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Holidays Homework

Class 10

*English practical (marks 20)*

*Listening activity* -10 marks(to be conducted in month of January)

*English fair notebook with complete notes* -5 marks

*Solve 5 sample papers(unsolved only) from any latest CBSE Sample Paper in a separate Register/File.* -

Submit the Register/File to the English Teacher on the practical day.*(date of practical will be announced

Mathematics Practical Syllabus

*Submit three sample paper 5;6&7 of Arihant Book

*Complete practical file

*Cover fair notebook


1.Complete your practical file

2. Solve 5 sample papers(unsolved only) from any latest CBSE Sample Paper in a separate Register/File.


Solve 5 sample papers including pre board examination questions paper.

2. Do map practice for each chapter of geography and history

IT practical work

Create Table of contents in Writer

Create Mail merge using Writer

Record and Design macros using calc

Create a database and establish connection in two or more than two tables/relations

Hindi =

प्रेक्टिकल पाठ्यक्रम

कोई भी 4 सैंपल पेपर प्रश्न पत्र सहित पोर्टफोलियो में हल कीजिए।( प्रश्न पत्र भी साथ लगाना है)

Viva के लिए काव्य खंड और गद्य खंड की दोहराई कीजिए।

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