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NURS 512
Health Maintenance and Promotion

Credit Hours: 3
Pre-requisites: None
Classroom: -
Day and time of class meetings: Monday @ 9am-12PM

Instructor contact information: Dr. Gil M. Parentela /

Office Hours: By appointment
Course Description:
This course focuses on the study of core health needs of families and individuals. The family life
cycle framework is used in defining parameters of wellness in planning for health management. Areas
of concentration include growth and development, concepts of disease prevention, health
maintenance, and health promotion.

Instructional Methods:
Lecture, self-directed study, discussions, forums, reporting and presentation, research activities,
question and answer, journal reading and critiquing, and case study

Required Text:
Murdaugh, C.L., Parsons, M.A., & Pender, N.J., (2019). Health promotion in nursing
practice. (8th ed.). NY, New York: Pearson.

Recommended Resources:
Nies, M.A. & McEwen, M. (2011). Community/Public Health Nursing: Promoting the health
of populations. (5th ed.). St. Louis Missouri: ELSEVIER SAUNDERS.
Smith, C.M. & Maurer, F.A. (2012). Community Health Nursing: Theory and practice. (11th
ed). Philadelphia: W.B Saunders Co.
Stanhope, M. & Lancaster, J. (2013). Community Health Nursing. (10th. ed.). St. Louis

Course Goals:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: Increase ability to make decisions about
the planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of health promotion and illness
prevention interventions guided by best evidence or best practices.

Goals for Student Learning:

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
 Discuss holistic definitions of health at individual, family, and community levels
 Infer the impact of social and economic determinants of health
 Compare individual and community models to promote health behaviors and prevent
 Explain the components of health assessment for individuals, families, and communities.
 Differentiate the steps for the health planning process
 Apply individual and community models in designing interventions to promote health
behaviors of diverse groups
 Utilize different theories to promote healthy behaviors (e.g., physical activities, healthy
diets, and relieving stress).
 Advocate for vulnerable populations’ needs to adopt healthy behaviors

Course Requirements:

Assignment Grads

1. Discussion/participation 10

2. Presentation 10

3. Midterm exam 20

4. Written paper 20

5. Final exam 40

Total 100

1. Participation

Students are required to have an active participation in class throughout the course. As well, it is
expected that students write reflections for weekly readings on the blackboard discussion board one
day before class time. This discussion board provides an opportunity to synthesize and articulate key
messages from the assigned readings and identify relevant questions that arise from the readings.
Class participation includes contributing to the flow of ideas in class, and engaging in constructive
feedback to colleagues in such a way as to further the development of ideas. Eight grades for in-class
discussion and two grades for online (blackboard) discussion.

Category Scoring criteria Points

Engagement and active Proactively and regularly contributes to class 2
Participation discussion; initiates discussion on issues related to
class topic
Listening skills Listens without interrupting and incorporates and 2
expands on the comments of other students

Relevance of contribution Contributions are relevant and promote deeper 2

to topic under discussion analysis of the topic

Preparation Student is consistently well prepared; sometimes 2
adds relevant information beyond the assigned

2. Presentation

Each group of 2 to 3 students will be responsible for presenting or facilitating part of the seminar
discussion. Students will sign-up in the first class. The student requires to decide the outlines with
the course’ instructor. This assignment provides an opportunity to facilitate a group discussion that
engages others in critical analysis of some of the key issues.

Category Scoring criteria Points

The main points and arguments are fully explained 2
Content Ideas are presented in integrated and logical manner 1
Showing clear understanding and answering questions 2

Paraphrasing, summarizing, and redirecting the main points 2

Presentation Engage the students 2

Good English language skills and pronunciation are used. 1


4. Written scholarly paper:

Prepare a written, critical analysis of the literature for a health issue that is related to community
health and of interest to you. The intention of this paper is to provide a mechanism for you to
demonstrate your understanding of the issue in terms for how it has been conceptualized and studied,
areas of agreement, disagreement and gaps in the literature, including the extent to which diversity
has been considered, and, as appropriate, selected implications for research, practice and/or policy.

If you are in doubt about the suitability of a topic, please consult with your instructor. This paper
could be approached in many different ways. Examples of analyses which would be appropriate

- Analysis of the literature on condition which has implications for community (e.g. rural
population, caregiving, immigration, child abuse)
- Critique of research related to the health status and/or determinants of health of a specific
- Liking the concept of health literacy to specific issue, such as health literacy and breast
The length for this paper is 10-15 double-spaced pages using APA format (6th Edition).

Criteria for Evaluation

a. purpose of the paper is clearly stated and justified in terms of its importance to community health
b. selection of literature appropriate to the purposes of the paper
c. depth of critical analysis and synthesis
d. clarity and organization of ideas
e. extent to which implications for nursing and health care are considered

Plagiarism: Students must write their essays and assignments in their own words. Whenever students
take an idea, or a passage from another author, they must acknowledge their debt both by using
quotation marks where appropriate and by proper referencing the citations. Plagiarism is a major
academic offence.

Scoring criteria Points

Purpose of the paper is clearly stated and justified in terms of its importance to
community health nursing 3
Literature review
 Literature sources are primary, timely (recent and/or classics) and 5
make a significant contribution to achieving the purpose of the paper
 The breadth, depth, and appropriateness of the selected literature
Critical analysis and synthesis of the literature
Discussion about the current issue in the research and practice related to the
topic. If there are inconsistencies in the literature, they are presented and the 3
reason of inconsistency

If the topic is argumentative, alternative views are considered, analysed and

debated with an intellectual approach
Implications of the issue to nursing practice, education, and research as well as
health care in general 3
Clarity and conciseness of ideas as well as coherence and unity of the paper
Ideas are well developed within each paragraph or section and a continuity of 4
ideas exists between paragraphs
Headings are used and organized based on the topic

Sentences structure and grammar

Using APA style throughout the paper 2

Classroom behavior: This class will be conducted in an atmosphere of mutual respect. It is

expected that cell phones will be muted during class. No student will be permitted to respond to text
messages during class. Students who show disrespect to the professor or their classmates will be told
to leave the room for the remainder of that class period.

Class Schedule:
Contents Week # Required reading
1. Registration in the course Week 1 -
2. Introduction to course and Week 2 Course syllabus
3. Toward the definition of Week 3 Chapter 1 -
4. Individual models to Week 4 Chapter 2 Student
promote health presentation

5. Community models to Week 5 Chapter 3 Student
promote health presentation
6. Assessing health and health Week 6 Chapter 4 Student
behaviors presentation
One week break
Midterm (chapter 1, 2, 3, 4)
7. Developing a health Week 9 Chapter 5 Student
promotion-prevention plan presentation

8. Physical activity and health Week 10 Chapter 6 Student

promotion presentation
9. Nutrition and health Week 11 Chapter 7 Student
promotion presentation
Eid break
10. Stress management and Week14 Chapter 8 Student
health promotion presentation
11. Social support and health Week 15 Chapter 9 Student
12. Empowering for self-care Week 16 Chapter 11 Student
to promote health presentation
Final exam (chapter 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11)

General rules
 Students are expected to follow their program dress codes and comply with the professional
 Students are required to be present and punctual every day. As per KSU rules and
regulations, you are required to attend at least 75 % of the classrooms in order to enter the
final exam. Attendance will be calculated from the first week of the semester regardless of
the day of enrollment in the course.
 As per KSU rules and regulations, sick leaves (out of KSU facilities) will not be accepted
unless being authenticated by KSU.
 Students are responsible for any missed class, in terms of class content, homework,
assignments, and exams.
 Missed deadlines for homework and projects will affect your grade with no credit.
 Missed midterms or final exams may be taken in accordance with KSU policy.
 Cheating or plagiarism on tests or assignments is cause for formal disciplinary action.
 For courses that have practical part, students will not enter the final practical unless they
pass 85% of the required clinical competencies for this course.
 Cell phones should be on silent mode in class.

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