Project Synopsis

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Information Technology Department

Institute Code: 0141

Project Synopsis

Title of Project: “Smart Home Application"

Academic Year: 2023-2024

Roll No. Student Name Signature of Student

2308 Gaurav Mandhare

2318 Raj Darwatkar

2321 Sanket Sonwane

Name of Guide: Mrs. R. B. Gurav Signature of Guide



Sr. No. Contents Page No.

1 Abstract

2 Introduction

3 Problem Statement

4 Literature Survey

5 Objective

6 Methodology

7 Hardware and Software Requirements

8 Schedule of Project

9 References

The Internet of Things (IoT) has brought about a transformative impact on how households and
their appliances can be integrated into a cohesive digital network, allowing for remote control,
monitoring, and energy efficiency. This project presents an IoT-based system designed to control
household electrical appliances such as fans and bulbs. Utilizing an ESP8266 microcontroller,
the system offers users the ability to remotely turn appliances on and off through a dedicated
mobile application. Furthermore, the application provides a scheduling feature, enabling
appliances to turn on or off at predefined times, thus optimizing user convenience and reducing
unnecessary energy consumption. In addition to remote control and scheduling, the system is
equipped with sensors to monitor real-time energy consumption, offering users insights into their
usage patterns. By providing granular energy consumption data, users can make informed
decisions about their appliance usage, leading to potential energy savings and reduced
environmental impact. As a prototype designed for scalability, this system demonstrates the
convergence of IoT in household settings, highlighting the intersection of technology,
convenience, and sustainability.

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the line between our physical world and the virtual
realm is becoming increasingly blurred. At the heart of this transformation is the Internet of
Things (IoT), a revolutionary concept that embeds everyday objects with sensors, software, and
other technologies to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the
internet. With the potential to reshape our daily experiences, the IoT has sparked interest across
various sectors, from healthcare to agriculture. However, its application in the domain of home
automation, specifically in controlling and monitoring household appliances, offers a particularly
compelling promise.
Household appliances, often taken for granted, play a crucial role in our daily lives. Yet, they are
typically operated in isolation, often devoid of any intelligent control or feedback mechanism.
This project seeks to change this status quo by introducing an IoT-based system to empower
users with enhanced control, scheduling, and monitoring capabilities for their household
electrical appliances, such as fans and bulbs. Beyond the convenience of remotely controlling
these appliances, there exists an imperative need to address energy consumption. With global

energy demands soaring and the pressing issue of climate change, there's a growing necessity to
optimize energy use in households. By integrating scheduling and real-time energy monitoring
features, this system not only paves the way for operational efficiency but also promotes
sustainable and conscious energy consumption.
This project aims to serve as a prototype, illustrating the benefits of embedding IoT in
household settings. As we delve deeper into its design, functionality, and implications, it
becomes evident that the fusion of technology and domestic appliances is not just a luxury but a
step forward towards a smarter and more sustainable future.


In modern households, electrical appliances play an indispensable role in daily routines, yet their
operation often lacks optimization and adaptability to users' dynamic schedules. This traditional
mode of operation leads to two primary challenges:
1. Operational Inefficiency: Many users frequently forget to turn off appliances, leading to
wasted energy. Conversely, they might wish to turn on certain appliances before arriving
home for added convenience but have no mechanism to do so remotely.
2. Lack of Energy Consumption Insights: While energy costs continue to rise and
environmental concerns intensify, homeowners often lack detailed insights into their
appliances' energy consumption patterns. This absence of real-time data hinders informed
decision-making about energy usage, potentially leading to higher electricity bills and
increased carbon footprints.
Addressing these challenges requires a solution that not only grants users enhanced control over
their household appliances but also provides real-time feedback on energy consumption,
promoting both convenience and sustainability.


The literature clearly indicates an upward trend in IoT-based home automation, driven by user
demands for convenience, efficiency, and energy conservation. As technology progresses, it's
crucial to address the identified challenges to maximize the benefits and ensure user trust.
Title Summary

1. Evolution of Home Automation: Historically, home automation began with wired

systems, with X10 being a notable early protocol
(Alam et al., 2015). With advancements in
wireless communication, IoT-based smart home
systems have emerged as a prominent trend in
the last decade, aiming to enhance user
convenience and system efficiency (Gubbi et al.,


2. The Age of Remote Control: Several studies have explored remote control as
a pivotal feature of smart homes. For instance,
Perera et al. (2014) noted the convenience of
controlling devices through smartphones,
emphasizing the role of user-friendly interfaces
in promoting adoption.

3. The Significance of Scheduling: Babar et al. (2015) discussed automation's role in

smart homes. Their research found that users
appreciated systems that allowed them to pre-set
conditions for their appliances, ensuring that
devices operated optimally based on the users'
schedules and preferences.

4. Energy Monitoring and Conservation: Balaji and Gupta (2013) highlighted that by
offering real-time energy consumption data, IoT
devices contribute not just to user awareness but
also tangible energy savings. A study by
Miorandi et al. (2012) expanded on this by
noting that providing precise consumption data
could transform the energy sector, nudging users
towards greener energy habits.

5. Challenges in IoT-based Systems: While IoT in home automation promises

numerous benefits, it is not without its
challenges. Connectivity and interoperability
have been discussed as technical barriers
(Stojkoska & Trivodaliev, 2017). In terms of
user concerns, Roman et al. (2013) emphasized
the importance of addressing data security and
privacy issues in IoT solutions to ensure user
trust and widespread adoption.

6. User Acceptance and Trust: Several studies have delved into user perceptions

of smart home solutions. Alam et al. (2015)

found that while users are enthusiastic about
technological advancements, there's also a
tangible concern regarding security, data
privacy, and the initial cost of setup, which can
hinder adoption rates


1. Enhanced Remote Control:

To develop an IoT-based system that enables users to remotely control household
appliances such as fans and bulbs using a dedicated mobile application.
2. Scheduling Mechanism:
To integrate a scheduling feature in the system, allowing users to set predefined times
for turning appliances on or off, ensuring optimal usage based on their daily routines.
3. Real-time Energy Monitoring:
To design and implement sensors that can monitor the energy consumption of
appliances in real-time.
To display the monitored energy consumption data to users through the mobile app,
providing them with immediate feedback on their usage patterns.
4. Promote Energy Conservation:
To utilize the gathered energy consumption data to provide users with insights and
recommendations, promoting energy-efficient habits.
To allow users to set energy-saving modes or presets based on their preferences and
historical data.
5. User-friendly Interface:
To design an intuitive mobile application interface ensuring ease of use, even for
individuals unfamiliar with IoT or smart home systems.
6. Safety and Reliability:
To ensure that the system is safe to use with household appliances, taking into
account electrical standards and safety protocols.
To create a reliable communication protocol between the mobile application and the
IoT device, minimizing the potential for errors or miscommunications.
7. Scalability and Integration:
To design the system with scalability in mind, allowing for the potential addition of
more appliances or features in the future.

To ensure the system can integrate with other smart home systems or platforms if
8. Data Security:
To ensure secure communication between the mobile application and the IoT device,
protecting user data and preventing unauthorized access or control.


1. Requirement Analysis:
 Identify system requirements and potential appliances for control and monitoring.
2. System Design:
 Draft the IoT system's architecture and sketch the mobile app's user interface.
3. Component Procurement:
 Select and obtain necessary components like the microcontroller, relay modules, and
4. Assembly and Initial Testing:
 Assemble the circuitry and test each component's functionality.
5. Software Development:
 Program the microcontroller and develop the mobile app, followed by preliminary
6. Integration:
 Combine hardware and software components and test the cohesive system.
7. Field Testing:
 Deploy the system in a real-world setting, evaluating its overall performance.
8. Feedback and Iteration:
 Collect user feedback and refine the system based on their insights.
9. Documentation:
 Document the process, including diagrams, code, and user guidelines.
10. Final Deployment:
 Implement the finalized system and monitor its consistent performance.



 Hardware Requirements:

ESP8266 (NodeMCU) or ESP32: Both are suitable because of their built-in WiFi
Relay Module:
A relay module that can handle the voltage and current of your appliances, allowing you to
turn the appliances on/off.

Current & Voltage Sensor:

ACS712: For current sensing.

ZMPT101B module:
For voltage sensing. This will help you monitor real-time energy consumption.

Breadboard & Jumper Wires:

For prototyping and establishing connections.

Power Supply:
To power the microcontroller. Depending on your choice, you might need a 3.3V or 5V
power supply.

Connectivity Modules (if needed):

In case you want to extend connectivity beyond WiFi, you might consider modules like
Bluetooth (e.g., HC-05) or Zigbee.

• Software Requirements:

Arduino IDE:
Used for programming the microcontroller. It supports both ESP8266 and ESP32.
Blynk or MIT App Inventor:
Platforms to help develop the mobile application without in-depth coding. Blynk,
especially, is well-suited for IoT projects and offers various widgets for control and
ESP8266/ESP32 Libraries:
Required for connecting your microcontroller to the WiFi and handling HTTP
requests. These can be added to the Arduino IDE.
MQTT Protocol (Optional):
If you're looking to make your device communicate using MQTT (for more stable
and secure communication), you'd need an MQTT library for the microcontroller and

an MQTT broker like Mosquitto.

Database & Backend (Optional):
If you plan to store energy consumption data over time, you might need a backend
solution. Firebase is a user-friendly option to store data and integrate it with mobile
PCB Design Software (Optional): In case you decide to convert your prototype into
a more permanent solution, you might use software like Fritzing, KiCad, or Eagle to
design and produce a PCB.


Sr. No. Activity Semester Duratio Start End

n Date Date

1 Group Formation 7 days 24/07/23 31/07/23

2 Domain Finalization 6 days 01/08/23 05/08/23

3 Guide Allocation 4 days 06/08/23 09/08/23

4 Topic Finalization and Project Approval 8 days 10/08/23 17/08/23

5 Search Base paper 11 days 18/08/23 29/08/23

6 Search related Information (Literature 10 days 30/08/23 09/09/23

Survey) Fifth
7 Prepare Project Proposal 8 days 10/09/23 17/09/23

8 Prepare Log Book 8 days 18/09/23 25/09/23

9 Prepare Project Plan 6 days 26/09/23 30/09/23

10 First Progress Demo1 8 days 01/10/23 08/10/23

11 Report Writing 12 days 08/10/23 20/10/23

12 Presentation PPT 5 days 20/10/23 24/10/23

13 Prepare Project Design Models 13 days 01/01/24 14/01/24

14 Publish Review Paper 5 days 14/01/24 19/01/24

15 Implementation of System - I 15 days 19/01/24 03/02/24

16 Progress Presentation 1 (50%) 2 days 04/02/24 06/02/24

17 Implementation of System – II 15 days 06/02/24 20/02/24



18 Testing 8 days 20/02/24 27/02/24

19 Deployment 10 days 28/02/24 10/03/23

20 Publish Implementation Paper 7 days 10/03/24 17/03/24

21 Project Expert Review (100%) 2 days 17/03/24 19/03/24

22 Implementation of Suggestions in Expert 12 days 19/03/24 31/03/24


23 Prepare Final Report of Sixth Semester 9 days 31/03/24 08/04/24

24 Final Project Oral 00/00/24 to 00/00/24


IEEE Xplore: This digital library offers a vast collection of articles related to electronics, electrical
engineering, and computer science. You can specifically search for papers related to IoT-based home
automation and energy monitoring.

Google Scholar: This is a freely accessible search engine that indexes scholarly articles across various
disciplines. It can help you find papers on IoT, home automation, and related topics.

Websites and Blogs: Websites dedicated to IoT and smart home trends, like IoT For All or The

Ambient, regularly feature articles, reviews, and insights on the latest technology and innovations.

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