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Special Expanded 27th Anniversary Edition!


The Barnes Review



National Socialism: Hitler
Yesterday & Today vs. the
ational Socialism Yesterday
and Today is a radical
book, but it is one that
someone has needed to
write for decades. In this small but
while they reigned—Akhenaten,
Charlemagne, Adolf Hitler and
others. These men were few and far
between, but their terms in power
were almost unanimously hailed as
powerful work, author and philos- “golden times” for the citizenry.
opher William A. White discusses The names of these avatars who ALSO INSIDE:
National Socialism as a political phi- transformed their states into ones
losophy that, in its purest essence, serving all stations of society live on • Instigating World War II
brings order to the state while em- even today, though their reputations
powering and enriching—culturally have been slandered or their feats
• Israel’s founding father
and financially—the state and its nearly erased from history. • Zionism & the Holocaust
people at the same time. This is the And what would happen if a Na-
direct antithesis of the American state tional Socialist state developed in • Excesses of the Spanish Reds
today, which punishes its people America today? How would it be in-
with police state brutality, steals their stituted? What changes would it • Spain’s Falangist martyr
money through unfair forms of taxa- bring? What would happen to soci-
tion, listens in on every possible private communica- ety? What would the goals of the state be? How
• Streicher’s anti-Semitism
tion, tortures those who rise up against it and would the party be organized? All of this and more • The truth about Okinawa
generally turns the natural order upside down. is discussed. Softcover, 109 pages, $12 plus $5 S&H
But National Socialism is not an invention of the inside the U.S. from THE BARNES REVIEW, P.O. Box • The Acadian Upheaval
modern era. There were great leaders of the past who 550, White Plains, MD 20695. Call 1-877-773-9077
employed their version of National Socialist theory toll free to charge, Mon.-Thu. 9-5 ET. • Aryans in antiquity

Pan Judah!
The Political Cartoons of Der Stürmer: 1925-1945

eginning in the 1920s, a man colorized and re-issued them. In Pan
named Julius Streicher published a Judah!, for the first time, 200 of the best
small weekly German newspaper Fips images have been compiled and dis-
called Der Stürmer. The publisher played as they have never been before.
believed its mission was to warn the people Penman has done a masterful job. The
about the perceived threats posed by for- images are sharp, crisp and compelling. The
eign and domestic Jews. The dangers were colors are stunningly vivid. The effect is
considered very real, and Streicher’s stories truly astonishing. Fips’s cartoons, originally
gave a blunt and direct account of them. printed on cheap newsprint, come alive for
A key feature of Der Stürmer was its the first time on high-quality stock. Every
harsh political cartoons. The cover of every image is a masterpiece, a true work of con-
issue, and several interior pages, displayed temporary art—and each one tells a story:
cartoons depicting various alleged Jewish a story with possible relevance for today.
dangers, in a most striking and graphic Organized chronologically into six chap-
form. The lead cartoonist was a man named ters, Fips’s cartoons clearly demonstrate
Philipp “Fips” Rupprecht. His cartoons be- the progression of views over the period of
came the signature feature of the news- 20 years, from before the Nazis assumed
paper, and grew to represent the broader power until the very end of the war. They
German struggle against Jewry. tell the story of Germany’s rise and fall as
With the demise of National Socialist nothing else has before or since.
Germany, Der Stürmer and Fips’s cartoons Hardback, 8.5 x 11, color illustrations,
were largely buried and forgotten. The vic- quality gloss stock, 288 pages, #910, $75
torious nations certainly did not want old criticisms were in any way valid. minus 10% for TBR subscribers plus $10
Nazi images floating around, raising diffi- Recently, though, a skilled digital artist S&H inside the U.S. Call 1-877-773-9077
cult questions about why the Nazis were so named Robert Penman rediscovered the toll free to charge or purchase this book on-
critical of Jews—and whether any of those forgotten images. He carefully restored, line at

At left, one of Rupprecht’s newly colorized cartoons shows a Jewish Communist rabblerouser. At right, a German official
drinks the brew conjured up by “Mephisto” and the “Jewish Press.” Even Adolf Hitler found Julius Streicher’s Der Stürmer
a bit “over the top.” Still, this book offers real insights into the attitudes many Germans held about Jews in that era.

One of the biggest murder

mysteries in all of history!
Millions gone missing. Were they
slaughtered? Banished to Siberia?
Relocated to Israel . . . or do they
live among us today? Find out in . . .

The Dissolution
of Eastern European Jewry
José Antonio Primo de Rivera: BY WALTER N. SANNING
Anthology of Speeches & Quotes EDITED & UPDATED BY GERMAR RUDOLF

efore World War II, Eastern Europe was
the demographic center of world Jewry.

After the war, however, only a fraction of
it was left behind. What happened? The
osé Antonio Primo de Rivera was the son of Gen. Miguel
“holocaust, of course,” most will say. The author of this book did not stop there, though, but
Primo de Rivera, ruler of Spain from 1923-1930. José Antonio thoroughly explored European population developments and shifts mainly caused by emigration,
founded the Falange Española—the Spanish Phalanx—in 1933. as well as deportations and evacuations conducted by both Nazis and the Soviets, among other
The Falange grew slowly at first, but swelled in numbers as the factors. The book is based mainly on Jewish, Zionist and mainstream sources.
terror of the Second Spanish Republic grew. Supporters of the The book concludes that a sizable share of the Jewish citizens found missing during local
censuses after World War II, which have so far been counted as “holocaust victims,” had either
Popular Front, the governing party, waged a campaign of violence
emigrated (mainly to Israel or the U.S.) or had been deported by Stalin to Siberian labor camps.
against Spanish Nationalists, highlighted by the jailing and execution This is the slightly edited second edition, with an updated foreword by Professor Arthur R.
of José Antonio in 1936. The Falange then joined the fight against Butz and an important epilogue by Germar Rudolf. It compares Sanning’s study with a mainstream investigation into the
the Communists. Falange would later merge with other right-wing numerical dimension of “the holocaust,” which appeared eight years after Sanning’s first edition. This study was designed
parties to form the Falange Española Tradicionalista, Spain’s pan- to refute Sanning’s work. However, both studies come to similar results for Jewish population losses in all European coun-
tries once ruled by the Nazis, except for two: Poland and the USSR. These two countries harbored the vast majority of the
Nationalist party, which held power under Franco for nearly four world’s Jews prior to the war.
decades. Thanks to Antelope Hill Publishing for creating this While Sanning dedicated the majority of his book to a thorough study of both countries’ demographic developments,
inspirational collection of José Antonio’s greatest speeches and editorials, unpublished in English the mainstream book meant to refute him remains notably silent on those subjects. Also, while Sanning investigates world-
before this wonderful compendium emerged. Softcover, 144 pages, #912, $15 minus 10% for TBR wide Jewish migration patterns prior to, during and after the war, his detractors ignore the topic and simply assume that
every Jew missing in Europe today was killed by the Nazis—as if there had never been a massive Jewish emigration from
subscribers plus $5 S&H inside the U.S. from TBR, P.O. Box 550, White Plains, MD 20695. Call
Europe during and after the war. Softcover, 224 pages, #709, $25 minus 10% for TBR subscribers. Inside the U.S. add $5
1-877-773-9077 toll free to charge, Mon.-Thu. 9-5 ET or see S&H. (Outside the U.S, please email for best foreign rates.) Send payment to TBR, P.O. Box
550, White Plains, MD 20695 or call 1-877-773-9077 toll free to charge, Mon.-Thu. 9-5 ET
Streicher, Rosenberg and the Jews
The Nuremberg Transcripts by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D.

HE HOLOCAUST was certainly one of the trial were two with a special connection to the “Jewish
most consequential events of the past 100 Question”: Alfred Rosenberg and Julius Streicher. The
years. But the truth of that event is far different case against them, and their personal testimony, is ex-
than commonly portrayed. Since the mid- amined for the first time. Nearly all major aspects of the
1970s, it has come under sustained attack by a group of Holocaust story are examined: the “extermination” thesis,
individuals known as Holocaust Revisionists—to the point gas chambers, gas vans, the alleged mass shootings in the
where, today, the story lies in ruins. Vir- East, and the iconic “6 million figure.”
tually every aspect of the standard ac- The truth of the holocaust has been
count, we now realize, has serious and badly distorted for decades by the
irreconcilable flaws. As a result, the ac- powers that be. Here we have the rare
tual Jewish death toll is far below the opportunity to hear firsthand from two
claimed figure of 6 million—likely in prominent figures from Nazi Germany.
the range of half a million—and not Their voices and their verbatim tran-
from poison gas. scripts from the IMT lend some much-
And, yet, despite this intense and needed clarity to the situation.
highly successful Revisionist work, the Includes chapters on: Justice at Nu-
mainstream version continues to dom- remberg, The Nazi Persecution of the
inate in the Western world. To fully un- Jews, The Case Against Rosenberg, Tes-
derstand this striking situation, we need timony of Rudolf Höss, The Case
to go back to the beginnings, to the Against Streicher, Streicher’s Defense,
origins of the conventional holocaust Rosenberg’s Defense, Closing State-
story. And this takes us to Nuremberg. ments, Verdicts, Sentences and Ex-
Immediately after World War II, the ecutions, Epilogue on Eternal Justice,
Allies initiated an extensive series of war-crimes trials The 25-Point Program of the NSDAP, The Jewish Ques-
against the Nazi hierarchy. The most famous of these oc- tion in Education, Adolf Hitler’s Last Will and Testament
curred at Nuremberg, and the single most important and more. Softcover, 330 pages, indexed, #872, $22
trial was known as the International Military Tribunal or minus 10% for TBR subscribers plus $5 S&H inside the
IMT. Running for roughly one year, it tried 24 leading U.S. Order from TBR, P.O. Box 550, White Plains, MD
Nazis, including such major figures as Hermann Göring 20695. Call 1-877-773-9077 toll free to charge, Mon.-
and Martin Bormann. But the most interesting men on Thu. 9-5 ET or visit
Adolf Hitler: History’s most infamous
anti-Semite. But what exactly did he
say about Jews, Zionism, usury etc?
Finds out—uncensored—in . . .
Hitler on the Jews
By Thomas Dalton, Ph.D.

hat Adolf Hitler spoke and manipulated view of Hitler’s
out forcefully against take on what he and others re-
Jewish influence is un- ferred to as “the Jewish Ques-
derstood by just about tion.” His real words and his ac-
everyone. But that this is the tual ideas are far more complex
first book ever to compile his and sophisticated than most au-
remarks on Jews is nothing thorities would have you believe.
short of astonishing. Of the Adolf Hitler was an intelligent
thousands of books and articles and well-read man. He had a
written on Hitler, World War II broad and largely accurate knowl-
and “the Holocaust,” virtually edge of history, culture, religion,
none of them quotes Hitler’s human biology and social evolu-
exact words on the subject. tion. His knowledge, depth and
The reason for this is clear: insight put to shame most any
Those in positions of influence present-day world leader we can
in media, local government, think of. And he was an anti-
public schools, national govern- Semite—no doubt—as defined
ment and universities have an by today’s standards. Mein
incentive to present a simplistic Kampf, for instance, would never
and highly sanitized picture of Hitler as an insane find a prominent publishing house nor would he
“anti-Semite,” a bloodthirsty tyrant and the em- be allowed to have a Facebook or Twitter page.
bodiment of pure evil. If they don’t, their careers Now, for the first time, one can read nearly
are threatened with ruination. every idea that Hitler put forth about the Jews and
This caricature of the truth is extremely use- Zionism in considerable detail and in full context.
ful—if for no other reason than to batter all “rac- Softcover, 200 pages, #847, $16 minus 10% for
ists,” “neo-Nazis,” “rednecks,” “bigots” and gen- BARNES REVIEW subscribers plus $5 S&H inside the
erally anyone unfriendly to Zionist or Israeli U.S. from TBR, P.O. Box 550, White Plains, MD 20695.
interests. This characterization, in turn, only works Call 1-877-773-9077 toll free to charge, Mon.-Thu. 9-5
if the public is presented with a carefully controlled ET. Purchase also at
Special Expanded 27th Anniversary Edition!

The Barnes Review



National Socialism: Hitler
Yesterday & Today vs. the
ational Socialism Yesterday
and Today is a radical
book, but it is one that
someone has needed to
write for decades. In this small but
while they reigned—Akhenaten,
Charlemagne, Adolf Hitler and
others. These men were few and far
between, but their terms in power
were almost unanimously hailed as
powerful work, author and philos- “golden times” for the citizenry.
opher William A. White discusses The names of these avatars who ALSO INSIDE:
National Socialism as a political phi- transformed their states into ones
losophy that, in its purest essence, serving all stations of society live on • Instigating World War II
brings order to the state while em- even today, though their reputations
powering and enriching—culturally have been slandered or their feats
• Israel’s founding father
and financially—the state and its nearly erased from history. • Zionism & the Holocaust
people at the same time. This is the And what would happen if a Na-
direct antithesis of the American state tional Socialist state developed in • Excesses of the Spanish Reds
today, which punishes its people America today? How would it be in-
with police state brutality, steals their stituted? What changes would it • Spain’s Falangist martyr
money through unfair forms of taxa- bring? What would happen to soci-
tion, listens in on every possible private communica- ety? What would the goals of the state be? How
• Streicher’s anti-Semitism
tion, tortures those who rise up against it and would the party be organized? All of this and more • The truth about Okinawa
generally turns the natural order upside down. is discussed. Softcover, 109 pages, $12 plus $5 S&H
But National Socialism is not an invention of the inside the U.S. from THE BARNES REVIEW, P.O. Box • The Acadian Upheaval
modern era. There were great leaders of the past who 550, White Plains, MD 20695. Call 1-877-773-9077
employed their version of National Socialist theory toll free to charge, Mon.-Thu. 9-5 ET. • Aryans in antiquity

One of the biggest murder

mysteries in all of history!
Millions gone missing. Were they
slaughtered? Banished to Siberia?
Relocated to Israel . . . or do they
live among us today? Find out in . . .

The Dissolution
of Eastern European Jewry
José Antonio Primo de Rivera: BY WALTER N. SANNING
Anthology of Speeches & Quotes EDITED & UPDATED BY GERMAR RUDOLF

efore World War II, Eastern Europe was
the demographic center of world Jewry.

After the war, however, only a fraction of
it was left behind. What happened? The
osé Antonio Primo de Rivera was the son of Gen. Miguel
“holocaust, of course,” most will say. The author of this book did not stop there, though, but
Primo de Rivera, ruler of Spain from 1923-1930. José Antonio thoroughly explored European population developments and shifts mainly caused by emigration,
founded the Falange Española—the Spanish Phalanx—in 1933. as well as deportations and evacuations conducted by both Nazis and the Soviets, among other
The Falange grew slowly at first, but swelled in numbers as the factors. The book is based mainly on Jewish, Zionist and mainstream sources.
terror of the Second Spanish Republic grew. Supporters of the The book concludes that a sizable share of the Jewish citizens found missing during local
censuses after World War II, which have so far been counted as “holocaust victims,” had either
Popular Front, the governing party, waged a campaign of violence
emigrated (mainly to Israel or the U.S.) or had been deported by Stalin to Siberian labor camps.
against Spanish Nationalists, highlighted by the jailing and execution This is the slightly edited second edition, with an updated foreword by Professor Arthur R.
of José Antonio in 1936. The Falange then joined the fight against Butz and an important epilogue by Germar Rudolf. It compares Sanning’s study with a mainstream investigation into the
the Communists. Falange would later merge with other right-wing numerical dimension of “the holocaust,” which appeared eight years after Sanning’s first edition. This study was designed
parties to form the Falange Española Tradicionalista, Spain’s pan- to refute Sanning’s work. However, both studies come to similar results for Jewish population losses in all European coun-
tries once ruled by the Nazis, except for two: Poland and the USSR. These two countries harbored the vast majority of the
Nationalist party, which held power under Franco for nearly four world’s Jews prior to the war.
decades. Thanks to Antelope Hill Publishing for creating this While Sanning dedicated the majority of his book to a thorough study of both countries’ demographic developments,
inspirational collection of José Antonio’s greatest speeches and editorials, unpublished in English the mainstream book meant to refute him remains notably silent on those subjects. Also, while Sanning investigates world-
before this wonderful compendium emerged. Softcover, 144 pages, #912, $15 minus 10% for TBR wide Jewish migration patterns prior to, during and after the war, his detractors ignore the topic and simply assume that
every Jew missing in Europe today was killed by the Nazis—as if there had never been a massive Jewish emigration from
subscribers plus $5 S&H inside the U.S. from TBR, P.O. Box 550, White Plains, MD 20695. Call
Europe during and after the war. Softcover, 224 pages, #709, $25 minus 10% for TBR subscribers. Inside the U.S. add $5
1-877-773-9077 toll free to charge, Mon.-Thu. 9-5 ET or see S&H. (Outside the U.S, please email for best foreign rates.) Send payment to TBR, P.O. Box
550, White Plains, MD 20695 or call 1-877-773-9077 toll free to charge, Mon.-Thu. 9-5 ET
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the Barnes Review



4 Shortly after Adolf Hitler annexed Austria,

he had one of the richest men in Europe 64 Did powerful Zionist and Jewish leaders
(who the author calls the “Big Zionist
Jews”) see some benefit in increasing the suf-
locked up for what he considered financial
crimes. But Louis Rothschild was not the only fering of the average Jew (who he calls “the
member of that prominent banking family im- Little Jews”) in WWII concentration camps? 53
prisoned by the German leader. SILENCING HISTORIAN DAVID IRVING
74 One of the reasons British historian David
Irving lost his libel suit against ultra-
Zionist Deborah Lipstadt was because of the

20 What you are seeing in America today is

eerily similar to the situation in Spain
when the Communists took over the nation.
“expert” testimony of a man named Richard
Evans. The problem is, most of what Evans
said on the stand amounted to fake history.
Marxists then, as now, were torching everything
that hinted of traditional Christian culture. RASCHER’S MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS
86 People look to TBR to defend slandered
Germans, in particular, as they generally
have no other champions. Here, however, we
examine the experiments of German Dr. Sigmund
28 In the wake of the Red excesses in Spain
in the 1930s, one man emerged above all
others as a spokesman for sanity and against
Rascher and find that, though valuable, his
methods constituted legitimate war crimes.
Jewish-inspired Marxism. Here is the inspira- THE HORRORS OF OKINAWA
tional story of this forgotten Spanish martyr.
ISRAEL’S FOUNDING FATHER 92 Most recognize the name “Okinawa,” and
its importance in winning WWII. But
what happened after the battle has been sanitized
out of nearly all mainstream history texts.
36 In the early days of the Zionist state in
the Mideast, it was not the United States,
but the Soviet Union, that was Israel’s greatest
supporter. This may be why some people claim ALSO INSIDE:
Josef Stalin was the founding father of Israel. 100 In the mid-1700s, France was so
wrapped up in wars on the continent
that it could not afford to help its brethren in
Personal from the Editor—2
TBR Editorial—3
THE FORCES PUSHING FOR WWII Canada when the British decided to “ethnically A reluctant declaration —53
BY JOHN WEAR, J.D. cleanse” French settlers. Here is the story of Thwarting the Red Cross—65
Red Cross in Theresienstadt—66

48 In May 2019, scholar and TBR Contributing the “Great Upheaval” of the Acadians.
History You Missed—72-73
Editor Dr. Thomas Dalton penned a book
called The Jewish Hand in the World Wars.
THE ARYAN RACE IN ANTIQUITY Targeting German civilians—79
Book Review: Pan Judah!—82
Needless to say, it did not last too long on Ama- BY PATRICK CHOUINARD Rascher’s ironic end—89
zon. In this article, TBR’s John Wear focuses
on one of the major themes in that book and
several others: The push by FDR’s Jewish/Zionist
108 In this article, TBR examines the reli-
gion, myths, cultural origins and racial
roots of the Aryans. The author also provides
The Order of Expulsion—101
Burning of the Pembroke—105
Geoffrey of Monmouth—105
advisors to force America into WWII. insights into its beginnings in remote antiquity. Letters to the Editor—120-127
Executive Editor: PAUL ANGEL
Assistant Editor: JOHN FRIEND
Founder: WILLIS A. CARTO (1926-2015)

TBR Board of Contributing Editors
ack in October 1994, Revisionist publisher Willis
Carto had a novel idea: Publish a fact-filled magazine
Barcelona. Spain Moscow, Russia Long Island, New York that was willing to talk about any historical subject,
MATTHIAS CHANG, J.D. MICHAEL A. HOFFMAN II RONALD L. RAY and discuss it honestly and without the poison of po-
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Topeka, Kansas litical correctness staining its pages. Political correctness, of
HARRY COOPER MARGARET HUFFSTICKLER LADY MICHELE RENOUF course, is a key tenet in the cult religion of Cultural Marxism,
Hernando, Florida Sofia, Bulgaria London, England
formulated by a clique of Jewish “thinkers” at the Frankfurt
Chicago, Illinois Johnstown, Pennsylvania Port Angeles, Washington School in Weimar-era Germany. Adolf Hitler knew they were
GUENTER DECKERT THOMAS KUES HARALD SCHARNHORST trouble, so, when he took over, he booted them out.
Weinheim, Germany Stockholm, Sweden Boise, Idaho Unfortunately, these alien miscreants found safe haven
DR. EDWARD DEVRIES CLINT LACY PAT SHANNAN here in the U.S. and, since then, they and their philosophical
Lowell, Florida Bollinger, Missouri Atlanta, Georgia
progeny have been working to undermine Western civilization
Atlanta, Georgia Brookings, Oregon Woodridge, Illinois in any way they can. Political correctness is the hammer they
JAMES EDWARDS DR. EDGAR LUCIDI UDO WALENDY use to stifle the free speech of anyone who criticizes them or
Memphis, Tennessee Corona del Mar, California Vlotho, Germany dares to discuss “taboo” topics like Zionism and “the Holocaust”
THOMAS GOODRICH CARLO MATTOGNO MICHAEL WALSH openly and honestly. They have even managed to make it a
Tampa, Florida Palestrina, Rome, Italy Allicante, Spain
crime to question their dictated wisdom in most of Europe,
Victoria, Texas Kensington, Maryland Dallas, Texas the cradle of Western civilization.
Here in the 21st century, Cultural Marxism and political
THE BARNES REVIEW (ISSN 1078-4799) is published bimonthly by
correctness have flowered. In particular, freedom of speech
TBR Co., 117 La Grange Avenue, La Plata, MD 20646. Periodical rate and thought have come under withering assault from its mod-
postage paid at Dulles, VA 20101 and additional mailing offices. For ad- ern-day adherents. Free speech and thought—despite being
dress changes, subscription questions, status of order and bulk distribution protected in the U.S. Constitution—are under attack in ways
inquiries, please call 202-547-5586. Editorial inquiries call 202-547-5586. that even we could not have fathomed back when we began
All rights reserved except that copies or reprints may be made without per- TBR. Then, the internet was just beginning and “wokeism”
mission so long as proper credit and contact info are given for TBR and no
changes are made. All manuscripts submitted must be typewritten (double
was laughed at. Today, however, an unholy alliance has been
spaced) or in electronic format. No responsibility can be assumed for un- forged between the multi-billionaires of corporate America,
returned manuscripts. Change of address: Send your old, incorrect mailing the “presstitute” media, left-wing publishing houses, Big Tech
label and your new, correct address neatly printed or typed 30 days before billionaires and the neo-liberal political establishment. Their
you move to ensure delivery. Advertising: 202-547-5586. Website: ultimate goal—like their Frankfurt School pantheon of he- Business email: Edi- roes—is the silencing of anyone who dares utter any versions
torial email: Send regular mail and orders to:
THE BARNES REVIEW, P.O. Box 550, White Plains, MD 20695.
of news or history they don’t pre-approve. This is the “Woke
Industrial Complex.”
Please include a phone number with all correspondence!
The good news is that, with your support, this politically
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to incorrect magazine has once again made it to another anni-
THE BARNES REVIEW versary, despite harassment from the “Wokeitarians.” To
P.O. Box 550, White Plains, MD 20695. reward TBR readers for helping us battle this plague, we are
offering a greatly expanded September/October TBR theme
tBR SUBSCRIPTION Rates & Prices issue, as we’ve done since 2017.
• U.S.A.
Periodical Rate: 1 year: $56; 2 years: $98 Inside this “Hitler vs. the Bankers” issue is an impressive
First Class: 1 year: $80; 2 years: $144 collection of articles—all dedicated in one way or another to
• CANADA & MEXICO: 1 year periodical: $75; 2 years: $150. the Jewish movements called Zionism, Marxism, Bolshevism,
• ALL OTHER FOREIGN NATIONS: 1 year: $90. Air Mail only. Communism, and the deadly influence their dutiful acolytes
(TBR is accepting only one-year foreign subscriptions at this time. Foreign Surface Rates
no longer available. All payments must be in U.S. dollars.) have unleashed on historical events over the decades.
QUANTITY PRICES: 1-5 $12 each Egads! That’s politically incorrect! You can’t talk about
(Current issue—S&H not included)6-10 $10 each
11-25 $9 each that stuff! Well, we can, and we will, because, politically
26 and more $8 each
Expanded Issues (over 80 pages) 1-20 $15 each incorrect or not, the truth is the truth, and we must never shy
Bound Volumes II-XXVI: $99 per year for 1996-2019 where available away from the truth or, at the very least, open debate about
3-Ring Library Style Binder: $25 each; year and volume indicated.
such issues without the shrieking hysteria and finger-wagging
THE BARNES REVIEW was founded in 1994 by Willis A. Carto
and has been publishing without interruption for the past 27 years. of the Thought Police. We have no intention of backing down.
See “GET EXTRA COPIES,” page 3

2 • T HE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O LL F REE



rom 1999 to 2003, this writer was the editor Loeb, Pierpont, Drexel, Rockefeller and Warburg—
here at THE BARNES REVIEW. What struck me the very elite of Western finance. They were the ones
was the refusal of this publication to bow to demanding total annihilation of Germany. In fact, the
fads, whether it be of the Right or the Left. Lehman family demanded complete military mobi-
The collection of essays for this special “Hitler vs. lization to destroy Germany. They hated Hitler’s drive
the Bankers” edition is part of this refusal. Almost to control trade and subsidize exports, hence cutting
every article in this theme issue destroys a myth re- into American automotive profits.
volving around Hitler, Bolshevism, Zionism, Com- Those like Thomas Lamont saw the war as a
munism and “the Holocaust’ with the same insight battle against Nationalism, putting him and the rest
our readers have come to respect. of the oligarchy into the anti-Hitler camp. Nothing in
For example, the “Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild” Hitler’s foreign trade policy appealed to industrialists
nonsense has been refuted over and over, but so in the United States, as John Wear makes very clear
many on the Right—fearful of being labeled a “Nazi”— in his article beginning on page 48.
have devised a suitable set of reasons to condemn The United States froze all German assets on June
Hitler. This is the sole motivation for the “anti-National 14, 1941, and Hitler retaliated. Any bank account in
Socialist” faction of the Right. The “Hitler was a Jew” Germany owned by Westerners was seized on De-
articles you’ll see pop up now and again have been cember 11 of that year. The name of Hjalmar Schacht,
written mostly by amateur historians who already be- “Hitler’s Banker,” comes up often as the financial
lieve that Hitler was to be condemned, so they cherry- “conduit” to Hitler, though he was a liberal who with-
pick reasons to justify it and actually believe they’ll drew any support from the NSDAP (National Socialist
be applauded by the Leftist establishment for this. German Workers’ Party) in 1939. In fact, he was the
Hitler was dedicated to a single economic goal: to central bank director during the catastrophic Weimar
create a new monetary system for Germany based era. Though supporting Hitler early, he rejected him
on autarky, or the full independence of German soon after, and wound up in prison. He opposed all
industry from all foreign sources of money. He state interference in monetary policy, and accused
outlawed usury in all its forms and reformed the the NSDAP of seeking a total state-controlled central
Deutschmark so it would be backed only by productive bank throughout the Reich.
labor. Karl Haemers’ article—the first in the special The Rothschild cabal was at war with Hitler and
issue—takes aim at this topic. financed all the early attacks on him. After Hitler
This is why the global elites condemned Hitler’s was elected, he refused to accept the advice of the
movement from the start. The claims of “Wall Street Rockefeller-Rothschild regime. He did this by creating
backing Hitler are belied by the fact that these same a new currency, one that was debt free and also
men were the loudest in calling for war against him. See “BANKERS FUNDED” on page 127
The “Stop Hitler” movement was financed by Kuhn-

Get Extra Copies of This Special Edition of THE BARNES REVIEW

Continued from page 2 cuted in the European court system for their forthright
To critics of what is contained in this issue, we say: historical investigations.
“Show us where we are wrong. Point out the specific So, when you read this issue of TBR, please appreciate
errors in our logic or any faulty evidence we have pre- the personal sacrifices these men—and women—have
sented here, and we will gladly print a correction.” made in our vital effort “to bring history into accord
You and I know this won’t happen. Our authors are with the facts,” not just for you, but the entire world.
experts who do their homework, diligently citing multiple Note: We are encouraging you to purchase extra
academic sources for everything they write. In addition, copies of this special expanded “Hitler vs. the Bankers”
they respect the truth. Not a single one of them has got- edition of TBR to distribute. Prices: 1-24 copies are $15
ten rich from these efforts; just the opposite. Take a look each; 25-34 copies are $13 each; 35-49 are $12 each; 50
at our Board of Contributing Editors. I don’t think there or more are $11 each. Prices do not include S&H. Please
is a millionaire on that list but, if there is, he didn’t make see page 128 for a handy TBR ordering form. ❖
it in this business! At least four of them have been perse- —PAUL ANGEL, Executive Editor

This poster reads: “Yankee, Englishman and Bol- ized by his tunes to their deaths—unless they paid
shevik Dancing to the Tune of the Jewish Clique.” his fee. On the cover of this issue of TBR is an 1898
At the bottom are pictured Franklin Roosevelt, Win- anti-Semitic political cartoon entitled “The World in
ston Churchill and Josef Stalin. Behind the powerful the Grasp of the Jews,” by the French caricaturist
world leaders is a caricature representing a Jewish Charles Leandre. It depicts a predator-like James
banker playing a flute or possibly a piccolo. This is (Jakob) Rothschild, patriarch of the French branch
an obvious reference to the German legend of the of the banking family, with his skeletal claws clutch-
Pied Piper of Hamelin who led all of those mesmer- ing the Earth in their grasp.

4 • T HE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O LL F REE


Hitler versus the

If the Rothschilds were funding Hitler,
why did he lock up so many of them?
and, especially, banking. litical corruption which Germany ex-
By Karl Haemers By 1938, the Institute for Studies perienced after the Great War,” i.e.,

of the Jewish Question located in the Weimar Republic.
t is a fact of suppressed history Berlin produced its analysis of the
that the National Socialist Ger- Weimar period titled Germany and
man Labor Party (NSDAP) im- the Jewish Question.2 Chapter 2, The dominance that the Roth-
prisoned members of the “Jews in German Economic Life,” schild Jewish banking family had
world’s most powerful banking states: “[W]ell-nigh every leading (fi- previously attained in Germany and
family, the Rothschilds. Though not nancial and banking) business was much of Western Europe can be
the focus of this essay, this fact alone in the hands of the Jews.” After re- summarized in the earlier work of
dispels the ongoing myths that the counting the extensive Jewish pres- Werner Sombart’s The Jews and
Rothschilds and other Jewish bankers ence in leading national banks, we Modern Capitalism.3
funded the NSDAP, and even that read: “The big private banks were The name Rothschild refers
Adolf Hitler himself was descended also nearly all in Jewish hands. We to more than the firm: It stands
from Rothschilds. need only recall such well-known for the whole of Jewish influence
German Chancellor Hitler and firms as Arnhold, Behrens, Warburg, on the Stock Exchange. By the
his NSDAP party believed that dis- Bleichroder, Mendelsohn, Gold- aid of that influence, the Roth-
placing Jews from dominant positions schmidt, Rothschild.” Even the schilds were enabled to attain
Reichsbank, “supposed to be the na- to their powerful position—it
throughout the social, economic and
may even be said to their unique
financial system was essential to tional bank of Germany … was com- position—in the market for gov-
rescuing Germany from abject pov- pletely controlled by its largely Jewish ernment securities. It was no ex-
erty and despair. The Nuremberg board of directors.” aggeration to assert that, in many
Laws begun in 1935, formally titled Two final quotes from Germany a land, the minister of finance
The Law for the Protection of Ger- and the Jewish Question will sum- who could not come to an agree-
man Blood & German Honor and marize our depiction of the financial ment with this firm might as well
The Reich Citizenship Law,1 made it conditions that the National Socialists close the doors of his exchequer.
illegal for Jews as defined to vote or and Hitler faced in 1933. “Jews con- “There is only one power in Eu-
hold public office. Even more press- centrated themselves on commercial rope,” was a dictum well known
about the middle of the 19th cen-
ing was displacing Jews from their and financial undertakings and as- tury, “and that is Rothschild: a
powerful positions in major industries sumed therein absolute leading posi- dozen other banks are his un-
such as textiles, steel production, tions” and “nowhere have Jews been derlings, his soldiers are all honest
precious metals, retail, media and more downright unrestrained than merchants and workmen, and
entertainment, food and agriculture during the era of economic and po- speculation is his sword.

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 5

*** gime, a repressive one-party dic- On the same day, the Perth West-
[N]ot only quantitatively, but tatorship that called itself a ern Australia Daily News headlined:
also qualitatively, the Stock Ex- “Christian corporative” state. It “Nazis Free Rothschild, Seize His
change bears the impress of the imprisoned National Socialists, Bank.” The article said:
Rothschilds (and therefore of Marxists and other dissidents.
the Jew). But there was one important Whether ex-King Edward of
*** section of Austria’s population England, the duke of Windsor,
[S]ince the appearance of the that supported the dictatorial re- had anything to do with it is not
Rothschilds, the stock market gime. That was the Jewish com- announced, but his Jewish friend,
has become international. munity, which made up 2.8% of Austrian banker Baron Louis
*** the total. As Professor Bukey Rothschild, was released today
[T]he issue by the Rothschilds writes in Hitler’s Austria: Pop- by the Nazis. But the Rothschild
of the Austrian bonds in 1820- ular Sentiment in the Nazi Era, Bank is confiscated. The duke
1821 was an epoch-making event, 1938-1945 (University of North made a personal plea to Hitler
both in public borrowing and in Carolina Press, 2000): for the release of Rothschild and
Stock Exchange business. For “The Jewish community re- others three weeks ago. But he
the first time, all the ropes were garded the Dollfuss-Schuschnigg was given a rebuff. Hitler replied,
pulled to create a demand for regime as its protector. … Under “regretting his inability to comply
the shares, and speculations in the Dollfuss-Schuschnigg regime, with the request.”
government stocks may be stated the Jewish community recovered On April 10, the Chicago Sunday
to have begun on this occasion, a measure of governmental pro-
at least on the continent.
Tribune announced “Nazi Seizure
tection it had not enjoyed since
*** the days of the Habsburgs. The
Ends Austrian Banking Power.” The
[T]he house of Rothschild set public was outraged.” first paragraph by author Laurence
the fashion in railway building In spite of their small num- Burd states:
(at about mid-century), as it had bers, Austria’s Jews wielded vast When the Rothschild family
done before in public loans. and disproportionate wealth and last week filed suit to save their
Scarcely a company that was power. As Professor Bukey writes: then-$3,300,000 of assets from
started in Germany but looked “The predominant position confiscation by the German Nazi
to the goodwill of Rothschild. of the Jews in an impoverished government, it brought to a focus
country only intensified the fear the death blow dealt by Hitler in
Though not the only Jewish
and loathing of the Austrian the once powerful Viennese fi-
bankers the National Socialists pros- masses. As we have already seen, nancial stronghold with the wip-
ecuted, we will focus on the Roth- Jewish businesses and financial ing out of Austria. When Hitler
schilds due to their enormous finan- institutions managed much of marched into Vienna, Baron Louis
cial influence in Germany and Europe the country’s economic life. At Rothschild, last head of the Vien-
more broadly, and the dramatic the time of the Anschluss, three- nese branch of the family, was
events that unfolded during the Na- quarters of Vienna’s newspapers, arrested and his properties, in-
tional Socialist period. banks and textile firms were in cluding the Rothschild Bank,
Jewish hands.” were confiscated.
A good deal of that Austrian Jew- Such phrases as “the wiping out
By 1938, prominent English- ish wealth and power was wielded of Austria” and “Hitler marched into
language newspapers were reporting by the Rothschilds, and one in par- Vienna” are misleading anti-German
on the imprisonment of Rothschild ticular—Baron Louis Rothschild. propaganda. The Anschluss was im-
family members and confiscation of On April 8, 1938, the popular mensely popular with the peoples
their assets. This coincided with the Scottish newspaper the Dundee of both nations, returning a collective
Anschluss, the reunification of Ger- Evening Telegraph announced: plebiscite vote of 98%. Hitler’s “march
many and Austria that became official “Nazis Take Over Rothschild Bank.” into Vienna” was attended by cheer-
on March 12 of that year. The article read: ing crowds of Austrians throwing
To understand conditions in Aus- flowers and offering the National
tria prior to the Anschluss, we look It was officially announced Socialist salute.
to the essay “How The Sound of last night that the S.M. Rothschild
Under the subsection “Germany
Music Distorts History: Hollywood bank in Vienna has been taken
over by a public body, the Aus-
Gains Credits”:
Mythology About Austrians and Adolf
trian Credit Institute for Public [T]he German government
Hitler”4 :
Works. The proprietor, Baron has increased its credits abroad
In the years before the March Louis Rothschild, is under arrest by taking over the credits of in-
1938 Anschluss, Austria was ruled and the other partners have been dividual and private businesses
by the Dollfuss-Schuschnigg re- suspended. in Austria, variously valued at

6 • T HE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O LL F REE

from $100 million to $200 mil-
lion. In return for these credits,
Germany pays reichsmarks.
... What Hitler gained in gold
from Austria was small in com-
parison with the financial em-
pire that the House of Roth-
schild throughout Europe built
and zealously guarded through-
out the last century.
The article goes on to try and
assert that the Rothschild banking
empire is finished. It ends with:
“[T]he House of Rothschild rose
to the heights and then disinte-
However, earlier in the same
section, “Hold Fortune in Paris,”
we read:
A large fortune is held pri-
vately by the Rothschilds in
Paris. Only in London have
the Rothschilds retained a pub-
lic business. There they operate
one of the foremost acceptance
banks and are prominent
dealers in gold bullion.
No mention is made of the
large stake the Rothschild family
held in the Federal Reserve central
bank, loaning money at interest
to the U.S. government and taxing
the American people on income
to pay the interest, as well as
other banks and assets around
the world. The National Socialist
seizure of Rothschild assets in
Austria was no “death blow” to
the Jewish banking family, but it
was certainly a boost to the pros-
perity, well-being and sense of
justice to the Germanic people of
both nations. Shown here is Louis Nathaniel de Rothschild, a scion of the Aus-
By May 11, the Central Queens- trian wing of the Rothschild banking dynasty. The Rothschilds,
land Herald published a short ar- due to their immense wealth, believed that they were untouch-
ticle entitled, “Attack on Roth- able—above the laws of all nations. Louis found out differently
schilds.” It states in full:
when, after the Anschluss, Adolf Hitler had him arrested and con-
Herr Streicher’s Jew-bait- fined in Vienna’s Hotel Metropole from March to July 1938. Even-
ing journal devotes several tually, he was afforded even more comfortable accommodations
pages to a vituperative attack
on the house of Rothschild. It as negotiations for his release began between the Rothschilds
accuses the Austrian branch and the German government. Eventually, the Rothschilds ponied
of robbing Vienna of 2 billion up an estimated U.S. $21,000,000 for his release.
Austrian schillings.
The paper prints a photo-

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 7

graph of Baron Louis Rothschild, Baron de Rothschild, then head
who it describes as the “financial of the Austrian banking opera-
criminal, von Rothschild.” It states tions of the family, was held pris-
that the photograph was taken oner by the Nazi secret police.
seven days before his confine- He was released only after leng-
ment, and adds, “Here, he looks thy negotiations between the
sure of victory. Since then, his family and the Nazis and upon
confidence has deserted him.” payment of $21 million, believed
to have been the largest ransom
Julius Streicher was a devoted payment in history for any indi-
National Socialist who produced the vidual.
journal Der Stürmer (“The Attacker”)
with admittedly graphic and stereo- This amount may be more ongo-
typic depictions of Jews and sensa- ing war propaganda, or it may partly
tionalist coverage of news from a include the value of the Witkowitz
National Socialist perspective. [See works in Czechoslovakia. This iron-
page 82.—Ed.] It maintained a rel- and coal-mining and steel-producing
atively simple and direct style to ap- plant was majority owned by the
peal to the German working class.5 Rothschilds, but one historical ac-
In this case, accusing the Rothschilds count7 says the National Socialists
of robbing Vienna of only 2 billion actually paid 2 million pounds and
The Zionists schillings is probably a low estimate.
On August 20, a U.S. newspaper
released Louis in exchange for the
mines and works. Given some ob-
Zionist Wall Street reported about news in The London vious errors in the entry, whether
Daily Herald titled, “Germany Re- deliberate propaganda or poor his-
Here is an updated reprint of the torical representation—such as claim-
classic book by Judge George ported Not Satisfied with $600,000
for Release of Rothschild”: ing the National Socialists held Louis
Washington Armstrong that dis- for one year, and a myth of the
cusses the history of the Jews and German authorities are not baron’s gallant statement upon re-
their control of international fi- satisfied with a 120,000-pound lease, along with a depiction of the
nance. Includes sections on the [$600,000] “ransom” offered for
German military entering Czecho-
Talmud, the Protocols, Federal the release of Baron Louis Roth-
schild, and have demanded con-
slovakia in an invasion instead of as
Reserve System, the League of a peacekeeping force8—we must
trol of the Witkowitz works, the
Nations, WWI, President Wilson, biggest industrial concern in suspect this account as invalid. But
Theodor Herzl, Kaiser Wilhelm, Czechoslovakia, in addition to how credible is a claim of $21 million,
the sultan of Turkey, Baron Roth- the money, according to the Daily when the original negotiations started
schild of Paris, Franklin Roose- Herald. at $600,000?
velt—portrayed as a traitor, the The Austrian Rothschilds of- This historical account does have
war criminals of Pearl Harbor, the fered the 120,000 pounds for the some credible history on the pogroms
Morgenthau-Zionist hate pro- release of the noted financier, desperate miners inflicted on Jews
gram, the Marshall and Levitski held by the Nazis since Austro- in the Witkowitz area from 1890 on-
plans. Also includes the entire text German Anschluss, the news- ward.
paper said. The French branch
of Armstrong’s famous book of Many mill and mine owners
of the family also declared itself
nearly 100 pages entitled Zionist willing to make a considerable in this locality were Jews, the
Wall Street. Softcover, 250 pages, contribution, it added. biggest iron and steel works at
#765, $18 minus 10% off TBR Witkowitz being the property of
subscribers plus $5 S&H inside When, decades later, the Jewish the Rothschilds, which made it
the U.S. Send payment using the Telegraphic Agency reported on the easy to mix up the Judenhetze
form at the back of this issue to death of Louis Rothschild at 72, the [persecution of Jews] with the
TBR, P.O. Box 550, White “ransom” paid to the National So- strikes. One Galician town which
cialist authorities was then reported was almost wholly inhabited by
Plains, MD 20695. To charge,
to have grown enormously. Headline: Jews was destroyed by fire, sev-
call 1-877-773-9077 toll free to eral hundred Jewish families
charge, Mon.-Thu. 9-5 ET. See “Baron Louis de Rothschild Dead:
Paid $21,000,000 Ransom to Nazis”6: camping in the fields in utter
also destitution. Throughout these
When the Nazis took over provinces, there was scarcely a
Austria in the Anschluss of 1938, town where, during the last fort-

8 • T HE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T O LL F REE

A collection of newspaper headlines from around the world announces Louis Rothschild’s story.

night of April, Jewish shops had sight. The region was lost to the So- Dresdner bank—informed … that
not been broken open and looted viets after the war, and conditions the transfer abroad of the own-
and, on May Day, there threatened became as bad or worse as they ership of Witkowitz had been il-
to be a universal attack made on were under the Rothschilds. legal under currency laws.
the Hebrew. We will next explore an extensive Finally, in July 1939, it was
historical account on the Rothschild agreed to sell the plant for £2.9
Here was the sad, old pattern of million. However, the outbreak
Jews exploiting and impoverishing Jewish banking family, which pro-
of war gave the Germans the
Gentiles through economic and fi- vides a final point on the Witkowitz
perfect excuse not to pay. As a
nancial domination, provoking an sub-topic: result, Witkowitz joined the
inevitable defensive reaction, arising Although Louis had to hand lengthening list of Rothschild
again at the Witkowitz mines and over most of his Austrian assets properties confiscated without
plant. The equally inevitable counter to secure his own release, the compensation by the National
reaction came in 1892 when “troops family was able to insist that a Socialist regime.9
price be paid for Witkowitz (albeit
were called,” possibly by the Roth- Here we see one glaring defama-
a discounted price). But such
schilds, to confront miners and legal niceties were ultimately tion already noted, a reference to
workers demanding a shorter work bound to be swept aside by Na- Hitler “bullying” the government of
day and a celebration of May Day. tional Socialist force majeure. Czechoslovakia into partition. In
Nine workers were killed and many Eugene’s hopes of selling the fact, segments of the German army
wounded. ironworks to the Czechoslovak entered parts of Czechoslovakia
Given the National Socialist rev- state for £10 million were dashed under an agreement between Hitler
erence for workers, and policies of when Hitler bullied the Prague and the Czech government as a
government into accepting par-
fairness and support for their well- peacekeeping force, and the multi-
tition in March 1939. With the
being, we can be assured conditions works effectively under German ethnic nation partitioned into its ap-
and wages materially improved at control … Fritz Kranefuss— propriate ethno-states without war
Witkowitz during the brief time it Himmler ’s adjutant and a su- or even a single incidence of violence.
was under National Socialist over- pervisory board member of the [See footnote 8.—Ed.]

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Imprisoned by Hitler. Devout Zionist. Imprisoned by Hitler. Crypto-Rothschild?

These amounted to renaming Gestapo headquarters at the Hotel

NIALL FERGUSON some buildings, plazas and streets, Metropole on Morzin-Platz. …
Of all the immense volumes of the forced selling of Rothschild build- The process of confiscating Roth-
printed, audio and video material ings and institutions, tax payments schild property began at once.
produced on the Rothschilds, the Men of the SS were seen looting
and some confiscation of assets. It
two book series The House of Roth- artworks from Louis’ palace al-
was not until the Anschluss that the most immediately after his arrest.
schild: The World’s Bankers, 1849- arrest and incarceration of the first On March 30, the firm of S.M.
1999 by Niall Ferguson may be the Rothschild began. Louis had been von Rothschild was placed under
most detailed and extensive. Like working in Vienna to protect family compulsory administration by a
so much such material— likely sanc- wealth from the potential National new Austrian Credit Institute for
tioned by the Rothschilds themselves Socialist confiscation: Public Enterprises and Works at
—Ferguson basically whitewashes the orders of the Vienna gauleiter’s
the evils and damage the Jewish It had not been difficult to economic adviser Walter Rafels-
banking family has inflicted on the foresee what the rise of Nazism berger, who was charged with
meant for the Rothschilds in the systematic confiscation of all
world and its peoples. It does, ho-
Vienna—the city so inextricably Jewish assets in Austria. It was
wever, contain valuable details of associated in Hitler’s mind with
the actions that the National Socialist then put under the temporary
the threat posed by Jewry. … control of the German firm of
government took against the Roth- [After other family members left Merck, Fink and Co. and finally
schilds during that crucial period Austria for England,] Louis de- sold to them in October 1939.11
starting with the 1938 Anschluss, so cided to stay at the bank; but he
we will look at such accounts. took the precaution of transferring These events precipitated the
They are contained in Chapter ownership of the Witkowitz iron- newspaper reports we have already
14, “Deluges (1915-1945)”: works to the Alliance Assurance examined. “The threat posed by
An altogether more ruthless Company (in which the London Jewry” in Vienna in Hitler’s mind is
coalition had come to power in house still had a controlling in- well documented in Mein Kampf,12
Germany (than in France) in 1933, terest). He also transferred rights and certainly valid from the perspec-
the National Socialist German of disposal over all his Austrian tive of a native Austrian and almost
Workers’ Party. Hostility to the assets to the New York bank of anyone else. The Kuhn, Loeb bank
Rothschilds had been a feature Kuhn, Loeb and Co. This was in-
on Wall Street was, of course, the
of Nazi propaganda since the adequate insurance. The day after
the Austro-German Anschluss of
source of funds for the Bolshevik
movement’s infancy … despite
the fact that the Frankfurt house March 11, 1938, as cheering Revolution in 1917 that went on to
had been wound up when Hitler crowds welcomed Hitler’s troops threaten Germany and all of Europe
was barely 12 years old. It was a into Vienna, Louis attempted to at the time we are discussing. A close
hostility that was soon translated leave the city. His passport was associate of the Rothschilds—he was
into action. At first the attacks confiscated, and the next day he raised in a home with the Rothschilds
were largely symbolic.10 was arrested and taken to the themselves at 148 Judengasse,

10 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

Frankfurt13—Jacob Schiff was the
chief Jewish financier at Kuhn, Loeb,
and may have given the order—or at
least an approval—of the slaughter
of Czar Nicholas II, his family and
retainers in the Ekaterinburg house
basement. It was to this same Jewish
Wall Street bank that Louis tried to
sequester his assets. No reference is
given for “SS men seen looting art-
works,” but this is a common theme
throughout this section by Ferguson
and others elsewhere: the injustice
of National Socialists confiscating
valuable Rothschild art.
The injustice is reversed when
it is known that the Rothschilds ac-
quired their wealth—and thus their
ability to buy expensive art—through
usury theft and predatory financial
practices. Whether “the systematic
confiscation of all Jewish assets in
Austria” was ever enacted or is
more Jewish victim-mongering can
be addressed further in the text,
when Ferguson writes: “Naturally,
many (though not all) German and
Austrian Jews wanted to get out,
while the Nazis had no objection to
their leaving.”14 Here is the front gate of one of five Rothschild palaces built in
The next section details, with the Vienna. Commissioned by Baron Albert von Rothschild, it was
usual pathos, Jewish “refugees” and designed and built by French architect Gabriel-Hippolyte Destail-
the Rothschild involvement in re- leur between 1876 and 1884. It was demolished in 1954.
settling them. Of course, despite
great controversy, even among Jews,
Palestine was their ultimate desti- their numbers for decades if not much of the war in a POW camp
nation. We are treated to some obli- centuries, and more if we include in Lubek (and, in the case of
gatory horror stories about the “Holo-
the Torah and Talmud mythologies. Elie, Colditz).
caust,” including an excerpt from a In this case, Victor left out one zero
speech by Victor Rothschild15 to the Alain’s obituary in The New York
which was dutifully added after the
Zionist Federation in which he said: Times in 1982 gives even less infor-
mation, simply stating: “Like many
I know that children have SONS OF ROTHSCHILD, POWS French Jews, Baron Alain spent
been shot dead. I have inter-
viewed people who have escaped After a detailed account of Roth- most of World War II in a detention
from the concentration camps, schilds themselves who became “ref- camp.”16 Lubek, on the Baltic Sea,
and I can tell you that their ex- ugees” (not to Palestine, but to friend- was in Military District 10, Hamburg,
periences make the many horrors lier and more hospitable accommo- during the war.17 The Germans main-
we read about nowadays seem dations in Britain, the U.S. and else- tained a POW camp there for officers
like some nursery game. … where), we find a brief account of known as Oflag (officers’ camp) X-
“The slow murder of 600,000 other Rothschild imprisonments: C, and it was here that Alain must
people is an act which has rarely have been detained. Miraculously,
happened in history.” [T]hat left the men of the
younger generation to fight. Rob- though, he must not have been
This was in October 1938. Jews ert’s sons Alain and Elie were aboard the Cap Arcona and two
had been kvetching about fraudulent both taken prisoner by the Ger- other immense passenger ships that
massacres and pogroms and inflating mans, and ended up spending were transporting prisoners away

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 1 1

from the advancing British navy and ironies that the only person Random House was founded by Ben-
air force, that were sunk by the Brit- named Rothschild killed by the nett Cerf and Donald Klopfer, and
ish, causing about 7,000 casualties Nazis was not a Jew and had Peter Mayer was a former CEO of
of POW’s and others.18 [For more, disowned the family name.21 Penguin books.23 All of them were
see the TBR January/February 2014 No reference is given for this Jewish. When Putnam merged with
issue.—Ed.] story either, except “her husband Penguin, Phyllis Grann became the
Elie Rothschild was, considering was later told.” Did Phillipe Rothschild CEO of the new Penguin Group.
his aristocratic banker heritage, ap- even care about the fate of his “es- Soon after, Ferguson’s two-book
propriately allegedly detained in a tranged” gentile ex? Irony does not series on the Rothschilds was pub-
famous edifice, Colditz Castle, in begin to describe it. In fact, Elizabeth lished. Grann was half Jewish.24
the town of the same name in Saxony. is reported to have died of typhus
This was designated Oflag IV-C, and SHARES IN WATERLOO?
like so many at Ravensbruck and
many officers from diverse units of throughout the German prison sys- In 1940, supposedly at the urging
the multinational enemy were de- tem, not “brutally murdered.”22 of the German Ministry of Infor-
tained there. Strangely, while a de- No reference is given for any of mation led by Joseph Goebbels, Eric
tailed Wikipedia entry makes mention the statements presented here, or Waschneck directed and C.M. Kohn
of many less infamous names, no many throughout the chapter from produced the film The Rothschilds:
mention is made of Elie Rothschild.19 the most credible and voluminous Shares in Waterloo. This film appears
We will have to trust Niall Ferguson to be one of three attempts the Na-
in his reporting on the imprisonment tional Socialists made to counteract
of these two Rothschild sons. three American films made in 1934,
Elie Rothschild in this case one with a very similar
plot, but depicting the Rothschilds
The final account Ferguson makes was eventually and Jews generally in a more philo-
of any Rothschild imprisonment fol-
lows thus:
detained in a Semitic fashion. During the intro-
duction of the German version, when
Two members of the family
famous edifice— the historical context is being es-
tablished by scrolling text, we read:
died as a consequence of the
Nazi policy of genocide. The aunt
Colditz Castle. “This film is based on historical fact.”
to whom Victor referred in his The Wikipedia plot summary is
speech in the Lords in 1946 was sufficiently accurate, as it rarely is
his mother’s elder sister Aranka, on all things National Socialist:
who perished at Buchenwald. account of the Rothschild banking
As William I, Elector of Hesse,
Victor claimed that “he himself family ever published. This is quite refused to join the French sup-
had had a 75-year-old aunt clubbed understandably explained, however, porting confederation of the
to death by the SS outside an exter- by an asterisk footnote on the first Rhine at its formation in 1806,
mination camp.”20 Why not within page of the epilogue: he is threatened by Napoleon.
the camp, and why not by gassing, The reader is reminded that In Frankfurt, he asks his agent
is perhaps explainable because Jews this section of the book is not Mayer Amschel Rothschild to
had not fully settled upon the gas based on archival research but convey bonds worth £600,000 he
on published sources and inter- has received from Britain to sub-
chamber mythology in 1946. No ref-
views. Neither it nor chapter 14 sidize his army to safety in Eng-
erence is given for this story. therefore provides anything more land. Rothschild, however, uses
The other victim was Phi- than a sketch of a future history the money for his own ends, with
lippe’s estranged wife Lili (Eliz- of the Rothschild banks since the help of his sons, Nathan Roth-
abeth). “Why should the Germans 1915—a task for another historian schild in London and James Roth-
harm me?” she had asked him in some years hence. Partly for this schild in Paris. They first use the
1940. “I am from an old French reason, I have kept endnotes to money to finance Wellington’s
Catholic family.” Despite reverting a minimum. army in Spain’s war against Na-
to her original title, the Comptesse poleon, at advantageous terms
de Chambure, she was arrested
No doubt another reason end- of interest. In a notable coup, in
by the Gestapo in 1944 and sent notes are kept to a minimum is the 1815, Nathan spreads the rumor
by the last transport to Ravens- fact that a Penguin/Putman merger that Napoleon had won the Battle
brück where, her husband was known as the Penguin Publishing of Waterloo, causing London
later told, she was brutally mur- Group, which published this book, stock prices to collapse. He then
dered. It is thus the blackest of became owned by Random House. bought a large quantity of equities

12 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

In an attempt to counter the negative image that the ultra-rich Rothschilds were receiving, the film
The House of Rothschild was created in 1934. The film follows the “heroic and courageous” Roth-
schilds—forced to live in grand palaces in Jewish ghettoes—and their ongoing battle against per-
petual anti-Semitism. The film, produced with Rothschild money and directed by Alan Werker,
opens in 1780 and describes how the Rothschilds created five international European banks. Of
course, the Rothschilds need billions of dollars, according to the film, to protect themselves against
the anti-Semites who want them dead. They blame anti-Semitism for forcing Jews to work as mer-
chants and moneylenders as “evil” European Christians won't let them own land or work a trade.

at the bottom of the market, prof- with a declaration that, as the had won. Rothschild achieved his
iting handsomely as prices rose film is released, the last Roth- advance notice of the outcome of
once the truth about the battle schild has left continental Europe the battle by corrupting and sending
emerged. In a decade, the Roth- as a refugee and the next target a German agent to the war zone who
schilds have accumulated a for- is England’s plutocracy.25 sent back a carrier pigeon message.
tune of £11 million by using the
At the core of the film is the de- This depiction has taken on wide-
elector’s money. Nathan returns
piction of the rapacious deceitful spread iconic belief, but it is essential
the original capital to the elector,
plus only a small amount of in- Rothschilds scheming to manipulate to be accurate and evaluate whether
terest, keeping the great bulk of the stock market with false news of “this film is based on historical fact.”
the profits for the Rothschilds, the Battle of Waterloo, buying during Not surprisingly, the Rothschilds
and plans to formalize a Europe- the panic selling and reaping an enor- have their own archive, where this
wide network of family led fi- mous profit when the real news story is examined for accuracy. It
nancial institutions. The film ends arrived that the British, not Napoleon, acknowledges that the depiction was

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 1 3

presented in the otherwise reputable tainly was in on the action, and “prof- tive and outlandish conspiracy
The House of Rothschild by Ferguson ited handsomely,” as the film sum- theories. So he decided on his
examined earlier, but “in a more sin- mary depicts, through early notice middle name followed by his
ister vein it formed the basis” of the amounting to a form of insider trad- mother’s maiden name: Georges
National Socialist film we are ex- ing. Typical of Jewish bankers and Mandel.27
amining.26 financiers, the Rothschilds displayed This name change is a standard
The Cathcart essay in the Roth- no conscience or morals in their strategy of crypto-Jews, with too
schild archives readily dismisses a business dealings. many examples to mention, and it
few sources of the story of the Roth-
GEORGES LOUIS OR JEROBOAM? looks like it was also a strategy for
schild rip-off, and makes a good case crypto-Rothschilds like “Mandel.”
that carrier pigeons were not in use Georges Mandel was almost cer- Louis George Rothschild/Georges
in England in 1815 (though they had tainly a crypto-Rothschild. His birth Mandel28 was born in 1885 in an af-
been used for millennia, and later name was Louis George or possibly fluent suburb of Paris. Supposedly
would be used by the Rothschilds’ Jeroboam Rothschild, and he was the son of a tailor, his Jewish family
Reuters news service). The historical born in the affluent suburbs of west- had moved from Alsace to near Paris
analysis is hard to trust, since some ern Paris in 1885 to a Jewish family. when the Alsace-Lorraine region
of its references are the Rothschilds’ He went on to a career in French was annexed to Germany after the
archives themselves, but here are Franco-Prussian War of 1871. Roth-
key points it does admit: “Rothschild schild/Mandel was working at the
was one of a number of people in Socialist newspaper L’Aurore under
London who received private infor- Many scholars the later French statesman Georges
mation about the battle before Well-
ington’s official dispatch was delivered believe that Clemenceau when the Dreyfuss
Affair was raging, the case of a Jew
at about 11 p.m. on Wednesday.”
Also, “It appears likely … that Roths-
Georges Mandel in the French army leaking state se-
crets to the German embassy.
child bought stocks on Wednesday was in reality When Clemenceau later became
afternoon. If he did so at around 5%
premium, then he could have sold a Rothschild. minister of the interior, he brought
Rothschild/Mandel along as an “aide.”
the next day at 8% or more—a very Rothschild/Mandel was elected to
handsome overnight return fully the French parliament in 1919 and
worth the description ‘doing well’.”
It goes on to say that the Roth- politics that saw him operating at again in 1928, and appointed to min-
schilds did not scoop the entire mar- the highest levels of national deci- ister of posts in 1934, which included
ket, were not the only ones with in- sionmaking, and brought him into arranging the first French television
sider knowledge, and did not make personal contact with Winston Chur- broadcast. Politically he was an “out-
the largest killing that day. chill. Before we look at more of his spoken opponent of Nazism and Fas-
However, this passage from a career and his ultimate imprisonment cism. In the 1930s, he played a similar
British newspaper announcing the by the National Socialists, we must role to that of Winston Churchill in
news of the Wellington victory at first better establish that Mandel née the United Kingdom, highlighting
Waterloo presented in the Cathcart Rothschild was most likely one of the dangers posed by the rise of
the notorious banking family. Adolf Hitler in Germany.”
essay does not deny the dominance Rothschild/Mandel supported a
of the Rothschilds in British finance, In a dramatic article about Roth-
and Cathcart does not either: schild/Mandel that strangely also fix- French military alliance with the
ates on alleged National Socialist Soviet Union, and was against the
This I have from good au- confiscation of valuable art, the author Munich Agreement that preserved
thority—one who has seen a does not deny that Mandel was a peace in Europe at the time.
letter from Ghent, received by Rothschild, but does not affirm it Rothschild/Mandel’s warmonger-
Rothschild, the great stockbroker either: ing became more obvious when he
whose information is invariably advocated France engage in aggres-
the best. Mandel thought the name
Rothschild was too identifiably sive war against Germany after Hitler
The great stockbroker whose in- Jewish and, moreover, too Roth- finally was forced to send the Wehr-
formation is invariably the best may schild; it suggested that he be- macht into Poland after many failed
not have cornered the market through longed to the pan-European bank- attempts at peace and alliance with
deceit as The Rothschilds: Shares ing dynasty that was so often Poland.29 “Mandel was accused by
in Waterloo film depicts, but he cer- the subject of anti-Semitic invec- some on the right of being a war-

14 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

Austrian girls line the streets of Vienna, waving swastika flags to greet arriving German troops as
they enter the city. In 1938, the Anschluss—the political union of Austria with Germany—was
achieved through annexation by Adolf Hitler—himself an Austrian. An overwhelming majority of
Austrians welcomed the union with Germany. The Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I,
had forbidden the union of Germany and Austria, but Hitler was determined that the kindred Ger-
manic nations would reunite into a “Greater Germany.”

monger and of placing his Jewish in office himself—met in Tours with Communist influence in France and
ancestry above France’s interests.” the French “government in retreat” Spain and elsewhere. We will return
Certainly other interventionists of Prime Minister Paul Reynaud. to Churchill’s account again later.
were active in agitating and orches- Rothschild/Mandel was the minister June 16, 1940 was an eventful
trating the German/Polish conflict of the interior at the time, and Chur- day, as Reynaud resigned and Petain
as the start of the greater cataclysm chill was received at the prefecture. prepared to establish the Vichy ad-
they arranged, World War II.30 Less Churchill said of Rothschild/Mandel ministration that cooperated with
than nine months later, Germany “He was energy and defiance per- Germany. On this day, Rothschild/
launched a pre-emptive strike sonified,” and said that “his ideas Mandel’s complex imprisonment his-
against the 2.4-million-man French/ were simple: fight on to the end in tory began when he was briefly ar-
British army that was poised on the France.” “This was the last time I rested, but released through the ap-
border with Belgium to invade Ger- saw this valiant Frenchman.”31 The peals of prominent parliament
many. As the National Socialist first official meeting was as early as members. The next day, British Gen.
Wehrmacht was marching toward 1936, when Churchill, as a member Edward Spears offered Rothschild/
Paris, Rothschild/ Mandel opposed of Parliament, visited Mandel in Paris, Mandel passage on his plane to safety,
signing an armistice agreement. who told Churchill “they were wit- but the Jewish cabinet member ap-
Only nine days before France nessing a breakdown of British and parently made a defiant statement
signed the armistice agreement with French influence in Europe,”32 os- and attempted to convince other
Germany, Prime Minister of Britain tensibly partly due to the popularity parliament members to escape to
Churchill—only less than a month of National Socialism, but also the French North Africa, there to con-

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tinue the resistance against German riot34 on June 28, 1944, by a contingent Minister Laval, at a cabinet meeting
National Socialism. Only a handful of the Maquis, Communist, Socialist, on July 12, stated “I have no blood
agreed, and they went to French anarchist resistance subversives on my hands and I never will have.
Morocco. Rothschild/Mandel was against the German and Vichy French … I have no responsibility for these
among only 14% of the parliament cause. Henriot was an enormously events. I am not covering these ac-
who voted against the establishment popular radio personality and the tions. These are methods that I utterly
of the Vichy government. Vichy secretary of information, called deplore. Georges Mandel is dead. I
He was finally arrested more per- the “French Goebbels.” He was a am sorry that he was killed in such
manently on August 8 in French devout Catholic and anti-Communist, circumstances.”35
Morocco, but not by the National understanding that National Social- Did the Gestapo allow the Milice,
Socialists. It was by order of the ism was the best defense against supported by Laval, to “capture”
Vichy Prime Minister Pierre Laval, the Bolshevik revolution that might Rothschild/Mandel and execute him?
and Rothschild/Mandel was brought eradicate the practice of the Christian Did Laval then engage in a vociferous
back to France for trial. He was im- religion in Europe. He was also said denial and condemnation of the ex-
prisoned in the same castle as former to be an “anti-Semite” and “anti-Free- ecution, in order to avoid another
prime ministers Reynaud and Radical masonry,” a natural ally of the Na- round of potential counter- reprisals?
Socialist Edouard Daladier. Churchill tional Socialists. If so, it was ineffective. The postwar
attempted to intervene and arrange Soon after the killing of Henriot, execution of Laval was just the kind
for Mandel’s release, allegedly calling the German ambassador to France of revenge the Rothschild banker
him “the first resister” and recom- Otto Abenz recommended that Laval family would arrange for the death
mended him as a better leader of of one of their own.
French resistance than Charles de Churchill said: “The restored
Gaulle. French Republic rightly shot to death
The Riom Trial33 conducted in Hitler jailed at the hirelings who murdered him. His
the central French city of that name memory is honored by his coun-
accused seven defendants of failing least five members trymen and their allies.” He was re-
in their duties to France by declaring ferring to Laval and the French Fas-
war on Germany in 1939 and then of history’s richest cist who advocated for Mandel’s ex-
losing the war, and also of being the
war aggressors, not Germany. The
banking family— ecution, Robert Brasillach, both ex-
ecuted in 1945 after the war.
main defendant was the Jewish Com- the Rothschilds. Some possible speculations are
munist Prime Minister of the Popular required. It is likely that German
Front French government (1936-40), Ambassador Heinrich Otto Abetz re-
promoted by Stalin, Leon Blum. ceived communications from Foreign
Rothschild/Mandel was initially one execute Blum, Reynaud and Roth- Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop,
of the defendants convicted to life schild/Mandel in reprisal. Laval was most likely in communication with
imprisonment but, later, President reluctant. On July 4, 1944, Roth- Hitler. Quite possibly the suggestion
Philippe Petain inexplicably withdrew schild/Mandel was transferred to to execute Rothschild/Mandel to bal-
charges against him and Rothschild/ Paris, ostensibly considered a hos- ance the assassination of Henriot
Mandel was transferred to the Ger- tage. Here a curious incident oc- came from here. Also, why did Chur-
man State Police (Gestapo). This oc- curred. During his transfer between chill have such close connections
curred in November 1942, after the prisons, Rothschild/Mandel was al- with and apparent sympathies for
Germans moved into unoccupied legedly captured by the Milice, a Rothschild/ Mandel if not because
southern France to prepare for an French Nationalist paramilitary group Churchill himself was sponsored
Allied invasion out of North Africa. supported by Laval and the official and handled by the British Roth-
The National Socialist administration Vichy government, and a bitter enemy schilds? After all, a bankrupt Chur-
transferred Rothschild/Mandel to of the Maquis. A few days later, the chill, who had suffered stock losses
Oranienburg prison, and then Bu- Milice took Rothschild/Mandel to a during the worldwide Great Depres-
chenwald, where Blum was also de- forest south of Paris and executed sion, was bailed out in 1936 by
tained. Thus began the period when him. Thus ended the complex im- members of the ironically named
another Rothschild was imprisoned prisonment saga of this Rothschild, Focus Group for Peace and Freedom.
by National Socialists. enemy of National Socialism and Its chairman, the Jew Robert Wha-
Rothschild/Mandel’s imprison- Nationalist France. ley-Cohen, was also president of
ment was further complicated by After Rothschild/Mandel was ex- British Shell, a subsidiary of the
the assassination of Phillippe Hen- ecuted by the French Milice, Prime world’s largest oil company—Royal

16 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

Dutch Shell—a Rothschild holding. ENDNOTES: J.P. Morgan & Co., and was an important
Whaley-Cohen lavishly sponsored 1 Rice University, part of MI5 (British Intelligence). Victor
2 Germany and the Jewish Question, Rothschild was also a Communist and
the Focus Group of which Churchill Dr. Friederich Karl Wiehe, Institute for member of the Apostles Club at Cambridge.
was a member, and closely edited Studies of the Jewish Question, Berlin, 1938 Lord Rothschild was one of the original
and paid Churchill for his writings.36 Ostara Publications, 2014 pp. 34-40. members of Rhode’s Round Table group
From there, Churchill was 3 The Jews and Modern Capitalism, which developed into the CFR.” “The Roth-
groomed for his prime minister war Werner Sombart, E.P. Dutton & Co., New schild Bloodline.”
York, 1915, pp. 99-105 ( 16 “Alain de Rothschild, Banker and
role. Another of his duties for the Search key terms: “The Jews and Modern Jewish Leader,” Frank J. Prial, The New
Rothschilds may have been to rescue Capitalism.”). York Times, Section B, p. 6. (Search on
their family member “Georges Man- 4 “How The Sound of Music Distorts
del” from the Vichy and National History: Hollywood Mythology About Aus- 17 “German Prisoner of War Camps Du-
Socialist governments. trians and Hitler,” Mark Weber, Institute ring WW2,”
for Historical Review, May 4 2011 18 “Lubek,”
CONCLUSION ( Search key terms: “Sound of 19 “Oflag IV-C,”
Music.”). 20 House of Rothschild, pg. 474.
In a relatively short period of 5 Streicher, Rosenberg and the Jews: 21 Ibid., pg. 478.
time, from 1938 to 1944, the National The Nuremberg Transcripts, Thomas Dal- 22 “Ravensbrück: The ‘Exclusive’ SS
Socialist German Workers Party led ton, Castle Hill Publishers, 2020, Uckfield Women’s Concentration Camp,” Alliance
by Adolf Hitler imprisoned at least UK, pp. 111-243. for Human Resource Protection, November
five members of history’s wealthiest 6 “Baron Louis De Rothschild Dead: 18, 2014 ( Search key terms:
Paid $21,000,000 Ransom to Nazis,” Jewish August 1942 and August 1943 Heinous Med-
and most powerful banking family, Telegraphic Agency, January 17 1955 ical Experiments at Ravensbrück).
whose scheming and profiteering ( Search key terms: “Baron 23 www.wikipedia. List of_ Jewish Amer-
had inflicted mass misery and death Louis de Rothschild Dead; Paid $21,000,000 ican Business People Newspapers and Pub-
for many decades throughout Europe Ransom to Nazis.). lishing.
and the world. Louis, Alain, Elie, 7 “Witkowitz Mines and Iron Works” 24 “Phyllis E. Grann.”
( Search key term: “Wit- 25 The Rothschilds film (
Aranka and Jeroboam/ Georges Man- kowitz.” 26 “Nathan Rothschild and the Battle of
del or Louis George Rothschild all 8 “A Czech-German agreement was con- Waterloo,” Brian Cathcart, Rothschild Ar-
found themselves in National So- cluded which provided for an autonomous chive (See
cialist prisons, their ruinous activities Bohemian-Moravian regime under German 27 “The Haunting of Paris: Georges Man-
curtailed and assets confiscated for protection. […] [Hitler] attained results del and the Long Legacy of Nazi Violence,”
without bloodshed, and the danger of a James McAuley, Town and Country, Sep-
the beneficial use of the Third Reich war between the Czechs and Slovaks was tember 2019. https://www.townandcoun-
and the National Socialist cause averted. […] Hitler was pleased with the
against Bolshevik Communism in Czech response to his policy. Several regions a28409286/georges-mandel-nazi-stolen-art/.
Europe. of dangerous instability had been pacified 28 “Georges Mandel” (
This unprecedented bold achieve- without loss of life.” The Forced War: When 29 The Forced War.
Peaceful Revision Failed, David L Hoggan, 30 The Jewish Hand in the World Wars,
ment was an act of profound justice Institute for Historical Review, 1989 pp. Thomas Dalton, Castle Hill Publishers, Uck-
the world had rarely seen since Jesus 248-252. field UK, 2019, pp. 117-124.
Christ whipped the money-changers 9 The House of Rothschild, The World’s 31 The Second World War: Their Finest
out of the Temple in Jerusalem. Bankers, 1849-1998, Niall Ferguson, Pen- Hour, Winston Churchill, Houghton Mifflin
Scarcely a person alive today with guin Putnam, New York, 1998, pg. 471. Company, 1949, p. 199.
10 Ibid., pg 740 32 Churchill’s War: The Struggle for
rudimentary knowledge of history
11 Ibid., pg. 741 Power, David Irving, Focal Point Publica-
would not cheer for such a devel- 12 Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler, translated tions, 2015, p. 62.
opment on our world stage. by Thomas Dalton, Clemens & Blair, New 33 “Riom Trial,” Wikipedia, https://en.wi-
National Socialist economic and York, 2017, pp. 127-153. This is different
finance policy through respect for from the Mein Kampf version TBR sells. 34 “Phillippe Henriot,” Wikipedia,
workers, meritocracy and govern- 13 “Alain de Rothschild, Banker and
Jewish Leader,” Frank J. Prial, The New riot.
ment-issued currency without debt York Times, Section B, p. 6. (Search on 35 Pierre Laval and the Eclipse of
to the international bankers made France, Geoffrey Warner, Macmillan Com-
the Rothschilds its bitterest enemy. 14 House of Rothschild, pg. 472 pany, New York, 1968, p. 399.
The National Socialists did not hesi- 15 “Victor Rothschild, who worked for 36 Churchill’s War, pp. 54-60.
tate to imprison members of this
ultra-wealthy and powerful Jewish KARL HAEMERS is the name of an author and researcher currently working
in Oregon. Some of his essays have been published in the online journal The
banking family, setting an example Occidental Observer, and reproduced elsewhere. He is currently assembling
of aggressive justice almost unheard- his writings and thoughts over the past year and a half into a book tentatively
of in world history. It is one we would titled Covid Culprits.
be wise to implement today. ❖

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 1 7

Final Solution: Germany’s phus-bearing lice, and then transported to newly captured lands
Madagascar Resettlement Plan in the east. Once there, they would be detained in concentration
camps or put to work as forced labor. Ultimately, Goebbels and
Adolf Hitler’s final solution did not involve homicidal gas others sought to remove the Jews from Eurasia. Before this
chambers and blazing crematory ovens working night and day book was written, there was no one single source a scholar
to incinerate victims. Instead, Hitler’s final solution offered could turn to in order to review Goebbels’s statements about
Zionist leaders the island of Madagascar, the then relatively un- Jews and Judaism. Here it is so you can judge the man for
touched, mineral-rich, sparsely populated, large and secluded yourself. Softcover, 280 pages, #848, $22.
island off the coast of east Africa. This new Madagascar was to
be governed by a joint German-French board with representation Streicher, Rosenberg and the Jews:
granted to any government cooperating. Historian Ralph Gran- The Nuremberg Transcripts
dinetti tells us what the Madagascar plan was and why it failed. By Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. Since the mid-1970s, the “Holo-
Softcover, 90 pages, #626, $12. caust” has come under sustained attack by Holocaust Revi-
sionists, to the point where, today, the story lies in ruins.
Hitler on the Jews Virtually every aspect of the standard account has serious
That Hitler spoke out fanatically against Jews is well known. flaws. Despite the obvious falsehoods, the mainstream version
But, of the millions of words written about Hitler, virtually continues to dominate. To understand this striking situation,
none quote his exact words on this topic. Those in media, gov- we need to go back to the beginnings, to the origins of the
ernment and universities must present a simplistic and sanitized conventional holocaust story. And this takes us to Nuremberg.
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crazy. You decide. Softcover, 200 pages, #847, $16. the situation. Softcover, 330 pages, indexed, #872, $22.

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The Complete Diary Entries: 1923 to 1945 By Walter N. Sanning. Updated by Germar Rudolf. Before
World War II, Eastern Europe was the demographic center of
By Prof. Thomas Dalton. From the age of 26 until his death in world Jewry. After the war, however, only a fraction of it was left
1945, Joseph Goebbels kept a near-daily diary. In it, he recorded behind. What happened? The “holocaust,” most will say. The
significant events of the day along with his thoughts and author of this book did not stop there, but thoroughly explored
opinions on a variety of topics, most notably the Jewish policy European population shifts, deportations and evacuations con-
of the Third Reich. Here we get a detailed and unprecedented ducted by both Nazis and the Soviets. The results are shocking.
look at the attitudes of one of the highest-ranking men in Nazi This edition has an updated foreword by Prof. Arthur R. Butz
Germany. Goebbels shared Hitler’s “anti-Semitism,” and likewise and an epilogue by Germar Rudolf. It compares Sanning’s study
wanted Jews totally removed from the Reich territory—this is with a politically correct mainstream investigation into the nu-
the so-called “territorial solution” to Hitler’s “Jewish Question.” merical dimension of “the Holocaust.” Softcover, 224 pages,
The Jews would be collected into ghettos, disinfested of ty- #719, $25.

18 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

Germany’s Hitler: The Only The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam
Authorized Biography Sir Richard F. Burton (1821-1890) was a captain of the Bombay
By Heinz A. Heinz. One of the most suppressed English-lan- Army, codiscoverer of the source of the White Nile with Joshua
guage books ever to emerge from Germany: the 1938 author- Speke, and British consul to multiple nations. He was one of
ized biography of Adolf Hitler. Included are vivid and unique the most important linguists of his day. This book, written in
descriptions of Hitler at school, his World War I battlefield ex- 1898, consists of three extended essays that Burton worked on
periences, early politics, the November 9th Putsch, Hitler in for many years. The “gypsy” portion details a group of people
prison and the struggle to power from 1926 to 1933. It ends who are nearly invisible. The details featured in the portion on
just after the Austrian Anschluss and the end of the Czech/Su- Islam are of obvious topical interest today. Then of course,
deten crisis. This work is vital for anyone interested in under- there is the portion containing his observations on the Jews he
standing how Hitler turned around a destitute nation in a few came across on his travels. Softcover, 214 pages, #809, $16.
years. Softcover, all original illustrations, 234 pages, #747, $15. Jewish Ritual Murder: An Investigation
Wild claims about the sacrifice of Christian children have been
Mein Kampf: The Stalag Edition made against the Jews for centuries. Most consider these
By Adolf Hitler. This is the only unabridged and officially au- accusations to be anti-Semitism at its worst, though many
thorized English translation of Mein Kampf ever issued by the cultures sacrificed children in antiquity, including the Carthaginians.
Nazi Party, and is not to be confused with any other version. Dr. Hellmut Schramm covers ritual murder before 1840, famous
Translated by an English-speaking Nazi Party member, it was cases from Damascus, Corfu, Xanten, Polna, Konitz and Kiev.
printed in Berlin in limited numbers during the years 1937 to Appendices contain testimonies given at court cases involving
1944. Most copies were distributed to the camp libraries of Eng- alleged ritual murder. Softcover, 477 pages, #810, $27.
lish-speaking prisoner of war camps, and became known as the
“Stalag” edition because they all carried a camp library rubber
Judaism in Music:
stamp on the title page. Only a handful of copies survived the Wagner for the 21st Century
war, and the text contained in this edition has been taken di- German composer Richard Wagner wrote with the same inten-
rectly, without amendment, from one of these extremely rare sity that characterized his powerful music. In 1850, Wagner
editions. Softcover, 584 pages, 6 x 9, #675, $35. penned an article entitled “Judaism in Music,” which caused
such a firestorm that, in 1869, he published a response entitled
RELATED READING “Some Explanations Concerning Judaism in Music.” It turned
into this book. This volume includes a foreword by Dr. Fredrick
Truth for Germany: The Guilt Question Töben and concludes with an essay about Wagner by Andrew
of the Second World War Gray. Also includes Mark Twain’s remembrances of the time he
went to hear Wagner. Softcover, 125 pages, #705, $15.
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THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 1 9


The Spanish Holocaust

and Its Pertinence for Today


he Spanish Civil War The surprising election in 1936
(1936-39), lionized by of a hard-core Leftist Spanish gov-
writers, poets, academ- ernment, replacing a corrupt “con-
ics, the press and in servative” regime, led to a reaction
movies, all of which among the country’s military lead-
overwhelmingly side with the Re- ership. The Spanish Left at the time
public or, more accurately, the consisted of anarchists, Communists,
Communist and Socialist factions, Socialists of every stripe, and Left
has eerie parallels to what has Republicans. While the Left often
taken place in the Western world quarreled amongst itself over phi-
over the past two years. Under- losophy and tactics, they held a
standing the nature of the conflict common hatred of the Christian
and the factors that led to it and church. During the civil war, the
the actions that its combatants Left, or those who sought to main-
took during its bloody duration tain the Leftist regime, became
can provide insights into how the known as “Republicans,” the Popular
contemporary world came to be. Front or loyalists.
The internecine struggle that Their opponents, who wanted
took place on the Iberian Peninsula to overthrow the Leftist government,
over 80 years ago, which became would become known as “Nation-
international in scope and was a alists” which consisted of the military
lead up to WWII, can be seen within FRANCISCO FRANCO and those who supported Franco,
a broader historical context, espe- Head of Nationalist forces the Falange, monarchists including
cially after the French Revolution, the “Carlists,” who fought bravely
where the forces that brought down and effectively for Franco, moderate
the Ancien Régime and shattered Church in Mexico. Although Fran- social democrats, large landholders,
Christianity were unleashed upon cisco Franco Bahamonde restored the Church and its supporters.
the world and continue to today. many of the Church’s rights and It was not just the nutty eco-
The Spanish Civil War was the duties during his rule, its role in nomic policies espoused by the
third major assault on Christianity Spanish society was never quite the Left—land confiscation, worker con-
of the early 20th century, beginning same. The attacks on Christianity trol of factories, collectivization of
with the murder of Czar Nicholas and the fall of the Austro-Hungarian agriculture etc—that frightened the
II and the liquidation of the Russian Empire after WWI all but ended military and much of the Spanish
monarchy by the Bolsheviks, and any significant voice Christianity population, but also the govern-
the persecution of the Catholic would have on society. ment’s planned implementation of

20 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

a host of anti-clerical measures that the Church, state power to expel
included the closing of churches, religious orders, i.e., the Jesuits,
confiscation of Church land, the state approval of public manifesta-
closing of schools and the prohi- tions of religion and of all religious
bition of religious services. The new education in schools.3
government headed by Manuel In response to criticism of these
Azaña sought to make the Church draconian measures, Azaña retorted,
a department of the state, compa- “Do not tell me that this is contrary
rable to what had taken place in to freedom. It is a matter of public
Mexico under the demonic dicta- health.”4 Sound familiar?
torship of Plutarco Calles.1 Azaña’s reluctance to curb the
Azaña, like so many of his coun- violence directed against the Church
trymen, had lost the faith long before in 1931 carried over to the more
his ascension to power. Prior to his formidable Leftist assaults on it in
presidency in 1936, Azaña had been 1936. As the murderous death toll
made president of the newly con- of religious leaders continued to
stituted Second Spanish Republic climb, and as more and more
after the abdication of King Alfonso churches were vandalized, plun-
XIII in 1931. A harbinger of what dered and destroyed, Azaña pursued
was to come five years later took the same policy as he had taken The abdication of King Alfonso
place in his first term, as nearly 100 five years earlier. XIII in 1931 signaled the end of
churches were destroyed or dam- His lack of action has been at- the traditional Christian order
aged. Despite calls to counter the tributed to his personality which in Spain. It wasn’t long before
violence by bringing in the military, has been aptly summed up this way: the excesses of the new leftist
Azaña retorted, “all the conventos regime resulted in a nation-
He was a skillful wordsmith wide insurrection and civil war.
in Spain are not worth the life of a but a political dilettante, as far
single Republican.”2 removed as it is possible to be
During his first stint as president, from a man of action. A lonely president of Spain, he was to
Azaña presided over a host of anti- man because of his extreme watch a tide of demonic slaugh-
clerical provisions contained in the physical unattractiveness, he ter sweep over his country, ob-
constitution. These included prohi- had genuine compassion, but viously horrified by it, yet unable
bition of public funds in support of little resolution. As the liberal or unwilling to do anything to
stop it.5
While the new government may
have not been as explicit about its
intentions before the 1936 election,
as soon as power was secured, it
became clear what it planned to
do—turn Spain into another Soviet
Union. In less than a week after the
election, Azaña freed political pris-
oners—almost all Leftists—along
with hardened criminals and sus-
pended the payment of rents to
landlords in southern Spain.6. Once
again, does this sound familiar?
The rhetoric emanating from the
Left was becoming more than fright-
ening each passing day as it openly
Manuel Azaña is shown with his generals. Franco is to the right. sought to eradicate its opponents.
In an appeal to unite all Leftist

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 2 1

factions, the Spanish Communist ority. He kept this position until his
Party advocated: death in 1975.
Complete independence vis-
Before the generals could begin
à-vis the bourgeoisie and a com- the New Reconquista, Spain’s clergy
plete break of the social demo- had to face the most gruesome tor-
cratic bloc with the bourgeoisie; ture and death, the likes of which
prior achievement of unity of had not been seen since the French
action; recognition of the need Revolution. Religious figures were
for the revolutionary overthrow regularly murdered without trial and
of the domination of the bour- convicted on the flimsiest of evidence
geoisie and the installation of mostly (and sadly) provided by in-
the dictatorship of the proletariat formants. While there were atrocities
in the form of soviets [local committed by Franco’s forces, which
councils]; … construction of the
were gleefully reported by the world’s
unified party on the basis of
democratic centralism, assuring Left-leaning press, the murder of
The Bad War unity of will and of action, tem-
pered by the experience of the
priests, bishops, nuns, brothers and
the blasphemies and sacrileges com-
The Truth Never Russian Bolsheviks.7 mitted far outweigh those done by
Taught About WW2 the Nationalists.9
Worse, a preamble to a program By the end of hostilities, it has
2ND EDITION that members of the Socialist Party been estimated that an incredible
intended to submit to the Spanish “12% of the total number of clergy
Banned by Amazon Congress declared: and religious [people] in Spain, and
After years of strong sales and The illusion that the prole- about a quarter of those caught in
hundreds of five-star ratings, tarian Socialist revolution … the Republican zone, which, at the
Amazon banned Mike King’s The can be achieved by reforming beginning of the war comprised al-
Bad War: The Truth Never Taught the existing state must be elim- most half the country,” were mar-
About World War 2. Why? Ameri- inated. … There is no course tyred.10
cans today have an almost iden- but to destroy its roots. … Im- The breakdown of murdered
tical recollection of WWII as the perceptibly, the dictatorship of
Christian adherents included:
“good war,” fought against the the proletariat or workers’ de-
“Krauts” and “Japs.” According
mocracy will be converted into • 6,832 priests and followers;
a full democracy, without classes, • 4,184 diocesan clergy;
to our mainstream history books, from which the coercive state
“the Good Guys” banded together • 2,365 male regular clergy and
will gradually disappear. The in- religious lay people;
to stop the worst scourge in strument of the dictatorship will
global history. There is just one • 283 nuns.
be the Socialist Party, which will
problem with this official version: exercise this dictatorship during In his account of the civil war,
It’s a lie! During the decades that the period of transition from historian Warren H. Carroll stated
have passed since the end of one society to another.8 that the murders were “the greatest
WWII, only one narrative of the clerical bloodletting in the entire
conflict has been heard. It is a PERSECUTION OF THE CHURCH
history of the Christian Church,”
story that has been scripted by The attacks on the clergy and exceeding by a substantial margin
the victors and pounded into the destruction of churches and re- the clerical victims of the French
the minds of subsequent gener- ligious houses reached its height Revolution and of the Communist
ations. Here is the book to break over the course of 1936. And it was revolution in Russia.”11
the truth blockade! Softcover, the persecution of the Church and The Left’s anti-Christian fury was
308 pages, #772, $24.50 minus the government’s failure and implicit not relegated to the clergy alone,
10% for TBR subscribers plus approval of the attacks that was as the laity also suffered:
$5 S&H inside the U.S. Order the critical factor driving a group
from TBR, P.O. Box, 550, White [A]n incalculable number of
of generals of the Spanish Repub- lay persons were killed because
Plains, MD 20695. Call TBR toll lican Armed Forces to overthrow
free at 1-877-773-9077 to charge, of their religious associations,
the republic and coalesce around either as well-known church-
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Franco, accepting him as “general- goers, members of fraternal and
issimo” and head of state with su- charitable religious organizations
preme military and political auth- or as the fathers, mothers,

22 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

Said to be “the greatest clerical bloodletting Europe has ever seen,”the Spanish Civil War saw nearly
7,000 members of the Catholic clergy systematically executed as hundreds—possibly thousands—of
churches, convents and monasteries were looted and burned to the ground. Religious icons were
profaned, the tombs of saints desecrated, and “public acts of unspeakable blasphemy” were performed.
The Reds even went so far as to dig up the corpses of nuns and put them on public display.

brothers, sisters and friends of • Nearly all of the churches in corpses of dead Christians were ex-
clerics. Some were killed be- the dioceses of Cartagena, Cuenca, humed and exposed for public view-
cause they professed their faith Gerona, Santander and Toledo were ing to invoke terror and humiliation
by wearing some outward sym- destroyed or desecrated.13 among loyal Catholics.15
bol of belief, perhaps a religious These horrific numbers have not In Barcelona, bodies of a Salesian
medal or scapular. Some were
been disputed—even by mainstream convent’s dead were defiled and ex-
killed for acts of charity, for
historians. posed. While some wept at the spec-
granting refuge to clerics at-
tempting to escape.12 In addition to murder, rape and tacle, some laughed, showing that
the wanton destruction of churches, there was support for the demonic
Nearly half of Spain’s churches there were abominations committed actions of the Communists and an-
and chapels were laid to waste by by Republican forces which had archists among the population.
1937: not been seen since the French
• Barcelona—800 churches and “Reign of Terror.” In the regions of WHY?
chapels destroyed; France that had resisted the rev- How could it be that Spain, which
• Madrid (the center of the Left’s olution—Brittany and Vendée—the had been the most Catholic of coun-
power)—the majority of churches terror went beyond genocide, but tries, was almost overtaken by Com-
destroyed or desecrated; included the defilement of graves munist forces? In nearly all historical
• Valencia—800 churches de- and cemeteries. One historian ad- events there are contributing factors
stroyed and 1,500 damaged; mits: “[T]hat the defilement of corp- that stretch back for generations.
• Oviedo—354 churches de- ses practiced by the Republican The Spanish Civil War was no dif-
stroyed and 287 damaged; side in the Spanish Civil War—espe- ferent.
• In the dioceses of Ciudad Real cially in the cemetery of Huesca— The most telling factor was the
and Segorbe, every one of the is in the same league with what the lack of religious fervor among the
churches was destroyed or dam- French Republicans did.”14 populace. The state of the Faith
aged; and At St. Michael’s Church in Toledo, among the Spanish people at the

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 2 3

time of the civil war was at a low tions were frequently manipulated, archs went from Christian kings
ebb. “Not only were the majority of was repeatedly warned against by and princes of the feudal era to “en-
Spanish Catholics non-practicing,” popes and theologians right up until lightened” despots ruling not under
writes Carroll, “but, in some parishes, the Second Vatican Council (1962- the law, but above it from a supposed
Mass attendance had virtually 65), that not only embraced democ- “divine right” which justified their
ceased. The priest would say most racy, but also abandoned many of intervention in Church affairs. This
Sunday Masses alone.”16 its traditional doctrines. As the fran- included suppressing religious or-
The Republican Communists chise was extended, increasing the ders. Even after the demise of ab-
made the most of this in their attacks power of democratic bodies, con- solutism in the 19th century, the
on the Church. In a speech given gresses and legislatures—not only Crown, working with the Spanish
during his first term as president of in Spain but throughout Europe— legislature, continued to confiscate
the Second Spanish Republic, Azaña the Left became a more significant property and interfere in ecclesias-
asserted that Spain had “ceased to force in the political order. By prom- tical matters.
be Catholic.”17 The Leftists, in turn, ising the masses more and more Thus, the precedent of state in-
claimed that the Church was just goodies, largely taken at the expense terference in Church matters was
serving the wealthy. well established by the time of the
Another troubling indication that civil war. When the Left did gain
Spaniards had become indifferent power, it would accelerate the pro-
to Church teachings can be seen in Attacks on priests cess in a far more violent and bloody
the number of votes that the Left fashion.
received in the 1936 election. Pope and the destruction While secular historians may ig-
Pius XI at the time reiterated the
Church’s opposition to collectivism
of religious sites nore a supernatural explanation for
the Spanish Civil War, such a view-
stating, “Religious socialism, Chris- reached their point may provide a key to under-
tian socialism, are contradictory standing the atrocities that took
terms; no one can be at the same height over the place during the conflict. It is un-
time a good Catholic and a true So-
cialist.” Few Spaniards heeded his
course of 1936. deniable that Divine Providence will
sometime use individuals and na-
admonition. tions to punish its people for their
The Popular Front received 4.7 infidelity. The Jewish War of 70 A.D.
million votes to 4.5 million received of the Church, the Left was able to and the ensuing destruction of the
by the Center and Right parties. The create dependent and reliant con- Temple of Solomon, so ominously
Left won 278 seats in the govern- stituencies which generated electoral predicted by Jesus of Nazareth, was
ment—99 to the Socialists, 87 to success. The abdication and flight certainly one such example. The
the Republican Left, and 17 to the of Alphonso XIII in 1931 left the demons that were unleashed on a
Communists—the rest was divided Church even more vulnerable to Spanish population that had grown
amongst other Leftist groups.18 persecution and plunder by its most indifferent about its faith may, in
The growth of the Spanish Com- lethal atheistic enemies. my opinion, be yet another case of
munist Party was impressive as Car- The monarchy, however, must Divine chastisement.
roll describes: bear some blame for the persecu-
tions during the civil war, starting HISTORICAL BIAS
In proportion to the total
population of the country, the with Alphonso XIII—whose oath Modern histories of the period
Communist Party in Spain at stipulated that he defend the Faith have been overwhelmingly pro-
the beginning of 1936 was larger against threats both internal and Republican, i.e., Communist. The
than the Bolshevik Party in Rus- external, even it meant his own de- murders of Christian adherents and
sia at the beginning of 1917, the mise. Before Alphonso XIII, the Spa- the destruction of churches are, if
year in which it took power.19 nish monarchy, like the other West- mentioned, never emphasized and
While conservative and mod- ern aristocracies, had confiscated are countered with atrocities com-
erates still held a healthy share of Church land and had intervened in mitted by Nationalist forces. One
seats, Spain had, nonetheless, shifted ecclesiastical affairs both before of the few who takes a pro-Nation-
decidedly leftward. and after the French Revolution. alist stance and provides an accurate
Not only was socialism con- Prior to the revolution, the political account of the attacks on the Church
demned, but also the means the arrangement was known as “abso- is Carroll’s The Last Crusade.
Left used to attain power—democ- lutism” which nearly all of Europe’s While Carroll rightly speaks of
racy. Mass democracy, where elec- crowned heads adhered to. Mon- the liberal slant required in the

24 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

telling of the Spanish Civil War by
modern historians and does a com-
mendable job in countering the bias,
he, too, falls into a politically correct
mindset, not surprisingly, in the dis-
cussion of the roles that Benito
Mussolini and Adolf Hitler played
in the conflict. As the founder of
Christendom College and as a re-
spected scholar at the time of the
book’s publication, Carroll treads
softly on the matter, downplaying
or ignoring any positive aspects
that Fascist Italy or Nazi Germany
played on the side of the Nationalists.
Carroll contends that Franco
“never liked or trusted either man”
(p. 71) and that, later, the Spanish
dictator stood up to Hitler, “frus-
trating him and his plans by sheer
stubbornness in 1940, the year of
Hitler’s greatest power.” (p. 39)
During the Nationalist siege of
Madrid in 1936, German-led air at-
tacks on Republican targets were
“useless and even counterproductive
from the Nationalist standpoint” (p.
189), as the assaults were only done
so that “the German pilots and
planes were getting the practice
that Hitler wanted for the blitzes of
World War II.” (Ibid.)
Carroll’s reference here is to the
German air raids on Great Britain
that came to be known as “the
Blitz.” What he does not mention is
that Hitler tried to get an agreement
In an attempt to whip up public resentment against the Catholic
with the British to limit aerial bom-
Church, anti-Christian public displays and fallacious propaganda
bardments and relegate them to
military targets. His humane offer reports were common. Shown here is a picture snapped during
was rejected. Both Western Allies the Spanish Civil War that shows Spanish Reds symbolically “ex-
savagely bombed Germany through- ecuting” a statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at Cerro de los An-
out the war, as the number of civil- geles near Madrid. It originally ran in the Daily Mail of London.
ians killed by American and British
bombing was disproportionate, to
say the least, compared to what Carroll admits that the support of them.” (p. 180)
the Germans did, including the much that Stalin gave the Popular Front The admission shows that, had
ballyhooed Blitz. and that Mussolini and Hitler pro- Italy and Germany not supported
Even British writers such as Mi- vided the Nationalists “generally Franco with military assistance, he
chael Glover admit as much: “Civ- counterbalanced each other.” He more than likely would have lost,
ilian air raids in Britain throughout adds: “The great majority of foreign as writer John de Nugent asserts:
the war amounted to 60,000; in Ger- volunteers went to the Republic, [T]he Germans and Italians
many 800,000. There can be little with the tightly organized and dis- saved [Franco’s] coup with mas-
doubt that, considered as retaliation, ciplined Communist International sive military support—air, land
the imbalance was overwhelming.”20 Brigades by far the most effective and sea, plus cash and advanced

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 2 5

training. … [I]t was Mussolini bade, for many centuries, Christians the election of an obviously senile,
and Hitler who had given him from freely intermingling with Jews. corrupt and creepy lifelong politician
enormous decisive military aid In fact, Carroll wrote a superb bi- who incredibly received more votes
in his ultimate victory over the ography of Queen Isabella and de- than any other presidential candidate
Spanish Republic, which had fended her removal of the Jews and in history.
been backed by Josef Stalin and
various Leftists and Communists
Muslims in 1492.22 An honest look Similar to the inaction of the
worldwide.21 into why Nazi Germany took such Spanish government in defending
actions would bring the charge of the Church at the time, the Trump
While Carroll praises the Carlists “anti-Semitism,” which can end an administration, the Republican Party,
(supporters of the monarchy) academic career. Thus, we under- the Democrat Party, police depart-
throughout the book for their in- stand why he included the obligatory ments and local municipalities did
dispensable role in fighting under lies about the Third Reich that seem- little to quell the violence while
Franco and turning the civil war ingly must be included in any book some supported the anarchists.
into what he believed was a “cru- published today by any mainstream While Mr. Trump spoke out about
sade,” had it not been for Franco’s publishing house. the riots, he never directed the FBI
fellow “Fascist dictators,” Spain or any other federal agency to crack
would have become Communist. down on the violence. He had the
Of course, no modern history of authority to do so.
the WWII era would be complete
without a condemnation of the al-
Many of the tactics Unlike Richard Nixon, who, in
1968, ran on a “law and order” plat-
leged war crimes and atrocities of used by the Left form, Trump gave the Left free rein,
the Third Reich. And Carroll does ceding it the moral high ground. He
not disappoint. To be fair, he does in Spain were on not only failed in his duty as the na-
mention the real genocide that took
place under Stalin and the liquidation
display during the tion’s chief law enforcement officer,
but he missed a golden political op-
of 10 million kulaks in the Ukraine 2020 election year. portunity. Nixon’s emphasis on law
that the Soviet leader reportedly and order was used to bolster his
bragged about to Franklin Roosevelt much touted “Silent Majority” co-
at the Yalta Conference. alition that would lead to two straight
While Carroll disputes the presidential victories, including his
numbers and analysis of liberal his- PARALLELS TO TODAY massive 49-state win in 1972. Trump,
torians about the Spanish Civil War, Many of the tactics used by the however, under the influence of his
he swallows whole the “extermina- Left at the time were on display du- handlers (Zionist son-in-law Jared
tion” narrative and the “Holocaust” ring the 2020 U.S. presidential year. Kushner, in particular) chose not
numbers from many of the same The primary purpose of the violence to use it to his advantage.
liberal sources attributed to the stemmed from the supposed murder The 2020 riots were another in a
Third Reich, nor does he consider of a black man by police that was long string of Leftists assaults on
that the Nazi policies toward the used to create chaos and mayhem the natural hierarchical social order
Jews were similar to a number of across urban centers to discredit of society. The outcome has been
those carried out against Jews by the Trump administration and make the expansion of state power and
Christian monarchs of the past. things as miserable as possible for that of its aligned groups and
Some argue these measures were Americans. Just as the Popular Front clients—banking, big business, ac-
justified by the action of the Jews attacked religious people and de- ademia, the media and press. This
in German society—and many other stroyed churches in their reign of has come at the expense of individ-
European nations—during, in par- terror, the disturbances of 2020 were ual liberty, the church, the family,
ticular, the post-World War I years. directed at similar objects of the and the ability and right for individ-
Christian kings and princes of Left’s hatred: statutes of the nation’s uals and communities to associate
the past repeatedly removed Jews heroes, the police, churches and the and, just as important, disassociate
from their realms because of their destruction of private property in themselves from groups and indi-
corrupting and destabilizing behav- the looting of businesses. viduals of their choosing.
ior. When they were allowed to stay The urban unrest, coupled with Besides revolution and civil dis-
in place, severe restrictions on their the “Covid Pandemic,” allowed for turbances, the Left has achieved
movements and activities were im- all sorts of election chicanery, espe- many of their objectives by what
plemented. The Church, who Carroll cially with mail-in ballots that were has been described as “Cultural
defends throughout the book, for- easily manipulated and resulted in Marxism.” This has been a subtle,

26 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

but highly effective means for the ENDNOTES:
transformation of society through 1 See, “Red Mexico: The Planned Marxist
Destruction of Roman Catholicism in Mex-
infiltration and subversion as former ico.” THE BARNES REVIEW 26, No. 4 (July/
TBR Assistant Editor Fred Blahut August 2020).
wrote some 20 years ago: 2 Quoted in Warren Carroll, The Last
Crusade, Spain: 1936 (Front Royal, VA:
Cultural Bolshevism [Marx- Christendom Press, 1996), p. 8. Conventos
ism] encompasses all of the mod- in Spanish is used for both monasteries
ernist changes that have invaded and convents for women.
America, including—but not lim- 3 Ibid.
ited to—the rise of pornography 4 Quoted in Carroll, The Last Crusade,
and the loss of morals, racial p. 8.
quotas, gender confusion, abor- 5 Carroll, The Last Crusade, p. 9.
tion on demand, school admis- 6 Richard Herr, Spain (Englewood Cliffs,
sions and economic assistance N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1971), The Modern
Nations in Historical Perspective, p. 183.
based on race, allegations of 7 Quoted in Carroll, The Last Crusade,
systematic racism, repression p. 23.
of gun rights, attacks on free 8 Ibid., p. 24.
speech and on and on.23 9 James J. Martin, American Liberalism Lucifer’s Army:
and World Politics, 1931-1941: Liberalism’s
Press and Spokesmen on the Road Back to An Exposé of
The victory of the Nationalists
War Between Mukden and Pearl Harbor,
Two volumes (New York: The Devin-Adair
Talmudic Tyranny
in the Spanish Civil War was one of Company, 1964), vol. 1: p. 491ff. This 2017 book by popular
the few of the 20th century that 10 Carroll, The Last Crusade, p. 212.
TBR author Peter Christian
stopped the Leftist assault on West- 11 Ibid.
12 Ibid., p. 213. takes us on a whirlwind tour of
ern society. While Franco was able 13 Ibid. Jewish and Zionist history in
to keep a lid on the Left throughout 14 Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, “Opera- “chronological timeline” fash-
his rule, after his death, Spain would tion Parricide: Sade, Robespierre and the ion, with to-the-point explana-
eventually become another liberal French Revolution,” See article found at tions of every event considered
15 Photos of these demented acts can
of import to the author’s thesis.
The Church, too, would continue be seen in Fray Justo Perez de Urbel, Cath- Some people think the Jews run
to lose more and more of its role olic Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War, the world and have been doing
and place in the Western world. 1936-39: A Catholic Holocaust. Translated so behind the scenes for quite
The martyrs of the conflict have by Michael F. Ingrams, Edited by Angelus some time. Others believe this is
been neglected and are largely and Press, Kansas City, Missouri: Angelus Press, ridiculous, and that the Jews are
deliberately forgotten while the vic- 16 Carroll, The Last Crusade, p. 8.
just easy scapegoats, targeted
tims of the so-called “Holocaust” 17 Ibid., p. 7. because they have been so suc-
have been turned into secular saints. 18 Herr, Spain, p. 182. cessful financially and politically
The historiography of the Spanish 19 Carroll, The Last Crusade, p. 6. over the decades. The author is
Civil War has been dominated by 20 Quoted in John Wear, J.D., “Bomber: definitely one who believes in-
Should We Call Arthur Harris a War Crim- fluential Zionists, Jewish finan-
modernist interpretations and, even inal?” THE BARNES REVIEW, Vol. 27, No. 4
those supporters of the Nationalist (July/August 2021): p. 64. cial giants and various secret
cause, have, in some instances, suc- 21 John de Nugent, “Axis Ingrate: Fran- societies have been operating
cumbed to political correctness. cisco Franco vs. Leon Degrelle,” THE BARNES the levers of power in many na-
Despite the nation’s eventual fall REVIEW, Vol. 26, No. 6 (November/December tions for a very long time. Soft-
2020): pp. 52-53. cover, 212 pages, #800, $15
to liberal democracy, the study of
22 See, Warren H. Carroll, Isabella of
Spanish history in the 1930s is still minus 10% for TBR subscribers
Spain: The Catholic Queen (Front Royal,
vitally important. Any triumph over VA.: Christendom Press) 1991. plus $5 S&H inside the U.S.
Leftism—no matter how small or 23 See “Cultural Bolshevism vs. Chris- Send payment using the form at
transitory—should be celebrated. tian Values,” THE BARNES REVIEW, Vol. 27, back of this issue to TBR, P.O.
It is also important to understand No. 4 (July/August 2021): p. 3. Box 550, White Plains, MD
that many of the tactics that the 20695. Call 1-877-773-9077
modern Left now uses have been ANTONIUS J. PATRICK is the pen toll free to charge, Mon.-Thu.
regurgitated from those turbulent
name of a scholar and educator living 9-5 ET. Visit our online store at
in the Washington, D.C. area. This
and bloody years of the Spanish article is dedicated to John Tiffany.
Civil War. ❖

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 2 7


The Forgotten Legacy of

José Antonio Primo de Rivera
physician to show connections be-
By Marc Roland tween psychology and physiology.

Francisco Díaz de Alcalá (1527-1590)
mericans with no histori- founded modern urology. Juan Pablo
cal sense—and that, de Bonet (1573-1633) developed a
sadly, is most of them— sign language alphabet for the deaf.
are bewildered by the Juan de Herrera (1530-1597) not only
collapse of their society. designed King Philip’s El Escorial
They cannot fathom why it is spiral- palace, but the magnificent Cathedral
ing down into a cultural free-fall of Valladolid, among many other
with nothing else but worse to come. monumental examples of sacred ar-
Our fellow countrymen are no less chitecture that still adorn the entire
confused than their kinsfolk in West- country.
ern Europe, which day by day grows This domestic florescence simul-
more unlivable, as whole cities and taneously expressed itself externally,
towns are swallowed by minority when Vasco de Gama (1460-1524), a
crime. They are at least aware that Portuguese mariner in the service
this modern-day Dark Age of urban of Spain, executed the first circum-
filth and violence contrasts shame- navigation of the globe. Colonization
fully with Iberia’s past golden age of went hard on the heels of discovery,
high achievement and national self- JOSÉ PRIMO DE RIVERA culminating in the first empire on
esteem. Founder of Falangism. which the Sun never set, protected
It awakened suddenly, when the by the world’s largest, most powerful
peninsula’s invasive Muslim and Jew- navy. Beginning in the early 16th
ish populations were driven out. Calderón de la Barca (1600-1681), century, the conquest of Central and
Their expulsion triggered a cultural and the stage plays of Lope de Vega South America opened up vast riches
explosion of creativity unprecedented (1562-1635). Polychoral and coun- of gold and silver to fund the Spanish
in Spain. El Escorial (less than 30 terpoint compositions were invented Empire.
miles northwest from Madrid), a during an upsurge of performance It might have endured indefinitely,
splendid palace of the intellectual greatness that celebrated this en- had not Spain been dragged by her
King Philip II (1556-1598), attracted lightened era and profoundly im- devout kings, queens and lesser roy-
and inspired the country’s greatest pacted the development of European alty and nobility into incessant war-
architects, scientists, engineers, au- music for centuries to come. fare with fellow Christians on con-
thors, poets, playwrights and painters, It was during Spain’s Golden Age tentious points of trivial Church doc-
including El Greco (1541-1614) and that Francisco Vallés (1524-1592) trine. These costly, interminable
Diego Velázquez (1599-1660). Spanish discovered modern anatomical armed conflicts over piddling reli-
literature was elevated to world lit- pathology. Miguel Servet (1511–1553) gious differences were further fueled
erature by Miguel de Cervantes (1547 described pulmonary circulation for by the Protestant Reformation,
-1616), author of Don Quixote de la the first time. Juan Huarte de San spreading Spanish strength thin ac-
Mancha, the epic poetry of Pedro Juan (1529–1588) was the earliest ross the European continent, the

28 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

Mediterranean, beyond to the Ameri-
cas, as far as the Philippines. Human
and natural resources were drained;
the economy was undermined and
depleted. Far worse, the cream of Ib-
eria’s racial stock was killed off. The
best and bravest men died in action
or as a result of war-related conditions,
impairing the genetic quality of sub-
sequent generations, as reflected by
the kingdom’s concomitant decline
in the arts and sciences.
Less than 200 years after Chris-
topher Columbus (1451-1506), a Gen-
oese navigator sponsored by Spain,
discovered America at the outset of
that country’s Golden Age, her hitherto
invincible land forces were humiliated
by French arms, signaling a precipitous
decline that climaxed in the War of
the Spanish Succession. Defeat stripped
Spain of her European possessions,
setting in motion the progressive loss
of overseas colonies. A traumatic
blow to national self-esteem came
with Napoleon’s occupation of Spain
in 1807. Although degraded from
major-power status, she was further
misled by foreign influences into a
long series of military adventures, as
expensive as they were bloody, all of
them fruitless attempts to save what
remained of Madrid’s remnant empire.
Its last scraps were easy pickings
for U.S. imperialists, who snapped up
Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines
and Guam in 1898 from a decrepit
Spain, where the American victory Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera portrayed with his Falangist
was regarded as El Desastre, “the
banner. Its origins date to the late 15th century, at the birth of
Disaster” that terminated the Spanish
Empire. Spain’s Golden Age. Accordingly, the yoke-and-arrows design
The attenuated country drifted is associated with Spanish greatness. Although arrows may be
further toward dissolution as a individually broken with ease, yoked together they are unbreak-
nation-state during the first two dec- able—a visible allegory for strength in unity. The flag’s color
ades of the next century under an in- scheme is likewise symbolic of the Blood and Soil concept: a
competent constitutional monarchy. pair of red stripes bordering a black center. Red is a people’s
Its clueless king was confronted by a
life-blood, but also sacrifice for its preservation, while the black
crumbling society of self-defeating
factions splintering into class warfare soil is European rootedness in the Earth; i.e., natural law.
exacerbated by separatist, regional,

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linguistic, political, tribal, historical Villa García. Their independent re- Shall they retire to the ivory
and many other contentious issues search “concluded that the 1936 elec- towers? Shall they wait and put
and their impassioned advocates, tions were rigged.”4 their trust anew in party cries,
groups who succeeded only in cre- The Marxists celebrated their once more to seduce them and
ating a breeding ground for Com- sham victory by going on a nation- once more to bring disillusion?
In obedience to our destiny, we
munist opportunists. Spain’s “internal wide binge of revenge killings,
travel from place to place, endu-
condition continued to decay,” as indiscriminate beatings, wholesale ring the shame of appearing like
described in the Introduction to José arrests, random arson, church burn- a public show; obliged to shout
Antonio Primo de Rivera:1 ings, nun-raping, shop and store loot- aloud things we have thought
In 1923, the country seemed ing, library and newspaper office out in the most austere silence;
to be sliding into imminent ruin, sacking, and the toppling of public suffering distortion at the hands
and King Alfonso XIII entrusted monuments memorializing traditional of those who do not want and
Gen. Miguel Primo de Rivera heroes. Terrorized conservatives those who will not understand
with dictatorial powers to pull it were paralyzed with fear, allowing us; breaking our backs in this
together. His dictatorship, mild the Red savages to run rampant. Ev- ridiculous sham, this procedure
and patriarchal, restored peace eryone lacked courage for action, of winning over ‘public opinion’,
and stabilized the nation’s econ- as if the people, capable as it is
save one man only. He had accurately
omy. In the material sphere— of love or anger, were collectively
forecast Spain’s dire state of affairs, susceptible to opinion.6
roads, railways, public works
and the like—he achieved won- but was earlier ridiculed for his pre-
ders and produced the same kind During most of his lifetime, José
of results. At about the same Antonio never won more than a few
period, as visitors to Italy uni- thousand adherents, mostly street
versally recognized in the early The Marxists activists, whose speeches incited
years of Mussolini’s power there, bloody confrontations with numeri-
efficiency, administrative honesty celebrated their cally superior mobs and made him
and cleanliness replaced the an-
cient corruption. sham victory Spain’s most controversial politician
of the early 1930s. But the Bolshevik
But the general was no follower by conducting terror he warned of proved he was
of Fascism, for all his partial adoption right after all, and fresh recruits
of its principles, and his country revenge killings. joined his band of Blue Shirt warriors
backslid into chaos, eventually falling for the first time in large numbers.
victim to the self-styled “Popular After the Popular Front took power,
Front,” a coalition of the Communist the Falange Española experienced
Party, Socialist Workers Party and a science. Although the devoted son a sudden surge of more than 40,000
motley menagerie of fellow, inter- of Gen. de Rivera, José Antonio new members by July. 7 The previous
minably enraged zealots, who seized argued that his father’s limited adop- March, José Antonio had been ar-
the reigns of government through tion of Fascism naturally restricted rested by Leftist government au-
the democratic process on February the old man’s success, which was thorities who put him on a trial for
16, 1936. “The Popular Front, with a insufficient to prevent a Communist his life.
minority of votes,” explains the In- catastrophe. While the Spanish Civil War that
troduction, “aided by wholesale fal- The 31-year-old lawyer strove for erupted four months later is mostly
sification of results and sheer vio- something more uncompromisingly associated with Francisco Franco,
lence, took power. … [S]tarvation decisive in the Falange Española, few today are familiar with its more
was widespread, public order ceased the “Spanish Phalanx.”5 Most of his seminal personality. That lack of his-
to exist. The Leftist extremists openly fellow countrymen shunned him as torical recognition has been rectified
proclaimed the imminence of Soviet too radical, an extremist, an alarmist, by Antelope Hill Publishing’s Anthol-
revolution.”2 a dreamer. In the same general elec- ogy of Speeches and Quotes from
According to historian Stanley tion that brought the Marxists to José Antonio de Rivera, and recently
G. Payne, America’s prominent His- power, he won just 0.7% of the vote, released for the first time in an Eng-
panist, their success at the polls and was disappointed and frustrated lish-language translation, as accurate
“was a major electoral fraud, with that too few activists had been at- as it is readable. Without his fiery
widespread violation of the laws and tracted to his black and red banner: words, Franco’s uprising would have
the constitution.”3 His analysis was What are they waiting for miscarried.
supported by Spanish scholars Ma- now, the young men out in the As such, José Antonio was the
nuel Álvarez Tardío and Roberto cold? Shall they give up all hope? Thomas Paine of the Spanish Civil

30 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

War, giving its Nationalist patriots the
ideological vision and revolutionary
direction needed for meaningful re-
sistance and ultimate victory. He ad-
ditionally provides early 21st-century
readers with insights not only into
his own personality, but into the real
character of his troubled times, which
share so many ominous parallels with
our own. As his forthright views make
clear, he was passionately in love with
his country, his chief motivation, and
alarmed by its distress, what he re-
ferred to as “the barbarian invasion.”
It was his term for any external threat
enabled by a people’s own inner weak-
ness, as exemplified by 5th-century
Roman decadence that allowed a “bar-
barian invasion” to overthrow Classical
Ages can be divided into Clas-
sical and Middle Ages. The latter
are so characterized because they
are in search of unity; the former
are those which have found that
unity. Classical ages, when com-
plete, can only terminate in one
way: consumption, catastrophe,
barbarian invasion. But in the
midst of the barbarian invasion,
there has always been saved the
larvae of those permanent values
that were already contained in the
preceding Classical age. The bar-
barians laid low the Roman world,
but observe that, with their fresh Falangist poster art extolled class collaboration, as opposed
blood, they fertilized anew the
ideas of the Classical world. So to Communist “class warfare” and capitalist “class stratifica-
also, later, the structure of the tion.” Depicted here from left to right are allegorical figures
Middle Ages and the Renaissance representing Youth, the Intellectual, the Soldier, the Worker
was established on spiritual foun- and Woman. “We want all to feel themselves members of one
dations already laid in the ancient
solemn and entire community,” de Rivera declared. “We want
world. Very well!
In the Bolshevik revolution, all the peoples of Spain to feel not just the elementary patriot-
in the barbarian invasion we are ism by which the land draws our hearts, but the patriotism of
now witnessing, there already lie, having a mission, the transcendental patriotism of a great
concealed and hitherto denied, Spain. We want Spain resolutely to recover the universal sense
the germs of a future and better
order. It is ours to save those of her own culture and history.” The leaders of many nations
germs and we seek to save them. saw the importance of the struggle against Communism in
This is the real task that lies before Spain. Italy, Germany and Portugal sent money and troops to
Spain and our generation: to pass help the Nationalists. Tens of thousands of men volunteered
from this last bank of a collapsing
from around the world to help defeat the Reds. On the other
economic and social order to the
fresh and promising bank of an hand, the Soviet Union, France and Mexico were the most ar-
order that can be descried. But to dent supporters of the Republican (Communist) side.
leap from one bank to the other
by the effort of our will requires

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 3 1

our impetus and our clairvoy- including even those aimed at
ance, to leap from the one bank the destruction of the state itself.
to the other without being … Liberalism brings division and
dragged under by the torrent of unrest in the realm of ideas. So-
the barbarian invasion. cialism opens the even more vi-
olent chasm of economic strife
As explained in the introduction in our midst. Note how far the
to his book, José Antonio “envisages decay of political and economic
the cyclic theory in a microcosmic liberalism has brought us. It has
form, and how he foresees the cata- presented huge European masses
clysm which may or may not be with a frightful dilemma: either
bridged when the cataclysm comes a fresh war, which will be the
(that is, the barbarian invasion).” He suicide of Europe, or else Com-
munism, which will mean hand-
saw more clearly than anyone else
ing Europe over to Asia.
the urgency of a recurring challenge
Only an opposing force more
José Antonio to European survival:
powerful than “the barbarian inva-
Primo de Rivera: We stand before the imminent
menace of a barbarian invasion;
sion,” he contended, would be ca-
Anthology of one of those historical cataclysms pable of defeating it:
Speeches & Quotes that regularly operates as the co- Our times grant no quarter.
lophon to every age.8 Never has Our lot has been a warlike one,
José Antonio Primo de Rivera was frivolity been less legitimate than in which we may spare neither
the son of Gen. Miguel Primo de now. … The last reserves of our skin nor our heart’s blood.
Rivera, ruler of Spain from 1923- vitality must be drawn upon, Revolution is needed when, at
1930. José Antonio founded the those reserves, which, in ascen- the end of a long process of dec-
Falange Española—the Spanish Pha- dant times, achieved the building adence, the people have already
up of nations. lost, or are on the point of losing,
lanx—in 1933. The Falange grew all historical form. When the
slowly at first, but swelled in num- In his time, the “barbarian inva- world is off its hinges, it cannot
bers as the terror of the Second sion” was Josef Stalin’s hand puppet be put to rights by technical patch-
Spanish Republic grew. Supporters in the Popular Front that the Soviet ing. It needs a complete new
of the Popular Front, the governing intriguer used for grabbing Western order. And this order must once
party, waged a campaign of violence Europe. Today, a related “barbarian again spring from the individual.
against Spanish Nationalists, high- invasion” is non-White, anti-White It is precisely in order that a
lighted by the jailing and execution people may not become watery
immigration rolling over Spain and
of José Antonio in 1936. The Fa- or amorphous—may not lose
all Aryan nations in tidal waves of their backbone—that the masses
lange then joined the fight against terror: “Peoples in a primitive state
the Communists. Falange would must follow their leaders as they
are able to feel the characteristics would prophets. This interpen-
later merge with other right-wing of the soil in an almost vegetative etration of the mass by the leaders
parties to form the Falange Española way. When they transcend the prim- is attained by a process similar
Tradicionalista, Spain’s pan-Nation- itive state, people realize that they to that of love. Only when service
alist party which held power under are molded, not by the characteristics is given is human dignity attained.
Franco, for nearly four decades. of the soil, but by the mission that Only he is great who binds him-
Thanks go to Antelope Hill Pub- self down to filling a place in the
differentiates them from others. We
lishing for creating this amazing achievement of a great under-
want Spain resolutely to recover the taking.
and inspiring collection of José An-
universal sense of her own culture The essential point, the great-
tonio’s greatest speeches, editorials
and history,” both of which are at- ness of the end and aspired to,
and quotes, unpublished in English
before this compendium emerged. tacked today. is what you are not willing to
Softcover, 144 pages, #912, $15 He told how the doors to the take into consideration. What is
“barbarian invasion” were flung open material can be saved by no one.
minus 10% for TBR subscribers The thing that matters is that the
plus $5 S&H inside the U.S. from wide by fools for democracy:
catastrophe on the material plane
TBR, P.O. Box 550, White Plains, [T]he liberal system is the shall not wreck the essential
MD 20695. Call 1-877-773-9077 system of permanent division. values of the spirit, too. And
toll free to charge, Mon.-Thu. 9-5 … The liberal state believes in these are what we seek to save,
ET or see nothing, not even in itself. It cost what it may, even if the
stands by with folded arms before price should be the sacrifice of
experiments of every description, all economic advantages. Their

32 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

loss is well worthwhile if Spain, Biden. “The man is the system,”
our Spain, shall stem the final José Antonio affirmed. He said:
invasion of the barbarians.
This is one of the deep,
With the abject failure of right- human truths that Fascism has
wingers to successfully confront made effective again. The whole
such a fearful calamity, a more pow- of the 19th century was wasted
erful third alternative to both con- in thinking out machinery for
servative cowardice and liberal ef- good government. This is about
as useful as trying to discover a
feminacy had to be found. The In- thinking machine or a loving
troduction recounts how: machine. Nothing genuine, per-
José Antonio met Mussolini, manent and difficult, such as
and, like so many others, had governing, has ever been capable
been profoundly impressed by of being done by machinery. It
that remarkable genius. … At has always been necessary in
the beginning of 1933, his mind the end to have recourse to that
appears to have entertained for which from the beginning of the
some time the notion of a Spa- world has been the one and only
nish Fascism, and he even wrote apparatus capable of guiding
an article for a projected peri- men: the man. In other words,
odical, El Fascio. the leader, the hero.
José Antonio particularly ad- He bristled when skeptics on
mired Fascism’s doctrinal flexibility; both the Left and Right characterized
its capability for adapting itself to Fascism as the doctrine of “totali-
the unique characteristics and needs tarian dictatorship”:
of racially kindred peoples with Totalitarian states do not ex-
their own lifestyles and issues in ist. There are nations that have
different nations. He observed: found dictators of genius, who
There has been kindled in have served as substitutes for
Europe, and there now burns the state. … Examples of the
in Spain, the fire of a new faith; so-called totalitarian states are
a faith, in the earthly and civil Germany and Italy. … The Ger-
order, sees this as a primary man one starts from a people’s
truth: that a people is a total, in- capacity for faith in its racial in-
divisible, living entity with a des- stinct. The German people are
tiny of its own to fulfill in the in an auto-ecstasy. Germany is
universal order. Fascism was living in an ultra-democracy. 9
born to inspire a faith, not of Rome, on the other hand, is
the Right—which, at bottom, undergoing the experience of
aspires to conserve everything, possessing a genius of Classical
even injustice—or of the Left— mind, who seeks to mold a
people from above. De Rivera in Communist cap-
which, at bottom, aspires to de-
stroy everything, even good- tivity shortly before his 1936
But José Antonio despised any
ness—but a collective, integral, form of oversized, intrusive govern- execution. During his funeral
national faith. ment: oration for a murdered com-
He concluded that the form of rade two years before, de Ri-
The deification of the state
government was less important than is the exact opposite of what vera might have been speak-
the human material in charge of it. we desire. We want the state to ing for himself when he said,
Monarchy, even in the 16th century, be always an instrument at the “He knew how to fulfill a
was obsolete, but with a royal patron service of a historic destiny, at sacred mission within the Fa-
of the arts and sciences like King the service of a historic mission
of unity. It is the essential task lange. Marxist lead cut short
Philip II on the throne, Spain’s Gol- his life before the crossing of
of the state, by means of a rig-
den Age came into being. orous discipline in education, the great threshold of our na-
Conversely, a far more enlight- to build up a strong and united
ened constitutional republic is nev- tion reborn. For fighting for
national spirit, and to instill into
ertheless susceptible to the pres- love, hate has slain him.”
the souls of future generations
idency of the likes of a senile Joe happiness and pride of country.

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But what else did he and his com- ments, our generation would be most dramatic happenings of his
rades want? committing the most abominable age. He was a German Jew who,
fraud and most perfidious treason with the British factories in Man-
We want the Patria to be un- that it is possible to imagine chester before his eyes, and in
derstood as a harmonic, indivis- against those who are to follow. the middle of formulating inex-
ible reality, above all conflicts of orable laws about production
individuals, classes, parties and He understood how the enemy and about the interests of em-
natural differences. The Patria is of that precious legacy was a lethal ployers and workmen, was all
that which is bodied forth as a malignancy disguised in the borrowed the time writing letters to his
great, collective undertaking. If robes of humanitarian theory: friend Friedrich Engels telling
there is no undertaking, there is him the workers were a mob
no Patria. Without the presence If the Socialist revolution
were nothing more than the set- and a rabble, which need not be
of faith in a common destiny, the bothered with except in so far
whole thing fades away into native ting up of a new order in the
economic field, we should not as they might serve to test out
scenery, into local tastes and his doctrines. Do you think that
colors. Patria meaning, not merely be alarmed. The fact is that the
Socialist revolution is something if working people knew this they
the soil upon which a number of would be attracted by anything
rival parties cut one another to far deeper. It is the victory of
the materialist interpretation of like such a terrible, horrible, in-
pieces, even though only with human thing conceived by the
the weapons of invective in their life and history. It is the violent
substitution of irreligion for reli- brain of that Jew, who called
ambition for power. Nor the field himself Karl Marx?
in which the everlasting conflict On dehumanizing itself in the
unfolds between a bourgeoisie inhospitable mind of Marx, So-
trying to exploit the proletariat,
and a proletariat trying to tyran- José Antonio cialism turned into a crude and
frigid doctrine of strife. Since
nize over the bourgeoisie.
Not these, but the heartfelt possessed and that day, it has not aimed at social
justice. It aims at paying off an
unity of all in the service of a
historic mission, a supreme com-
communicated a old score of hate by imposing
upon the tyrants of yesterday—
munal destiny, which allots to
each man his task, his rights,
view beyond the the bourgeoisie—a dictatorship
of the proletariat.10
and his sacrifice. We want the present moment. Marx’s prophecies are being
spirit of religion—the keystone fulfilled faster or slower, but in-
of the finest arches in our his- exorably. We are moving toward
tory—respected and supported,
the concentration of capital. We
as it deserves. But we do not
gion; the substitution of the are moving toward the proletar-
want the state on those grounds
closed and embittered class for ianization of the masses. And we
to involve itself in functions not
the Patria; the grouping of men are moving, last of all, toward
its own, nor to share (as it has
by classes and not the grouping the social revolution that will
done, perhaps for interests other
of men of all classes within the have a very severe period of Com-
than those of true religion) func-
Patria, which is common to them munist dictatorship. And it is this
tions which it has the duty of
all. It is the replacement of indi- Communist dictatorship that we
performing itself.
vidual freedom by iron subjuga- are bound to shrink from in horror
Unlike usual politicians every- tion to a state, which not only as Europeans, Westerners and
where, before and since, José Antonio regulates labor, as in an ant heap, Christians.
but also implacably regulates our For this indeed is an appalling
possessed and communicated a view
recreation. It is all that. It is the negation of man. This is indeed
beyond the present moment: sweeping advent of an order that the absorption of man into a vast,
Spain is ours, as an heirloom annihilates Western Christian civ- amorphous mass, in which all in-
of ours. Our generation is not ilization. It is the sign that marks dividuality is lost and the corpo-
the absolute owner of Spain. She the close of a civilization, which real vesture of each individual,
has come down to them from we, brought up as we are in its immortal soul is weakened and
the efforts of generations and essential values, decline to rec- dissolved. Note well that this is
generations of the past, and she ognize as doomed. why we are anti-Marxist: We are
must be handed on like a sacred José Antonio was keenly aware anti-Marxists because it horrifies
deposit to the generations to of a satanic poisoner behind the cul- us, as it horrifies every Westerner,
come. If our generation took ad- whether employer or proletarian,
vantage of this moment of its
tural homicide of Western civilization: this being like some creature of
own passing presence amid the Karl Marx was a German Jew, the lower animal life in an ant
community of the centuries in who sat in his study and watched, heap. And it horrifies us, because
order to split Spain into frag- with horrible impassivity, the we know something of it from

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In 1942, on the 6th anniversary
of José Antonio Primo de Ri-
vera’s death, Falange comrades
carried a wreath to be placed at
his tomb at El Escorial. At the
same time, 47,000 Spanish vol-
unteers on the Eastern Front con-
tinued their fight against Com-
munism in the División Azul, or
“Blue Division,” named after the
Falangist uniform’s blue shirt.
“Our Spanish Civil War is nothing
more than foreshadowing of a
broader European Civil War to
come,” Falangists had warned.

capitalism. Capitalism, too, is in- the Falange declares. What is of the National Syndicalist Offensive.” Falange
ternational and materialistic. That death and what is life? Life is im- Española, or “Spanish Phalanx.” A “falange,”
is why we want neither one nor mortality. The seed that is not or phalanx, is a body of troops marching in
the other. That is why we want lost but, day after day, is renewed close formation. The term signifies a single-
to avoid the fulfillment of Karl with new vigor and freshness. will unity of purpose.
Marx’s predictions. This is the life José Antonio. 6 All José Antonio Primo de Rivera quo-
tations from Antelope Hill Publishing’s An-
José Antonio was always con- His execution sparked the real thology of Speeches and Quotes, op. cit.
scious of death stalking him uprising that finally united his fellow 7 A mere sub-group of the Falange, the
subsidiary Sección Femenina, led by José
No one ever risks his life for patriots. It inspired millions to fight Antonio’s sister, Pilar, had more than a half
a material good. Material goods, for the Nationalist cause and, after million members by the end of the Spanish
comparable as they are with one winning an exceptionally bitter civil Civil War.
another, are always placed below war, they at last raised the banner 8 Colophon: a statement at the end of a
the higher good, which is life. of his Falange Española over the book, typically with a printer’s emblem,
The time when a man risks the giving information about its authorship and
defeated corpse of Communism in printing. Here, it signifies the source and
comfortable life or economic ad- Spain. If the name of José Antonio identity of the perennial “barbarian inva-
vantages is when he feels himself Primo de Rivera has been since sion.”
filled with a mystic ardor by reli- 9 José Antonio alludes to Third Reich
gion, country or honor—or by a mostly forgotten, his words still ring
true, especially now, with the advent plebiscites or national referenda, in which
new sense of the society in which the German people voted consistently and
he lives. of another “barbarian invasion” overwhelmingly in favor of Adolf Hitler’s
threatening our continued existence policies.
The Introduction tells how José
as a civilized people. ❖ 10 José Antonio denied that Marxism
Antonio met his end: qualified as an ideology at all, but was merely
ENDNOTES: propaganda for fulfilling Jewish revenge
At dawn, on the 20th of No-
1 De Rivera, José Antonio Primo. José against the hated goyim.
vember, he bade farewell to his
Antonio Primo de Rivera: Anthology of 11 Arriba España!, “Arise, Spain!,” was
brother, and was taken out into Speeches and Quotes. Originally released in
the courtyard to be shot. He gave the Falange salute.
Spain by the Falange Española, 1950. Eng-
a lusty cry of Arriba España!, 11 lish-language translation. SC: Antelope Hill
and kissed the crucifix in humility. Publishing, 2021. Available from TBR. MARC ROLAND is a self-educated ex-
A moment later, his body was 2 Ibid. pert on WWII and ancient European cul-
dead. That body now lies in a 3 Payne, Stanley G. The Collapse of the tures but is equally at home writing on
tomb before the High Altar of Spanish Republic, 1933–1936: Origins of American history and prehistory. He is
the Basilica of the Escorial, to the Civil War. CT: Yale University Press, also a freelance book and music reviewer.
which it was conveyed by thou- 2006.
Roland has written dozens of articles
sands of Spaniards who carried 4 Villa García, Roberto; Álvarez Tardío,
Manuel. Fraude y violencia en las elecciones for TBR. To review them, access the
the coffin on foot from Alicante. yearly author/subject index found in the
Franco has said, “Spaniards! José del Frente Popular. Spain: Espasa, 2017.
5 Officially known as Falange Española back of each year’s November/December
Antonio has died,” the news-
de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindi- issue of TBR.
papers say. “José Antonio lives!,” calista, “The Spanish Phalanx of the Councils

THE B ARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 3 5


Josef Vissarionovich Stalin:

Israel’s Founding Father
THE MYTH THAT STALIN WAS ANTI-ZIONIST has taken a long time to die. Given the
realities of the immediate postwar world, once the U.S. promised to finance Israel, any
opposition to the country was just opposition to American (and Turkish) aims in the
Middle East. The myth partly comes from the later rejection of Zionism by the USSR once
the United States took over its financing. Clearly, the U.S. was in a far better position than
the USSR to finance the Zionist state in 1948-50. The USSR was a proponent and supporter
of Zionism consistently until it became clear the U.S. was the “better deal” for Israel.


chowiecki, and he was one of the

oscow’s Surprise: The So- main proponents and signatories of
viet-Israeli Alliance of the Sikorsky-Maisky Pact that nulli-
1947-1949 by Laurent fied the treaty of peace between
Rucker was published by Germany and the USSR. He was ar-
the Wilson Center. It is an analysis rested in 1946 on espionage charges,
of the literature showing Soviet sup- but was “rehabilitated” in 1955. He
port for Zionism in the early stages refused to turn on Stalin, suggesting
of its development in Palestine and his arrest was pro forma and he
remains one of the best books ex- was not treated poorly.
posing the Soviet role in creating When he discovered that Maxim
and fostering Zionism: Litvinov’s nephew protested in
On March 2, 1942, Chaim Prague just before the Soviet invasion
Weizmann sent a memorandum of 1968, he cut off all ties with that
to [Soviet diplomat Ivan] Maisky family. His geopolitics after the war
pointing out the “massacres and envisioned a Europe with the strong
sufferings inflicted by the Nazis” Atlantean power, Britain, in cooper-
on European Jewry. … ation with the Soviet Union, as a
“After the war,” wrote Weiz- land power. He did not see the UK
mann, “most of the Jews surviving
in Eastern Europe would have
as an enemy, and he was given no
no choice but to emigrate to Pal- IVAN MAISKY reason to, and this was accepted by
estine.” He tried to convince the Soviet ambassador to Britain. many in Moscow.
Soviets that “past misunderstand- Weizmann was already, in 1942,
ings should not rule out a new claiming “massacres” by the “Nazis.”
orientation of the USSR towardStalin’s employ. That he was the re- However, dean of holocaust studies
Zionism,” and called on Moscowcipient of this letter is significant. Raul Hilberg claims that the “mas-
to “take an interest in the Zionist
Like almost all of the Bolsheviks sacres” occurred only in 1944-45.
solution to the Jewish question.”
early in the movement, he was from This same movement was saying
(Hen-Tov, 1978)
an upper-middle-class merchant that massacres of “6 million Jews”
Maisky was another Zionist in family. His real name was Jan La- were perpetrated by the czar during

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Communism in Israel

A truck adorned with portraits of Soviet leaders Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin rolls down a street at the
Communist Labor Day parade held in Tel Aviv on May 1, 1949. The truck is also plastered with Communist
campaign slogans in Hebrew. Today, the Communist Party of Israel still survives. It claims 1919 was its
founding date, though its roots stretch back to the Jewish workers movements that sprang up in Eastern
Europe in the very early days of the 20th century.

the alleged “pogroms.” Six million Jews in Europe partment sent a memorandum to
The Pittsburgh-based New Jewish are doomed to destruction, if the the deputy commissar of foreign af-
Criterion wrote: “The annihilation victory of the Nazis should be fairs, V. Dekanozov (a Georgian),
of the 6 million Jews now congre- final. ... The chances for mass about the creation of a Jewish state
emigration and resettlement of
gated in the Russian domains goes in Palestine that noted:
European Jewry seem to be re-
on in a well-defined and systematic mote, and European Jews face Zionist organizations in Pal-
manner.” (June 25, 1915) the danger of physical annihila- estine are making every effort to
The New York Tribune wrote: tion. Even the 4 million Jews establish links with our missions
“What the Turks are doing to Arme- under Soviet rule, although free in the Middle East, reckoning
nians is child’s play compared to from racial discrimination, are that they will gain the support of
what Russia is doing to 6 million not safe in the event of a final the USSR for the creation of a
Jews, her own subjects.” (October Nazi victory. (The New York Jewish state in Palestine. However
14, 1915) Times, June 25, 1940, 4) rendering such support will un-
Concerning Germany, originally There were no persecutions of doubtedly evoke an unfavorable
published by The Jewish Criterion, Jews in 1940. The “6 million” number reaction from the Arab pop-
April 14, 1939: “[W]hether our 6 mil- has been used incessantly by court ulation, not only in Palestine, but
lion fellow countrymen will live or historians for over a century. Many also in all other Arab countries.
die … more than a million refugees, Moreover, the British, in view of
more citations can be added to these.
the recent assassination of Lord
starving, tortured, fear-dazed, have It proves that the 6 million figure is Moyne in Cairo, are at present
been dragged from their homes, sep- a mystic invention to pressure the disinclined to promise anything
arated from their families, expelled Soviets into backing Israel while that would alter the existing status
from their countries. Five million permitting them to distract attention of Palestine as a mandated terri-
more await with horror the moment from their own crimes. tory. We have considerable prop-
this misery will strike them.” In November 1944, the Soviet erty interests in Palestine, namely
The New York Times wrote: Foreign Ministry’s Middle East De- that of the former Russian gov-

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ernment, the Ecclesiastical Mis- in New York on the Israeli question sway were subjected to almost
sion, and the Palestine Society, and its feasibility. The Soviet deputy complete physical annihilation.
which ought to be returned to minister of foreign affairs, Andrei … Large numbers of the surviving
the Soviet state. A successful res- Gromyko, received instructions from Jews of Europe were deprived
olution of this question can be Stalin to deliver a speech that would of their countries, their homes
reached only if the British attitude present a completely clear and un- and their livelihood. Hundreds
is favorable, since they are in of thousands of Jews are wan-
mistakable Soviet view on the Pal-
charge of this property at present. dering about in various countries
Taking account of this, it would estine question. It became clear that of Europe in search of livelihood
not be to our advantage at present whatever support the Arabs had in and in search of shelter. A large
to make any promises of support the USSR had evaporated. number of them are in camps
for the Jews, which the British Claiming that, during World War for displaced persons and are
would take as a move against II, “the Jewish people experienced still suffering great privations.
them. (Archive, 1943, from the unparalleled disaster and suffering,” (From Gaviston, 2013)
Rucker article) Gromyko was ordered to craft two
separate speeches and present them.
If there were any problems with This proves that the myth of the
The first was in support of the crea-
Zionism at this stage, it was only to Holocaust, more than any other con-
tion of a binational state of both
avoid irritating the British. Zionist Jews and Arabs, while the second sideration, was the main focus for
terrorists had murdered hundreds was on the partition of Palestine, Zionist propaganda. This maudlin
of Englishmen in the area and, bey- special pleading could be applied to
ond that, the Soviets worried about any number of peoples, including
alienating millions of Arabs. This, several the Soviets had displaced
however, is one dissenting voice
against a pro-Zionist Soviet position.
Soviet diplomats and destroyed. This emotional non-
sense served Soviet diplomatic in-
It was far too weak to matter. continued to meet terests well—and this was before
At the same time, regular con-
versations between Soviet diplomats with U.S. Jewish anyone was talking about a “holo-
caust.” That was invented later. Gro-
and Zionist activists continued. In
Cairo, TASS writers wrote to a Zionist
organizations as myko then explained to the world
why the Soviets had converted so
envoy that they were “very impressed this unfolded. suddenly to the Jewish cause:
with the Zionist collective settle-
ments” and even that, “Russia must Past experience, particularly
find some type of understanding during World War II, shows that
no Western European state was
with the Arabs, but knowing their thereby creating Israel. The binational able to provide adequate assis-
backwardness and your progressive- idea was quickly rejected. Given that tance for the Jewish people in
ness, all our sympathy will be with the Soviets already knew there would defending its rights and its very
your experiment.” be war, the second option was the existence from the violence of
In other words, Jews were ob- only one taken seriously. Needless the Hitlerites and their allies.
vious and advanced Socialists while to say, the Arabs were incensed. This is an unpleasant fact but,
the Arabs were mired in feudal su- Soviet diplomats in the U.S.A. unfortunately, like all other facts,
perstition. Therefore, earning the ire continued to meet with American it must be admitted. … This ex-
of the Arabs had no real cost. Refer- Jewish organizations as this unfolded. plains the aspirations of the Jews
ring to the Jewish kibbutzim, this Gromyko’s speech on May 14 was a to establish their own state. It
note suggests that the foundation of stunning event. Stalin had embraced would be unjust not to take this
Israel was inherently Socialist. Keep into consideration and to deny
Zionism with fervor. Gromyko stated:
the right of the Jewish people to
in mind that the Russian peasant
During the last war, the Jew- realize this aspiration. (UN, 1947)
commune was not considered this
ish people experienced excep-
way, but was ruthlessly suppressed. tional sorrow and suffering. With-
So much for the “Stalin the anti-
In the spring of 1946, Vladimir Ya- out any exaggeration, [one can Semite” myth. [See TBR, September/
kovlev, at the Soviet Embassy in Po- say] this sorrow and suffering October 2016.—Ed.] Beyond that,
land, received several Zionist del- are indescribable. It is difficult the statement is idiotic. The Jews
egations with instructions to give to express them in dry statistics were not only unmolested outside
them full support. (Strizhov, 1995) on the Jewish victims of the Fas- of the Reich, they had immense pow-
On April 28, 1947, a special session cist aggressors. The Jews in ter- er. The British financial establishment
of the UN General Assembly opened ritories where the Hitlerites held is based entirely on the Rothschild

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dynasty. Given the connections be-
tween that bank and the Soviets, their
volte-face makes more sense. In fact,
Stalin worked briefly for the Rothschild
refinery and storehouse in Georgia
as a young man. In Simon Montefiore’s
(2004) Young Stalin, the author writes:
The Rothschild managing di-
rector, David Landau, regularly
contributed to Bolshevik funds,
as recorded by the Okhrana—
whose agents noted how, when
Stalin was running the Baku Party,
a Bolshevik clerk in one of the oil
companies “was not active in op-
erations but concentrated on col-
lecting donations and got money
from Landau of the Rothschilds.”
It is likely that Landau met Stalin
personally. (Montefiore, 2004)
In 1917, Azerbaijan gained its in-
dependence because foreign oil mag-
nates financed and controlled the new
liberal republic. Lenin attacked their
fields during the Russian Civil War,
driving the Nobel brothers, their
owners, out. This drove up the price
of oil. Trotsky and Lenin were soon
to give this concession to the Roth-
schilds, since the USSR had no trained
technicians to run the fields after the
trauma of two wars. Somehow, the
Rothschilds knew to sell their partial
ownership interest in these fields in
1912, before the war began. Once Old
Russia was destroyed, they were back
in. In other words, Stalin had a long
relationship with the Rothschilds, who
were the primary financiers of Zionism
and ran Soviet oil concerns. This is
why Stalin shifted in this direction. A huge proportion of the world’s Jewish population lived in
On November 29, 1947, the USSR Ukraine. In Odessa and elsewhere, Jews elected mayors and
voted in favor of the plan to partition
regional governors who hoisted the Red flag long before the
Palestine and create two states. Res-
olution 181 was passed with 33 in Leninist revolution. They used the myth of the “Pogroms” to
favor, 13 against, and 10 abstentions, mobilize the local Jewish population, always well armed, and
including Yugoslavia. Both the USSR herd them into either the Marxist or Zionist movements. Zion-
and the U.S. held to the fiction that ism was a problem for Leninists because it would take Jewish
Belorussia, Ukraine, Poland and soldiers out of the country, besides it being the preferred solu-
Czechoslovakia were “independent tion of the nationalist Orthodox Christian Black Hundreds move-
countries.” Rather, they were direct ment. While Zionism and Marxism had a few things in common
colonies of Moscow, so the USSR as far as Jews were concerned, they were often opposed in the
automatically received at least four Russian empire. Clearly, it wasn’t a problem under Stalin.
or five votes for each resolution. This
gave the resolution the necessary

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two-thirds majority. The creation of ties with Hitler’s Germany and Mus- to the struggle being waged by the
the Zionist entity needed U.S.-Soviet solini’s Italy during the war. (Cohen, Israeli worker. At the same time
cooperation, which was the norm. 1990) In other words, to protest every Soviet citizen understands that
As trade between the two powers against Jewish imperialism was to the problems Israel faces cannot be
continued to increase and the U.S. be a “Hitlerite” in Stalin’s eyes. The reduced to the national character of
forgave all Soviet debt from the hyperbole of the Soviet press was the state; the social structure matters
Lend-Lease Act, this cooperation identical to that of the American as well.” (Isaev, 2010)
was not surprising. The “Cold War” press then and now. This, of course, was a blatant
didn’t exist when it came to Jewish On the one hand, American oil contradiction. In fact, Ehrenberg ex-
interests or, in fact, much at all. companies didn’t share pro-Zionist pressed support for Israel on behalf
Stalin knew that the support of views expressed by many politicians of the Soviet Jews with one specific
Zionism would bring far more bene- supported by the Jewish lobby, as reservation: The country should have
fits than Arab anger would cost. The such an approach could shatter the been a “people’s democratic republic”
Arabs were poor, disorganized and confidence of the Arab oil-exporting independent from the West and de-
had no real unifying ideology. Stalin nations. While, of course, Western void of the Zionist ideology. How
laughed off Arab complaints in favor companies controlled every drop of Israel can come to exist without
of Jewish nationalism. Decrying na- oil, the Arabs did have semi-inde- Zionism is like wanting a papacy
tionalism at home, and torturing mil- pendent countries in the area. On without Catholicism.
lions of such people in the Gulag, the other hand, the USSR engaged The Arab reaction was strong;
he championed it only with the Jews. as one Arabic Party member said:
The U.S. and UK did the same thing. We have always fought
At most, the Soviets condescendingly against the Zionist conception
lectured the Arabs on their anti-colo- Stalin knew that and have viewed Zionism as an
nial intentions and on the need to imperialist venture directed by
become more “progressive.” Worse, Zionist support British imperialism in order to
they threatened the Arabs by claiming create a trojan horse in the Middle
that, in future anti-colonial battles,
would bring more East. Consequently we have al-
they would only have the USSR for benefits than Arab ways discredited the historical
claims of Zionism as reactionary
assistance, so complaining too loudly
would not be a good idea. anger would cost. and did not accept the historical
roots of the Jews as realistic. ...
In December 1947, during a meet- Comrade Gromyko by his state-
ing with foreign affairs deputy min- ment has strengthened Zionist
ister Gusev, the Egyptian ambassador ideology and the Zionist grip over
begged the Soviets to be at least in its “role” as the U.S. enemy, but, the Jewish masses. Such strength-
neutral on the Zionist question. In of course, this is false. ening will help imperialism to
May 1948, on the eve of the creation Its humorous to hear analysts continue to use the Jewish masses
of Israel, he asked Moscow to revert speaking of the “UN plan” for Israel as instruments in its opposition
to its previous stand in favor of a or the “American attitude to Zionism” to the liberation movements in
“united and democratic” biethnic as if they had anything to say. The the Arab Middle East. (From
state. There, the hope was that the Jewish elite, led by the Rothschild Rucker, 2002)
Arabs could revolt quickly enough banking dynasty, was more powerful Arriving in Moscow in September
to squash the project. The Soviets than them all. These writers act as 1948, Israeli elites began demanding
were not fooled, seeing that there if this is a new state being created direct military aid with no strings.
was a crass power interest involved. for Kurds or Lapps. No, it is for the On October 5, 1948, Israeli military
The Soviet ambassador in Leba- most powerful group of people in attache Yohanan Ratner discussed
non, Daniel Solod, another Zionist, the world. They can have all the training questions with the Soviet
said that the United States was the “attitudes” they want. In the end, high command, seeing if Israeli of-
main enemy of the Arabs regardless the world’s banking dynasties have ficers could begin using Soviet mili-
of Soviet relations to Zionism, so the the final say. tary textbooks and attending Soviet
Soviet support of the nationalist ideo- Ilya Ehrenberg, the infamous film military academies. Ratner then
logy should have no bearing on their director who called for the genocide asked if he could have the supply of
position. Stalin’s newspapers pub- of Germans after World War II, man- German equipment that had fallen
lished attacks against “Arab reac- ifested the Jewish nature of Soviet into Soviet hands. The Soviets replied
tionaries associated with the imperi- policies. In his “Regarding One by asking for a specific list of what
alists,” claiming they had had close Letter,” he said: “We are sympathetic they needed.

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On November 7, 1948, David Ben-
Gurion sent the list to military attaché
Ivan Bakulin. The Jewish state want-
ed to purchase 45 advanced T-34
tanks, 50 fighters and anti-aircraft
guns. Bakulin stated that he would
transmit the Israeli requests, but em-
phasized the difficulties of delivery
because the UN had placed an em-
bargo on the area. He worried about
what violating the embargo might
do to relations with the West.
The Israelis knew it was a difficult
issue to get around. Yet it was highly
unlikely that there would be any up-
roar over Soviet aid. The worry about
sending weapons had more to do
with concerns about the U.S. offering
them a better deal, but even this
soon faded. Israeli Ambassador Golda
Mabovitch Meyerson (aka Myerson,
aka Meir), stated that:
[T]here will be no end of in-
terpretations about the special
dimension of this arrangement:
an alliance between the Soviets
and the state of Israel, which
has one thing in common—Karl
Marx, the Socialist and the Jew;
an alliance to attack and destroy
the world.
In other words, it would expose Stalin was very popular in Israel. Later writers invented the
this “special relationship.” theory that Stalin was an anti-Semite, something TBR has refuted
Because of this, and for no other in the September/October 2016 issue by Dr. Matthew Johnson.
reason, the Israeli request was never The truth is that Stalin was a partisan of organized Jewry and
sent to Stalin. The Soviets had just
surrounded himself with them (and married two of them). He
lost millions of men and much of
their industrial capacity in the war. also maintained the death penalty against anyone who offended
To think that Israel would be a pri- Jewish sensibilities. Posters like these show that Israelis con-
ority was ridiculous, especially since sidered Stalin their founding father from the gentile world.
the U.S. was certainly better posi-
tioned to assist the new state.
In no way did Stalin fight “Zion- its failure. Both Americans and So- based on myth. Stalin was seen as
ism” or “the Jews.” On February 11, viets thought they had discovered the “older brother” to the Zionist
1945, at the Yalta Conference, Frank- the world’s largest gold ore reserve movement and the devotion of Israel
lin Roosevelt asked Stalin his views there. Then, Soviet Jews were meant to him, especially in the kibbutzim,
on Zionism. Stalin said: “In principle, to be settled there in large numbers knew no bounds. In fact, portraits
I support Zionism, but there are dif- to oversee its extraction and, later, of Stalin were not removed from
ficulties with the solution of the Jew- its sale abroad. When this was proven these institutions until the 1960s,
ish question. Our experiment in false and the mine discovered was and then with great reluctance.
Birobidzhan failed because the Jews very small, the experiment failed By 1947, Zionism, the U.S.A. and
prefer to live in cities.” with it. the USSR had identical aims. On the
Stalin was lying. This writer is Before World War II, the myths one hand, the U.S. needed to ad-
the first to uncover the real reason of the pogroms brought Jews to the minister the growing oil wealth of
for the Birobidzhan experiment and Middle East, proving that Zionism is the area, while, on the other, using

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High-level members of Truman administration opposed to the creation of the state of Israel.

Jews against British imperialism ap- Shoikhet, were created by the Cheka would be cut off from Mideast oil.
pealed to Stalin. Jewish power was captain Lukachera, who used the Marshall’s ally was his first deputy,
paramount on both “sides,” and they pseudonym “Khozro.” In April 1947, Dean Acheson, who held talks with
would win no matter what. the Middle East Department of the Truman, urging him to oppose Stalin,
A unitary Judeo-Arab state under Foreign Ministry was the unit that because that was something an Amer-
Soviet sponsorship was a pipe dream. drafted the infamous UN speech. ican president needed to be “urged”
Vyacheslav Molotov was Stalin’s chief The main point was the termination to do. By now, Zionism had become
diplomat between 1939 and 1949. of the British Mandate in Palestine “Stalin’s project.” In Truman’s case,
He was convinced that the USSR and the withdrawal of British troops. he was not so much thinking about
should abandon Arab Communists This was just a repeat of the Zionist oil, but the need to prevent Stalin
because they were too mired in “su- view. The rest was less specific. On from building himself a bridgehead
perstition” and “backward.” It was April 28, 1947, the Arab proposal at in the Middle East and possibly cut-
Zionism that fought the British, not the UN to declare the independence ting the U.S. out of the oil circuit.
the Arabs. Even here, he was lying, of Palestine was rejected. Since Brit- The Dulles brothers (Allen and
since he also knew the British had ish politicians were in no position John Foster) also opposed the crea-
many agreements in place with the to resist, the fate of Palestine de- tion of a Jewish state. The CIA had
Rothschilds. pended on two great powers, the convinced Truman that Palestine
In Damascus, Arab mobs looted United States and the Soviet Union, was ungovernable and that the So-
the offices of the local Communist who, as always, cooperated. viets were looking for any opportu-
Party after Gromyko made his infa- President Harry Truman was para- nity to strengthen their position
mous speech in the UN. The Com- lyzed because, while Jewish influence there. American intelligence warned
munist Party of Palestine had both in American banking and media was that the emergence of a Jewish state,
Arab and Jewish members and al- immense, influential figures in his on the one hand, could deprive Amer-
ways supported the position of one administration were strongly opposed ica of the oil it needed and, on the
state for two peoples. However, be- to the Jewish state because it harmed other, would open the door for Soviet
cause it was linked to the Soviets, it British interests. Remember, too, penetration into the Middle East.
also failed. Traditionally it had had only a minority of Jews were Zionists However, they could not have been
close contacts with the Communist at the time. Not considering the Pal- ignorant of the fact that all the oil
parties in neighboring Arab countries, estine issue of importance, the un- there was owned by American and
such as Palestine, Egypt and Leba- educated ex-haberdasher Truman British concerns. Why they would
non, but these were now broken. left the floor to Stalin. The two most refuse to sell oil to their own coun-
Now, Stalin’s support was unmis- influential opponents of the Zionists tries is a mystery, but Truman was
takable. in Washington were Secretary of easily manipulated. Possibly, the U.S.
Before the British, the Chekists State George Marshall and Secretary couldn’t be served by having an
managed to reach the Jews of Pal- of Defense James Forrestal. They entire Arab civilization at war with
estine. Back in the 1920s, the first feared that the Arab countries would it regardless of who owned the wells.
Jewish self-defense forces, Israel swing to the Soviets, and the West Truman was sympathetic toward

42 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

Jews, but he struggled with the geo- since these were all Jews in close
politics of Israel. The U.S. had not contact with the Rothschilds. Mor-
been completely taken over with genthau was also the main driving
the Zionist idea at the time, and force at the Bretton Woods Confer-
even Jews were skeptical. Truman ence, linking all these movements
secretly met with Chaim Weizmann. into one. Frankfurter headed the
Truman praised the head of the legal side of things, while Morgen-
World Zionist Organization and later thau and Baruch took care of the
said, “He was a wonderful man, one financing.
of the wisest people I’ve ever met, The Rockefellers ruled most of
a true leader, one of a kind.” Latin America, and they could pro-
He also thought the Soviet Union duce 19 votes at the General As-
was using the Jewish state to pen- sembly, while Europe had only nine.
etrate the region, which did not David Ben-Gurion (real name Grun)
take a geopolitical genius to figure understood that he must “convince”
out. “That will not happen,” an- Nelson Rockefeller to bring the
swered Weizmann. “If the Soviets votes he needed from Latin America. The Soviet
wanted to use Jewish emigration
to spread their ideas, they could
By that time, Ben-Gurion had plenty
of material against Rockefeller. On
have done so long ago.” He was ar- December 5, 1947, a few days after Challenging the Apologists
guing that those leaving the USSR the UN adopted the partition plan, for Communist Tyranny
were refugees from Marxism, which the United States imposed an arms
no one believed. embargo on the Middle East, know- By Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson
The Zionist leader argued that ing that this would mean the USSR The USSR remains one of the least un-
Communism can only spread in the alone would be financing Zionism derstood of all societies despite its hav-
illiterate and impoverished segments while the Arabs would get nothing. ing only existed in the 20th century. It
of society. Truman, despite the con- On January 21, 1948, Forrestal stands as the great embarrassment of
tradictory opinions in the American wrote a letter on the Arab threat if the globe’s liberal elite and they do all
administration, agreed to partition the U.S. supported Israel and ignored they can to mystify their role in cre-
and, hence, Zionism. As far as the Arab interests. He warned that the ating and supporting this totalitarian
UN vote, he demanded that the U.S. Americans could be permanently disaster. One of the reasons it remains
Department of State ensure the Latin at war with the Arab states if the so misunderstood is that very few can
American countries either voted for U.S. supported Jewish interests un- wrap their heads around depravity of
Israel or abstain since their econ- reservedly, a fact perfectly accept- this magnitude. The Soviet Experiment
omies were entirely dependent on able to Israel, as later events have connects the dots so many have failed
the U.S. The president knew that proven. In addition, he sought to to connect in the past. The author, at
his own diplomats did not agree have Secretary of State Marshall great cost to himself, has spent his
with him and were actively fighting bring the fight directly to Truman adult life specializing in the hidden
against him. on these grounds. aspects of Russian history and its con-
Truman was in regular contact State Department leaders said nection to nationalism. As always, he
with the State Department, worrying that the plan for dividing Palestine pulls no punches. He's contentious,
that his orders were being distorted. was almost impossible. Forrestal he’s offensive, he’s difficult, he’s chal-
It is important to note that Truman had become a “hindrance” to those lenging—challenging everything that
was up for reelection in 1948 and backing Zionism, and his political needs to be challenged to explain the
needed the Jewish lobby for support. death warrant was signed. On Feb- catastrophe of the Marxist Soviet
Major Zionist groups promised $2 ruary 3, Baruch confronted him, Union and the ideological fog behind
million if he supported the formation threatening that, if he did not shut which it hid for so long. Softcover, 241
of Israel. Such guarantees, through up, his “own interests, [would be] pages, #835, $25 plus $5 S&H inside
the mediation of Weizmann, were now under threat.” the U.S. from TBR, P.O. Box 550, White
given to him by Bernard Baruch, This threat frightened Forrestal Plains, MD 20695. Visit us online at
secretary of finance under Franklin to such an extent that he decided or call us toll free
Roosevelt, the infamous Henry Mor- to leave the question of Palestine at 1-877-773-9077 to charge, Mon.-
genthau at Treasury and Supreme entirely, but this did not save him. Thu. 9-5 ET. (For foreign S&H, email
Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. He knew the Zionists were on a )
These guarantees were essential mass murder spree in the Mideast

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 4 3

with no repercussions. lived. In his book The Revolution, Arab states.”
On March 19, 1948, he met with Begin asserts: “The slaughter at Deir In December 1948, the Soviet
Weizmann. Truman decided to en- Yassin, along with others like it, Union voted against UN General As-
force the UN decision, but Warren helped us to clear the territory of sembly Resolution 194-III, which
Austin, the U.S. representative to the 650,000 Arabs. If it were not for this would allow Arab refugees to return
UN, protested to Truman by saying battle, there would be no Israel.” to their homes or be compensated
that the partition of Palestine should This was not a battle but a slaughter. for loss of their property if they were
be abandoned as it would be a dis- He lied again, and the Arabs were to stay in exile. They were ignored,
aster for all involved, except the goyim indeed. What was the Ameri- as usual.
Jews. He argued that the UN should can reply? Truman invited Eddie Ja- Britain had been ruling Palestine
take control over Palestine and re- cobson to the White House and told since 1920, but the King David Hotel
store some sort of order. Truman him to tell Weizmann that he would bombing of 1946 showed the ex-
only found this out in the papers the ensure recognition of the new Jewish tremes to which Jews would go to
next day. He wrote on the calendar: state. The slaughter meant nothing. take over. Britain had just bled itself
It turns out the State Depart- This is how the U.S. became the fin- white to defeat Hitler, yet that was
ment revised my policy. And I ancier of the Israeli state. insufficient for the Jews, and they
find out about it from the news- Soviet support knew no bounds, began killing the British rulers of
papers. What the hell? Now I ap- despite their crippled economic po- Palestine because they were not
peared in the role of a liar who moving fast enough to finance Israel.
cannot be trusted. There were They attacked the very heart of the
always people in the State De- administration in the area, killing 91
partment who wanted to cut my
throat. Finally, they succeeded.
The slaughter at people. The problem was that, in
letting it go, it would doom the area
This demonstrates the extent of Deir Yassin helped us to a greater war. Jewish settlers were
Jewish power even at the time.
Truman called Clark Clifford, his
to clear the territory about 30% of the total population in
1947, and more were arriving daily.
closest confidant, and told him, in of 650,000 Arabs. WHY STALIN CREATED ISRAEL
his most scholarly tone, “I promised
Weizmann support. Now he will con- —Menachem Begin Why did Stalin create Israel? Sta-
sider me an a**hole.” lin’s goal was to “expel Britain from
Truman’s envoy gave the response a strategically important region and,
from Weizmann, where he wrote if possible, take its place.” This is
that he “completely trusted” the sition. Pravda and The New York likely untrue, since, at the time, the
American president and that the sep- Times ignored the massacre of the two powers were allies. It is probably
aration of Palestine was a fait ac- Arab village. During the UN debate, for no other reason than the USSR
compli. The choice for Jews, he said the Soviet diplomats loudly denied was dependent on the Rothschild
in typically neurotic and hyperbolic that Israel had “any responsibility” dynasty for reconstruction financing
fashion, was “the creation of a state for the fate of the Palestinians and and that Jews were so wildly over-
or annihilation. History and Prov- deflected it to Great Britain and the represented in Moscow. Golda Meir,
idence, Mr. President, have put this Arab countries, somehow. The So- the first Israeli ambassador to Mos-
issue in your hands, and I am sure viets took the Jewish line without cow, said:
that you will resolve it in accordance fail, even if it made them look absurd Now I have no doubt that
with moral laws.” internationally. The Soviets also vehe- the main advice was the expul-
His arrogance was astounding. mently attacked the plan to provide sion of England from the Middle
Where, exactly, were Jews in danger compensation for the thousands of East. But, in the fall of 1947,
of annihilation? Arabs displaced by Zionism. Their when debates took place in the
In poetic fashion, that question existence was merely an inconven- United Nations, it seemed to
was answered on the same day as ience. me that the Soviet bloc sup-
ported us also because the Rus-
the massacre at Deir Yassin. The In a letter to Golda Meir, M. Sher-
sians themselves paid for their
massacre was committed by the Irgun tok stressed with vehemence that victory at a terrible price and,
terrorist brigade of Menachem Begin, “all my talks with the Russians indi- therefore, deeply sympathized
which shocked even Weizmann. Then cated the absence of any interest in, with the Jews, who suffered so
the units of the Irgun and the Stern or concern about, the fate of the badly from the Nazis. [The Jews]
Gang captured and cleared out the Arab refugees [and] utter contempt deserved their state. (From
settlement, where over 400 Arabs for the progressive forces in the Rucker, 2002)

44 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

Stalin was ever the idealist, “concerned
with the suffering of the world,” as we all
know. Meir was speaking tongue in cheek, as
was I. The problem was that the Soviets didn’t
want their huge Jewish elite to leave for
Israel, leaving the USSR with all these un-
manned offices. In mid-1946, the Mossad
opened negotiations with the Romanian Jews,
in particular Ana Pauker, the centralizing dic-
tator of the Romanian Communist Party, in
order to get her permission for mass Jewish
emigration. Bucharest agreed to allow 50,000
Jews to leave, on the condition that the emi-
grants give up their property and their money.
The Mossad [Israeli secret police] also was
to pay for each Jew leaving Romania.
It was the non-Jewish Romanian Com-
munist Gheorghiu Dej that fought against
this immigration policy. Pauker was a Jewish
nationalist, showing how close Marxism and
Jewish identity had become. She was such a
fanatic that she fought for total, unrestricted
mass immigration to Palestine despite the
harm it would do to her own party. Pauker
was featured on the front cover of Time
magazine and called “the most powerful
woman in the world.” It also proved beyond
doubt that the Communist parties in the area
were overwhelmingly Jewish.
Robert Levy, in his 2001 book Ana Pauker:
The Rise and Fall of a Jewish Communist, Above is shown a pamphlet put out by the Palestine
made the absurd claim that the doors of Communist Party in the mid-1920s calling for unity
emigration among the Warsaw pact states and brotherhood of the Arab and Jewish working
were based on an “anti-Zionist” campaign. classes “beyond the strictures of race, ethnicity, and
(Levy, 2001) He was knowingly lying. He was
gender.” Many Jews, however, saw Marxism as a
aware that the Jewish control over these
countries was so great that any mass exodus movement that would bring Jews too close in prox-
would collapse these governments. He also imity to Gentiles. However, since these same Gentiles
knew Stalin was backing the Zionist movement were trying to destroy non-Jewish ethno-nations, it
without reservation at the time. was “temporarily allowable.” Trotsky and the army of
Soon, all restrictions would be lifted. other Jews in the early Communist movement worried
During a UN Security Council session, a Soviet far more about the condition of “ethnic groups” than
diplomat spoke out against the continuing strict, doctrinaire Marxism. As this author has written
limitations on Jewish emigration, stating: in The Soviet Experiment, Soviet Marxism, and Marx-
The question of immigration into the ism in general, had little to do with workers and far
state of Israel is the domestic affair of the more to do with destroying traditional forms of state
state of Israel. … Some delegates at the in gentile countries. Still, to the extent to which work-
council have argued that this immigration
threatens the security of Arab states. I want ing with Gentiles might—even slightly—dilute Jewish
to point out that, first of all, that we do not identity or blood drove stricter Jews to fits of anger.
know of a single instance of incursion into While Jews were certainly in a privileged place in the
the territory of another state by the armed USSR, they still needed a state of their own. Today,
forces of Israel except out of self-defense, Israel still has a vibrant Communist political party.
when they were compelled to repulse attacks
on Israeli territory by the armed forces of

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other states. This was self-defense the creation of the state of Israel
in the full sense of the word. rendered Soviet Jews a potential fifth
(From Rucker, 2002) column for a foreign state, but this
This was pure nonsense and Levy is the nature of Zionism. The Ameri-
did not bother to explain this. Another cans were not so prescient. Aside
problem with migration to Israel from the fact that the Soviet Union
was that the Jews in Communist was the first to recognize Israel, the
countries “outdo all others in their Soviet authorities seemed to reject
loyalty to the new regimes.” (Rucker, the expressions of solidarity with
2002) In other words, Jews were the Israel made by some Soviet Jews. It
Communist backbone in Eastern Eu- did not take long before Soviet Com-
rope. For the same reason, only munist Jews rejected Zionism alto-
about 100 Jews left the USSR. They gether, at least for the short term.
dominated the highest posts in the All in all, Stalin and Molotov
Soviet Union and had no motive to made a serious miscalculation. The
leave. It also proved the total de- Israeli state realized a simple fact:
pendency of Marxism on powerful The destruction of the late war meant
Jewish support. that the USSR could never provide
Stalin, after the Birobidzhan dis- the cash and support that the U.S.
aster, could not permit his own elite could. Golda Meir said at that time:
Golda Meir, born Golda Ma- “We cannot buy Soviet weapons with
to emigrate. Leo Mlechin argued that
bovitch in 1898, was the epi- money that we have received from
supporting Zionism was a way to fi-
nally kick the UK out of the area. tome of both a Socialist and American Jews.”
Arab governments at the time tended a Zionist politician. Spending The USSR would not tolerate a
to tilt toward London after the Soviet her young years in the U.S.— split loyalty for long. Despite the
speech at the UN. graduating from the Univer- mythology, the U.S. and USSR were
Once Britain vacated the area, it sity of Wisconsin—her loy- allied at the economic level during
came under the UN mandate. This alties were to organized Jew- the “Cold War,” but American capital
was irrelevant, since the U.S. and ry that supported ethno- feared the Soviet empire becoming
USSR backed Israel. too large, especially as the Nationalist
nationalism in Israel, but lib-
The USSR was first to recognize Chinese fell just one year after Israel
eral socialism for others. was founded.
Israel on May 14, 1948. Despite the
weapons embargo, the Soviet secret In the Soviet Union, the U.S. and
police still brought guns to Zionists the UK, Jewish power was para-
Israel in the form of Czech arms mount, and no one dare mention it,
via Czechoslovakia. Jews were get- sales continued for longer than
ting arms from Jewish merchants let alone fight it. Stalin was not an
would have been necessary had
and bankers the world over, so, at the USSR merely wished to en- “anti-Semite,” nor was he a Russian
the time of its independence, the sure the creation of a Jewish Nationalist. Further, he was not a
Zionists could defeat any enemy. state. In Bialer’s opinion, the Soviet bad Marxist either, since Judaism is
The U.S. knew there was only an attitude toward Israel changed politically found in Communism no
embargo against the Arabs. only when Israeli publicly sup- more than Zionism.
Unfortunately, since the Soviet ported the American position on The USSR first recognized and
government was so heavily Jewish, Korea in 1950, and when signs supplied the state of Israel. The U.S.
the question of migration to the Mid- of Israel’s growing alignment with could have backed the British, but
dle East was impossible. This, plus the United States became un- Jewish pressure is far more powerful.
mistakable. In other words, Soviet The Jews proved they were willing
the fact that the wealthy U.S.—un-
aid was related to Israel’s foreign
touched by the war—was in a better to slaughter any and all for their new
policy orientation to a greater
position to support their cause, led degree than had commonly been
state. No doubt this can be excused
to the collapse of relations later. assumed. (Shlaim, 2004) by their “trauma” from the events of
“the Holocaust,” so all judgment must
Uri Bialer has convincingly Yuri Slezkine (2004) has argued
challenged this deterministic ex- be suspended. Truman’s advisers,
that the crackdowns that victimized such as Forrestal, were correct: Back-
planation of the course of
Soviet-Israeli relations in the early a large number of Jews from 1948 to ing the Jewish state would lead to
1950s. In the first place, he points 1953 to a significant degree resulted endless war with the Arab world. In
out, Soviet proxy military aid to from the fact that, in Stalin’s eyes, 2021, it continues as he predicted. ❖

46 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

A Homeland in Birobidzhan

Birobidzhan was founded in 1934 and was meant to be a homeland for Jews. It became a bit more
popular once Operation Barbarossa began, but only a small number of Jews ever moved there, even
then. At any given time, Jews were only a small minority, as it is today. As of 2020, the total population
of Birobidzhan is fewer than 80,000, with Jews making up a small percentage of that. This small “auton-
omous region” is about 4,000 miles away from Moscow on the northeastern border of China. Historians
have wondered why that location was chosen. TBR will answer this question in an upcoming issue.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Ambassadors,” June 7, 1955, 2446/8, Israel Stankowski, Albert (1998). Poland and
Asmund, B.G. (2011). “Reinterpreting So- State Archives. Israel: Bilateral Relations, 1947-1953. Ar-
viet Anti-Zionism: An Analysis of Anti-Zionist Levy, Robert (1998). “Ana Pauker and chives of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Af-
Texts Published in the Soviet Union.” MA the Mass Emigration of Romanian Jewry, fairs, Jews in Eastern Europe, 3 (37).
Thesis, University of Oslo. 1950-1952.” East European Jewish Affairs Shlaim, Avi (2004). “Israel Between East
Agwani, MS (1969). Communism in the 28(1): 69-86. and West, 1948-1956.” International Journal
Arab East. Asia Publishing House. Litvak, Yosef (1991). “Polish-Jewish Ref- of Middle Eastern Studies 36(4): 657-673.
Bialer, Uri (1990). Between East and ugees Repatriated from the Soviet Union at Strizhov, Iurii (1995). “The Soviet Position
West: Israel’s Foreign Policy Orientation, the End of the Second World War.” in Norman on the Establishment of the State of Israel.”
1948-1956. Cambridge University Press. Davies and Antony Polonsky, eds: Jews in In Yaacov Roi, ed: Jews and Jewish Life in
Cohen, Michael J. (1990). Truman and Eastern Poland and in the USSR, 1939- Russia and the Soviet Union. Routledge,
Israel. University of California Press. 1946. Macmillan 303-315.
Freundlich, Yehoshua (1995). “Documents Montefiore, S.S. (2007). Young Stalin. Slezkine, Yuri (2004). The Jewish Century.
on the Foreign Policy of Israel,” Vol. VIII, Vintage Princeton University Press.
1953. Israel State Archives. Roi, Yaacov (1980). Soviet Decision-Mak- Time Staff (1948). “A Girl Who Hated
Gavison, R. (2013). The Two-State Solu- ing in Practice. The USSR and Israel, 1947- Cream Puffs: Ana Pauker.” Time magazine,
tion: The UN Partition Resolution of Man- 1954 Transaction Books September 20.
datory Palestine—Analysis and Sources. Rucker, Laurent (2011). Moscow’s Sur- United Nations (1947). Official Records
Bloomsbury Publishing. prise: The Soviet-Israeli Alliance of 1947- of the First Special Session of the UN Gen-
Hen-Tov, Jacob (1978). “Contacts between 1949. The Wilson Center: Cold War History eral Assembly, Vol. I, April 28 to May 15,
Soviet Ambassador Maisky and Zionist Project 127-135.
Leaders During World War II.” Soviet Jewish
Affairs 8(1). MATTHEW RAPHAEL JOHNSON is a Nationalist historian and writer specializing in the
Isaev, Gumer (2010). “The Soviet-Zionist Russian Orthodox political tradition. He is the voice behind the Orthodox Nationalist lecture
Relations in 1941-1951: From Documents
series on Radio Albion (, as well as being the former editor of THE
Published within the Last Ten Years.” Global
Academic Society Journal: Social Science BARNES REVIEW. He holds a doctorate in the history of political philosophy from the University
Insight 3(11): 29-46. of Nebraska at Lincoln and has taught at several universities. Several of his books on Russia
“Israel’s Policy towards the Western have been published by THE BARNES REVIEW. His website is
Powers: Conclusions of the Conference of

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 4 7


Instigating WWII
Jewish involvement in fomenting
the worst war in global history
brought into his immediate circle
By John Wear more Jews than any other president

before or after him.”3
dolf Hitler alleged that A partial list of Jews surrounding
Jews controlled both U.S. Roosevelt include: Bernard Baruch,
President Franklin D. Felix Frankfurter, David E. Lilienthal,
Roosevelt and the Soviet David Niles, Louis Brandeis, Samuel
Union. Hitler mentioned I. Rosenman, Henry Morgenthau Jr.,
the Jewish control of Roosevelt and Benjamin V. Cohen, Rabbi Stephen
the Soviet Union in his speech on Wise, Francis Perkins, Sidney Hill-
December 11, 1941, declaring war man, Herbert H. Lehman, Jesse I.
on the United States: Straus, Harold J. Laski, Charles E.
The circle of Jews around Wyzanski, Samuel Untermyer, Ed-
Roosevelt encouraged him [to ward Filene, David Dubinsky, Mor-
divert attention to foreign policy]. decai Ezekiel, Abe Fortas, Harold
With Old Testament vindictive- Ickes, Isador Lubin, Harry Dexter
ness, they regarded the United White (Weiss), David Weintraub, Na-
States as the instrument which than G. Silvermaster, Harold Glasser,
they and he could use to prepare Irving Kaplan, Solomon Adler, Ben-
a second Purim against the na- jamin Cardozo, Anna Rosenberg,
tions of Europe, which were in-
and numerous others, almost to the
creasingly anti-Jewish. So it was
that the Jews, in all of their sa- exclusion of gentile advisers.
FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT As a consequence, Roosevelt was
tanic baseness, gathered around Manipulated by warhawks.
this man, and he relied on them.1 surrounded by a milieu of Jewish
We know the power behind hate and hostility toward Germany.
Roosevelt. It is the same eternal speaks for his intellectual nar-
Roosevelt was determined to destroy
Jew that believes that his hour rowmindedness.2 Germany because Roosevelt’s Jewish
has come to impose the same advisors were determined to destroy
fate on us that we have all seen This article examines the validity Germany.4
and experienced with horror in of Hitler’sclaim that Jews controlled Hitler was also correct that Jews
Soviet Russia. We have gotten both the U.S. and Soviet governments, had taken control of the Soviet Union.
to know the Jewish paradise on and his allegations of Jewish involve- Capt. Montgomery Schuyler, a U.S.
Earth first hand. Millions of Ger- ment in instigating World War II.
man soldiers have personally
Army intelligence officer in Russia
seen the land where this inter- during its revolutionary period, stated
national Jewry has destroyed in a report dated June 9, 1919: “A
and annihilated people and prop- Hitler was correct that Roosevelt table made up in 1918 by Robert
erty. Perhaps the president of was surrounded by numerous Jewish Wilton, correspondent of the London
the United States does not un- advisors. Jewish historian Lucy Da- Times in Russia, shows at that time
derstand this. If so, that only widowicz wrote, “Roosevelt himself there were 384 commissars including

48 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

Franklin D. Roosevelt had a penchant for high-level Jewish and pro-Zionist advisors. Just a few of
the powerful Jewish influencers around FDR included (clockwise from upper left): Bernard Baruch,
Felix Frankfurter, David Lilienthal, Louis Brandeis, Samuel Rosenman, Anna Rosenberg, Herbert
Lehman, Samuel Untermyer, Benjamin V. Cohen and Rabbi Stephen Wise. There were many more.

two Negroes, 13 Russians, 15 Chi- gerate the part played in the creation and commanding part everywhere,”
namen, 22 Armenians and more than of Bolshevism and in the actual and because of “the growing power
300 Jews. Of the latter number, 264 bringing about of the Russian rev- of the Jews,” they practically con-
had come from the United States olution by these international and trolled the Soviet government.7
since the downfall of the imperial for the most part atheistical Jews.”6 U.S. Gen. Amos A. Fries told
government.” Thus, the “Russian rev- American intelligence officers re- MID’s chief in 1926 that Polish officers
olution” had only 13 ethnic Russians ported that most Bolshevik leaders believed “extremely clever and ab-
and more than 300 Jews in its top were Jews. The New York office of solutely unscrupulous” Jewish
governing body of 384 members.5 the Military Intelligence Division leaders, most disguised behind Rus-
British intelligence reports also (MID) reported “that there is now sian names, really controlled the So-
confirm that Jews controlled the definite evidence that Bolshevism is viet Union. Fries wrote:
Communist revolution in the Soviet an international movement controlled [O]f the Russian Congress,
Union. The first sentence in a lengthy by Jews.” In Bern, an American agent some 70% were Jews, and the
British intelligence report dated July reported that 90% of those attending remaining 30% were largely fig-
16, 1919, stated: “There is now definite secret Bolshevik meetings were Jews. ureheads … real power … was
evidence that Bolshevism is an in- The British government also obtained entirely in the hands of the Jews
ternational movement controlled by evidence that the Bolshevik move- who were in it … for what they
Jews.” Even Winston Churchill, in ment throughout the world is an in- could get out of it, and very few
an article appearing in the Illustrated ternational conspiracy of Jews. The members … really believe in the
doctrines which they preach.8
Sunday Herald on February 8, 1920, official MID viewpoint was that “Jew-
wrote: “There is no need to exag- ish intellectuals have had the leading Jewish leaders also used Churchill

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 4 9

to agitate for war against Germany. was tantamount to a declaration The opening of the Soviet archives
Churchill was financially supported of war—when both the Japanese in 1995 revealed that more than 300
by the anti-German group The Focus, cabinet and the U.S. military Communist members or supporters
whose membership included many were desperately eager for peace. had infiltrated the American gov-
wealthy British and American Jews. … Harry Dexter White knew ex- ernment. Working in Lend-Lease, the
actly what he was doing. The
Churchill wrote that the basis of Treasury Department, the State De-
man himself remains a mystery,
The Focus “is, of course, Jewish re- but the documents speak for partment, the office of the president,
sentment.”9 themselves. the office of the vice president, and
American Gen. Robert E. Wood Harry Dexter White gave us even American intelligence opera-
stated before a U.S. Senate committee Pearl Harbor.12 tions, these spies constantly tried to
that Churchill had said to him in shift U.S. policy in a pro-Soviet di-
November 1936, “Germany is getting The Soviets had also planted nu- rection. During World War II, several
too strong, and we must smash her.” merous other Jewish agents in the of these Soviet spies were well-po-
Churchill also stated in 1936, “We Roosevelt administration. For ex- sitioned to influence American policy.
will force Hitler into war, whether ample, Harold Glasser, a member of Especially at the Tehran and Yalta
he wants it or not.”10 Churchill was Morgenthau’s Treasury staff, provided meetings toward the end of World
an exceptional orator and writer, War II, the Soviet spies were able to
and he was an effective agent in influence Roosevelt to make huge
stirring up British public opinion concessions to the Soviet Union.14
against Germany. The Soviets had also
JEWISH SOVIET AGENTS planted numerous The Germans seized a mass of
Jewish Soviet agents conspired other Jewish agents documents from the Polish Ministry
to have Japan attack the United of Foreign Affairs when they invaded
States. Harry Dexter White, who was in the Roosevelt Warsaw in late September 1939. The
later proven to be a Soviet agent, documents were seized when a Ger-
carried out a mission to provoke administration. man SS brigade led by Freiherr von
Japan into war with the United States. Kuensberg captured the center of
When Secretary of State Cordell Hull Warsaw ahead of the regular German
allowed the peacemakers in Roose- army. Von Kuensberg’s men took
velt’s administration to put together intelligence from the War Department control of the Polish Foreign Ministry
a modus vivendi that had real po- and the White House to the Soviets. just as ministry officials were in the
tential, White drafted a 10-point pro- Glasser’s reports were deemed so process of burning incriminating
posal that the Japanese were certain important by the NKVD [secret po- documents. These documents clearly
to reject. White passed a copy of his lice] that 74 reports generated from establish Roosevelt’s crucial role in
proposal to Hull, and this final Amer- his material went directly to Stalin. planning and instigating World War
ican offer—the so-called “Hull note” One historian writes of the Soviet II. They also reveal the Jewish forces
—was presented to the Japanese on infiltration of the U.S. government behind President Roosevelt that
November 26, 1941.11 and its effect on Roosevelt: pushed for war.15
The Hull note, which was based These spies, plus the hundreds Some of the secret Polish doc-
on two memoranda from White, was in other U.S. agencies at the time, uments were first published in the
a declaration of war as far as the Ja- including the military and the United States as The German White
panese were concerned. The Hull OSS, permeated the administra- Paper. Probably the most revealing
note destroyed any possible peace tion in Washington and, ultimately, document in the collection is a secret
settlement with the Japanese, and the White House, surrounding report dated January 12, 1939, by
FDR. He was basically in the So-
led to the Japanese attack on Pearl Jerzy Potocki, the Polish ambassador
viet’s pocket. He admired Stalin,
Harbor. In this regard, John Koster sought his favor. Right or wrong,
to the United States. This report dis-
writes: he thought the Soviet Union in- cusses the involvement of American
Harry Dexter White, acting dispensable in the war, crucial to Jews in promoting war against Ger-
under orders from Soviet intelli- bringing world peace after it, and many:
gence, pulled the strings by which he wanted the Soviets handled There is a feeling now prev-
Cordell Hull and [State Depart- with kid gloves. FDR was star alent in the United States marked
ment expert on Far Eastern Af- struck. The Russians hardly could by growing hatred of Fascism,
fairs] Stanley Hornbeck handed have done better if he was a and, above all, of Chancellor Hit-
the Japanese an ultimatum that Soviet spy.13 ler and everything connected

50 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

with National Socialism. Propa- Roosevelt. They want the pres-
ganda is mostly in the hands of ident to become the champion
the Jews who control almost of human rights, freedom of re- War Crimes Trials
100% [of the] radio, film, daily ligion and speech, and the man
and periodical press. Although who, in the future, will punish & Other Essays
this propaganda is extremely trouble-mongers. These groups, By Carlos Porter. Approximately 10,000
coarse and presents Germany as people who want to pose as rep- “War Crimes Trials” have been held
black as possible—above all re- resentatives of “Americanism” since 1945. Trials of Japanese military
ligious persecution and concen- and “defenders of democracy” personnel ended in 1949, yet “war
tration camps are exploited— in the last analysis, are connected crimes trials” of Germans and Eastern
this propaganda is nevertheless by unbreakable ties with inter- Europeans continue to date. The charge
extremely effective since the national Jewry. is “violation of the laws and customs of
public here is completely ignorant For this Jewish international, war,” derived from international con-
and knows nothing of the situ- which above all is concerned ventions signed at the Hague in 1899
ation in Europe. with the interests of its race, to and 1907. That these trials have little
At the present moment, most put the president of the United or no basis in law is clear from the
Americans regard Chancellor Hit- wording of the treaties which are said
States at this “ideal” post of
ler and National Socialism as the to have been violated. The illegalities
champion of human rights, was
greatest evil and greatest peril of war crimes proceedings include the
a clever move. In this manner, admissibility of oral and written hearsay;
threatening the world. The situ- they created a dangerous hotbed the introduction of the concept of con-
ation here provides an excellent for hatred and hostility in this spiracy into international law (unknown
platform for public speakers of hemisphere and divided the prior to 1945); the total lack of any
all kinds, for emigrants from Ger- world into two hostile camps. pre-trial inquest or forensic evidence;
many and Czechoslovakia who, The entire issue is worked out and trial before a court itself composed
with a great many words and in a mysterious manner. Roose- of actual war criminals. The issues sur-
with most various calumnies, in- velt has been forcing the foun- rounding the war crimes trials are nu-
cite the public. They praise Amer- dation for vitalizing American merous and complex; discussion and
ican liberty which they contrast foreign policy, and simultaneously criticism of what was done should be
with the totalitarian states. has been procuring enormous welcomed by all who hope for a con-
It is interesting to note that stocks for the coming war, for tinuing development of international
in this extremely well-planned which the Jews are striving con- law. Softcover, 234 pages, #824, $24.
campaign, which is conducted sciously. With regard to domestic
above all against National So- policy, it is extremely convenient The French Gestapo Trials
cialism, Soviet Russia is almost to divert public attention from By Vincent Reynouard. Translated
completely eliminated. Soviet anti-Semitism, which is ever grow- by Carlos Porter. Is everything we
Russia, if mentioned at all, is ing in the United States, by talking have been told about the “evil” Ges-
mentioned in a friendly manner about the necessity of defending tapo nothing but lies and overexag-
and things are presented in such faith and individual liberty against gerated atrocity yarns? Is the rep-
a way that it would seem that the onslaught of Fascism.16 utation of the Gestapo as a murderous
the Soviet Union were cooper- collection of torturers and thugs false?
ating with the bloc of democratic CHARLES LINDBERGH’S SPEECH Reynouard has taken the time to
states. Thanks to the clever prop- compare the accusations made against
Charles Lindbergh also believed
aganda the sympathies of the the Gestapo at the Nuremberg Tri-
American public are completely that Jews were a driving force behind bunals by the Allies with the postwar
on the side of Red Spain. … World War II. On September 11, 1941, French trials of the same personnel,
The prevalent hatred against more than 8,000 people crowded involving the same cases, the same
everything which is in any way into the Des Moines Coliseum to victims and the same eyewitnesses.
connected with German National hear Lindbergh speak at an America What he found was that the evidence
Socialism is further kindled by First Committee rally. Lindbergh and accusations presented by the
the brutal attitude against the courageously made a “for-the-record” French and Allies against the Germans
Jews in Germany and by the were not the same. The accusations
speech identifying the war makers
émigré problem. In this action, made at Nuremberg in these cases
as he saw them. Lindbergh told his were grossly falsified. Softcover, 236
Jewish intellectuals participated; audience:
for instance, Bernard Baruch; pages, #734, $18.
the governor of New York state, The three most important ——
Lehman; the newly appointed groups who have been pressing TBR subscribers may take 10% off
judge of the Supreme Court, Felix this country toward war are the list prices above. S&H not included.
Frankfurter; Secretary of the British, the Jewish, and the See page 128 for ordering form and
S&H charges.
Treasury Morgenthau, and others Roosevelt administration. Behind
who are personal friends of these groups, but of lesser im-

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 5 1

involve us in the war. We cannot
blame them for looking out for
what they believe to be their own
interests, but we also must look
out for ours. We cannot allow
the natural passions and prej-
udices of other peoples to lead
our country to destruction.18
Rarely has any public address in
American history caused more of
an uproar than did Lindbergh’s Des
Moines speech. Criticism and de-
nunciations of Lindbergh’s speech
came from all across the United
States. Newspapers and organized
interventionist groups joined in sav-
age attacks on Lindbergh. Criticism
of Lindbergh’s speech also emanated
from high political levels in the
United States. For example, Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey of New York called
Harry Dexter White of the U.S. Treasury Department was proven Lindbergh’s speech “an inexcusable
to be a Soviet spy by the FBI. Interestingly, White was a driving abuse of the right of freedom of
force behind the creation of the International Monetary Fund
By the end of 1941, Lindbergh
and the World Bank. White was one of many Jews close to FDR. had become one of the most reviled
men in American history. One col-
umnist wrote that Lindbergh had
portance, are a number of cap- seeing the dangers involved in
italists, anglophiles and intellec- such a policy, both for us and
plummeted from “Public Hero No.
tuals who believe that their future, for them. 1” to “Public Enemy No. 1.”20 A 1942
and the future of mankind, de- Instead of agitating for war, poll showed that only 10% of Amer-
pend upon the domination of the the Jewish groups in this country icans had a favorable view of Lind-
British Empire. Add to these the should be opposing it in every bergh, while 81% had an unfavorable
Communistic groups who were possible way, for they will be view.21 Lindbergh’s sister-in-law Con-
opposed to intervention until a among the first to feel its con- stance reflected on America’s new
few weeks ago, and I believe I sequences. Tolerance is a virtue attitude toward Lindbergh, “Imagine,
have named the major war agi- that depends upon peace and in just 15 years he has gone from
tators in this country.17 strength. History shows that it Jesus to Judas!”22
cannot survive war and devasta-
This speech was the only public Lindbergh never apologized for
tion. A few far-sighted Jewish
address in which Lindbergh men- people realize this, and stand op- his Des Moines address and felt he
tioned the Jews. Lindbergh in this posed to intervention. But the had done nothing wrong. He wrote
speech elaborated on the Jewish majority still do not. Their great- in his journal four days after his
group’s influence: est danger to this country lies in speech:
their large ownership and in- I felt I had worded my Des
It is not difficult to understand fluence in our motion pictures, Moines address carefully and
why Jewish people desire the our press, our radio, and our moderately. It seems that almost
overthrow of Nazi Germany. The government. anything can be discussed in
persecution they suffered in Ger- I am not attacking either the America except the Jewish prob-
many would be sufficient to make Jewish or the British people. Both lem. The very mention of the
bitter enemies of any race. No races I admire. But I am saying word “Jew” is cause for a storm.
person with a sense of dignity of that the leaders of both the British Personally, I feel that the only
mankind can condone the perse- and the Jewish races, for reasons hope for a moderate solution lies
cution of the Jewish race in Ger- which are as understandable from in an open and frank discussion.23
many. But no person of honesty their viewpoint as they are inad-
and vision can look on their pro- visable from ours, for reasons Lindbergh was correct that he
war policy here today without which are not American, wish to had worded his address carefully

52 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

and moderately. In fact, since Jews
controlled both the American and
British governments, he could prop-
erly have said that Jews were the
sole primary group pressing for war
against Germany.
Many U.S. military intelligence
officers saw Jews as the driving
force behind World War II. Through-
out the 1930s, many military officers
foresaw a situation in which Jewish
influence would involve the United
States in a war against Germany.
They were particularly wary of Frank-
lin Roosevelt’s scare tactics about
German threats to the Western Hemi-
sphere.24 In fact, many military in-
telligence officers were saying es-
sentially the same thing about Jews
as Adolf Hitler.
It was widely known among U.S.
military intelligence leaders that Jews
played a prominent role in the Roose-
velt administration. For this and
other reasons, Roosevelt was widely
unpopular among most U.S. Army
officers. American historian Joseph
Bendersky writes:
Years later, the wife of Col.
Truman Smith recounted the “ex-
ultation” and “fierce delight” in
their social and political circle
upon hearing the news of Roose-
velt’s death. Finally, in her words,
A Reluctant Declaration
“The evil man was dead”!25
A colonel at the Army War College Adolf Hitler never really wanted to declare war on the United
asked Harvard historian William States. U.S. journalist William Henry Chamberlin concluded that
Langer why “all one hears is hostility Franklin D. Roosevelt guided America into World War II. Cham-
for Hitler and for Germany.” Langer berlin wrote: “The war with Germany was also very largely the
candidly replied: result of the initiative of the Roosevelt administration. The de-
I think the Jewish influence stroyer deal, the lend-lease bill, the freezing of Axis assets, the
has a great deal to do with it. injection of the American Navy, with much secrecy and double-
You have to face the fact that talk, into the battle of the Atlantic: These and many similar ac-
some of our most important tions were obvious departures from neutrality, even though a
American newspapers are Jew-
Neutrality Act, which the president had sworn to uphold, was
ish-controlled and, I suppose, if
I were a Jew, I would feel about still on the statute books.” Chamberlin, once a Communist sym-
Nazi Germany as most Jews feel pathizer, changed his mind after living in the USSR. He came to
and it would be most inevitable believe that U.S. intervention in WWII would only help the
that the coloring of the news spread of Communism across both Europe and Asia. His pre-
takes on that tinge. As I read
dictions, unfortunately, proved to be all-too correct.
The New York Times, for exam-
ple, it is perfectly clear that every

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 5 3

little upset that occurs (and after velt’s Jewish advisers “did everything The Guilt Question of the Second World
all many upsets occur in a country possible to spread venom and hatred War, Washington, D.C.: THE BARNES REVIEW,
of 70 million people) is given a 2013, pp. 275-276. See also Hughes, Emrys,
against the Nazis and to arouse Winston Churchill: His Career in War and
great deal of prominence. The Roosevelt against the Germans.”29 Peace, 1955, p. 145.
other part of it is soft-pedaled or
CONCLUSION 11 Koster, John, Operation Snow, Wash-
put off with a sneer. So, that in a ington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2012,
rather subtle way, the picture Hitler was convinced that Jews pp. 135-137, 169.
you get is that there is no good were ultimately responsible for World 12 Ibid., p. 215.
in the Germans whatever.26 13 Wilcox, Robert K., Target: Patton,
War II, and said so on many occa-
Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, Inc.,
John Beaty edited secret daily sions.30 A large body of evidence in- 2008, pp. 250-251.
intelligence reports as a G-2 officer dicates that Jewish players had taken 14 Folsom, Burton W., Jr. and Anita, FDR
in Washington between 1941 and control of the American, British and Goes to War, New York: Threshold Editions,
1947. Beaty wrote the book The Iron Soviet governments prior to World 2011, pp. 242, 245.
War II. Hitler correctly stated that 15 Weber, Mark, “President Roosevelt’s
Curtain Over America based on his
Campaign to Incite War in Europe: The
insights while inside G-2. He charged these Jews played a major role in Secret Polish Documents,” The Journal of
that World War II was an unnecessary instigating World War II to the det- Historical Review, Vol. 4, No. 2, Summer
war fostered by Jews. The war was riment of non-Jewish citizens. ❖ 1983, pp. 136-137, 140.
designed to kill as many Germans 16 Count Jerzy Potocki to Polish Foreign
ENDNOTES: Minister in Warsaw, The German White
and Americans as possible by pro- 1 Weber, Mark, “The Reichstag Speech Paper: Full Text of the Polish Documents
longing the war through demands of 11 December 1941: Hitler’s Declaration Issued by the Berlin Foreign Office; with a
for unconditional surrender and the of War against the United States,” The Journal forward by C. Hartley Grattan, New York:
Morgenthau Plan. The uncivilized of Historical Review, Vol. 8, No. 4, Winter Howell, Soskin & Company, 1940, pp. 29-31.
bombing of German cities was also 1988-1989, p. 406. 17 Cole, Wayne S., Charles A. Lindbergh
2 Ibid., p. 411. and the Battle Against American Interven-
designed to mass murder innocent 3 Bradberry, Benton L., The Myth of tion in World War II, New York: Harcourt
German civilians.27 German Villainy, Bloomington, IN: Author- Brace Jovanovich, 1974, pp. 153, 159-161.
Beaty described “the Holocaust” House, 2012, p. 339. 18 Ibid., pp. 171-172.
as a “fantastic hoax” and United 4 Ibid., pp. 321, 339-340. 19 Ibid., pp. 173-175.
States support for Israel as a policy 5 Duke, David, Jewish Supremacism: 20 Berg, A. Scott, Lindbergh, New York:
My Awakening to the Jewish Question, 2nd G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1998, p. 428.
fiasco. The Iron Curtain Over Amer- edition, Mandeville, LA: Free Speech Press, 21 Hart, Bradley W., Hitler’s American
ica received strong support from 2007, pp. 47-48. Friends: The Third Reich’s Supporters in
many in the military intelligence 6 Ibid., pp. 45-46, 48. the United States, New York: St. Martin’s
community. U.S. Gen. George E. 7 Bendersky, Joseph W., The “Jewish Press, 2018, p. 227.
Stratemeyer, for example, said he Threat”: Anti-Semitic Politics of the U.S. 22 Berg, A. Scott, Lindbergh, New York:
Army, New York: Basic Books, 2000, pp. 60, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1998, p. 433.
owed Beaty a great debt, since from 69, 116, 118. 23 Lindbergh, Charles A., The Wartime
Beaty’s book he finally learned what 8 Ibid., p. 199. Journals of Charles A. Lindbergh, New
really occurred back home while 9 Bradberry, Benton L., The Myth of Ger- York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1970, p.
he was fighting overseas. Strate- man Villainy, Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 539.
meyer said that every loyal American 2012, p. 322. The Focus was originally called 24 Bendersky, Joseph W., The “Jewish
the Anti-Nazi Council. The name of the group Threat”: Anti-Semitic Politics of the U.S.
should read The Iron Curtain Over
was later changed in July 1936 to The Focus Army, New York: Basic Books, 2000, pp.
America.28 based on Winston Churchill’s wishes for a 270-271.
Many other U.S. military leaders less negative title. See Irving, David, Chur- 25 Ibid., pp. 212-213, 244.
also concluded that Jews had in- chill’s War (Vol. One), New York: Avon 26 Ibid., p. 273.
fluenced America to enter World Books, 1987, pp. 54, 59. Churchill’s help in 27 Ibid., pp. 405-408.
War II. For example, Gen. Albert C. the launching and operation of The Focus is 28 Ibid., pp. 408-409.
discussed in Gilbert, Martin, Churchill and 29 Ibid., p. 274.
Wedemeyer wrote to retired Col. the Jews: A Lifelong Friendship, New York: 30 Dalton, Thomas, The Jewish Hand in
Truman Smith a few years after the Henry Holt and Company, LLC, 2007, p. 136. the World Wars, Uckfield, UK: Castle Hill
war that the British, Zionists and 10 Walendy, Udo, Truth for Germany: Publishers, 2019, p. 147.
Communists made American entry
into the war inevitable. Wedemeyer JOHN WEAR was born in 1953 in Houston. He graduated with a degree in accounting
said they were motivated by selfish from Southern Methodist University in 1974 and passed the CPA exam later that year. He
interests rather than the welfare of graduated from the University of Texas Law School in 1977 and passed the Texas bar in 1978.
humanity. He stated that “most of Wear, who is currently retired, worked most of his career as a CPA. His most recent employ-
the people associated with Com- ment was from 1994 to 2008 with Lacerte Software, a tax division of Intuit. With the help of
munism in the early days were Jews.” friends, John’s website is up and running again at
Wedemeyer also claimed that Roose-

54 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

TheJewish Hand
in theWorld Wars

or many centuries, Jews
have had a negative rep-
utation in many countries
and among large parts
of the population. The rea-
sons given for this are plentiful, rang-
ing from their anti-Christian theology
and social exclusivity to arrogance,
conceit, greed and maliciousness.
Their perceived belligerence and ani-
mosity have been considered legen-
dary. But less well known is their in-
volvement in war—hence the reason
for this book.
When we examine the causal factors for war, and when we
look at its primary beneficiaries, we repeatedly find a prominent
Jewish presence. Throughout history, Jews have played an excep-
tionally active role in promoting and inciting war. With their long-
notorious influence in government, we find recurrent instances of
Jews promoting hardline stances, being uncompromising, and ac-
tively inciting people to hatred. Jewish misanthropy, rooted in
Old Testament mandates, and combined with a ruthless materi-
alism, has led them, time and again, to instigate warfare if it served
their larger interests. This fact explains much about the present-
day world.
In this book, Thomas Dalton examines in detail the Jewish
hand in the two world wars. Along the way, he dissects Jewish
motives and Jewish strategies for maximizing gain amidst warfare,
reaching back centuries. He concludes with a brief analysis of more
Edward Mandel House, one of Pres- recent wars, and with a look to the future.
ident Woodrow Wilson’s most We cannot prevent war until we acknowledge its causes. Some
trusted advisors, was a highly in- of these causes are rooted in human nature, but others are very
fluential back-stage manipulator. deliberate, very strategic actions by a malicious few. The Jewish
Wilson later accused House of de- Hand in the World Wars sheds some badly needed light on this
ceiving him. Inside this book you will entire question.
also meet a host of other Jewish ad- Softcover, 198 pages, #790, $16 minus 10% for TBR subscribers
visors who were extremely promi- plus $5 S&H inside the U.S. from TBR, P.O. Box 550, White
nent in the effort to bring America Plains, MD 20695. Call toll free 1-877-773-9077 Mon.-Thu. 9-
to war multiple times. 5 ET, to charge or visit (Outside U.S.
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THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 5 5

The War Against Whites: The Racial venna and obtaining his surrender, Theodoric slew
Psychology Behind the Anti-White Odoacer at a banquet. Theodoric immediately began re-
storing ancient monuments in Rome, including the Col-
Hatred Sweeping the West osseum. He also built an impressive palace and had a
Arthur Kemp that reveals that the Black Lives Matter massive mausoleum constructed. He directed the decoration
ideologues do not seek “racial equality,” but rather the of Saint Apollinaire, among other building projects that
total destruction of White civilization. Kemp says they transformed Ravenna into a great capital city. Under his
are driven by a deep mass psychosis which falsely blames rule, Ravenna flourished. In this classic book, written in
White people for all problems encountered by non- 1891, scholar Thomas Hodgkin recounts Theodoric’s
Whites trying to fit into a First World society. Kemp great accomplishments and also the unraveling of his
deals with unalterable genetic traits—IQ, character, psy- empire upon his death. Softcover, 442 pages, 32 illustra-
chology and behavior—and shows they are the true tions, indexed, #887, $25.
causes of racial disparities in crime, socio-economic status,
education and health. Starting with a complete review of Ancient High Tech: The Astonishing
the George Floyd incident, this work covers it all! Scientific Achievements of
Dissects the myth that police in the U.S. are “hunting
Blacks”; shows through official global crime records that
Early Civilizations
Whites are overwhelmingly the victims of non-White The first self-igniting match was invented in 1805 by a
criminal attacks; and provides the only solution through French chemist. Yet, in Babylon, 3,600 years before,
which racial conflict can be avoided and all can exist in identical sulfur matches were in common use. On a
peace and harmony. Softcover, 290 pages, 473 footnotes, temple in India, built millennia ago, there is a detailed
79 illustrations, three tables, indexed, #885, $16. carving of a man on a bicycle, yet the bicycle wasn’t in-
vented until 1817. These inventions are only two examples
Theodoric the Great: The Barbarian of technology lost in the Dark Ages. Exploring the so-
phisticated tech achieved by ancient civilizations hundreds
Champion of Civilization and thousands of years ago, Frank Joseph examines ev-
Odoacer represented the low point of Italian history. He idence of robotics, manned flight (hot-air balloons and
was a German warrior who became the first king of Italy gliders) and military science, including flamethrowers,
in 476 after leading the revolt that threw out the last biowarfare, poison gas and solar-powered cannons. He
Roman emperor in the West. After assuming total power reveals how ancient construction engineers excavated
over the empire, Odoacer did next to nothing. There was subterranean cities, turned stone walls into glass, lifted
no funding of literature, no artistic advancements, no 100-ton blocks of stone, illuminated underground temples
great works of engineering, although he did terrorize his and stored their food in massive air-cooled refrigerators,
neighbors, one of whom was Theodoric, king of the practiced magnet therapy and even had cancer treatments.
Goths. After invading Italy and forcing Odoacer into Ra- Softcover, 336 pages, #888, $22.

56 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

Mussolini’s War
Save $14 on the
two-book set.
Get both Mussolini’s
War Volume 1 and 2
Two-book set for the discount price
of just $40—save
$14. No additional

Mussolini’s War: Volume I— Everything You Were Taught About

The Triumphant Years African-Americans and the Civil War
Among the great misconceptions of modern times is the Is Wrong, Ask a Southerner!
assumption that Benito Mussolini was Hitler’s junior Genuine slavery was never practiced in the South.
partner, who made no significant contributions to the Jefferson Davis planned on abolishing slavery nearly a
Axis effort in WWII. That conclusion originated with Al- year before the Union. Lincoln intended the Emancipation
lied propagandists determined to boost Western morale. Proclamation to be temporary. A thousand other little-
The Duce was constantly ridiculed, his successes known facts are presented by award-winning historian
pointedly demeaned or ignored. Mainstream historians Col. Lochlainn Seabrook, who divides his book into
love to say that Italy’s navy, air and land forces were noth- three sections: “African-Americans Before Lincoln’s War,”
ing more than a bungling bunch of clowns. So effective “African-Americans During Lincoln’s War,” and “Afri-
was this campaign of lies that it became postwar history, can-Americans After Lincoln’s War.” Includes information
and is still generally taken for granted, even by well-in- on indigenous African slavery, White American slavery
formed students of WWII—and even by Italians them- and the birth of Black American slavery in the North to
selves! But a closer examination by historian Frank Joseph Black Confederates, Black KKK members and the birth
of often neglected, recently disclosed materials presents of abolition in the South—not the North. Much, much
a different picture. Softcover, 275 pages, #808, $27. more! Softcover, 475 pages, #900, $25.

Mussolini’s War: Volume 2—Apotheosis The Trigger: The Lie That Changed the
The ongoing caricature of Mussolini’s servicemen as World—Who Really Did 9/11 and Why?
laughable buffoons is laid to rest by this book. It views He predicted the 2008 banking crash was coming. He
Italy’s participation within the context of its industrial exposed the war on terror as a scam. He discussed the
disadvantage. For example, her total production for the transhumanist agenda and the microchipping of humans
entire war amounted to approximately 3,500 tanks, less long before they became reality. He even envisioned the
than all those used by the German Army in its 1940’s in- cashless society and all that comes with it. Now, contro-
vasion of France. Britain mass-produced 27,528 tanks versial British researcher David Icke takes a look back at
between 1939 and 1945. When Mussolini’s declared the event that shook the world in 2001, the Sept. 11
war on the Western Allies in June 1940, his country pro- attacks in New York and Washington, D.C. He looks at
duced 4.4 megatons of coal to Britain’s 224.3 megatons; who was really behind it and why, what has happened in
1.2 megatons of iron ore against Britain’s 17.7 megatons; the years following 9/11, the increasing evidence to
and 2.1 megatons of steel for Britain’s 21.5 megatons. show the official story doesn’t stand up to research and
Disparities in crude oil were even more extreme. Given what has happened in the world since. This is one of the
such fundamental disadvantages, the numerical superiority most controversial books Icke has ever written because
possessed in virtually all engagements by the Allies and he has placed Israel and it’s secret service, the Mossad, at
their eventual cracking of Axis military codes, that Fascist the center of the event. In his own words, the official ex-
Italy was able to sustain five years of unremitting combat, planation of the attacks is a lie to cover up the “massive
and score significant victories against overwhelming and central involvement in the Sept. 11 attacks by Israeli
enemy forces testifies to her terrific fighting spirit and government, military and intelligence operatives.” Soft-
human resilience. Softcover, 316 pages, #889, $27. cover, 898 pages, #898, $30.

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 5 7

Royal Blood Lies Jewish Austria
Written by investigative journalist Susan Bradford, Royal Here is the abridged 1942 edition by Léon de Poncins
Blood Lies takes the reader back to the days of ancient of François Trocase’s remarkable 1899 study detailing
Rome to reveal the origins of the “divine right (rite) to the demise of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Jewish
rule,” and why those who held claim to this right posed Austria provides a crucial insight into the role played by
a threat to the world’s would-be rulers. The author doc- the Jews in the collapse of this venerable Catholic empire
uments how the elites established and used international at the heart of Europe. More focused than Édouard
spy networks to win wars and conquer nations and how Drumont’s extensive historic survey La France Juive
populist revolutions, religion, and wars were weaponized (1886), Trocase’s work presents an objective and detailed
against the people. Steeped in the philosophy of the analysis of the economic and social conditions of the
rational Enlightenment, a warrior-merchant class came Austrian Empire in its last days. Poncins’ readable edition
to dominate the corporate and political establishment, of Trocase’s thorough investigation of the modus operandi
with some amassing fortunes in the trillions of dollars. of Jewry continues to have an urgent relevance to the
With the secrets of rulers encoded in the works of socio-economic and political conditions of contemporary
William Shakespeare, Royal Blood Lies documents the Western states. Softcover, 97 pages, #904, $12.50.
origins and practices of a secret cult that came to rule
humanity and became a powerful force for global impe- Atlantis and the Coming Ice Age:
rialism that laid the foundation for the Great Reset and The Lost Civilization—
China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Softcover, 136 pages, A Mirror of Our World
#899, $25.
As time passes, more and more geologists, scientists, as-
The Burning Souls: A Poetic Memoir tronomers and climatologists are in agreement that,
sometime around 10,800 B.C., the Earth was rocked by
Leon Degrelle’s The Burning Souls is now available in a massive extraterrestrial impact. They are also beginning
English. Born to a Belgian family in the year 1906, to realize that some mother culture was far more advanced
Degrelle rose to prominence as a newspaper editor and than previously believed in its ability to track the cycles
head of the militant monarchist, Catholic and anti-Com- of the Sun and Moon, predict the return of comets,
munist Parti Rexiste. Following the German occupation their understanding of our solar system and their archi-
of Belgium, Degrelle and his party loyalists enlisted in tectural prowess. These were humans with surprisingly
the Wehrmacht-organized Walloon Legion to aid in the advanced knowledge gained from hundreds, if not thou-
liberation of the peoples of the Soviet Republics. After sands, of years of careful observation. Frank Joseph
the fall of Berlin, Degrelle escaped to Spain, where he reveals how the Mayan calendar was created through the
was safeguarded by Franco. The Burning Souls is Degrelle’s combined genius of several advanced peoples of the past,
reflection on his experiences and on the soul—part and predicts an eternal cycle of global creation, destruction
poetry but mostly memoir. He traces his journey, from and renewal. Joseph shows how this cycle correlates pre-
his idyllic childhood to the steppes of Russia, not just as cisely with studies on glacial ice cores and predictions
a physical journey but as a spiritual trial. He instructs us from the Hopi, the Inca and the Norse. By recognizing
that to give oneself completely to service of a transcendent the self-destructive patterns of the past, we can learn to
ideal is what is required to overcome the spiritual malaise reestablish civilization’s cosmic balance before time runs
of our day. Softcover, 112 pages, #901, $19. out. Softcover, 296 pages, #906, $20.

58 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

Before Atlantis: 20 Million Years of The Field of Blood: Violence in Congress
Human and Pre-Human Cultures and the Road to Civil War
Exploring emerging and suppressed evidence from ar- Joanne B. Freeman recovers the long-lost story of physical
chaeology, anthropology and biology, Frank Joseph chal- violence on the floor of the U.S. Congress. Drawing on
lenges conventional theories of evolution, the age of hu- an extraordinary range of sources, she shows that the
manity, the origins of civilization and the purpose of Capitol was rife with conflict in the decades before the
megaliths around the world. He reveals 20-million-year- Civil War. Legislative sessions were often punctuated by
old quartzite tools discovered in the remains of extinct mortal threats, canings, flipped desks and all-out slugfests.
fauna in Argentina and other evidence of ancient pre- When debate broke down, congressmen drew pistols
human cultures from which we are not descended. He and waved Bowie knives. One representative even killed
traces the genesis of modern human civilization to Indo- another in a duel. Many were beaten and bullied to in-
nesia and the central Pacific 75,000 years ago, launched timidate them into compliance, particularly on slavery.
by a catastrophic volcanic eruption that abruptly reduced Freeman’s dramatic accounts of brawls and thrashings
humanity from 2 million to a few thousand individuals tell a larger story of how fisticuffs and journalism, and
worldwide. Examining the profound similarities of mega- the powerful emotions they elicited, raised tensions
liths around the world, the author explains how these between North and South and led toward war. In the
precisely placed monuments were built specifically to process, she brings the antebellum Congress to life.
produce altered states of consciousness, revealing the Softcover, 480 pages, #908, $25.
spiritual and technological sophistication of their Neolithic
builders—a transoceanic civilization fractured by the cat- José Antonio Primo de Rivera:
aclysmic comets. Softcover, 336 pages, #907, $20. Anthology of Speeches and Quotes
The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity José Antonio Primo de Rivera was a Spanish parliamentarian
in the Global Drug Trade and martyr. Son of Gen. Miguel Primo de Rivera, the
dictator of Spain from 1923-30, Rivera founded the
Here is the first book to prove CIA and U.S. government Falange Española in 1933. The Falange swelled in
complicity in global drug trafficking. Alfred W. McCoy numbers as the violence in the Second Spanish Republic
includes meticulous documentation of dishonesty and grew. Supporters of the Popular Front, the governing
dirty dealings at the highest levels from the Cold War party, waged a campaign of violence against Spanish Na-
until today. Maintaining a global perspective, this ground- tionalists, highlighted by the imprisonment, show-trial,
breaking study details the mechanics of drug trafficking and execution of Primo de Rivera in November 1936.
in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and South and Central Subsequently, the Falange joined the insurrection against
America. New chapters in this revised edition detail U.S. the Republic and would merge with other right-wing
involvement in the narcotics trade in Afghanistan and parties to form Spain’s Pan-Nationalist Party. It would
Pakistan before and after the fall of the Taliban, and how go on to hold power for nearly four decades. This Eng-
U.S. drug policy in Central America and Colombia has lish-language anthology of José Antonio’s speeches and
increased the global supply of illicit drugs. This book quotations has been out of print since the publishing
stirred controversy when the CIA tried to block its pub- house was dissolved by the Spanish state in 1984.
lication back in 1972. Softcover, 754 pages, #905, $30. Softcover, 144 pages, #912, $15.

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 5 9

Robert E. Lee and the Southern Marignanao, Landgemeinde, Luther, Zwingli, Bonivard,
Confederacy, 1807-1870 Savoy, St. Julien, Geneva, Calvin, Consistoire, Borromeo,
Escalade of Geneva, Thirty Years’ War, Jenatsch, Peasants
In 1897, Henry Alexander White of Washington & Lee Revolt, Davel’s plot, Greifensee massacre, Swiss Guard
University penned this masterpiece on Robert E. Lee. massacred, Helvetic Society, Lemanic Republic, Mediation
The book is a detailed biography of Robert E. Lee and Act, Rengger, Stapfer, the “Long Diet,” Constitution of
the Lee family that describes his life and many exploits. 1815-1848, Day of Uster, Constitution of 1848, industry,
It has been compiled from a huge number of original commerce, railways, education, more. Softcover, 450
sources—from the Library of Congress, John Smith, pages, genealogies, illustrations, index, #882, $25.
founder of Virginia, Justin Winsor, private historical so-
cieties, Johns Hopkins, documents from the founding The Story of the Nations:
fathers, the Virginia Historical Society, the Southern Australia & New Zealand
Historical Society and more. Chapters contain information Here is Greville Tregarthen’s 1893 history of Australia
on: the earliest history of the Lee family in colonial and New Zealand,. The book covers the early discoverers,
Virginia; his youth, education, marriage, West Point, DeGonneville, Hartog, the Batavia, Tasman, Dampier,
Mexican War; the frontier, the John Brown crisis, with- de Vlaming, last Dutch expedition, Capt. Cook, Botany
drawal from the U.S. Army; appointment as leader of Bay, the Endeavour, Banks, du Fresne, De Surville,
the Confederate Army, and every major Civil War campaign convict colony, New South Wales, Maj. Ross, starvation,
Lee participated in. The book then details Lee’s postwar Grose, female orphans, insurrection, Hawkesbury, Capt.
career, focusing on his time as president of Washington Bligh, Johnston’s court martial, Gov. Marquaries, Eman-
College. This fully indexed book also contains 41 illus- cipists, native wars, Brisbane, Darling, bushranging,
trations, photos and maps. A must read for all interested Newspaper Act, Ghostland, Curries, Cunningham, Hovell,
in this great hero. Softcover, 467 pages, #883, $26. Stuart, Mitchell, Australian gold rush, usury laws, Patriotic
Six, new constitution (1851-1893), settlement of Victoria,
The Story of the Nations: Switzerland Latrobe, highway robbery, immigration hardships, another
Here is the history of Switzerland, written in 1890 by constitution, Moreton Bay, settling of New Zealand,
Lina Hug. Includes information on Switzerland’s cantons, whaling, Maori wars, treaty of Waitangi, Hone-Heke,
early people, Helvetians, Orgetorix, Divico, Vercingetorix, 1846-1861, New Zealand Federation, appendix, index,
Valisians, Rhaetians, Helvetia, Gaul, Vespasian, Alemanni, 35 illustrations. Softcover, 444 pages, #881, $25.
Christians, Huns, Nibelungenlied, Pepin le Bref, Burgundy,
Germans, Swabians, Bertha, Conrad, Henry III, struggle The Story of the Nations: Holland
with the pope, House of Zaeringen, Crusades, Kyburg Here is the history of Holland, written in 1889 by
Dynasty, Hohenstaufen, Habsburgs, Eidgenossenschaft, James E. Thorold Rogers. Contains chapters on the
Waldstätten, William Tell, Albrecht, League of Eight early days of Holland, Hooks, Kabeljauws, chartered
States, Zurich, Zug, Bern, Lady Abbess, Bern vs. the no- towns, the Crusades, rise of the guilds, the House of
bility, Laupen, West Swiss Union, Sempach and Naefels, Burgundy, development of fisheries, insurrection, Charles
Leopold III, Winkelried, Burgundian wars, Charles the the Headstrong, battling the Swiss, the arts, Mary of
Bold, Louis XI, Battle of Grandson, Morat, Siege of Burgundy, chastisement of Ghent, prince of Orange,
Nancy, meeting at Stanz, Freiburg, Solothurnam, Wald- crimes of Charles, Philip of Spain, the Nassaus, the
mann, League of the 13 Cantons, St. Gall, Schaffhausen, Blood Council, Alva, abolition of the Inquisition,

60 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

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Requesens, allies of Holland, Don John of Austria, Al-

exander of Parma, Union of Ubrecht, William the Silent,
Henry III and Elisabeth, Antwerp and the Armada, in-
ternational intrigue, last years of Parma, Maurice, capture
of Cadiz, the Dutch Indies, Nieuwpoort, Spinola, East
India Co., Heemskerk, Bank of Amsterdam, England
vs. Holland, Thirty Years’ War, war with Cromwell,
John de Witt, War of 1672, peace of Nimeguen, English
revolution, War of 1689, Peace of Ryswick, Treaty of
Utrecht, Pragmatic Sanction, William IV, Stadtholder,
American Revolution, War of 1781, monarchy created,
civil war, occupation by France, achievements, international
services, index, appendices, famous Hollanders, 17 illus-
trations, genealogy. Softcover, 416 pages, #880, $25.
has compiled 200 of the best Fips images, as they have
Pan Judah! The Political Cartoons never been seen before. Penman has done a masterful
of Der Stürmer: 1925-1945 job. The images are sharp, crisp, and compelling. The
colors are stunningly vivid. The effect is truly astonishing.
Deluxe Edition Fips’s cartoons, originally printed on cheap newsprint,
Beginning in the 1920s, Julius Streicher published a come alive for the first time since the end of WWII.
small weekly German newspaper called Der Stürmer. Its Every image is a small masterpiece, a true work of con-
mission was straightforward: to warn the German people temporary art. And each one tells a story—a story with
about the threats posed by foreign and domestic Jews. relevance for the present day. Organized into six chapters
Streicher was convinced the dangers were very real, and chronologically, Fips’s cartoons clearly demonstrate a
his articles gave a blunt and direct account of them. A progression of views over the period of 20 years, from
key feature of Der Stürmer was its political cartoons. before the Nazis assumed power until the very end of
The cover of every issue, and several interior pages, dis- the war. They tell the story of Germany’s rise and fall as
played cartoons depicting various alleged Jewish dangers, nothing else can. Hardback, 8.5 x 11, color illustrations,
in a most striking and graphic form. The lead cartoonist glossy, high-quality stock, 288 pages, #910, $75.
was a man named Philipp “Fips” Rupprecht. His cartoons
became the signature feature of the newspaper, and
See pages 82-85 of this issue of THE BARNES
grew to represent the broader German struggle against
Jewry. With the demise of National Socialist Germany, REVIEW for a fascinating review by scholar David
Der Stürmer and Fips’s cartoons were largely buried and Skrbina of Pan Judah!. Also see our ad pages in
forgotten. The victorious nations certainly did not want the front of this issue to view a few of Robert
old Nazi images floating around, raising difficult questions Penman’s colorized versions of the original Rup-
about why the Nazis were so critical of Jews. Recently,
precht illustrations. This volume is a must-add
though, a skilled digital artist named Robert Penman re-
discovered the forgotten images. He carefully restored, edition for your home or university library.
colorized and reissued them. Here, for the first time, he

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 6 1

The Civil War in France: Russian forces in 1919, McCullagh vividly describes the
The Paris Communist Uprising of 1871 infamous chaotic retreat across Siberia by the White army,
their capture by the victorious Reds, and his successful
A gripping account of the infamous and short-lived 1871 “transition” to a journalist, hiding his military intelligence
“Paris Commune,” or Communist uprising, written by post from his captors. Softcover, 394 pages, #853, $22.
the founder of Communism. Karl Marx’s book was one of
the first written to discuss the impact of the commune Rivonia Unmasked! The South African
and, although naturally written with a strong pro-Communist State’s Case Against Nelson Mandela, 1964
bias, it provides fascinating insights. The commune briefly First published in 1965, this book was the white South
ruled Paris from March 18 until May 28, 1871, after African government’s official version of the 1963-1964
being elected as the city council. The commune quickly “Rivonia Treason Trial” which saw eight top South African
dissolved into the usual “dictatorship of the proletariat” Communist Party (SACP) and African National Congress
and began stripping away civil liberties and implementing (ANC) leaders, Mandela included, sentenced to life in
decrees by terror. Under its rules, any person could be ar- prison for their plan to seize power by violence in South
rested, imprisoned, “tried” and executed. It is estimated Africa and turn it into a Marxist state. Evidence at the trial
that up to 20,000 people died during the short rule of the showed that the Communist parties in the USSR, Algeria,
commune. Softcover, 146 pages, #849, $15.
China, Czechoslovakia and East Germany actively sup-
Communism in Germany! ported the plot and that the ANC and the SACP planned
The Truth About the Communist Conspiracy a bloody revolution. It also shows how the apartheid gov-
ernment was out of touch with reality, believing that the
By Adolf Ehrt. This illustrated work shows that the Com- ANC did not represent the majority of blacks and that it
munist conspiracy to create a 1918-style Bolshevik Rev- was “only” Communists who were a problem. Two ap-
olution in Germany was far advanced. Bombings, pendices focus on Mandela’s position as a high-ranking
assassinations and a planned list of murders and street vio- Communist and the Jewish support structure of the ANC.
lence were already under way when the Reichstag arson Softcover, 186 pages, #828, $16.
took place as part of the plan to create a Soviet Germany.
Softcover, 179 pages, #700, $20. The Naked Communist: Exposing
Prisoner of the Reds: The Story of Communism & Restoring Freedom
a British Officer Captured in Siberia Here is a timely update to the phenomenal national
bestseller. Soon after its quiet release during the height of
During the Russian Civil War the “Red Scare” in 1958, The Naked Communist exploded
By Capt. Francis McCullagh. A gripping eyewitness account in popularity, selling almost 2 million copies to date and
of 1919-1920 in the Soviet Union—a period which saw finding its way into the libraries of the CIA, the FBI, the
the collapse of the major anti-Communist White army in White House, and homes across the U.S. The Naked
the face of a Red army assault, the murder of the Romanovs, Communist lays out the entire graphic story of Communism,
and the early organizational stages of the Bolshevist state. its past, present and future. W. Cleon Skousen saw the
These events were witnessed and recorded by famous urgent need for a comprehensive book that could guide
journalist Francis McCullagh—who was, in secret, a British the American conversation. So he distilled his FBI experience,
intelligence officer deployed in Russia by the British gov- decades of research and more than 100 Communist books
ernment to help the White forces during the Russian civil and treatises into one readable volume. Softcover, 452
war. Starting at the time of the major rout of the White pages, #878, $27.

62 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

Russia’s Agony: An Eyewitness in the West. Now completely updated to include postwar
Account of the Russian Revolution Communist movements in eastern Europe, Britain, Amer-
ica, South Africa and China, this book is the most detailed
By Robert Wilton. The author provided the first Western record yet of the Jewish role in Communism. Softcover,
eyewitness account of the monumental and bloody events 237 pages, #632, $20.
that resulted in the creation of the Soviet Union from the
ashes of the world’s largest Christian state. Wilton provides Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany
a full historical background of the disastrous course of By Eckhart Verlag and Francis Dupont. This was the Na-
WWI for Russia, which set the scene for the brutal seizure tional Socialist government’s English-language explanation
of power by the Bolsheviks. He then details the Red Ter- for its policy of restricting Jewish influence in Germany
ror’s full enormity and explains what was really going on after 1933. Using official pre-Nazi-era demographics, this
behind the scenes. Softcover, 404 pages, #634, $27. work showed that Jews were massively over-represented in
all fields of German social and economic life—except farm-
Tell the Truth & Shame the Devil ing and creative work. It lists the ownership of mass media
By Gerard Menuhin. (The anti-Zionist son of Jewish vio- in Weimar Germany, the astonishing financial scandals,
linist Yehudi Menuhin.) Second updated and indexed edi- Communist and other political subversion, degenerate the-
tion. Nations engage in perpetual war while bankers and ater, sexual psychology, Communist indoctrination in
armaments makers line their pockets from the carnage. schools and the media. Softcover, 96 pages, #670, $14.
The citizens of the world have been cut out of government,
whether they live in a democracy, republic, theocracy or Judaism & Zionism: A Whirlwind Tour
dictatorship. All the while, the ruling elite grow richer as By Peter Christian. The booklet discusses the founding of
the real producers struggle. Behind the scenes, events are Zionism, Israel, Jewish atrocities, secret societies and
controlled by puppetmasters. How did this world get to Jewish thinkers. The author has read more than 1,000
where it is now? Who could have stopped it? What can we books on Judaism and related subjects and cites hundreds
do? Softcover, 457 pages, #715, $20. of quotes, the vast majority of which are from Jewish
sources. Sections include: Jewish calendar, holy days, scrip-
One Nation Under Zion: tures, gods, sects, history, messiahs, famous figures, Jewish
Zionist Influence on America organizations, the Jewish Mafia, central banking, expulsions,
Have Jews founded an earthly kingdom right here in Illuminati, Freemasonry, advisors to presidents, anti-
America? Who invented the term “anti-Semitism”? Is the Semitism, Zionism, the NWO, the “Holocaust,” Noahide
banking industry the powerful sword of Zionism? Where Laws, Vatican II, Rosenthal Interview, reference works
did the holocaust tale originate and why? Why were the and a photo section. Softcover, 59 pages, #866, $10.
Zionists bent on gaining the Holy Land instead of more
hospitable tracts of land offered? How has political correct-
ness been used to attain Zionist goals? Do Jewish forces ORDERING FROM TBR
pull the strings of power in America? This and more are re- TBR subscribers get 10% off list prices!
vealed by Peter Christian. Softcover, 118 pages, #660, $14. Prices do not include S&H. Inside the U.S. add $5 on orders
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By Frank L. Britton. Fully revised, expanded and updated 1-877-773-9077, Mon.-Thu. 9-5 ET or visit us online at
from the original 1952 book, this work clearly shows that Mail orders using the form at the
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pinned that state—state-engineered economic and social
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THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 6 3


The Holocaust
Big Zionist Jews vs. Little Jews
By Vaughn Klingenberg Key Terms

f you ask your run-of-the-mill Anti-Semite: A person who is hostile to or prejudiced against
Jew or Gentile if a Jew can be Jewish people.
an anti-Semite, they would look Zionist: One who supports the Jewish Nationalist movement to
at you as though you were establish a permanent neo-colonial homeland in Palestine.
crazy. Jews aren’t anti-Semitic,
they are the victims of anti-Semitism. Big Zionist Jews: Powerful and influential Zionist Jews who
To call a Jew an anti-Semite would wished to create a neo-colonialist Jewish homeland in Palestine of
be, they think, absurd—a self-con- which they would be the political and religious elite.
tradiction and logical impossibility. Little Jews: Hitherto non-Zionist Jews who suffered leading up
No, only gentile anti-Semites would to and during World War II and who could be persuaded to leave the
entertain such a notion and employ comforts of Europe after the war and settle in Palestine as cadres
it to divide the Jewish community serving the Big Zionist Jewish elite.
against itself.
But what if it were true that some
Jews can be hateful anti-Semites and alization of our plans. … I have of Germany by bringing them to
Jewish supremacists, and look at an excellent idea. … I shall induce England and only half to Israel, I
their community and co-religionists anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish would choose the second.”2
as ignorant pawns in the game of wealth. … The anti-Semites will Yes, the first prime minister of
amoral realpolitik? What if the found- assist us thereby in that they will Israel—David Ben-Gurion—would
ers of the Jewish state of Israel were strengthen the persecution and
countenance the deaths of half the
oppression of Jews. The anti-
mostly Machiavellian power-seekers Jewish children if given a choice, a
Semites shall be our [Zionists]
who did not give a hoot for those best friends.1 choice between saving all of the chil-
Jews who would not settle in Pales- dren of Little Jews but having them
tine? “Let them suffer and die in the Herzl succinctly summarizes what emigrate to England, or saving merely
Nazi concentration camps,” one can his future progeny would likewise half the Little Jewish children, but
hear them shout unabashedly, and orchestrate. Make non-Zionist Little having them re-locate to Jewish Pal-
shout they did. But don’t take my Jews suffer in extremis and they estine. Here again the lives of Little
word for it. Let’s read what some Big will gladly put on the mantle of rabid, Jews are mere bargaining chips to
Zionist Jews had to say about their heartless, cold-blooded, neo-colonial be dispensed with according to Big
fellow Jews who would not agree to Zionism. Zionist Jewish predilections and
settle in Palestine after the war. Now let’s next read what the first goals. The Big Zionist Jews’ moral
Let us begin with the founder of prime minister of Israel, David Ben- imperative is that the end (i.e., getting
Zionism, Theodor Herzl: Gurion, had to say in 1938 about Little Jews to settle in Palestine)
It is essential that the suffer- saving the lives of Jewish children justifies the means (i.e., making sure
ings of Jews … becomes worse. in the lead-up to World War II: “If I non-Zionist Little Jews suffer and
… [T]his will assist us in the re- could save all of the [Jewish] children die in concentration camps because

64 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

of their refusal to emigrate to Pales-
tine). Is Ben-Gurion really the person
most Jews would wish to have for
their first prime minister?
Then there is Yitzhak Gruenbaum,
signer of the Israeli Declaration of
Independence and Zionist apologist
and ideologue. As head of the ironi-
cally named Jewish Agency Rescue
Committee, Gruenbaum infamously
declared, “One cow in Palestine is
worth more than all of the Jews of
Europe.”3 A single dumb farm animal
in Palestine is more valuable to Big
Zionist Jews than are all the Jews
who remained in Europe and don’t
emigrate to Israel. But he doesn’t
stop there. He also declared, on Feb-
ruary 18, 1943, before the Zionist
Executive Council: “If I am asked,
‘Could you give from the UJA [United
Jewish Appeal] monies to rescue
Jews, I say ‘no’. And I say again,
no’.” With Jewish “friends” like Gruen-
baum, who needs enemies? It really
makes us wonder: Are Jews simply
unaware about their Zionist history
or do they suffer from massive, pro-
found and pervasive cognitive dis-
sonance? Zionists Thwart Red Cross
Finally, in perhaps his most ex-
plicit declaration of contempt for American Red Cross workers fill a POW care package containing
non-Zionist Jews, Yitzhak Gruenbaum canned goods, snacks and cigarettes. Millions of these care packages
were prepared and shipped overseas for servicemen and concen-
I think it is necessary to state tration camp inmates—Jews, Poles, political prisoners etc. Unfor-
here—Zionism is above every- tunately, powerful Zionist Jews such as Rabbi Stephen Wise ordered
thing. I will not demand that the
Jewish Agency allocate a sum of a halt to all food parcel shipments to Jews in the camps even though
300,000 or 100,000 pounds sterling the Red Cross confirmed that the packages were being delivered to
to help European Jewry. And I camp internees by the Germans. Did Wise and other “Big Zionist
think that whoever demands Jews” actually want to exacerbate the suffering of Jewish inmates?
such things is performing an
anti-Zionist act. [Emphasis
added.—Ed.]4 who would provide succor and com- money to relieve Jewish suffering
In sum, helping suffering Little fort to suffering Little Jews. Accord- would thwart Little Jews from wish-
Jews is “an anti-Zionist act.” It does ing to him, whoever would relieve ing to emigrate to Jewish Palestine,
not get any more transparent than the sufferings of Little Jews in the then Gruenbaum is correct—allevi-
this. Gruenbaum has the audacity Nazi concentration camps is an ating Jewish suffering in the camps
to declare that he is opposed to anti-Zionist. But in the eyes of cal- is an “anti-Zionist act.” There is a
sending any money—at all—to help lous Big Zionist Jews, there is truth logic to Gruenbaum’s position, but
Jewish internees and opposes anyone in what Gruenbaum says. If giving it is the logic of genocide.

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The Red Cross in Theresienstadt

This photograph of Theresienstadt camp, snapped during an inspection by the International Red
Cross (IRC), shows some of the Jewish children housed there. The IRC was given access to German
work camps during the war and did not report witnessing abuse of prisoners, though they believed
inmates were under-fed. Not surprisingly, Wikipedia’s entry on the subject says: ”During WWII, the
Theresienstadt concentration camp was used by the Nazi SS as a ‘model ghetto’ for fooling Red
Cross representatives about the ongoing Holocaust and the Nazi plan to murder all Jews.”

Now we mustn’t leave out Rabbi Wise prevented the shipment of food the Jewish Self-Help Association
Stephen Wise, a close friend and packages from American Jews to in Warsaw. “All these operations
confidant of President Franklin De- German-occupied Poland due to fear [i.e., food parcel packages to
lano Roosevelt. Rabbi Wise, as hon- that it would be interpreted by the Jewish internees] with and
orary president of the American Jew- Allies as giving aid to the enemy. through Poland must cease at
This allegation is also made by his- once,” Wise cabled to Congress
ish Congress, president of the World
delegates in London and Geneva,
Jewish Congress and co-chair of the torian Saul Friedländer, who writes:
“and at once in English means
American Zionist Emergency Council, In the spring of 1941, Rabbi AT ONCE, not in the future’.”
was the most powerful Jew in Amer- Wise had decided to impose a [Emphasis added.—Ed.]9
ica, and he advised Roosevelt on all complete embargo on all aid sent
matters concerning Jews and espe- to Jews in occupied countries, However, much more needs to
cially on Zionist issues. A few of in compliance with the U.S. gov- be said about this. In November
Rabbi Wise’s more notoriously anti- ernment’s economic boycott of 1943, the Red Cross received per-
Semitic, pro-Zionist acts would in- the Axis powers (whereby every mission from Nazi German au-
clude ordering a halt to all food food package was seen as direct thorities to send Red Cross parcels
or indirect assistance to the to inmates of concentration camps,
parcel shipments to Jews in the con-
enemy). … Strict orders were
centration camps even though the but—reportedly—only to those
given to World Jewish Congress
International Red Cross confirmed representatives in Europe to halt whose names and specific locations
that the packages were being deliv- forthwith any shipment of pack- were known. This requirement, sup-
ered to camp internees by the Nazis.5 ages to the ghettos, despite the posedly by the Germans, should not
In his book Holocaust Victims fact that these packages did be dismissed out of hand. Most
Accuse, Moshe Shonfeld asserts that usually reach their destination, people believe the Germans prohib-

66 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

ited concentration camp internees By May 1945, 105,000 specific in-
from having contact with the outside dividuals had been identified. About
world, but this is incorrect. Camp 1.11 million parcels containing 4,500
internees were often paid in prison tons of food were ultimately sent to
camp currency as a reward for their the camps, including those at Dachau,
labor and, besides purchasing items Buchenwald, Ravensbrück, Sach-
at the camp’s canteen or store, they senhausen, Theresienstadt and
could purchase stamps and mail Auschwitz.9 In addition to food, these
letters to family and friends living parcels also contained clothing and
outside the camp,7 so the stipulation pharmaceutical items. It should also
that names and locations of internees be kept in mind that there was a
must be known in order for food famine in Germany during the last
parcels to be mailed to them was year-and-a-half of the war, and con-
not insurmountable. (This also raises centration camp POWs would be at
the question, “Why would the Ger- the lowest rung when it came to
mans even bother with postal service being fed. That is why it was so im-
for the internees if they were all portant for the Jews and Gentiles in
going to be murdered anyway?” And the camps to received food parcels
lest someone thinks the Germans
did not deliver these letters from
as the war came to a close. After all,
Big Zionist Jews were not going to The Holocaust
the concentration camps, we have
thousands of examples of letters
provide food and succor to their re-
ligious brethren, the Little Jews, so
Hoax Exposed
from the concentration camps at thank God for the Nazi German at- Debunking the 20th
Yad Vashem—Israel’s official holo- tempt to get food to the POWs cour-
caust memorial institution—alone.8 tesy of the International Committee Century’s Biggest Lie
Furthermore, on the United States of the Red Cross (ICRC). Victor Thorn’s The Holocaust Hoax
Holocaust Memorial Museum web- With respect to the International Exposed dissects nearly every element
page, subtitled “German Prisoner of Committee of the Red Cross and its of what has become the most gro-
War Camp General Issue Currency, American affiliate, the American Red tesque conspiracy theory of the 20th
Kriegsgefangenen Lagergeld, 10 Cross, “The ICRC’s efforts to send —and now the 21st—century. Cov-
Reichspfennig,” reports: food parcels to concentration camps ered in this book is the mythology
[F]or Western Allied pris- were hampered by the American surrounding “death camps,” the
oners, life inside the [concentra- Red Cross’s refusal to lobby the truth about Zyklon B, Anne Frank’s
tion] camps was tough but gen- Allies to allow an exemption in diary, how the absurd “6 million” fig-
erally fair, as Germany, with some the blockade of Nazi Germany for ure has become a laughing stock.
exceptions, usually followed the food imports destined for concen- From eye-opening facts that not one
Geneva Convention Rules for tration camps.”10 autopsy exists that shows the use of
ethical treatment of POWs. In order to avoid the possibility Zyklon B on work camp inmates to
Prisoners received meager that parcels would be appropriated zero photographic evidence of this
rations supplemented with Red by the SS, of which there was no ev- supposed enormous event to the lu-
Cross food parcels and, with dicrous and licentious tales woven by
the exception of officers, were
idence of this ever happening or
mainstream Holocaust “scholars” the “Holocaust” historians, survivors
required to work, often perform-
ing hard labor. To compensate would certainly have mentioned it, and holocaust hucksters, Thorn’s
the prisoners for their work, the ICRC was only allowed to send masterpiece should be required
Germany distributed currency parcels to named recipients. In other reading for anyone interested in un-
that was to be used in the POW words, it appears that the American derstanding the underpinnings of the
camps. The notes only held value Red Cross worked in concert with Zionist power elite. New second edi-
in the POW camps and their of- Big Zionist Jews to limit food parcels tion. Softcover, 184 pages, #609, $20
ficial use was for the purchase being given to Jewish POW concen- minus 10% for TBR subscribers plus
of goods from the camp can- tration camp internees. It was the $5 S&H inside the U.S. from TBR,
teens. American Red Cross that stipulated P.O. Box 550, White Plains, MD
that only identifiable camp individ- 20695. Call 1-877-773-9077 toll free
And this observation, it bears re-
uals could be shipped food parcels, to charge, Mon.-Thu. 9-5 or visit
peating, comes from the official
not the Germans.11
United States Holocaust Memorial
Museum webpage. Related to the above, also under

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 6 7

the Wikipedia title “Red Cross Parcel,” and a small branch in Tel Aviv.12 be characterized as deliberate, cal-
under the subheading “World War However there is no record of culated, premeditated and heinous
II,” we have a list of the nations that MDA doing anything during World Allied actions. After the Christina
shipped parcels and how much they War II to come to the aid of Jews was sunk, the Red Cross ended the
shipped. Most parcel shipments from living either inside or outside con- food parcel relief convoys.
non-Axis occupied countries came centration camps. Certainly they What was the result of the inter-
from Great Britain, the United States could have sent food parcels to their diction of food relief parcels being
and Canada. From Axis-occupied co-religionists incarcerated in German shipped to POWs? The answer:
countries—Belgium, Denmark, and POW camps, but there is simply no On May 8, 1945 [after the war
France—food parcels were also per- record of MDA doing that. It was was over] it was reported that 7
mitted to be delivered to their POW only after the war that MDA came to million parcels, weighing 35,000
nationals by the Germans. Oddly (or battle-scarred Europe to assist Jews: tons, were at sea or in ware-
perhaps not so oddly), in the list of “1946—With the end of World War II houses in Britain, Lisbon, Barce-
Axis-occupied and non-Axis occupied and the liberation of Europe from lona, Marseilles, Toulon, Geneva
nations, there is no mention of food the Nazi occupation, MDA support and Gothenburg.15
parcels ever being sent specifically units were sent to various European One has to ask oneself how many
to Jews from these nations. In fact, lives of inmates could have been
in the United States, the American saved if the Allies permitted the Red
Red Cross produced 27 million par- Cross parcels to be delivered to the
cels and, even before America en- The Philadelphia concentration camps and their starv-
tered the war, they were supplying
parcels to British, Belgian, French, center alone was ing internees.
As another pertinent aside:
Polish, Yugoslav, Dutch, Greek, Nor-
wegian and Russian prisoners of
producing about Three months after the Ger-
war through Geneva. The Philadel- 100,000 parcels a man surrender in May 1945, Gen.
Dwight Eisenhower issued an
phia center alone was producing
100,000 parcels a month in 1942. month in 1942. order classifying all surrendered
soldiers within the American
And, yet, there is no mention of any Zone of Occupation as Disarmed
American Red Cross parcels being Enemy Forces, rather than pris-
sent and delivered to Jews. oners of war. Accordingly, the
One can only speculate on how countries to relieve and treat the sur- Red Cross was denied the right
much food was denied Little Jews viving Jews in these countries.”13 to visit German POWs in Amer-
in the concentration camps by the One more pertinent fact needs ican prison camps, and delivery
intervention and timely interdiction to be mentioned. Virtually everyone of Red Cross parcels to them
of the Big Zionist Jews. More about was forbidden. [Emphasis added.
believes that the Nazis and the Ger-
this shortly. mans remorselessly and universally
Another, very pertinent question brutalized Jews without regard to This order was in place for a
needs to be raised here, as well, consequences, but this is not true. year, after which only very limited
namely, what, if anything, did Magen German generals often intervened Red Cross food aid was permitted
David Adom (MDA), the Jewish to protect Jews, and German soldiers the German POWs. The callous geno-
equivalent of the Christian Red Cross, who robbed, raped, harmed or killed cidal hypocrisy of Eisenhower is
do to alleviate Jewish suffering and Jews were prosecuted.14 breathtaking. The Germans allowed
death in the concentrations camps? Finally, it needs to be noted that Red Cross representatives to visit
According to the Wikipedia entry on the Allies bombed and destroyed the concentration camps and deliver
MDA, in 1915 a Jewish physician, clearly marked Red Cross ships that food parcels and medical supplies
Dr. Erlanger, first conceived the con- were delivering food parcels to the to their internees, but Eisenhower
cept of MDA in Lucerne, Switzerland, Germans for distribution to the did not extend the same humanitarian
and established an association to camps. The sanctioned route, nomi- rights to the prostrate, defeated and
help the wounded and Jewish pris- nally agreed to by the Allies, took starving Germans.
oners during World War I. In 1918, the Red Cross transports ships from
the MDA was established in the U.S. Iberia to southern France. However, MARCH OF THE 400 RABBIS
The organization thrived in North British and American bombers at- On October 6, 1943, 400 Orthodox
America and had 70 branches and tacked and sunk the Red Cross trans- rabbis marched on the U.S. Capitol
25,000 members. Other branches port ships the Padua, the Embla and the White House to bring to
were established in Canada, England and the Christina in what can only President Roosevelt and the Ameri-

68 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

can public’s attention the suffering fering Little Jews. (Please read up
of Jews in Europe under the Nazis. on the deliberately failed Evian Con-
Roosevelt did not want it on record ference in France in July of 1938 at
that he knew of the “Jewish holo- which FDR had called for himself.)
caust,” so he literally snuck out the Long-serving Secretary of State Cord-
back door of the White House while ell Hull, in 1939, notoriously prohib-
the rabbis were left talking to one ited allowing the Jewish refugee
of FDR’s White House staff ship St. Louis, with approximately
members. Rabbi Wise was in agree- 930 Jewish refugees, from seeking
ment with Roosevelt’s cowardly be-
havior and said the protesting rabbis
asylum in a U.S. port and instead
turned the ship back so that it would
“were not representative” of Ameri- return to Nazi Germany. Reportedly, In my efforts to get this ar-
can Jewry. Wise accused them of some historians speculate that ticle published in multiple his-
“offending the dignity of [the Jewish] around 250 of these passengers later tory journals (TBR was the only
people.”17 died in concentration camps.18 one to agree to publish it), I had
And, in yet another attempt to Continental Jewish would-be ref- a telling exchange with the editor
silence talk of a “holocaust” in Eu- ugees got the message: The United of Commentary magazine, John
rope (so Roosevelt would not have States would not provide them Podhoretz (shown above). I sent
to acknowledge and deal with it ex- sanctuary. Was Roosevelt a de facto Editor Podhoretz my essay to
pediently), Wise also sought to Big Zionist Jew supporter? Inciden- learn if it could be published in
squelch the broadcast of the pageant tally, while Cordell Hull’s religious Commentary magazine, and he
“We Will Never Die,” that highlighted affiliation is unclear, we do know emailed me a nasty reply.
the suffering of Jews in Europe. that his wife Francis Witz was Jew-
So why would Roosevelt and Big ish, although she claimed to be an To: John Podhoretz
Zionist Jews want to silence knowl- Episcopalian, as did FDR who, let’s Attached is an article I have
edge of “the Holocaust”? Because, not forget, was the governor of New written recently that I thought
if knowledge of Jewish prisoners York just before being elected pres- might be of interest to your
dying in large numbers from typhus ident of the United States. I could readers. Please let me know your
and starvation got out, it might re- continue with examples of Big Zionist thoughts, and whether you might
quire the Allies to negotiate a con- Jews’ callous and homicidal attitude publish it.
ditional surrender from the Nazis towards Little Jews (e.g., the sinking —VAUGHN KLINGENBERG
or speed up their liberation of Nazi- of the Patria in the port of Haifa, From: John Podhoretz
occupied Europe. Equally important, Palestine, in 1940), but that would Sent: April 28, 2021. 8:28 p.m.
and related to this, the Little Jews take us too far afield for this essay. To: Vaughn Klingenberg
held in the camps may not have suf- Not only did Big Zionist Jews do Subject: Essay submission: “The
fered enough to ensure they would literally anything and everything in Holocaust: Big Zionist Jews vs.
want to leave Europe for the barren their power to get Little Jews to Little Jews.”
landscape of Palestine. The more emigrate to Israel, they also actively Please take your revolting,
Little Jews suffered in the camps, hindered and obstructed quasi-Zionist disgusting, anti-Semitic filth and
the more likely it was that they Jews, such as Hillel Kook (aka Peter shove it up your deranged, mon-
would convert to Zionism and wish Bergson), from actively seeking to strous [expletive deleted]. You
to people a neo-colonialist Jewish have Jews emigrate—not to Israel— disgraceful animal!
state in Palestine. This took time, but to the United States or other How dare you!
and this is what both Wise and FDR sanctuary nations besides Israel. As
were aiming at. Wikipedia tells us that, in 1943, Kook Reply to: John Podhoretz
Many students of the “Jewish founded an organization called the When someone who is inse-
Holocaust” believe that FDR was Emergency Committee for the Res- cure cannot address an argument
anti-Semitic because he did little, if cue of European Jewry for this pur- on its merits, they commonly re-
anything, to alleviate Jewish suffering pose. At the time, the United States sort to the informal fallacy of
under the Nazis. For example, both had a quota system for immigra- logic known of as ad hominem
before and during the war, he both tion. U.S. immigration laws at the (abusive) attacks. Shalom.
downplayed any word that Jews, in time limited immigration to only 2% —VAUGHN KLINGENBERG
particular, were suffering under Ger- of the number of each nationality
man tutelage, and he actively hin- present in the United States since P.S. I guess I struck a nerve.
dered any intervention to assist suf- the census of 1890, which limited

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 6 9

Jews from Austria and Germany to him or drafting him for the war ef- suffering and death in the concen-
27,370 and from Poland to 6,542. fort.20 In other words, send him away tration camps and, more broadly, in
Even these quotas often went un- so he could not organize sanctuary the Jewish holocaust itself. ❖
filled, due to U.S. State Department for Little Jews outside of Jewish
pressure on U.S. consulates to place Palestine. ENDNOTES:
1 Diary, Part 1, page 16. 1897.
as many obstacles as possible in the Once again, anything that smacked 2 Righteous Victims, Benny Morris, page
path of refugees coming here.19 of sidetracking or siphoning off Little 162.
Under pressure from the Senate Jewish interest in emigrating to Israel 3 The Middle East, Abstracts and Index,
Committee on Foreign Relations, was seen as a threat to Big Jewish page 407.
FDR reluctantly created the War Ref- Zionists and had to be dealt with 4 The Seventh Million, Tom Segev.
5 Red Cross parcel, “Food Parcels in the
ugee Board to manage Jewish and quickly, relentlessly and harshly.
German Concentration Camps,” Wikipedia.
non-Jewish immigration to the United In conclusion, Big Zionist Jews 6 See: Stephen Samuel Wise, “Criticism
States. The board was created in sought to facilitate and exacerbate of Wise,” Wikipedia. Also see: The Years of
1944, and only lasted about a year Little (non-Zionist) Jewish suffering Extermination: Nazi Germany & the Jews,
and a half. It was quickly closed in in the concentration camps so as to 1939-1945. Saul Friedlander, page 304.
September 1945, in large measure convert them into diehard Little Jew- 7 Please see “Correspondence from Ger-
man Concentration Camps and Prisons,” at
to ensure that displaced Jews would ish Zionists. Big Zionist Jews didn’t
travel to Jewish Palestine after the 8 “Over 200 million pages of documents
war and not to the United States. are stored in Yad Vashem’s archives in Jeru-
Many of the refugees who were salem. That includes some 130,000 accounts
granted immigration status were The Allies bombed from Holocaust survivors, along with original
personal documents that belonged to the
granted it only on a temporary basis
while awaiting resettlement else- clearly marked IRC prisoners of the Mauthausen concentration
camp, kept in an old wooden file cabinet.
where, such as Palestine.
Kook and his followers were op- ships delivering food Thousands of letters written by victims of
the Holocaust are also part of the collection.”
posed by American Zionist organi-
zations. To paraphrase, in December
parcels destined [Emphasis added.—Ed.] From “DW” website.
Heading: “Last Letters from the Holocaust:
1943, the American Jewish Confer- for camp inmates. Remembering the Victims.” Subheading:
“People Like Us,” Jan. 26, 2018.
ence launched a full-fledged public 9 Red Cross Parcel, “Food parcels in the
attack against Kook and his organ- German Concentration Camps,” Wikipedia.
ization in an attempt to undermine 10 See “Theresienstadt Ghetto and the
support for increasing Jewish im- care if Little Jews suffered and died Red Cross: ICRC Attempts to Send Supplies,”
migration to the United States. Sev- in the camps, so as to convert the Wikipedia.
11 Ibid.
eral American Zionist groups, in- remaining Little Jews into pro-Zionist 12 See
cluding the American Jewish Com- foot soldiers in Palestine. For this 13 See the Magen David Adom webpage,
mittee and other political opponents, reason, in their bloodthirsty lust to “History,”
sought to have Kook deported or convert Little non-Zionist Jews into 14 See “German Soldiers Were Punished
even drafted. Little Zionist Jews, Big Zionist Jews for Mistreating Jews,” Bitchute, Sept. 2, 2019.
Somehow they got the Internal were the epitome of anti-Semitism. 15 See “Red Cross Parcel, World War II,”
Revenue Service (IRS) to investigate While the Nazis put Jews in the 16 See “Red Cross Parcel, World War II,”
Kook’s finances in an attempt to dis- camps, the Big Zionist Jews made a Wikipedia.
credit, intimidate and silence him. point of hindering and obstructing 17 “This Day in Jewish History, 1943:
They were hoping to find misappro- anything that would alleviate Jewish Hundreds of Rabbis March on Washington.”
priation or, at least, negligent book- suffering and death in the camps., David B. Green, May 10, 2016.
18 See “MS St. Louis,”
keeping of the funds his group had For this reason, Big Zionist Jews 19 Hillel Kook, Wikipedia, “Activism in
handled. The IRS found no financial are at least—if not more—respon- America.”
irregularities. Among those trying to sible than the Nazis are for Jewish 20 Hillel Kook, Wikipedia, “Controversy.”
stop Kook’s rescue activities were
Rabbi Wise and Nahum Goldman, VAUGHN KLINGENBERG is a politically incorrect freelance writer and scholar.
founder and longtime president of We encourage readers to check out his newsletter The Nonconformist (a Con-
the World Jewish Congress. A State spiracy Factualist Newsletter). For a one-year subscription to Vaughn’s news-
Department protocol shows Goldman letter ($25), please email Please also visit Vaughn’s
website: We also encourage readers to see Vaughn’s letter
telling the State Department that to the editor on page 125 of this issue about a novel approach to House of Rep-
Kook did not represent organized resentatives elections.
Jewry, and suggested either deporting

70 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

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A digest of interesting historical news the country. The LICRA, the French
items gleaned from various sources version of the Anti-Defamation
around the world that most likely did League, immediately mobilized and
not appear in your local newspaper demanded the young woman be in-
or on your mainstream television vestigated and jailed for her “of-
news broadcasts. fensive” sign, as the word “qui” has
✠ ✠ ✠ been denounced as “anti-Semitic”
Free Speech in Canada in recent weeks. Simply asking who
is promoting the Covid-19 tyranny
Two Canadian men involved in and other anti-French agendas has
the publication of an alternative become “anti-Semitic” in France
dissident newspaper have lost their and other Western countries, largely
appeal in Ontario Superior Court, because when one investigates Jew-
which will result in one of the men ish individuals appear at the fore-
having to serve a one-year jail sen- front in pushing and enacting such
tence. James Sears, the 57-year-old policies. Gérald Darmanin, the
editor of Your Ward News, and his JAMES SEARS French Minister of Interior who
publisher, LeRoy St. Germaine, were has Jewish ethnic roots, quickly
convicted in 2019 on two counts of announced an investigation and the
“promoting hatred,” with the now Graham Hart, a 69-year-old Cornish woman was located and arrested.
retired Ontario Court Judge Richard singer and musician, hosted an on- She is apparently risking a prison
Blouin sentencing Sears to a year line radio program from 2016-2020, sentence as a result of her “anti-
jail term while St. Germaine was where he focused on a variety of Semitic” sign as TBR goes to press.
hit with one year of house arrest. controversial topics, including WWII ✠ ✠ ✠
Sears and St. Germaine appealed Revisionism, Zionist power and su-
the ruling, only to be rebuffed by premacy in the West, and other re- Blimey!
Ontario Superior Court Justice Peter lated issues. The Campaign Against The UK’s Housing Minister Chris-
Cavanagh earlier this summer. Your Antisemitism, a Jewish-led organi- topher Pincher announced recently
Ward News billed itself as the zation dedicated to exposing “anti- that a national Holocaust memorial
world’s top anti-Marxist newspaper Semites” that works directly with will be built right next to the British
and promoted historical Revisionism law enforcement and political au- Parliament in Westminster, an idea
and other politically incorrect thorities in the UK, put together a first put forth in 2016 under British
themes. Canadian Jewish groups dossier on Hart and presented it to Prime Minister David Cameron.
praised the court’s original ruling British police, in an effort to target Last February, the Westminster City
as well as the appeal. Noah Shack, the unabashed radio host. Judge Council voted unanimously against
vice president of the Centre for Is- Robert Linford of Truro Crown the memorial, only to have their
rael and Jewish Affairs, argued that: Court sentenced Hart to a 32-month decision rejected following insis-
“It is crucial that a clear message jail sentence and banned him from tence by the national government
is sent to those who promote hate: broadcasting for 10 years. and a public inquiry. The memorial
You will be held accountable.” ✠ ✠ ✠ will cost an estimated £100 million
✠ ✠ ✠
À Qui Profite? of taxpayers’ money and is said to
Cornish Radio Host Jailed be a “vital” project by UK Labor
As roughly 500,000 people took leader Sir Keir Starmer. “In the near
A former independent radio host to the streets across France in early future, the personal living testament
based in Cornwall in the United August to protest the recently pro- of the survivors will be lost,” Mike
Kingdom has pleaded guilty to eight posed Covid-19 vaccine passport Freer, the Minister of Parliament
counts of “inciting racial hatred” policies, organized Jewish groups for Finchley and Golders Green,
after enduring a long-running perse- expressed outrage over a young stated following the project’s ap-
cution campaign, including having woman seen walking with a sign proval. “I hope that this memorial
his home searched on multiple oc- reading “Qui?!” meaning “Who?!” serves as a permanent reminder of
casions and taken in for questioning in French, as in who is promoting why we must stand against anti-
by law enforcement authorities. the vaccine tyranny unfolding across Semitism and racism in all its forms,

72 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

wherever it is found.” The U.S. has Hoppe. The ridiculous proceeding rebranded in order to generate fear
a national Holocaust Memorial Mu- is scheduled to begin in September and justify the narrative of a global
seum on prime real estate in the and is yet another reminder of the pandemic endlessly promoted by
nation’s capital, all paid for by the absurd situation in Germany, where the medical establishment, Big
American taxpayer. elderly citizens continue to be Pharma, and their bought-and-paid
✠ ✠ ✠ abused, mistreated and targeted for for political leaders. “Since the
Frank to Get U.S. Museum having lived during Hitler’s reign. novel coronavirus began its global
✠ ✠ ✠ spread, influenza cases reported to
The University of South Carolina the World Health Organization from
recently announced plans to build Climate Hysteria
the Northern and Southern Hemi-
the first Anne Frank Center in North The “global warming” crowd is sphere have dropped to minute
America in the hope of connecting at it again. The hysterical mob mas- levels,” Scientific American re-
students and the wider community querading as “experts” and “scien- cently reported. “The reason, epi-
to the young Jewish girl, her family, tists” has recently released a report demiologists think, is that the public
and the alleged persecution they that the United Nations has referred health measures taken to keep the
and other Jews faced during WWII. to as a “code red for humanity” in coronavirus from spreading—no-
The Center will feature a variety of an effort to terrorize and instill fear
tably mask wearing and social dis-
WWII artifacts, many of which will in the public. “It’s just guaranteed
tancing—also stop the flu.” Could
be loaned to the new Center by the that it’s going to get worse,” Linda
Covid-19, which is essentially
Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. Mearns, a senior climate scientist
another strain of a coronavirus that
“We would like every student here at the U.S. National Center for At-
causes basic flu-like symptoms, in
to see visually what they’ve read in mospheric Research and a co-author
reality be the normal, typical flu
history books, and by that strike a of the report, stated following the
match, light a candle, for a more report’s release. “I don’t see any that is usually reported to local,
peaceful and just world,” USC In- area that is safe… Nowhere to run, state, and global health agencies?
terim President Harris Pastides said nowhere to hide.” The report was ✠ ✠ ✠
when announcing the Center. The authorized by the Intergovernmental Australia Gone Mad
University also has plans to launch Panel on Climate Change, a largely A member of the Australian par-
a traveling exhibit that would tour discredited organization for its his- liament, George Christensen, is con-
all 50 U.S. states to propagandize tory of shoddy and partisan “science,” cerned about his nation’s “over-
the public further with Jewish “Holo- fear-mongering, and hysteria fueled reaction” to Covid-19. In an inter-
caust” narratives and the official by pseudoscience, which is incen- view with Fox News, Christensen
Anne Frank narrative in particular. tivized by globalist think tanks and said, “We are suffering from what
✠ ✠ ✠ corporations, much like the global is ‘pandemic policy insanity’ in this
Elder Abuse in Germany public health industry that is in-
country. … The city of Canberra,
centivized and dominated by big
UPDATE: Irmgard Furchner, a which I’m currently in—one single
pharmaceutical corporations. The
96-year-old German woman cur- case and the entire 400,000-plus
report is based on computer-gen-
rently living in a nursing home, will population moved into lockdown,
erated models and potential “future
stand trial in juvenile court for al- basically stay-in-place orders, busi-
scenarios” for the global climate,
legedly aiding the murder and at- nesses shut down that are deemed
not legitimate science and scholarly
tempted murder of roughly 11,000 research. For a reasonable discus- non-essential. It’s very interesting.
prisoners at the Stutthof concen- sion of climate change—analyzing We have government naming which
tration camp in Poland, a German actual historical climate trends for people have essential roles in our
magistrate recently ruled. Furchner millennia, not a century—see TBR’s society and which don’t. This is
served as a typist and secretary to March/April 2020 edition. happening across every inch of this
camp commander Paul-Werner ✠ ✠ ✠
country. Sydney, Melbourne, Bris-
Hoppe in Stutthof when she was bane, over in Perth. … We are lock-
18 or 19, and has previously testified Seasonal Flu Disappears ing down because someone sneezes,
that she knew nothing of any mass For the first time perhaps in quite frankly. And worse than that,
murders or systematic killing op- modern medical history, the typical we have state borders that are shut-
erations while serving at the camp. seasonal flu has essentially dis- ting as well. I fear that there is too
She reportedly handled all corre- appeared for over a year, with Covid- much fear about this virus.” That
spondence with the main SS eco- 19 replacing the normal flu season, all depends: For those in society
nomic administrative office and leading many independent analysts who profit from frightening the
typed dictated messages and radio and commentators to question public into submission, there is
communications from commander whether Covid-19 has simply been never enough fear.

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 7 3


Richard J. Evans:
WWII History on Trial
riographic evidence.
By John Wear, J.D. Deborah Lipstadt writes in her

book Denying the Holocaust that
ritish historian Sir Rich- “on some level Irving seems to con-
ard J. Evans was a former ceive himself as carrying on Hitler’s
professor of modern his- legacy.” Lipstadt describes Irving as
tory at Cambridge Uni- a “Hitler partisan wearing blinkers”
versity and a noted spe- who “distort[ed] evidence … ma-
cialist of modern German history. nipulate[ed] documents [and]
Some people say that Evans’s expert skew[ed] … and misrepresent[ed]
report in David Irving’s 2000 libel data in order to reach historically
trial against Deborah Lipstadt pro- untenable conclusions.”3 Irving filed
vides convincing evidence proving a libel suit against Lipstadt and Pen-
Irving’s lack of objectivity as a his- guin Books Ltd. in British courts to
torian. This article discusses some attempt to end these and other sim-
weaknesses in Evans’s research de- ilar statements.
signed to discredit Irving in regard Evans was asked by Lipstadt’s
to two subjects: “the Holocaust” and defense team toward the end of
the Dresden bombings. 1997 to act as an expert witness for
the defense. Evans was told his first
INTRODUCTION duty as an expert witness was to
David Irving was viciously RICHARD J. EVANS the court, and that he had to be as
smeared by the media after his tes- Testified against Irving. truthful and objective as possible
timony at the 1988 Ernst Zündel in his report. Evans accepted the
false-news trial in Canada. Irving’s assignment and, after 18 months of
books disappeared from many book- many adverse legal judgments.”2 hard work, he finally completed his
shops, he sustained huge financial Evans does not seem to be con- 740-page report at the end of July
losses, and he was ultimately labeled cerned that Irving’s arrests were at- 1999. Nikolaus Wachsmann and
as a “Holocaust denier.”1 tributable to the fact that numerous Thomas Skelton-Robinson, who were
The harassment campaign against countries make it a felony to dispute both Ph.D. candidates of Evans,
David Irving included numerous ar- the so-called Holocaust. This reflects greatly assisted Evans in researching
rests in various countries. These ar- poorly on the countries Irving was and writing his report.4
rests do not seem to bother Richard arrested in rather than on Irving’s
Evans. Evans writes: “One would abilities as a historian. The question THE “HOLOCAUST”
not have expected a reputable his- is: “What kind of historical truth Evans writes:
torian to have run into such trouble, needs criminal sanctions to protect Over a number of years, I
and indeed it was impossible to it?” The Holocaust story would not have had direct experience of
think of any historian of any standing need criminal sanctions to protect Holocaust denial in a variety of
at all who had been subjected to so it if it were solidly based on histo- forms. At the turn of the century,

74 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

British historian David Irving appears in court before his trial at the Straflandesgericht on February
20, 2006 in Vienna, Austria, holding a copy of one of his most popular works, Hitler’s War.

I was involved as an expert wit- ical aspects of the Leuchter at the 1988 Ernst Zündel trial that
ness in the libel action brought Report: [Fred] Leuchter had re- he received samples from Leuchter
by the writer David Irving against moved samples from the inner in his capacity as an Analytical
Deborah Lipstadt and her pub- walls of Crematorium II at Ausch- Chemist at Alpha Analytical Labo-
lisher Penguin Books over her witz-Birkenau and had them an- ratories. The purpose of the tests
allegation that he was a Holo- alyzed, with the result that the
was to determine the total iron and
caust denier who manipulated concentration of cyanide resi-
dues was found to be slight, cyanide content in the samples. Roth
and distorted the evidence for
the Nazi extermination of Euro- compared with the concentra- said that the Prussian Blue produced
pean Jews. Researching the sub- tions found in the delousing fa- by a reaction of the iron and hy-
ject for the trial, which ended in cilities, thus showing, he had tri- drogen cyanide could penetrate
Irving’s comprehensive defeat, umphantly declared, that the cre- deeply in porous materials such as
brought me into contact with matorium was not used for gas- brick and iron.7 Thus, according to
many varieties of Holocaust de- sing people. But he had taken Roth’s testimony at the Zündel trial,
nial, many of them nauseating, great chunks out of the wall in- the fact that Leuchter took great
all of them upsetting.”5 stead of scrapings off the surface, chunks out of the walls did not in-
thus greatly diluting whatever validate the chemical aspects of his
Evans thus makes it clear residues were to be found there.6
that he detests what he calls report.
“Holocaust denial.” However, The fact that Leuchter took “great Dr. Roth later changed his tes-
Evans displays a remarkable chunks” out of the walls does not timony in a documentary movie
ignorance of this subject. invalidate the chemical aspects of titled Mr. Death by Errol Morris.
Evans writes about the chem- his report. Dr. James Roth testified Roth states in this movie: “Cyanide

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 7 5

is a surface reaction. It’s probably nated from, his analytical results Arthur Butz, Richard Krege and David
not going to penetrate more than would have been different. Does Cole have conclusively shown that
10 microns. Human hair is 100 mi- that mean that Prof. Roth ma- there were no homicidal gas
crons in diameter. Crush this sample nipulates his result according to chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
up, I have just diluted that sample whether or not he likes the origin
The books The Real Case for Ausch-
of certain samples? Such an at-
10,000; 100,000 times. If you’re going witz by Carlo Mattogno12 and The
titude is exactly the reason why
to go looking for it, you’re going to one should never tell an “inde- Chemistry of Auschwitz by Germar
look on the surface only. There’s no pendent” laboratory about the Rudolf13 are probably the best books
reason to go deep, because it’s not origin of the samples to be ana- available for anyone wanting to make
going to be there.8 lyzed, simply because “indepen- a thorough study of this subject.
Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom writes dence” is a very flexible term Evans also disputes Irving’s state-
that Dr. Roth’s statements in Mr. when it comes to controversial ments that the Wannsee Conference
Death are wrong: topics. What Prof. Dr. Roth has held on January 20, 1942 did not
demonstrated here is only his discuss the extermination of Jews.14
The 1999 film about Leuchter lack of professional honesty.10
features an interview with the The documentary evidence of this
chemist [Dr. James Roth] who Chemists adhering to the ortho- meeting, however, shows that no
had done the analysis of his wall- dox Holocaust narrative have failed extermination program existed. In-
samples back in 1988. He had to explain why the walls of the de- stead, the German policy was to
done this “blind,” i.e. with no evacuate the Jews to the East.
knowledge of where they had Many Jewish holocaust historians
come from, which was correct agree with Irving that the Wannsee
scientific procedure. During the
second Zündel trial in Toronto Zyklon B was never Conference did not discuss the ex-
termination of Europe’s Jews. Israeli
in 1988, he testified under oath
concerning the method used and
used in the alleged Holocaust historian Yehuda Bauer
what Leuchter had sent him. He homicidal gas has declared, “The public still repeats,
time after time, the silly story that
said back then that hydrogen
cyanide can easily penetrate into chambers at at Wannsee the extermination of the
brick and mortar Jews was arrived at.”15 Likewise, Is-
But then, when he was in- Auschwitz. raeli holocaust historian Leni Yahil
terviewed again by Morris for has stated in regard to the Wannsee
his documentary, he suddenly conference, “[I]t is often assumed
stated that the results were quite
meaningless, because the cyanide
that the decision to launch the Final
lousing facilities at Auschwitz-Birke- Solution was taken on this occasion,
could only have soaked a few nau are permeated with Prussian
microns into the brickwork. but this is not so.”16
Blue, while nothing of this sort can Although the Allies captured most
Wow, that was quite a whopper.
Mortar and brickwork are highly
be observed in any of the alleged of Germany’s government and con-
porous to hydrogen cyanide, ob- homicidal gas chambers. The only centration camp records intact,
viously so because the delousing reasonable explanation is that Zyklon Evans fails to explain why no order
chambers were more or less B was never used in the alleged or plan has ever been found to ex-
equally blue inside and out, it homicidal gas chambers at Ausch- terminate European Jewry. When
had soaked right through. But witz-Birkenau. Kollerstrom writes: asked in 1983 how the extermination
you can watch him on video ex- “[F]or any alleged human gas of European Jewry took place with-
plaining this, as if he were con- chamber found in a German World
fusing brick and mortar with out an order, Jewish holocaust his-
War II labor camp let us merely
rock. The latter will only absorb torian Raul Hilberg replied:
measure cyanide in the walls: if it’s
cyanide to a few microns of its not there, it didn’t happen.”11 What began in 1941 was a
surface.9 process of destruction not
The forensic evidence refutes the
Germar Rudolf, a certified chem- possibility of homicidal gas chambers planned in advance, not organ-
ist, gives numerous reasons why Dr. at Auschwitz-Birkenau. In addition ized centrally by any agency.
Roth’s statements in Mr. Death are to the aforementioned Leuchter Re- There was no blueprint and there
was no budget for destructive
incorrect. Rudolf concludes: port, articles, testimony, reports and
measures. They were taken step
videos from Walter Lüftl, Germar by step, one step at a time. Thus,
It is also revealing that Prof.
Roth mentioned during this in- Rudolf, Friedrich Paul Berg, Dr. Wil- came about not so much a plan
terview that, had he known liam B. Lindsey, Carlo Mattogno, being carried out, but an incred-
where Leuchter’s samples origi- John C. Ball, Wolfgang Fröhlich, Dr. ible meeting of minds, a con-

76 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

sensus—mind reading by a far- est historian would have taken due
flung bureaucracy.17 consideration of the convergence
On January 16, 1985, under cross- of the major authentic sources
examination at the first Zündel trial around estimates in the area of
in Toronto, Raul Hilberg confirmed 25,000 dead.”22
that he said these words.18 Hilberg Historians agree that a large
stated that the genocide of European number of German refugees were
Jewry was not carried out by a plan in Dresden during the night of Feb-
or order, but rather by an incredible ruary 13-14, 1945. However, the es-
feat of mind reading among far-flung timates of refugees in Dresden the
German bureaucrats. night of the Allied bombings vary
Other historians have acknowl- widely, and this is a major reason
edged that no document of a plan for the discrepancies in the death-
by Germany to exterminate European toll estimates. Irving writes con-
Jewry has ever been found. In his cerning the number of refugees in
well-known book on “the Holocaust,” Dresden:
French-Jewish historian Leon Polia- Silesians represented prob-
kov stated that “the campaign to ex-
terminate the Jews, as regards its
ably 80% of the displaced people
crowding into Dresden on the Germany’s War
conception as well as many other night of the triple blow. The city,
essential aspects, remains shrouded which in peacetime had a pop- The Origins, Aftermath
in darkness.” Poliakov adds that no ulation of 630,000 citizens, was and Atrocities of
by the eve of the air attack so
documents of a plan for exterminating
crowded with Silesians, East World War II
the Jews have ever been found be- Prussians and Pomeranians from
cause “perhaps none ever existed.”19 the Eastern Front, with Berliners
By John Wear. Germany’s War
British historian Ian Kershaw and Rhinelanders from the West, documents that the Allied leaders
states that when the Soviet archives with Allied and Russian prisoners were primarily responsible for start-
were opened in the early 1990s: of war, with evacuated children’s ing and prolonging WWII—costing
“Predictably, a written order by settlement, with forced laborers millions of lives. FDR’s numerous
Hitler for the ‘Final Solution’ was of many nationalities, that the provocations forced Germany to
not found. The presumption that a increased population was now declare war on the U.S.A. despite
single, explicit written order had between 1.2 million and 1.4 mil-
Hitler’s desire for peace. Also covers
ever been given had long been dis- lion citizens, of whom, not sur-
prisingly, several hundred thou- Stalin’s plan for European conquest,
missed by most historians.”20 Thus, America’s second crusade, how
sand had no proper home and
neither the Wannsee Conference none of whom could seek the WWII was planned and instigated,
nor any written document indicates protection of an air-raid shelter.”23 the Allied conspiracy to prolong
a plan by National Socialist Germany the war, the Allied POW camps
to exterminate Jews. Evans attempts to discredit Irv-
ing’s estimate of Dresden’s population that killed a million Germans, the
DRESDEN BOMBINGS at the time of the Allied bombings. appalling plight of expelled Ger-
Many conflicting estimates have One source Evans cites is Dresden mans, history’s most terrible peace,
been made concerning the number historian Friedrich Reichert, who crimes committed in German
of deaths resulting from the Allied estimates that only 567,000 residents camps, the alleged genocide of 6
bombings of Dresden on February and 100,000 refugees were in Dresden million Jews, and more. Softcover,
13-14, 1945. David Irving in his book on the night of the bombings. Rei- 514 pages, #717, $25 minus 10%
The Destruction of Dresden esti- chert quotes witnesses who state for TBR subscribers plus $5 S&H
mates that approximately 135,000 that no refugees were billeted in inside the U.S. from TBR, P.O.
people died in Dresden from the Dresden houses, and that no billeting Box 550, White Plains, MD 20695.
British and American bombings.21 took place in Dresden’s parks or Call toll free 1-877-773-9077,
Evans estimates that approximately squares. Thus, Reichert estimates Mon.-Thu. 9-5 to charge or visit
25,000 people died during these that the number of people in Dresden Email
bombings. Predictably, Evans thinks on the night of the bombings was for inter-
that Irving intentionally inflated the not much greater than the official national S&H.
estimated death figure at Dresden. figure of Dresden’s population before
Evans writes about Irving, “An hon- the war.24

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 7 7

Reichert’s estimate of Dresden’s ure of 250,000 dead would have in the Dresden raid appeared over
population during the bombings is meant that 20% to 30% of the Dresden at the very time that the
almost certainly too low. An RAF population was killed, a figure optimum number of fire brigades
memo stated before the attack: so grossly out of proportion to and rescue teams were in the streets
other comparable attacks as to
Dresden, the seventh largest of the burning city. This second
have raised the eyebrows of
city in Germany and not much anyone familiar with the statis- wave of bombers compounded the
smaller than Manchester is also tics of bombing raids, as Irving earlier destruction many times, and
[by] far the largest unbombed was, even if the population had by design killed the firemen and
built-up area the enemy has got. been inflated by an influx of ref- rescue workers so that the destruc-
In the midst of winter with refu- ugees fleeing the advance of the tion could rage on unchecked.33 The
gees pouring westwards and Red Army.29 raid on Pforzheim, by contrast, con-
troops to be rested, roofs are at sisted of only one bombing attack.
a premium, not only to give
Contrary to Evans’s statement,
a comparable attack to that of Dres- Also, Pforzheim was a much smaller
shelter to workers, refugees and target, so that it would have been
troops alike, but also to house den occurred at Pforzheim 10 days
later on February 23, 1945. Since easier for the people on the ground
the administrative services dis-
placed from other areas.25 neither Dresden nor Pforzheim had to escape from the blaze.
suffered much damage earlier in the The only reason why the death-
A woman living on the outskirts rate percentage would be higher in
of Dresden at the time of the bomb- Pforzheim versus Dresden is that a
ings said: “At the time my mother higher percentage of Pforzheim was
and I had train station duty here in
the city. The refugees! They all came They pitchforked destroyed in the bombings. Alan
Russell estimates that 83% of
from everywhere! The city was shriveled bodies Pforzheim’s city center was de-
stuffed full!”26 stroyed versus only 59% of Dres-
Alexander McKee wrote in regard onto wagons and den’s.34 This would, however, account
to Dresden:
carted them to for only a portion of the percentage
difference in the death tolls. Based
Every household had its large
quota of refugees, and many shallow graves. on the death toll in the Pforzheim
more had arrived in Dresden raid, it is reasonable to assume that
that day, so that the pavements 20% of Dresdeners died in the British
were blocked by them, as they and American attacks on the city.
struggled onwards or simply sat war, the flammability of both cities If a 20% death-rate figure times
exhausted on their suitcases and an estimated population in Dresden
had been preserved.30 A perfect fire-
rucksacks. For these reasons,
storm was created over both of of 1 million is used, the death-toll
no one has been able to put a
positive figure to the numbers these defenseless cities. These cities figure in Dresden would be 200,000.
of the dead, and no doubt no also lacked sufficient air- raid shelters If a 25% death-rate figure times an
one ever will.27 for their citizens. estimated population of 1.2 million
The area of destruction at Pfor- is used, the death-toll figure in Dres-
A report prepared by the USAF zheim comprised approximately 83% den would be 300,000. Thus, death-
Historical Division Research Studies of the city, and 20,277 out of 65,000 toll estimates in Dresden of 250,000
Institute Air University stated that people died according to official es- people are quite plausible when
“there may probably have been about timates.31 Sönke Neitzel also esti- compared to the Pforzheim bombing.
1 million people in Dresden on the mates that approximately 20,000 out The British were fully aware that
night of the 13-14 February RAF at- of a total population of 65,000 died mass death and destruction would
tack.”28 I think the 1 million pop- in the raid at Pforzheim.32 This means result from the bombing of Ger-
ulation figure cited in this report that over 30% of the residents of many’s cities. The British Directorate
constitutes a conservative minimum Pforzheim died in just this one bomb- of Bombing Operations predicted
estimate of Dresden’s population ing attack. the following consequences from
during the Allied bombings. If Irving’s The question is: If more than its saturation-bombing program
estimate of Dresden’s population is 30% of the residents of Pforzheim called Operation Thunderclap:
overstated, it is not overstated by died in one bombing attack, why If we assume that the daytime
very much. would, as Evans suggests, only ap- population of the area attacked
Evans writes: proximately 2.5% of Dresdeners die is 300,000, we may expect 220,000
Even allowing for the unique in similar multiple raids 10 days ear- casualties. About 50% of these
circumstances of Dresden, a fig- lier? The second wave of bombers or 110,000 may expect to be

78 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

killed. It is suggested that such
an attack resulting in so many
deaths, the great proportion of
which will be key personnel,
cannot help but have a shattering
effect on political and civilian
morale all over Germany.35
Evans writes that it would be
impossible to remove 200,000 dead
bodies in a short period of time at
Dresden. He asks:
And how was it imaginable
that 200,000 bodies could have
been recovered from out of the
ruins in less than a month? It
would have required a veritable
army of people to undertake
such work, and hundreds of
sorely needed vehicles to trans-
port the bodies. The effort ac-
tually undertaken to recover
bodies was considerable, but
there was no evidence that it
reached the levels required to
remove this number.36
Evans apparently does not realize
that many of the dead bodies at
Dresden were not incinerated at the
Altmarkt or transported out of Dres-
den. A British sergeant reported on
the disposal of bodies at Dresden: Targeting German Civilians
They had to pitchfork shriv-
eled bodies onto trucks and
The Allied attacks on Dresden, Hamburg, Pforzheim and other
wagons and cart them to shallow
graves on the outskirts of the German cities of little significant strategic value were war crimes.
city. But after two weeks of After the war, the Allies justified their attacks on Dresden, for in-
work, the job became too much stance, by insisting it was an industrial and rail center employing
to cope with and they found not only German workers, but 50,000 foreign workers. Yet, many
other means to gather up the
vital military targets were ignored in the Dresden area. In June
dead. They burned bodies in a
great heap in the center of the 1938, before WWII had even started, British Prime Minister Neville
city, but the most effective way, Chamberlain issued instructions to British Bomber Command in
for sanitary reasons, was to take case war erupted with Germany. He said: “It is against inter-
flamethrowers and burn the dead national law to bomb civilians as such and to make deliberate at-
as they lay in the ruins. They
tacks on the civilian population. Targets which are aimed at from
would just turn the flame-
throwers into the houses, burn the air must be legitimate military objectives and must be capable
the dead and then close off the of identification. Reasonable care must be taken in attacking
entire area. The whole city is those military objectives so that, by carelessness, a civilian pop-
flattened. They were unable to ulation in the neighborhood is not bombed.” One must then ask:
clean up the dead lying beside
Had Chamberlain remained in office instead of Winston Churchill,
roads for several weeks.37
would these attacks have happened? Above is shown the charred
Other historians cite evidence remains of a woman who was burnt to a incinerated husk in
that bodies were incinerated beyond Dresden, even though she was in an air raid shelter.
recognition. These incinerated
bodies would not normally have to

THE B ARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 7 9

be transported to another location. ment, where their remains lay work uncovering new information
For example, Marshall De Bruhl undisturbed for almost 50 years.40 in the archives. Irving’s books will
cites a report found in an urn by a Thus, in regard to Dresden’s death be read as long as there are people
gravedigger in 1975 written on March toll, Evans does not have a legitimate interested in World War II history.
12, 1945, by a young soldier identified basis for saying “all of Irving’s at- By contrast, Richard Evans is a
only as Gottfried. This report stated: tempts to justify a high figure rested court historian whose “expert” report
I saw the most painful scene on fantasy, invention, speculation, in the David Irving trial was designed
ever. … Several persons were the suppression of reliable evidence, to smear Irving as much as possible.
near the entrance, others at the the use of unreliable sources, or, Contrary to his statement, Evans’s
flight of steps and many others most shockingly, the repeated de- expert report was not “impartial,
further back in the cellar. The ployment of a document that he objective and unbiased,” and was
shapes suggested human corpses. knew to be a forgery.”41 Evans unfairly not “produced independently of the
The body structure was recog-
accuses Irving of intentionally over- exigencies of this litigation.” ❖
nizable and the shape of the
skulls, but they had no clothes. stating the death toll in the Dresden
Eyes and hair carbonized but 1 David Irving Global Vendetta
not shrunk. When touched, they
disintegrated into ashes, totally, detta.html.
no skeleton or separate bones. The most effective 2 Evans, Richard J., Lying About Hitler:
History, Holocaust, and the David Irving
I recognized a male corpse
as that of my father. His arm way to dispose of Trial, New York: Basic Books, 2001, p. 14.
3 Lipstadt, Deborah E., History on Trial:
had been jammed between two
stones, where shreds of his grey corpses was to use My Day in Court with David Irving, New
York: HarperCollins Publishers Inc., 2005,
suit remained. What sat not far
from him was no doubt mother. a flamethrower on p. xviii; see also, Lipstadt, Deborah E., De-
nying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault
The slim build and shape of the
head left no doubt. I found a tin
them in the ruins. on Truth and Memory, New York: The Free
Press, 1993, p. 161.
and put their ashes in it. Never 4 Evans, Richard J., Lying About Hitler:
had I been so sad, so alone and History, Holocaust, and the David Irving
full of despair. Carrying my treas- Trial, New York: Basic Books, 2001, pp.
bombings. If anything, I think Irving xii, 7, 32, 39.
ure and crying I left the gruesome
5 Evans, Richard J., The Third Reich in
scene. I was trembling all over underestimates the death toll from History and Memory, New York: Oxford
and my heart threatened to burst. these bombings. University Press, 2015, pp. 225-226.
My helpers stood there, mute 6 Evans, Richard J., Lying About Hitler:
under the impact.38 CONCLUSION History, Holocaust, and the David Irving
Evans concludes his “expert” re- Trial, New York: Basic Books, 2001, p. 124.
Evans also disputes Irving’s claim 7 Kulaszka, Barbara, (ed.), Did Six Mil-
that bodies were still being recovered port by stating that David Irving is lion Really Die: Report of Evidence in the
in Dresden. Marshall De Bruhl, ho-
39 not a historian. He writes: Canadian “False News” Trial of Ernst
wever, agrees with Irving’s claim. I have understood that my Zündel, Toronto: Samisdat Publishers Ltd.,
1992, pp. 362-363.
De Bruhl notes that numerous other overriding duty is to the court.
skeletons of victims were discovered My paramount obligation, as I Richard J. Green, “Report of Richard J.
in the ruins of Dresden as rubble have been advised by my in- Green,” introduced in evidence during the
was removed or foundations for structing solicitors, is to assist libel case before the Queen’s Bench Division,
new buildings were erected. De the court on all matters within Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London,
my expertise regardless of whom David John Caldwell Irving vs. (1) Penguin
Bruhl writes:
my instructions are from and Books Limited, (2) Deborah E. Lipstadt,
One particularly poignant dis- who is paying my fees. I confirm ref. 1996 I. No. 1113, 2001, p. 16;
covery was made when the ruins that this report is impartial, ob- archives/
adjacent to the Altmarkt were jective and unbiased and has david/rudolf/affweb.pdf.
being excavated in the 1990s. been produced independently of 9 Kollerstrom, Nicholas, Breaking the
Spell: The Holocaust, Myth and Reality,
The workmen found the skele- the exigencies of this litigation. Uckfield, Great Britain: Castle Hill Pub-
tons of a dozen young women I believe that the facts I have lishers, 2015, p. 66.
who had been recruited from stated in this report are true and 10 Rudolf, Germar, The Chemistry of
the countryside to come into that the opinions I have ex- Auschwitz: The Technology and Toxicology
Dresden and help run the trams pressed are correct.42 of Zyklon B and the Gas Chambers—A
during the war. They had taken Crime-Scene Investigation, Uckfield, Great
shelter from the rain of bombs In reality, David Irving is a legiti- Britain: Castle Hill Publishers, 2017, pp.
in an ancient vaulted subbase- mate historian who did outstanding 342-345.

80 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

11 Kollerstrom, Nicholas, Breaking the Paradoxes of Memory in History, London
Spell: The Holocaust, Myth and Reality, and New York: Routledge, 2001, p. 82.
Uckfield, Great Britain: Castle Hill Pub- 27 McKee, Alexander, Dresden 1945:
lishers, 2015, p. 70. The Devil’s Tinderbox, New York: E.P. Dut-
12 Mattogno, Carlo, The Real Case for ton, Inc., 1984, p. 177.
Auschwitz: Robert van Pelt’s Evidence 28 “Facts About the Dresden Bombing,”
from the Irving Trial Critically Reviewed,
2nd ed., Uckfield: Castle Hill Publishers, 29 Evans, Richard J., Lying About Hitler:
2015. History, Holocaust, and the David Irving
13 Rudolf, Germar, The Chemistry of Trial, New York: Basic Books, 2001, p. 158.
Auschwitz: The Technology and Toxicology 30 Friedrich, Jörg, The Fire: The Bomb-
of Zyklon B and the Gas Chambers. A ing of Germany, New York, Columbia Uni-
Crime-Scene Investigation, Uckfield: Castle versity, 2006, p. 94.
Hill Publishers, 2017. 31 Ibid., p. 91. See also DeBruhl, Marshall,
14 Evans, Richard J., Lying About Hitler: Firestorm: Allied Airpower and the De-
History, Holocaust, and the David Irving struction of Dresden, New York: Random
Trial, New York: Basic Books, 2001, pp. House, Inc., 2006, p. 255.
127-128. 32 Neitzel, Sönke, “The City Under Attack,”
15 Canadian Jewish News, Toronto, in Addison, Paul and Crang, Jeremy A., (eds.),
January 30, 1992, p. 8. Firestorm: The Bombing of Dresden, 1945,
16 Yahil, Leni, The Holocaust: The Fate Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2006, p. 77.
of European Jewry, 1932-1945, Oxford
University Press, 1990, p. 312.
33 DeBruhl, Marshall, Firestorm: Allied
Airpower and the Destruction of Dresden,
Hellstorm: The Death
17 De Wan, George, “The Holocaust in New York: Random House, Inc., 2006, p. of Nazi Germany,
Perspective,” Newsday: Long Island, NY,
Feb. 23, 1983, Part II, p. 3.
210. See also McKee, Alexander, Dresden 1944-1947
1945: The Devil’s Tinderbox, New York:
18 See trial transcript, pp. 846-848. Also E.P. Dutton, Inc., 1984, p. 112. It was the most deadly and destructive
Kulaszka, Barbara, (ed.), Did Six Million 34 Russell, Alan, “Why Dresden Matters,” war in human history. Millions were
Really Die: Report of Evidence in the Ca- in Addison, Paul and Crang, Jeremy A., killed, billions in property was de-
nadian “False News” Trial of Ernst Zündel, (eds.), Firestorm: The Bombing of Dresden, stroyed, ancient cultures were reduced
Toronto: Samisdat Publishers Ltd., 1992, 1945, Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2006, p. 162. to rubble—WWII was truly man’s
p. 24. 35 Hastings, Max, Bomber Command, greatest cataclysm. Thousands of
19 Poliakov, Leon, Harvest of Hate, New New York: The Dial Press, 1979, pp. 347- books, movies and documentary films
York: Holocaust Library, 1979, p. 108. 348. have been devoted to the war. But
20 Kershaw, Ian, Hitler, the Germans, 36 Evans, Richard J., Lying About Hitler: there has never been such a gripping
and the Final Solution, New Haven & Lon- History, Holocaust, and the David Irving retelling of the story as one will find
don: Yale University Press, 2008, p. 96. Trial, New York: Basic Books, 2001, p. 158.
21 Irving, David, The Destruction of
here. Throughout this book readers
37 Regan, Dan, Stars and Stripes London
Dresden, New York: Holt, Rinehart and edition, Saturday, May 5, 1945, Vol. 5, No. will see what Allied airmen saw as they
Winston, 1964, pp. 11, 14. 156. rained down death on German cities;
22 Evans, Richard J., Lying About Hitler: 38 DeBruhl, Marshall, Firestorm: Allied or the reader will experience what
History, Holocaust, and the David Irving Airpower and the Destruction of Dresden, those below felt as they trembled in
Trial, New York: Basic Books, 2001, p. 177. New York: Random House, Inc., 2006, pp. their bomb shelters awaiting death.
23 Irving, David, The Destruction of 253-254. The reader will view the horrors of the
Dresden, New York: Holt, Rinehart and 39 Evans, Richard J., Lying About Hitler: Eastern Front during the last months
Winston, 1964, p. 98. History, Holocaust, and the David Irving of fighting, through the mud, blood
24 Evans, Richard J., Lying About Hitler: Trial, New York: Basic Books, 2001, pp. and madness. Readers will witness for
History, Holocaust, and the David Irving 176-177. themselves the fate of German women
Trial, New York: Basic Books, 2001, p. 174. 40 DeBruhl, Marshall, Firestorm: Allied as the rampaging Red Army raped and
25 Taylor, Frederick, Dresden: Tuesday, Airpower and the Destruction of Dresden, murdered its way across Europe.
February 13, 1945, New York: HarperCol- New York: Random House, Inc., 2006, p.
Learn about the worst nautical dis-
lins, 2004, pp. 3, 406. See also River, Charles 254.
Editors, The Firebombing of Dresden: The 41 Evans, Richard J., Lying About Hitler:
asters in history which claimed thou-
History and Legacy of the Allies’ Most History, Holocaust, and the David Irving sands of lives, the greatest mass
Controversial Attack on Germany, Intro- Trial, New York: Basic Books, 2001, p. 177. migration known to man in which
duction, p. 2. 42 Richard Evans expert report as a millions perished and the fate of those
26 Ten Dyke, Elizabeth A., Dresden: PDF at wretched victims in postwar death
camps. Softcover, 390 pages, #549,
$30 minus 10% for TBR subscribers
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THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 8 1


Pan Judah!
Political cartoons of Der Stürmer, 1925-45
By David Skrbina, Ph.D.

hose haunting, humor-
ous, disturbing, fascinat-
ing and clearly anti-Se-
mitic cartoons of Na-
tional Socialist Germany
are back. Let’s recall the story: In
the early 1920s, one of Hitler’s earliest
comrades, and his most important
early convert, was a Nuremberger
by the name of Julius Streicher.
Streicher had built up his own inde-
pendent political party in Franconia,
one that was generally aligned with
National Socialist values. In early
1922, he traveled to Munich to hear
Hitler speak, and was immediately Left, Julius Streicher, publisher of Der Stürmer. He was hanged at Nu-
captivated. Streicher became an ar- remberg by the Allies. At right, illustrator Philipp “Fips” Rupprecht.
dent follower on the spot, and soon
transferred his whole organization Otto Landesberg, Eduard Bernstein, the revolution, the Jews came
Rudolf Hilferding and, especially, in Germany to play in politics
to Hitler’s nascent National Socialist and administration that same
German Workers’ Party (NSDAP). foreign minister Walter Rathenau.
considerable part that they had
The following year, in 1923, Another leading Jew, Hugo Preuss,
previously won by open compe-
Streicher founded a new weekly wrote the Jewish-friendly Weimar tition in business, trade, banking,
newspaper called Der Stürmer— constitution. The situation was well- the press, the arts, the sciences,
“The Stormer” or “The Attacker.” It described by American journalist and the intellectual and cultural
featured local and national news Edgar Mowrer in 1933: life of the country.1
items, as usual, but the central focus In post-war politics, any Jewish historian Walter Laqueur
was on the Jewish question: namely, number of Jews rose to leader- confirms for us that:
the Jewish domination of Germany ship. Both in the Reich and in [W]ithout the Jews, there
via the Weimar regime, and how to the federal states, Jews, particu- would have been no “Weimar
respond to that situation. In the larly Social Democrats, became culture.”… Many leading liberal
years after World War I, Jews dom- Cabinet ministers. In the bureau- and avant-garde publishing hous-
inated not only government, but fi- cracy, the Jews rose rapidly to es were in Jewish hands. Many
nance, theater, the arts, literature, leading positions and, until about leading theater critics were Jews,
academia, medicine and law. Prom- 1930, their number seemed on and they dominated light enter-
inent governmental Jews included the increase. … In short, after tainment.2

82 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

That the celebrated “Weimar cul-
ture” was noted for its lewdness,
depravity and exploitation is appar-
ently of no relevance for him.
Hitler, Streicher and others were
appalled at this thorough Jewish
dominance of Germany, and sought
to drive out the invaders and restore
true German rule. Consequently,
anti-Semitism became a central
theme of the NSDAP, as well as the
main recurring topic in Der Stürmer.
Wanting to give the paper a bit
more eye-catching appeal, in 1925,
Streicher hired a young artist by the
name of Philipp “Fips” Rupprecht. Fips’s illustration of a Jewish Marxist political rabblerouser.
Fips’s job was to enliven the broad-
sheet with regular political cartoons
and comic images, including, espe- Over time, Fips’s cartoons be-
thing else to be seen in the Weimar
cially, a prominent cartoon on the came the signature element of the
period. Fips’s Jewish subjects cov-
first page of every issue. The majority weekly paper, and many Germans
ered a range of appearances. Some
of these images addressed the “Jew- bought it simply for the witty and
were comical, some grotesque, some
ish Question” in some form. clever images that were unlike any-
blatantly obvious caricatures based
on old but sometimes valid stereo-
types. Other images were remarkably
lifelike and realistic. For a humble
cartoonist, Fips had a remarkable
command of various artistic styles
and media. This is all the more strik-
ing given that his venue was highly
restrictive: black-and-white images
on coarse newsprint. But such were
the circumstances of the time.
Fips’s images appeared in Der
Stürmer for a full 20 years, right
through the bitter end of the Third
Reich. His cartoons documented
and illuminated various perceived
Jewish threats, both local and in-
ternational. Apart from their internal
Jewish regime, the Germans had to
contend with Jewish Bolsheviks in
the Soviet Union (Kaganovich,
Zinoviev, Kamenek, Radek, Litvinov,
Yagoda, Goloschchekin, among
others) and their Jewish-Marxist
ideology. And they furthermore were
confronted by Jewish capitalists to
The cover of the April 1937 issue of Der Stürmer featured this illus- the West, in France, the United King-
tration with the headline “Ritual Murder.” The article discussed the dom and, eventually, America.3
murder of 10-year-old Gertrud Lenhof, allegedly killed by a Jew. When Hitler finally came to

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 8 3

power in 1933, he was literally sur- A sample page from Pan Judah!
rounded by Jewish threats, inside
and out. Streicher’s “preoccupation”
with Jews was not unfounded, albeit
a bit shocking in its honesty.
For two decades, Streicher’s little
paper flourished. But we know how
that story ends: He was captured,
tried and executed by hanging at
Nuremberg in October 1946.4 Fips
was also arrested, and served some
five years in prison. Upon release
in 1950, he resumed work in the
Munich area, where he lived until
his death in 1975.
With the defeat of National So-
cialist Germany and the correspon-
ding dominance of Western, Jew-
ish-inspired politically correct media,
the legacy of Fips and Der Stürmer
was all but forgotten. But, a few
years ago, a talented digital artist
by the name of Robert Penman took
notice of the long-neglected cartoons.
He decided to collect the tattered
images from various online sources,
restore them to sharp crispness and,
then—for the first time—to colorize Here is shown but one of the 288 pages from the deluxe edition
them. Of the more than 1,000 Fips of Pan Judah! The illustrations in this 8.5 x 11 book are, of
originals, Penman has restored and course, in full color. We can thank artist Robert Penman for tak-
colorized several hundred to date, ing hundreds of old black-and-white drawings and meticulously
with more being completed on a restoring and colorizing them for this hardback edition. In all,
regular basis. Penman has restored more than 200 illustrations. Adding to
Eventually, he approached Clem- the historical value of the book, WWII scholar Thomas Dalton,
ens & Blair Publishing, and the result Ph.D. (author of Debating the Holocaust and others) has penned
is an amazing new Third Reich-era
an introduction and informative captions for every illustration.
reference source called Pan Judah!.
The results are stunning: Fips’s car- Along with the colorized version of the cartoons, where possible,
toons are presented on high-quality the original illustration from Der Stürmer is also reproduced.
glossy stock in vivid color, the way
Fips would have wanted them had
Der Stürmer not been printed in format 8.5” x 11” hardback produc- in mind, however. Germans, National
black and white. Pan-Judah! in- tion. For several of the cartoons, Socialists and “Nazis” are caricatured
cludes 200 of Fips’s best works, or- the editor has included a small re- all the time. Virtually every German
ganized chronologically, running production of the original black- character from the National Socialist
from the very first image in 1925 to and-white image, which makes for era portrayed in film, literature, pop
the very last in 1945. Concisely a very instructive comparison with culture, mass media and academia
edited and introduced by scholar the colorized version. is, in truth, a caricature—always vil-
Thomas Dalton—a member of TBR’s Are these cartoons “offensive” lainous, always deceitful whether it
Board of Contributing Editors—the to some? Absolutely. No one likes be Adolf Hitler himself or a regular
added text contributes greatly to being caricatured. Yet these images German civilian.
the context and comprehension of are an undeniable part of history. To Once the thought censors get
each image. In most cases, each understand National Socialist Ger- ahold of Pan Judah!, we imagine
cartoon fills the full page, which is many, one must understand its atti- there will be the usual howls of
especially impressive in this large- tude toward Jews. Keep something “anti-Semitism,” “neo-Nazi,” “hate

84 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

speech” and corresponding efforts One-of-a-kind new book from Thomas Dalton, Ph.D.
to censor and “cancel” this book.
Of course, this is absurd, but it will Available from THE BARNES REVIEW BOOK CLUB.
happen. But, really—can a single

Pan Judah!
book of cartoon Jews compare to
the countless instances of cartoon
Germans and evil cartoon and movie
Nazis? A hundred volumes of such
books could not compensate for 80
years of insulting anti-German prop-
aganda. The Political Cartoons of
Pan-Judah! makes a fine addition
to the selections offered at TBR Der Stürmer: 1925-1945
BOOK CLUB. The illustrations open a
door to the Third Reich few have
traveled through. So, while a serious

illustrative history book, it is also eginning in the 1920s, a man named
fun and light reading. There are, Julius Streicher published a small
however, many serious themes cov- weekly German newspaper called Der
ered within the pages. I am struck, Stürmer. Its mission was straightfor-
above all, by the relevancy of many ward: to warn the German people about the
of these themes to the present day: perceived threats posed by foreign and domestic
child traffickers, pedophiles, greedy Jews. The dangers were considered very real,
bankers, pompous politicians, Marxist and Streicher’s stories gave a blunt and direct
agitators, phony doctors and more. account of them.
Political cartoons have always had A key feature of Der Stürmer was its polit-
the power to convey truth and lies ical cartoons. The cover of every issue, and
in visual form. You will have to judge several interior pages, displayed cartoons de-
for yourself if there is any truth to picting various alleged Jewish dangers, in a
be found for you in the rarely seen most striking and graphic form. The lead car-
images in Pan Judah!. ❖ toonist was a man named Philipp “Fips” Rup-
precht. His cartoons became the signature
ENDNOTES: feature of the newspaper, and grew to represent the broader German struggle
1 Germany Puts the Clock Back (1933), against Jewry.
p. 226. With the demise of National Socialist Germany, Der Stürmer and Fips’s car-
2 Weimar: A Cultural History (1974),
toons were largely buried and forgotten. The victorious nations certainly did not
p. 73.
3 For a good account of this situation, want old Nazi images floating around, raising difficult questions about why the
see Thomas Dalton’s recent book The Jew- Nazis were so critical of Jews—and whether any of those criticisms were valid.
ish Hand in the World Wars (#790), avail- Recently, though, a skilled digital artist named Robert Penman rediscovered
able from TBR BOOK CLUB for $16 minus the forgotten images. He carefully restored, colorized and re-issued them. In
10% for TBR subscribers plus $5 S&H Pan Judah!, for the first time, 200 of the best Fips images have been compiled,
inside the U.S. [See page 55 of this issue.] and displayed as they have never been before.
4 For the full details on Julius Streicher’s
Penman has done a masterful job. The images are sharp, crisp and compel-
trial and his remarkable testimony, see
Streicher, Rosenberg and the Jews (soft- ling. The colors are stunningly vivid. The effect is truly astonishing. Fips’s car-
cover, 330 pages, #872), available from toons, originally printed on cheap newsprint, come alive for the first time on
TBR for $16 minus 10% for TBR subscribers high-quality stock. Every image is a masterpiece, a true work of contemporary
plus $5 S&H inside the U.S. art—and each one tells a story: a story with relevance for today.
Organized into six chapters chronologically, Fips’s cartoons clearly demon-
DAVID SKRBINA, PH.D. is a former strate the progression of views over the period of 20 years, from before the Nazis
senior lecturer at the University of Michi- assumed power until the very end of the war. They tell the story of Germany’s
gan. His areas of expertise include social rise and fall as nothing else can. Each has a concise description.
and political philosophy and philosophy of Hardback, 8.5 x 11, color illustrations, glossy, quality stock, 288 pages,
technology. He has published 11 books #910, $75 minus 10% for TBR subscribers plus $10 S&H inside the U.S. Call
and written over 36 academic articles. 1-877-773-9077 toll free to charge, Mon.-Thu. 9-5 ET, send payment to TBR,
More details can be found at Skrbina’s
P.O. Box 550, White Plains, MD 20695 or purchase at

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 8 5


Dr. Sigmund Rascher’s

Medical Experiments
experiments, the use of human ex-
By John Wear, J.D. perimentation during the war was

deemed necessary to help in the
uman medical experi- German war effort. Applications for
ments performed by medical experimentation on humans
German doctors during were usually approved on the ground
World War II are con- that animal tests had taken the re-
sidered by many people searcher only so far. Better results
to be the worst atrocities in all of could be obtained by using humans
history. For example, George Annas in the medical experiments.5
and Michael Grodin write: “No atroc- The Dachau concentration camp
ities, however, can be compared to was used as a center for medical
the human experimentation carried experimentation on humans involving
out by Nazi medical doctors during high altitudes, freezing and other
World War II.”1 experiments. This has been doc-
Dr. Leo Alexander wrote to his umented at the so-called Doctors’
wife after the war about German Trial at Nuremberg, which opened
medicine: “It sometimes seems as if on December 9, 1946, and ended on
the Nazis had taken special pains in July 19, 1947.6 Also, Dr. Charles P.
making practically every nightmare Larson, a leading American forensic
come true.”2 The New York Times pathologist, was at Dachau and con-
called the German doctors’ crimes ducted autopsies, interviews and a
during WWII “beyond the pale of DR. SIGMUND RASCHER review of the remaining medical
even the most perverted medicine.”3 Controversial SS doctor. records to determine the extent of
Many medical doctors also state the medical experimentation at the
that the human medical experiments camp.7
performed by German doctors during inal than many human medical ex- Dr. Sigmund Rascher was a 30-
the war served no useful purpose. periments performed by American year-old assistant physician at Mu-
American Dr. Andrew Ivy, for exam- doctors during and after WWII. nich’s famous Schwabinger Kran-
ple, stated that the Nazi experiments kenhaus hospital when he first met
on humans were of no medical value.4 Heinrich Himmler in April 1939.
This article documents the med- The onset and escalation of World Himmler took an interest in Rascher’s
ical experiments performed by one War II provided the rationalization cancer research, and allowed Rascher
of Germany’s most infamous doctors: for most of Germany’s illegal human to use Dachau concentration camp
Dr. Sigmund Rascher. It also shows medical experimentation. Animal ex- facilities in an effort to switch from
that, contrary to Dr. Ivy’s statement, perimentation was known to be a animal to human experiments.
Dr. Rascher’s human medical ex- poor substitute for experiments on Rascher’s oncological work was in-
periments did produce useful medical humans. Since only analogous in- termittently hampered by his con-
information, and were no more crim- ferences could be drawn from animal scription to the Luftwaffe just before

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A cold water immersion experiment at Dachau concentration camp. At right is Dr. Sigmund Rascher
and, to the left, is Dr. Ernst Holzlöhner. The test subject is shown wearing an experimental suit that
could help delay the effects of hypothermia. This was of obvious interest to the Luftwaffe, which had
seen many pilots perish after being shot down over freezing cold bodies of water.

the war. However, Rascher soon ob- chamber was set up at Dachau to 180 to 200 prisoners were used in
tained authorization to perform observe the reactions of human be- these high-altitude experiments. Ap-
human medical experiments at Da- ings thrown out at extreme altitudes, proximately 10 of these prisoners
chau.8 At the time, Rascher was a and to investigate ways of rescuing were volunteers, and about 40 of the
captain in the Medical Service of them.11 The victims were locked in prisoners were men not condemned
the Luftwaffe, and also held officer the chamber, and the pressure in to death. According to Neff’s tes-
rank in the SS.9 the chamber was then lowered to a timony, approximately 70 or 80 pris-
level corresponding to very high al- oners died during these experiments.12
RASCHER’S EXPERIMENTS titudes. The pressure could be very A film showing the complete sequence
Dr. Rascher conducted high-alti- quickly altered, allowing Rascher to of an experiment, including the au-
tude experiments at Dachau begin- simulate the conditions which would topsy, was discovered in Dr. Rascher’s
ning February 22, 1942, and ending be experienced by a pilot freefalling house at Dachau after the war.13
around the beginning of July 1942.10 from altitude without oxygen. Rascher also conducted so-called
The experiments were performed in Dr. Rascher received authority to freezing experiments at Dachau after
order to know what happened to air conduct these high-altitude experi- the high-altitude experiments were
crews after the destruction of their ments when he wrote to Himmler concluded. These freezing experi-
pressurized cabins at very high alti- and was told that prisoners would ments were conducted from August
tudes, when airmen would be sub- be placed at his disposal. Rascher 1942 to approximately May 1943.14
jected to a quick drop in pressure stated in his letter that he knew the The purpose of these experiments
and lack of oxygen. Rascher’s ex- experiments could have fatal results. was to determine the best way of
periments were performed to inves- According to Walter Neff, the prisoner warming German pilots who had
tigate various possible life-saving who gave testimony at the Doctors’ been forced down in ice-cold seas
methods. To this end, a low-pressure Trial at Nuremberg, approximately and suffered hypothermia. The bodies

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of many Luftwaffe pilots had been exploited the free labor at his Dr. Rascher and his hypothermia
rescued from the icy waters just mi- disposal by having all sorts of experiments at Dachau were also
nutes after they had frozen to death. things made for his own and his not well regarded by many German
The Luftwaffe wanted to know if, family’s use. He was determined medical doctors. In an essay titled
through medical research, doctors to make the most of the fact that “Nazi Science—The Dachau Hypo-
he was in high favor with Himm-
could learn how to bring these pilots ler, and he did not shrink from
thermia Experiments,” Dr. Robert
back to life. 15
any crime. He had many differ- L. Berger, a “Holocaust” survivor,
Rascher’s subjects were forced to ences with his colleagues and wrote:
remain outdoors naked in freezing his chiefs, and several doctors Rascher was not well re-
weather for up to 14 hours, or the refused to collaborate in experi- garded in professional circles …
victims were kept in a tank of ice ments undertaken on his initiative and his superiors repeatedly ex-
water for three hours, their pulse and when they realized his complete pressed reservations about his
internal temperature measured lack of professional conscience performance. In one encounter,
through a series of electrodes. Warm- or scruples.20 Professor Karl Gebhardt, a gen-
ing of the victims was then attempted Dr. Charles Larson strongly con- eral in the SS and Himmler’s per-
by different methods, most usually demned Rascher’s freezing experi- sonal physician, told Rascher in
and successfully by immersion in hot ments. Dr. Larson wrote: connection with his experiments
water. It is estimated that these ex- on hypothermia through expo-
periments caused the deaths of up to sure to cold air that “the report
was unscientific; if a student of
80 or 90 prisoners.16 Rascher promi-
the second term dared submit a
nently reported his medical break- Sigmund Rascher’s treatise of the kind, [Gebhardt]
throughs at a medical symposium
with a paper entitled “Medical Prob- experiments were would throw him out.” Despite
Himmler’s strong support, Rasch-
lems Arising from Sea and Winter.”17
Rascher also experimented with
cruel and unusual, er was rejected for faculty posi-
tions at several universities. A
the effects of Polygal, a substance but, inevitably saved book by German scientists on
made from beet and apple pectin, the accomplishments of German
which aided blood clotting. He pre- many people’s lives. aviation medicine during the war
dicted that the preventative use of devoted an entire chapter to hy-
Polygal tablets would reduce bleeding pothermia but failed to mention
from surgery and from gunshot Rascher’s name or his work.22
wounds sustained during combat. A Dr. Raschau [sic] was in
Dr. Berger concluded: “On anal-
Subjects were given a Polygal tablet charge of this work and … we
found the records of his experi-
ysis, the Dachau hypothermia study
and were either shot through the has all the ingredients of a scientific
ments. They were most inept
neck or chest, or their limbs were compared to Dr. Schilling’s, much fraud, and rejection of the data on
amputated without anesthesia. less scientific. What they would purely scientific grounds is inevitable.
Rascher published an article on his do would be to tie up a prisoner They cannot advance science or save
experience of using Polygal without and immerse him in cold water human lives.”23
detailing the nature of the human until his body temperature re- Rascher had major legal problems
trials. Rascher also set up a company duced to 28 degrees centigrade toward the end of the war. During
staffed by prisoners to manufacture (82.4 degrees Fahrenheit), then 1944, he was accused of financial
the substance.18 Rascher’s nephew, the poor soul would, of course, irregularities in connection with his
a Hamburg doctor, testified under die. These experiments were experiments, and his family was
oath that he knew of four prisoners started in August, 1942, but Ras- charged with the illegal appropriation
who died from Rascher’s testing Po- chau’s [sic] technique improved.
of children. Arrested by the police,
lygal at Dachau. 19 By February 1943, he was able
to report that 30 persons were
Rascher was released on Himmler’s
chilled to 27 and 29 degrees cen- intervention, but, with further inves-
tigrade, their hands and feet tigation, Rascher and his wife were
Dr. Rascher has been condemned frozen white, and their bodies rearrested. Rascher was first impris-
by numerous people. Historian Paul “rewarmed” by a hot bath. … oned in the SS barracks at Munich-
Berben wrote: They also dressed the sub- Freimann, and then later in Dachau
Rascher himself had in any jects in different types of insu- Camp. Rascher’s death is obscure,
case no moral scruples at all. He lated clothing before putting them but it seems probable that he was
pretended to be kindly toward in freezing water, to see how killed in his cell at Dachau shortly
the prisoners and unscrupulously long it took them to die.21 before the war ended.24

88 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

After the war, Strughold was sent
RASCHER’S RESEARCH to the United States as part of the An Ironic End
Despite the widespread criticism top-secret Operation Paperclip pro- Dr. Sigmund Rascher’s time in
of Dr. Rascher’s research, his freezing gram that offered German scientists Germany did not end well for
experiments turned out to be useful immunity from prosecution in ex- him. Rascher had been work-
to both German and Allied doctors. change for their scientific expertise.27
ing on many projects during
Dr. Georg Weltz told Dr. Leo Alex- Strughold became the leader in
his tenure with the Reich. He
ander shortly after the war that Ger- American aviation medicine. His
was experimenting with blood
man doctors had solved an age-old work was directly and indirectly re-
coagulants, cancer cures, the
riddle: Can a man who has frozen to sponsible for many aeromedical ad-
effects of high altitude on pilots
death be brought back to life? Weltz vances. One such advance was the
and, of course, his more fa-
said the answer is yes. Weltz said ability of people to walk effortlessly
mous attempts to revive hu-
the German doctors’ rewarming tech- in a pressurized air cabin. This ad-
vance was developed largely as a mans after suffering hypother-
niques were dependent upon precise
result of Rascher’s high-altitude med- mia. He also told his boss,
body temperature and duration of
rewarming in direct proportion to a ical experiments at Dachau. Strug- Heinrich Himmler, that he
man’s weight. The rewarming meth- hold was called “the father of U.S. thought he could extend the
ods the German doctors developed Space Medicine,” and was honored child-bearing age of women
were so effective that the Luftwaffe by Brooks Air Force Base in Texas, past their 40s. His wife, singer
air-sea rescue service successfully which named its Aeromedical Library Karoline “Nini” Diehl, had
employed these techniques during in his honor.28 known Himmler before she
the war, saving many lives.25 married Rascher, and this bol-
The rewarming techniques re- CONCLUSION stered Himmler’s opinions of
sulting from Rascher’s freezing re- Obviously, Dr. Rascher’s medical the couple. Rascher pointed
search were adopted by British and experiments constituted war crimes. to his wife as a case in point.
American air-crew services after the Paul Hoedeman writes in regard to She, Rascher told Himmler,
war. Edwin Black, The New York Rascher’s high-altitude experiments: was still having healthy babies,
Times best-selling, award-winning “In total, Rascher used 200 prisoners even at age 48. Any nation fac-
investigative author, writes: for his tests, of which 60 died in the ing such overwhelming num-
most dreadful circumstances.” 29 bers of enemy soldiers would,
After the war, Rascher’s con- of course, be interested in
Rascher should rightfully be con-
clusions were gleaned from Nazi ways to increase its population.
reports and reluctantly adopted
demned for conducting such cruel
and lethal medical experiments re- It was a lie. In fact, Rascher’s
by British and American air-sea
gardless of their benefits. wife was caught kidnapping
rescue services. A Nuremberg
war crimes report on Nazi med- However, it would be inaccurate babies that the couple then al-
icine summed up the extreme to state that Rascher’s experiments leged were their own. Rascher
discomfort of Allied military doc- served no useful purpose. Rascher’s was also accused of murdering
tors: “Dr. Rascher, although he freezing research showed that rapid one of his lab assistants,
wallowed in blood … and in ob- and intensive rewarming in hot water amongst other less serious
scenity … nevertheless appears was the best way to help people in crimes. In 1944, he was ar-
to have settled the question of shock recover from exposure to rested and sent to, ironically,
what to do for people in shock cold. His conclusions were adopted Dachau, where he had con-
from exposure to cold. … The by British and American air-sea res- ducted many of his experi-
method of rapid and intensive cue services after the war. Dr. Strug- ments on unwilling human test
rewarming in hot water … should hold also used Rascher’s high-altitude subjects. That same year,
be immediately adopted as the experiments to help in the aeromed- Rascher was executed by the
treatment of choice by the Air-
ical advance of enabling people to Nazis. Himmler also ordered
Sea Rescue Services of the United
walk effortlessly in pressurized air that his old friend, Nini Diehl,
States Armed Forces.”26
cabins. be executed as well.
Rascher reported during the war It would also be inaccurate to
to Dr. Hubertus Strughold, the di- claim that American physicians were
rector of the Luftwaffe Institute for morally superior to the German phys- the moral high ground taken by the
Aviation Medicine. Strughold also icians. During the Doctors’ Trial at U.S. prosecution. Evidence showed
attended the medical conference Nuremberg, Dr. Karl Brandt and the that the Allies had been engaged in
that reviewed Rascher’s research. other defendants were infuriated at illegal medical experimentation,

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including poison experiments on Dr. Ivy had to admit that the U.S. Press, 1975, p. 126.
condemned inmates in other coun- principles on ethics in human medical 12 Ibid., pp. 127-128.
13 Ibid., p. 130.
tries, malaria experiments, and experimentation had been made in 14 Spitz, Vivien, Doctors From Hell: The
cholera and plague experiments on anticipation of Dr. Ivy’s testimony Horrific Account of Nazi Experiments on
children.30 at the Doctors’ Trial.32 ❖ Humans, Boulder, CO: Sentient Publications,
Dr. Robert Servatius, the Doctors’ 2005, p. 85.
Trial defense attorney, expanded on ENDNOTES: 15 Jacobsen, Annie, Operation Paperclip:
1 Annas, George J. and Grodin, Michael The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought
the theme of U.S. Army human ex- Nazi Scientists to America, New York:
A. (editors), The Nazi Doctors and the Nu-
perimentation. American journalist remberg Code, New York: Oxford University Little, Brown and Company, 2014, p. 119.
Annie Jacobsen writes: Press, 1995, p. 6. 16 Berben, Paul, Dachau, 1933-1945,
2 Jacobsen, Annie, Operation Paperclip: The Official History, London: The Norfolk
Servatius had located a Life
The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Press, 1975, p. 133.
magazine article, published in 17 Black, Edwin, Eugenics and America’s
Nazi Scientists to America, New York:
June of 1945, that described how Little, Brown and Company, 2014, p. 123. Campaign to Create a Master Race, New
OSRD [the U.S. Office of Scien- 3 Ibid., p. 241. York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 2003, p.
tific Research and Development] 4 Michalczyk, John J. (editor), Medicine, 381.
conducted experiments on 800 Ethics, and the Third Reich: Historical 18 Berben, Paul, Dachau, 1933-1945,
U.S. prisoners during the war. and Contemporary Issues, Kansas City, MO: The Official History, London: The Norfolk
Servatius read the entire article, Sheed & Ward, 1994, p. 87. Press, 1975, pp. 133-134.
word for word, in the courtroom. 19 Ibid., p. 133.
None of the American judges 20 Ibid., p. 126.
21 McCallum, John Dennis, Crime Doctor,
was familiar with the article, nor
were most members of the pros- Rascher’s rewarming Mercer Island, WA: The Writing Works, Inc.,
1978, pp. 67-68.
ecution, and its presentation in
court clearly caught the Ameri- techniques were 22 Michalczyk, John J. (editor), Medicine,
Ethics, and the Third Reich: Historical
cans off guard.
Because the article specifically adopted by British and Contemporary Issues, Kansas City, MO:
Sheed & Ward, 1994, p. 96.
discussed U.S. Army wartime ex-
periments on prisoners, it was
and American 23 Ibid., p. 97.
24 Berben, Paul, Dachau, 1933-1945,
incredibly damaging for the pros-
ecution. “Prison life is ideal for
air-crew services. The Official History, London: The Norfolk
Press, 1975, p. 134.
25 Jacobsen, Annie, Operation Paperclip:
controlled laboratory work with
The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought
humans,” Servatius read, quoting Nazi Scientists to America, New York:
American doctors who had been 5 Kater, Michael H., Doctors Under Hitler, Little, Brown and Company, 2014, pp. 119-
interviewed by Life reporters. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North 120.
The idea that extraordinary times Carolina Press, 1989, p. 226. 26 Black, Edwin, Eugenics and America’s
call for extraordinary measures, 6 Schmidt, Ulf, Karl Brandt: The Nazi Campaign to Create a Master Race, New
and that both nations had used Doctor, New York: Continuum Books, 2007, York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 2003, p.
human test subjects during war, pp. 359-383. 381.
was unsettling. It pushed the core 7 Cobden, John, Dachau: Reality and 27 Ibid.
Nazi concept of the Untermen- Myth in History: Costa Mesa, CA: Institute 28 Ibid., pp. 381-382.
schen to the side. The Nuremberg for Historical Review, 1991, pp. 34-38. 29 Hoedeman, Paul, Hitler or Hippocrates:
8 Kater, Michael H., Doctors Under Hitler, Medical Experiments and Euthanasia in
prosecutors were left looking like the Third Reich, Sussex, England: The Book
Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North
hypocrites.31 Guild Ltd., 1991, p. 154.
Carolina Press, 1989, p. 125.
The U.S. prosecution flew in Dr. 9 Annas, George J. and Grodin, Michael 30 Schmidt, Ulf, Karl Brandt: The Nazi
A. (editors), The Nazi Doctors and the Nu- Doctor, New York: Continuum Books, 2007,
Andrew Ivy to explain the differences remberg Code, New York: Oxford University p. 376.
in medical ethics between German Press, 1995, p. 71. 31 Jacobsen, Annie, Operation Paperclip:
and U.S. medical experiments. In- 10 Spitz, Vivien, Doctors From Hell: The The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought
terestingly, Dr. Ivy himself had been Horrific Account of Nazi Experiments on Nazi Scientists to America, New York: Little,
involved in malaria experiments on Humans, Boulder, CO: Sentient Publications, Brown and Company, 2014, p. 274.
2005, p. 74. 32 Schmidt, Ulf, Karl Brandt: The Nazi
inmates at the Illinois State Peni- 11 Berben, Paul, Dachau, 1933-1945, Doctor, New York: Continuum Books, 2007,
tentiary. When Dr. Ivy mentioned The Official History, London: The Norfolk pp. 376-377.
that the United States had specific
research standards for medical ex- JOHN WEAR was born in 1953 in Houston. He graduated with a degree in accounting from
perimentation on humans, it turns Southern Methodist University in 1974 and passed the CPA exam later that year. He graduated
out that these principles were first from the University of Texas Law School in 1977 and passed the Texas bar in 1978.With the
published on December 28, 1946, 19 help of friends, John’s website is up and running again at
days after the opening of the trial.

90 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

Revisionist Books on the Holocaust
An Auschwitz Doctor’s Eyewitness Debating the Holocaust:
Account: The Tall Tales of A New Look at Both Sides
Dr. Mengele’s Assistant Analyzed By Thomas Dalton. Issues discussed include: No trace of a
By Carlo Mattogno and Miklós Nyiszli. How do we “know” “Hitler order” to exterminate Jews. Key witnesses falsified or
about Dr. Josef Mengele’s many diabolical deeds? The most exaggerated their stories. Major death camps—Belzec, Chelmno,
important source for what Mengele is said to have done comes Sobibor and Treblinka—have all but vanished. Little evidence
from Miklós Nyiszli, a physician who claims to have been Men- of disturbed earth for mass graves. Few remains of the millions
gele’s assistant. In 1946, he published a book about his experi- of alleged victims. Mass-gassing with Zyklon-B nearly impossible.
ences. The book has become one of the mainstays of the Mass-gassing with diesel exhaust practically impossible. Wartime
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has been in forming opinion about Auschwitz, the writings million number has no basis in fact. Trends in Jewish world
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changes that. Softcover, 484 pages, 51 illustrations, #813, $25. 1 million “survivors” implies few wartime deaths. Ghettos and
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confessed! A classic treatise not only on the WWII holocaust from? How, exactly, did the gas chambers work? Why do we
of the Jews, but also an inside look at how constant torture de- have so little physical evidence from death camps? Why haven’t
stroys a man from within and without. Softcover, 402 pages, we found even a fraction of the 6 million bodies or ashes?
bibliography, index, #802, $25. Why so much media suppression and censorship on this topic?
The “Holocaust” is the greatest murder mystery in history,
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The Horrors of Okinawa

from the Japanese View
Just as with the earlier victories,
By Thomas Goodrich the island-hopping massacres of the

preceding years were played out on
n the morning of April a vastly larger scale at Okinawa.
1, 1945, the largest “No quarter!” was still the under-
American amphibious stood, if unofficial, command of all
force of the Pacific war U.S. forces. And, unfortunately, just
went ashore on the is- as American soldiers had demon-
land of Okinawa. Outnumbering strated on Saipan, little distinction
their Japanese opponent five-to-one, was shown between a Japanese sol-
over half a million soldiers, sailors dier and a Japanese civilian. All
and marines, along with hundreds would die.
of ships and airplanes, were arrayed After urging Japanese soldiers
against the small island. For the from their caves and hiding places
Americans, Okinawa was the last with promises of chocolate, tobacco
obstacle to an all-out invasion of and safety, Americans frequently mur-
the Japanese home islands several dered all in cold blood. Likewise,
hundred miles to the north. For the This WWII propaganda poster many terrified civilians who chose
Japanese, Okinawa was one final shows a Japanese “brute” car- to seek safety under cover of darkness
chance to turn the fortunes of war rying off a White woman. were slaughtered in the thousands.
in their favor, one final chance to “When dawn came,” recalled a
save face in the world and stave off marine after his unit had slaughtered
an impending, humiliating defeat. sion of the Japanese home islands one such group, “[we] left our fox-
Consequently, when the surprised and withdraw. holes, observed the carnage strewed
Americans landed without opposi- In addition to overwhelming man- about the road … women, old men,
tion, it was clear that the Japanese power, the Americans out-classed children. My guesstimate, in the hun-
commanders had wisely chosen to their opponents in heavy tanks, dreds.”
fall back to the southern half of the artillery, ammunition, medicine, food And then there was rape. Because
island where natural defensive po- and virtually everything else needed the great bulk of fighting in the war
sitions were plentiful. Nevertheless, to win a modern battle. Above all against Japan was fought on the
and as all Japanese commanders al- else, however, U.S. aircraft ruled water, in the air or across islands
ready knew, their job was hopeless. the skies, bombing and strafing tar- either uninhabited or sparsely pop-
As most of the top military and po- gets at will. Additionally, hundreds ulated, “rape” is a word seldom men-
litical leaders clearly understood, of new flamethrowing “Satan” tanks tioned in American war diaries or
only a miracle could turn the tide of were brought to bear in the fighting. official reports during the years
battle. The greatest that Japan could Very quickly, another American 1941-1944. When U.S. forces invaded
hope for was to make the fight so pattern appeared at Okinawa that Okinawa, Saipan and other islands
bloody and costly that the Americans had begun on Guadalcanal and con- home to Japanese civilians, however,
would reconsider the planned inva- tinued to other Japanese-held islands. this changed.

92 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

* * *
Soon after U.S. troops came
ashore at Okinawa, sexual assault
on a massive scale began. What oc-
curred on the Motobu Peninsula
was typical. With all local men
pressed into service for the battle,
only women, children and the aged
remained. Moments after reaching
the various villages and finding no
enemy opposition, the American
troops spread out and began the
hunt for hiding females. In broad
daylight, with U.S. officers looking
the other way, the women and girls
were easily found, dragged out and
forced to endure sexual violation.
In one area alone, during a 10-
day period, more than 1,000 women
reported being sexually assaulted.
Since most victims, young and
old, would never come forward and
voluntarily suffer such shame in a
society where chastity was valued
above all else, the number of rapes
was undoubtedly much greater than
When U.S. troops landed on
nearby Zamami, a small islet west
of Okinawa, they immediately began
the wholesale rape of all women
found. Many soldiers dragged the
struggling females down to deserted
coastal areas and raped them at lei-
sure. After being attacked repeatedly,
most of the surviving women were
allowed to return home … but only A U.S. Sailor’s Booty
to face gang rape by the next wave
of Americans. As often as not, there
A U.S. soldier displays his prize: a young Japanese woman.
was nowhere to run.
While we prefer to think of Americans as above the kind of bar-
“On the ground lay the body of a
young Okinawan, a girl who had barity practiced by, for instance, Soviet troops, who were under
been 15 or 16, and probably very orders to rape every “enemy” woman they came across—from
pretty,” remembered an American ages five to 95—the truth is that too many were not and suc-
officer. “She was nude, lying on her cumbed to their animalistic urges. Tens of thousands of Japanese
back with arms outstretched and women were brutally raped—and many killed in the process—
knees drawn up. The poor girl had by U.S. servicemen during the final stages of the war and the
been shot through the left breast occupation. This remains a black mark on America that many
and evidently violently raped.” are simply unaware of. Why? The victors write the history books.
Fresh arriving troops to Okinawa
were initially surprised, shocked

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 9 3

and angered by the rape rampage. of thousands, Okinawans joined the backed by vastly more artillery than
Incidents like the following, however, Japanese defenders as they fell back in the past, but the cold, wet weather
became common: south from one defensive position and the muddy, mountainous terrain
to another. While most sought pro- was the bane of all foot soldiers.
Marching south, men of the
4th Marines passed a group of tection far to the rear, many, women Additionally, unlike the other island
some 10 American soldiers included, actually armed themselves battles that were over and done
bunched together in a tight circle and joined the hopeless defense or fairly soon, Okinawa was a grinding
next to the road. They were performed nursing duties. fight that seemed endless to the
“quite animated,” noted a cor- Some, like 17-year-old Yoshiko men involved. And never before
poral who assumed they were Shimabukuro, no doubt soon re- were the horrors of war more graphic
playing a game of craps. Then, gretted the move. Replacing the and hellish.
as we passed them, I could see daily terror of hiding from the Amer- “Corpses litter the gray, muddy
they were taking turns raping icans, now came the hourly night- landscape,” wrote a stunned corre-
an oriental woman. I was furious, mare of actual combat. Along with spondent with the troops. “There
but our outfit kept marching by many other female students, Yoshiko are numerous severed arms and legs,
as though nothing unusual was
going on. and an occasional head. … Some of
the corpses seem to be grinning.
Some injured women, those who The flesh has rotted away from the
had suffered repeated, violent rapes Anything you did skull and the teeth are bared. I am
or actual war wounds, awoke to afraid that if I stare, one of these
find themselves being treated in could get you killed, grinning dead might ask: ‘Don’t you
local hospitals or even at U.S. med-
ical field camps. But, even there,
including absolutely belong with us?’ ”
“We could be sitting there eating
the savage assaults continued. One nothing. That’s a C-Ration can or a Hershey bar,”
victim, a child, was raped by a GI in said 20-year-old Marine Bill Pierce,
front of her father who happened what it felt like. “and, right there, where Quincy’s
to be in the tent tending to her. Any lying, there’s a dead Jap with an
Asian male—father, son, brother or arm sticking up or a mangled leg. It
complete stranger—who attempted didn’t mean a thing. We’d become
to stop the attacks was murdered was mobilized to serve the Japanese completely immune to it. You be-
on the spot. defenders as a nurse: came hardened to it immediately.”
Other young women and children We only had basic training And, unlike other island battles,
were sexually assaulted when star- in how to put on bandages, but the enemy’s constant use of heavy
vation forced them to approach the wounded soldiers they artillery was by far the greatest
Americans to beg for food. Those brought in were beyond help. terror and challenge for young Amer-
Okinawan females trapped in the … They had legs ripped off, their ican soldiers on Okinawa. During
recently constructed concentration intestines were falling out, faces such an earth-shaking, non-stop
camps were easy prey for the U.S. missing. We simply had no idea thunderous roar as an artillery bar-
soldiers who went from one tent to what to do. … The constant rage could deliver, all reason and
another in their daily and nightly screaming was dreadful.
sanity were lost as the terrified sol-
“girl hunts.” While Okinawa civilians and the dier shivered and cringed at the bot-
Horrified, and with dreaded rape Japanese defenders of the island tom of a muddy hole, arms covered
clearly ahead, females quickly did were suffering through a nightmare tightly around his helmeted head—
the only thing they could: “We cut of unimaginable terror, American convinced every shell screaming
off our hair and smeared our faces soldiers were passing through their down had his name written on it.
with soot from the bottom of pots own personal hell. Then, when a soldier saw another
and pans to make ourselves look * * * man “atomized” by a direct artillery
ugly to avoid the American soldiers,” By far, Okinawa was the worst hit, it altered the soldier forever.
one woman recalled. combat Americans experienced in From that moment forward, whether
* * * the entire Pacific war. Terrible as it was the enemy or a friend, it was
Increasingly, as word spread of places like Tarawa and Iwo Jima always he, the viewer, who received
murder and rape at the hands of the had been, they were nothing com- that direct hit, always he who was
American invaders, rare was that pared to Okinawa. Not only was the blown into a fine red mist of a
Okinawan civilian, male or female, enemy more numerous, more de- million particles, always he who
who hesitated to flee. By the tens termined, more deeply dug in and was next up.

94 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

“From my experience, of all the
hardships and hazards the troops
had to suffer, prolonged shell fire
was more apt to break a man psy-
chologically than anything else,” re-
membered another young Marine
private, Eugene Sledge:
Some of the concussion cases
could walk and were helped and
led (some seemed to have no
sure sense of direction) to the
rear like men walking in their
sleep. Some wore wild-eyed ex-
pressions of shock and fear.
Others whom I knew well,
though could barely recognize,
wore expressions of idiots or
simpletons knocked too witless
to be afraid anymore. The blast
of a shell had literally jolted
them into a different state of
awareness from the rest of us.
“I’ve seen guys sitting there sob-
bing,” recalled young Bill Pierce.
“Others refused to go up the line.
… Anything you do could get you
killed, including absolutely nothing.
That’s what it felt like.”
“The stench of death was all
over,” said Pierce. “It stank no matter
where you were. … When you ate,
you opened a can and the flies would
be all over it in seconds. You had to
try and cover the can up.”
The smell of rotting bodies truly
was “overpowering,” agreed Pvt.
Sledge. Sledge said:
The mud was knee deep in
some places, probably deeper
in others if one dared venture
there. For several feet around Rather than go out and rape a Japanese woman, which many
every corpse [and there were U.S. servicemen found abhorrent, some preferred to develop a
thousands of those], maggots voluntary relationship with just one Japanese woman. Many of
crawled about in the muck. … these kinds of experiences were captured in the publication
The scene was nothing but mud;
shell fire; flooded craters with Babysan, written and illustrated by U.S. servicemen. This illus-
their silent, pathetic, rotting oc- tration from Babysan shows one such liaison. The young Japa-
cupants. nese woman has decided to date a U.S. sailor, but expects finan-
Sledge continues: cial support for the things she does to comfort the sailor. In truth,
for many young Japanese women, such monetary arrangements
If a Marine slipped and slid
were the only way in which they could help their families survive
down the back slope of the
muddy ridge he was apt to reach the hardships of the occupation. The caption read: “Picture my
the bottom vomiting. I saw more mother, my brother, my sister—have to give money payday!”
than one man lose his footing
and slip and slide all the way to

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 9 5

Rapes of Japanese women by soldiers of the U.S. occupational force had become so common and so de-
moralizing for the citizenry that the government called on Japanese women between the ages of 18 and
25 to become “comfort women,” i.e., prostitutes. This photo shows a long line of U.S. sailors waiting in
line at a “comfort” brothel set up in Yokosuka, south of Tokyo. In 1946, Gen. Douglas MacArthur shut the
brothels down after learning that many of the prostitutes had been forced to participate against their will.

the bottom, only to stand up Men struggled and fought and along with her decapitated child still
horror-stricken as he watched bled in an environment so de- strapped on her back, there was no
in disbelief while fat maggots grading I believed we had been escaping the horror of Okinawa.
tumbled out of his muddy dun- flung into hell’s own cesspool. Eventually, Fumiko found yet another
garee pockets, cartridge belt, * * * cave and. although it was packed
legging lacings, and the like. . . . By late June 1945, the battered, with at least 20 others, the girl was
Every crater was half full of beaten and heavily outnumbered Ja- hopeful. Unfortunately, American
water, and many of them held a panese defenders of Okinawa had soldiers soon found the refuge and
Marine corpse. The bodies lay been driven back to their final de-
pathetically just as they had been ordered the people to come out. So
fenses at the southern tip of the is- terrified were those inside that when
killed, half submerged in muck
land. And now, more than ever, tens the soldiers began firing into the
and water, rusting weapons still
in hand. Swarms of big flies hov- of thousands of terrified civilians cave, no one moved. Finally, and to
ered about them. . . . sought refuge from the advancing the horror of everyone inside, the
Americans. soldiers sprayed liquid fire into the
For Eugene Sledge and thousands The experiences of 15-year-old cave from a flame-thrower. Those
of his comrades, Okinawa was as Fumiko Shimabukuro were the ex- toward the front of the cave were
much about sanity as it was survival, periences shared by thousands of quickly killed. When the Americans
for to lose the one was the same as others. Moving from cave to cave to again called for all to come out,
losing the other. stay ahead of the U.S. advance, the those who had survived did.
I existed from moment to mo- young woman saw sights she was “Around 20 Okinawans went into
ment, sometimes thinking death unprepared for, sights that seemed that cave,” Fumiko recalled, “but
would have been preferable. We straight from hell—whether it was only seven of us came out. When I
were in the depths of the abyss, ponds literally red with blood, or emerged, my kimono was burned
the ultimate horror of war. … whether it was a mother struggling to my skin and I was half naked.”

96 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CTO B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

Civilians in caves had reason to “There was literally nowhere left
be doubly terrified. If a Japanese to run,” remembered one young man.
soldier among them rashly fired his “We were caught like mice in a trap.
weapon at approaching Americans, Very soon there were so many bodies
the soldiers were sure to toss in a we were tripping over them.”
satchel charge, or phosphorus gre- * * *
nades or a blast from a flamethrower. Finally, on June 22, 1945, after
Another method to kill all in a cave 82 days of bloody combat, the fight
was to drill a hole from above then for Okinawa finally ended. In addi-
pour in and ignite gasoline. tion to over 12,000 American deaths
After one group of U.S. soldiers on land and sea, virtually the entire
received enemy fire, a woman was force of 100,000 Japanese defenders
seen nearby and it was quickly as- was killed, either in actual combat,
sumed she was spotting for snipers. murdered while trying to surrender
“Shoot the bitch, shoot the Jap or due to their own suicide. Fully
woman,” they yelled. A bullet as horrific, anywhere from one-third
knocked the woman down but she to one-half of the population of Oki-
soon staggered to her feet and tried
to pick up the baby she had been
nawa itself, from 100,000 to 150,000 Rage & Revenge
people, also died. It was, by far, the Torture and Atrocities
holding. More bullets dropped the greatest death toll of the entire Pac-
mother for good. ific war to date. in War & Peace
During the last days of Okinawa, Okinawa, said a historian after Tom Goodrich’s Rage & Revenge
large numbers of Japanese soldiers, the battle, was a “vast field of mud, is a terrifying, intense, up-close and
fearful that if they surrendered they lead, decay and maggots.” Added brutally honest personal look at
would be tortured slowly and killed, Hanson W. Baldwin of The New York what war and its aftermath are
either committed suicide or fought Times: “Never before had there been, really like. For too long, the true
then and there to the death. probably never again will there be, nature of combat and the “peace”
Likewise, civilians, especially such a vicious, sprawling struggle.” that follows have been concealed.
women fearing gang rape and hu- * * * Most who have never witnessed
miliation, chose to end their lives But the horror did not end on
war naively assume that there are
by embracing a hand grenade and Okinawa simply because the Japa-
rules and laws governing such
pulling the pin. Since there were nese defenders had been wiped out.
contests. As the reader of Rage &
seldom enough grenades to go As was the case in Europe, after
Revenge will quickly discover, this
around, frightened people often the fighting ended the massive raping
is a lie. All war is wild, chaotic, bru-
gathered in groups before pulling began, especially among those who
tal and primitive. War is also the
the pin. Others, with no better had seen little actual combat, the
refuge where some of the most sick
means, simply found anything rear echelon troops. In countless
and sadistic among us may live out
sharp—a piece of jagged metal, a towns and villages on the island,
their darkest fantasies. In a fast-
shard of glass—and cut their own women and girls, imagining that the
war had ended, soon found out paced, no-nonsense writing style,
throats and those of their children. Covering such wars as the Indian
Finally, as the last hours ap- otherwise. Rape was so pervasive
after the American victory that vir- Wars during the conquest of the
proached and the end was in sight, American West, and the island hop-
tens of thousands of civilians and tually all Okinawan women either
suffered themselves, or knew some- ping of the American military
Japanese troops jammed together
one who had. ❖ against the Japanese, Goodrich
on the cliffs at land’s end. “Young
weaves a tale of some of the worst
women sat on the rocks, carefully
THOMAS GOODRICH is a professional crimes committed in war. Soft-
combed their black hair, and then
writer living in the U.S. and Europe. His cover, 222 pages, #841, $20 minus
quietly jumped into the ocean,” said
biological father was a U.S. Marine in 10% for TBR subscribers plus $5
a witness. “Infants and small children
the WWII Pacific Theater and his adoptive S&H inside the U.S. from TBR,
drowned with their mothers.” father was in the U.S. Air Force in Europe. P.O. Box 550, White Plains, MD
As if the horror was not already He is the author of many books sold by
great enough, U.S. airplanes strafed 20695. Call 1-877-773-9077 toll
TBR including Hellstorm: The Death of
the mass of people with machine- free to charge, Mon.-Thu. 9-5 ET.
Nazi Germany and The Day Dixie
gun fire, sending hundreds more Died: Southern Occupation, 1865-1866.
over the cliffs.

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cover, 461 pages, #846, $30.
world pacification—a “mission,” assigned to them by God.
The aim is not to convert the world to Judaism but, rather, to End Times Warfare: The Eschatological
incite the other peoples to abandon their racial, national and
religious identities and favor the spirit of “tolerance” between
Beliefs of the Great Religions
men. The Jews thus feel compelled to engage in perpetual agi- Eschatology is the study of “End Times” doctrines. All three
tation intended to convince the world to adopt their project. of the great monotheistic religions, i.e., Judaism, Christianity
They are a people of propagandists. It is not by chance that and Islam, contain a belief that the world was created by
they are so influential in the mass media of all democratic so- God, and that this same world must come to an end. This
cieties. The incessant guilt-tripping campaigns directed at Eu- theme of the end times and the coming of the Messiah are
ropeans of all stripes and for all crimes, whether real or also found in Judaism—the “Mother Religion”—as well as
imagined, relating to slavery, colonialism, pillaging the Third Islam, which also draws its inspiration from the Old Testament.
World or Auschwitz, have no other aim, when all is said and And yet, these three religions are completely incompatible
done, than to eradicate all sense of collective identity. When with each other. Why? For the pure and simple reason that
the Jews are the only people on Earth who have retained their their vision of the future diverges on this fundamental point:
faith and traditions, they will at last be recognized by all as At the end of time, one—and only one—religion is to
“God’s Chosen People.” Israel’s Messiah, whose coming has triumph. In the end, the religion whose goals are the clearest
been awaited every day for 2,000 years, will then re-establish and whose faith the most ardent will bear away the victory.
David’s kingdom and give the Jews a stranglehold over the Which will it be? Softcover, 189 pages, #855, $25.

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 9 9


The Acadians
From the Great Upheaval
to the Great Replacement
thers grouped along the St. Lawrence
By Rémi Tremblay River. In 1682, while New England

boasted of tens of thousands of in-
eaders of THE BARNES RE- habitants, Acadia could count only
VIEW are well aware of 915.1 However, thanks to high birth-
the forced dispossession rates, those few hundreds of French
of Sudeten Germans fol- Catholics reached a population of
lowing World War II, but 13,000 by 1750.
they may not know that a similar Acadians were not interested in
drama happened right here in North the world’s power struggles. They
America, in eastern Canada, with developed a mentality that could be
the French population of the Atlantic compared to that of the Hobbits in
provinces of Canada being deported The Lord of the Rings. But, despite
by the British in a blatant attempt at this voluntary separation from world
genocide. Mostly ignored by English affairs, they inhabited a land of strate-
historians, the episode of British gic importance for both the French,
brutality is known as the Great Dis- who lived up north and wanted to
placement or the Great Upheaval. keep a safe route across the Atlantic,
Since the 17th century, the At- and the English, in the south, who
lantic coast of Canada had been felt a French presence just north of
populated by a pastoral people com- New England posed a threat.
posed of French colonists. Scattered That is what led Sir William Phipps
This photo of an Acadian wo- from Boston to capture Port-Royal
in Acadia, in what is now known as
man in traditional garb holding in 1690, although the city was later
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and
Prince Edward Island, those French her Bible was snapped in the restored. In the following years, there
fishermen and farmers were living 1930s near New Iberia, Louisi- would be skirmishes between English
almost free from external control. ana. Acadians, no matter where colonists, who wanted to expand,
Despite being close to New France, they ended up, refused to dis- and the Acadians, backed by the
they entertained very few relation- card their cultural traditions. Abenaki tribes. Tensions reached a
ships with their northwestern bro- new level with the War of the Spanish

100 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CT O B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

Succession that erupted in 1701 be-
tween French King Louis XIV and the
English Queen Anne Stuart. This long
war would last 13 years and was ex-
tended to the New World, pitting
French and English colonies in a proxy
war. Unfortunately for the Acadians,
the French were too busy in Europe
to afford sending sufficient troops to
the colonies and, thus, the Acadians
were mostly left to themselves. Isolated
and barely able to survive due to poor
crops and lack of support from France,
further weakened by the English in-
cursions, Port-Royal surrendered with-
out any fight when English vessels ap-
proached. On October 13, 1710, sur-
render was signed and Port-Royal was
rebaptized Annapolis Royal.
Samuel Vetch was assigned the
command of the fort. This Scottish
soldier, promoted to colonial governor
of Nova Scotia, had long wanted to
eradicate the French presence in North
America and was already looking to
the west, planning to take over New Reading the Expulsion Order
France. In the meantime, he started
planning the replacement of the Cath- The Great Upheaval—also known as the Great Deportation or the
olic Acadians with Protestant colonists.
Great Displacement—is the seminal event in Acadian history.
His brutal treatment of the Acadians
Many historians, including John Mack Faragher, have described
led to official complaints against him.2
Acadians were generally hostile to it in less sanitized terms as an ethnic cleansing, pure and simple.
this new administration. However, they Between the years 1755-1762, approximately 12,000 Catholic Aca-
remained passive, unlike their allies dians, all of French descent, were told their time in what is now
the Abenakis who continued the strug- the Maritimes was over. In meetings with Acadian leaders in Hali-
gle with the support of New France, fax, British Gov. Charles Lawrence insisted the delegates take an
which was also fighting the Bostonians. oath of allegiance to Britain. Most refused. Lawrence then signed
Defending their own besieged country, the order for mass deportation. The Acadians had lived on their
the inhabitants of the St. Lawrence land since the founding of Port-Royal in 1604, but this mattered
Valley could not afford to dispatch not. Nearly all of these freedom-loving people were shipped to
troops to Acadia. locations south of the Canadian border along the Atlantic sea-
The war ended with the Treaty of board. This included Maine, Maryland (originally a Catholic state
Utrecht on April 11, 1713. France, that offered freedom of religious choice), New York, Hispañiola,
which had been unable to defend her Brazil and some back to France. Those who refused to leave or
colonies, ceded Newfoundland, Hud- take the oath saw their homes and crops burned to the ground
son Bay and Acadia to the British.
by British redcoats. Most had no choice but to obey the deporta-
However, if the cessation was official,
tion orders. Eventually, a good proportion of the Acadians ended
the treaty failed to mention the exact
borders of these lands, and this omis- up in Louisiana, then under Catholic Spanish control. (See page
sion would lead to further conflicts. 102 for a chart of destinations.)
In fact, France decided to annex a

THE BARN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 1 0 1

part of New Brunswick, Cape Breton Acadian Population in
and Isle Saint-Jean3 to the territory of
New France in order to avoid aban- 1763 According to the
doning those domains. Historical Atlas of Canada
According to Article 14 of the treaty,
Acadians would become British sub- Place Acadians
jects, but would be allowed to enjoy
Massachusetts 1,050
their property and religious rights.4
Queen Anne, in a letter to Gov. Francis Connecticut 650
Nicholson, who had replaced Vetch, New York 250
reiterated those rights, although, as Maryland 810
the Acadians would learn, these rights Pennsylvania 400
would soon be abrogated. Caroline du Sud 300
It is a fact that Louis XIV thought Georgia 200
about one day reconquering Acadia. Nova Scotia 1,250
Not long after the Treaty of Utrecht,
‘A Tale of Acadie’ he erected the fortress of Louisbourg
New Brunswick
on Cape Breton Island. He also hoped
The plight of the Acadians England 850
that the Acadians would leave their
and the drama of the Great France 3,500
land to resettle around the newly built
Upheaval was put into words
fort, something that did not happen. Quebec 2,000
in 1847 by American author
Acadians, being first and foremost Prince Edward Island 300
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
loyal to the soil they had plowed and Baie-des-Chaleurs 700
(above) in the epic poem Evan-
sown, felt protected by the British
geline: A Tale of Acadie. Total 12,660
assurances that their rights would be
In the poem, Longfellow
respected. The leaders of Louisbourg
retells the story of Evangeline
did welcome the displaced French
and Gabriel, two young lovers
inhabitants of Newfoundland, but very something the Acadians refused to
who were separated by the
few from Acadia. On top of the Aca- do, as they saw it as a violation of
British on the day of their en-
dian lack of desire to relocate, the their Catholic faith. Doucett’s succes-
gagement. Having landed in
British authorities blockaded Nova sor Richard Philipps faced the same
different locations in the United
Scotia, thus preventing any Acadian problem. He saw that Acadians were
States, Evangeline traveled ac-
boats from leaving. obedient and cooperative, still, that
ross America to find the man
The Treaty of Utrecht, because it situation had to be made official. In
she loved, while Gabriel, hope-
did not define the borders between order to do so, he started establishing
less, moved west and left the
New France and Acadia, was bound a dialogue and set up a council where
civilized world. Forever pure,
to lead to a new confrontation, exactly Acadians would be represented to
Evangeline joined a religious
like the harsh Treaty of Versailles discuss their different options. Un-
order, thus never betraying her
ending World War I inevitably lead to fortunately, in 1725, a cruel man, Law-
vows. Fate had it that the two
a new war in Europe. rence Armstrong, who would commit
faithful fiancés would reunite
In Nova Scotia, though, the political suicide in 1739, was named as his
one last time on Earth before
climate was calm, and the French did second-in-command. While Philipps
their deaths.
accept the situation, happy to resume was absent, he had three Acadian
Even though it was written
their peaceful lives. The problems representatives who refused the oath
in 1847 and it was the work of
arose at the northern border with of allegiance arrested. In order to
an American outsider, Evan-
French colonists and their Native avoid the deterioration of social amity,
geline remains the most fa-
allies contesting the English claims Philipps came back and managed to
mous Acadian book up to now,
on some tracts of land. That led to convince the Acadians to pledge alle-
and is still widely read. In fact,
armed conflict. giance, although a clause allowed
the poem has become a found-
When John Doucette was named them to remain neutral in case of a
ing myth in Acadia and one
governor of Nova Scotia, he decided conflict between England and France.
can see Evangeline’s hopeful
to make sure the Acadians would not Such an article fitted perfectly the
statue in Grand-Pré, erected
side with the northern French, and Acadian pacific mentality and made
more than 100 years ago.
determined that they would have to sure that they would never be asked
pledge allegiance to the British Crown, to fight their former motherland. After

102 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CT O B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

Above, Acadian exiles are shown waiting to board boats in Ipswich, Canada, 1755.

being a potentially hostile population, conquer Acadia with the help of Even though the French pop-
the Acadians were transformed into local Indian bands. However, the ulation showed no hostility toward
French neutrals. French were soon disappointed. The the new rulers, in 1747, Massachu-
The years that followed were Acadians, with the exception of a setts Gov. William Shirley sent a
calm, and Acadia became prosper- few, refused to join their cause. They letter to London to ask for the Aca-
ous once more. The population had vowed to remain neutral and dians to be deported. His request
soared, just like in New France. Ho- abided by their oath. was turned down, but he was nev-
wever, despite the high fertility rate The offensive launched simulta- ertheless mandated to prepare for
of the French Catholics, the pop- neously from New France and Louis- such an eventuality.6 At that point,
ulation of the English colonies, bourg was soon stopped by a massive Acadians, thanks entirely to their
thanks to the constant influx of new counteroffensive from New England. fecundity, had reached a population
colonists, increased faster, and the In June, Louisbourg fell and, the fol- of 13,000.
subject of the threat posed by New lowing month, 2,400 inhabitants were The year after the Treaty of Aix
France was once again brought for- deported to France. Not only had la Chapelle put an end to the War of
ward. Among those who wished to France failed to conquer Acadia, but the Austrian Succession, the French
eradicate the presence of the French they had lost their remaining pos- territories were given back to France.
was Benjamin Franklin.5 sessions to the English colonists In fact, everybody agreed to go back
Peace came to an end in 1744, who had managed to gain control to the territories as defined in 1713.
when a new European conflict of the entire peninsula. Jean-Baptiste However, the lack of definite borders
crossed the ocean. The French saw de La Rochefoucauld’s attempt, the still remained a thorny issue.
this new war as a way to reconquer following year, to recapture it would To replace an aging Philipps, Lon-
the territories abandoned in 1713. fail miserably, mostly due to lack of don dispatched Edward Cornwallis,
War parties left Louisbourg to re- serious preparation. whose statue was recently defaced

THE BA RN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 1 0 3
Artist Claude Picard’s illustration shows British troops burning Acadian homesteads.

and removed in Halifax. His objective: Louis Le Loutre’s advice. Acadians had to sign the new pledge
Make Nova Scotia a British province. Luckily for the Acadians, Corn- or abandon everything and leave.
He thus contacted the Acadian rep- wallis had bigger fish to fry and was Fearful that they could try to escape
resentatives and gave them an ulti- busy securing the still-not-settled via the north to New France, he
matum: they had three months to border and building Halifax. There- raised a militia that blocked the road
renew their oath of loyalty if they fore, the threat never materialized. to escape by capturing the remaining
did not wish to be deprived of their Still, in 1752, when Peregrine Thomas French forts on the contested border.7
rights. And, this time, there was no Hopson replaced him, Acadians From then on, Acadians were trapped.
more “neutrality clause.” Acadians sighed in relief, especially as he was By sealing the border, Lawrence had
had to swear total allegiance to King an advocate of establishing good re- also sealed the fate of the Acadians.
George II. Those who wished to lations with the locals. He knew they France protested, but to no avail.
leave would not be permitted to sell had never rebelled. Unfortunately, The English were already impinging
their goods. They would simply be this time peace was temporary. Se- on French territories in the Ohio
confiscated. verely ill and unable to fulfill his Valley, and the ever-more-common
Such an ultimatum was obviously duty, Hopson left his position to skirmishes were a prelude to another
unacceptable for those Acadians Charles Lawrence, a veteran who war to come.
who had lived on this soil for gener- had fought against French Canadians On July 25, 1755, Lawrence
ations. The pledge of 1730, or their and shared Cornwallis’s view on warned the 30 Acadian representa-
departure with their goods, was their Acadia and Acadians. tives from Annapolis that they had
counterproposal. Many, around 2,000, With the support of London, Law- three days to comply with the new
left the territory, following Father rence reiterated Cornwallis’s choice: pledge. Three days later, Acadian

104 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CT O B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

representatives from the other re-
gions faced a similar choice and,
like the ones of Annapolis, refused.
Lawrence had the representatives
arrested and, on July 31, he ordered
his commanding officers, Robert
Monkton, John Winslow, Alexander
Murray and John Handfield, to round
up all the Acadians while making
sure they would not escape with
their herds and other valuables. All
of their goods were to be confiscated
and the three priests who were still
preaching were immediately de-
ported to England. The Great Up-
heaval had begun.
On August 8, a plan was estab-
lished: Villages were to be destroyed
to make sure Acadians could not
find any safe haven, but crops were
to be preserved. Soldiers had to be
ready to pursue the Acadians into
the woods if they tried to escape.
Once rounded up, the Acadians
would be deported to different lo-
cations, isolated from one another.
On August 11, the plan was set
in motion, and troops were dis-
patched. On September 5, all the in-
habitants of Grand-Pré saw their be-
longings seized and, in the following
days, they were herded onto ships
that would take them to faraway
lands. Some boats were so over-
crowded that the Acadians could The Burning of the Pembroke
not all lay down at the same time In general, Acadians did not offer any armed resistance to de-
and had to take turns sleeping. In portation. Some fled into the woods, but most simply accepted their
the mayhem of this deportation, fate rather passively. The case of the Pembroke represents an ex-
many families were broken up, some ception worth mentioning. On that British vessel, 32 Acadian families
children not being boarded on the were herded together, for a total of 232 prisoners. After being isolated
same boats as their parents. The from the other boats because of bad weather while heading for
tale of Evangeline, written by Henry North Carolina, the prisoners managed to rebel and take control of
Longfellow, tells the story of two the ship.
lovers who were thus separated. They headed north and reached the region of the St. Jean River,
What could not be confiscated still under French control. There, they were attacked by a British
was simply destroyed by the British boat flying French colors, and managed to escape. They entered
Red Coats. the river and sailed toward safe haven. They finally stopped at
In all, more than 7,000 Acadians, Sainte-Anne-des-Pays-Bas, today Fredericton and, from there, many
representing 70% of those living in were relocated to Quebec City in August 1756. They resettled in the
British territories, were thus de- region surrounding the city, and none ever returned to Acadia. Their
ported. The remaining 3,000 fled extraordinary story was dramatized in a 1955 novel Acadian Be-
into the woods or somehow managed trayal by Mary Weekes, however the Great Upheaval is still an event
to reach New France or free Acadian that is not that well known, even in Canada.
territories to avoid being shipped to
unknown lands.

THE BA RN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 1 0 5
The word “Cajun,” referring to the French
people of Louisiana, comes from a bad
pronunciation of the word “Acadians.”

The Acadians were scattered to once more to make room for the
different locations. Local authorities Loyalist immigrants.9
were asked to ensure the Acadians It is estimated that today 815,000
could never regroup. The objective Acadian descendants live in Lou-
was to assimilate them. Some who isiana, but have assimilated to the
arrived in Boston were treated as English culture, while 32,950 live in
slaves. The ones shipped to Virginia Quebec. Those few who remained
were decimated by sickness while in Acadia are still struggling to obtain
in custody after their arrival. Mary- rights to speak their native tongue.
Incredible Survival Stories: land proved to be the exception to Their number is decreasing in Nova
Tales of Death-Defying the general rule. The welcome was Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
Treks Across the Globe warm, and the Acadians were even New Brunswick is the only province
allowed to be visited by priests. with an Acadian population large
By Jay Cassell and Veronica Alva- Many of those who had landed in enough to be reckoned with. ❖
rado. Scale the world’s highest American colonies were eventually
peaks, plunge to the depths of the resettled in England. Others took to ENDNOTES:
ocean, wade through the dense jun- the road and tried to reach Canada 1 Fontenau Jean-Marie, Les Acadiens.
gles of the Amazon, and cross every or Louisiana,8 which became a prime Citoyens de l’Atlantique, Ed. Ouest-France,
Rennes, 1996, p. 52.
terrain in between in Incredible Sur- destination. In fact, the word “Cajun,” 2 Waller, George and Vetch, Samuel in
vival Stories. Featuring over a dozen referring to the French people of Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 2,
firsthand accounts from celebrated Louisiana, where French presence University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003,
explorers and adventurers. Join is still visible, comes from a mispro-
nunciation of “Acadians.” 3 Today known as Prince Edward Island.
Theodore Roosevelt’s standoff with 4 Laplante, Corinne, Le Traité d’Utrecht
an African lion. Fight in the heat of While the Acadian drama was et l’Acadie; une étude de la correspondance
battle with Ulysses S. Grant. Battle unfolding, tensions between the secrète et officielle qui a entouré la signature
a sandstorm in the Gobi Desert with American colonies and New France du Traité d’Utrecht (“The Treaty of Utrecht
were increasing. Isolated skirmishes and Acadia: A Study of the Secret and Official
Sven Hedin. Discover uncharted Correspondence Surrounding the Signing of
were turning into a full-scale war.
American territory with Lewis and The English quickly took control of the Treaty of Utrecht,” master’s thesis, Uni-
Clark. Follow Ernest Shackleton’s the Acadian territories that were
versité de Moncton, 1974, pp. 124-125
5 Benjamin Franklin cited in Barbé-mar-
perilous Antarctic voyage. Circum- still under French rule and deported bois François, Histoire de le Louisiane et
navigate the globe with Sir Francis the inhabitants to France or England. de la cessation de cette colonie par le France
Drake. Tag along on even more Many never reached their destination, aux États-Unis de l’Amérique septentrionale,
amazing adventures! With more dying from onboard epidemics. Paris, Firmin Didot, 1829, p. 139.
6 Fontenau, Jean-Marie, op. cit., p. 100.
than 36 photographs and illustra- The hunt for escaped Acadians 7 Tremblay, Rémi, Les Acadiens: du
tions that help bring these tales to finally came to an end in 1762. At Grand Dérangement au Grand Remplace-
life, Incredible Survival Stories is a that moment, New France had been ment, Dualpha, Paris, 2015, p. 48.
must-have for every armchair adven- conquered and France was no longer 8 Fontenau, Jean-Marie, op. cit., p. 127.
a threat in America. Only a few scat- 9 Tremblay, Rémi, op. cit., pp. 46-57.
turer! Softcover, 328 pages, #863,
$18 minus 10% for TBR subscribers tered Acadians were left on this land
of desolation that had once been RÉMI TREMBLAY is the editor of the
plus $5 S&H inside the U.S. from French-Canadian magazine Le Harfang
TBR, P.O. Box 550, White Plains, considered their Promised Land.
as well as the author of a book devoted to
MD 20695. Call 1-877-773-9077 Confident that the threat was the plight of the Acadians: Les Acadiens:
definitely gone, the authorities al-
toll free to charge, Mon.-Thu. 9-5 du Grand Dérangement au Grand Rem-
lowed Acadians to return. Many did. placement. He is also a sought-after free-
ET or you can purchase it online at:
But those who did still faced serious lance journalist for various European and problems. Following the American North American media.
Revolution, some were uprooted

106 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CT O B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE



The Story of the Nations

ere is the uncensored his- quesne (1756-1758); the struggle for
tory of Canada without the Valley of the St. Lawrence, Canada
the political correctness. won by Wolfe on the Plains of Abraham
Written in 1896 by Sir (1759-1763); a period of transition,
John G. Bourinot, the book covers Pontiac’s War, the Quebec Act (1760-
the dominion of Canada from ocean 1774); the American Revolution, the
to ocean, the dawn of discovery in Ca- invasion of Canada, the death of Mont-
nada from 1497 to 1525; how a Breton gomery (1774-1783); the coming of
sailor discovers Canada and its great the Loyalists (1783-1791); foundation
river system (1534-1536), the period of the new provinces and the estab-
from Jacques Cartier to Dugua De lishment of representative institutions
Monts (1540-1603); the period of (1792-1812); the War of 1812; patri-
French occupation of Acadia and the otism of the Canadians grows; political
foundation of Port Royal (1608-1635); strife and rebellion (1815-1840); re-
the gentlemen adventurers in Acadia sponsible government and its results,
(1614-1677); the Canadian Indians the Federal Union, relations between
and the Iroquois—their organization, the United States and Canada (1839-
character and customs; convents and hospitals, Ville 1867); the end of the rule of the fur traders, acquisition
Marie, martyred missionaries, the victorious Iroquois, the of the Northwest, the formation of Manitoba, Riel’s Re-
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The Aryan Race

Examining the religion, cultural origins and racial roots
of the ancient Whites who flourished in remote antiquity
himself to have begotten three
By Patrick Chouinard sons who gave their names to
three groups of tribes—the Ingae-
“Wild, dark times are rumbling vones, nearest the sea; the Hermi-
toward us, and the prophet who nones, in the interior; and the
wishes to write a new apocalypse Istaevones, who comprise all the
will have to invent new beasts, and rest. Some authorities, with the
beasts so terrible that the ancient freedom of conjecture permitted
by remote antiquity, assert that
animal symbols of St. John will seem Tuisto had more numerous de-
like cooing doves and cupids in com- scendants and mentions more
parison. tribal groups such as Marsi, Gam-
—Heinrich Heine brivii, Suebi and Vandilii—names
Augsburg Gazette, 12, VII (1842) which they affirm to be both gen-
uine and ancient. The name Ger-

THE GENETIC STORY REVEALED mania, however, is said to have
been only recently applied to the
he “Indo-Germanic race,” country. The first people to cross
as it was called by the the Rhine and appropriate Gallic
German archaeologist territory, though they are known
Gustav Kossinna, pos- nowadays as Tungri, were at that
sessed a unique and pri- time called German; and what was
mal faith that encompassed a fasci- at first the name of this one tribe,
nating collection of tales and beliefs. not of the entire race, gradually
These ancient Norse religious ac- came into general use in the wider
CORNELIUS TACITUS sense. It was first applied to the
counts are invariably linked to our Roman historian. whole people by the conquerors
biological nature as members of the of the Gauls to frighten them.
Aryan race. Kossinna placed the Later, all the Germans adopted it
origin of the first Aryans on the widely disputed that Tacitus was and called themselves by the new
northeastern Germanic Plain of Eu- giving only a second-hand account name. (Tacitus, Germania)
rope, extending eastward to the Vis- that was less than reliable. Indeed,
Tacitus also decried their vicious-
tula River in what is modern-day he never once even traveled to Ger-
ness and frightening behavior as
Poland. mania to investigate the Germans
they entered battle:
firsthand, but, still, much of what he
THE WRITINGS OF TACITUS writes would be affirmed by later They also have the well-known
In the first century A.D., the scholars. In Germania he writes: kind of chant that they call baritus.
Roman senator, writer and historian By the rendering of this, they not
In the traditional songs which only kindle their courage, but,
Cornelius Tacitus penned a now fa- form their only record of the past, merely by listening to the sound,
mous account of the Germans in the Germans celebrate an Earth- they can forecast the issue of an
which he gave clear descriptions of born god called Tuisto [Tyr]. His approaching engagement. For they
their habits, environments, customs, son Mannus is supposed to be the either terrify their foes or them-
history, religion and phenotype. It is fountainhead of their race and selves become frightened, accord-

108 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CT O B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

Rome got a huge shock when three imperial legions under the command of Publius Quinctilius
Varus were nearly wiped out by “barbarian” Germanic warriors in Teutoburg Forest in 9 A.D.

ing to the character of the noise population, are always the same: Roman occupation of Britain. The
they make upon the battlefield; fierce-looking blue eyes, reddish Kelts and Germans were definitely
and they regard it not merely as hair, and big frames—which, ho- of the same genetic and cultural
so many voices chanting together wever, can exert their strength background, but differed slightly
but as a unison of valor. What they only by means of violent effort.
particularly aim at is a harsh, in- with regard to language and different
They are less able to endure toil
termittent roar, and they hold their or fatiguing tasks and cannot bear
aspects of their religious rituals and
shields in front of their mouths, deities, many of which remained
thirst or heat, though their climate
so that the sound is amplified into has inured them to cold spells andvery similar to their Germanic coun-
a deeper crescendo by the rever- terparts, but, no doubt, did in fact
the poverty of their soil to hunger.
beration. (Tacitus, Germania) (Tacitus, Germania) differ in specific ways in terms of
Concludes Tacitus: their names and the stories associated
In the Agricola, Tacitus makes with them.
For myself, I accept the view further observations regarding the
that the peoples of Germany have Keltic tribes of Britain, and they ANCIENT DNA
never contaminated themselves show striking similarities in both a In 2018, genetic testing of Minoan
by intermarriage with foreigners cultural and biological sense with and Mycenean DNA proved that
but remain of pure blood, distinct
and unlike any other nation. One
his descriptions of the ancient Ger- these founders of Hellenic culture
result of this is that their physical mans. The Agricola also gives an more closely resembled those people
characteristics, in so far as one account of the exploits of Boudicca of modern-day Germany and Den-
can generalize about such a large and the revolt she led against the mark than those of the present Middle

THE BA RN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 1 0 9
East. Genetic testing of many of the with more modern godlike figures motivations of the Greeks and Egyp-
remaining mummified remains of such as Thor, Odin and Freyr of the tians, who were initially ruled by an
Egypt’s upper class and the anthro- Norse pantheon. It therefore provides aristocracy of Nordic blood.
pological work conducted by Flinders roots for the White race, most spe-
Petrie, as discussed in Arthur Kemp’s cifically with the Germanic branch ANCIENT ARYAN BELIEFS
The Children of Ra, also back up of the Indo-European family. In their primitive runic inscrip-
such extraordinary claims. Research- Also found in caves throughout tions, and the richly told Icelandic
ers have discovered a link with what modern-day Europe are images sagas, originally passed down orally
we call “culture” and the importance which can clearly be identified as by wandering storytellers called
of the biological nature of race. This swastikas. As this author states in bards, our ancestors reached out to
biological tour d’ force is now being his book Rise of the Aryans: How us from beyond the grave to challenge
seen as one of the primary mech- Ancient Whites Influenced and Es- and beguile us. With the richness of
anisms of evolution itself, not just a tablished Global Civilization, one the available documentation and the
force of human civilization, but a of the earliest examples of a swastika emerging archaeological evidence,
universal law of nature. Next we was found in Ukraine, carved onto the visions of an arcane, primeval
must examine not only the spiritual world began to take definite shape.
basis of our Nordic culture and civ- It is through a connection with the
ilization, but the relevant nature of beliefs and traditions of our common
its biological existence. The early beliefs White European ancestors, not the
MYSTERIOUS ICE AGE ARTWORK of Northern Europe desert cultures of the Near East or
elsewhere, that give our existence
Caves often play a major role in
the mythology of various countries
encompass a rich depth and meaning. By examining
those ancient, primal Nordic ways,
and peoples, and this includes the and sinister mytho- we are engaging in a fantastic journey
ancestors of our present European
folk. It was in the primordial darkness logical tradition. of self-discovery and spiritual real-
ization. We gain insights into our-
of caves that, perhaps, the gods first selves, not only in our present-day
spoke to our people. One of the ear- lives, but in the context of our for-
liest triumphs of the European in- gotten forefathers. These long-lost
tellect comes in the form of European the sides of woolly mammoth tusks. brethren now speak to us down
cave art dating all the way back to Such artifacts, no doubt, also pertain through the hundreds of centuries
the dawn of the White race itself to a multiplicity of European cultures, now past.
during the early Pleistocene. These including that of our Keltic, Slavic, In the Third Reich original pub-
were the antecedents of later works Baltic and Germanic ancestors. In lication Die Nordischen Grundlagen
produced by the ancestors of today’s fact, the swastika itself is a universal
Europas, translated into English as
northern peoples. In Prehistoric Art symbol of the Sun, of creation and
The Nordic Foundations of Europe,
in Europe: A Deep-Time Social His- good health.
National Socialist writer and folk
tory, John Robb writes: YGGDRASIL AND ATLANTIS researcher Kurt Pastenaci elaborates
The prehistoric art of Europe Paramount to the Norse and Teu- on the nature of faith among the an-
covers a vast spectrum, from the tonic worldview was the central ob- cient Teutonic peoples. In it he writes:
earliest Ice Age cave paintings of
more than 30,000 years ago at sites
ject known as Yggdrasil, often called Indo-Germanic piety lives in
such as Chauvet Cave to Iron Age the world tree or cosmic tree, its the world. It sees in the world the
metalwork and statuary contem- many branches connecting the nine great connection of a meaningful,
porary with Roman civilization. It worlds of creation together. Some divine order. This order fills the
encompasses figurines, cave paint- alternative scholarship has linked whole world in all details, hence
ings, rock carvings, statuary, mega- the world tree to the mythical Atlantis the pious man is easily tempted
lithic tomb decorations, metalwork, described by Plato and his ancestor to see “god” in things themselves:
modeling in metal and clay, and Solon, who learned the ancient tale In trees, in rivers, in the earth, as
various figured objects. (Robb, pp. crop basins, among other things
from the Egyptians at the temple of
635-654, 2021) and, hence, comes to a “polythe-
Edfu. Even though stories like Atlantis ism.” Man stands in this order,
Many of these objects which have are essentially mythological in nature, god next to him as good friend. It
been recovered provide a window they do offer us insights into the cul- is his task to fulfill the tasks of
not only to the long-forgotten Ice ture and traditions of our primordial life here in the world. (Pastenaci,
Age, but possess imagery consistent ancestors, especially in regard to the p. 6, 1935)

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White cultures all across Europe built some of the most impressive astronomically aligned megalithic
calendar sites ever constructed. Here a group of Bronze Age Whites wait for the Sun to rise on the
spring equinox, signaling longer hours of daylight until the summer solstice sunset.

The early beliefs of Northern Eu- immortal. (Lilley, H., Illescas, A., of the Olympians and Titans, of
rope encompass a rich and some- Meyers, E., 2016) the Irish Danann gods and the
times sinister mythological tradition Examples of the magical races Fomorach, and of the Aesir and
that includes not only giants, but an include orcs, trolls, elves, half-gods the Jotuns, we may have echoes
entire host of magical and mystical and, of course, giants. All of these of ancient racial conflicts. The
old tribal peoples attributed suc-
creatures. The ancient Norse divided were very similar to the creatures
cesses to their gods, and remem-
the peoples of the world into three that the famous author J. R. R. Tolkien bered their battles as the battles
distinct categories: civilized people, wrote about in The Hobbit and The of rival gods, for these giants are
barbarians and sub-humans, such as Lord of the Rings. (Lilley, H., Illescas, also gods of archaic conception.
the skraelings or American Indians A., Meyers, E., 2016) In Scotland, certain of them are
of North America. In attempting to understand Norse associated with the fortunes of
When the Vikings entered a region mythology, we need to understand families and tribes.
for the first time, they took their its origins. According to the late- On the other hand, gods are
swords and battle axes in hand and 19th- and early-20th-century writer but exalted giants; the boisterous
tested them out on anyone they en- Donald A. Mackenzie, Keltic, Teutonic Olympians find their counterparts
and Norse mythology demonstrate in the Scandinavian Jotuns, rather
countered, to determine whether
than in the more refined Aesir
they could be killed and thus were a definite commonality. He writes:
and Vanir. (Mackenzie 1912)
human, or whether they were in- It would appear, that archaic
vincible, which meant they were gi- giant-lore is pre-Keltic and pre- Odin, the king of the Norse gods
ants or members of one of the other Teutonic, and therefore implies a and the Germanic equivalent of Ju-
many magical races, and therefore common inheritance. In the wars piter, is in reality a one-eyed giant, a

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cyclops. His eye was sacrificed to In his 1912 anthology Teutonic
Mimir’s pool to obtain the Jotuns’ Myth and Legend, Donald A. Mac-
gift of divine prediction. Odin is also kenzie presents a provocative re-
described as the wind god, or the telling of ancient German narratives.
Wild Huntsman. Recalling the earliest Norse accounts,
Odin’s son, Thor, was originally he describes at length the initial
an oak god. The sacred tree of Odin events that sparked the creation of
in northern Germany was a 1,000- life, the birth of giants, gods and hu-
year-old oak at the time of its de- mans, and the creation of the nine
struction by Christian forces. worlds. Mackenzie writes:
The heroes of the Teutonic culture In the ages when naught else
were fierce in their determination was, there yawned in space—a
not to be outdone by all manner of vast and empty gulf—called Gin-
giants ,which they frequently fought nunga-gap. Length it had, and
against. Mackenzie writes, “When breadth immeasurable, and there
the tribal heroes of northern peoples was depth beyond comprehension.
were glorified by storytellers, they No shore was there, nor cooling
were invariably depicted as giant- wave, for there was yet no sea,
Geoffrey killers.” (Mackenzie 1912)
and the Earth was not made nor
the heavens above.
In The History of the Kings of There in the gulf was the be-
“Favorable winds brought the
Britain, Geoffrey of Monmouth de- ginning of things. There, time first
Trojan Brutus to the promised scribes the battle between the giant- dawned … northward of the gulf,
isle, which at that time was killer Corineus and the most dreaded Nifelheim, the immense home of
called Albion. It had no inhabi- of all giants, the diabolical Goemagot: misty darkness and freezing cold
tants save for a few giants. This and, to the south, Muspelheim,
At the beginning of the en- the luminous home of warmth
pleasant land led Brutus and counter, Corineus and the giant, and of light. In the midst of Nifel-
his companions to settle there standing front-to-front, held each heim burst forth the great fountain
and, after driving off to moun- other strongly in their arms and from whence all waters flow, and
tain caves any giants they en- panted aloud for breath, but Goe- to which all waters return. It is
magot, presently grasping Corineus named Hvergelmer, “the roaring
countered, they divided it up with all his might, broke three of cauldron,” and from it surged, at
and portioned it out. Brutus his ribs, two on his right side and the beginning, 12 tremendous
named the island Britain after one on his left, at which Corineus, rivers called Elivagar, that washed
himself, and called his followers highly enraged, roused by his whole southward toward the gulf.
strength and, snatching him upon A vast distance they traversed
Britons.” That was how mag-
his shoulders, ran with him, as from their source, and then the
ister (teacher) Geoffrey of Mon- fast as the weight would allow venom that was swept with them
mouth described the discovery him, to the next shore. There, get- began to harden, as does dross
and settlement of Britain. Writ- ting upon the top of a high rock, pouring from a surface, until they
ten sometime around A.D. 1136, [he] hurled down the savage mon- congealed and became ice. Where-
ster into the sea. Falling on the upon the rivers grew silent and
Geoffrey’s Historia Regum Bri- sides of the craggy rocks, he was ceased to move, and gigantic
tanniae (History of the Kings of torn to pieces and colored the blocks of ice stood still. Vapor
Britain) recounted the early rul- waves with his blood. (Geoffrey arose from the ice-venom and was
ers of Britain which he claimed and Thorpe 1966) frozen to rime; layer upon layer
he transcribed from an ancient We see further examples of heaped up in fantastic forms one
native text. Today we remember above another.
giant-slayers in the Nibelungenlied, That part of the gulf which lay
little about Geoffrey, but do with the mighty Aryan warrior Sieg- northward was a region of horror
know about some of the char- fried and Dietrich of Bern, in the and of strife. Heavy masses of
acters in his book, including Thunor character. Both are legen- black vapor enveloped the ice,
King Cole, King Lear, King Arthur dary and have become an integral and within were screaming whirl-
part of Teutonic mythology and its winds that never ceased, and dis-
and his sword Caliburn (Excal- mal banks of fleeting mist. But,
modern interpretation. They are so
ibur), Merlin the Druid and Gue- southward, Muspelheim glowed
inspiring that Richard Wagner suc-
nevere (Ganhumara). cessfully drew upon them in his with intense radiance.
pagan operas. Mackenzie continues:

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Avebury was once one of the most impressive ancient sites in the world. Construction began
sometime around 2850 B.C. and was completed around 2200 B.C. At one time, a huge circular bank
and ditch encircled two stone circles, possibly one for female rituals and the other for male rituals.
Several long, stone-flanked avenues led to the Avebury ceremonial henge. It originally incorporated
more than 100 large standing stones. What remains today—above, after locals pilfered much of the
stone for building material and placed homes on the site—is but a pale reflection of the original.

Muspelheim is also associated cow Audhumbla, licking her way tion. After the giant cow engaged
with a great fire giant Surtur, who through one of the many melting ice- Ymir, the mighty ice giant fell into
possessed a flaming sword with bergs of hoarfrost and rime. Groping a deep sleep.
which he guarded the gates to the
realm of fire. Sparks, perhaps cast
toward her, Ymir discovered the fresh, While he rested, a son and daugh-
by Surtur’s sword, penetrated the white milk flowing from her teats. ter were born from the sweat beneath
world of darkness and bitter cold. Kneeling beside her, he gulped down his armpits. From his feet was born
Drops of moisture then began to the rich, frothy milk and allowed it Thrud, the six-headed giant, who, in
fall from the ice. Out of a frozen to nourish and energize his body. turn, birthed Bergelmir, the ancestor
cocoon of hoarfrost and rime He then wiped the hanging of all the subsequent frost giants.
emerged the first being. Dark and phlegm from his lips and emitted Buri produced a son named Borr,
formless, it eventually coalesced
into something humanlike. At that an echoing belch that reverberated instantaneously, without the use of
moment, the frost giant Ymir stood throughout the ice field. Audhumbla sexual reproduction [virgin birth],
upright for the first time and sur- then continued to lick the thick much the way Ymir produced his
veyed his new domain. Ymir was blocks of rime around her, after earliest descendants.
called a Hrim-thurs, or ice giant, which another being, Buri, a god, Once the giants became aware
and was the personification of the also known as “the producer,” of the new deities’ presence, they
frozen ocean. (Guerber 1909)
emerged from the ice. Buri was a began to wage war against the gods.
When surveying his domain, Ymir fully formed deity, the first of his This became a protracted conflict
caught sight of the bulging, voluptuous kind, according to Icelandic tradi- with no end in sight—at least until

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Borr married the giantess Bestla, lection of speculative texts, The [Avebury] was the great center;
the giant Bolthorn’s daughter. Bestla Other Atlantis: Secrets of Lost At- the land was very sacred. It was
gave Borr three sons: Odin, Vili and land, to support his theory of a farmed only for the high priests
Ve, the first of the Aesir clan. Because “proto-Viking Atlantis located in the and those who came to the festivals.
There were tribes or nations who
Odin and the Aesir descended from North Sea.” (Childress 1996, Kindle
were actually responsible for it.
the giant Bolthorn’s daughter, it is file) In Secrets of Lost Atland, he They held the games and protected
quite clear that the gods themselves describes the wisdom of the ancients the rites of the sanctuary. If you
possessed the genetic makeup and with enormous attention to detail, look at this land, it is all ritualized.
physical appearance of giants in explaining that the main thrust of It’s full of monuments.” (Kenyon
terms of size. the prehistoric technological civiliza- and Michell, 1)
To end the ongoing battle between tion was a “coordinated system” of
the gods and the giants, Odin, Vili “psycho-electric science or cosmol- Hence, it was Michell’s viewpoint
and Ve hatched a grievous plot. They ogy” that was employed on a global that Avebury, Stonehenge and the
ultimately decided to ambush Ymir scale. Scrutton further maintains other megalithic sites of southeastern
and murder him. When they slit his that prevailing evidence for such a England were vast ceremonial centers
throat, in yet another obvious allusion system is in the “stone circles, arti- for the practice of religious and spir-
to the Great Flood, a great deluge of ficial hills, sacred sites, meditation itual activity. Researcher, aviator and
blood rushed forth, which drowned chambers and altars. All of these photographer Busty Taylor also ap-
most of the giants. peared on the video, and he has
Bergelmir and his wife escaped made it his life’s work to document
in a boat to found a new realm called and find connections between the
ley lines and the modern phenome-
Jotunheim. The world as we know Sources from as far non of crop circles. Taylor and Ke-
it, Midgard, was formed from the
body of Ymir. His salty, watery blood back as 1000 B.C. nyon believe that many of the stone
then became the oceans, rivers and circles now scattered across the
lakes; his flesh became the earth;
describe a civilization English countryside were, in fact,
built on and around ancient crop
his bones, the rocks and mountains; that once existed circles. According to Kenyon, many
his hair, the forests; and the maggots
from inside his stomach, the dwarves. in the Arctic. of the churches now seen in the re-
When the first giant, Ymir, slumped gion were actually built on sites “re-
down upon the icy ground, drowning vered” by the ancient populace, and
his children in his blood, a series of this, in itself, hints that a far older
events was set into motion that ulti- were connected by ley lines and un- order of civilization once dominated
mately sealed the fate of the uni- derground streams that formed an Europe.
verse. energy network that surrounded the Scrutton’s primary source in bol-
globe.” (Childress 1996) stering his argument of a proto-Viking
THE MEN OF THE NORTH John Michell, a genius in the Atlantis in the North Sea is a Dutch
In 600 B.C., the Greek lyric poet science of alternative studies, sup- manuscript, the Oera Linda Book. It
Alcaeus wrote a series of narratives ported Scrutton’s views. Michell’s has been acclaimed as “the oldest
describing a vast northern kingdom work could well be considered an book in the world, and a number of
located far beyond the lands of the epilogue to this thoroughly re- authors believe that this ancient book
Germani and Keltoi. Others suggest searched topic. In 1998, near what holds a key to the Atlantis riddle.”
that a race of humans evolved sep- is left of the great megalithic complex (Childress, 1996) Although the book
arately in the Arctic. If true, this at Avebury, in England, Michell made is controversial—some believe it to
would defy nearly everything we the following comments in an inter- be a fairly recent work of pure fic-
have been taught about human evo- view with Douglas Kenyon that was tion—alternative historians hold that
lution. part of an Atlantis Rising video it is an incredibly valuable text from
Traditional sources dating as far presentation called “English Sacred the mists of history.
back as the first millennium B.C. Sites: The Atlantis Connection.” The One story tells us that, in February
describe a civilization that once ex- time period he was discussing was 1871, the year Germany was unified
isted in the Arctic, when that region the late Neolithic Age, which was for the first time, a Frisian antiquar-
was evidently suitable for human the time period of the civilization of ian located the Oera Linda Book. It
habitation. (Godwin 1993, 14) Old Europe. In Britain, this was dom- had then been kept in the possession
More recently, author Robert inated by the Beaker Folk and later of his family “for generations” and
Scrutton has presented his own col- the Wessex culture: had been “handed down from father

114 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CT O B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

to son as a holy obligation.” (Child-
ress 1996)
veloped the continent of Atland and
smashed into the Mediterranean. RELATED READING
Scholars were struck by the fact This formed the basis of what Scrut- The Children of Ra
that it appeared to have been written ton calls the “myth” of Noah’s Ark By Arthur Kemp. Lavishly illustrated
in an unknown language. This mys- at Mount Ararat. (Childress 1996) with over 106 full-color pictures, the
tery was soon solved, however, 2017 DNA evidence and a historical
when it became clear that the script THE HYPERBOREAN TRADITION over view, this book proves that Whites
was an ancient form of Frisian. Although Scrutton, as noted ear- created the initial Egyptian civilization
Scrutton describes northern At- lier, speculated that Atland may have and explains why that culture came to
lantis, drawing on the Oera Linda been the archetype of the Hyper- an end. Proves King Tut was of the
Book: borean tradition, it was the Eastern same racial stock as Europeans. Discusses
the massive DNA testing of mummies.
A large, semi-circular land- idea of racial purification that laid Softcover, 86 pages, color, #827, $16.
mass, a sort of silhouette halo the foundations of the modern Hy-
around the north and east of the perborean myths. While biblical tra- The Mysterious Megaliths
British Isles, was contemporary dition states that all humankind de- of New England
with the conjectured Atlantis. It scended from Adam and Eve in the By Paul Angel. Scattered across New
survived the traditional Atlantis, Garden of Eden, and later from Noah England are anomalous stone struc-
however, by many thousands of
and his sons, Eastern philosophy is tures of great antiquity that defy ex-
years. Its name was Atland, and
replete with references to the root planation using mainstream logic.
there may be reason to suppose
races and the independent evolution They are clearly built not by the
that Atland was the archetype of
of all living beings American Indians, but by some Old
the Hyperborean tradition. Al-
World European culture, possibly
though situated between what It was this Eastern mystique
thousands of years before Christo-
are now the storm-stricken Heb- that enabled “Western imagination pher Columbus set foot in the Amer-
rides and the Greenland perma- to entertain so different a view of icas. Who built them and why? Soft-
frost, Atland was no impoverished human origins,” namely the Hyper- cover, 48 pages, $7.
continent. borean, Lemurian, Atlantean and
On the contrary, its climate
the ideas of Ignatius Donnelly, Edgar The Aryan Race
was subtropical, yielding abun- A beautifully written cultural history
dance of everything for full and Cayce and others. This transfusion
of Eastern ideals came first from of the Indo-European peoples. The
happy human existence. … In the author, a classical scholar, defines
year 2193 B.C., some cosmic ca- Jesuit missionaries like Pere Amiot. “Aryan” as a “linguistic race” spanning
lamity struck Earth; perhaps some The Aryan culture was comprised the areas occupied by the great Indo-
imbalance proposed by Immanuel of the tall, blond and fair-skinned European invasion, reaching from India
Velikovsky … perhaps an asteroid ancestors of today’s northwestern to Ireland, and proceeds to analyze all
collided with the Earth. At any population, and also the partial an- aspects of the cultures across this vast
rate, from descriptions in the Oera region. Along the way, he proves that
Linda Book, something consistent
cestors of much of modern Europe
and Asia. Contrary to the opponents the broad family of Indo-European
with the tilting of the Earth’s axis language speakers had a common origin
took place and, within about three of the 20th-century National Socialist
movement, the Aryans were a very at some distant point in the past. Soft-
days, climatic change of over- cover, 252 pages, #829, $18.
whelming severity took place. At- real, very ancient people with a rich
land was submerged and her his- archaeological and mythological The Goths
tory lost … or nearly so. (Scrutton heritage. This race descended from By Henry Bradley, 1887. The Goths
1978, 1-4) the Hyperborean culture and may were an East Germanic tribe whose two
According to the Oera Linda, have initially escaped the highlands main subgroups, the Visigoths and the
the Atlanders were a maritime and mountains of Tibet. Afterward, Ostrogoths, played an important role in
people who charted the seas of the they migrated back to Central Eu- the fall of the Roman empire and the
world, including the Mediterranean. rope. Among the Hindus—the de- emergence of Medieval Europe. Far too
scendants of the great Aryan inva- little credit has been given to the Goths
They established colonies in Scan-
for their role in forging what is now
dinavia, northern and southern Eu- sion—the Rig Veda and Upanishads modern-day Europe. Softcover, 372
rope, Africa and Greece. (Childress remain vestiges of that race. pages, #642, $26.
1996) Unlike Graham Hancock, who These texts, written by members
places the Great Flood between of this elite warrior society, document TBR subscribers may take 10% off retail
13,000 and 10,000 B.C., Scrutton the purest strain of the Aryan race prices listed above. Prices above do not
bases his chronology on the Oera that had conquered much of India include S&H. See page 112 for S&H
Linda, and sets it at 2193 B.C. At and whose culture was preserved and a handy TBR ordering form.
this time, Atlantic tidal waves en- through the rigid caste system.

THE BA RN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 1 1 5
tinental masses between North the appearance of the Sun must
THULE & THE ANCIENT ARYANS American and Europe whose frag- have been a cosmic event of the
When Adolf Hitler drafted a coun- ments we see in Iceland and Green- most profound significance, that
terclockwise swastika as his emblem, land. On Novaya Zemyla, in one is, in the far north. Only there
area of the far north, old water would the year be sharply divided
he proclaimed that it represented
lines are revealed more than 300 into two halves, and only there
how the glorious Nordic Sun looked feet above the present ones. These would the Sun represent a cer-
to the ancient Aryans in their north- suggest that the North Pole has tainty in man’s innermost being
ern continent of Thule as it spiraled shifted and that a much milder cli- of the life-renewing, primal cre-
across the sky. As mentioned earlier, mate once prevailed in the Arctic. ative substance of the world.
Thule is another name for the north- All in all, the old legends of Atlantis And, so, today, the hypothesis
ern Atlantic region, also known as may appear in a new light. becomes a probability, namely
Hyperborea, Arktos and the Keltic It seems far from impossible that, from a northern center of
Tir na n’Og. Thule is the ancestral that, in areas over which the At- creation—without postulating an
lantic waves roll and giant icebergs actual submerged Atlantic con-
homeland of the lost Aryan race. float, a flourishing continent once tinent we may call Thule—swarms
One of the proponents of a northern rose above the waters, and upon of warriors once fanned out in
home for the Aryan race was the obedience to the ever-renewed
German thinker Alfred Rosenberg. Nordic longing for distance to
He was a Baltic national who escaped conquer and space to shape.
the scourge of the Bolshevik rev- The majority of It may still be uncertain where
olution of 1917 by relocating to Ger- the original home of the Nordic
many. (Shirer 2008, 262) basic myths have race lies. … Many details are still
The idea of Thule struck a chord
with many Europeans, especially the
a fixed point of doubtful … but, whatever may be
the result of further investigations,
Germans and English. Indeed, the radiation—their one great fact cannot be chal-
lenged: the fact that the race which
English descended from ancient
north Germanic tribes—the Angles, place of creation. provides the “meaning of world
history” is found to originate in
Saxons and Jutes—and share much the North and has spread from
in common with their continental the North over the whole Earth;
brethren including linguistic, religious that it was a blue-eyed, fair-haired
and genetic affinities. it a creative race produced a far- race which, in several great waves,
reaching culture and sent its chil- formed the spiritual features of
Rosenberg wrote extensively
dren out into the world as seafarers the world—even where the race
about a northern Atlantis, and offers and warriors. Even if this Atlantis
the following thoughts concerning itself was bound to perish.
hypothesis should prove untenable, These migration periods we
the lost continent of Thule: a prehistoric Nordic cultural center call “the march of the Atlantic
Today, historical visions can must still be assumed. We have people”—round [which] the an-
see deeper into the past than was long since been forced to abandon cient traditions sprang up—
imaginable at an earlier time. The the theory of an identical origin through North Africa; the migration
monuments of all peoples now lie of myths, art and religious forms of the Aryans to Persia and India;
spread out before us. Excavations among people. followed by Dorics, Macedonians,
of the very oldest examples of pic- On the contrary, the strongly Latins; the migration of the Ger-
torial art allow a comparison of substantiated proof of the frequent manic peoples; the colonization
the driving forces of cultures, the traveling of sagas from people to of the world by the West under
myths from Iceland to Polynesia people, and their taking root among
dominant Germanic influence. (Ro-
have been collected, the treasures many different groups, shows the
senberg 1982, p. 20)
of the Mayans in great part un- majority of basic myths have a
earthed. In addition, modern geol- fixed point of radiation—their Beowulf, The Nibelungenlied,
ogy enables us to draw maps as place of creation. Thus, in their Irish and Norse sagas, Arthurian ro-
things were tens of thousands of outward form, they are only com- mances and many other examples
years ago. Underwater exploration prehensible on the basis of a com-
pletely distinct point of origin, and
of ancient and medieval literature
has raised solid masses of lava stand as lasting remnants of those
from great depths of the Atlantic the migrations of races also be-
come a certainty in the most pre- forgotten times. The Kalevala, a
Ocean, the summits of suddenly
historic times. Finnish epic, is perhaps one of the
submerged mountains in whose
valleys cultures had once arisen The solar myth, with all of its most extensive sacred texts found
before one—or many—frightful ramifications, did not arise spon- that far north, and the Eddas retell
catastrophes destroyed them. taneously as a stage of general what is left of the glorious Teutonic
Geographers depict for us con- development, but was born where gods and cults of the first Germans.

116 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CT O B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

Thule (Tile) is shown on Olaus Magnus’s 1539 Carta Marina as northwest of the Orkneys.

blood. It is worth the world as we world. When you, my friends, are

CONCLUSION want to see: beautiful, orderly, so- fighting in the East, you keep that
It was the author Robert E. How- cially fair, a world that may be, same fight against the same sub-
ard, known for his now-famous char- still suffering some flaws but, over- humans, against the same inferior
all, a happy, beautiful world filled races that once appeared under
acter Conan the Barbarian, a con- the name of Huns and, later—
with culture, which is precisely
stant hero of notorious pulp fiction, 1,000 years ago during the time of
Germany. On the other side stands
that wrote: “The ancient empires [a billion] people, a mixture of King Henry and Otto I—the name
fall, the dark-skinned people fade, races and peoples, whose names of the Hungarians, and later under
and even the demons of antiquity are unpronounceable, and whose the name of Tatars, and then they
gasp their last breath, but over all physical nature is such that the came again under the name of
stands the Aryan barbarian, white- only thing that they can do is to Genghis Khan and the Mongols.
skinned, cold-eyed, dominant, the shoot without pity or mercy. These Today they are called “Russian”
supreme fighting man of the Earth.” animals, who do not respect our under the political banner of Bol-
level of culture and civilization, shevism. (Kurlander, p. 122, 2017)
(Howard, p. 5, 1912)
Indeed, Heinrich Himmler and who show no mercy for our cap- As a Slavic Russian myself, I find
Rosenberg had similar ruminations. tured [soldiers], must be gotten German National Socialism’s views
rid of or exterminated on the same
Himmler asserted these in Stettin to on Slavs to be antithetical to the
basis of swiftness and brutality.
soldiers of the SS (July 13, 1941): You will see them for yourself. notion of the Aryan race itself. Pure
It is a war of distinct ideologies These people have joined a Slavs are clearly of Indo-European
and the eternal struggle of races. Jewish religion, one ideology, called origin, and the only Slavs that are
On one side stands National So- Bolshevism, with the task of having distinctly different are those of mixed
cialism: an ideology, founded on now Russia—half in Asia, parts of race, which there are many, and the
the values of our Germanic, Nordic Europe—crush Germany and the Jews stereotyped them as the “typical

THE BA RN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 1 1 7
Russian appearance” in an effort to tional religion of our Volk is once
de-humanize Russians. Pure Russians again rising. Let us never forget the
are one of the oldest vestiges of the fortitude of the Aryan spirit, because
White race alive in the world, and that means victory, and that triumph
their history goes back to a remote must and will come, as ordained by
period in European prehistory, far the spirit of the universe and the
older than that of Germany, and will of our mighty gods. As the 16th-
even the Scandinavians, according century heretic and author Giordano
to political prisoner Matt Hale and Bruno proclaimed: “Oh glorious Ju-
radio personality Lana Lokteff. piter, may the Germans come to re-
It was the Estonian-born Ger- alize their own strength, then may
manic ideologue and mystic Alfred they not be men, but gods!” (The
Rosenberg, who wrote in The Myth SS: Blood and Soil, 2004) ❖
of the Twentieth Century, which REFERENCES:
he considered the unofficial sequel Kurlander, E. (2017). Hitler’s Monsters:
to Houston Stewart Chamberlain’s A Supernatural History of the Third Reich.
Foundations of the Nineteenth Cen- Yale University Press.
tury, that: Rosenberg, A. (2019). The Myth of the
Alfred Rosenberg was a Baltic 20th Century: An Evaluation of the Spiri-
History and the task of the fu- German philosopher who served tual-Intellectual Confrontations of Our Age.
ture no longer signify the struggle Madacy Home Video (Film, 2004). The
of class against class or the conflict during the Third Reich era as
Occult History of the Third Reich [Disc 2].
between one church dogma and the head of NSDAP Office of St. Laurent, Quebec: Madacy Home Video.
another, but the settlement be- Foreign Affairs. He was, in the Campana, M., Bower, M. and Crabtree, P.
tween blood and blood, race and opinion of some, too critical of (2013). “Ancient DNA for the Archaeologist:
race, Folk and Folk. And that The Future of African Research.” The African
Slavs and Christians. He was
means: the struggle of spiritual Archaeological Review, 30(1), 21-37. Retrieved
executed at Nuremberg. June 24, 2021, from
values against each other. … The
myth is the myth of the Blood, Childress, D.H. (1996). Lost Cities of At-
which, under the sign of the Swas- lantis, Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean.
tika, released the world revolution. Whoever wishes to go forward, Stelle, Ill: Adventures Unlimited Press.
must therefore also burn bridges Deguilloux, M. and Mendisco, F. (2013).
It is the awakening of the soul of
behind him. Whoever sets out on Ancient DNA: A Window to the Past of Eu-
the race which, after a period of rope. Human Heredity, 76(3/4), 121-132.
long slumber, victoriously put an a great journey, must leave old
household goods behind. Whoever Retrieved June 24, 2021, from
end to racial chaos. Mackenzie, D.A. and Dore, L.C.P.G. (1985).
However, the values of the ra- strives for what is highest, must
turn his back on what is lesser. German Myths and Legends.
cial soul, which stand as driving Robb, J. (2015). Prehistoric Art in Eu-
forces behind this new image of And to all doubts and questions,
rope: A Deep-Time Social History. American
the world, have not yet become a the new man of the coming great
Antiquity, 80(4), 635-654. Retrieved June
living consciousness. Soul means German Reich knows only one
24, 2021 from
race seen from within. And, con- answer: But I have the will! (Ro-
Tacitus, Cornelius, in Audano, S., Tacitus,
versely, race is the external side senberg, pp. 1-4. 1930) C. (2020). Germania.
of a soul. To awaken the racial Indeed, we live in an unprece- UFO TV. (2005). Technologies of the Gods:
soul to life means to recognize its The Case for Prehistoric High Technology.
dented time. Just as our enemies
highest value and, under its dom- Venice, Calif: UFO TV.
are at the gates, Christianity, thanks Lilley, H., Illescas, A., Meyers, E., PBS
inance, to allot to other values
their organic position in the state,
to attacks from Cultural Bolsheviks, Distribution (film), British Broadcasting Cor-
in art and in religion. That is the is rapidly declining, and our White poration,, WGBH (Television station: Boston,
task of our century: to create a roots are re-awakening. The tradi- Mass.) and France television. (2016). Nova.
new human type out of a new
view of life. PATRICK CHOUINARD is a writer and historical researcher currently based in
And, for this, courage is Arkansas. He is the author of TBR’s The Secret History of Christmas: The Devel-
needed; courage of each single in- opment of Yuletide Traditions and the Battle for Our Heritage (softcover, 70
dividual, courage of the entire gen- pages, $8 minus 10% for TBR subscribers). He is also the author of Rise of the
eration growing up, indeed of many Aryans: How Ancient Whites Influenced and Established Global Civilization
(softcover, 314 pages, #834, $25 minus 10% for TBR subscribers). Order your
following generations. For chaos
copies of these intriguing booklet with the order form at the back of this issue of
has never been mastered by those
THE BARNES REVIEW or call 1-877-773-9077 toll free to charge.
without courage, and a world has
never been built by cowards.

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Rise of the Aryans
How Ancient Whites Influenced
and Established Global Civilization

ll across the world are mys- PARTIAL TABLE OF CONTENTS:
terious and ancient stone • Foreword: By Marc Roland
structures demonstrating
not only advanced build- • Preface: By Patrick Chouinard
ing techniques but also an • Engaging White History
incredibly sophisticated knowledge of • The New Aryan Dawn
archeoastronomy. From isolated Easter
Island in the Pacific, to the mountain • Decoding Our Ancient Ancestors
peaks of the Andes, from the British • Hidden Knowledge of the Aryans
Isles and the Mediterranean to the • Bloodline of the Gods
steppes of Eurasia, from the arid deserts
• Mysteries of Aryan Mongolia
of western China to the Mississipi Val-
ley of North America, some advanced • Ancient Aryans in China
culture was erecting megalithic struc- • Was King Tut an Ancient Aryan?
tures that baffle scientists and archeol-
• Hindus and Kelts: The Connection
ogists even today.
Once the cultures of the Indus Valley and the Tigris and Euphrates • Arctic Origins of the White Race
rivers were considered the oldest “real” civilizations, dating to sometime • Proto-Egyptian Origins
around 6,000 B.C. But the discovery of the Caucasian-built Gobekli
• Out of Africa: A Critical Analysis
Tepe temple complexes scattered across Anatolia changed all that.
Dated to sometime around 9,600 B.C., the structures at these ancient • The Iceman: Link to a Lost Race?
megalithic sites have thrown the mainstream understanding of the rise • Neanderthals and Mythical Atlantis
of civilizations into complete disarray. Who built them and why? What • Digging for the Reich
about the global pyramid phenomenon and the complex edifices at
Knossos, Carnac and Stonehenge? Was it really extraterrestrial visitors • Ancient Aryans in the Americas
from some far-off galaxy who constructed them, or is there a more • Gobekli Tepe & Nabta Playa
plausible explanation—one grounded in answers right here on planet • Development of the Swastika
In Rise of the Aryans: How Ancient Whites Influenced and Established • Minoan DNA: They Were Aryans
Global Civilization, respected historian, author and radio show person- • Aryans Built the World’s Megaliths?
ality Patrick Chouinard delves into these mysteries and provides real • Ancient Caucasians of the Pacific
answers based on decades of research that do not involve little green
men from Mars! Rise of the Aryans is a book you’ll want for your library,
• Legends of Aryan “Giants”
whether you are a professional historian or an armchair archeologist. • Afterword: By Arthur Kemp
Softcover, 314 pages, #834, $25 minus 10% for TBR subscribers • Extensive Bibliography
plus $5 S&H inside the U.S. from THE BARNES REVIEW, P.O. Box 550,
• 186 Illustrations
White Plains, MD 20695. Call 1-877-773-9077 toll free to charge,
Mon.-Thu. 9-5 ET. See also • Gorgeous full-color glossy cover

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PILGRIMS NOT SO NICE in postwar Germany, and I remember company in Florida.

In 1620, the Pilgrims landed at when they started telling us about Regarding vaccines, they are un-
Plymouth Rock in what is now Mas- gassings and 6 million murdered necessary and people who “believe”
sachusetts. While being the same Jews. People did not believe it. “We in them have simply been inoculated
sort of Calvinists as the Puritans would have known if things like that with false propaganda. In my book
who wished to change the Church had happened,” was the reaction at An Immigrant Remembers, on pages
of England, the Pilgrims believed large. 26 and 27, I detailed my own ex-
that the Church of England was so Germans, generally speaking, re- perience with vaccines and how the
Catholic that it could not be re- alized that those stories were Allied doctor advised my mother not to
formed. The Pilgrims identified them- propaganda. But since our politicians give me any more because of my
selves with the children of Israel in have been carefully “selected and very bad reaction.
the Old Testament. They considered licensed” by the Allies, just like our I have been free of any inocula-
all those they encountered—Indians, media, they decided to enforce the tions since leaving the service where
French, Spanish and even other Eng- “official version” of the victors. And we had to take a minimum number.
lish settlers—to be the equivalent it got worse every year until German I have survived a half-dozen contrived
of the Canaanites, and to be treated Para. 130 and Austrian Para. 3 turned pandemics in my life, including the
the same way: without mercy. the official—falsified—version into greatest fraud of all time, the so-
Although the Pilgrims were at law. Many Germans and Austrians called Covid-19 pandemic. The rest
first dependent on the good will of were sentenced to long prison terms, of my family, children now in their
the Indians, particularly in the first and even lawyers (Sylvia Stolz) had 30s, were never inoculated. They
year, the Pilgrims eventually took to learn that “the ‘Holocaust” is a were healthier. They were also free
to annihilating them. The next victims publicly known fact and, therefore, from the usual childhood garbage
of the Pilgrims were other English “no proofs are needed.” But even other children got and, in spite of
settlers. that was not enough: Germany pre- being exposed to certain diseases
In 1628, the Pilgrims attacked and tended that other European states in others, like mumps, as an example,
destroyed the Merry Mount settle- also prosecute and extradite perpe- they caught none of these childhood
ment a few miles from Plymouth. trators. The greater the distance diseases. The third generation is
Some of the Merry Mount settlers from 1945, the more inexorable the under way and no inoculations there
were killed, and the rest were forced defense of the “official version.” either. The children are simply live-
back to England. Then the French Nowadays, children of but four lier, healthier and sharper than others.
and Spanish soon became casualties and five years old are already in- If the medical profession stuck
of the “Manifest Destiny” mission doctrinated in kindergarten with to treating trauma, accidents, doing
which would not allow a Catholic “our crimes.” If we want to know reconstructive surgery, setting bones
presence to flourish on the con- the truth, you have to subscribe to and advising people on how to pre-
tinent. TBR! By the way, that was an excel- vent disease, the world would be
The new “Chosen People” of the lent and very interesting letter “De- much better off. But there is little
Mayflower would soon dominate fending Reagan,” from V.P. Hughes. money in that. Draconian actions
the entire land mass from the Atlantic NAME WITHHELD BY REQUEST by Big Pharma and the governments
to the Pacific, displacing anyone Via email around the world are not doing any-
who did not conform to their Masonic body any good. I will not be a guinea
“Enlightenment” ideas. I’M NO GUINEA PIG pig for anyone.
WARREN GODDARD I have the July/August 2021 issue HARALD H. SCHARNHORST
New Hampshire of THE BARNES REVIEW and, as always, Idaho
there is a lot of information there
ALLIED PROPAGANDA and a lot of history. Your lead article A THANKS FROM MRS. KRIEG
In regard to the May/June 2021 by Tom Valentine on vaccines is a In response to Harald Scharn-
TBR issue and the article entitled classic. I remember him well from horst’s letter in January/February
“Icke & the Reich,” on page 25, it the time he worked in southern Cal- 2021 edition of TBR: I thank you for
says: “Through constant repetition ifornia. He was a researcher and the kind words about my husband
… the majority of people believe radio host of great magnitude and Adrian Krieg. He was a kind and
the big lie.” Certainly, but it was not he did an awful lot of good. Glad to generous husband, father and grand-
only constant repetition. I grew up hear his family still operates a health father and lived by the Golden Rule.

120 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CT O B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

He loved the truth and wrote 34 direction. Trump should be the cap- FRAUD OF JUNETEENTH
books telling it. He also loved Amer- tain pointed in a direction for dry On June 24, 2021, President Joe
ica and the U.S. Constitution. He land after expelling the alien pirates. Biden signed into law a bill to rec-
could do anything, and I sorely miss KRIS LAWLESS ognize “Juneteenth” (June 19) as a
him. He was a true patriot. California federal holiday, making it the second
I would like your readers to know holiday for Blacks since Martin
that his books are still available and [There are so many things we Luther King Day was established
can be purchased from me by calling liked about Trump and some things nearly 40 years earlier by President
941-212-6714. we really did not. One of the things Ronald Reagan for the sex pervert,
AUDREY KRIEG we did not like, in particular, was plagiarist and Communist Martin
Florida his absolute adoration of Israel. If Luther King Jr. The measure cruised
we are worried about saving America through both chambers of Congress,
KALERGI VIOLATES CONVENTION from “the Jewish genocide of the facing no opposing views in the Sen-
In regard to the Genocide Con- White race,” as you say above, I am ate and only minor Republican dis-
vention of December 9, 1948, the not sure Mr. Trump is the right cap- sent in the House.
General Assembly’s Resolution 260 tain for the ship. We do agree that As part of the outrageous contin-
states: those Trump policies that were truly uing pandering to Blacks who care
“Definition of Genocide “America-first” are absolutely worthy little for historical accuracy, let alone
“Article 2 of this convention de- of our support.—Ed.] history, in general, and who voted
fines genocide as any of the following for Biden not for reasons of policy
acts committed with intent to destroy, A FEW TOPICS OF INTEREST but in order to continue to receive
in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, In future issues, I would like to federal assistance, they already have
racial or religious group.” see articles on the Minoan civilization, February designated as African-
To violate such law is punishable the book When God Was a Woman, American History Month. As history,
as treason and this is exactly what the Christian holocaust by the So- Juneteenth is nonsense. Established
Richard Niklaus Eijiro, Count of viets, and highlights of the Jewish as a federal holiday to commemorate
Coudenhove Kalergi, set out to do Talmud regarding Christianity and the end of slavery on that date, June-
to White populations in England, Gentiles, in general. We could also teenth is historically inaccurate.
America and other White nations. use articles on the tyranny of com- Union Gen. Gordon Granger ar-
In 1965, the U.S. Immigration and pound interest and whether Stalin rived in Texas on June 19,1865, to
Nationality Act opened the floodgates was Jewish. belatedly proclaim the abolition of
to non-White immigrants from Africa, JAMES LOUKOPOULOS slavery in that state, which had re-
Asia and others with the intent to Michigan mained out of federal control after
push the world to a New World the official Confederate surrender
Order—one world government, one [You have some good ideas there. at Appomattox. Slavery, as an insti-
world religion and one world race. We have discussed in previous issues tution in the United States, was not
Simply, the White genocide ter- the genocide of Christians by the ended until ratification of the Thir-
minology from “illegal aliens” to “un- Soviet mass murderers. One of these teenth Amendment on December 6,
documented immigrants” has allowed was a cover story about the Ukrainian 1865. Confederate-aligned American
our borders to remain wide open. In terror famine back in the early days Indian tribes maintained slavery in
Texas, the Muslim religious Sharia of TBR. Our September/October 2008 their territories until the following
law has been declared in some places. “Russia and the Jews” issue, based year. Legal slavery still existed in
Anyone who has an eye to see on the work of Solzhenitsyn, dis- Maryland, Kentucky, Delaware and
and an ear to hear will know that cussed the genocide of Christians. Missouri, which were border states
,when the media says “diversity,” We have never published a full- exempted under Lincoln’s Emanci-
they are really saying “Jewish geno- length article on the Minoans, who pation Proclamation for wartime po-
cide of the White race.” were a fascinating and advanced litical reasons, and also in Tennessee,
Never has any president of the people. TBR once sold a book called parts of Virginia (later to become
modern era confronted the issue of Jesus in the Talmud, which is a West Virginia) and Louisiana, which
illegal aliens of undocumented im- great resource on the comments in were also exempted and had their
migrants as did President Donald the Talmud vilifying Jesus Christ, slaves freed under later law as is
Trump. Before that, both parties his mother and Christians in general. what also happened in the border
loved cheap labor, and the Democrats We also discussed the fraud of states. Granger's proclamation ex-
see them as potential lifelong voters. banking in a detailed article by pressly intended for the day to remain
This nation is like a ship lost at Stephen Goodson in September/ a work day.
sea without a captain and no real October 2012 and others.—Ed.] CONTINUED ON PAGE 122

THE BA RN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 1 2 1

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 121 bought and sold their own and con- [The article about the canceled
According to a Gallup poll, 62% tinued to do so right through the exhibition of Black Confederate sol-
of Americans report having little or end of the Civil War in 1865. Blacks diers appeared in our November/
no knowledge of what the new holi- owned slaves in Boston by 1724. December 2018 TBR.—Ed.]
day is or means. A nearly corre- They owned slaves in Connecticut
sponding 65%—including 43% of by 1783 and, by 1790, 48 Blacks in A BETTER IDEA
Democrats and even 32% of Blacks— Maryland owned 143 slaves. One I wish you would stop stapling
either opposed adopting the day as particularly notorious Black Mary- those return envelopes into the TBR
a federal holiday or are too unfamiliar land farmer named Nat Butler regu- magazine. Since you send the mag-
with it to voice an opinion. Blacks larly purchased and sold Blacks for azine in its own envelope, there is
are already planning on ditching the Southern trade. Blacks owned no reason for this. It just bends the
Independence Day celebrations in other Blacks in all 13 original colonies envelope.
favor of Juneteenth, despite the fact and in every state that allowed slav- WILLIAM COOK
that Crispus Attucks was the first ery. Frequently, Black people would Oregon
Black killed in the struggles that go on to own more slaves than their
lead to the Revolutionary War at the White neighbors. In 1830, nearly a [Thanks for the comment. In the
so-called Boston Massacre. Federal fourth of the Black slave masters in future, I will ask my printer to simply
employees already receive 10 paid South Carolina owned 10 or more insert a loose return envelope into
(two weeks) federal holidays without slaves, and several owned more than the magazine itself.—Ed.]
counting Juneteenth and including 30, far surpassing their White slave-
annual leave for Election Day. Gay owning neighbors. Roughly 3,000 THANKS, FDR!
federal employees can receive annual Blacks in New Orleans in 1860 alone What divided Korea at the 38th
leave for adopting kids. owned Black slaves—that was 28% parallel? When Franklin Roosevelt—
There has been much in the news of the Black population in that state. a sick man near death—gave in to
about Critical Race Theory (CRT), There were even incidents of Blacks Stalin at the Yalta Conference in
which features Blacks as the op- owning White indentured servants. 1945, he agreed to let the Soviet
pressed and Whites as the oppressors, Havard historian John Stauffer, Union, which never fired a shot at
according to classic Marxist doctrine. who specializes in antislavery move- the Japanese in World War II, to
The New York Times’s “1619 Project” ments, the Civil War and American take the surrender of the Japanese
is another fiction popular among social protests, admits that there occupational troops north of the
Blacks, even though it has received were Black Confederates. Black ab- 38th parallel.
scathing criticism by five well-known olitionist Frederick Douglass, whose There were to be elections held
historians of the American Revolution life Stauffer studied for his 2008 in the north, and the North Koreans/
and Civil War eras. book Giants: The Parallel Lives of USSR clamped down the “iron cur-
The project holds that the United Frederick Douglass and Abraham tain” at the 38th parallel, divided
States really began in 1619 with the Lincoln, published in August 1861 Korea with the North Korean hordes
arrival of the first African slaves in an account of the First Battle of attacking South Korea on June 25,
the Virginia colony in 1619 and was Bull Run which noted that there 1950. The U.S. was ill-prepared and
timed for the 400th anniversary of were Blacks in the Confederate fought through Korea four times,
said project. Among other historical army’s ranks. resulting in the deaths of over 2 mil-
errors, the Project—which is taught THE BARNES REVIEW had a feature lion Koreans and 36,000 American
in the schools in the District of Co- article about an exhibit on Black GIs. Today, Korea is still divided.
lumbia—maintains the Revolutionary Confederates that had been sched- Thank you FDR!
War was fought to maintain slavery uled for display on a military base Just to know, I fought in Korea
and insists that Blacks have been but had been canceled after Black and nearly froze to death sleeping
oppressed since their first arrival in soldiers complained, and the military on the ground 24/7 for $90 a month.
the United States in 1619. caved to political correctness. The My unit—Battery B, 213th FA Bn—
What the project leaves out is military refuses to discontinue CRT, received the presidential unit citation
that Blacks—not only while in Af- even after a good grilling from Senate for capturing more than 1,000 Chi-
rica—supplied their own people to Republicans. nese soldiers near Yong-Dong-Po.
slave traders but, since 1654, were STEVEN WINEGARDNER KENNETH JONES
oppressors themselves, having Via email Florida

122 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CT O B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

NEVER WANTED TO KILL CASTRO Ambassador Smith knew better, since clear warheads, except that the USSR
Neither the CIA, the FBI, nor any he had a dossier on Castro proving didn’t have these warheads since it
U.S. government agency had any in- he was a Moscow-trained Communist was at the beginning of its nuclear
tention of killing Fidel Castro, as who had previously led an uprising program at the time. It would have
your article in the July/August 2021 in Bogota, Colombia. Ambassador been national suicide for the USSR
book review claims. The alleged Smith’s attempt to bring this to light to have challenged the United States
plots by the Mafia, Operation Mon- came to no avail. See his book The in this way unless a prior agreement
goose, Castro’s mistress Marita Lo- Fourth Floor. It is not logical to as- had been made. But the American
renz etc were simply window dress- sume that, once the CIA put Castro people were led to believe that the
ing for a gullible public. Castro knew in power for the ostensible purpose entire eastern seaboard would be
he could sleep well and not worry of avoiding nuclear war, it would incinerated by Soviet missiles, and
at all about being assassinated. try to remove him. they were greatly relieved when a
In 1967 and 1968, I was in the After the CIA installed Castro, he negotiated settlement was reached.
American Opinion Speaker’s Bureau announced that he was a Communist Newsman John Scali helped to ne-
where I met Father John Kelly in and ally of the USSR. The American gotiate the settlement, and he later
my travels. He was affiliated with people were incensed and demanded became our ambassador to the
Villanova University in Havana, Cuba that something be done to rectify United Nations.
when Castro came to power. He was this. A favorite bumpersticker in the The USSR agreed to take its mis-
captured by Castro’s men, tortured, U.S. was, “Don’t worry. They are siles out of Cuba and never return
but eventually released and returned still 90 miles away.” That “something” them. The U.S. agreed to take its
to the U.S., where he was a teacher was the Bay of Pigs fiasco, a planned missiles out of Italy and Turkey and
at St. Augustine High School in San defeat to keep Castro in power. to maintain its Navy base at Guan-
Diego, California. Father Kelly was George H.W. Bush, a globalist and tanamo Bay, Cuba to ensure the sov-
a close personal friend and confidant CIA asset, later head of the CIA and ereignty of Cuba. Not only would
of our U.S. Ambassador to Cuba president of the United States, helped the U.S. not attack Cuba or remove
Earl E.T. Smith, and was privy to plan the invasion. Its name was Op- its Communist leaders, it would en-
Ambassador Smith’s files and intel- eration Zapata after Bush’s oil com- sure that no other nation would.
ligence information. I sponsored pany. The landing craft were Barbara Thus, Cuba was assigned to per-
Father Kelly at Sacred Heart Church and Houston, named for his wife manent Communist status by a bind-
in Coronado, California in 1968, and his residence. The force was in- ing agreement, and all U.S. opposition
where he spoke before a packed adequate in size and in no way prop- to Communist Cuba, such as travel
house. erly equipped. Castro was told the restrictions, economic sanctions, al-
Father Kelly related the following time, date and place of the landing, leged effort to remove Castro etc
information, which I have para- and promised air support was with- are merely to hide what the “land of
phrased for readers: drawn at the last minute. the free and the home of the brave”
The U.S. intelligentsia decided According to JFK’s biographer, had done.
some time in the 1950s that nuclear Arthur Schlessinger, JFK wanted to Cuba was not brought into the
superiority was not the best way to break the CIA into a thousand pieces, Communist orbit to achieve a balance
avoid war with the Soviet Union; a as did his brother RFK, for this be- of power with the USSR. It was done
balance of power was. The USSR trayal. That is one reason both were to advance globalism, Talmudic Ju-
was threatened by U.S. missiles in killed by the CIA. The CIA was later daism, Marxism and the New World
Order—all synonymous terms.
Italy and Turkey and, to relieve that found guilty in a civil jury trial, held
pressure, it was determined that the in the federal district court of the
Southern District of Florida, of mur- California
USSR should be given a base in the
Western Hemisphere. Cuba was se- dering JFK. See Mark Lane’s book [A fascinating and informative
lected because it was ripe for rev- Plausible Denial. letter adding much to the discussion
olution since its president, Fulgencia The next phase of this charade of Castro, Cuba and the CIA. Readers
Batista, had become despotic and was the so-called “Cuban Missile who are interested in this topic
corrupt. Crisis.” This was carefully orches- should see Mr. Baldauf’s booklet
The CIA then paraded Castro be- trated by the U.S. and USSR to keep Bah Bah Blue Sheep: A Critique of
fore the U.S. public as an agrarian Castro permanently in power and Military Yes-Men, and also his law-
reformer and a man of the people. to end all opposition to a Communist suit against the secretary of the Navy,
Castro was on several late-night TV country 90 miles off our shore. A Baldauf v. Nitze, 261 F. Supp. 167
shows echoing his mantra. Richard U-2 spy plane was alleged to have (1966).—Ed.]
Nixon called him the “George Wash- the smoking gun with pictures of
ington of the Western Hemisphere.” missile launchers equipped with nu- CONTINUED ON PAGE 124

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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 123 an Irish Catholic boy from Massa- [Mr. Beeson also attached the
chusetts who also went to Harvard. “Memorandum for the Record of
BETRAYING DIEM The implications are obvious: John M. Dunn.” Well worth reading.
I have been reading the book The 1. Lodge wanted Diem dead. TBR believes this memorandum is
First Casualty of War, Volume I by 2. Lodge was going directly against valuable and thus we reproduce the
the late Daniel W. Michaels, and en- the wishes of his president, who text as it appeared in the memoran-
joying it immensely. The information wanted Diem to live. dum here.—Ed.]
is very substantive and very true. I 3. Lodge wished to have the mur-
Declassified from the
have one comment concerning your ders completely unconnected to the
Gerald R. Ford Library
account of Vietnam. On page 234, United States and to himself.
you said that President Ngo Dinh 4. The subsequent assertion by Memorandum for the Record
Diem did not seek asylum at the Lodge and the U.S. government that
At 1630, 1 November 1963, the
American Embassy. In that light, Diem had not sought asylum was in
Palace contacted us at the Residence.
you might find of interest the fol- fact a lie.
President Diem requested the Am-
lowing, which was told to me per- 5. The further assertion that the
bassador. The following conversation
sonally in 1970 by Col. John M. United States would have granted
took place:
“Mike” Dunn, later a major general. the Ngos asylum had they sought it,
He insisted that I not repeat this was also a lie, at least as far as the President Diem: Some military
prior to his death. As he died in embassy in Saigon was concerned, units have begun a rebellion, and I
1995, I feel free to report it. which, of course, was all that mat- want to know what the attitude of
Dunn was serving in the U.S. Em- tered. the U.S. is?
bassy in Saigon in 1963 as a military This is a sad story for many ob- Ambassador: I have heard some
aide to U.S. Ambassador Henry C. vious reasons. But it is absolutely shooting but, of course, am not ac-
Lodge. About midnight of November appalling that the patricians at the quainted with all the facts. I do not
1, maybe a little later, a van brought State Department were willing to feel well enough informed at this
the two Ngo brothers to the embassy, deceive their president and, so, time to be able to tell you. Remember,
where they sought asylum. As it was create, on the basis of murder, a gi- it is 4:30 a.m. in Washington, and
very early in the morning, and the gantic problem for the United States the United States government cannot
ambassador was in bed, asleep, Dunn and the world that would alter Amer- possibly have an official view at this
was in charge. Recognizing the se- ica for the worse in profound and, time.
riousness of the request, he felt obli- probably, permanent ways. This act President Diem: You must have
gated to awaken the ambassador for was treasonous and, because of the some idea. I am, after all, the chief
instructions. Lodge told him to grant consequences, worthy of death. of state. I have always tried to do
asylum to no one and, then, in an ar- Surprising to me is the involve- my duty and want now to do what
rogant and surly tone, snarled at ment of young James Forrestal, duty and good sense require. I believe
Dunn: “Don’t you ever wake me whose father was a devout, middle- in duty above all.
again.” Whereupon he rolled over class Irish Catholic, a patriot to the Ambassador: You have certainly
and went back to sleep. core and also an anti-Communist to done your duty. I told you only this
Clearly, Lodge had hoped not to the core. Why Kennedy was not morning how much I admire your
be put on the spot regarding the more wary is beyond me. But maybe courage and the great contributions
possible deaths of the two Ngo his lack of wariness led, just three you have made to your country’s
brothers, and Dunn had blown weeks later, to his own death, which well being. No one can take away
Lodge’s cover. Lodge was a cold- was certainty not engineered by from you the credit for all that you
blooded, self-important representa- some “lone gunman.” have accomplished.
tive of his class, and was perfectly Evil in high places, though com- Now I am very worried about
willing to go behind the back of mon, is still shocking in its moral, your physical safety. It has been re-
President Kennedy who had, afterall, political and world-strategic dimen- ported to me that those in charge of
defeated Lodge in the 1952 Massa- sions. The country I once knew is the current activity against you offer
chusetts Senate race—a “Mick” beat- gone, and maybe it never existed. both you and your brother safe con-
ing a “Brahmin”; to the ruling class, Perhaps it was just a dream. duct out of the country if you resign.
practically lèse-majesté [“to do harm JAMES BEESON Have you heard this?
to the king”]. Incidentally, Dunn was New Mexico President Diem: No. (Long pause.)

124 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CT O B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

You have my telephone number. the U.S. thought about replicating the Brotherhood actually poses to
Ambassador: Yes, and you have what Israel had done.) But these ex- them. The Brotherhood certainly
mine. If I can do anything at all to periments from the 1950s didn’t be- has embarrassed the Elite with well-
insure [sic] your personal safety, come public until the 1990s. The timed power outages and problem-
please call me at once. film I mention is from 2003. atic computer viruses. Allegedly the
John M. Dunn In the 1990s, the survivors sued Brotherhood does not harm innocent
Personal Assistant the Israeli government for compen- civilians, but that is a topic for
to the Ambassador sation, and the government threw another time.
out the case, stating that the Israeli For those who would like more
DECLASSIFIED government was not responsible be- information, contact me via email
Authority: FRUS Vietnam. 1961- cause this was considered a legiti- at
63 Vol. IV #259 mate cure by the medical establish- VAUGHN KLINGENBERG
By: KSH. NLF Date: 6/10/99 ment at that time in both the state Via email
of Israel and the West.
I am a proud subscriber to THE film that is worthwhile to watch and I have come across a publication
BARNES REVIEW. I would like to make to research the subject of Western I think your readers would like. It’s
some recommendations for future medical experiments in light of the called The Thinking Minnesotan.
topics to discuss in light of the glob- madness we are facing by the eu- When I saw that magazine the first
alist plan to vaccinate and sterilize genicist liberal culture of death mur- time, I noticed that it was a conser-
the U.S. and world via the medical derers here in the United States and vative effort and put it aside to con-
establishment with vaccines, which the Zionists today. The film shows serve what little time I have left. Re-
have already caused thousands of how we can protect ourselves from cently, I started reading it more care-
deaths around the country. I would these savages. fully. The more I read, the more I re-
like to see an entire issue dedicated YEHUDA LITTMANN alized that the contents are a treasure
to the history of medical experiments New York trove of super conservative infor-
on unwitting patients, both here in mation.
the U.S. and across the world. HOUSE MEMBERS BY LOTTERY
Fifty years ago, Minnesota was
The mainstream media is touting Just thought I would let your pure White. As always, when and
Israel as a success story, having vac- readers know that I have my crowd- wherever in known world history
cinated a large percentage of it pop- funding initiative called Government White folk arrive, they bring peace,
ulation. But, before we emulate by Lottery: Replacing Voting for order and prosperity. Minnesota had
Israel, I think it is worthwhile that Members of the U.S. House of Rep- no corruption in state and local gov-
everyone watch a very important resentatives With Selecting Them ernments. There was no crime. Even
documentary film entitled Ringworm via a National Lottery. It is now when some less fortunate ones in
Children which was, by the way, re- under review by Kickstarter. I should their ranks got into a fight, it was al-
viewed by the great truther and hear back from them soon concern- most gentle, compared to the cruelty,
writer Barry Chamish. ing whether they will host my cam- hatred and inhumanity we have be-
The film is about how the Israeli paign or not. I will also try soliciting come accustomed to since the advent
government irradiated 110,000 Se- funding from other crowdfunding of “diversity.”
phardic children, mostly from Mo- sites. Minnesota is a textbook example
rocco in the 1950s, when they came I am dedicating my lotteryism of how civilizations and cultures de-
over to Israel. They gave them 10 campaign to Orwell’s Brotherhood. volve into corruption, strife and squa-
times the amount of radiation for a I do believe the Brotherhood exists, lor once the “liberals” penetrate their
very mild disease (ringworm), which but that they do not solicit joiners. midst. Today, “liberal” is synonymous
can be cured simply with a regimen The so-called “Q” movement most with—take your pick—Communist,
of apple cider vinegar. The children certainly is a Zionist/FBI front or- Bolshevik, Anarchist, Socialist etc.
all got cancer over the years. Ap- ganization set up to tease out would- Liberal also means “I’m here to do
proximately 6,000 of them died im- be Brotherhood sympathizers so that good with your money and, if you
mediately, and the rest got cancer, they appear “on the radar screen,” don’t give it to me, I'll take it.”
epilepsy and other debilitating ill- so to speak. I sometimes suspect PETROS STRATEGOS
nesses. that the ridiculous concern of the Via email
On this film, they show a clip Joe Biden administration and the
from a black-and-white American crypto-Elite/New World Order about [We all have to remember that
commercial from the 1950s saying, so-called “White supremacists” is today’s liberals are not the same as
“Israel Is a Success Story.” (Perhaps actually code-speak for the threat CONTINUED ON PAGE 126

THE BA RN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 1 2 5

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 125 could simply step in and take over scar. He also had difficulty breathing
liberals from 20 years ago. We’ll call Russian markets as Lenin believed. for the rest of his life.
today’s liberals “neo-liberals” (or After 2,000 years of false victim- When Thomas examined the man
maybe straight-up Leftists). Liberals hood by Jews, they will find that alleging to be Hess after the crash
used to be concerned about free they have finally become real victims, and subsequent capture, this man
speech, personal freedom, censor- themselves.They may find out that had no such scar. He also faked his
ship and the like. Today, they cheer- their wealth will be taken from them, amnesia because, as a faux Rudolf
lead from the sidelines as websites just like productive White Christians. Hess, he could not, of course, re-
and books are banned, rallies sup- They have never created anything member details of the real Hess.
porting conservative issues are at- themselves, so, when the Whites are Finally, this man put off seeing
tacked by the likes of Antifa and gone, the Jews will have no more his wife and son for a couple of
Black Lives Matter, cops are shot source of income. years after the war ended.
etc. Twenty years ago, many of us Adolf Hitler believed that Jews When he at last agreed to meet
agreed with liberals on some is- were parasites and, when the host them, a strange thing happened.
sues—but no longer. Look at the dies, the parasites die, too. When After the first few minutes of talk,
American Civil Liberties Union the Whites go, everyone will discover his wife commented: “Why, Rudolf!
(ACLU). They were the major de- we weren’t the real exploiters, but How deep your voice has become.”
fender of free speech in the 1960s, the one irreplaceable race that Though she did not realize it at the
even going so far as to help the created every advanced civilization. time, she was expressing a physio-
American Nazi Party march in U.S. ED ZEMAN logical impossibility: As a man ages,
cities as a First Amendment right. Illinois his voice gets higher, not deeper.
Just recently, the “neo-ACLU” has A final note: At the Nuremberg
stated that the Second Amendment THE STRANGE CASE OF HESS Trials, Hermann Goering was once
is racist. What has happened to our THE BARNES REVIEW is the most overheard saying to “Hess,” “Don’t
old liberals? Decades of brainwash- addictive form of history known to worry Rudolf. I won’t tell anyone
ing coming out of universities and man. I wish to discourse somewhat your secret,” in a voice dripping
the public school system.—Ed.] on Rudolf Hess. I once had in my with sarcasm.
possession a book entitled The The Strange Case of Rudolf Hess
WHAT A LADY Strange Case of Rudolf Hess, by Dr. is a good read, if you can still find it.
I was so thrilled to read the inter- Hugh Thomas, printed in England It has been out of print for years.
view with Lady Michele Renouf in back in the 1970s. Thomas was the Talk about tales of the weird!
the January/February 2021 issue of doctor who first examined Hess JOHN GULARTIE
THE BARNES REVIEW. It was the first I after he was taken prisoner, and he California
had heard of her arrest for speaking continued to minister to Hess for [We don’t carry that particular
at a rally commemorating the victims some time afterward. Hess book, but we do stock Rudolf
of the Dresden bombing. I won’t use The main theme of Dr. Thomas’s Hess: His Betrayal and Murder,
a computer, and will have nothing book is that the man who crashed written by his medical aide, Abdallah
to do with any newscasts, since in Scotland was not Rudolf Hess. Melaouhi. The book (softcover, 291
there has not been an honest one To begin with, the Messerschmitt pages, #643, $25 minus 10% for TBR
on any channel for decades. I no Bf 110 (commonly known as the subscribers) is in stock. See page
longer read mainstream newspapers Me-110), a twin-engine plane, took 128 for an ordering form.—Ed.]
for the same reason. off from the main Messerschmitt
I think there will not be a White factory at Augsburg on May 10, 1941.
race within 20 years, because the The alpha-numeric markings on his Send your thoughtful letters to TBR,
United States is following the path plane were completely different from P.O. Box 550, White Plains, MD 20695
of South Africa. The proof of South the plane that crashed in Scotland. or email
Africa’s total demise is due to the There are photos to prove this in Please leave a phone number so we
complete lack of honest coverage Thomas’s book. can call to discuss your letter or an-
by the controlled global media. Now, when Hess was a lieutenant swer your questions. Note, if we have
Other races will quickly find out on the Western Front in World War not gotten back to you, call us. We’d
they cannot simply step in and take I, a British sniper wounded him se- be happy to talk. Call 202-547-5586.
over, any more than the Bolsheviks verely in the chest, leaving a hefty

126 • THE BARNES REVI EW • SEPTEM BER/ O CT O B E R 2 0 2 1 • B A R N E S R E V I E W. C O M • 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 7 3 - 9 0 7 7 T OL L F REE

Bankers Funded Josef Stalin, Not Adolf Hitler
Continued from page 3 grate. Albert went to Switzerland, where he com-
uncontrollable by international financial interests. mitted suicide in 1941 when faced with the threat
By 1933, world Jewry, according to The New York of expulsion. … By 1939, of course, numerous
Times, had declared war on Germany and promoted members of the Rothschild family were themselves
refugees. The German invasion of France in May
a boycott of German goods. Within two years, Germany
1940 increased their [refugee] number substantially.
was flourishing without debt. In April of 1938, the
Rothschild cult was arrested and its assets seized by As always, the anti-Hitler Right is driven by emotion
the state. Therefore, Germany had to be terminated. and fear.
Germany saw a massive rise in its standard of Hitler was never supported either by the capitalists
living while also providing for a basic equality that of the West or Germany proper. American millionaires
prevented oligarchy from forming. He improved work- demanded he be destroyed and, instead, funded Josef
ing conditions, doubled wages, eradicated debt, pro- Stalin. The early USSR was created by American elites,
vided basic housing and transportation and created including Henry Ford, who built the largest Ford plant
the paid vacation, something certainly not associated in the world in Kharkiv, Soviet Ukraine, between 1934
with typical Rothschild policy. and 1936. Despite direct German appeals to Ford, he
Also in 1938, Hitler seized not only the Rothschilds’ rejected all offers to invest in Germany. Money continued
fortune (through Louis), but the capital of most of to pour into the Stalin camp. In the oil industry, for ex-
the major foreign bankers in the country. Louis Roth- ample, Western capital was important to Soviet devel-
schild was held for 13 months until the negotiations opment. Western companies transferred technology
over his release were completed, leading to massive to the Soviets, causing massive foreign exchange earn-
condemnations in the American and British media. ings for Stalin in 1926-1927, recreating the finances of
Rothschild was allowed to leave the country only if the Soviet empire. This was the sole factor leading to
he renounced all Austrian possessions, giving them Stalin’s massive oil industry. All told, Western cash
up to the state. This ended the Rothschild presence went to the USSR, not to Germany. Capitalism backed
on Austrian soil. Afterward, the confidence of German Communism, never National Socialism.
investors went up. This is how Germany was rebuilt. In Weimar, Big Business was poorly organized,
Niall Ferguson’s biography of the Rothschild family, given the financial chaos in the country. They fought
The House of Rothschild: Volume 2: The World’s Bank- all social policies of the Nationalist movement. It
er: 1849-1999 (Penguin, 2000) was very sympathetic backed the bourgeois parties of the center, not the
to these elites. He writes: NSDAP. They considered Hitler a Socialist who was
An altogether more ruthless coalition had come closer to the far Left than the liberals. The NSDAP’s
to power in Germany in 1933, dominated by the program, released in February of 1920, drove German
National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Hostility capital away permanently. Hitler was convinced that
to the Rothschilds had been a feature of Nazi prop- capitalism was anti-national—and he was right.
aganda from the movement’s infancy, despite the In this special edition, we show precisely how
fact that the Frankfurt house had been wound up Hitler was at war with the elite Judaic agenda. This
when Hitler was barely 12 years old. … author has his own piece showing how Stalin was
It was not until April 1938, with the “Ordinance the “father” of Israel, laying out the entire ideological
on the Registration of Jewish Assets,” that Rothschild
property came under direct attack. In the wake of core of the Zionist state in Andrei Gromyko’s speech
the orchestrated anti-Semitic demonstrations of at the United Nations in 1947. In addition, Marc
the following November (Reichskristallnacht), Roland’s article speaks the truth about the slandered
nearly all the myriad of charitable and educational anti-Bolshevik Spaniard de Rivera, and Thomas Good-
foundations—of which there were around 20— rich reveals uncomfortable WWII truths, this time
were dissolved, with the exception of the Carolinum about the Battle of Okinawa. Had Zionist intriguers
Dental Clinic, which had become part of the Frank- not conned FDR into World War II in the first place,
furt University. … tragedies like this might never have happened.
The private property of the few family members Once you finish this issue, you’ll be better off than
still resident in Germany was expropriated by 99% of typical university history professors. Today’s
similar methods, though there was, in fact, relatively
little of it left by 1938. Before the process of confis- world functions on myth, but nothing is more important
cation began, Max von-Goldschmidt-Rothschild’s to the elite, then and now, than demonizing the social,
sons Albert, Rudolf and Erich sold the family houses cultural and financial revolution of Adolf Hitler. ❖
at the Grüneburg and Königstein and opted to emi- —MATTHEW RAPHAEL JOHNSON, Senior Researcher

THE BA RN ES REVI EW • P. O . BO X 5 5 0 • W H I T E P L A I N S , MD 2 0 6 9 5 • S E P T E MB E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1 • 1 2 7
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