She also has unique insight, which I think will drive impact and
OK的,⽽且她对⾏业是有独到见解的,我觉得她 bring new ideas to the team.
的加⼊可以给团队新的思考问题的⾓度。 Unique insight 独到见解
Drive impact 带来影响

Exactly. We must not let great talent slip away! What's her pipeline status now?
Slip away 溜⾛
Pipeline status 流程中所处的状态

I just spoke with her this morning. I've filled in my feedback and got Echo to meet
her for the third round ASAP so we can expedite the process and get her in soon.
上午刚⾯完她,我准备写完⾯评直接加急推给Echo We're really understaffed right now. We don't have enough people supporting the
进⾏三⾯。早⾯完,早招进来。咱团队太缺⼈了现 business.
在,业务都没⼈做了。 ASAP = as soon as possible 尽快
Expedite the process 加速流程 / ˈekspədaɪt /
Understaffed adj. ⼈⼿不够的

Sure. I'll add some remarks into my feedback. But no sweat, she told me during the
嗯嗯好,我也在⾯评⾥标注⼀下她。不过应该不⽤ interview that we're the only company she's currently engaging, and her favorite as
太担⼼,我⾯她的时候她说⽬前只投了咱公司⼀ well.
家,毕竟是她最⼼仪的公司。 No sweat 别担⼼
Engage v. 接触

Oh hi, Barry! What a pleasant surprise! We're on the same floor. I'm not sure if we've worked
together before, so I don't know much about you. Can you tell me a bit about yourself?
过,对你不是很了解。可以先简单介绍⼀下⾃⼰ 好巧哦(客套话) What a pleasant surprise.
吗? 简单介绍⼀下⾃⼰吧 Tell me a bit about yourself

好的,没问题。我是销售部门Barry,我性格⽐较 Sure Calum, I'm Barry from the Sales team. I'm quite outgoing, really genuine and a good
开朗,待⼈真诚热情,擅长沟通,有较强的组织 communicator. I also see myself as strong at organizing cross-functional efforts. In my spare
time, I like hiking and drawing, especially sharing my travel experience with friends through
my works. As Sales Director, I've picked up many years of expertise and achievements along
画,喜欢将旅途中的所见所闻画成有趣的插画和 the way. At work, I'm always happy to lend a helping hand. I heard there's a vacancy for this
朋友们分享。⽬前也在销售主管这个岗位上已经 role, so I'm quite excited and hope I can have the privilege of joining your team.
积累多年经验并取得优秀成绩,平时在部门⾮常 我认为⾃⼰。。。 I see myself as ...
乐于分享,积极帮助他⼈,很⾼兴听到公司培训 在实践中习得 Pick up
部门有这个空缺,希望能够成功竞聘。 帮助 Lend a helping hand

Thanks for sharing, Barry. I'll just be frank with you, since we're working for the same
company. Why do you want to transition to a new role? Most people join the sales team from
好的了解,反正都是同⼀个公司的,我就直接点。 supporting functions, rarely the other way round.
你为什么想要转岗呢?其实⼤家都是从业务⽀持团 实话实说 be frank with you
队转到销售的⽐较多,反着来的很少。 转岗 internal transfer(名词搭配)/ transfer or transition to a position(动词搭配)
反过来 the other way round

You make a good point. I'm pretty good in my sales role. In fact, last month I was the top
你说的对。我其实销售做的还不错,上个⽉刚刚成 sales in my team. I'm applying for this internal transfer for two reasons. One, I'm always up
for a challenge. I neither want to stay in my comfort zone, nor rest on my laurels. I want to
为了top sales。之所以转岗主要是两个原因,第⼀
take on something new. Two, while in sales, I found that my training happens to be my real
是我是⼀个喜欢挑战的⼈,不想⼀直待在舒适区 passion, and something I'm good at. I love being able to get across the right information using
⾥,更不想吃⽼本,所以我想尝试新的领域;另 my own unique approach. So, that's why I'm hoping to join the training department.
外,我在做销售的过程中,逐渐发现了我真正擅长 说的对 Make a good point
且喜欢的事情,那就是培训,以我⾃⼰独特的⽅式 迎接挑战 be up for a challenge
传递正确的信息。所以,基于以上两个原因,我希 待在舒适区 stay in my comfort zone
望转岗到培训部门。 吃⽼本rest on my laurels
传递信息 get across information

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