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A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing Between a

Spotlight and a Floodlight

The rise of modern LED lighting technology has created more diverse and complex options for
lighting. Over the years, the majority of lighting projects have made use of spotlights and
floodlights, which makes them the most popular LED lights in the lighting market. However, if
you are new to the lighting business and have little knowledge about these lights, you might find
it difficult to differentiate between the two.

But you don't have to worry; knowing the similarities and benefits of both lights will guide you in
making the right choice for your project. The main purpose of this article is to guide you and
educate you on everything you need to know about these lights. So if you want to know more,
then keep reading.

Comparing LED Floodlights and Spotlights: A Concise Overview

If you have not used any or both of these lights before, you might find it very hard to differentiate
between them. However, the most notable and significant feature that one has over the other is
the degree of beam angle. In the table below, you will find some key features that differentiate
floodlights vs spotlights.
Floodlights Spotlights

45 - 120 degree wide beam angle 25 - 45 degree narrower beam angle

Applicable to outdoor spaces such as commonly used for stage lighting, where
buildings, bridges, or monuments dramatic effects is needed

Floodlights emits less focused and intense spotlights emits more concentrated and
lights intense lights

The Beam Angle: An Essential Attribute of Any Lighting Fixture

A beam angle refers to the spread of light emitted by a lighting fixture, typically measured in
degrees. It determines the width of the light beam that is emitted by the fixture and how it is
distributed in space. For example, if you want to highlight a particular object, a narrow beam
angle spotlight may be the best option, while a wider beam angle floodlight may be more
suitable for illuminating a large outdoor area.

There are two primary types of beam angles - narrow and wide. A narrow beam angle is
typically less than 25 degrees and produces a more focused and intense light. This type of
beam angle is commonly found in spotlights and is ideal for accent lighting, highlighting specific
objects or features.

In contrast, a wide beam angle is typically more than 45 degrees and provides broader
coverage with less intensity. This type of beam angle is commonly found in floodlights and is
ideal for general illumination, providing an even distribution of light over a larger area.

Calculating Beam Width: A One-Step Method

Calculating the beam width can be done using the formula: Beam Width = 2 x d x tan(θ/2).

For example, if the distance from the light source to the illuminated surface is 5 meters and the
measured angle between the two points where the light intensity drops to half of its maximum is
30 degrees, the beam width can be calculated as follows:

Beam Width = 2 x 5 x tan(30/2)

Beam Width = 5.77 meters

Therefore, the beam width of this lighting fixture is 5.77 meters.

How does Spotlight work?

Do you know how LED spotlights work, or do you have zero knowledge of how these lights
function? Well, if you have ever been to a drama show or events, you might have come across
a spotlight without knowing it.

The first thing you need to know about LED spotlights is that they are designed to provide a
narrow and focused beam of light because of their narrower beam angles. Their beam angles
are usually not higher than 45 degrees.

Below, some of the characteristics of spotlights that make them suitable for different
applications will be discussed.

Concentrated beam spread: This is a feature of spotlights that enables them to produce a
narrow and focused beam of light.

Directional lighting: This is another significant characteristic of spotlights. This property

makes them adjustable, meaning they can be adjusted to focus on a specific direction. This
property of spotlights also enhances their intensity, making their light more intense and dramatic
than that of floodlights.

Sharper shadows: Because of the more focused and concentrated lights produced by
spotlights, sharper shadows are unavoidable. However, rather than being a disadvantage, sharp
shadows help spotlights create dramatic effects.

To sum it up, these lights can be used to highlight specific artworks or exhibits in art museums;
they are essential in stage lighting, where they are used to highlight actors and performers; and
outdoor events such as concerts.

Benefits of spotlights include:

Long lifespan: LED spotlights have a longer lifespan than traditional bulbs, which means they
need to be replaced less often, reducing maintenance costs

Customizable: LED spotlights can be programmed to produce different colors or patterns,

making them ideal for use in events or displays.

How does Floodlights work?

Do you have a wide space or environment that requires total illumination? If yes, LED floodlights
are the best solution. These sets of lights are specifically designed and built to cover a wider
There are many features of floodlights that are beneficial; however, only a few of them will be
discussed below.

High diffusion: You are mostly familiar with the word diffusion. However, if you are not, it
simply means spreading. With that being said, the term high diffusion being used for floodlights
simply implies their capacity to scatter emitted lights evenly across a wider space.

Non-directional lighting: The light emitted from floodlights does not follow a particular
direction but rather spreads evenly. This means that the light isn't focused in any particular
direction, which can be ideal for outdoor settings where a large area needs to be illuminated.

Softer shadows: Soft shadows are another cool characteristic of floodlights that affect the
quality of the light they emit. Shadows are created when light is blocked by an object, but the
harshness or softness of the shadow depends on the type of light used.

Floodlights that produce softer shadows are typically those that have been diffused or bounced
off reflective surfaces. This can help to create a more natural and even lighting effect, without
harsh shadows that can detract from the overall aesthetic of the space being illuminated.

In terms of application, floodlights are suitable for creating a powerful and consistent source of
light over a large area, which is why they are suitable for outdoor applications such as festivals
and events, refugee camps, sports fields, driveways, and factories and warehouses.

In terms of benefits, floodlights are durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions.

Throw Distance as an attribute of beam angle

Throw distance is an attribute of the beam angle that refers to the distance between the light
source and the area that is being illuminated.

For spotlights, the throw distance is typically longer than for floodlights, due to their more
focused and concentrated beam of light. Spotlights with narrower beam angles will have longer
throw distances than those with wider beam angles.

For example, a spotlight with a 10-degree beam angle will have a longer throw distance than a
spotlight with a 45-degree beam angle. This means that a 10-degree spotlight can illuminate
objects or areas that are farther away than a 45-degree spotlight.
For floodlights, the throw distance is typically shorter due to their wider beam angle. Floodlights
are designed to provide a more general or ambient light, so they don't need to be positioned as
far away from the area being illuminated as spotlights.

To sum it up, it's important you consider the throw distance when selecting a light with a specific
beam angle, as it can impact the effectiveness of the light in illuminating the intended area or
object. A light with a too-short throw distance may not provide enough illumination, while a light
with a too-long throw distance may be less effective or less energy-efficient.

How do you choose a beam angle?

If you have been reading this guide to this stage, you are familiar with beam angles and their
function. However, before you choose a wider or narrower beam angle for your project, you
must first consider:

The application: Where exactly do you want to light up? Is it an outdoor space, an event stage,
or an artwork gallery? This is so crucial and unavoidable. If it's a wider space, go for floodlights;
if it's just to highlight an object, then spotlights are suitable.

The distance: You must also consider the distance between the light source and the area you
want to illuminate. While spotlights can go a long distance, floodlights can only illuminate an
area that is not too far from the light source.
The desired effect: The desired effect of the lighting is also important to consider. A narrow
beam angle can create more dramatic lighting effects and highlights, while a wider beam angle
can provide a more diffuse and ambient light.

The bulb type: You must also consider the type of bulb being used, as this can also impact the
choice of beam angle. For example, LED bulbs are often more efficient and can produce a
brighter light than traditional bulbs, which can affect the choice of beam angle needed.

Choosing Between a Spotlight and Floodlight

By now, spotlight vs. floodlight should not be a new thing to you. In fact, you must have acquired
useful information from this guide about what differentiates them, how they are designed, their
applications, and their benefits. Hence, moving forward, we will discuss how you can make the
right choice between the two lights for your present or future lighting projects.

There are few factors you must keep in mind before proceeding with selecting between spotlight
vs. floodlight. They are:

Coverage Area: The size of the area you want the light to cover is an important factor to
consider. If you need to illuminate a larger area, such as a sports field or parking lot, a floodlight
is typically the better option as it can provide more comprehensive coverage. However, if you
need to highlight a specific object or area, such as a painting or sculpture, a spotlight may be
more appropriate.
Niche Applications: Niche applications that may require specialized lighting fixtures must be
considered. For instance, photography studios need lighting fixtures that produce an accurate
color temperature and are dimmable, while medical facilities require fixtures that can provide
bright and precise lighting for surgeries and examinations.

Power Budget: The amount of power available for the lighting fixture should also be considered
when choosing between a spotlight and floodlight. Spotlights typically use less power than
floodlights since they produce a more concentrated beam of light. If energy efficiency is a
concern or if there are power constraints, a spotlight may be a better option.

Location: The location of the lighting fixture plays a crucial role in deciding between a spotlight
and a floodlight. For example, if the light fixture is placed high on a ceiling, a spotlight may be
the better choice to ensure that the light is directed downwards, while a floodlight may be better
suited for ground-level or outdoor applications.

Once you consider these factors, it will be difficult for you to make the wrong choice.


In a nutshell, spotlights and floodlights are two popular lighting options that offer different
benefits and applications. The only thing that differentiates them is the beam angle, which can
either be wider or narrower.

So, if you're looking for quality lighting solutions with a touch of expertise and a commitment to
sustainability, consider SLD Solar and Lighting. At SLD Solar and Lighting, we understand the
importance of quality lighting solutions for various settings. We're confident we can provide the
lighting solutions you need to brighten up your space.

As a leading provider of sustainable lighting solutions, we offer a wide range of LED lighting
products, including spotlights and floodlights, designed to meet the specific needs of our
customers. Our products are energy-efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly,
ensuring that your lighting needs are met while reducing your carbon footprint.

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