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liviu pendefunda

unseen light in times

Liviu Pendefunda

Unseen Light
in Times

Afterword by Ioan Holban

Destine Literare/ Literary Destinies

Illustration of the cover by Theodor Hueala
Illustrations of the book by Elleny Pendefunda
Book editor: Liviu Pendefunda

Copyright: © 2024 Elleny Pendefunda

Liviu Pendefunda, born on March 10, 1952, is an Academician, M.D., Ph.D.,

university professor, writer, philosopher, and esotericist in Jassy, Romania, Deputy
Director of General International Biographical Center Cambridge, England, Executive
Manager of Literary Destinies, ASRAM, Canada and founder of Contact
International Magazine, Romania, Vice-Chancellor of the World Academy of Letters,
Honorary Doctor in Literature accorded by World Academy of Arts and Culture;
Winner of the Poetry Contest World Congress of Poets 2023

Thought is of respect and tribute to Ioan Holban because he was patient in the
hermeneutic deciphering of the Pendefundian lyrics.
With special thanks to Alexandru Cetateanu who made it possible to publish this
volume of poetry at the wonderful publishing house Destine Literare/ Literary

ISBN 978-1-9992081-7-2
The Library and Archives of Canada (LAC) / Government of Canada

The Mystery of Creation
Here I am, master of truth, my god, sovereign of the universe. Humble part of your body, soul,
and spirit, I am the admirer of the forty gods who serve the heavens, the fascinating eye that pierces
the light from the darkness. Here I am, guide on the mountain without a pisco. I brought with me the
compass you taught me to use to feed millions of hearts. And when you think that I am the light born
yesterday on the horizons of the waters of the holy constellations of nothingness. I am here to defend
my convexity of the world. From the secret of secrets, I gather the name and the stone that was and
is, what will be.

I am Alpha and Omega,

The first and the last,
The beginning and the end

How many messages have we received from the great scholars of the universe, even transposed
into the symbol of human speech? The words were elaborated to be understood only by the chosen
ones. And their mission was to fulfill the realization of a divine plan. I have received the sacred word,
says the adept arriving before the gate. I know him and I meditated on him all the way,
understanding his power. I know this was my first life. But what are the names of the eternal forms
that accompany me now? Oh, Maat, if you would allow me the truth of the spoken word, irresistible
to the great silences in its harmony! But what virtue has the divine sound that a man's voice can
emit? Oh, the soul that you separated from the song of the seventh lord descended through light,
healer, and angel, like a gift I feel you in the chaos of my voice, a single word. Now I am the one who
in turn transmits the message.

Being thus the essence, penetration is a dream, arcana of truth, eternal harmony of the abyss.
And beyond is no future. And no past. It is the breeze of the waters and the caress of a burning stone.
It's not night, but it's not day either. It is me, crossing multiple obstacles and stops, the steps of the
garden. They are the signs that come to warm the soul that I feel is mine, the ocean in which a sun
shines, and I am also a drop that thinks. I am the light born yesterday, nourished by the truth, with
wings crossing the life from the Word. The knowledge held in it is greater than anything, being
creation itself. Clairvoyants and prophets, the great visionaries remained in the collective memory of
the terrestrial world and... who knows... whose other worlds of this universe or others. The esoteric
dowry of the nadir or zenith spiritual centers, inscribed in the symbolism given by the Great
Architect through the spiritual monads embodied in the three-dimensional physical worlds, is always
covered with a veil of oblivion. The gate is not immediately made of steel or marble and the key to
opening it can only be the Word. Our evolution in a temporally spiraling ouroboros, passing between
ascending vibratory frequencies, is deciphered in the cosmogony that finds itself never and nowhere
except through an Alpha born from an Omega, the son born from the daughter, god the father, and
god the mother. Creation belongs to us, it is part of the light of the universe, and it is the divinity that
is everywhere in our world and ourselves. On the interconnected steps of existential access, it is the
hermetic nous of the inside connected to its outside. This is the sacred key that entitles the adept to
lift the veil from the gate of light, the transition between energy and matter, passive and active, cold
and warm, hidden and revealed, dark and bright, stage between Omega and Alpha, between the
architectural plan and the finality of the construction of a temple. What was, what is and what will
come is only a spiritual evolution, which I, who am who I am, feel is a creative mechanism of the
intelligence of light refracted in a spiritual mirror. I say all this from a man's perspective. I never
tried for a moment to skip the natural stages of understanding and knowledge, to materialize the
spirit through the soul. By existing, I listen and surprise myself among all those like me.
It is my voice in the eternal forms, destiny justified by the gods. It's another gate, one more, the
one that opens more towards the self blossoming from great wisdom. From the darkness, I am a man
who comes to know myself, so that the spirit that speaks to me may carry me and make me
understand the power of the sacred key, the only Word.

First Canto
of Initiation
Once upon a time in the distorted nothingness of dreams,
a misunderstood magus,
a magician who could
transform the world in a backstage
5 and of course
to leave only the one without a beginning on the stage.

So great was his power, but the cry

hidden in the universe
was drowning him in light.
10 He turned his fortune—himself,
verse by verse
in a Word, and he remained only dust and clay.

From this mystery was born an arm and then
a piece of body
15 a half wing:
- I was not an angel, he wrote with rays for us,
no clay god
but only a magus born in haste.

I decided to go down one more bell

20 don't know about me anymore
in other times to incarnate
another man, sanctified between councils and
another synod,
distorted in whirls
of dogmas and doctrines, but in the same creed.

25 From the darkness of a cave from which you wake up

do not betray what is in the covenant
I hardly taught you!
From now on I turn your thoughts to the stars,
to mirror
the holy word -
30 known as an environment in which to live - what have
and you forgot it.

Remember what my secret is and guard it
in pyramids
in ancient burial mounds, in ziggurats,
in temples, on obelisks, thin tablets, megaliths
35 which were exalted
in the moon or sun greedy regions!

There is no Cancer or Capricorn, from the nadir

or from the zenith,
from dusk or dawn;
40 you are all beyond time in a chalice
from which you sipped
the priceless elixir from an ancient flora.

I return, sons of light, to search in thought

the evening times
45 in whom I preserve the science of wisdom
at the temple gate, under lightning and thunder,
the unspoken words
to ask them as a guardian of eternal fire and wonder.

I was born under the wind of the pure rose
50 on a dragon island
the third in the frontier of the great constellation;
touched from a young age by the blade of mature
and dreams from sleep
we were a game through rituals and libations.

55 Few were those who were not ether

in embodied bodies
and I received the Word in which I have lived ever since.
Living masters, dead masters, mystery after mystery
they were played back to me
60 let me carry the key of life between the depths and the

I sipped greedily at the place where they disappeared

unborn space and time
the living light that reigns beyond death,
a circle, a sky, immensity under an ivory vault
65 (which to anyone else would seem so illusory)
there I leafed through the Book of Wisdom.

I was freed from the darkness in which
they gathered in my thought
Lemurians and Atlanteans arrived from among the stars
70 in the consciousness from the beginning one after
spiral path having
they piled up as many sails as possible

to pass in bells wells after wells

through the universe pore,
75 saying the password and calling the power
in the harmony of the well-known and the unknown world
verse by verse
in delighted murmurs to the vibrations in the sphere

of that truth that turns into shivers

80 what cannot be seen and heard,
of the fire that burns in logos
and then he changes his appearance into other suns,
the raw kernel
sowing the lights of the book into chaos.

85 Only the temple, an immense tower in spirit
remained among the waters,
waves after waves, swarms of asteroids,
breaking on the steps, torment in the universe
vain prayers
90 uttered by thousands of cherubs eager for secrets.

In his rage, chaos returns to engulf

a world-whose purpose
he had again been subjected to the test of virgin soil;
but me in the woods, in the desert, my state of being
95 will be what was not,
I said to myself and I became a priest and king of all.

From the womb of time, sons of light

Wisdom they conceived
and the showers of stars ended the wind's trial;
100 of you all, since then received into communion
little by little
fragments and monads from the great soul.

However, few cross the gate to darkness
towards the chariot-sarcophagus
105 in which to know alchemy'try
through death to pass into the etheric spirit
under a magician's crutch,
to give birth to the rose from the ashes that had been a

From above the crystal, at the top of the pyramid, a

110 joins the splendor
of the unknown mysteries in the pore of the firebird.
I keep passing beyond, another world, another bell and
come down – the wonder
should not surprise you - I go down, go up and come

115 Thus spoke in a one Word, that only known to us,

a wizard, shaman,
part of the sky, part of the wind, and then disappeared
in an instant.
From this mystery was born an arm and then a body,
an eye and in a year
120 a bright aura and the other half of the wing.

The Second Canto,
of Fire
Longer than long ago, hence no time
there was no place
but only an infinite bell, with the center nowhere
and the edges were nowhere; no one had any problems
125 and no stars
exploded or froze in the cold of winter.

Then the sons of light in bodies incarnate

on the newly created earth
to bring the rays of learning from nothing,
130 in tunnels, under the earth and under the oceans they dug,
another sun-they placed
in a bell under a mountain in hard rock.

Their role was to write the darkness and how to defeat it
and resurrect
135 from the astral to this world the moments from paradise,
eon to eon, a cosmos to encompass
and to be
the great fulfillment of the dream plan.

140 They gathered around the table on which the fiery sphere
of the giant icosahedron glowed with rays.
in which a triangle pulsated an eye of flame, multicolored,
black and white that dripped like honey
in all words and images gathered in bundles.

145 In flight you could feel how the swirling clouds were
in the manes of horses
splashes of petals, aromas, and taste of roses;
that's how oozed the howls of fleeing wolves to worship
the sacred procession
150 touches of offerings and lightning to admire.

It was just the beginning. Released from darkness
as from slavery
from the world in which space and time do not exist,
they gave the light clothed in flesh
155 without knowing
that the hidden infinite entity was giving them a clue,

a false way to reach between the guide columns

for what was above
nor below could not be a cold absence
160 when the mountains clothed with vigil accuse
floated in the fog
white light and black light.

There, above, I received the consciousness of life in

I've been living there ever since.
165 I can't choose the will, I can't choose the state.
For every step raises the ship through the blossoming
under the valleys and across the meadows
fiery brushes let the color sit between the hands.

It's always within my reach
170 a point, a line, a map
on which to slide the sun, cross, stars
lights in these spaces where alpenhorns sing,
Faith is an art
and I am my god, prophet, and myth among them.

175 Three, five, or seven pyramids in which rest

not body but pure soul
of brothers waiting in the icosahedron for incarnation,
they are raised in the old planets in their natural spirit
as I was in Ur,
180 as I am now on the mountain with eyes that see the horizon,

ears that hear how flower buds grow in the grass

and lambs from the marrow
but the lava from the depths to give birth to islands,
raindrops from the clouds to drink the silence
185 and the rays from the sun
towards new cities and temples in waves.

But I don't just hear or see, I feel
in the arms a palsy
in the wings the rustling of petals, the aromas of flowers,
190 and between the lips the taste of caress
and seduction
to the new from the flesh of the virgins at dawn.

There were all nine of us before I woke up

like a human child
195 to grow up and get closer to the same holy land
on which I was Zamolxe'n day, always only day;
when everyone was asleep
I was passing through another dimension as I am now.

I knew the commandment not to run away from the sun:

200 from darkness only in light
in its purity to bloom rose on the cross;
thus the infinite will descend in wings the sail of the wind
deep as in nadir
accompanied the rhomboid veils that bring rainbows,

205 overturns and interprets fire roses -
thousands of colors,
oscillating its undulation in auras of darkness and
It is the eternal outpouring that does not have a term.
Thousands of flowers
210 burn and the sparks give birth to the giant universe.

So it is in the clearing where I returned:

spring fireflies,
flakes, rays, leaves, and changed shapes
in different times that they turned their forks
215 now and again
even the divine spirit can no longer know them.

And knowing death puts life in the crucible,

supreme magus,
in the Cleveland aludel in the spell to catch me,
220 feeling that the morning never hides
the dew we drink
from the stars poured forth the world to encompass it.

And burns in me at night, the growing spirit,
bright lights,
225 released under the transparent bell and the pore
the mouth of a fish looks like a stepping-stone fountain
where it no longer hurts
my metamorphosis into wings restoring my flight,

the floating of the children of light from the womb of

the mountain
230 come forth to replace the gods,
teachers of people, masters of everything and everything
how big or small are the secrets;
the purpose is to like them
to perform the ritual of the occult sciences.

235 Longer than long ago, whence no time

there was no place
but only an infinite bell, with the center nowhere
and the edges of nowhere I went down lazily
on my forehead with a star
240 to give you wisdom, even though you don't ask for it.

The Third Canto
of Time
The power of understanding is the veil of the astral night
of cold and hope,
elevating the truth to the rank of dogma,
Only fear binds us to the darkness of your pride;
245 viewed from the front
being wand or unicorn horn,

me - your way, my child, me - the old magus

I bring you to the temple
the power to bend like a god
250 to the neophyte or the learned one let me tell you
as once in Uruk
be an Enkidu, forgive or kill a lion.

Now is the time to be proud - don't brag
from what you know
255 but aware that you have hidden gates in you
the light and time in which you grow,
a character from the homilies,
humble as the sky is before the sun, my child.

I learned that fear binds me to darkness

260 and the spirit in him
light is also truth, love
starting the genesis of the etheric train
of a cosmos, in which He
it is the source of all, the fountain of clouds, and thought.

265 I guide you from now on, because they do not go astray
- It is known -
those who follow in harmony
a road marked by everything natural
and it's not sordid
270 their initiation in the bell, through fire in the pyramid.

We, sons of stardust, embodied the glade
like a fortress
let it seem like a temple, not a desert, not an expanse of
a place where wise time is food,
275 possible,
and the music from the spheres makes the thirsty drink.

You sit around, for I live in death

always reborn
to bring you the Word that poured forth
280 fills a whole world, even if it's not a whole book,
just one word; and I,
I have the universe - the library of the incarnate Logos.

I feel shining like a morning star,

I live from the truth
285 knowing that the earth pulls towards the earth
and heaven to heaven hidden by veils of mist,
and it's not the famous apple
what hides the sage that I am.

But take fire from me, light on the rainbow bridge
290 floating on the rhomboid clouds
secrets of the architect with a compass and a square
in us, it becomes a saint, a demon, or a god
with your greedy winged eye
and be you in the time of the mystery fire!

295 How many colors does fire have? We don't see him the
same way either,
neither do we immortals
what we overcome through the fire from within the
black light
and infinity shining in the night thought becoming a goal
a permanence at dawn
300 of this sense, the apocalypse of reverie in ruin.

You are form and color, dear disciple cast in clay.

You remember what you forgot
from the space you have seen and seems unknown now
because every life passes into another life, blessing, and
305 In every place I plow
the end of the seed is the mystery of a beginning.

I bring in me, my child, the first disciple I meet
in this clearing
in which I raised the temple thousands or tens of years ago.
310 You did not feel how the night star is released from you
leaving behind a wound
of fire in the transformation from the body to always urge
you to leave

to leave, in your turn wisdom to those who love

in the dark to live
315 not knowing his future where infinity will end
through cycles in spirals that interpenetrate and collide
The Uninitiated putting on a mask
in front of the mystery question that answers to be.

I asked those sitting at the surrounding table

320 an icosahedron and a rose
what a difference in thought for the children of man to be
the same with us, those of the embodied light when it hurts
they have light and I'm not surprised
that I don't know is hidden among pride and arrogance.

325 Gathered from among the secrets of the spiral in which
we find ourselves
it's wisdom
which he gave to you embraced as a disciple,
I, lord of mysteries and morning star, to you, man
which yesterday you collected
330 the stars in your eyes and believed in their brilliance so small.

And I often looked into the universe in my childhood.

Above were hidden mysteries.
Year after year I understood myself first of all.
Now I'm telling you. You write line by line
335 what I collected in joy and pain
the square that holds the soul in triangles and circles.

But my thoughts since then have flown to thousands of

other planets
and sing in harmony
symbols and words, full of lifeworlds and worlds;
340 Some ascend, others descend, and in time they become
or maybe it seems to me
they were like the heart closed in chains and crowns.

And waiting to break the veil of night when it's only dark
part of the ether
345 I learned traveling the abyss that my inheritance
and every man is light. I had no idea either
of this mystery
and how much of the secrets he can give me.

That was the first time I understood that there is life in

the spirit
350 and forms of wisdom.
They are sons of the stars whose cities lasted between
That's why I know that you, son of man, have no choice.
Your destiny is written in runes,
May you also build roses from ether into gold.

355 Son of light, master, I am on your way

to fulfill in life
my royal work, my enormous work,
to decipher in you the veil of the heavenly night
through cold and hope,
360 raising the truth to the rank of dogma.

Fourth Canto,
of the mystery
I stay in the meadow - temple of light - to tell you:
You are a son of immensity, too,
A child of the stars, unique among them;
Still, essentially you are, just as
365 we are only spokes of the wheel
What we call destiny, is inscribed among mysteries.

And the body is a planet for you;

You're neither clay nor rock
But in the consciousness you fulfilled, in the awakening
370 Ascending in the spirit in apparent you die
accumulating wisdom yet,
knowing that you are the light that is infinite releases.

I met in my long search two eyes the same
as the universe and skin as an unicorn;
375 already released from the night tightening
We grew together in thought, having only one goal
- let's make ourselves in the body
in which in the spirit and the ray of the sun it hurts.

To know, my child, that you were born of the purest

380 and your body is a planet
what spins around wisdom.
And your brilliance in ether is your only coat
by which you trickle like in a pipette
to spread what you decanted in the aludel under the
horn of the moon.

385 The two eyes were an incarnation as am I

passed through the fountain pore,
a farewell like a flame in the void and the hair shining like a
thousands of colors iridescent of her and the rocks on
Mount Ineu
protected her fairy float
390 that part of the universe I felt being mine.

We were fulfilled on another plane, here, on the
hidden of knowledge,
unknown to wisdom, beyond everything we know.
But free, as you will be, in the Mute spaces
395 before Genesis,
we conceive, ourselves, children which we plant

light seeds, people, the Earth you know.

Listen to me, it's a voice in mind
that spill images, sounds, multiple feelings
400 - it's all I gave to those sons every time
chosen from Earth
to step on death and dust from the graves.

Next is the open path in the colorless rose!

By how much you will pass,
405 whitening and reading the transparent petals,
and stellar dust with drops of flower stamina dew
burning in cold fire
you will not forget and take it from the beginning with
rare gems

put to burn in alambic, in memories of the future,
410 in the order of a world
by which the balance is ended and at the same time ...
By how much you will pass from evening until dawn
you will not be able to gather
- what I repeated - the divine play with a kiss,

415 which lasts in the wonderful mystery of the vibration of

the world.
Unfold yourself! Close your eyes!
And I sat in the dark, just the soul to fly
cosmic scent to encompass us in what they do not
nothing but the wings of signs,
420 a single soul, huge, infinite flower.

And now when I think, I imagine a temple

on which they are inscribed
etheric meant loving themselves, twisting
on an axis in the universe from which it is, to
425 and the wings turn their dreams
with the knotted feathers interlaced, loving themself.

I trembled until I was two and still, and still many of us
until I filled in chaos with light
the Word spread by us deep, the zenith in Nadir
430 and what was heard from above you can also listen down,
spheres in cubes, the air in clay
in the ziggurat, I was fulfilled in the rose fire.

Do not doubt what I told you, waiting for the moment

when the training is enough
435 to fly like me, a child of man, you, the light son,
make me so to melt in you, to feel my wing,
discharged from the body, the ground gone
to give you the key to a living icosahedron.

For the one around whom the masters are not the fire
440 ready to burst
but endless peace, deep in harmony
what surrounds us and watches everything
even a wedding,
time without time, the one who was and who will live.

445 I am right now toward you, architect of the world,
the genesis of life
with the mind, with the infinite bell in which we are spinning,
and I ask for liberation from bondage, putting the garland
and as a gift the wisdom
450 to my disciple from the Glade with irises, Elohim.

Remember the wedding in which you danced around our altar

to build
the union chain of eternity, the threads of light in the World,
The travels through which you taught us the Zohar
455 and the lesson to love
in seven spheres, an eye in a holy triangle of rays.

When you guide us to the last fountain to know

the composition of the world without time
and what will be when wings we will wear in turn
460 colors from the spectrum that we didn't think
we could not imagine it bringing
symbolic columns from thought to thought flying.

What strange things I saw in the divine mysteries,

youth of youth,
465 being our life and invitation, then in death,
the inexorable detachment of time and destinies
without a sign of old age
in the myth of salvation that gives you power.

Thus I fulfilled the wedding, the source of alchemy

470 I have arranged the light
coming in the morning in which I meet you
to reveal your mystery that I carry in harmony
of souls passing the fountain
at the bell edge, through a heavenly realm.

475 I and you have the same road,

we are just spokes of the wheel
what do we call it destiny, inscribed among mysteries,
but I believe in the mountains of godfathers, the
hazelnut weddings
define you as a son of death,
480 your immensity being only a child of stars.

The Fifth Canto,
of the Key
I was a master of light in distant Mu,
key bearer,
keeper of the path, master of a pyramid and a cone,
often living in a human body, even in the one that was
485 heroes fight with kites
a god of history-gathering eon after eon.

The master of an infinite temple could not be prouder

embodying his wedding
as I was, not born on Earth,
490 but an invisible spirit in the flesh conceived
reverberating my wave
under the waters of the air and in the fire sublimated in clay.

I brought the way to the light, not the light of the triangle
exalted with the pineal eye
495 and in successive plans in shades of numbered harmonies
but only heavenly manna to give to the hungry
and water from a wave sound
to remember the coolness and toil of the thirsty.

From beyond you, perfect ether, a path flows in time,

500 that spiral
lead your souls in darkness to the well.
From beyond time when neither mountain nor valley
was created,
when neither the huge hall
it did not exist as a form, and the angels had neither
wing nor hand

505 but only a dream plan, an architectural blueprint.

So were we, the ethereal rays
fulfilling life, substance, and movement in the temple
land with islands and oceans, surrounded by a cold moon,
heavens from the bells drawn
510 to pour the light from the sun into five essences.

If the sublime, high noetic master has called us
let's shape the word
in clothes understood by your mind, child of man,
I gave wisdom and I still do it now
515 to swallow you deep again
and then wake up from your unfulfilled sleep.

That's how I became a teacher and I've been going

down ever since
on fragrant slopes
of flowers grown in the meadows, in the covered
520 on which his great throne rests
unimaginable if possible
imagine something that doesn't exist to imagine it.

And you will live with me to embody the idea

in unknown corners
525 darkness, absorbing mysteries and secrets,
and at the end of the cycle, I will give you the key
knocked down gates
and which is seemingly open to any disciple.

Nothing more false, my child, for in the light it hides
530 always dark
and the seven vices overtook the people.
That's how many perished climbing the mountain,
an ethereal ziggurat
with steps, bridges, and traps in which they licked,

535 not souls but bodies, for the spirit, was too much
and they didn't know where the magic was
it ends in the still and the ritual becomes knowledge.
Learn to keep the light and her kiss,
serves alchemy,
540 only to the enlightened ones to reveal the sciences from

In the wings, I hid what you discover to be secret,

the light of understanding;
what is not visible in the pyramid is the corridor from
the wall,
it's a place where every sane follower is dogged,
545 with a pot, full of heresy,
broken in his ephemeral desire to disappear into the void

as sorcerers do powers can be given or taken away
in the invisible temple.
On these walls, the tablets are inscribed with light.
550 In them I gathered the word which for you is the key,
not permanently readable
but only when the heart is love and without any guilt.

Undiscovered is the liberal art for others who come

for darkness guides them
555 enslaving and binding the universe from the created chaos.
Light in the darkness is only the divine soul in you
the flowing light
the path incomprehensibility; are the sails of the ark to

In their ignorance, in their dreams bearers gather

560 tears and chimeras,
weaving a veil of black fog from which they forgot
that their goal is to fly as far as possible in the dawn.
Look through the lashes:
if the inscription of light is deleted, removed

565 of the temple you are looking for and you will not find it
it means you still know
the way, the truth to your life.
It is not surprising that there is a rose in a tree
he will ask you to give him a tribute
570 petal by petal, feather by feather my wing.

It is the cipher of golden numbers creating a man, creating

from rocks of dying stars
the mysterious whistle that you hide in the basket of a
crushed by asteroids, the beguiling sing
575 what opposes in sails to abound
in pastoral worlds and visions of a wandering traveler.

Veils will break, and the planets submit to us.

Who was created first?
Is it darkness, time, and cosmos at the same time?
580 It is the secret of a secret - even the great mysteries do
not tell us.
Everything I learned
it's because they were born and we have a wheel with us.

In its spokes, in the space from the beginning of time
we are always spinning;
585 traveling on the path of darkness and illusions
we open the temple gate in the labyrinth
with a divine word.
The profound allusions are not in doubt

which mankind throws away, which I throw away

590 deceptive passages
besides deaf rays, wisdom, and power
the truth is hidden, the vibration of a body
here and nowhere
sun-absorbed, lemon, sulfur, salt, honey.

595 Under these mysteries, under the light dom

in the spirit of crystals, the gods
they gave me a name that only the light knows,
to be master of a pyramid and a cone,
key bearer -
600 I was thus anointed master in distant Mu.

The Sixth Canto,
of Light
Children who shine among men listen to my voice;
to rustle among the leaves used to,
to murmur in showers the drops of dew that fall from
the sky
as in rays the shivers of bees and perfume in the
nostrils of a cypress
605 - that's my worldly voice
and love was my most intense pressure of mystery.

In her as in me, the soul had become accustomed to

being light
and almost a piece
of treasure - inner earthquake of wisdom
610 what of the mountains flowing into the cataracts,
smooth today
fiery waters gather,
cross among the stars to crown the forehead.

You didn't think: why look at the black light forever

did you feel lost?

615 There, always look for the one with whom you have
an alchemical ritual; and she, your dear being
is always unknown.
But you, orphic, are retracing the Sisyphus road you
started on.

Our children have opened their immense power

620 in the cosmos to flood
the refraction of the One triple pentadic in the seventh of
a cedar,
revived acacia cross in tears of pain,
fluttering bows
braids of roses in nonahedron shore.

625 And the darkness will disappear from you, it will fade
in waves,
hidden and buried
as my body had received death in the temple.
But my soul remained and will wave among creations
in the ether
as my voice is all today
630 is the message that will change your fate in your mind.

When I entered the labyrinth, the bell that I know

because for me it's the first
I was shy and trembling knowing that behind
each in a different bell, in the arches-they had a visitation
635 who knew its secret
and had guided him to the edges where the worlds end

and I found the secrets by feeling them in my confused

color and symbol,
in the flame in the middle of the icosahedron always
640 In him was power, knowledge, and guidance
but also a goal,
a fierce desire to know, to be, a longing for God.

All our sons were also astral travelers in the old Mu.
My love, sublime spirit,
645 often accompanied them; we were all Wizards of the
Great Void,
although we had been people like you, we were flying in
time and not
we get tired of knowing, dear Elohim,
that our harps were still in a bad, morbid space.

With unseen wings, the temple rose from beyond time
650 and more and more were asking
light from light, secrets from darkness to give.
Until one day... when the incomprehensible magus, me
in the labyrinth
was killed even by the gods
and my lover remained a widow in the worlds of kites.

655 Eon after eon, the light reigns in you without tasting
from balance to death;
you all are and will be my children
and in my formless form, I follow you in thought
here on Venus or Mars
660 you, descendants of the widow's sons.

I learned then that my soul is part of rays

from a huge system;
I missed her eyes so much, her dreams
and I missed the hugs of the black night
665 in which I am still afraid
that I forgot the fires lit in the ether.

As much light was around, so much wisdom I feel today
when I tell the legend
of love and death from which you were born!
670 Hear my ransacked voice by that single distress
and don't imagine me like the addenda
to a past in you revealed from an unknown time!

I am distinct now in different times and worlds.

In each of them
675 I have another form, I have another body so ephemeral.
These are turbulent, parsimonious, and twisted times.
We turn into stars
in the form of other valleys of the orients in the ether.

From there begins the path to the time that is not,

680 towards the well pore
through which we pass the dawn on the rhomboid cloud
in the magma of light that melts us into fire
holding hands
a chain in the universe and spirit to open.

685 And then in balance, the stars, by the force of the fog
springing from the flower,
reveals how water shines from the earth and flame
in man; and the wings, vibrating in the air of life
a dumb wisdom
690 it slithers like a swift fish in a mountain river.

Child of the light, son of the widow, be only fire!

And if you will be in a bell
never, nowhere, visible only in your heart,
traveler among the desired shadows of time and place,
695 be more than a star
burning in a circle! And the shadow will disappear.

I passed from bell to bell through newly created time

defying my death from the well
because the shortest and safest flight between time-spaces
700 is the spiral road, secretly monitored
in the long search until
the leaden gate of wisdom shall break into silver,

and bleaching rose-red petals embroidered with gold

I will turn into a unicorn
705 I fall asleep in the lap of the one who is waiting for me
to return.

She just imagines that I am no longer of the building soul
in the formless caves
and from everything, anyone I could draw a sweet sigh
from her.

Child, my body is the sphere in which the shadows

710 but beyond the pore the light is greater
and does not open the gate for it from the ovoid spirit.
You will also have to rustle among the leaves, believing you
the voice that brings, the voice that hurts
floating among the angels on the rhomboid cloud,

715 to murmur in waves the drops of dew that fall from the sky,
to forget your worldly voice
resounding in your being a cross swaying in the embers.
And the love that was the most intense pressure of mystery,
be your guide and I wish you
720 to find out what you don't know, wings to soar, to sink
in grace!

The Seventh Canto,
of Reverberation
When you understand your light connection
and chaos giving birth to order
in your body, as it was long, long ago in mine,
you will be able to use the Word beginning to coalesce,
725 between the spiral and the grave,
in the labyrinth of the secret that the darkness no
longer holds

and you will spread the abyss, the essences of fire and
Listen to the voice! I returned to my body.
I'm not a magus, I'm not a king and my wings are not
730 Bathed in spirit, free from smoke, I slide into spaces
of love.
From the darkness, I always break
fragments of colors from the rainbow - rays of fire.

Only the soul is free. The rest is slavery, shackles
not so much in space but in time;
735 If you hadn't listened to me, you wouldn't have known
the key to wisdom
you wouldn't have found it on any star, in any sun.
Now that I have touched your mind
you feel that you have crossed the path of the moon in
the heavens.

I have revealed to you forgotten teachings, not through

740 in the Word; and you know.
Matters in rivers are always flowing in transformation
and you remain living in various veils
that tear them to shreds
as the heavens deepen into the sky and the waters into
the sea.

745 Your light is like life in the cosmos when you look
and it's a stream through you.
This is how we are - light, and the song of harmony calls,
create in the shadows all that you melt in your eye:
a spoken flight. And it comes
750 at your voice as a throne of admiration and fear.

He is nothing but a thought of order and harmony
what got you
when I removed the blindfold from your eyes
and you felt that it would never be the same again,
755 not in reality, not in a dream
but in the essence in which the egg was conceived in
the mind.

Listen but... in the bell, the spaces cry

and the soul floats in a strange age.
I traveled deeper into the abyss of time,
760 I have seen worlds, I have enjoyed the rays until
they revealed themselves in the man I was
the secrets of the icosahedron glimpsed through the
gate of the unique iris,

the opening of wisdom, of all that exists in us

because it's a mystery only what you don't know
765 where time ends and an architect,
greater than a thought from the void of non-being,
gave movement to you, children,
and it was called love, vision, and affection.

So I found out why the widow's sons are not
770 subject to size
but bells only travel in parallel skies
coming out in the time that changes the
metamorphoses in the body
eternal in which some
only supposed spaces exist, they are made of stars

775 emanations, pure light, brilliance, and virtue.

My whole science
from me, it pours into the glade of golden irises
and every drop of the dew that does not
wet, humble tender being,
780 is all that was forgotten and hidden in the darkness of

guarded in circles and triangles, the minor mysteries

on the path of those who do not want
to teach you the magic of crosses with roses.
Listen to my voice passing mirrors and barriers!
785 I am the keeper of the keys
of the divine realm that you admire in spirit with fear,

I am the one expected as a guide
and I give you wings
from life to the symbol to guide you and from illusions
790 you will discover the confusing forest yourself
in which they were shadowed
the essences that shamans and priests hinted at.

From the time to come for this earth

lights and darkness
795 passing through the overflowing fountain, it flows too full
finding a holy temple among the mountains
tribute to the ethereal dream,
primordial state, a voice felt by the clear sky.

For the tones of speech echo in our peace,

800 miraculous words;
on the snake, on the day without number, under the
rainbow bridge
I saw in motion a tone of rebellion
the eon that I am
submissive in thoughts, mirror in mirror, still always.

805 For I have no end, the infinite finite
it stretches and slips
in order of rotation huge spheres, cubes, pyramids;
in the end, there is a fragment of thoughtless chaos
an amalgam - treasure
810 strong glows and rhomboid mists.

I have known since then what I am teaching you now:

that the spirit is regrouping,
the architecture of order gathers on the boards in the
that the understanding is interpreted, interwoven with
815 a sun-hidden by the sun
between the petals and a cross, the rose icosahedron.

Man is from light and sky included in other worlds

that appeared in orients.
And so you, to take your bride from this or another plan,
820 to ask to be married in the temple at Ineu
under the seven elements
turned into Uroboros by a mystical chaplain.

While the blazing star burns the arid darkness
from beyond, from here, from the mark,
825 by the secret names call you the guardians of the three
or five gates without beginning slowly open
my exhortation
to lead you into the worlds where you were and will be

My children, sons, and daughters of light, have you

830 the magic of sacred wisdom?
Don't be afraid: search! Discover in yourselves
what I also spread from what was entrusted to me -
love conceived in the arts
hope and faith in the atavistic afterlife.

835 You could use the Word starting to set,

between the spiral and the grave,
in the labyrinth of the secret that the darkness no
longer holds,
when you will understand the light connection
and the reverberating chaos
840 in your body, as there is still memory in me.

The Eighth Canto,
of the Starry Palace
In youth without old age, I have a human body
with whom I walk between you
to remind you of the glorious Mu world.
From the beginning, when life had no rest and no sleep,
845 I live among you
and I was and I will be what you are.

On the mountain of the sages, in the home of the gods,

gave us slavery.
The nine in their eternal search follow the shadows
850 even in the extinguished fire, the ashes of the ebony wood,
where eternity is reborn
forests on dead bodies burn and sprout.

There is always a beyond in athanor and aludel,
crucible synthesis.
855 In four winds eight float immaculate wings
and a dozen powers reflect the soul in Him
the divine alphabet,
essences in crystals, inscribed without death.

For the circle without beginning and without end is the

860 of the lower temple,
of the earth key, the secret of an ankh.
But you, born of light, who spread the aroma
the harmonious fruit
secretly open the gate of a profane dream.

865 Only for him is the point and number three created
to find out the truth
and in three one God - power, wisdom, and love,
the discernment of a son by the spirit of a father
what breaks an ivar
870 like a flaming sword, passing into divine existences.

Listen to the message I bring you, long-hidden
in these caves
Ensigns are inscribed for those of a least,
words that appear in our memory to listen to,
975 cave paintings
arranged deep in the brain from above.

Since then I understood the word chaos conceived

as light is from fire
I left my emotions to travel through time
880 the oneness of the spirit in threefold harmony
away from the ephemeral body,
the order from darkness in logos always thought.

You will pass from death, my son, through freedom

to the happiness in heaven
885 because this is how man reaches the light
from the great depth of things learned
where are you staying now?
to the heavens before which everyone worships.

There have always been three rooms in the temple
890 and the revolving gates
open a pore the fountain of light,
in the glory of the holy world from the way whose
unworthy of you in everything
may your wings be shattered, may your life be thorns

895 and in dark lightning to return

not to know, to forget
all the wisdom of the astral palace in the universe,
bee to become laboring for a queen
in the hive with recruits
900 for monads and from the flight to return to walking.

There is the throne, the wonder of the heavenly realms,

a space in splendor
which you have no way of imagining
and you don't know, being human, how to desire him
905 but you, listen to the voice that
today it teaches you how to hear it and how to see it.

Hide in symbols and no one will touch you.
You will be untouchable to the profane
and only with those like you to share wisdom.
910 Who else could see the way and extinguish your fire?
For all their desire would be in vain
And the trial is dead and the miracle invisible.

Hidden mysteries are like thoughts until you know them,

and time - liberator is of secrets,
915 the path to space, the starry palace, the fire in motion.
We wake up in him or he is in us, making his army
from the rhythmic floating that it gives us
the unique, eternal existence in the void turned into
a flower.

Strange worlds and you will cross them in the hidden

920 from the soul shining
like a sun under the bell through which we appear
and inflames you will find the entrance to the labyrinth
into which you were brought
and then panting
in a well, you will see the exit saying the sign.

925 Even in words the key is hidden in large circles

of tranquility and peace;
and the sons of the widow bring as in heaven so on earth
the growing whisper to listen to, to understand, and
who wouldn't
he screams and yet he is silent
930 which would not vibrate but in the depths of your mind
you feel it vibrating.

You were born here, near Ineu, near the portal of a world
ancestors and forgotten.
So many times I have seen you for thousands of years,
from one place
included in other spaces, inter-orientations, and gates;
but not me
935 hides the ringed bodies
of some Uroboros - fountains with pores closed in fire.

And bodies in monads with names known only to me

lights float to the star palace
because you, here, child, will know and you will not tell.
940 We do not pronounce, we do not lose but hide in love
the signs and the meaning between them
seven times as many as seven captive souls now gather!

In the middle, the rose is bathed in magic: don't be afraid!

from the altar, in a float
945 the icosahedron watches over the known words and
raw light.
On the rainbow bridge, the wagon with sails passes
wielding stars,
turns nights into days
extinguishing the darkness in the boundless, unknown day.

Step over the threshold with me and use the word given
950 in the small meadow of clouds and fireflies!
Do not listen to those who enslave you
to leave the spiral and the test given by a surprised angel!
Utopian wisdom is not here
she is the only one who can defeat your fear.

955 În tinereţe fără bătrâneţe, tu, care ai acum un trup de om

din lumea care-o păstoresc
mi’aduci aminte de prea slăvita lume Mu
de la’nceputuri, când viaţa n’avea odihnă şi nici somn
eu printre voi şi-acum trăiesc
960 şi fost-am şi voi fi ce eşti şi tu.

The Ninth Canto,
of the Earth
I passed among the stars knowing more than ever
anyone could have known
from the race of distant misunderstood words
and in no way twisted. I was loved; I was hated
965 traveling often even through me
until I end up building rainbow palaces.

I was born in the pyramid I don't know how many times.

I was from heaven; was I made of clay
I don't remember where I was from, nor the world in which
970 I felt a child with a shadowy body at the threshold of the
from sifted cloud drops,
greedy for everything that could surround him.

This child was me too, son of light in the waters and
Over time the temple become
975 no room, because they listened to me towards the top of the
feeling myself in wisdom a great hierophant,
on the road of open gates,
that I may be a prophet in the law of the divine Maat.

Wanting to understand the key wisdom of a wave

980 I found out that she was there
in the stillness and peace of the senses in the material body,
and that indeed he who feels and speaks
nothing he knows, nothing real
but only he who knows the truth does not speak.

985 Who would say in the last bell

supreme laws
that transcend symbols and words?
if only we knew them musically as they sound
and we have no fears
990 we would know what they are and we would remember

that there are enchanted keys that hide beyond them
the worlds that cannot be seen
nor by those as me liberated in spirit
from the planes intertwining in rays and rings
995 the movement of the occult worlds
neither down nor up, never, neither all nor nothing.

Far away, under the vegetable bark of your world

in perfect infinity and harmony
it's the starry world of upside-down bells
1000 where we receive light from the vestal sacred fire
with which he fills - live food
the cube in the pyramid of a broken sphere;

for her perfection oozes ambrosia and honey

in reincarnated souls,
1005 in sunny existence, consciousness in development,
bringing knowledge into beauty and power,
crystallized signs
chests of laws, holographic fortune.

The well you passed is a sign of learning,
1010 and the bell a border
beyond which we meet to have my say
the nameless one of huge scope
passed from era to era
which seems to overwhelm your whole nature and cut off
your momentum.

1015 This is your baptism when you find grace in you

which angel did you believe
that gives wings - but you had them
and you felt that tears filled your glass
even if you knew him
1020 you would understand that you were always the angel.

How you own a part of the light and the universe

so I also dwell in you
growing up, the child gathers learning,
gathers in time journeys from darkness and reverse,
1025 accumulate in the spiral
fragments of mirrors, all that nature means in eon.

Of ephemeral flesh freed from bondage,
nothing is more holy
like the voice you heard and sunk deep
1030 but it is nothing but wisdom, the writing that knows
secretly slipped into thought,
in the void of your greedy, hungry soul.

And the day you see that I am not,

that I left light
1035 somewhere in space and time nearby
even if the sphere of the earth is not enough for me
the one that now soothes
my glances in flight, ideas, and all

the moments when I broke the chains of the night

1040 then everything that surrounds you
he will recognize in you the master without death;
and the future open book will be under the signs of fate,
in every verse treasure
you will discover by reading and having the key to the book.

1045 I have mastered the law from the ninth dimension
where order remains
and without time and space, vibrations vary,
only the Uninitiated still know how to say:
I worship you, my lord,
1050 above me, there is always another who creates us.

When you understand the shadows in the stars and

their law,
becoming you the journey
through bells and rainbow bridges shining,
it will be the moment of crossing the well and understand
1055 How the torch burns in the permanent icosahedron
and one with the light wandering through life.

Wonderful will fight the reborn darkness.

And you should know
that you are not the only avatar of the soul among the stars
1060 trampling through death the graves of Easter
and protecting children
but the darkness that returns is a shadow to the living in

It's absurd to think that the great ones have always left.
They watch over us in the labyrinth,
1065 enticing those who want to read them
to ever point their wings to their palace,
the temple of gold and silver,
with thirty-three thrones and a round table.

You are and feel it, child blessed by the gods.

1070 human children of inhabited angels,
born into my world from the ray of a sun
unknown to the widow's old sons,
but of light fulfilled
to give rose petals.

1075 That is why I passed, knowing more than

anyone could have known
from the race of incomprehensible words,
to meet you I was loved; I was hated
traveling often even though me
1080 to build palaces here, on this land.

The Tenth Canto,
of the Vision

Now as I go to the peace of the deep bell

the war of the worlds is over.
If you think that you are an insignificant part of it
remember: sons of the world, your brothers, one by one
1085 will be able to swarm
flapping its wings to distant visions

and in the dark waves of the interstellar ocean

they will reach the light...
Then the stars and many tribes will perish
1090 who enslaved a soul far from the amnar,
in smooth descent,
to the darkness from the chaos; but you, the one who comes

inherit my entire legend,
fragment of epic,
1095 lead people to save the Earth as well
because in the bell in which the fire is suspended
no path or alley
it does not fulfill the dream, it does not dress in rays with
the garment

knights who learn to hide within themselves

1100 a goal, a harmony. But
wisdom will be beauty and this strength
how the woodpeckers hide in feline depths
and you are a lantern to them
that lights them torch after torch in the caves.

1105 From the time that does not yet exist in any calendar
all in one will return
and the sons of the widow will be the bright aura that will
The word that is endlessly created again and again
a thread that keeps spinning from the fork -
1110 has no beginning and no end, and it is not my will.

Because man represents the perfect geometry that calls me.
made to fly
to consciously learn that he represents a future angel,
banishing anguish, forgetting darkness and fear,
1115 to be his guard at the entrance
the temple deeply dug in the conscience of the sons.

I also told others that in the future ages, we will be witnesses

to the revival of wisdom,
how much, what star, what darkness will they drive away?
1120 And people, I feel them - children of the Light will become
at the gate between the stars
to the life that passes through death, but not like that

as you imagine death, the one that encompasses

fire and light, your cross
1125 with a rose in the shape of a spirit, flowing icosahedron
within the limits of a body, a flame that ignites
molding himself into shape
a fountain from which the soul sips, the child sucks.

Nothing can shake beyond Aldebaran
1130 Pleiades transforming the voice into thunder
the vibration from the last bell mixing spirals
through the eternal and infinite where I will be - I was,
the memory of life everywhere vibrating
lords of death, in the clouds opened from a grip...

1135 însă You will always learn that from chaos there is light,
it's order and harmony,
the chains in which the sphere hides a still of magic
in you, they will break. In you fires in nous are animated,
the secrets of eternity
1140 in many senses they will bring you to my Areopagus.

Now gather your people and listen to the Word.

It's maybe the last step
of the staircase that goes up from the middle room to the
Even though it seems to you that the wind is not blowing,
1145 that it is not a bell-like roar that gathers you
in the mystery of the deep that pulsates us infinitely.

It is still the flight light of the divine man with many
collected in unseen grains
but you can feel them melting in your palms;
1150 there is the source of his power and the way to give birth to
harmonies in perceived hymns
completing a ritual, ceremonies in which to acclamation

an order created by all these children who know how to

in white light - albedo,
1155 the black sublimated telluric one from the nadir, spirals
brought in eddies on the rhomboid clouds and move
the blood rubbed
when the hidden sun crevasse and sky channels.

Like a magnet, with everything, the ether will circulate in you

1160 twisting the will,
astral arcs floating in waves surrounding planets,
in the sacred discovering an infinite self like the mystery
and trying your best
you will release barriers, you will spread the ocean in mists,

1165 that ocean whose waters are the waves of light
and the breeze of dreams,
in which the secrets surround in nets like cells
from bodies dissipating in warm, smooth swaying
from the pit of the dead,
1170 where the Word is not heard and is not spoken.

It is the most secret secret when no thought

it doesn't slip
come no more, for you yourselves are the word,
beings that cannot wake up and do not fall asleep
1175 of course
you will thus be in spirit only an angel and not a man.

They are ordinary secrets, like above and below,

states fit into spheres,
waiting through the pores of the fountain to pass,
1180 in a world where the mirror does not have a face and a back;
but stars looking at each other
I glimpse the divine, the astral, and not a poor woman

flowing structure blazing into existence.
The realm of self within you
1185 lies beyond many bells and fountains,
exactly like the legend extracted in times of Essence
tells you about new worlds,
of seven seas and countries passed to be masters.

A mystical number connected me to the art of big brothers

1190 with snakes and wolves on the ground
what apparently could this be, where mortals
they learned in their minds how to become sons of the light
to make the wedding a covenant
and in triangles to unite the rays of the moon and the sun.

1195 Now, as I turn to the peace of the deep bell

the war of the worlds is over.
You already know that you cannot be an insignificant part
but joining the widow's children, one by one
you will fly, being of the hero gods,
1200 and your wings, like your body, will be more and more veiled.

The Eleventh Canto,
of the Magician
Once upon a time in the dream-tossed nothingness,
a misunderstood mage,
a magician who could
for the world to transform it backstage
1205 and well-understood
let only the Unbeginning remain on the stage.

That's how I told you, child, why the mountain is wise

and how in the labyrinth you can slip
thin body, full of hidden powers.
1210 So, on the blanket with your foot, you untied the cross from
your chest
and you climbed on it to die
through the mouth to access supposed heavens

longer than long ago, hence no time
there was no room
1215 but only an infinite bell, with the center nowhere
and the edges were nowhere; no one had any problems
and no star
it had not exploded or frozen in the frost of a winter

That's why I said: listen to the voice, the voice

1220 who beckons you to the gates
to give the word that separates us separates us,
you go in search, find the vessel
the hidden blood and give it to customs
immortality, infinite eternity that calls you!

1225 The power of understanding is the veil of the astral night

of cold and hope,
raising the truth to the rank of dogma.
Only fear binds us to the darkness of your pride;
looking straight ahead
1230 wand or unicorn horn?

That's how you keep asking yourself, ignorant, being that I
always be my bride
how do fall asleep in your lap ravaged by longing
in front of the grotto where the roses are as white as they were
1235 and Pacle does not leave
to hide the stones made from the sky in the athanor.

I stand in the clearing - temple of light - to tell you:

that you are also a daughter of fate,
a child of the stars, unique among them;
1240 all you are in essence, just like that
we are just spokes of the wheel
what we call destiny written among the mysteries.

I was a master of light in distant Mu,

key bearer,
1245 keeper of the path, master of a pyramid and a cone,
often living in a human body, even in the one that was
hero's fights with kites
a god of history-gathering eon after eon.

There is no darkness left in me. I am light.
1250 The realm of wisdom is open to us.
From the wedding of the sun and the moon, the worlds are
in temples, on tablets, and in divine writing.
Remember the Word and guard it
in pyramids, in earth mounds, in ziggurats!

1255 You gave me children, Shekina, wise in harmony,

in song and spirit
you alone being the eternal as high priestess,
you were and are deeply connected to the temple and the
although your gaze is in the air
1260 is a flash of light and every goddess envies you.

Children who shine among men listen to my voice;

to rustle among the leaves used to
to murmur in showers the drops of dew that fall from the sky
as in rays the shivers of bees and perfume in the nostrils of a
1265 - that's my worldly voice
and love was my most intense pressure of mystery.

When you understand your light connection
and chaos giving birth to order
in your body, as it was long, long ago in mine,
1270 will you be able to use the Word starting to congeal,
between the spiral and the grave,
in the labyrinth of the secret that the darkness no longer holds

I was and as you know me I am no more

but a cup full of love,
1275 a tender thought, a caress that I ask you to extinguish
the darkness of darkness and my gray hair
in the aura to weave it into the threads,
to caress him even when he is in flames and to touch him
without fear.

In youth without old age, I also had a human body

1280 light to share with you
and to remind you of the glorious Mu world.
From the beginning, when life had no rest and no sleep,
ever since then, I have lived among you
and I was and I will be what you are.

1285 I passed among the stars knowing more than ever
anyone could have known
from the race of distant misunderstood words
and in no way twisted. I was loved; I was hated
traveling often even though me
1290 until I end up building rainbow palaces.

I don't know if it's the last text I'm sending you (I wouldn't
want to),
carved over the panels
in the gold between the columns, in the gold brought into the
by the fire of my soul and intertwined with your heart
1295 picked from the stars
when I set and you rise, bound like a magnet.

Now as I go to the peace of the deep bell

the war of the worlds is over.
You already know that you cannot be an insignificant part
1300 joining the widow's children, one by one
you will fly, being of the hero gods,
and your wings, like your body, will be more and more veiled.

And in nothingness, outlines of stars and people will be
I was and am the holy icosahedron,
1305 myself a disciple, master, and miracle messenger,
apostle and prophet, the all-traveler who walks
distances and time on earth;
I have no wings, only light, a mirror for you in the ether.

I was once in the dream-torn nothingness,

1310 a misunderstood mage,
a magician adept of the Uninitiated,
able to cross my mind at once
hide under a fez
of the night when I sleep and imagine a kiss.

1315 That I don't dare to admit to you who I am or not

what I am and you should not know,
better say that it is not the Father, not the Son
but a grandson.
My children are the sons of the widow I left to Mu,
my commandment is that you love them
1320 and I better remain the magician of the Tarot.

The realm of self
within us
Liviu Pendefunda traces, in a perfectly coherent logic, how antiquity and what he
calls protohistory, definitively marked the spiritual evolution of humanity; the origins
of its paradigms, the author proves, with solid arguments, are in Solomon's Temple,
in the initiation rituals of the first years of ancient Egypt, among the Essenes and,
further, in the times of the Mu continent and among the Atlanteans: "Everything
sacred and the saint can be expressed through symbols as an incarnate presence of
reality that belongs to the concepts of faith since the days of the Mu continent". The
continent of Mu and the Atlanteans are landmarks still fiercely disputed by historians,
anthropologists and archaeologists, especially regarding their placement in time and
space, but their existence and, above all, their work, improbable for many, are beyond
any doubt for Liviu Pendefunda, who follows a logic of spiritual becoming: "The
spiritualization of forms of meditation and mysticism assimilate symbols from
historical periods older than the oldest religions, giving them very high values and
focusing them in relation to the protohistory of mankind". In the same way, the
"mass religions", the author states, "emanated" from the esoteric tradition, and
"contemporary Rosicrucianism has its roots in the sacred heritage received from the
mystery schools of ancient Egypt". Liviu Pendefunda's research develops the large,
historical dimensions, always starting from the significant argument; here, for
example, is the "painted" floor in the Masonic temples: the fact that the Masonic
temple had a painted floor, objects arranged in a certain order, proves that the secrets

of the liberal arts and sciences preserved the traditions of Noah's Ark, the secrets of
Euclid's geometry, the whole construction respecting the dimensions of Solomon's
temple: Noah's Ark, Euclid and Solomon's Temple, up to the symbolism seen today,
protohistory - history - the present - this is the trajectory of each study from the
extensive research contained in Dogma or freedom of thought. In another order,
along this path, legend and myth determine reality, (con)figure it; the legend (myth)
of Noah's Ark "paints" the floor of Masonic temples of yesterday and today, just as, for
example, Solomon's Temple, started by the "legendary" David, still influences human
history today: "Here is a legend, a myth, a reality that through its depth has
influenced history. King David was the first who, in the Hebrew world, considered it
necessary to replace the nomadic tabernacle with a permanent one, he made the
plan, collected the materials, and allowed his son, Solomon, to continue his work
and carry out the execution of a temple that remains written in golden letters in the
consciousness of mankind. Here, as in a corollary, the entire symbolism of the
previous eras was collected and remained as a holy law for all that followed. The
king began the foundation in the fourth year of his reign, 1012 BC. and with the
assistance of his friends, Hiram, king of Tyre, and the great architect Hiram Abif
erected it in seven years and a half, consecrating it for divine service in 1004 B.C. It
was the year 3000 from the creation of the world and since there was light (...) Even
if the contemporary Masonic writings subscribe to an undeniable belief that the
brotherhood appeared as organized during the construction of this temple, that
Hiram Abif would have been the first Grand Master of the lodges he had initiated
with symbolic degrees and systems of initiation and that these rituals would have
remained unaltered throughout the ages, even if modern writings doubt these
assumptions, the symbolism of Freemasonry, as well as the architectural example of
the temple in Jerusalem, remain the essential foundation for the history of faith in
God. So that the temples of contemporary faiths, and especially of esoteric ones, are
symbols of the temple of that time, and every priest, venerable master, and preacher
is a king at the same time and every initiate is a worker, a mason, a worker
tributary to the universal religion of work".
In protohistory, in the mysterious Mu continent of the Atlanteans - "distant Mu",
"too glorious Mu world", as it is called in the Songs from the last book, Inscribed in
the Book of Mysteries -, where "life had no rest and no sleep", in Ur and/or Uruk

continues its exploration of the astral Liviu Pendefunda. Preoccupied, with a perhaps
inappropriate word, obsessed with the composition of the celestial worlds, the poet
thinks of all his poetry after 1990 like a solar system: in the center, the theoretical
pivot, is Dogma or freedom of thought (2007), next to which placed, in their orbits,
Sideralia (1979), Astral Pharmacies (1981), The Eggshell Star (1982), Falii 1 (1983),
Doctor Apollon's Office (1984), Silence of the Shells (1985), Falii 2 (1985), The Crazy
Wagon (1992), Celestial Movement (1993), Wizards of the Great Void (1997), Legend
(1998). Falii 3 (2000), Falii 4 (2001), Beggarland (2004), Rondels and Ovoids
(2005), Poem of Souls and Stones (2011), Luminators of Time (2013) and, now back,
Written from the Mystery Book, Et in Megara ego and Eternal and Infinity (2014),
Lapis philosophorum (2015), Lyrics and Spirit (2016), Jerusalems and Lux in
Arcana (2017), Behold the day is coming, Poems from My Dephs and Quinta
Essentia (2019), Truth and Grace (2020), Gloria Pacem (2021), Whispers from Light
and The Lost Avatar (2022), Avatar in a Stork's Beak (2023) and this book: Unseen
Light in Times, the last on the orbits of his solar system, aims at the initiation and
the journey towards a text in the possession of the "unintelligible magician": a
Borgesian theme, to be found in all his poetry that begins, here, with an inscription;
everything is in the Borgesian spirit, in a structure specific to the fairy tale, the
fantastic prose: once upon a time there was ("Once upon a time in the distorted
nothingness of dreams,/ a misunderstood magus,/ a magician who could/
transform the world in a backstage/ and of course/ to leave only the one without a
beginning on the stage"), more long ago than long ago, whence there was neither time
nor place ("but only an infinite bell, with the center nowhere/ and the edges
nowhere; no one had problems and no star/ had not exploded or frozen in the frost
of a winter"), now I tell you ("You write verse after verse/ what I gathered in joy and
pain/ the square that holds the soul in triangles and circles") , "How much light was
around, so much wisdom I feel today/ when I tell the legend of a love and death
from which you were born!", in youth without old age, with a human body ("with
which I walk among you / to remind you of the glorious world Mu./ From the
beginning, when life had neither rest nor sleep,/ I live among you/ and I was and
will be what you are") - these are the modules from which the poetry of Liviu
Pendefunda from Unseen Light in Times grows and, otherwise, the adventure of
the initiate and the novice, of the master and the child, of love and death from which

it was born, in a space-time unit where there is still nothingness empty, without the
Word of the "unintelligible magician" and where the rule has not yet been established
according to which the naming (of the thing, the being, the state, the feeling) inscribes
the being of those things: only the sons of light can do it - says the poet - those who
they will be, being what they were not: "Only the temple, immense in spirit edifice/
remained between the waters,/ waves after waves, swarms of asteroids,/ breaking
on the steps, in a tormented universe/ vain prayers/ uttered of thousands of secret-
loving cherubs./ In his fury, chaos returns to encompass/ a world-whose purpose/
had once again been subjected to the test, to the dirty soil;/ but I in the woods, in the
desert, my condition being/ will be what was not,/ I said to myself and I became a
priest and king of all./ From the womb of time, the sons of light wisdom/ conceived/
and the showers of stars ended the wind's trial;/ all of you, since then you have
received in communion / a little, a little at a time/fragments and monads from the
great soul" (First Canto, of the Initiation); in a game of the tenses of the verb,
carefully studied, from the imperfect to the perfect compound, from the durative to
the closed action: "Longer than long ago, whence neither time/ nor place was/ but
only an infinite bell, with the center nowhere / and the edges nowhere; no one was
in trouble/ and no star/ had exploded or frozen in the frost of winter./ Then the sons
of light in form incarnated/ on the newly created earth/ to bring from nothing the
rays of learning,/ in tunnels, under the earth and under the oceans they dug,/
another sun-they placed/ in a bell under a mountain in the hard rock" (The Second
Canto, of the Fire).
Liviu Pendefunda's poetry grows from an archetypal background so that reading it
is, at the same time, a search, initiation, and research of the essences revealed by the
mythological scenarios and the symbolic constellations there; the archetypal
background has nothing illustrative, the poem does not "tell" who will have been
Brahma, Shakti, Ganesh, Shiva, Parvati, Kundalini, Agni from Vedic mythology,
Enoch and the Temple of the ancient Egyptian priests, Eos, Eros, Hespera, the Styx of
the Greeks, Elijah, the angels, the cherubs and Jacob's ladder from the Old
Testament, the architect, the square of the triangle in the circle, the cross and the rose
of the Masonic universe, the silver and the athanor of the alchemists: the poet
descends into the astral, into mythology, because there life and wisdom are fused, the
hidden meaning and the light, the Beginning and its Word that are found in each of

the sacred figures invoked. From the same archetypal background, the poetic
imaginary from Unseen Light in Times is reclaimed, from its signs: the pyramids,
the earth mounds, the ziggurats, the temples, the obelisks, the tablets, the megaliths
"in the greedy areas/ of the moon or the sun were raised! ", the rose, the dragon, the
icosahedron, the sons of light - the angels, from another cultural paradigm -, those
who make the connection between "this world" and the bells of paradise from the
astral, finally, the pore (of the universe, the gaze, the fountain), the slot through which
show the faults of Liviu Pendefunda's poetry. A poem of ascension symbols, where the
all-flyer who "walks the distances and time on earth" receives his wings, to restore his
flight, we find in Unseen Light in Times. What is beyond the pore of Liviu
Pendefunda's poetry? Here: "From there begins the path to the time that is not,/
through which we pass the dawn on the rhomboid cloud"; like the Wizards of the
Great Void, and us, for a while.

This poem of 1320 rows reproduces the text "Written from the
Mystery Book" published in 2014 and which frames the famous
philosophical theories from the sunrise that can be read in the series of
15 volumes "Luminatorii Timpului" and precedes the novels of the
"Hemera's Blessing" saga. The English translation completes the project
of the winner of the English Poetry Contest of the World Congress of
Poets 2023, to make known the computer light of the primordial Word
of God's Genesis.
The magician invites readers into a sacred hermeneutic of a
mysterious dance of symbols to the music of cosmic harmonies.


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